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l'\I)idllll!W Ilt:iI \ (ill' d liJ...l' II> ,hOII ihcm ;1 ('aid trick

: lil',1 ,;,('llldll'l Ill" ;dlllLIl ;1I.rn/illl' l hcvrl ;I\~IH1Il'lhOiI I' 111',j ;r f'l(ldul1 dl' ,kl:'hllli h;ind dlld not till: ~'l'!luil\\: dlh ),,,,, <ltkl III 11\\' d, ,ki~',hl-or·h;llId Ptt:~l'nti\'l' :'\llH! l'lll'k"1.)I'\lII'IlH\\l';I ll<lrkl'1 IlllMOI' hl<l\k~, Iclluu: iI,';jlCl't<!tUI to \ cr _\ Ibl .. , 011 ell, 11' IL'II l ,f llil'\,' illto II1\'il 1M 1111, Ne\l.)l ickt hem lip l'l1l' .\ 11i;1I ,I d i tr,'1 rllt l ~lId Ilihj1l'l'Tl wriucn underneath ,,"<jclI ofthem. 'I II dd· Oil!' r!hh :,,)\1 ,~il'<' thema hTI \,(a <hufllc.tbeu 'prl'<ld themin ~l nlLI

II • " ,- -P1!.., ~ I •

. ih.u 1',I\l, 11';11 -;1ll;iI I ,I l'i I\Lry~ [1T'l'lty hig ;\ Itlllllli'h I i,'r; I",' tn .t 1;1l! '( \,'1111," 111111' L\~'l' ','\ ~tU I:' II hal IidPI'l'II", "_\1,11'1",, ,'[\1'1 "11I1;lll:1\ :,[(\'",,-,d 0111,

...... 1 '11,.:.;,: Ih' I·~rh: .,~ ,1\' Ilurl.-lI'.!'

l:[;\t"l II '1'l1illl <II 11IIL' ,i Ih,'l' h<l\'ill;'. them uctuallypic], one i,tilll dan Il': p"illl III il h lade you p1I11 it out tor IIK'1ll 10 sec the name of the card Il' hl.ulc 1\ then pLll'l'\I into 11K fun where it i" thenmixed lip

, h,j\,' hvcn Illix<:d to cvcrvoncs 'ia\i'ijal:tiul\, :-011 then J\\Jl ill \1I1iT' kti palm, Idl your audience that YOIl an: : i I' l'ilrd III ~1I(h iI \Iav Ihal ,kidll·\lj:')land would he the ouldthink (Jm: h~ one :. Oll pJ~\Cl' the blades on to vnui like yOli i\l-l' walluwing them. When the last blattl' i'i : ~ pee I ato r I o n ,IIi re I hl'i r card, A He r a few moments of l'gil1 [(\ ~',yl rue your middle: section and uct as if VOl! arc itdk \(lme:lil ill).!, Bl\)\ld he:gills to poor .frum the' corner

Y Oil L'llllgl1. IlWIl openyollr mouth W reveal one blade sitling 011 yuillhllh'_Ul' lhis h lade i~ pickcdntf your tongue and shuIIIl to the: \f1lTI<tlll1"" he the WK' Ilw: II ~I d chosen. i'1'l' stu·d is!', usro ~ ! !

I \l do thi, L'lll'(_'1 ~ 011'11 need the tilll(lwing rnatcria!-;

• I () DI 1.1, 1~l/l'l' bl,lIk, \\ iih \'iIl'iolis L';lrd~ II riucu on Ihem

• I hic)(ld ('~Ip'lrle

I Ii,' ,I :dlud h'h ind J h i ,1'0 l'll'll: ,i mule. Inl ,LlIld'i I he I iIl"l' hlddc" arr \ "1:- .lull. III,'; 'Il' dull hl',:lllv,' \\111 dlllkd lilL'111 <l1'dilhl ,nllW <md 1\1[''-'1 ,III,i .ifl: ,1\ ,t Ililh Ie IIdtci ,III IMe' (illll' lill"\' h 1~ldc" ~tI,' ,11111 II' \ '\h) I,) I'ul 11t,'1I1 illtu \ < II it: nrouih lip ,1>'~tlll"l Ihe' r01'1 \lilh<1I11 l,IlI,III,l' ,III;' hL'tlllllll'~I"Iii,' I Ii,' '\'(.'I,'i II' ~'c'lllll~', 11i,'11 ",Md'" iliit I, rhi-, \\lrl'il: Oil pili 11i(11 ]'1;1.1,' 1);llk into til,' tun \('li In ,'h~' 11,0 thl' nuu kill~"

I 11.\1 ;ill' un om: c'lIi! (l. Sf\. d(,) arc "ppU'IlL' \I t tlw lltilL'i'Ill-trklm;" IIi.., rhvn .r 'lIuplc m.urcr III 1ll1\ltl~' ihcrn lip ~llId 11\<,:tl tllOYIIl'.' I hci r h lade 10 thl' h,1[1< 'Ill II lun ;. \ lil'l',' ii' 111~'~I1,i(Yll, I Ih' it:' hbde: I" Ilw 1~1'i1 lJlll' :' 1I11'1I1 , II Ill;' I 1I1 mouth ~ltld thl' hollom-tlll \0,( ("Ie' otthc ~1,ILk, \\ 11,'11 :(lU I'lit it III yt>lIr 11111111h : Oil Iu,j have III I crncmbcr III kl'e'I' tlw ,ide with the mark iru: :~ICC <10\1 II (t Ill: mark i II).!. ,ide: tuw.rrdx : our tOtlgue' -) :\ Itcrlhis blade is ill l'o'-,ililllldl)d you <Ire through Ill,' ill'l "I' Il'yill!! III locate it. you break a nuvcltv ,lor.:

hlocui ~apSllIc ill ;. our mouth. Once cveryou« ha< '~l'l1 the blood, push the blades with your tOllgue: ~lIld ht-itlg then: lorwurd as one package (your spit lI'i II hoJd them tng<.'thcr gross!!~) Drop all the hl,j(k~ i til o yOUt" h a lid as one <Ill d show the i r card t nc hOI-

t:-:; -:


