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FULL NAME: __________________________________________ DATE___/___/ 2020.


1 Make present continuous sentences and questions (positive and negative). Use contractions where
Example: Hannah / study / in her bedroom Hannah’s studying in her bedroom.
1 what / you / do / at the moment ?
_______what’s do you at the moment?___________________________________.
2 we / run / because it’s late
_______________we’re run because it’s late___________________________.
3 why / Dave and his wife / argue ?
_________________why dave’s and his wife argue?_________________________.
4 they / not wait / for a taxi
______________they don’t’ wait for a taxi____________________________.
5 you / use / this computer ?
_____________Do you use this computer?_____________________________.
6 Paul / get dressed ?
_____________Does paul get dressed?_____________________________.
7 I / not wear / a jacket today
___________I don’t wear a jacket today_______________________________.

2 Complete the email. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

Hi Gilly

How’s your new job? My college classes are great, but it’s Friday evening and I’m home for the weekend. I
’m sitting (sit) on my bed and I 1 __playing _____ (play) a computer game on my laptop. I usually 2
___study_____ (study) in the evenings or I 3 ___go____ (go) out with my friends. My family is downstairs.
Mom 4 ______making____ (make) dinner and I 5 _____thinking_____ (think) Dad 6 ___help_______ (help)
Julie with her homework. I can’t write any more now – Mom 7 __want________ (want) me to help her in the
See you soon

Kate 7

3 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: I’m sorry. You can / can’t park here.
1 Do you can / Can you come to the movies tonight?
2 She no cannot / can’t cook very well.
3 “Can you play tennis?” “Yes, I can / can play.”
4 They can / Can they do the exercises?
5 He can’t speak / speaks Italian.
6 Can you play / to play the piano? 6

4 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: We was / were at school yesterday.
1 Was / Were Jack and Elaine on vacation last week?
2 The shops wasn’t / weren’t open today.
3 Yesterday was / were Thursday.
4 We were / was at work today.
5 When was / were Julie born?

6 Where were you / you were yesterday?

5 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verb in parentheses.
Example: My grandparents lived (live) in Greece. Now they live in the US.
1 What time ___arrived_______ Sheila __________ (arrive)?
2 __________ you ____watched______ (watch) the game?
3 The nightclub _____didn’t close_____ (not close) until 3 a.m.
4 We ____didn’t visit______ (not visit) the museum.
5 Mary and Sue __________ (chat) for hours.
6 I
Mel What time did you leave?
Rosa We 4 _____left_____ at 8:30.
Mel Did you go home after that?
Rosa No. We 5 ___didn’t go_______ a movie.
Mel What time did you get home? 6
Rosa We didn’t 6 ____go______ home until 11:30.


7 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Example: Are you waiting for a taxi?
driving waiting seeing
1 Can you ____help______ me with this question?
help talk tell
2 Don’t move! I want to ___take_______ your photo.
draw take paint
3 It’s cold but some people are _____swimming_____ in the sea.
waiting driving swimming
4 Ellen can’t ____find______ her purse.
find watch look
5 Let’s ____meet______ for a coffee after the class.
wait do meet
6 I usually ____play______ my children a story before they go to sleep.
tell play remember
7 He ____goes______ to the gym on the weekend.
rides goes plays
8 Can you ____hear______ a noise downstairs? 8
listen take hear

8 Complete the phrases with go, have, or get.

Example: have a sandwich
1 ____go______ out on a Saturday night
2 ____have______ up early
3 ____have______ a good time
4 ______go____ to work
5 ____get______ dressed
6 _____have_____ a letter
7 ______go____ a coffee with friends 8
8 _____go_____ back to work

9 Complete the phrases with the correct verb.

dance forget have make play see turn on
Example: have a big party
1 _____play_____ loud music
2 _____make_____ a noise
3 ____turn on ______ the washing machine
4 _____dance_____ the tango
5 ___forget_______ somebody’s name 6
6 _____see_____ a movie at the theatre


Last year my boyfriend Mark was forty, and I wanted to get him a special present for his birthday. Just before
Christmas I saw tickets for a Bruce Springsteen concert for sale on the internet. The concert was in
Burlington, about 25 miles away from where we live, and Mark is a big fan of Bruce Springsteen, so I
decided to buy two tickets. They weren’t cheap – I think I paid around $90 for each one. I wanted to surprise
Mark, so I didn’t tell him about it.

On the day of the concert, I told Mark that I wanted to do some Christmas shopping in Sheffield. We left in
my car just after lunch and spent the afternoon in a big shopping mall. I bought Christmas presents for my
family and a skirt for work. Mark looked for some new jeans, but he couldn’t find any that he liked. By the
time we finished shopping, it was nearly 6 p.m. and we were hungry, so we had dinner in a Japanese
restaurant. After dinner we left the shopping mall and started on our way home. On the way we passed the
concert hall, and we could see the crowds of fans outside. Mark was really surprised when I drove into the
concert hall parking lot and gave him the tickets!

The concert was fantastic. We danced all night, and Mark took lots of photos on his cell phone. Afterwards
we bought a concert CD. We put it on when we got in the car, and we sang all of the songs as we drove
home. We didn’t get back home until nearly one o’clock in the morning, and we were both really tired, but it
was a great night and Mark really enjoyed his surprise.

10 Read the text and underline or highlight A, B, or C.

Example: Debbie and her boyfriend went to see a ___.
C after
6 Debbie gave the tickets to Mark ___.
A at
A listened to the radio B sang Bruce Springsteen songs C talked about the concert

11 Read the text again. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?
Example: Mark is a Bruce Springsteen fan. __T__
1 Debbie thought the tickets were expensive. ___V__
2 Mark and Debbie live in Burlington. ___F__
3 Mark bought some jeans. ___F__
4 They had dinner at a restaurant in the shopping mall. ___T__
5 They drove to the concert hall from the shopping mall. ____F_
6 They sat while they watched the concert. ___F__
7 Mark used a video camera to film the concert. ____F_
8 They arrived home late. __T___


12 Describe a day or an evening out that you enjoyed. Answer the questions with complete
1 How long ago was it?
_______2 hours______________________________________
2 Where did you go?
_________amantani island____________________________________
3 Why did you go there?
_________because I did would like visit these place__________________
4 Who did you go with?
_______whit my sister______________________________________
5 What did you wear?
___________only jeans and jacket__________________________________
6 What did you do?
__________I meet people the place___________________________________
7 Did you meet anyone?
__________only new friend___________________________________
8 What did you have to eat / drink?
_____________quinua soup________________________________
9 What time did you get back home?
_________after 2 days____________________________________
10 Did you have a good time?
____________great times_________________________________ 10

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