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Analysis of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks with reference to its

potential and sustainability

Article · July 2020

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3950489


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1 author:

Mohammad Arif Kamal



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J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86 Review Article
DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.3950489

Analysis of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks with reference

to its potential and sustainability

Mohammad Arif Kamal

Arhitecture Section, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh India.

Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Received: 11-06-2020 Accepted: 14-07-2020

Abstract. The traditional bricks are the main building materials that are used extensively in
the construction and building industry. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete blocks are recently one
of the newly adopted building materials. The Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is a product
of fly ash which is mixed with lime, cement, and water and an aerating agent. The AAC is
mainly produced as cuboid blocks and prefabricated panels. The Autoclaved aerated
concrete is a type of concrete that is manufactured to contain lots of closed air voids. The
AAC blocks are energy efficient, durable, less dense, and lightweight. It is manufactured by
adding a foaming additive to concrete in different sizes of molds as per requirement, then
wire-cutting these blocks or panels from the resulting ‘cake lump’ and ‘heating them with
steam. This process is called as Autoclaving. It has been observed that this material is an eco-
friendly building material that is being manufactured from industrial waste and is composed
of non-toxic ingredients. In this paper, an overview of AAC blocks with reference to its
potential and sustainability as a novel building material has been presented. The paper also
presents a comparative cost analysis of AAC Blocks with the Red clay bricks and its
suitability and potential use in the construction in the building industry.

Key words: AAC blocks; Performance, Potential, Walling system; Sustainability.

1. Introduction
The traditional bricks are the main building materials that are used extensively in the
construction and building industries in India. Due to the rapid urbanization and expanding
interest for development materials, block furnaces have quickly developed which have
legitimately or in a roundabout way caused a progression of ecological and medical issues. At a
worldwide level, ecological contamination from block making activities adds to the wonders of
an Earth-wide temperature boost and environmental change. The different kinds of blocks can
be utilized as an option in contrast to the red blocks, to diminish natural contamination and
Global warming. AAC blocks might be one of the answers for block substitution. Like froth
concrete, Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) is one of the confirmed green structure materials,
which can be utilized for business, modern and private development. It has the basic properties
required for use as a structured segment. Because of the lightweight and high solidarity to-
weight proportion of circulated air through solid items, their utilization brings about an obvious
economy in the auxiliary individuals, and along these lines spare concrete and steel support. Fig.
1 shows an AAC block, (brand name as Aerocon blocks).

Fig 1. Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (AAC) Blocks.

ISSN 2353-0057, EISSN : 2600-6936

Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86 77

The Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) was created and developed in 1924 by the Swedish
architect Dr. Johan Axel Eriksson, along working with Professor Henrik Kreüger at the Royal
Institute of Technology (Rajan, 2013). It is an eco-accommodating structural material that
originates from modern waste and is produced by using non-poisonous and non-toxic
ingredients. With AAC, the development procedure can be around 20 percent quicker. It weighs
just around 50 percent of a standard solid square and has high warm protection and is acoustics-
accommodating. It additionally has preferable imperviousness to fire over fly debris and is non-
burnable. It's non-hypersensitive and henceforth keeps up the nature of air inside a structure
without changing its properties after some time. With AAC, the development procedure can be
around 20 percent quicker. It weighs just around 50 percent of a standard solid block and has
high thermal insulation and acoustical properties. It's non-unfavorably susceptible and
consequently keeps up the nature of air inside a structure without changing its properties after
some time. The utilization of AAC block can lessen development costs by about 2.5 percent for
structures, for example, schools and medical clinics, and diminish the running expenses of
lodging and places of business by to 30 to 40 percent after some time. Fig. 1 shows an AAC block,
(brand named as Aerocon blocks).As indicated by one report, AAC now represents over 40% of
all development in the United Kingdom and over 60% of development in Germany (Schnitzler,
2. Raw Materials Used In Manufacturing of AAC Blocks
As compared to most other concrete building applications in the construction industry, Aerated
Autoclaved Concrete (AAC) is created utilizing no total bigger than sand. Quartz sand, calcined
gypsum, lime (mineral) as well as concrete and water are utilized as a coupling specialist. In
certain nations, similar to India and China, fly debris produced from thermal power plants and
having 50-65% silica content is used as an aggregate. There are many raw materials which are
used in the manufacturing of AAC blocks. The Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (AAC) comprises of
Flyash or sand as the major component. The percentage proportion of Fly ash is 65-70% and
coarse sand is 55-65%. The percent proportion of cement 53 GRADE OPC with Flyash is 6-15%
and with sand is 10-20 %, The percent proportion of Lime with Flyash is 18-25% and with sand
20-30 %, The percent proportion of Gypsum with Flyash is 3-5% and with sand is 2-3 %. The
percent portion Aluminium powder paste (600 kg/m3) is 8 % or 0.05%–0.08% by volume
(contingent upon the pre-indicated thickness). The water percent with Flyash is 0.6 and with
sand is 0.65 %.
3. Specifications and Performance Summary of AAC Blocks
The product specification and its performance summary of AAC blocks are summarized as below
(Kamal, 2016):