, ,

I orn-mos t blade

-o their is no misunderstanding. I'll recap-what happens;

Before you begin, take 10 razor blades (with a one-way pattern), illld lull them

Write the names uf tell dittcrcnt cards on the blades

Before your presentation .placc one blood capsule on lilt: inside or your cheek

Count ten blades into the spectators hand Gather them up (cnrcfullyl) and fan them I lave the spectator point teonc

Let.the spectator sec thcveard" then put itback into the tanrreversed:

Mixup the blades and brill~ theirs to the bottom

Put the blades intoyour mouth one at at ime (carefully')

Put their blade in last and make sure \hc'''card'' s ide is face-down Break the blood capsule

Spit out the whole package as une blade Show their "card"

P ill mind that even a dullhlade f<nild do some damagl', If pill think l' might be some diftil,tJ!tv, don"t do it, This is still a potellli;illy dartHIS- clfecr.

"Thai last t rir k vou did wax disj.:IJSlillgthclluiws it WI!, jU'1 tlislurhilll-:.ltwlIs

I he t()lto\\in_v it;lfIdJirw IiiI' the ,'lirssii: "Swdll(lwilll~ the Ra/Or,- hlades" .cIlccl is, dh'JSIOlJ thaI I'h' 11""d (:(itltllks!, liml's iu 'il varietv,\)f,'lrelllrf~HlrH.:\:s ilH:lildirt!, (Pi!l.'!',C dudituri.lIllh, cmncdv duhs, ;\;1(1 cvetr hy l;\lnpl-lll'" <Hall Iltl' L'lkt'h I do, ,people 1;111-.. ,dH;lIl thi, llll' 1111],( f,'>1il

positivdy ;!lld Ill'~'<lt i \t' h' -

When I 111,1 dl'i.'ldvd nidi I wanted 10 pl'l II 11 ill the Rail,! 1\ lill 10"<'1 ku I didd-(:()l1', I, kl <111.1\, :1111< '1111.1 oi' roc;1! ch 111111 rhe all I he, v;l1il1llS IIH'I hod_, that bold be'clllls,'d, I IO\llld that' litllsl' method-, l'(lltid Ill' ,di v I(kd 111l' 1111(\1 \\U,dl,'!'("1 it';': where llil"d u tv \\ Ink" ]"lllln_l' h:.' ;1 sl;ttiillWI y til'\' ill-, dlld llhl'l' 11I"til< HI, \\,11"1'" Iii,> til r 1\ aec(]lllplisilc:d I'\~I ilrvin' T,IlI i"d h~ the ]Instill. lhcsi- l'(ll-III,\pii\)JI~ !~l'.Ill'1 ~,H: Ulllsj.,tl'd displays (\11 II hidl the .liladl's dW ',ct OJ W;t lkh with trick fold" llu-r C \1\'1\' ~I k\\ \111)('1 invol\illj! IM:'~" thumb lip~ illld tl irk ri,h\l'S llwlappeakd10 rill' initiallv. but 1\\',1 lill'll [u-, looked into 11(\\\ we 11.1 11('\ would adap! \(l till' Cifl'llllhl,lIll'l'<;ill which ,I \\, iu hi Ill' IWI-Illl mi:




I 'finally' tlccj(kd "nalll(h walkt hul one Ill' my ()\~JI dc<igrl'. llu: [llll',' I II,,(], ,,'(',1 on II inl:ended forthi-, d'rIXI\ll'n:yCl) cheap looking ,lIld quite tlimsy. I pIl!'chiISt:d unicc ki over walle) and modi finl il ill about J minutes, Ba')ically I placed d('''" 1 '2" I II<I! ',II ct iC~I! of the rOHlpanmellts 10 Ilold the lllagnels ill vIaeI,' (the second strip is uceucd on'ly io 11 COll1partllll'nts look the same when theswitch is madc.)

After ['found my ,Ie\'icc, tilt: rest kll into place and! was leli wilh a ItlL'lhnd that I have I Pl~ascd ,,,,ilh, can he! performed surrounded,under your audiences JlO~l'~, iJlld'sct lip ;1 qUIckly:

To begin you'll need the following materials and props:

• One gimmicked will let (as dexcr ibcd)

• l'wclvc razor blades (six Dl ll.L und six sharp)

• One spool of white cotton thread

• t\ beverage of your choice

• Oil': playing card

• Nerves ofsteel

Pre parat ion

• Take the six dull razor blades and attach them to a thread about 30 inches ill length at random intervals (this is important in ordc r to make the trick look "rca \"!)

• Carefully fold up the razor blades so thar they' can he unto klcd in your mou th later OIl wit hout gctt i ng tall g led,

• Place the packet of threaded blades in the center pocket ofthe wallet (silk H,)

• Place the six sharp razor blades on the magnetic strip in side A of the wallet.

• Place a playing card ill side A


I don't say anything when lperform this routine. I thinkthat it pretty well speaks for itself I usually have some son of musical accom pan i men! h owcvc r. I prefer c h ec ry boun c Y 111\1 S ic that doesn't tit all with what's tak iug. place. [think that makes it all the more dj~tllrbing. I )isturbing is good.

