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After completing this module, you are expected to:

 discover the benefits of using scientific processes in plant propagation;
 identify the appropriate tools and equipment and their uses;
 demonstrate scientific ways of propagating fruit bearing trees; and
 observe healthy and safety measures in propagating fruit bearing trees.


Trees have many uses as enumerated in the previous chapters/lessons. The number
of trees defines the love and care that we give to our environment.
Planting trees is not only an enjoyable task that serves as a past time, but can also
be a source of income or livelihood for the family and the community. Planting trees
requires proper knowledge and skills. The use of scientific processes in propagating trees
ensures the increase of productivity.
Plant propagation is the process of reproducing or creating a new plant or
seedling. It is a method of growing new plants from seed or from parts of existing plants.

Importance and Benefits of Plant Propagation Using Scientific Processes:

1. You are assured that the plants will grow fast,

strong and healthy.

2. There is less mortality or death of plants because

pests and diseases will be controlled.

3. More plants can be grown and harvested.

4. You can demand for a good price in selling good

quality plants.

5. There is more profit gained for more harvest and

your plants are of the best kind.

The success of plant propagation does not only depend on the skills of the person
doing it, nor the quality of the plant being planted but also with the materials or tools that
you are using in the propagating process. Tools and equipment play a vital role in plant
propagation using systematic process. The availability of the appropriate tools and
equipment makes the work easier, faster and helps in the proper operation of the different
procedures in plant propagation.
Tools and Equipment in Plant Propagation
Tools and equipment in propagating plants include the following:
a tool used in digging and
loosening hard, dry soil. It has a
thin blade across the end of a
long handle.
a long handled tool having a bar
at one end with teeth in. It is
used for smoothening the soil
and gathering loose leaves, hay,
or straw.
Trowel a tool with a curved blade used
for loosening the ground and
taking up small plants.
a tool with a flat, sharp blade
fastened to a handle used for
cutting trunk of trees and their

a straight, heavy iron bar pointed

at one end, about 4 feet in
length, used for digging holes
and for planting seeds.

a tool with a wooden or metal

handle in which a long blade is
attached. It is used for cutting
tall grasses and branches of

Shovel a broad scoop attached to a

handle. It is used to dig, lift, and
throw loose matter.
a tool resembling a table fork but
much bigger in size. It is used in
digging and preparing the soil
for the plants.
a can or plastic with a spout to
sprinkle water on the plants.
Plants should be watered
everyday to make them grow

used to transfer soil plants and

other materials from one place to

Hose used for watering seedlings

arranged in mass.

Sprayer used for spraying chemicals to

eliminate plant seeds.

Weighing for weighing plants, seeds, and

Scale fertilizers.

used as fences of seed boxes and

Pieces of wood
plots to protect plants from
or bamboo
being destroyed by animals.

Pruning used for cutting small branches

Shears including the unnecessary
used while working in the
Garden gloves
garden, made of strong rubber to
protect from thorns and
withstand punctures

Having the skills in planting means knowing the scientific ways of propagating trees.

Scientific ways of propagating fruit-bearing trees:

1. Grafting
A. Preparing the Stock. Start at the cut surface of the rootstock and
make a vertical slit through the bark where each scion can be inserted
(2 inches long and spaced 1 inch apart).

B. Preparing the Scion. Since multiple scions are usually inserted

around the cut surface of the rootstock, prepare several scions for
each graft. Cut the base of each scion to a 11⁄2- to 2-inch tapered
wedge on one side only.

C. Inserting the Scion. Loosen the bark slightly and insert the scion so
that the wedge-shaped tapered surface of the scion is against the
exposed wood under the flap of bark. Push the scion firmly down
into place behind the flap of bark, replace the bark flap, and nail the
scion in place by driving one or two wire brads through the bark and
scion into the rootstock. Insert a scion every 3 to 4 inches around the
cut perimeter of the rootstock.

