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 Primary Versus Secondary Dementia

 Mild Cognitive Impairment
 Early Onset
 Relationship Between Hearing Loss and Dementia

See the Dementia Evidence Map for summaries of the available research on this topic.

Dementia is a syndrome resulting from acquired brain disease and characterized by

progressive deterioration in memory and other cognitive domains (e.g., language,
judgment, abstract thinking, and executive functioning). Although the cognitive profiles
of individuals diagnosed with dementia vary somewhat by etiology, the degree of
deterioration represents a decline from previous levels of functioning and is sufficient
to interfere with social and occupational functioning.
The cognitive decline associated with dementia affects an individual's ability to
comprehend and produce linguistic information. Additionally, behavioral problems that
develop as a result of the neuropathology (e.g., paranoia, hallucinations, and
repetitiousness) may interfere with communication.
The cognitive and behavioral symptoms of dementia are differentiated from those of

 delirium, an acute state of confusion associated with temporary, but reversible,

cognitive impairments (Mahendra & Hopper, 2013);
 age-related memory decline;
 other conditions that have inconsistent symptoms or are temporary and/or
treatable (Bourgeois & Hickey, 2009), including
o infections (e.g., urinary tract infection [UTI], meningitis, syphilis),
o toxicity (e.g., drug-induced dementia, toxic metal exposure),
o pseudodementia due to psychiatric disorders (e.g., depression,
generalized anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, mania, conversion

In contrast to these conditions, the symptoms associated with dementia continue to

progress in severity until death (Bourgeois & Hickey, 2009). Neurodegenerative
diseases that result in dementia include

 Alzheimer's disease,
 Lewy body disease,
 vascular pathology (e.g., multi-infarct dementia),
 frontotemporal lobar degeneration (e.g., Pick's disease and primary progressive
 Huntington's disease,
 Parkinson's disease.
Other conditions that result in dementia due to progressive changes in brain function

 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome secondary to chronic alcohol abuse,

 traumatic brain injury (TBI),
 chronic traumatic encephalopathy due to repeated trauma (e.g., dementia
 chemotherapy (Kean & Locke, 2008),
 multiple sclerosis,
 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

See detailed information about common dementias.

Primary Versus Secondary Dementia

Primary dementias are those—like Alzheimer's disease (AD), multi-infarct dementia,
and dementia with Lewy bodies—in which the dementia itself is the major sign of an
organic brain disease not directly related to any other organic illness. Secondary
dementias are those caused by, or closely related to, some other recognizable
disease, such as HIV, head injury, multiple sclerosis, or chronic alcohol abuse.

Mild Cognitive Impairment

There is evidence that neuropathological changes occur well in advance of clinical
manifestations of Alzheimer's dementia (Bennett et al., 2006), and subtle cognitive
deficits occur up to 9 years prior to the diagnosis (Amieva et al., 2005). These and
similar findings have led to the concept of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), described
as a transitional stage between normal aging (i.e., age-associated memory
impairment) and dementia (Bourgeois & Hickey, 2009; Qualls, 2005). Individuals
diagnosed with MCI are at greater risk of developing dementia; early identification of
MCI might enable the use of cognitive interventions to slow the progression of decline
(Qualls, 2005).
MCI is consistent with the diagnostic category, Mild Neurocognitive Disorder, defined
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5th edition (DSM-5;
American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The clinical criteria for diagnosing MCI are

 subjective complaints or concerns about cognitive changes corroborated by an

 impairment in one or more cognitive domains relative to age and educational
level (preferably documented by standardized testing),
 essentially normal activities of daily living (although some may require greater
effort or use of compensatory strategies),
 absence of dementia—changes are mild with no significant social or
occupational impairment.

(Albert et al., 2011; American Psychiatric Association [AMA], 2013; Bourgeois &
Hickey, 2009; Key-DeLyria, 2013; Mahendra & Hopper, 2013)
Early Onset
Dementia is typically associated with the elderly population. However, dementia can
affect younger individuals. Early-onset dementia (EOD) refers to dementias that occur
before the age of 65.
Differential diagnosis of EOD is complicated by the fact that symptoms may be more
variable in younger patients than in the elderly, due to different etiologies (McMurtray,
Clark, Christine, & Mendez., 2006; Fadil et al., 2009) and a lack of awareness about
the condition, even among health care professionals (Jefferies & Agrawal, 2009). In
addition, some causes of EOD are curable, which makes the need for timely and
accurate diagnosis even more crucial (Fadil et al., 2009).
The needs of younger individuals with dementia are different from those of individuals
with late-onset dementia. EOD often affects individuals who are working and have
dependent families and significant financial responsibilities, and services and supports
for these individuals are complex and require input from a multidisciplinary team
(Jefferies & Agrawal, 2009). Early diagnosis allows for early treatment, access to
appropriate supports, and long-term preparation and planning for the family.

Relationship Between Hearing Loss and Dementia

Approximately one third of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 and nearly half
of those over the age of 75 have hearing loss (National Institute on Deafness and
Other Communication Disorders [NIDCD], 2010). Many older adults will have both
hearing impairment and cognitive loss, and, together, these losses will affect
communication, social participation, and quality of life (Pichora-Fuller, Dupuis, Reed, &
Lemke, 2013).
Lin et al. (2013) found that individuals with baseline hearing loss had greater rates of
cognitive decline over time than individuals with normal hearing. Further investigation
is needed to clarify this relationship and to determine whether or not hearing loss is a
risk factor for dementia. One hypothesis is that when a hearing loss is present, greater
cognitive resources are dedicated to auditory processing, leaving fewer resources for
other cognitive processes, like working memory (Peelle, Troiani, Grossman, &
Wingfield, 2011). Recent research suggests the possibility of a shared etiological
pathway responsible for both hearing loss and dementia (Gallacher et al., 2012)
It is important for clinicians to differentiate between hearing loss and cognitive
impairment and to identify when one or both of these conditions are present.