Walk out 011 stage with the wallet in your len hand inside jacket pocket, the spuol of thread in your outside pocket, and a bonk of water in your right hand, Set the bottle dO\11I and pull out the wallet. Open \lp the wallet (side A) and let the audience get it good look al the ruzor bladc\ i I \ \ i d e. l'ul] ()Ill' h Lldc and the p hly i II); Cit rd Oil t. 1'1 <lee till' walie: !lllder YOIII .u m. 1\1akc iI hig showy move of CUllin)! il ('OIlin on the (,:lId, II" puxxiblc. do this right ill the uudirncc \\l lhn C:III \l'c' It lip close. Reach for the wallet

and opcrr up side A. Plan: the blade III till' L"l'lltl'l p: rake out another blade and lise it to cut the curd. Rcpc: proccss four mOT":: times plac ;Ilg the bladcs ill I he \ pocket each 1 ime you cut the card. ,\ l!vl' you hay,' ~h()1 last blade, place the wallet bad under your arm <1\ YOU into your outside jacket pocket I'm the "pool oj thread. ra ve I a ppro x II nate I y ,\ 0 i IlC h es () t 1 h [',,':111. 1\ 1',,',1 h. i 1 (\ I put the ~p\)(ll away, l'lace (lIlC L,'1l.t <)1' the thrl':HI ill mouth imd proceed 10 put the rext Into your 1111)11111 (, point you have a choice that only you call make. ,\\

till' thread [~IS I till [ or palm nil the tlirl':ld 1I'11l"1I y( 111 gc drmk of water. lvc never had it prohkm hut I'H' never \(:<111., chn),;.:d to milk that tile thread made it all the way through my ~yslell\'

\'layhl' it" \ best ~ ou consult with your doctor! 1

Olin' you've '.\vall(lwl'd'p:illTwd the thread and taken .\ drink (If water \ 01 other lavorite beverage), reach fur the wallet and ojlcn lip side H. (jril~p rhe packet of razor blades while hiding (he loops of thread with your hand. l.ook at them rather casually then let your tongue (ran' along your i ips.

Ihis puinr.thc audience will stan to gel (he idea, !'lace the packet oj or blades into your mouth and show your hands 1(1 be empty

While hulding the ra'or blacks in your mnuth, making swallowing ioises andact like you arc having great difficulty ;elling the them down your throat. At this point I. like 10 make all sorts ill' horrible gurgling noises that unsettle the audience. If ,al least half Illy audience isn' t looking away in revulsion, I'm not doing my job. Remember, this is show hil,

Aller your audience is onthe edge it's time to push thrill further. (Note the following sequence should 1tclilillh take mnn: \ imc than is described here ~t[eteh it OUI \\'iti, gC\!\In.:s and gurgling noises which also )WpPl'Tl~ III I", the I it lc oJ it book 1'111 writing aboul improving (lIlt' 's sn lifc.) ({cadi into your mouth Hilll gl'llb a t!'l'l' cnd oj' !Ill Ihr~'ad, Pull il out and let it bang

OVl'!" your lip. Smile at your audil'tln' Grabthe thread and pultii until one razor blade pops \HII_ (If your mourh. Smile [Own higgl'f at your audience, rilt \(lUI hl'ild hack ilild sl(]\vly pull (\lII lite rest of the razor bl;l(l'l'~ sl\l)lpim~ ill the 1;)slonc :,u \ Oil can grab 11K thread with \(1UT other hand, l)i\p1;1\ Ihe string of hlade,\ with i\ manial'nl Slllik, 1<lke a bow, l.c: your audience go to the restroom so tlley can throw Ill',


) 1\01 ACTIJAI.LY SWALLOW rut: HA/OR B1AI)ESI~~ I rc- 111)0 NOT ACT\JALLY S\\"AI.LO\\' TIlE ){A/O({ IIIAJ)I:S!'~ you 'rc the kind of person that Ilcnh to be told this I'd pruhahly he ing the world a favor if I let you swallow them hut then your mom luld SUe tile and I'd spend the rest. or my life living in a cardboard 'x selling my body for money (even though I warned YOII and ;1111 ~oreticill!y legally protected '1 could al'ways gct unlucky and end up ilh it jury of twelve other people that derided to swallow the razor

bladcs.) Sll I repeat DO NOr A(,TI'


.... " ........

// :,-

P d p'er'C lj p" ,,:r~'~,,~rou,g h

I)' right otfthc hat (hal Ihi, cflcct doesn't equal the CVlT popular lie Through i\ r m t:f!i.:d made filllHlUS by l iarry Ander sou. litH It have ils own advant:t,!',t'\, lhis trick seems WI)' illtpromplll arid

.icarscd. Ikcau'iL' Ow pap,:rciip i~ Sl) natural. this dh'ct lllok-. ~ neal. /\11 tllOuph it doesn't involve blolHl. it gross(,s pcppk out the same,

uic. investigator. and maxter magician James ({andi lirst showed me this excellent variaofthe needle through ann effect. Because paperclips arc inhercntlv "mall \hb trick may work as well on stage as it docs in person bill il shouldn't be overlooked, What's i',oDd _lI a paperclip is tha: it's all item wcve all handled and unfolded. I'IIIS, the idcH (If ,,110\,' a paperclip into your ann seems milch more painful than piercing it \\ illl a slliirp Ilcnlk what they sec in a hospital.

perform thi~ effect Y01l'II need the following rnaals:

One box of paperclips

One boule of rubber cement One paper towel

Rubber cement remover


ortly before you arc til perform this effect: dab ur arm with a quarter-sized amount of rubber cc-

.nt, This should bc on the underside of your ann

rerc there is little hair.

i'ull (1111 the twx of papl'rclip"_ ,\,k \PlIll'(ll'" (II ,,'iv,\ (III,' 1;,1-;"

purl ip (I(\ITJ tlu-m ;Hld q'il iphtell i\ nut 01\ nuuh ;I~ pi h~ihk

I'II',h till' p,qll'rciip ng,lil1\l tlw Iksh ofy()ul ;11111 (where ~Oll pIli tl,. U'llh:nt) I ike you are about to puncture it.

