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Original article 613.63/.




Petar Babović

Occupational accidents due to inadequate working conditions and work environment

present a major problem in highly industrialised countries, as well as in developing ones.
Occupational accidents are a regular and accompanying phenomenon in all human
activities and one of the main health related and economic problems in modern societies.
The aim of this study is the analysis of the connections of unfavourable working
conditions and working environment on occupational accidents.
Occurrence of occupational accidents was monitored in two groups of workers in the
period of ten years. The exposed group comprised 1854 male workers occupationally
exposed to harmul effects (noise, chemical noxae, unfavourable microclimate factors,
poor lighting) and special work demands (work in shifts, production quota work, night
work). The control group comprised 1380 male workers who had not been exposed to the
same working demands and professional noxae in the given period of time.
In the period of ten years the number of workers having occupational accidents was
statistically significantly higher in the exposed group than in the control one. The total
number of accidents in the exposed group was 382/1850 (20.6%), while in the control
group it was 124/1380 (8.98%); p<0.01. Accidents while commuting to and from work
were similar in both groups, but the difference in accidents at work place is significant
(13.9% in the exposed) and (1.95% in unexposed) group; p<0.01.
Unfavourable working conditions and working environment present significant factors
that have impact on occupational accidents, thus occupational accidents can be considered
as indicators of inadequate working conditions and working environment. Acta Medica
Medianae 2009; 48(4):22-26.

Key words: occupational accidents, occupational harmful effects, noise, chemical

noxae, microclimate

Occupational medicine the third leading cause in overall population, after

Medical faculty, cardiovascular and malignant diseases (2-4).
University of Niš
According to the Law on Contributions for
Contact: Petar Babović Pensions and Disability Insurance in the Republic
Sestre Baković 16/12 of Serbia (5), occupational accidents are considered
18000 Niš
E-mail: [email protected]
to be accidents that happen to insured persons in
the course of work in the premises or outside the
Introduction premises which the workers can be exposed to in
the course of work, that are caused by sudden
Occupational accidents are a regular and and short mechanical, physical or chemical
accompanying phenomenon in all human activity, sudden changes of body postures,
activities and one of the main health related and sudden body pressures or some other changes of
economic problems in modern societies. Their physiological conditions of the body. Occupational
consequences affect not only the injured workers, accidents are considered to be any kind of
but their families, working organisation and the accident that happen while commuting to and
society as a whole. Health damage, decrease or from work, when the purpose of travel is work-
loss of working ability, material expenses for related, when the injury is related to health
sickness leave, medical treatment, rahabilitation, protection and rehabilitation rights, rights for
invalidity, decreased life activities, family employment and rights for professional retraining.
dysfunction, dysfunction in working process, Impairment of physical integrity can
decrease in productivity and quality of work cause death, minor or severe organ damage, a
caused by occupational accidents make the disease or physical pain (6,7,8,9). Due to mental
problem of professional traumatism a very and physical integrity disturbance, mental and
serious and actual one (1-3). It is considered that physical status can be impaired with long term or
occupational accidents are the leading cause of time-limited consequences (10-14).
death in population up to 37 years of age, and Monitoring the causes of professional
traumatism in the period of several years can
Acta Medica Medianae 2009,Vol.48(4) Occupational accidents as indicators of inadequate work conditions...

indicate the seasonal, daily and other rhythm in working demands and professional noxae in the
occurrence of occupational accidents, thus making given period of time.
the basis to inform the workers about the dangers All the workers were asked the questions
they are exposed to during their work, and in about their age, years of service, professional
that way they can be decreased (15). qualification, marital status, work, personal, family
and social history, anthropometric measures were
Aim conducted and body mass indexes were calculated.
Statistical significance in the difference
The aim of this study was the analysis of the among the examined parameters between the
connections between unfavourable impacts of exposed and the control groups were calculated
working conditions and working environment on by Student’s T-test and χ2 test.
occupational accidents occurence..
Results and discussion
The workers in exposed group were
In the last ten year period occupational exposed to unfavourable microclimate factors,
accidents were monitored in two groups of noise, chemical noxae and inadequate lightening
workers. The exposed group comprised 1854 male (Table 1).
workers occupationally exposed to harmul effects The exposed and control groups were of
(noise, chemical noxae, unfavourable microclimate approximately similar structure in comparison to
factors, poor lightening) and special work demands some factors that can have an impact on
(work in shifts, production quota work, night occurrence of occupational accidents (professional
work). The control group comprised 1380 male qualification, marital status, level of nourishment)
workers who had not been exposed to the same (Table 2).

