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Trial Length(m) Width(m) Area(m2)

1 1.6764 0.6477 1.086

2 1.6764 0.65024 1.090
3 1.6764 0.65024 1.090
Average 1.6764 0.6494 1.089

Table 1: laboratory table

Table 1, showed the dimension of the laboratory table, its length and width, as well as the
computed area. Three trials was done which resulted to three data, either same or different.

Trial Do (cm) Di (cm) Ho (cm) Hi (cm) Mass (g) Volume Density

(cc) (g/cc)
1 89.20 80.72 112.48 113.58 986.5 121 8.1529
2 89.12 80.80 112.50 112.86 986.4 121 8.1521
3 89.20 80.70 111.92 113.89 986.3 121 8.1512
Average 89.17 80.74 112.3 113.4 986.4 121

Table 2: Cylindrical Hollow Metal Block

Trial Diameter (cm) Mass (grams) Volume (cc) Density (g/cc)

1 1.635 5.11 2.289 2.32
2 1.630 5.10 2.268 2.249
3 1.631 5.12 2.272 2.254
Average 1.632 5.11

Table 3: Metal Sphere

Trial Distance (m) Time (seconds) Speed (m/s)

1 2 2.03 0.99
2 2 1.76 1.14
3 2 1.64 1.22
Average 2 1.81 1.12

Table 4: Dynamic Cart

Table 4 presented the time it takes the dynamic cart to travel a distance of 2 meters. Dividing the
distance by the time resulted to the calculated speed. Three trials was done and for every trial there is
different data gathered.

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