1'1 RIOI{r.1,\'\CI

1;lllt-lllh ri1illlgl' til,' '>uhk<.'t III ,:nll\l'r~ .. tion t() Indian nlkw" I kll"~ an "\<l111pk: "( ,,',' !l()h thdl'" rc';r1I: tr.l~~I\ ;111(>11\ Yo\lrl'TandllHlthl'1' ~'c,ttill!' i--.Iikd ill tli,1t t1101<llc'H-ic- d(lldellt 1<;11 me. did ,hl' ,'\'1.'11',0 III In.!i" <lnd ',c',' th,' idi--.fI<' Did "hc' l'\l'l ""l' thrm du Il1i,','" ~n' hllll <:;1,\ il i-,.' You L:III .1" tlli, in dll~ l()!I\,'t'illlllll. "It's til" I'<ld vour child IliI' h;ldnap!,c'd

)1[',';111',,' 1'Jl1 "lIll' hc'd 10"" to \,'<" Ihi, leich; 1 k;)((tI'd lroru till' filh;ie, in India.'

I i Ii your :IT III \() it 1;1\:<:\ you alld lhL';' CIIl'! '>cc the paperclip_

Lower your arm so your audience C,lIl hc disgusted.

Pull the paperclip out ant! rub the rubber Ct'lltctll 011 :0\

Pay special care to your ann and the effect the rubber cement has 011 it. Don' I do this til often and don 't leave the rubber cement Oil your ann for very lOIlg,. It's also <1 good idea to shave all the hair oil the arc! ot! )our urn: where YO\l'1l he pnlil1lllill).', this Irick.

Ihe method is quite simple. When YOIl bring the kni fe down to their IHi'il YOLI release th..: 1~lk\: hand from bl'hiJl(1 the knife: lhix sends it tlyilW illld complctcx the expected action:

I his i, :I liltk !~,H~ I l'<l1l1l' \lp will1 \,llt'll I \\;1" pl;l;.im: <If(llll\d II itb il luke 1)\lIl'1ll'r"'~ ~t\ik the k iru! II illt thl' rl';d\y hi)~ hladt: Ib..'\t: arc the knives Ch iucsc clll'l':-, usc to chase anCt- pl'llpk when tltey run througl: their kitchens in 13·Tll(lvics.

[ was playing wuh this k(lik (the plastic kind trom a novelty ,tore) when I nn\icn\ 'iollil.'lhillf 11l,lt hhHh: \\;1.., rcallv Im~. II lVilS biu cnouuh tn hick ,(ltlll'1hill:-'. behilld. I tnen nnticnl that tIll'

fake h;nd I h:ld been plil;' ilW with II'<lS _iust the ,i/_l' [(l I"lt on " " . ,. ,I the hack ,)1' the k ni IC. I put till' tWII wgdher und lound t hut 1 could hold the I.lh hdlld I n I" '

otihe kn i Ii: II ith Illy rhumb \\hi k I gripped the knife.

This effect is nest done with one part fluid movement and three pans maniacal Ekl' surprised when )011 wliip the deaver out they're going to be even III 0 re surprise;! wh one of them and lop of their hand. Any tip-off of what' s about to h<lPIK'1l would spc effect. Your audience needs to be shocked by what they set'. The best wav to do Il1i\

effect in a disarming context like a card trick. .

1...- -_ ..

Here's a honest to goodness trick you can do Wilh this d: feet that actually has an clement of magic to it:

l hc ..::fkct i" thi ... : You l'ullulll a !l1l';111 iookitl!!, hUlcher"" knife ~t1Id 1',1,111 tile wri'it ollhc' I\L.

I 1"\' 11','11'1. ",' .ex; )011 11IIiI thl'ir ,\I III um!..::l \_ 1\111 ,1llH with )11\11' h'l'!.

c"t ',pcnalol \\ it I.: our c u " L" ~

tncm and the audience. Wilh one ~win cleave you bring the knife ,IO\\l\ ;1I1d a band ),0\"


The Cleaved I land Trick

Before you begin tape a Six of Spades 10 the hand. Place the h~nd behind the knife ill your magic bag/box/briefcase/ bOWling ball bag/whatever,


I,'his, Ilk.k IS old I mean (»).I) It. ,,_.' ,

Scol , I) I ,,0\','1 \ of Wt 'J ", I' hi . <1P)1(<1I_, III ){cgillald

. I l III a I \1 Ilcli I, 'Ill I f

yeah old ihl'lI hlu il .'. ' . . , ()U 0111 Ii IllIdl'\'d

( I. \1.1\ lll'il ,I'i old llit'll 11 ' "

O,,<ly ,(1 ) (III 1i1,1Ih !VJ1CS <lrc -"1'- , , '. , 1.(1) ,1\ 11 r-, 1111\\

r.lghl Ihao tlte 'I"" -1'1 ,I' ')k"l~, Illdl lSI) t posslilk, So ;iI)

. ,-, . "Irs Inc "A" ., ,

() II. I J) I\/lcrc () C(III"II' 'I" _. t ,1/1 hc dt'sl'llhcd .1' ..