Table 1. Occupational harmful factors in the workers in exposed group

type of professional noxae measured values allowed values

Microclimate Air temperature 0C Zimi 11,3± 3,4
Leti 27,5±4,8
Relative air humidity (%) 60,3±19,8 30-60
Air-flow speed (m/s) 0,48±1,7 Up to 0,5
Noise(dB) Up to 85
Chemical noxae Carbon monoxide (mg/m3) 49,7±9,3 Up to 55
Sulphuric acid (mg/m3) 1,37±0,8 Up to 1,0
Sulphur dioxide (mg/m3) 4,7±1,4 Up to 5,0
Zinc oxide (mg/m3) 7,8±2,9 Up to 10,0
Copper sulphate (mg/m3) 0,83±0,37 Up to 1,0
Magnesium sulphate (mg/m3) 5,1±1,3 Up to 6,0
Xylol (mg/m3) 345,8±123,8 Up to 435,0
Chlorine (mg/m3) 2,8±0,7 Up to 3,0
Dust (mg/m3) Air-flow speed (m/s) Up to 10,0
Lightening (Lux) 80-150

Table 2. Characteristics of workers in the control and exposed group

Exposed group Control group p

Number % Number %
Professional Unskilled 387 20,8 295 21,4 n.s.
qualification Skilled 457 24,6 347 25,1 n.s.
Secondary education 554 29,9 401 29,1 n.s.
Higher education 337 18,2 229 16,6 n.s.
University education 119 6,4 108 7,8 n.s.
Marital status Single 468 25,2 339 24,5 n.s.
Married 897 48,4 655 47,5 n.s.
Divorced 347 18,7 268 19,4 n.s.
Widower 142 7,7 118 8,5 n.s.
Levels of Undernourished 467 25,2 353 25,5 n.s.
nourishment Normally nourished 914 49,2 667 48,3 n.s.
Obese 473 25,5 360 26,1 n.s.

n.s.=difference is not statistically important

Occupational accidents as indicators of inadequate work conditions... Petar Babović

Table 3. Age and work experience of workers in the exposed and control group

Exposed group Control group p

Age 49,8±8,9 50,1±7,8 n.s.
Years of work experience 27,6±4,8 28,2±5,9 n.s.

Table 4. Presence of a disease in the workers of the exposed and control group

Exposed group Control group

Number % Number %
Neurosis 465 25,1 331 23,9 n.s.
Arterial hypertension 668 36,1 485 35,1 n.s.
Diabetes 92 4,9 67 4,8 n.s.
Ocular diseases 91 4,9 68 4,9 n.s.
Diseases of gastrointestinal system 112 6,1 84 6,1 n.s.
Pulmonary diseases 455 24,5 332 24,1 n.s.
Heart diseases 19 10,2 14 10,1 n.s.
Hearing impairment 321 17,3 249 18,1 n.s.
Rheumatoid diseases 81 4,4 57 4,1 n.s.

Table 5. Number of workers having occupational accidents in the exposed and control group

Exposed group Control group

(N=1850) (N=1380)
Number % Number %
Occupational accidents 258 13,9 27 1,95 <0,01
Commuting accidents to and from 124 6,7 97 7,02 n.s.
Total number of accidents 382 20,6 124 8,98 <0,01

The workers from the exposed group were need to fulfill the norm and personal afirmation
approximately of the same age and had appro- at a new post contribute in accidents; sex –the
ximately the same work experience (Table 3). possibilities of getting injured are not the same
There was no statistically significant difference for males and females; impact of a disease,
in the presence of diseases in workers in the especially in workers with epilepsy, the crisis of
exposed or control group (Table 4). conscious-ness, syncopal states and vertiginous
In the last ten years in the exposed group syndrome. Even the trivial illnesses such as
there were statistically significantly more workers headache, toothache can disturb concentration
having occupational accidents in comparison to and contribute to the occurrence of accidents (17)
the control one. (Table 5). Factors from working and living environment
The total number of accidents in the that have negative impact on workers and lead to
exposed group was 382/1850 (20.6%), while in temporary decrease of work ability are numerous.
the control group it was 124/1380 (8.98%); Condition of machinery, tools and devices
p<0.01. The number of commuting accidents to is of greatest importance among the factors in
and from work was similar in both groups, but work environment, as well as the conditions
the difference in occupational accidents was under which the tasks are performed and
significant (13.9% in exposed and 1.95% in prevention measures that are applied. So called
unexposed group) p<0.01. open tools, unprotected mobile parts of the
machinery, pointed and sharp tools are of
Discussion extreme danger.
Work environment factors are of special
Ethiology of occupational accidents is a importance. The important notice made in this
multicaused one. The causes can be gouped into paper is that work environment conditions can
two major groups: causes with dominant human lead to more frequent occupational accidents in
factor and causes related to work and living exposed workers. The workers in exposed and
environment. control group were approximately of the same
When human factor is involved, the following structure in comparison to other factors that can
characteristics of workers are important: age – the contribute to occurrence of occupational accidents.
youngest workers are most frequently injured due The only difference among them was the
to psychological characteristics of their age, such presence of poor work conditions and work
as imprudence, instability, difficult adaptation to environment conditions in workers from the
certain norms (16-18), work experience (19-20), exposed group that were statistically significantly
adaptation to new surroundings, new job, the more often injured at work in comparison to the