Incidence and Prevalence

Estimates of the prevalence of dementia vary considerably by the age group on which
the estimates are based. Prevalence among those age 85 and above, for example, is
likely to be considerably higher than estimates based on those age 65 and above. In
addition, prevalence data are often categorized more broadly or more narrowly than
"dementia." The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, cites
prevalence data for specific causes of dementia, typically Alzheimer's disease, while
the National Institutes of Health (NIH) subsumes dementia under the category of
Serious Mental Illness. Data on the prevalence of Alzheimer's indicate increasing
prevalence. Starting at age 65, the risk of developing the disease doubles every 5
years. By age 85 years and older, between 25% and 50% of people will exhibit signs
of Alzheimer's disease. Up to 5.3 million Americans currently have Alzheimer's disease
(Hebert, Scherr, Bienias, Bennett, & Evans, 2003). By 2050, the number is expected to
more than double due to the aging of the population. Alzheimer's disease is the sixth
leading cause of death in the United States and is the fifth leading cause among
persons age 65 and older (Heron et al., 2009).
A recent meta-analysis (Prince et al., 2013) found global prevalence of dementia from
all causes to be between 5% and 7% of adults age 60+. Two recent studies of
dementia prevalence have shown some indication that prevalence may be declining. In
one (Matthews et al., 2013), prevalence surveys of adults age 65+ were conducted
almost 2 decades apart (1989 and 2008). After controlling for differences in the patient
populations, the researchers found that the 2008 cohort had significantly lower
prevalence of dementia. The second study (Christensen et al., 2013) took a slightly
different approach. Those researchers assessed two cohorts of patients. One cohort
was born in 1905 and was assessed in 1998 at age 93. The second cohort was born
10 years later, in 1915, and was assessed in 2010 at age 95. The 1915 cohort was
found to have significantly lower prevalence of dementia. Both research teams
concluded that the likely explanation was improved primary prevention of causes such
as stroke.
Neither of the research teams found changes in the prevalence of Alzheimer's
specifically, and it should also be noted that one study was conducted in the United
Kingdom and the other in Denmark, so it cannot necessarily be concluded that primary
prevention efforts in the United States have been similarly successful.
A limited number of studies have examined the prevalence of dementia among racial
and ethnic groups. Differences in sampling methods and definitions of dementia, as
well as difficulties controlling for variables such as level of education and bias in
assessment batteries, limit the generalizability of results. However, results from
individual studies suggest that the incidence and prevalence of dementia varies across
racial and ethnic groups (Manly & Mayeux, 2004).
The Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study (ADAMS) used a nationally
representative Health and Retirement Survey to estimate the prevalence of
Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias in the United States. Results were
analyzed to determine the overall prevalence of dementia, as well as the relationship
between dementia and variables such as education, gender, race (African American or
Caucasian), and Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. Controlling for education, gender,
and APOE genotype, researchers found that African Americans were at a greater risk
for dementia than Caucasians, although this difference was not statistically significant
(Plassman et al., 2007).

Signs and Symptoms

 Signs and Symptoms

 Social Cognition and Behavior
 Impact of Cognitive Changes
The symptoms of dementia can be different depending on the diagnosis and the stage
of the disease. Although late-stage signs and symptoms may be similar across
etiologies, characteristic early symptoms can vary considerably. For example,
individuals with frontotemporal dementia and Huntington's disease experience
behavior changes and depression; those with primary progressive aphasia experience
gradual loss of language function but relatively well-preserved memory; and individuals
with Binswanger's disease (a type of vascular dementia) experience stroke-related
neurological symptoms, including dysarthria and dysphagia (Hegde, 2006). Cultural
values, views of the aging process, and beliefs relative to cognitive decline may
influence a family's decisions about therapeutic services and may at times inhibit or
delay seeking help until symptoms are beyond early or mild stages (Hart, Gallagher-
Thompson, Davies, DiMinno, & Lessin, 1996).

Signs and Symptoms

In general, individuals with dementia experience a gradual loss of memory and other
cognitive functions. As the disease progresses, early symptoms intensify, eventually
affecting the ability to communicate effectively and function independently. Examples
of common signs and symptoms of dementia are listed below.

Common attention deficits include

 being easily distracted,

 having difficulty attending, unless input is restricted/simplified,
 experiencing decreased information-processing speed-thinking/processing
takes longer than usual.

Learning and Memory

Common learning and memory deficits include

 episodic memory deficits, including difficulty remembering specific

autobiographical events, situations, and experiences;
 short-term/working memory deficits—rapid forgetting of information recently
seen or heard;
 difficulty acquiring and remembering new information (e.g., appointments or
events, new routines).

Reasoning and Executive Functioning

Common reasoning and executive functioning deficits include

 difficulty setting goals and planning, including reliance on others to plan

activities and/or make decisions;
 poor judgment and impaired reasoning and problem-solving abilities, such as
making decisions without regard to safety;
 difficulty multi-tasking and handling complex tasks—need to focus on one task
at a time;
 difficulty responding to feedback, self-monitoring, and correcting one's own
 lack of inhibition;
 lack of mental flexibility.

Perceptual Abilities
Common perceptual deficits include

 difficulty completing previously familiar activities or navigating in familiar

 inability to recognize familiar people, common objects, sounds, etc.;
 inability to find objects in direct view, independent of visual acuity.