I ' " I ".lgC IWlurc Sco(" I I

equa " Ihe itflt()llIlt of time hel \11.''' ' , " : ;Oll" <I,nd J

and Ihis one heing primed und ~;1 J: IS hook hcmg Jlllhhshrd when this WllS [uinted' 1'1 ({llIa)s the lillie hl'IWl"l'lI

<Ill( II 11.'11 vou read 't J' ,

now: So \(111 sec 1111 I I. 0 ,I \II lIeh 1\ lil'lil

bl . "" riC" 1<; (1)) (Ye ' .

a es next !O ,';1(;11 olh " 1-).;, I'" s, Plllllllg Ih," 1',11 i

lessons Jill' th,1t J re . II 1 l)1 Mldt I~ leal h' lIlul!ipJicill i()11 hut

, ,lOlllllll'lI( orri . Kl' .

rrts IIle shooks.))

~nywilY. my point is Ihat I his Irick is I"l"llly ( uil

It. Despill' us i!lt!i(jui!v Ih'! " 'k .' .. ,' 0 I c old and Ihill I IIl'le il/,' I WII

W ld '. o' ~ III is stili \'CI\ lilt! 'I' . ,

or and III SlIlIIe parts J' Not: I III (lSl lodd v ;11 I ;11111111('

c ,0 ~'W Jersey_ 0'

III hcgin. have a spectator pick a card, This i~ a totally free choice <IS j(}llg a~ the lied, is ;111 Six 01 Sp~!lks, Othl.'lwise lilln' the Six "I' Spades 011 the 'peltalor, !\tlL-I' they have xclcctcd lilt, Si\ "r S)l~Hks han: them 111l"1II11! lit' it then place it hack in the deck. Iialld them the deck .md <ISh Ilwlll 10 -buttlc thr l',lIds \Llkl' 1111101 their 'ill1llllilli~. If they shuttle really well: point out that thi-, IlI1lS( have ,(1I11l' 1'1(11)1 d ~h~!\h Ii I,: I l' llll.':' ,11lI1lli: pourly: d,k them II' till'. mcdir.uiun .ulcrt-, uthcr Ihill!" I. l h.u ~ ;l jok,,!11 I)llll'lll';dl: ~d\ llidlli~ Il'~ iIiSCIiSiliIL,I"j


Actually 1\11:11 ;. Oil sh"llld ,.1\ i" 111;11 \I i thin liS iii I is ;!II inner mauici.m I Ii i, inner III<I!' il. ian i, .i 1,.111 "I <Ill! brain that intluvncc-, II, II ithout our knuwuu: it. I k!c"s '-l hit or p.utcr t(l lise:

"\Vilhin our hl"ills h an inner Illagician Ihat i ... ahlil:" looking 1'01 \Ia) s \ll \Iid, If; iliid oth ers. For example. ~Illliinly think YOII arc ~hltmillg the-e cards, Artuallv, part of yo III bruin knows l'xilUiy where )0111 card i~ at every point ill time, All it takes i, ,I little inccnrivc to gel I hu: ill format ion [(I Ihc -urtucc and l'dllSl' a react ion. (1'1111 out the hutch"r'" kn ifc. I DOII'I he I ievc me',"

At Ihis point you blah thl' ~p<:.l'litlOl'"~ hand holdinu till' card~ and pull it under YOU! arm as ;'1111 [<;" y01l1' hack 10 the audience. I liillF the k IIi Ic down and knock the cards in their hand and (Iii: Llk,' h.u: : i IlIO the air. (I )011'1 i'mgl't to pull the ir sleeve over thci I' ann. ) l'oint 1(1 the howd 011 the 110m und Ill< :

IIp_ Say 10 t he spectator. '"I .cfty, what Ivas your card?" A Iter they respond that it was the Six 01 "I";' l.. pull till' card 0111 ofrhc fake hand til show that it i~ rhe Sl:\ of Spades. As d final (ouch, place ;1 I'" I," hook 011 their hand with (he card impaled UpOI\ it over their (!;d-;c) stump,

_I ou' n' IIO! )

TC~IIII icalJy Iltcre <Ire thrl'c wavx to do Iltl:

easiest way is 10 ('11." '! I;' L'" I

- ,"~ c ~ lI\l dll( ildlli

Ihrough your longue. For llill,t' of 11\ \1

longucs: a Ileed lil[ an <I rt iIi c i il I \)lCtT Ii i and rad leal Jdeas 011 germ lhcorv till' .)

roo 1 - ' ~ x toll

(I rcu 1.. For those of IlS who prctcr I(

IO~lgl!CS mtact and our ~1c.\icaJ) food spie, 1\\0 ~thcr ways to do Ihis effect. lh" I/rsi

dcscflhed here:

revulsioll which! 1Il1l<'\ rc-

I' 1l0W and then.

\Gle t t in 9 the Finge

out of You,r 'oPPe,r

to lugging at Ihe spike, drnem and let !,'() of the lake all to the sta).;c wailing like ;1 (ling ; for ;1 be


ucly like on't h')."

arc ggh

\'(\\1 uc-,

Finger dlOppcrs arc a wonderful thing, So small. so portable, so obviously a trick, yet so able III illicit terror from someone who is forced to put their linger into it.

I Ierc is all example of a 1IJ1Itinc yon [all do with your tinger chopper:

('0 do til is you will need tht: following

• I tingt:r chopper I usc thc novelty store kind Ihal JOlJKs like a toy, It illicits the light kind of fl'ill' when ) explain that I "fixed it.'