Acta Medica Medianae 2009,Vol.48(4) Occupational accidents as indicators of inadequate work conditions...

control group. Unfavourable work conditions can and it leads to hypoxia of the central nervous system,
be a direct cause of injuries in workers that work with difficult movement coordination, rapid fatigue,
in open air and that are exposed to bad weather difficulties in judgement and slow psychomotor skills
conditions. Unfavourable microclimate factors in as a consequence. The other chemical noxae detected
working premises (especially humidity and in this paper cause the changes in the nervous system
temperature) can influence the psycho-physical in workers that lead to more frequent occurrence of
state of workers. Lighting is the most common occupational accidents.
cause of accidents and decreased lighting is
important as well as flickering and flashing Conclusion
lighting. Noise is an important factor that can
cause fatigue and misunderstanding of given Unfavourable work and environment condi-
warnings. Vapour and gas can lead to accidents if tions are the important factors that have an
the material is inflammable and explosive. impact on occurrence of occupational accidents.
Aerosoles and dust decrease visibility. Dust, Occupational accidents can be considered as
vibrations, ultrasound, infrasound can lead to indicators of inadequate work conditions and
fatigue and thus to more often injuries of work environment conditions.
workers. Carbon monoxide is of special importance


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Occupational accidents as indicators of inadequate work conditions... Petar Babović



Petar Babović

Povrede na radu usled neadekvatnih uslova rada i radne sredine predstavljaju veliki
problem kako u visoko industrijalizovanim tako i u nerazvijenim zemljama. Povrede na
radu su redovna i prateća pojava svake ljudske delatnosti i jedan od glavnih zdravstvenih,
ekonomskih i privrednih problema modernog društva.
Svrha ovog istraživanja je analiza povezanosti nepovoljnih uticaja rada i radne sredine
na pojavu povreda na radu.
Praćena je pojava povreda na radu u proteklom desetogodišnjem periodu kod dve
grupe radnika. Eksponovanu grupu činilo je 1854 radnika muškog pola, koji su u
ispitivanom periodu bili izloženi profesionalnim štetnostima (buka, hemijske nokse,
nepovoljni mikroklimatski faktori radne sredine, nepovoljno osvetljenje) i posebnim
zahtevima rada (rad u smenama, rad u normi, noćni rad). Kontrolnu grupu je činilo 1380
radnika muškog pola, koji u posmatranom periodu nisu bili izloženi ovim zahtevima posla i
profesionalnim noksama.
U proteklom desetogodišnjem periodu u eksponovanoj grupi je registrovan statistički
značajno veći broj radnika sa povredama na radnom mestu nego u kontrolnoj grupi.
Ukupan broj povreda u eksponiranoj grupi iznosio je 382/1850 (20.6%), dok je u
kontrolnoj grupi iznosio 124/1380 (8.98%); p<0.01. Povrede na putu od kuće do posla i
obratno bile su slične u obe grupe, ali je razlika u povredama na radnom mestu značajna
(13.9% u eksponiranoj) i (1.95% u neensponiranoj) grupi; p<0.01.
Nepovoljni uslovi rada i radne sredine predstavljaju značajne faktore koji utiču na
pojavu povreda na radu, te se povrede na radu mogu smatrati indikatorima neadekvatnih
uslova rada i radne sredine. Acta Medica Medianae 2009; 48(4):22-26.

Ključne reči: povrede na radu, profesionalne štetnosti, buka, hemijske nokse,



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