3.1. Appearance
The Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is light-hued and contains numerous small voids that
can be observed when taken a gander at intently. The gas used to 'froth' the solid during the
manufacturing process is hydrogen from the chemical reaction from the Aluminum paste with
alkaline soluble components in the cement concrete. These air pockets add to the material's
protecting properties. In contrast to stonework, there is no immediate way for water to go
through the material; be that as it may, it can suck up dampness and a suitable covering is
required to forestall water infiltration.

3.2. Size and Density

The Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks are made of 625 mm length, 250 mm tallness, and
of different thicknesses: 100, 125, 150, 200, 225, 250, 300 mm with a resistance of ±1.5 mm. The
thickness of the block is 600 to 650 kg/cum, though the blocks have a thickness of 1750 to 2000
78 Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86

kg/cum. The density of wet blocks is around 800 kg/cum as compared to that of red clay bricks
(2400 kg/cum).

3.3. Structural Capability

The compressive quality of Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks is excellent. The
compressive quality is from 35 to 50 kg/cm2 (according to IS: 2185). Although it is one-fifth the
thickness of typical solid it despite everything has a large portion of the bearing quality, and
loadbearing structures up to three stories high can be securely raised with AAC blockwork. The
AAC is 3-4 times lighter than traditional bricks, therefore, easier and cheaper to transport. Usage
reduces the overall dead load of a building, thereby allowing the construction of taller buildings.
Entire building structures can be made in AAC from walls to floors and roofing with reinforced
lintels, blocks, and floor, wall and roofing panels available from the manufacturer. AAC floor
panels can be used to make non-loadbearing concrete floors that can be installed by carpenters.
Lightweight blocks diminish the mass of a structure, along these lines diminishing the effect of
tremor on a structure.

3.4. Thermal mass

The thermal mass performance of Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is dependent on the
climate in which it is used. With its mixture of concrete and air pockets, AAC has a moderate
overall level of thermal mass performance. Its use for internal walls and flooring can provide
significant thermal mass. The temperature moderating thermal mass is most useful in climates
with high cooling needs.

3.5. Insulation
The Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) has very good thermal insulation qualities relative to
another masonry. A 200mm thick AAC wall gives an R-value rating of 1.43 with 5% moisture
content by weight. With a 2–3mm texture coating and 10mm plasterboard internal lining it
achieves an R rating of 1.75 (a cavity brick wall achieves 0.82). A texture-coated 100mm AAC
veneer on a lightweight 70mm or 90mm frame filled with bulk insulation achieves a higher R
rating than an otherwise equivalent brick veneer wall (see Insulation; Lightweight framing).
Relative to their thickness, The Thermal Conductivity of AAC blocks is 0.16 kW/m°C against 0.70
of bricks, thus recurring energy cost is reduced in air conditioning. AAC panels provide less
insulation than AAC blockwork, e.g. a 100mm blockwork AAC wall has a dry state R-value of
0.86, and a 100mm AAC wall panel has a dry state R-value of 0.68.