• I small box with a hole in the bottom Tlli" is the kind of (ardboard box jewelry ~o!l1etil1le!i ('01111.'\ ill, (lit: hole is ti)r you to stick y01l1' finger through the bottom. Y ou sholl)d ahu put some cottOll in there to hide

the gap I ;,e blood <II your own discrciinn.

• 1 coin

• I carrot

Invite it "pedator on stage to participate III a gallle of chance. "::';plaill that you ,trongly believe thai p'Yl'hic powers (lll!Y demonstrate themselves when people are ill astate of severe distres«. Offer to prove this. Pull a Will from yOIJI' pocket. !lip it in the air and catch it. Ask the ,pectator if they think it landed heads or tails, No matter what the spectator says, tell them that they arc wrong. Explain, "You tailed 10 display any psychi,' powvrs Iwcall')l' you were not under enough stress. What YOIl need is motivation," Pull 0111 the linger chopper.

"This i., a Jillgl'l' chopper. ;\ recreation ofa mcdlcval torture device designed to extract confessions frruu the guilty, It alway's worked because everyone is guilty, This is il

perfect replica except lin one thing, It comes from the factory with a flaw there is a _J I

catch in there de<;iglll'd to prevent it from actually cunuu; ;111:th inu." Place;1 c,lITot through the linger hole. "I)OIl't \\01;;." cut I h;; carrot. "1 ti:\l:d that tlaw."

) IHH' \ our \ oluutcer q Id .. thci: lingo.:l into Ill ..... chopper ( '11 ,'ITL' them i r !lCCC'",U'\ "1 )Oll't II·()II~. I r th i.\ dlll"dl't 110]).; I hal,' a 1'l\l'ly p;1I1 i Il~" .~,j Ii tor you." I'll II tlil' !,illlill i,'h'd hr», I"Ill1l1 \OUI plld .. ct a III I "o.:nl'lh 'otlcl vour 1111\'.<"1 Ihlllll~'h Ihe Iluk in the h()ltnlll. "11' 1111 ,{lill,' rcu -nn ;. 1111 lail II' dcmun'ill'all' all~ )1,: chic 1'(>\\<.'1 \ and ;'"u l(l~e' youI' liuucr I" II !',iH' \ Oil thi-. 10\ l"l: box to 1;1).;,' y01l1 Illl.I'.n home." (Jp,'11 the lid ;0 rcvca] vour 111l!.'.\:! ill<"id,' \\i_l!!:k it <II the .utdicnvc. "Onpx. 1.( ;o).;s I ill, '[ jo I')!(l I to ~'.I\'<.' Ihi" buck 10 I he b\t IWI',111l who tricd thi-, I)on', wur r v, it'thi<., doe'oil'l work t"11 he \UI'l' to i:'-iVL" you the tinuer.'

Place on c hand ()\ nth ... lOP')) th,' t"11l!'.,'1 chopper. l lokl I ii,' coin ill the other h.uul. lc II 1 he "PLTtator to ,iI II It ill Iii,' .ur. Flip the COlli and c.uch it Say, "C,)JIt'lilllllatiO!h. :(111 pl(1\cd IIIl' II l'IlII!!." l'uu-.c then s lainth .... liJlger choppn tlin nigh I ill' II Ii nuer (1:'1[1 (111\'iO\h I \ rem c mbcrcd to Il's,'1 it so it \1' It! Idll'l al't~t<l[I:" cut (lIT their !ill~'l'r,) Beitel' luck 1I0,t tilll..,.,

Pull the lin~cr chopper ,\1\:1;' alld IO(l).; at their ,till au.uhcd Iinucr \\ i III a hit of disapP(liTlIll1l'IlI, "So your tinucr is "I ill al1<~cho.:d',) (Jet off 111;'- "<I g 0.: 1 '\'obody likes it SilOl1 off."


5 i mple

methOd for bleeding

t 1l"It' uitCIl ('llll'S a IfllW wlt,'11 it I, l1l'n"~'lI: 10 lIla).;e it <lPI'l',! I t 11.11 _I"l I .u.: hlvc'd i II~' 1'111 II()I i 11'"01 I;dl--..ill!, <lh( 'lit III ,I 111,1:" I,' ,11<>\1 111I,1"illl' llidl \ ,111 itt" III ;111 iml'O) Idlll mccr 111," ! I'll 11;1\,' 1<1 illl,II' ill\' 11;,(,~III"'l' 1'1" 11,'\ l'1 1'('1.'11 IIlI lIn! In :111 illlPi'ltdlll 111\.'''1111,''1 <>111\ In lilld (l!lIIIi'1! .'!l11 l()I)'''' II' IlIIIW. 111~11 111!i'I'II.11I1 pill"'1 \1 "I J... _I !III \1"1'.' I L'''I]()II,ihk

II11 11(1\\ d" \(111 it'llldk 11l1"'" I ",_I, :"" 1>I""d (ll

c our.« \(111 dOll'l I>ln',! ),',11 hl,'od tlldt".;II,,1 1'1<1[11 'I,""

111,1,"1<1. : (III 11:1\" <I ''1lll'<.'I\' 111iJh pr la).;,' hl""d III : (1111 Ii;ttlci II hll'll -' 011 !1t,'1l 'qllil I ,!II ;. our (0 II,!,,' (el Jl'I~'ll ,\

1I1'-..('hk"iI 1'1<.':,1" ill\LIIII ,'\(II\(', iJlS(:1I11 ,\ !lIjLllh:.