Common language deficits include

 less concise (empty) discourse with fewer ideas;

 economy of utterances and stereotypy of speech;
 repetitious/perseverative language (e.g., asking the same question repeatedly);
 word-finding difficulties, including long latencies, paraphasias, and word
 difficulty recalling names of family and friends;
 tangential language;
 circumlocution;
 grammatical errors, including omission or incorrect use of articles, prepositions,
auxiliary verbs, etc.;
 use of jargon and loss of meaningful speech;
 difficulty following and maintaining conversation;
 in bilingual patients, errors in selecting and maintaining appropriate language
during conversation (Friedland & Miller, 1999);
 regression to primary language in bilingual patients (Mendez, Perryman,
Pontón, Cummings, 1990);
 language comprehension deficits;
 difficulty following multi-step commands;
 impaired ability to compose meaningful written language;
 reading comprehension difficulties.

Social Cognition and Behavior

Common social cognition and behavior deficits include

 inappropriate behavior outside of socially acceptable range,

 inability to read facial expressions and other social cues,
 loss of empathy,
 mood fluctuations, including agitation and crying,
 restlessness,
 depression,
 negative reaction to questioning,
 combativeness/hostility/aggressiveness,
 compulsive or obsessive behaviors,
 erratic or strange behaviors,
 loss of initiative/motivation,
 paranoia and delusions of persecution.

Impact of Cognitive Changes

Cognition and language are intrinsically and reciprocally related in both development
and function. An impairment of language may disrupt one or more cognitive processes
(e.g., attention, perception, memory, and executive functioning) and, similarly, an
impairment of one or more cognitive processes may disrupt language and affect the
individual's ability to communicate effectively.
Individuals who forget what they have recently heard, seen, or thought may have
difficulty following a conversation; they often lose track of the topic, miss the point,
and/or repeat themselves. With more significant memory decline, individuals may
become disoriented to time and place and have difficulty remembering recent events.
Verbal output may be reduced and less substantive, and they may become less
efficient in expressing information. Attention, executive functioning, and processing
deficits can affect the ability to actively engage in conversation, keep track of topic
changes, and process information accurately and in a timely manner.

Feeding And Swallowing

In addition to the effects of neuromuscular and/or motor planning deficits associated
with some conditions, the cognitive decline associated with dementia can impact
feeding and swallowing. Individuals with dementia may forget to eat meals, initiate
eating less often, or take in less food and drink than they normally would during meals,
due to distractions in the environment. Reduced intake may eventually compromise
nutrition. In addition, individuals with dementia may not attend to food in the mouth or
may not remember to chew and initiate a swallow, placing them at risk for choking and
aspiration pneumonia (Bourgeois & Hickey, 2009).


 Cognitive Reserve

Most dementias are the result of neuropathology resulting from diffuse degeneration in
cortical and/or subcortical structures and neural pathways, and/or chemical
changes that affect neural functioning. Examples of structural changes include
neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic plaques, commonly associated with Alzheimer's
disease. Neural pathways (connections between neurons) responsible for memory and
new learning are also lost. Examples of chemical changes include cholinergic deficits
within the subcortical structures, as in Alzheimer's disease, or chemical imbalances
associated with metabolic disorders.
Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for
approximately 70% of all cases (Plassman et al., 2007), and the risk of acquiring
Alzheimer's is higher if an individual has a first-order relative with the disease
(Lovestone, 1999). Vascular dementia is widely considered the second most common
cause, accounting for approximately 17% (Plassman et al., 2007). The remaining
cases are accounted for by dementia with Lewy bodies, Parkinson's disease,
frontotemporal lobar dementia, and mixed dementia types (e.g., AD with Lewy body
pathology and AD with vascular pathology; Mahendra & Hopper, 2013; Plassman et
al., 2007).

Cognitive Reserve
The concept of cognitive reserve was introduced to account for the observation that
there does not appear to be a direct relationship between the severity of brain damage
or pathology and the degree of disruption in performance (Stern, 2003, 2009). It is
applicable to most situations in which disruption to brain functioning occurs, including
traumatic brain injury and dementia.
Models of cognitive reserve postulate that increased brain reserve capacity (e.g., brain
size or synapse count; Satz, 1993) or more efficient cognitive processing (Stern, 2002)
allows some individuals to cope with brain insult better than others. Individual
differences in cognitive reserve can stem from genetic differences or differences in life
experiences, including educational and occupational experiences and involvement in
leisure activities (Stern, 2009).
In addition to lifestyle factors, lifelong bilingualism has been proposed as a factor
contributing to cognitive reserve. In studies comparing bilingual and monolingual
individuals, bilinguals demonstrated onset of dementia symptoms approximately 4 to 5
years later than monolinguals (Bialystok, Craik, & Freedman, 2007; Craik, Bialystok, &
Freedman, 2010). The cognitive demands of bilingualism may contribute to an
increased cognitive reserve in much the same way as other stimulating activities (Craik
et al., 2010). These results cannot be generalized to individuals who are not fully
bilingual (Bialystok et al., 2007).

Roles and Responsibilities

 Interprofessional Collaboration

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) play a central role in the screening,

assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of persons with dementia. The professional
roles and activities in speech-language pathology include clinical/educational services
(diagnosis, assessment, planning, and treatment), prevention and advocacy, and
education, administration, and research. See ASHA's Scope of Practice in Speech-
Language Pathology (ASHA, 2016).
Appropriate roles for SLPs include

