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Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.

The SOC 2 Compliance Handbook:

Your guide to SOC 2 Audit Success

Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.
16057 W. Tampa Palms Blvd. | #134 | Tampa, FL 33647 | | 800.770.2701
The SOC 2 Compliance Handbook Page | 2

Table of Contents

Abstract _________________________________________________________________________________ 3
Why am I being asked about SOC Compliance?________________________________________________ 4
What’s the difference between a SOC 1 and SOC 2?____________________________________________ 5
SOC 1 Audits ____________________________________________________________________________ 5
SOC 2 Audits ____________________________________________________________________________ 5
History of the SOC 2 _______________________________________________________________________ 5
Understanding the Trust Services Principles ____________________________________________________ 6
Type I vs. Type II ___________________________________________________________________________ 7
Who can issue a SOC 2 audit report? _________________________________________________________ 8
Why should I get a SOC 2 audit? _____________________________________________________________ 8

Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.
16057 W. Tampa Palms Blvd. | #134 | Tampa, FL 33647 | | 800.770.2701
The SOC 2 Compliance Handbook Page | 3


Organizations don’t want to do business with at-risk

vendors. That’s why many service organizations are
being asked for a SOC 2 audit report. SOC 2
compliance helps to address any and all third-party
risk concerns by evaluating internal controls, poli-
cies, and procedures that directly relate to the
security at a service organization.

This white paper will help familiarize you with an

overview of SOC 2 compliance and reporting. We
will discuss reasons why you may have been asked
by a client to receive a SOC 2 audit, the history of
SOC 2 reports, understanding the different Trust
Services Principles and how they may apply to your
organization, and reasons why your organization will
benefit from SOC 2 compliance.

Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.
16057 W. Tampa Palms Blvd. | #134 | Tampa, FL 33647 | | 800.770.2701
The SOC 2 Compliance Handbook Page | 4

Why am I being asked about SOC Compliance?

It’s another busy day in the office. Your time is

“demonstrate a commitment
consumed by overseeing a multitude of responsibili-
ties, conference calls, and customer service. On top
to privacy & security”
of your regular duties, you’ve just been asked by a
client to get a SOC audit. “A what?!”, you think. As
you scramble to research what a SOC audit is, you
may be wondering why you’re being asked about My client
SOC compliance in the first place. is asking
for what??!
Service organizations are often required to produce,
for their clients and prospects, independent third-party
reviews. For companies to be certain their vendors
are protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of their sensitive information, they must
validate that the internal controls and processes they
have in place are protecting key systems and data.

Service Organization Control reports are reports

based on the assessment of the internal controls of
the services provided by a service organization, and
thusly are a common method for demonstrating a
commitment to privacy and security.

Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.
16057 W. Tampa Palms Blvd. | #134 | Tampa, FL 33647 | | 800.770.2701
The SOC 2 Compliance Handbook Page | 5

What’s the difference between a SOC 1 and History of the SOC 2

SOC 2?
The SOC 2 came into existence as a way for service
SOC compliance comes in a few different shapes organizations to manage the risks that are associat-
and sizes. Do you need SOC 1 or SOC 2 compli- ed with outsourcing business operations. The
ance? What’s the difference? Do you need both? original standard, SAS 70, was a new way for
organizations to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
internal controls at their organization. When the SOC
1 replaced SAS 70 as a way to report on controls
that may affect a client’s financial statements, the
SOC 2 was introduced as an assessment that
specifically addressed security.
SOC 1 Audits
A Service Organization Control 1 report, or SOC 1, The SOC 2 is intended to give a broader range of
is based on an audit of the internal controls at a organizations the information security assurance they
service organization that are relevant to internal need to demonstrate that their internal controls
control over financial reporting (ICFR). If you handle related to security, availability, processing integrity,
information that could potentially affect your client’s confidentiality, and/or privacy are appropriate and
financial reporting, you will most likely be asked for a operating effectively.
SOC 1.

SOC 2 Audits
A Service Organization Control 2 report, or SOC 2,
is similar to a SOC 1 in that it evaluates internal
controls, policies, and procedures. However, the
difference is that a SOC 2 reports on controls that
are directly related to the security, availability, pro-
cessing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. These
five criteria are also referred to as the Trust Services
Principles, or TSP’s.

Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.
16057 W. Tampa Palms Blvd. | #134 | Tampa, FL 33647 | | 800.770.2701
The SOC 2 Compliance Handbook Page | 6

Understanding the Trust Services Principles

The SOC 2 audit is based on a predefined set of

criteria known as the Trust Services Principles
(TSPs). Understanding the Trust Services Principles
is a critical part of determining the scope of your
SOC 2 audit, deciding how the principles apply to
The Availability principle typically applies to compa-
the services you provide, and selecting which Trust
nies providing colocation, data center, or hosting
Services Principles you want to include in your SOC
services to their clients. It ensures that the system
2 audit report. SOC 2 reports can address one or
you provide to your clients is available for operation
more of the following principles: Security, Confidenti-
and use as agreed upon. It also addresses whether
ality, Availability, Processing Integrity, and/or Privacy.
the services you provide are operating with the type
of availability your clients expect.
The AICPA has defined the Trust Services Princi-
ples to address the following:

Processing Integrity
If the services you provide are financial services or
Security e-commerce services and you are concerned with
In a non-privacy SOC 2 engagement, the Security transactional integrity, include Processing Integrity in
principle must be included. Security is the common your SOC 2 report. The Processing Integrity principle
criteria that applies to all engagements, and is what attests that the services you provide to our clients
the remaining Trust Services Principles are based are provided in a complete, accurate, authorized,
on. The Security principle addresses whether a and timely manner.
system is protected (both physically and logically)
against unauthorized access.

Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.
16057 W. Tampa Palms Blvd. | #134 | Tampa, FL 33647 | | 800.770.2701
The SOC 2 Compliance Handbook Page | 7

Confidentiality Privacy
If your organization is responsible for handling The Privacy principle stands on its own and specifi-
sensitive data, such as Personally Identifiable Infor- cally addresses how you collect and use consum-
mation (PII) or Protected Health Information (PHI), the ers’ personal information. It ensures that your organi-
Confidentiality principle should be present in your zation is handling client data in accordance with any
SOC 2 audit report. The Confidentiality principle commitments in the entity’s privacy notice as com-
addresses the agreements that you have in place mitted or agreed, and with criteria defined in the
with your clients in regards to how you use their generally accepted privacy principles issued by the
information, who has access to it, and how you AICPA.
protect that information. It verifies whether you are
following your contractual obligations by properly
protecting client information.

Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.
16057 W. Tampa Palms Blvd. | #134 | Tampa, FL 33647 | | 800.770.2701
The SOC 2 Compliance Handbook Page | 8

Type I vs. Type II

There are similarities and differences between a processes at a service organization. A SOC 2 Type I
SOC 2 Type I and a SOC 2 Type II. Most organiza- report is an attestation of controls at a service
tions eventually undergo a SOC 2 Type II audit, organization at a specific point in time. A SOC 2
however, it is often recommended that service Type II report is an attestation of controls at a service
organizations begin with a SOC 2 Type I as a good organization over a minimum six-month period and
starting point and then move to a SOC 2 Type II. reports on the “suitability of the design and operating
effectiveness of controls” whereas with a SOC 2
A SOC 1 Type I and Type II are both service organi- Type I, there is no testing.
zation control reports, reporting on the controls and

Contents Type I Type II

Independent Service Auditor’s Report * *

Service Organization’s description of * *


Offers opinion on management’s * *

presentation of the Service Organiza-
tion’s current controls

Evaluates the suitability of design of * *

management’s description of the
Service Organization’s systems

Evaluates the Services Organization’s *

control systems

Offers a description of the Service *

Auditor’s tests of the operating
effectiveness of controls and the
results of each test

Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.
16057 W. Tampa Palms Blvd. | #134 | Tampa, FL 33647 | | 800.770.2701
The SOC 2 Compliance Handbook Page | 9

Who can issue a SOC 2 audit report? Why should I get a SOC 2 audit?

A SOC audit can only be performed by an indepen- Many organizations are required to undergo a
dent Certified Public Accountant (CPA). CPAs must third-party audit. If this is the case, you should have
adhere to the specific standards that have been a SOC 2 audit performed. By being able to produce
established by the American Institute of Public a SOC report, you may be a better contender for
Accountants (AICPA) and have the technical exper- RFP’s. Having a SOC 2 audit report can give you a
tise to perform such engagements. This third-party competitive advantage by demonstrating to your
opinion verifies the suitability of the design and clients, and prospective clients, that you are dedica-
operating effectiveness of the service organization’s tion to security and delivering high-quality services.
controls to meet the criteria for the selected Lastly, knowing that your internal controls are validat-
principles. ed and operating effectively can give you the peace
of mind you need to be confident in your security

Service Org.

Innovation. Integrity. Delivered.
16057 W. Tampa Palms Blvd. | #134 | Tampa, FL 33647 | | 800.770.2701

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