'iIIPI''''\' :t)[1 11It').;c' lip I\ilh :0\11 ~'IIIIII"11i1 :llId <11'11'1 \\<1111 1[1 !I,I\L' 10 'l'l'lld <I I()t ( ('IIIIIII'Ildirk tinu. 1"<I\'lllill~' her Ihill il', II(\t 1t'.'1 Lnllt {(.'I ('1; tll<lI)!~1i it i"j 'iillljll> \(1111 ililmlt(1 ;'('111 11I!S". 'l[lIL"'/l' '!lllll' hlood <lIld .ill Ihll1 illlc'lIti!l1l i-, dlll'll<.'d ;!II~I\ thr d(l(llll<.'d rl' 1:11 i, )mh ip.

01 IITld,'illl: :(lIl dl',' III iI (C"t;llll:1Il1 :llld (.(Il'l p:l;' 101 till' IlIl'ilL l'I'p d hlunt! ';\Ihl ;. 1 >Ill mouth, ill I il~' the II;) i In < 1\ er :111<1 Il" II I hem ;. .lIl I iii II).; Ihel,.' 1\, I, "HIll' ~'"I'-'o ill "<11.1.1 I Ii,'n h ked, Pr,"I() 1'1' ... ',' ruval {( J 1<.< 1111\,' Ili:11 1\ ('111.1 h. 111(1I :III \ II I()I 1>111 I hi-, I, a lila!' il' b(H ,).; OIlld nul u boo]...: u I'II][)I al it;..)

I Il,' hc,~t dnicL'" IiI[ )lI'odu,:ill,l'_ 1;1).;,' hluod urc 11ll' lillie ... qIlCL'l~' bulb- 111:11 ,'(II Ill' \ljll i t I illg ill )I\n'. ('Ill 01'1' till' cord thai go .... " to the tlO\I IT und von hd\,' :(1I11 "l' 11 •. 1 lillie gitlllllick for ~qUlrtillg blood. "0 trallspllrl it: put it ill :t~:'IIHll 111111 cani-tcr. will keep II lrom (lo/illg blood ill your PO[J...:CI.

All l:lllpty PL'TT cave is ;1 !'ood place III -aorc blood cap~llks, l hat \\ay yilU \\111 dh\'IY~ huvc rhvrn 1'<':;l\ly_

I lore ;U,' ~(Ilm' other ill',(;IIlCL'S \IIK'rl' the :Ihili(\ to hlcvd 1111 demand Lilli help y llli ,I'd s: IllJlilth: i\lld hl'C' ,\1111'

It \ (Ill ,'\ cr ) ',': [ pu I led over hy it lIil !'lit l.( 'P a "_11\ \d Illl~eh kL'd i" ,)[1,' II ;1\ 1'1 I',l't (lIT (Ii,' IlIn,1-;

If that dm'\ll' ( II or], ;Int! ;. ()U lind : (\\11'(' I t III COIIII, b ked in (OUIL

H lccdi nu from till' c';!1'~ alter rid iiu: d 1'1,1 ler e(\;lqn mi dH l.'~'( \ {Ill freT PdSSl.'S 10 Ihil( theme pilrk,

!; s'c \\~'ISh;lbk hlo: HI .uul cut \ our hand ,HI ;1 <hi rt hilnger III it dep;uIIIIl'lll -torc. rhn'll prohahh let 1'0\1 keep the ..,hin dS <I (out niuuct.

'If vuu arc at Ilk' end 01;1 lOll!! line. ki!',llil1~~ d nos,'bl~ed mi:-:hl 1',\'1 :,HI ;li1l';ld

_'\" vou C,\Il ,;ee. Ilw ;IPI'<lliltus lill sh()d.: Illilgi\' doe-nt hil\,~ til he I im ilcd til (hl' thc.urica I \ ,'nllc' . 1 here are all -orts of \\iI\ s \1,' van 1I',C mauic 10 f(lul l'l'l lp lc i IHo dnim:

IhiTH's 1"(1[" I;, lh~H 111L': <1111<.'1' I\'i\,' wouldn! do, In Ill: I'll' ture lxiuk ('1\ \PIH HI IWlltiin!--, ;Int! I epl iCIIII1!.' \l'ilkd dl'il\\in" s I' II <how vou "lint other wav-, t,) IISl' mauic to th is

~. ~

end and even III ore _.,

lru SU I-~' Y(1I1 IT WL'II lo.rm I \I hh('1 hi [l'f; -, II -torc-; Thi-, is ;1 !';I!' \ ou .. ;111 d" wit]: d c Ilw,L'_

--, .... --_. ~ ----.-----.--~-~--~


• I dilly IOilf;ill!' 'i1(1PllIII!' hil"

• :' I;ll-;l' brick-,

• I real brick

Std[ I !If with t\\<1 i;lh' hlTlb <III.! 'IIIL' Il, .. 1 UTI( IWI h;I" I )n'l\ tlu hili' Oil the !loPI \11 it III<lh's .I loud '''IIIH] I{L'<l111 111[1' Till' 111111 11111 (HI,' "I tlu: LIf..L' hlld, Sl't rlu. br ic], "II _I'lIli [.Iille- <I[ "\(,,,1 1'\',1,11 III (1111 Iii,' I L':II h[ III I )10)1 it Ill] 10 Iii\' IhHH .1\ _I Oil 1'1111 it (\llt'\I'ol,)~'i/\' I", \ 1)[11 IIl'~~ <11111 PilI-; il lip S\'t till' [cdl brick ilL';" [ 10 (liL' Llf..l' lli I( h. <III [IrL' 1;t!,1e- 1< ['.Idl hil!' ;11It! pull lliit thcI II her I:lk\' hi ick

