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Author manuscript
Psychol Trauma. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 January 01.
Author Manuscript

Published in final edited form as:

Psychol Trauma. 2016 January ; 8(1): 41–48. doi:10.1037/tra0000061.

Correlates of Improvement in Substance Abuse among Dually

Diagnosed Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in
Specialized Intensive VA Treatment
Kendell L. Coker, Ph.D., J.D.1,*, Elina Stefanovics, Ph.D.2, and Robert Rosenheck, M.D.3
1Yale University School of Medicine, Forensic Drug Diversion Program (ForDD), 1 Long Wharf,
Suite 7, New Haven, CT 06511; Department of Psychology & Department of Criminal Justice,
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University of New Haven, 300 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT, 06516, USA
2VA New England Mental Illness, Research, Education and Clinical Center/151D, Department of
Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine
3VA New England Mental Illness, Research, Education and Clinical Center/151D, Professor of
Psychiatry, Epidemiology and Public Health, and the Child Study Center, Yale Medical School,
VA Connecticut Health Care System

Substantial rates of substance use comorbidity have been observed among veterans with PTSD
highlighting the need to identify patient and program characteristics associated with improved
outcomes for substance abuse. Data were drawn from 12,270 dually diagnosed veterans who
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sought treatment from specialized intensive Veterans Health Administration PTSD programs
between 1993 and 2011. The magnitude of the improvement in Addiction Severity Index (ASI)
alcohol and drug use composite scores from baseline was moderate, with effect sizes (ES) of -.269
and -.287, respectively. Multivariate analyses revealed that treatment in longer-term programs,
being prescribed psychiatric medication, and planned participation in reunions were all associated
with slightly improved outcomes. Reductions in substance use measures were associated with
robust improvements in PTSD symptoms and violent behavior. These findings suggest not only
synergistic treatment effects linking improvement in PTSD symptoms with substance use
disorders among dually diagnosed veterans with PTSD, but also to reductions in violent behavior.
Furthermore, the findings indicate that proper discharge planning in addition to intensity and
duration of treatment for dually diagnosed veterans with severe PTSD may result in better
outcomes. Further dissemination of evidence-based substance abuse treatment may benefit this
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Veterans; PTSD; Substance Use; Treatment; Violence

corresponding author: (203) 932-1198, [email protected].
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Many veterans who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) also experience
comorbid substance use (Jacobsen, Southwick, & Kosten, 2001). Although conclusive data
on causal relationships are not available (Fontana, Rosenheck, & Desai, 2012), there is clear
empirical evidence showing the association of PTSD with poorer substance use outcomes
(Jacobsen et al., 2001) with some studies indicating that trauma cues increased cravings for
addictive substances (Coffey et al., 2002; Saladin et al., 2003). The combination of PTSD
and substance use is associated with especially complex clinical challenges because of the
adverse synergies of addictive disorders and PTSD (Back, Waldrop, & Brady, 2009; van
Dam, Ehring, Vedel, & Emmelkamp, 2013).

Some studies suggest that dually diagnosed PTSD patients have worse outcomes than those
with either diagnosis alone including higher rates of substance-related relapses and
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substance-related hospital admissions, more severe PTSD symptoms, shorter periods of

abstinence, and poorer adherence to follow-up treatment (Brown, Read, & Kahler, 2003;
Paige Ouimette, Moos, & Brown, 2003; Schafer & Najavits, 2007). Furthermore, dually
diagnosed PTSD patients report greater efforts to obtain illicit substances, higher likelihood
of use to the point of intoxication, higher levels of substance use in response to negative
interpersonal emotions (P. Ouimette, Coolhart, Funderburk, Wade, & Brown, 2007), and
poorer physical health outcomes (P. Ouimette, Goodwin, & Brown, 2006). However, other
studies suggests that patients with co-morbid substance use treated in specialized intensive
treatment programs may show greater improvement in PTSD symptoms than veterans
without substance use comorbidity, apparently due to reduced substance use through such
treatment (Fontana et al., 2012). With high rates of comorbid PTSD and substance use
among war zone veterans, the Department of Veterans Affairs has devoted considerable
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resources to help these veterans (Bohnert et al., 2013; Fontana & Rosenheck, 1997).

Studies have suggested that among dually diagnosed veterans with PTSD, comprehensive
care targeted to treat substance abuse comorbidity may lead to significant reductions in
PTSD symptoms (Hien et al., 2010). Consistent with this suggestion, one large scale
Veterans Health Administration (VHA) study found that veterans admitted into VHA
specialized inpatient/residential PTSD programs with co-morbid PTSD and substance use
disorder showed greater improvement, albeit modest in magnitude, in PTSD symptoms than
veterans with PTSD without a comorbid substance use disorder (Fontana et al., 2012). These
findings were most likely attributed to improvement in substance use disorders being
associated with greater improvement in PTSD symptoms after discharge (Fontana et al.,
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Despite encouraging outcomes found in these studies, no specific pharmacotherapies or

psychotherapies have been clearly demonstrated to improve substance use outcomes among
individuals with PTSD (van Dam et al., 2013) with limited exceptions (P. Ouimette, Moos,
& Finney, 2003; Petrakis et al., 2006; Possemato et al., 2012). This lack of specific
demonstrably effective treatments is even more concerning since large numbers of veterans
are now returning home from war in the middle east with high rates of PTSD and associated
substance abuse problems (Jacobson et al., 2008; Stecker, Fortney, Hamilton, Sherbourne, &