3.6. Sound Insulation

With its closed air pockets, Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) can provide very good sound
insulation. It has superior sound absorption qualities due to the porous structure of blocks.
Combining the AAC wall with an insulated asymmetric air cavity system gives a wall excellent
sound insulation property. AAC offers sound attenuation of about 42 dB, blocking out all major
sounds and disturbances. The Sound Reduction Index is 45 dB for 200 mm thick block walls
(against 50 for 230 mm thick wall). It is ideal for schools, hospitals, hotels, offices, multi-family
housing, and other structures that require acoustic insulation.

3.7. Fire and Vermin Resistance

Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is inorganic, incombustible and does not explode; it is thus
well suited for fire-rated applications. Depending on the application and the thickness of the
blocks or panels, fire ratings up to four hours can be achieved. AAC is non-combustible and fire-
resistant up to 1600° C. It can withstand up to 6 hours of direct exposure. Due to the structure of
Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86 79

blocks, AAC cannot be damaged or infested by termites and other pests. It does not attract
rodents or other pests nor can it be damaged by such.

3.8. Durability and Moisture Resistance

The purposely lightweight nature of Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) makes it prone to
impact damage. With the surface protected to resist moisture penetration, it is not affected by
harsh climatic conditions and does not degrade under normal atmospheric conditions. The level
of maintenance required by the material varies with the type of finish applied. The porous
nature of AAC can allow moisture to penetrate to depth but the appropriate design (damp proof
course layers and appropriate coating systems) prevents this happening. AAC does not easily
degrade structurally when exposed to moisture, but its thermal performance may suffer. Several
proprietary finishes (including acrylic polymer-based texture coatings) give durable and water-
resistant coatings to AAC blockwork and panels. They need to be treated similarly with acrylic
polymer-based coatings before tiling in wet areas such as showers.

3.9. Water Absorption

In Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) curing takes place at a high temperature and high
pressure in saturated steam. During curing, part of the siliceous material (flyash) reacts
chemically with the calcareous ingredients such as lime liberated by the hydration of cement to
form a Micro-Crystalline structure of Tobermorite with much lower specific surface and is
characterized by pores formed by the release of H2 gas during Casting-Rising stage of

3.10. Toxicity and Breathability

The aerated nature of AAC facilitates breathability. There are no toxic substances and no odor in
the final product. However, AAC is a concrete product and calls for precautions similar to those
for handling and cutting concrete products. It is advisable to wear personal protective
equipment such as gloves, eyewear, and respiratory masks during cutting, due to the fine dust
produced by concrete products. If low-toxic, vapor-permeable coatings are used on the walls,
and care is taken not to trap moisture where it can condense, AAC may be an ideal material for
homes for the chemically sensitive.

3.11. Constructability, Availability, and Cost

Although AAC is relatively easy to work, it is one-fifth the weight of concrete comes in a variety
of sizes and is easily carved, cut and sculpted, it nevertheless requires careful and accurate
placement: skilled trades and good supervision are essential. Different sizes of blocks help
reduce the number of joints in wall masonry. Lighter blocks make construction easier and faster.
It reduces construction time by 20%. They are easy to install. AAC sets and hardens quickly.
Blocks can be easily cut, drilled, nailed, milled, and grooved to fit individual requirements. Thick-
bed mortar is more forgiving but is uncommon and not the industry preferred option. It also
simplifies hydro-sanitary and electrical installations, such as pipes or ducts, which can be
installed after the main construction is complete. The construction process with AAC produces
little waste as blockwork offcuts can be reused in wall construction.
4. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Block Walling System
The AAC blocks are generally used in the wall masonry. The process of laying and construction
of a complete wall unit is summarized in the following steps (Majumdar, 2019).
80 Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86

4.1. Laying of Blocks

In laying AAC blocks, the procedure is the same as that for conventional half brickwork except
that the block should be slightly wet with a sprinkler before use and not soaked as in case of
a. Before laying the first course the alignment of the wall is marked over the DPC.
b. The blocks for 1st course should first be laid dry without mortar along a stretched thread
between properly located corners of the wall to determine the correct position of the
blocks, including those of cross walls joining it and also to adjust their spacing within the
wall length.
c. When the blocks are set in a proper position, the two corner blocks are removed. A
specified mortar bed is spread for the required bed thickness (10mm).
d. The blocks are laid back in place with true level and plumb.
e. The thread is then stretched tightly along with the faces of the two corner blocks and the
faces of the intermediate blocks are adjusted to coincide with the thread line.
f. Each intermediate block is removed and re-laid with mortar.
g. After every three or four blocks, layers are laid, their correct alignment level and
verticality are checked.
h. In the vertical joints, the mortar is applied only on the face of the blocks.