 identifying risk factors for dementia, taking into account variability among
individuals from different racial and ethnic backgrounds and culturally and
linguistically diverse populations;
 providing prevention information to individuals and groups known to be at risk
for dementia, as well as to individuals working with those at risk;
 educating other professionals, third-party payers, and legislators on the needs
of persons with dementia and the role of SLPs in diagnosing and managing
cognitive communication and swallowing disorders associated with dementia;
 educating caregivers about possible communication difficulties and providing
strategies to facilitate effective communication;
 screening individuals who present with language and communication
difficulties, including hearing screening;
 determining the need for further assessment and/or referral for other services;
 conducting a culturally and linguistically appropriate comprehensive
assessment across the SLP scope of practice, including assessment of
cognitive-communication functioning and swallowing;
 diagnosing cognitive-communication disorders of dementia across the course
of the underlying disease complex;
 assessing, diagnosing, and treating swallowing disorders associated with
 referring to an audiologist to rule out hearing loss and balance problems;
 referring to other professionals to rule out other conditions, determine etiology,
and facilitate access to comprehensive services;
 making decisions about the management of cognitive-communication deficits
associated with dementia;
 developing treatment plans for maintaining cognitive-communication and
functional abilities at the highest level throughout the underlying disease
 treating the cognitive aspects of communication, including attention, memory,
sequencing, problem solving, and executive functioning;
 selecting culturally and linguistically appropriate techniques for direct
 gathering and reporting treatment outcomes;
 monitoring cognitive-communicative status to ensure appropriate intervention
and support;
 providing indirect intervention through the individual's caregivers and
environmental modification;
 providing counseling to persons with dementia and their families regarding
communication-related issues and providing information about the nature of
dementia and its course;
 consulting and collaborating with other professionals, family members,
caregivers, and others to facilitate program development and to provide
supervision, evaluation, and/or expert testimony, as appropriate;
 remaining informed of research in the area of dementia and helping advance
the knowledge base related to the nature and treatment of dementia;
 advocating for individuals with dementia and their families at the local, state,
and national levels;
 serving as an integral member of an interdisciplinary team working with
individuals with dementia and their families/caregivers;
 serving as a case manager, coordinator, or team leader to ensure appropriate
and timely delivery of a comprehensive management plan;
 providing quality control and risk management.
As indicated in the Code of Ethics, SLPs who serve this population should be
specifically educated and appropriately trained to do so. Given the relationship
between cognition and communication, practitioners who serve individuals with
dementia require knowledge and skills in both areas, including specific knowledge of
cognitive-communication disorders associated with dementia, to fulfill the
aforementioned roles.
Most common dementia-associated diseases are progressive in nature, and SLPs
have an ethical responsibility to provide appropriate services that will benefit the
individual and maximize cognitive-communication functioning at all stages of the
disease process.

Interprofessional Collaboration
SLPs collaborate with many other disciplines in caring for individuals with dementia.
Referral and collaboration between members of the team, particularly during the
assessment process and treatment planning, are important to help ensure quality
service for individuals affected by communication and cognitive disorders.
Coordinating assessment can prevent overlap in test selection. Ultimately, the focus of
collaborative efforts must be on the clinical utility of information and how professionals
with complementary knowledge and skills can affect functional outcomes for patients in
a beneficial manner.


 Screening
 Comprehensive Assessment

See the Assessment section of the Dementia Evidence Map for pertinent scientific
evidence, expert opinion, and client/caregiver perspective.

The diagnosis of dementia is made by a medical team. The role of the speech-
language pathologist (SLP) is to assess cognitive-communication deficits related to
dementia (e.g., memory problems; disorientation to time, place, and person; difficulty
with language comprehension and expression) and to identify cultural, environmental,
and linguistic factors that impede functioning.
The SLP determines the most appropriate assessment protocol based on the stage of
dementia and the individual's communication needs. In addition, when selecting
cognitive-communication screening instruments and subsequent tests for
comprehensive evaluation, the clinician considers the cultural and linguistic
background of the client, using tests that have normative samples of culturally and
ethnically diverse groups when available. Standard scores should not be reported, if
the normative sample is not representative of the individual being assessed.

Screening for cognitive impairment is conducted by an SLP or other member of the
interdisciplinary care team for individuals with any condition that increases their risk for
cognitive-communicative problems, including hearing loss. Many standardized
instruments with demonstrated reliability for screening of dementia are available.
These instruments typically assess orientation to time, place, and person. Other tests
(e.g., story recall/story retelling) assess episodic memory and can be useful for
screening for early dementia (Bayles & Tomoeda, 1993; Rabin et al., 2009; Takayama,
2010; Wechsler, 1999).
Prior to screening for cognitive-communication disorders associated with dementia, it
is important to consider the impact of sensory impairment, depression, and current
medications on cognitive functioning. If screening reveals cognitive impairment,
individuals are referred to an SLP for a comprehensive evaluation of communicative
function. Referral for other examinations or services are made as needed.

Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is common among older adults, and many individuals have untreated
hearing loss and do not wear hearing aids or make use of other hearing technologies.
Audiometric hearing screening and otoscopic inspection for impacted cerumen are to
be conducted prior to cognitive-communication screening.
Traditional behavioral tests of hearing (e.g., pure tone and speech audiometry) are
generally successful in the early stages of dementia, although modifications such as
simplifying directions, using pulse tones, slowing presentation of speech stimuli,
providing reminders to respond, and responding with "yes" instead of raising a finger
or pressing a button may be needed. During the later stages of dementia, more
objective tests (e.g., otoacoustic emissions or auditory steady state response) may be
necessary to obtain estimated thresholds (Burkhalter, Allen, Skaar, Crittenden, &
Burgio, 2009), as may be modifications of assessment procedures for those patients
who do not condition to standard tasks.
If the individual fails the hearing screening, a referral is made to an audiologist for a
comprehensive assessment. If an individual has a diagnosed hearing loss and wears
hearing aids, hearing aids are inspected to ensure that they are in working order and
worn by the individual during cognitive-communication screening. The use of assistive
listening technology should be employed when hearing aids are not being used.