D. Securing the Graft. Seal all exposed surfaces with grafting wax or
grafting paint. Once the scions had begun to grow, leave only the
most vigorous one on each stub; prune out all the others. Bark grafts
tend to form weak unions and therefore usually require staking or
support during the first few years.
Example: mango, guava, santol, avocado, and guyabano

2. Budding
a. Cut bud sticks from strong shoots of the present season's growth
with mature buds that are slightly brownish in color.
b. Clip off the leaves from the bud sticks, leaving 1/2 inch of the
leafstalk for a handle.
c. Discard the soft tips of the bud sticks.
d. Choose branches from the rootstock that are the size of a lead
pencil up to 1/2-inch in diameter. Larger branches have too thick
bark for this method to work.
e. On the rootstock, about 15 or more inches from the trunk, make a
T cut across the bark.
f. With a knife blade, lift the corners and carefully loosen the bark.
g. Cut a bud from the bud stick which includes a thin piece of
attached wood.
h. Slide the bud under the flaps of the bark on the rootstock until the
ends are firmly united. Using an electrician's tape, tie the bud to
the rootstock.
i. Wrap the ends tightly, but be sure not to cover the bud with the
j. In two to three weeks, cut the tie so you will not girdle the graft.
The next year, cut the rootstock off above the graft when the bud
starts growing.
k. Remove any shoots below the graft.
l. On the second year, remove all growth from the tree except the
bud grafted shoots.
3. Marcotting
a. Remove the ring of bark on a large branch of a tree.
b. The inner surface scraped lightly
c. Then, wrapped the moist soil or moss covered with plastic sheets
or coco husk.
d. Secure tight on both ends with twine.
e. When roots have developed (after a month, cut the marcot.
f. Transplanted it in a pot or plastic bag.
Examples: star apple, makopa, guava, langka, and duhat
4. Inarching
a. Select a growing rootstock and fitting it with a branch that will be
grafted by a longitudinal cut.
b. Fit both cuts together and secure the tie with twine.
Example: chico

5. Layering
a. Clip securely the branch or shoot touching the ground and soil.
b. Let it develops roots and become an independent plant.

A scientific way of planting is necessary to ensure a healthy and bountiful harvest.

Always remember the following:
1. Choose the best place for propagating.
2. Choose the best branch/shoot that suits the season and the soil.
3. Put sufficient fertilizer in the soil.
4. Take care of the soil and the plants regularly.

Healthy and Safety Measures in Propagating Fruit-Bearing Trees

1. Have the right tools for planting trees and fruits trees.
2. Use the right tool for the right purpose. This insures efficiency of work and safety for
the user.
3. Read labels of pesticides and insecticides carefully before using. Follow instructions as
4. Wear the proper attire when planting. Loose, comfortable, and absorbent clothing gives
freedom of movement and feeling of comfort and freshness. Wearing a hat protects you
from the extreme heat of the sun. Wear mask when spraying insecticides.
5. Use organic fertilizer instead of those commercial ones. It is economical and safer to
use. Commercial fertilizer when used in excess can poison the soil.
6. Get rid of insects and pests that invade the tree or seedlings. Destroy them right away
before they multiply and cause damage to the tree. Aphids, plant hoppers, leaf rollers,
webworms, and ladybugs are some common insects that feed on plants.
7. One preventive measure to avoid tree infections caused by insects is to build a fire and
allow smoke to penetrate the leaves of the tree.
8. Have a place for everything. Tools, equipment, pesticides, fertilizers, compost should
be placed where they should be. They should also be kept away from the reach of
9. Before embarking on tree planting, read books and magazines, consult a plant expert.
This will equip you with the needed information on how to deal with the different phases
of gardening and tree planting.

Here are additional tips that need to be considered during propagation:

1. Before working make sure you have freshened yourself (like taking a bath)
in order to work well.
2. Always wear complete personal protective equipment which includes
hairnet, hand gloves, apron, boots if needed, protective eyeglass, and face
3. Make sure tools and equipment are working properly before using them.
4. Always follow instructions for use of equipment.
5. Focus on the work at hand. Do not allow yourself to get distracted.
6. Know your limits in working, seek help whenever necessary.
7. Work in proper position. Make sure you do not strain your back while

A. Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Draw  if the statement shows the
importance/ benefits derived from propagating trees or fruit-bearing trees using scientific
processes. Draw  if it doesn’t.