4.2. Electrical and Plumbing Installations

Electrical and plumbing installations in AAC masonry are placed in routed chases. Care should
be taken when laying out chases to ensure that the structural integrity of the AAC elements is
maintained. Do not cut reinforcing steel or reduce the structural thickness of the AAC elements
except where permitted by the designer. In vertically spanning AAC elements, horizontal routing
should be permitted only in areas with low flexural and compressive stresses. In horizontally
spanning AAC elements, vertical routing should be minimized.

4.3 Exterior Finishes

Unprotected exterior AAC deteriorates when exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing while
saturated. To prevent such freeze-thaw deterioration, and to enhance the aesthetics and
abrasion resistance to AAC, exterior finishes should be used. They should be compatible with the
underlying AAC in terms of thermal expansion and modulus of elasticity and should be vapor
permeable. Many different types of exterior finishes are available. Polymer-modified stuccos,
paints, or finish systems are the most common exterior finish for AAC. They increase the AAC’s
water-penetration resistance while allowing the passage of water vapor. Heavy acrylic-based
paints containing aggregates are also used to increase abrasion resistance. There is generally no
need to level the surface, and horizontal and vertical joints may be chamfered as an architectural
feature or may be filled.

4.4 Interior Finishes

Interior finishes are used to enhance the aesthetics and durability of AAC. They should be
compatible with the underlying AAC in terms of thermal expansion and modulus of elasticity and
should be vapor permeable.
a. Many different types of interior finishes are available. Interior AAC wall panels may have
a thin coat of a mineral-based plaster to achieve a smooth finished surface. Lightweight
interior gypsum-based plaster may provide a thicker coating to level and straighten
walls, and to provide a base for decorative interior paints or wall finishes. Interior
Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86 81

plasters have bonding agents to enhance their adhesion and flexibility and are commonly
installed by either spraying or troweling.
b. For commercial applications requiring high durability and low maintenance, acrylic-
based coatings are often used. Some contain aggregates to enhance abrasion resistance.
c. When ceramic wall tile is to be applied over AAC, surface preparation is normally
necessary only when the AAC surface requires leveling. In such cases, a Portland cement
or gypsum-based parge coat is applied to the AAC surface before setting the ceramic tile.
The ceramic tile should then be adhered to the parged wall using either a cement-based
thin-set mortar or an organic adhesive. In moist areas such as showers, only a Portland
cement-based parge coat should be used, and the ceramic tile should be set with cement-
based, thin-set mortar only.

4.5 Service Lines

For concealed or piping, a block wall can be chased using hand or electric router. Depths of
vertical chases should be limited to one-third of the wall thickness and horizontal chases to one-
sixth of the wall thickness. Holes in a block wall can be made with a standard hand or electric
drill. The chases shall be refilled with a leaner mortar and chicken mesh shall be applied to that
area and cured.

4.6 Lintels
Precast or cast-in-situ concrete lintels can be used in block masonry, over all openings. Lintels
shall always rest on a full block with a minimum bearing as under. Below the openings, the RCC
band should be provided with reinforcement to avoid diagonal tension cracks. The bond beam to
be extended up to 300 mm from window corners both sides.