Visual Impairment
If visual deficits are suspected, the individual is referred for vision testing prior to
completing cognitive-communication screening. Prescription eye glasses, as needed,
are to be worn during screening, and adequate lighting used in the test (and treatment)

Depression is common in individuals with dementia and can adversely affect test
performance. Cognitive changes associated with depression so resemble the cognitive
changes associated with dementia that depressive symptoms are often referred to as
"pseudodementia." If signs and symptoms of depression are present, the individual is
referred to a neuropsychologist or clinical psychologist experienced with geriatric

Prior to screening, the SLP considers the effects of prescription drugs on cognitive-
communicative function. Polypharmacy, or the concurrent use of several medications,
is common among older adults who have multiple medical conditions, and some
medications may exacerbate cognitive problems. Questions about the effects of
medication use on cognitive-communication functioning can be answered by a
pharmacist knowledgeable in geriatric pharmacy.

Comprehensive Assessment
Individuals suspected of having cognitive-communication problems are referred for a
comprehensive assessment of language and communication. SLPs often conduct
these assessments in collaboration with neuropsychologists. Assessment may include
clinical observations in the home or long-term care setting.
Assessment is conducted to identify and describe

 underlying strengths and weaknesses related to cognition, language, and

social/behavioral factors (see Signs and Symptoms) that affect communication
 effects of cognitive-communication impairments on the individual's activities
and participation in ideal settings, everyday contexts, and employment settings;
 contextual factors that serve as barriers to or facilitators of successful
communication and participation for individuals with cognitive-communication
 the impact on quality of life for the individual and the impact on his or her

Assessment may result in

 diagnosis of a cognitive-communication disorder;

 clinical description of the characteristics of a cognitive-communication disorder;
 statement of prognosis for improved outcomes;
 recommendations for intervention and support;
 identification of the effectiveness of intervention and supports;
 referral for other assessments or services.

A comprehensive assessment is sensitive to cultural and linguistic diversity and

addresses the components within the World Health Organization (WHO) International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework (see ASHA's
Scope of Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, ASHA, 2016; WHO, 2001),
including body structures/functions, activities/participation, and contextual factors.
Assessment should occur in the language(s) used by the person with dementia.
Assessment can be static (i.e., using procedures designed to describe current levels of
functioning within relevant domains) and/or dynamic (i.e., an ongoing process using
hypothesis-testing procedures to identify potentially successful intervention and
support procedures). When dementia is caused by a progressive disease, periodic
reevaluation (e.g., yearly) and adjustment of care plans become essential to meet
changing needs.
Assessment typically includes

 relevant case history, including medical status, education, occupation, and

socioeconomic, cultural, and linguistic background;
 review of auditory, visual, motor, cognitive, and emotional status;
 patient/client and family reports of goals and preferences, as well as domains
and contexts of concern;
 standardized and nonstandardized methods selected with consideration for
ecological validity:
o observation and description of the individual's processing of various
types of information under ideal conditions and in the context of various
activities and settings (e.g., ability to attend to, perceive, organize, and
remember verbal and nonverbal information to reason and to solve
o observation and description of the individual's executive or self-
regulatory control over cognitive, language, and social skills functioning
(e.g., ability to set goals, plan, initiate and inhibit, self-monitor and self-
evaluate, solve problems, and think and act strategically);
o analysis of the cognitive and communication demands of relevant social,
academic, and/or vocational tasks and identification of possible
facilitative effects in modification of those tasks;
o identification of the communication and support competencies of
relevant people in the environment and possible facilitative effects of
modification of their support behaviors;
o identification of the individual's potential for effective compensatory
behaviors and associated motivational barriers and facilitators;
 follow-up services to monitor cognitive-communication status and ensure
appropriate intervention and support for individuals with identified cognitive-
communication disorders.

Assessment of Swallowing
A comprehensive assessment includes a swallowing screening or, if indicated, a
swallowing assessment. An estimated 45% of individuals with dementia residing in an
institution have dysphagia (Easterling & Robbins, 2008), and dysphagia is more
prevalent in patients with Alzheimer's disease than in normal elderly individuals
(Horner, Alberts, Dawson, & Cook, 1994). This increased prevalence may be
associated with a diminished sense of smell and cognitive changes associated with the
progression of dementia (Easterling & Robbins, 2008).
Swallowing assessment with individuals with dementia involves evaluation of

 the oral mechanism;

 the patient's ability to comprehend and use compensatory strategies;
 the individual's oral preparatory, oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal phases;
 the individual's recognition of food and utensils;
 environmental impacts, including the appearance of the food, lighting, and
 food and liquid trials with a variety of temperatures, textures, tastes, postures,
and strategies and consideration for the individual's food preferences;
 the potential impact of the individual's prescribed medications on swallowing
 the influence of cognitive factors on feeding and swallowing.

An instrumental evaluation may be performed to determine safety and identify effective

treatment techniques or strategies, if the patient is able to respond appropriately and
tolerate the procedure. The instrumental evaluation may provide additional information
about the oral and pharyngeal bolus transit, airway protection, the impact of bolus
texture and size, and appropriate pacing (Easterling & Robbins, 2008).

Assessment Measures
There are a number of assessment tools that produce a valid characterization of
cognitive-communication strengths and weaknesses—including language
comprehension and expression and integrity of working, declarative, and procedural
memory systems—and that have been standardized on individuals with dementia. The
severity level of dementia in the individual being tested is factored into test selection.
Some tests are too difficult for the individual with severe dementia and do not yield
useful information, because the individual fails most or all of the items.

Assessment in Long-Term Care Facilities

Passage of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act in 1987 mandated evaluation of
the physical and psychological status of residents in long-term care facilities at the
time of admission and periodically thereafter. The required evaluation, known as the
Minimum Data Set (MDS), includes questions about the ability of residents to hear,
comprehend, and produce language. Although the law does not require that judgments
about hearing and communicative function be made by SLPs, the inclusion of these
questions on the MDS helped establish a role for SLPs with long-term care residents.


 Caregivers and Communication Partners

 Treatment Options
 Feeding and Swallowing Treatment
 Treatment For Hearing Loss
 End-of-Life Issues
 Service Delivery

See the Treatment section of the Dementia Evidence Map for pertinent scientific
evidence, expert opinion, and client/caregiver perspective.