_________1. There is less mortality or death of plants.

_________2. There are no benefits in propagating trees and fruit trees using scientific
_________3. There is less profit gained in selling good quality fruit products.
_________4. Plants will grow in a short period of time, strong and healthy.
_________5. Ensures high productivity of quality plants.

B. Match the statement with the right pictures that illustrate the importance/ benefits
derived from propagating trees or fruit-bearing trees using scientific processes. Write the
correct letter in the blank provided.

Column A Column B
_________6. More plants can be harvested

_________7. Demand for a good price in

selling high quality plants. b.

_________8. more profit earnings


_________9. pests and diseases will be controlled.


_________10. plants will grow strong and healthy.


Directions: I. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your choice on the
blank provided.
_____1. A tool used to dig holes for A. Crowbar
planting seedlings.
_____2. It is used for moving and carrying B. Garden Gloves
materials or seedlings to another place
_____3. It is used to prevent animals C. Wheelbarrow
destroy our garden
_____4. It is used to keep us safe from thorns D. Bolo
_____5. It is used to cut wood and E. Pieces of bamboo branches
of trees.

II. Name the tools/equipment in the pictures below. Choose your answer inside the box
and write it on the blank provided.

bolo rake fork pruning shears weighing scale

6. 7. 8.

_________________ _____________ _______________

9. 10.

_________________ ______________

Instructions: Fill in the missing terms of a specific step in

1. In budding, ______________ the ends tightly, but be sure not to cover the bud
with tape.
2. In marcotting, keep the marcot ______________ by watering regularly.
3. In grafting, start at the cut surface of the rootstock and make a
______________ through the bark where each scion can be inserted.
4. In inarching, select a growing rootstock and fitting it with a branch that will be
grafted by a _________________.
5. In layering, clip securely the branch or shoot touching the ground and
6. Chico can be propagated through __________________.
7. In budding, on the rootstock, about 15 or more inches from the trunk, make a
_______________ across the bark.
8. Star Apple, Makapa, Guava, Langka and Duhat can be propagated through
9. In budding, wait for ___________________ weeks in cutting the tie so you
will not girdle the graft.
10. Mango, Guava, Santol, Avocado and Guyabano can be propagated through

Activity 4
Instruction: Sequence the pictures from 1-5 as to how the specific propagation is being


Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. When spraying pesticides, wear ___________ and protective eyeglass.
a. boots b. face mask c. head band d. none of the above

2. Organic fertilizers are more practical and ______ to use than commercial fertilizers.
a. safer b. dangerous c. economical d. harmful

3. Read labels of pesticides and insecticides carefully _______ using.

a. after b. later c. before d. none of the above

4. One should _______________first to freshen up oneself before working.

a. take a bath b. seek help c. watch news d. read magazine

5. Always ____________________ in using the equipment.

a. watch your steps b. check your time
c. wear gloves d. follow instructions
6. Before embarking on tree planting, read books and magazines, consult a
a. doctor b. physician c. agriculturist d. math teacher

7. Commercial fertilizer when used in excess can ____________ the soil.

a. poison b. fertile c. drunken d. beautifies

8. The Tools, equipment, pesticides and fertilizers should be placed where

they should be. They should also be ___________ from the reach of
a. near b. kept away c. reachable d. buried
9. To avoid tree infections caused by insects, build a _______ and allow
smoke to penetrate the leaves of the tree.
a. fire b. house c. ladder d. all of the above

10. Know your ________ in working, seek help whenever necessary.

a. strengths b. weakness c. lover d. limits

Instruction: Draw inside the box 2 examples of personal protective equipment to be used
in propagating fruit –bearing trees.

“Safety First”

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