4.7 Plastering
Followings are the points that should be considered while plastering the AAC walls:
a. Do not soak the wall before plastering. The wall shall be moistened evenly before
applying the plaster. A fog spray is recommended for this purpose.
b. For external plastering has to be carried out in two coats, apply SBR coating with sand on
the block surface will enhance the bonding and minimize the thickness of plastering.
c. It is recommended to use cement mortar 1:6 for internal & external plastering works and
preferably use PPC cement for masonry and plastering works to minimize shrinkage
d. Plastering thickness can be minimized to 10 mm and 15 mm for internal and external

4.8 Precautions while Laying the AAC Masonry blocks

The cracks occurring in block masonry and plastering are of any structural problem involving
stability and safety to the structure. But it is advised to minimize the same to have good
appearance and maintenance-free.
a. Do not store the blocks on an unleveled surface
b. Do not use wet blocks for masonry construction
c. Do not make the holes on block masonry for scaffolding supports
d. Do not soak the blocks before use
e. Do not hammer the block masonry for service lines, chases, etc.
f. Do not completely wet the block masonry before plastering works
g. Do not chase the blocks back to back for lesser thickness blocks.
82 Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86

5. Advantage of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Block

Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) has many advantages as compared to other cement concrete
materials. The basic advantage is that it is cost-efficient and Eco-friendly with having a low
environmental impact. In the manufacturing of AAC blocks, the topsoil of the earth's surface is
not used; therefore it emits very low carbon dioxide as compared to red clay bricks. Since AAC
blocks are an industrial product manufactured with machines, the quality of the end products is
very good, uniform, and consistent. The blocks are even and well finished from all sides,
therefore the thickness of wall plaster is reduced. Due to its lightweight, there will also be a
reduction of dead weight in the structural system, which will lead to the saving of steel and
concrete. Also this lead to construction more stories or taller buildings. The economy is achieved
in multistoried, especially buildings by using AAC blocks as compared to red clay bricks due to a
significant reduction in the dead weight of the structure; and hence it reduces the cost of the RCC
framed structure.
The AAC blocks have a lot of pores and voids; hence it provides better sound absorption and
insulation as compared to red clay bricks or concrete blocks. The AAC blocks have a low thermal
conductivity which is approximately 0.24 Kw-M/°C, which results in the saving of electricity
costs by 30%, which is required for heating and cooling of the house. The manufacturing process
of AAC blocks is non-polluting. The by-product from the manufacturing industry is only steam.
All the ingredients to manufacture the AAC blocks are non-toxic and safe. The AAC blocks are fire
resistant and non-combustible. They can tolerate up to 6 hours of direct exposure to fire. The
AAC blocks have air voids and hence have better fire-resisting property compared to red clay
bricks. The melting point of the AAC blocks is over 1600 °C more than twice the typical
temperature in building fire 650 °C. The AAC blocks are easy to work with i.e they can be easily
cut nailed and drilled and can be fitted to the individual requirements which give more design
flexibility. It cannot be rotten easily since it is pest and termite-proof. The AAC walling system
has a simplified hydro-sanitary and electrical installations, such as pipes or ducts, which can be
installed after the main construction is completed. It also has low maintenance and it reduces
the operating and maintenance cost by 30% to 40%. The chemical mortars can be used for
joining the AAC blocks in masonry work; hence this reduces the material consumption for
cement mortar and also there is no need for the curing. The AAC blocks are suitable both for
non-load bearing strictures and also for reinforced cement concrete structure in partition walls.
6. Disadvantage of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Block
There are many advantages of using AAC block, which has made this material a very suitable and
sustainable material in the building and construction sector. But there are also a few
disadvantages of using AAC blocks. It has been observed that the Aircrete cracks after
installation in the rainy season, which can be avoided by reducing the strength of the mortar and
ensuring the blocks, are dry during and after installation. The AAC blocks should be handled
carefully then as compared to red clay bricks to avoid breakages since it is little brittle. Due to its
brittle nature, it requires long thin screws when fitting cabinets and wall hangings. The initial
cost of the manufacturing industry is a bit high. There are not many factories, which are
producing AAC blocks; therefore it is not very easily available.
Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86 83

7. Comparative Analysis of AAC Block, Clay Brick and CLC Block

The comparative analysis of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) blocks, Red clay bricks, and
Cellular Light Weight Concrete (CLC) blocks are summarized in Table 1:
Table 1. Comparison of AAC Block, Clay Bricks, and CLC Blocks (Kulbhushan et al, 2018).