Treatment for the cognitive-communication deficits associated with dementia

addresses the specific needs of the individual, taking into consideration the stage of
the illness. Most common dementia-associated diseases are progressive in nature,
and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) have an ethical responsibility to provide
appropriate services that will benefit the individual and maximize cognitive-
communication functioning at all stages of the disease process. Interventions that
enhance activity and participation through modification of contextual factors may be
warranted even if the prognosis for improved body structure/function is limited.
SLPs consider the individual's age, education, premorbid information, social history,
present social context, cultural and linguistic background, and vocational status
(current or premorbid) in formulating realistic and functional treatment goals within the
bounds of the cognitive-communication disorder and with consideration for the
progressive nature of the disease. Goals are often set based on the individual's current
level of functioning, which can be determined using standardized functional rating
Decisions about goals and treatment options are made in collaboration with clients,
families/caregivers, and other health professionals. Clinicians can work directly with
the individual who has dementia or indirectly through environment modifications,
caregiver training, or the development of therapeutic routines and activities.
Treatment also involves providing information and guidance to the individual,
family/caregiver(s), and other significant persons about the nature of the disorder and
the course of treatment. Treatment occurs in the language(s) used by the person with
dementia either by a bilingual SLP or with the use of trained interpreters, when
necessary. See bilingual service delivery.
Demographic shifts and immigration patterns have led to increased diversity among
the elderly population and their caregivers in the United States. Cultural influences and
familial expectations regarding roles may impact long-term care decisions, who makes
these decisions, and the value of treatment and intervention (Hinton, Fox, & Levkoff,
1999; Low et al., 2009; Parker, Young, & Rogers, 2010; Whitlatch & Feinburg, 2003;
Williams & Harvey, 2013; Winslow & Flaskerud, 2009). See cultural competence.
Although SLPs are autonomous professionals, successful intervention with individuals
with cognitive-communication disorders often requires the collaborative involvement of
other professionals. SLPs work collaboratively with neuropsychologists and other
professional colleagues (e.g., audiologists), families, employers, and others who
provide support to individuals with cognitive-communication disorders. SLPs (working
within their scope of practice and at their individual level of competence) are uniquely
qualified to treat communication disorders associated with cognitive impairments.
Consistent with the World Health Organization (WHO) framework, intervention is
designed to

 capitalize on strengths and address weaknesses related to underlying

structures and functions that affect communication,
 facilitate the individual's activities and participation by assisting the person to
acquire new skills and strategies,
 modify contextual factors that serve as barriers and enhance facilitators of
successful communication and participation, including development and use of
appropriate accommodations.

Because of the progressive nature of most dementia-associated illnesses, clinicians

must determine whether individuals with dementia have the potential to benefit from
cognitive-communication interventions. Positive prognostic factors are identified that
demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed intervention.
Depending on assessment results, intervention addresses

 processing of various types of information under ideal conditions and in the

context of various activities and settings;
 executive or self-regulatory skills (e.g., setting goals, planning, initiating and
inhibiting, self-monitoring and self-evaluating, problem solving, thinking and
acting strategically);
 use of effective compensatory behaviors and communication techniques and
 audiology services as needed for identified hearing loss (e.g. hearing aids,
hearing assistive technology);
 cognitive and communication demands of relevant social, academic, and/or
vocational tasks to facilitate performance of those tasks;
 communication and support competencies of relevant people in the
environment (e.g., families/caregivers).

Caregivers and Communication Partners

Those who provide care to individuals with dementia, including both professionals and
family members, are faced with a number of challenges that can ultimately affect their
own health and wellbeing (Schulz & Beach, 1999; Shaw et al., 1997). The changes in
communication functioning brought about by cognitive decline can significantly affect
day-to-day communication, resulting in considerable frustration. Research focused on
individuals with AD suggests that training caregivers about dementia and teaching
them to use strategies to enhance communication effectiveness may contribute to
increased caregiver understanding of communication breakdowns; more successful
conversational exchanges; and improved quality of life for the individual with dementia
(Zientz, Rackley, Chapman, Hopper, & Mahendra, 2007).

Treatment Options
The goal of cognitive-communication treatment is to maximize the individual's quality
of life and communication success, using whichever approach or combination of
approaches meets the needs and values of that individual.
The following are brief descriptions of both general and specific treatments for persons
with cognitive-communication disorders associated with dementia. Some treatment
approaches are considered compensatory, and some are considered restorative in
nature. Compensatory treatment approaches focus on teaching methods and skills to
compensate for or overcome deficits that are not amenable to retraining. Restorative
treatments involve direct therapy aimed at improving or restoring impaired function(s)
through retraining. Where available, links to evidence and expert opinion regarding the
intervention are provided. This list is not exhaustive nor does inclusion of any specific
treatment approach imply endorsement by ASHA.

Assistive Technology (including hearing assistive technology)

Assistive technology (AT) is a generic term that includes assistive, adaptive, and
rehabilitative devices and services for individuals with disabilities. An assistive
technology device is any item, piece of equipment, or system—whether commercial,
modified, or customized—that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional
capabilities of a person with disabilities. Hearing Assistive Technology Systems
(HATS) are available for individuals who currently use hearing technology, such as
hearing aids and cochlear implants. HATS are also available for those with hearing
loss that is untreated. Personal amplifiers and FM systems and other technology can
enhance face-to-face communication. There are several commercially available and
emerging assistive technologies that, with further interdisciplinary research and
modifications, may have potential applications to dementia care (Bharucha et al.,

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

Cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) focuses on actively stimulating and engaging
individuals with dementia by using theme-based activities in an optimal learning
environment (typically, in a small-group setting).