I \'II 11i(' dllliil'll.'l' that _I'()U- Ii like III _loin' them <I linh- IIW!~ I i lIi~ .kIIHlIl'1 [<11101] l'ick :IP d I;tf..,' hruk and th,' 1L',iI brick In \(lill IlI'ill hand. 1'11\ llil' other !ilk,' nl1l' t!l :- OHi kit. r\IO\,': (lUi h:lIld, lip <llId down ;IS if Y(\U arc gl'llill" ;1 WJ\'>l' nt'hill;ul('\', Wink <It your audience til S)I(l\,' them h011 l'unlid(;lIt you ;11,', Drop the real brick lrorn ;'0111- right hand i 1\ <Ill ahsrrumi ndcd manner. A pologi/l' <lnd pick it up unly thi-, rime place IhL' fake brick vou ; liT. holding ill _I'()Il[' Idi hand into your right hilnd ';0 )'()U can pick up lil,' IT~11 brick with v our kt) hand.

()111.:~ \011 11;\1<: the 1\\"(1 lilk<: brickx ill vour right hand and the real hl~ick ill your lvft hillid move l'Ios~'; to your audience. rl'll them that III i, 1\ ill louk '(' much l\ lllic-r it) (Ill are I ight ill lront or them Act a~ i f ~ nu ,lTc' about III ,ill!!\.' k ,l~ )'1111 walk tml dl lis thorn. StlTTllhk dlltl hurl tl1<: lake hlil'b ill them ilS Y(lU dlup the Il'ill hrid, "n In till' !lour.

11'\(111 do cvcrvrhuu: I I~',iltthl'\ \\ ill <caucr like "(;11 1.'(1 l'I'\\, II \(l'1I dll "V,-,t'\;hill~" v,\II-'!-li~";t tlll'\ will sCitt1l'r li"l' 1',.1/('11<:, and ~rrl'(\Ill_ . If ;-011 \Ill "\,:'I;-ll1ilT\; l':>..Ild!.'\llil-rivil[ till': I\.ill \C;l1lcI- like !2ihll{)T1'i. 'rll'alll. thru« l'()lllT)Uh .II \ 1))1, dlld i,ll l' vou tor it (ill lhvol;-')

1' ....... & Tu I fifo,; ('IU I r TIWho,; HII{ Ih,,\ll Frlu",,)s. 1', vx , '1.: 'I'll Ult'o,; PL,\ \ \\/, J II \'011< F()OIl. :!IId 1', vv • '1.: Tru fit's Jlm\ r o 1'1 \ \ " 'I'll \I r I 0111: i~(l(ld \()III'Cl'~ Ior 1Il<llni;d. l1i('Y dl-C ;riS() tl-l'lnl'IHI(lll~h I'u 11 tl' [,':Id \1:Tc K, fl'l' creamer gag ill dPP<::II~ ill liT<:I-...' ill(ll1r \Iilh ,Pllll' (Hhl'r- IWill ,ltllL

II \lun r\\IHIto,;O ... : \VI'ir (;1 \ h~ \like ('il\,(,Ill'1 i., lilkd II irh J(llh \)I'!'ll'itl It abu il gr~'at l'.\<llllpk 01'1](11\ (llll' of the J{JllIJi..:st PC;)p,," ')]"0111' tillh: IhllTf;,'_

! ~~u<:.,' il I !-;IICI\' hUI\' 1(1 !Iw!',ll' ! could gl'l slll1wrhin~' l'\lr;l 'l'l'Li;d ,Iut III' ,Ill, It il'" 11\ Irl'l!lI'(.:,-,iIW them with I L':d l:I'lclTt, IllIt rCid l<lklll is ;1Il <11'[\1 <Iii l' h 1'\ l' Ill'll'! rUlhidc'rcd SL'ri()II,I~, II" much ,',!\ icr III Ilhl throw stu 11 <It I hem.

TIH: n.IS(O\Tlt\ ClI WII ( JI( 'ltU' I h~' Rtglll;lld Sn'II I~ ,I II ! III .I \,1 I-Iii _''<HlIp kind (lj magrc thai 1\'<lS pLTI; llllled hundrcd-, 01 \ l'ars ile:! I l'cun S I L'lll'l 1\ (1111\

right ill. . ,


I>UII T .\\11 111.1 SI(" hI Jim S1l'ilTllltYn is rllli \Hlh iI !'I\'dl hll"k (lIT illuviun ha~ it vcry CIeV('I- routine till the IIccdk,,_'

SWH III i 1M alii ra i~ (.:(11 kCli( m II I' t hL' ixsuc-, Ill' Swami ;llld r-,1 ;lIlII;\. ;111 Illd i.n 1 IIld odical put together by Sam ()cliLd,j hi., hoof; hdS aU thl' dl"j,' ,11H11'i 11I(llIdill: in Ill!.' head, glass cat ing. pull ill~' ;1 ribbon troru 11K' ,toJlliICh. and iI kl\ oll1e'I" th: bly have never been \..:<:n i II the' hl'.,[_

SHOCK MAG Ie: Volume 1

The manuscript trot dares to show you how to perform the edgiest rongic!

Includes 75 mv.strntions.

In this volume:

• Pertptm a btoody cara trick using razor blades

• Stab a paoerctio through your arm

• Hammet .a nail into your bead

• Cut ott a sp •. ctator'. hand ana Ii

• Perform the cta';iicrazor bto:cles .,i·· .. ·: ....

.. ," ..

-:-:.'.::?::;~;<:;>;;:.: ..

• Throw bricks at YOUr Gthniflce

• Stab a meat skewer through your tongue

• Bteea on demand

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