S. No Parameter AAC Blocks Clay Red Bricks CLC Blocks

Cement, fly ash, Cement, lime,
1 Raw Materials water, and Air Locally available clay specially grinded
entraining agents sand, foam
400-600mm X
225mm X 75mm X 400-600 x 200 x
2 Size 200mm X 150mm –
100/150mm 100/150/200 mm
3 Variation Size 1.5 mm (+/-) 5 mm (+/-) 5 mm (+/-)
4 Strength (As per IS 3-4 N/mm2 3.5 N/mm2 2 -2.5 kg/cm2
550-650 kg/m3 Its
one-third of the
Dry Density (As per
5 weight of clay brick 1800 kg/m3 800 kg/m3
IS codes)
which makes it easy
to lift and transport
For high rise For high rise
buildings, there will buildings, there will
As easily available in
be a reduction of be a reduction of
the local market
6 Cost-Benefit Deadweight which Deadweight which
hence it is beneficial
leads to saving in leads to saving in
for low rise structure.
Concrete and steel Concrete and steel
quantities. quantities.
Fire Resistance
7 Up to 4 Hours Around 2 Hours Around 4 Hours
(8″ Wall)
Locally made
products. Quality
Factory-made The quality of the end
depends on various
product. So the product depends on
Quality of End parameters like
8 quality of the end the foam used and
Product quality of raw
product is consistent degree of quality
materials used, the
and good control
process of
manufacture, etc.,
Better Sound Better Sound
absorption absorption
9 Sound Insulation Normal
/insulation as /insulation as
compared to bricks compared to bricks
Low thermal Low thermal
conductivity (0.24 High thermal conductivity (0.32
Kw-M/C) helps in Conductivity (0.81 Kw-M/C) helps in
10 Energy Saving saving electricity Kw-M/C). So no saving electricity
costs 30% for heating significant cost costs 30% for heating
and cooling of the savings and cooling of the
house house
In AAC Block there is One sq ft of carpet In CLC Block there is
no topsoil area with clay brick no topsoil
Environmental consumption and it walling will consume consumption and it
Friendliness emits very low 25.5 kg of topsoil emits very low
Carbon dioxide as (approx.). It damages Carbon dioxide as
compared to Red clay the environment compared to Red clay
84 Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86

bricks while bricks while

manufacturing manufacturing.
As these bricks have As these bricks have
dimensional Requires thick dimensional
Internal and External accuracy, the internal plaster surface as accuracy, the internal
Plaster and external plaster there are variations and external plaster
thickness can be in the dimensions thickness can be
reduced reduced
1 Cum costs – Rs. 1 Cum costs – Rs. 1 Cum costs – Rs.
13 Cost of Construction
4200/- 2440/- 4000/-
Chemical mortars can The traditional Chemical mortar can
be used for joining mortar needs to be be used for joining
the brick. This used and the the brick. This
14 Joining Process reduces the material brickwork should be reduces the material
consumption for cured at least for 7 consumption of
cement and avoids days before cement & avoids the
curing process plastering curing process.
The factory setup
cost is low as
The factory setup
compared to AAC. It
cost is high. Not many
Available locally in all also takes a long time
15 Availability factories, so
cities and villages. to produce if steam
availability is a
curing is not used.
Timely availability is
a concern.
AAC Blocks are good CLC Blocks are good
thermal insulator if thermal insulator if
It has low thermal
cooling is a major cooling is a major
insulation as
16 Thermal Insulator component, monthly component, monthly
compared to AAC and
expenses it will save expenses it will save
CLC Block
cost for an entire cost for an entire
lifetime lifetime
Contributes to Contributes to
Government taxes in Government taxes in
17 Tax Contribution No Tax Contribution
form of Central, form of Central
Excise, and VAT Excise and VAT
Cylindrical manholes
For Cylindrical need small size of For Cylindrical
structure, these bricks so that the structure, these
18 Cylindrical Structures
blocks are not much curvature can be blocks are not much
useful formed hence Red useful
clay bricks are useful
Absorb 12- 15% by Absorb 17 -20% by Absorb 12-15% of
19 Water Absorption the total volume of the total volume of water by the total
AAC blocks red clay brick volume of Block
They are suitable for They are useful in They are suitable for
non-load-bearing or both load-bearing non-load-bearing or
20 Range of Application
RCC structure in the and non-load bearing RCC structure in the
partition wall structure partition wall