Environmental Modifications
Environmental modifications are changes or adaptations to the environment to improve
communication skills in individuals with dementia. Modifications are aimed at
optimizing the cognitive, visual, and auditory aspects of the environment and include
improving lighting, reducing glare, and reducing visual clutter; minimizing background
noise and noise reverberation; and providing cues (e.g., signs that incorporate text and
simple graphics) and displaying personal items to improve memory, awareness, and
orientation (Brush, Sanford, Fleder, Bruce, & Calkins, 2011).

External Memory Aids

External memory aids are aimed at helping individuals with memory problems in their
day-to-day activities. They include electronic and non-electronic devices, as well as
environmental adjustments. Examples include personal digital assistants (PDAs),
message boards, clocks, and pictures.

Memory-Training Programs
Memory-training programs focus on improving/re-training memory skills using
techniques such as spaced retrieval, errorless learning, procedural memory
stimulation, vanishing cues, and didactic approaches.

Montessori-Based Treatment
Montessori-based treatments use principles developed by Maria Montessori (2008),
including using real-life materials, designing activities that are of interest to the
individual, allowing learning to progress in sequence, minimizing the risk of failure and
maximizing the chance of success, and breaking down activities into component parts
and practicing these one at a time.

Reality Orientation (RO)

Reality Orientation (RO) is a technique to reduce confusion and improve quality of life
for individuals with dementia by providing orienting information (e.g., time, place, or
person) to reinforce understanding and awareness of the environment. Information is
repeated at regular intervals throughout the day.

Reminiscence Therapy (RT)

Reminiscence Therapy (RT) is an intervention approach that uses the life history and
experience of an individual to improve his or her sense of well-being. RT programs
typically involve the discussion of past activities, events, and experiences—using
tangible prompts, such as photographs, familiar items, and music from the past. The
customized nature and individual focus of reminiscence therapy make it an
intervention particularly well suited for individuals from diverse backgrounds (Harris,

Simulated Presence Therapy (SimPres)

Simulated presence therapy (SIMPRES) is an emotion-oriented approach aimed at
reducing levels of anxiety and challenging behaviors by playing audio recordings of the
voices of close relatives of the individual. SIMPRES has been used to improve well-
being (e.g., decrease agitation and withdrawal behaviors) in individuals with
Alzheimer's disease who have adequate hearing and have retained communication
skills (Bayles et al., 2006).

Validation Therapy
Validation therapy is an approach that involves validating or accepting the values,
beliefs, and reality of the person with dementia to help reduce stress and provide
opportunities for the individual to communicate his or her feelings; validation therapy
was developed by Naomi Feil (1982) for individuals with cognitive impairment and

Feeding and Swallowing Treatment

Individuals progressing through different stages of dementia may demonstrate difficulty
feeding and swallowing. For example, individuals with moderately severe cognitive
decline often demonstrate difficulty using a knife; individuals with severe cognitive
decline may demonstrate difficulties discriminating between utensils; and individuals
with very severe cognitive decline may be easily overwhelmed and require cues to
locate food on the plate and to swallow (Voyzey, 2010). Swallowing function may also
be affected by reduced muscle strength and coordination. Once appropriate feeding
and swallowing strategies, postures, and consistencies have been identified, the
clinician can train caregivers to provide feeding support and cuing as appropriate.

Diet Modifications
Diet modifications consist of altering the viscosity, texture, temperature, or taste of a
food or liquid to facilitate safety and ease of swallowing. Typical modifications may
include thickening liquids (e.g., water, coffee, juice) or softening, chopping, or pureeing
solid foods. Taste or temperature of a food may be altered to provide additional
sensory input for swallowing, and preferences of the individual are considered to the
extent feasible. The nutritional needs of the individual and the safety of medical
treatments (e.g., swallowing vitamin supplements or drinking thin liquids) are also
considered before making modifications. A referral to a dietician is made as necessary.

Postural Changes
Positioning techniques involve adjusting an individual's posture or position during
feeding. These techniques aim to protect the airway and offer safe transit of food and
liquid. No single posture will provide improvement to all patients/clients; rather, the
general goal is to establish central alignment and stability for safe feeding.

Tube Feeding
Tube feeding includes supplemental or alternative avenues of intake (e.g., nasogastric
tube [NG], transpyloric tube placed in the duodenum or jejunum, or gastrostomy-G-
tube placed into the stomach or GJ-tube placed into the jejunum). These approaches
may be used if the individual's swallowing safety and efficiency cannot reach a level of
adequate function or does not support nutrition and hydration adequately. In these
instances, the swallowing and feeding team considers whether the individual will need
the supplemental or alternative source for a short or extended period of time to
determine the optimum tube feeding selection to best meet the individual's needs.
Alternative feeding does not preclude the need for feeding-related treatment.

Treatment For Hearing Loss

The presence of dementia should not preclude fitting with a hearing aid; however,
ongoing support may be necessary to ensure compliance with hearing aid use
(Lewsen & Cashman, 1997). Although there is no current evidence that hearing aids
can improve cognition in persons with dementia, problem behaviors (e.g., repeating
questions, negative statements, forgetting, restlessness, pacing, "hearing things") can
be improved with the use of amplification (Palmer, Adams, Bourgeouis, Durrant, &
Rossi, 1999). In addition, elderly patients fitted with hearing aids during the early
stages of hearing loss may retain cognitive function better than those who postpone
fitting of hearing aids (Obuchi, Harashima, & Shiroma, 2011).
Given the relationship between hearing loss and dementia and the co-occurrence of
hearing loss and dementia in aging adults, audiologists play a significant role in the
treatment of these individuals. In addition to assessing the need for HATS, hearing
aids, and cochlear implants, audiologists educate family members and caregivers on
strategies to improve communication at home (e.g., improving listening environments)
and provide ongoing counseling and support in the use of technology.

End-of-Life Issues
Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) working with individuals with dementia may be
presented with a patient nearing the end of life. These patients introduce complex
clinical and ethical issues around feeding and communication that impact the role of
the SLP and other health care professionals.
The goal of intervention with patients at this stage is not rehabilitative, but facilitative or
palliative. The SLP may be asked to participate in team decision making regarding the
use of alternative nutrition, such as tube feeding (Landes, 1999), and may develop an
alternative communication strategy, if appropriate, that will allow the individual to
express his or her wants and needs more effectively. The expected outcome of
intervention is not necessarily to improve abilities, but to allow the individual to use the
abilities he or she still possesses to interact with family and friends and/or enjoy
favorite foods, if that is the patient's wish.
The pattern of functional decline in individuals at the end of life varies, depending on a
person's diagnosis. In dementia, the decline may be inconsistent over a long period of
time. SLPs need to understand the process of dying to understand the emotional and
psychological issues faced by their patients and patients' family members. The wishes
of the patient and family are paramount when considering end-of-life issues, and the
role of the SLP extends only as far as the patient or family wishes. What the SLP may
think is best for the patient clinically may not always be accepted as best for the
patient's quality of life. The document, 2004-2005 Ethics, Rights, and Responsibilities
Standards of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations,
addresses this issue in Standard RI.2.80.
Views of the natural aging process and acceptance of disability vary by culture.
Cultural views and preferences may not be consistent with medical approaches
typically used in the U.S. health care system, but must be recognized and respected.
The clinician approaches clinical interactions with cultural humility and demonstrates
sensitivity to social and cultural influences when sharing potential treatment
recommendations and outcomes. See end-of-life issues in speech-language
pathology (ASHA, n.d.).

Service Delivery
See the Service Delivery section of the Dementia Evidence Map for pertinent scientific
evidence, expert opinion, and client/caregiver perspective.

In addition to determining the type of treatment that is optimal for the person with
dementia, the clinician considers other service delivery variables that may have an
impact on treatment outcomes, such as

 Dosage-the frequency, intensity, and duration of service

 Timing-the timing of rehabilitation relative to the onset of dementia
 Format-whether a person is seen for treatment (e.g., individual, group, or in
consultation with the family/caregivers)
 Provider-the person providing treatment (e.g., SLP, trained volunteer,

Setting-the location of treatment (e.g., home, nursing facility, community-based

ASHA Resources
 Ardila, A., & Ramos, E. (2010). Bilingualism and aging. Perspectives on
Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
Populations,17(3), 74-81. doi:10.1044/cds17.3.74.
 Common Classifications of Dementia
 Consumer Information: Dementia
 Cultural Competence Practice Portal Page
 End of Life Resources and References
 International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF):
Functional goal writing for dementia. [PDF]
 Patient Information Handouts: Audiology Information Series
 Riquelme, L. F. (2004, April 13). Cultural competence in dysphagia. The ASHA
 SIG 2's Perspectives on Neurogenic Communication Disorders
 SIG 13's Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia)
 SIG 15's Perspectives on Gerontology

Organizations and Related Content

 Alzheimer's Association New York City Chapter: Communicating
 Alzheimer's Association

o African-Americans and Alzheimer's
o Dementia Care Practice Recommendations
 Alzheimer's Foundation of America

o Education and Care-Communication Techniques
 American Federal for Aging Research (AFAR)
 Dementia Research Center
 Gerontological Society of America
 Harris Communications: Assistive Products for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
 HITEC: Assistive Products for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
 Medline Plus: Dementia
 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
 National Institute on Aging: Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral

o Alzheimer's Disease Fact Sheet
o Managing Alzheimer's Disease Communication and Behavior Problems
- A Resource List
 Remember me? A guide to Alzheimer's disease and hearing loss
 Senior Guidance
 Weitbrecht Communications: Solutions for people with hearing loss setting)
 Aguirre, E., Woods, R. T., Spector, A., & Orrell, M. (2013). Cognitive stimulation
for dementia: A systematic review of the evidence of effectiveness from
randomized controlled trials. Ageing Research Reviews, 12, 253-262.
 Alagiakrishnan, K., Bhanji, R. A., & Kurian, M. (2012). Evaluation and
management of oropharyngeal dysphagia in different types of dementia: A
systematic review. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 56, 1-9.
 Albert, M. S., DeKosky, S. T., Dickson, D., Dubois, B., Feldman, H., Fox, N. C.,
… Phelps, C. H. (2011). The diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment due to
Alzheimer's disease: Recommendations from the National Institute on Aging-
Alzheimer's Association workgroups on diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer's
disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 7(3), 270-279.
 Amieva, H., Jacqmin-Gadda, H., Orgogozo, J. M., Le Carret, N., Helmer, C.,
Letenneur, L., ... Dartigues, J. F. (2005). The 9 year cognitive decline before
dementia of the Alzheimer type: A prospective population-based
study. Brain, 128(5), 1093-1101.
 American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of
mental disorders (5th ed., text rev.). Washington, DC: Author.
 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2007). Scope of practice in
speech-language pathology[Scope of practice]. Available
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screening instruments with an administration time of 10 to 45 minutes for use in
secondary care: A systematic review. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
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Rehabilitation for Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease and Vascular
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 Bates, J., Boote, J., & Beverley, C. (2004). Psychosocial interventions for
people with a milder dementing illness: A systematic review. Journal of
Advanced Nursing, 45, 644-658.
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... Cleary, S. J. (2006). Evidence-based practice recommendations for working
with individuals with dementia: Simulated presence therapy. Journal of Medical
Speech Language Pathology, 14(3), xiii.
 Bayles, K. A., & Tomoeda, C. K. (1993). Arizona Battery for Communication
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 Burkhalter, C. L., Allen, R. S., Skaar, D. C., Crittenden, J., & Burgio, L. D.
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