8. Cost Comparative Analysis of AAC Block, Clay Brick and CLC Block
The cost comparative analysis of brickwork in masonry and plaster for AAC blocks, Red clay
bricks, and Cellular Light Weight Concrete (CLC) blocks are summarized in Table 2 and Table 3
respectively (Jain et al., 2018).
Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86 85

Table 2. Cost Comparative Analysis for AAC Blocks and Clay Brick Masonry for 1 m3 [1:4]

S. No. Parameters Clay Red Bricks AAC Blocks

1 Quantity Analysis 200mmx 100mm x 100mm 600mm x 200mm x 200mm

2 No. of bricks / blocks 500 37
3 Mortar Quantity 0.2766 m3 0.1344 m3
4 No. of begs of cement 1.65 1.0
5 Quantity of Sand 0.221 m3 0.1075 m3
6 Quantity of Water 31 Litres 16 Litres

5252.00 Rs./ m2 (As per MP 5052.00 Rs. / m2 (As per MP

7 Rate Analysis PWD SOR building work 2014 PWD SOR building work 2014
clause no.6.3) clause no.6.27)

Table 3. Cost Comparison for Plasterwork for AAC Blocks and Clay Brick for 1 m3 [1:4]

S. No. Parameters Clay Red Bricks AAC Blocks

The volume of mortar for

1 1.8 m3 1.0 m3
The volume of mortar by 25%
2 2.25 m3 1.25 m3
for wastage and frog filling
3 Quantity of cement 0.45 m3 0.25 m3
4 No. of begs of cement 13.5 7.5
5 Quantity of Sand 1.8 m3 1.0 m3
6 Quantity of Water 236.25 Liters 131.25 Liters
171.00 Rs./ m2 (As per MP 91.10.00 Rs./ m2 (As per
7 Rate Analysis PWD SOR building work 2014 MESSOR building work 2010
clause no.13.6) item no.14001)

9. Environmental Benefits of AAC Blocks

The Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) is an eco-friendly material that has many
environmental benefits. The weight of the AAC block is around one-fourth to one-fifth that of
concrete based on volume. The manufacturing of AAC blocks has the same greenhouse gas
environmental impact and has the same embodied energy as that of concrete block. The AAC
blocks or panels have lower embodied energy per square meter than a concrete alternative
building material. The AAC block and panels have more insulation value and thus it has low
energy usage for heating and cooling loads requirement. The total energy used in manufacturing
the ACC blocks is around 50% less than that of manufacturing other prefabricated building
components and products. As compared to regular cement concrete building products, AAC
reduces around one-third of the environmental waste. The Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)
blocks and panels have proven to be more durable, provide thermal insulation and structural
requirements, and also have major economic and environmental benefits as compared to other
traditional building components and products. Thus Autoclaved aerated concrete can be said to
a suitable and potential eco-friendly building material, which is beneficial for the environment,
which fulfills the requirement for the construction of sustainable architecture and construction
(Andrews, 2019).
10. Conclusions
The Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) is a novel and one of the most suitable and sustainable
building materials in the present building construction industry. AAC blocks are a result of
86 Kamal Arif M., J. Build. Mater. Struct. (2020) 7: 76-86

productive use of recycled industrial waste i.e. fly ash, hence this material can be classified as a
sustainable building material. The production price of AAC blocks at the manufacturing unit is
from Rs. 3200/- to Rs. 3600/ per cubic meter as per the rates in India in the year 2019. The
inherent properties of AAC blocks result in fast and efficient construction techniques. Hence the
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) has become an efficient building construction material
which is being used in a wide range of residential, commercial and industrial buildings and it has
been used in the Gulf countries for the last 40 years and in Europe for since 70 years, and in
Australia and South America for the past 20 years. According to a report, the AAC blocks are
used more than 60% of construction in Germany, and in England approximately 40% of all
construction industry (Andrews, 2019). Since the AAC blocks use readily available raw materials
in the manufacturing process, have excellent durability, are energy efficient, are cost-effective,
and also can be recycled, therefore Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) can be said to be a green
and sustainable building material.
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