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Ajzen, 2010). Previous research has highlighted the need for studies to identify factors
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responsible for the synergistic treatment effects linking improvement in PTSD symptoms
with improvement in substance use disorders (Fontana et al., 2012). Studies have found that
over time substance dependence and PTSD symptoms co-vary concurrently (P. Ouimette,
Read, Wade, & Tirone, 2010). Furthermore, greater severity of the traumatic exposure can
negatively impact substance use outcomes (Read et al., 2012). However, to the authors'
knowledge, no paper has systematically identified predictors or correlates of improvement in
substance abuse among veterans with PTSD and comorbid substance abuse in real-world
clinical settings. Moreover, with the rising demand for services among veteran personnel
returning home from the middle east (Hermes, Rosenheck, Desai, & Fontana, 2012) and
published concerns about the cost of caring for them (Bilmes & Stiglitz, 2008) studies are
needed that identify treatment elements associated with positive substance use outcomes
(Rosenheck & Fontana, 2001).
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From 1992 to 2011, the VHA used a consistent system to monitor veteran outcomes in its
specialized intensive inpatient, residential, and day treatment programs for veterans with
PTSD (Fontana & Rosenheck, 2008). In this exploratory study, we examined data from a
large cohort of veterans with comorbid PTSD and substance abuse treated in these programs
to identify baseline characteristics, program characteristics, and features of their status at the
time of discharge that are associated with improvement in substance abuse outcomes four
months after discharge. In addition, we examined the association of reduction in alcohol and
drug use problems with improvement with other outcomes such as employment, PTSD, and
violent behavior. This study thus seeks to illuminate veteran characteristics and treatment
elements associated with superior outcomes of comorbid substance abuse among dually
diagnosed veterans with PTSD. This study also attempts to further elucidate the association
of improvement in substance abuse with other important outcomes among veterans whose
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problems are severe enough to require intensive treatment. Identification of such

characteristics and treatment elements in this high risk population may suggest areas for
future treatment development and dissemination.

Data were drawn from administrative evaluation data collected by the VA's Northeast
Program Evaluation Center (NEPEC) on all veterans who sought treatment from specialized
intensive PTSD programs between 1993 and 2011. The number of sites vary from year to
year due to programs closing or being converted to non-intensive treatment programs. On an
annual basis, there were between 33 and 53 programs included in the program evaluation
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initiative. The cohort for this analysis was limited to patients diagnosed with both PTSD and
Alcohol or Drug Use Disorders (N=12, 270).

Measures available from the specialized PTSD program monitored variables such as socio-
demographic characteristics, clinical diagnoses, severity of clinical status as measured by
standardized scales, treatment program characteristics, and discharge status (i.e. successfully

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completed the program, left prematurely or left following program rule violations).
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Outcomes were measured as changes from the admission assessment to four months after
discharge based on continuous measures of substance use, PTSD symptoms and other
clinical variables. Variables which assessed baseline clinical status included clinical
diagnoses of alcohol use disorders, drug use disorders and other Axis I and/or Axis II
diagnoses comorbid with PTSD. In addition VA service connected disability status for
PTSD, for psychiatric disorders other than PTSD, and for non-psychiatric medical disorders
were all documented at the time of program entry along with severity of drug and alcohol
use, PTSD symptoms, current medical problems, and recent violent behavior.

Clinical status was measured by the Short Form of the Mississippi Scale for PTSD (MISS)
(Fontana & Rosenheck, 1994) (range = 15 – 55) which was developed to assess combat
related PTSD symptoms. These symptoms include avoiding reminders of the war, symptoms
of irritability, feeling numb and emotionally distant from others, sleep disturbances,
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intrusive thoughts, flashbacks and nightmares, and hyperarousal. Research has shown the
coefficient alpha for the MISS between .83 and .96 (Fontana & Rosenheck, 1994; T. M.
Keane, Caddell, & Taylor, 1988). Composite indices from the Addiction Severity Index
(ASI) (McLellan et al., 1985) were used to assess alcohol and drug use. Studies have shown
the average concordance rates for the ASI to be as high as .89 (McLellan et al., 1985).
Violent behavior was assessed by averaging 4 items from the National Vietnam Veterans
Readjustment Study (Kulka, 1990) (range = 0 – 4). Employment was measured as the
number of days employed during the past 30 days.

Treatment programs were characterized as one of four program types to which veterans were
admitted: 1) Evaluation/Brief Treatment PTSD Units (EBTPUs), short term units with
lengths of stay (LOS) targeted at less than 14 days which typically offer acute stabilization,
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PTSD evaluation, psycho-education, medical assessment, psychotropic medication and brief

supportive psychotherapy; 2) Specialized Inpatient PTSD Units (SIPUs), with LOS of 28-90
days or longer which typically include acute hospital care, intensive trauma-focused
evaluation, education, and intensive group and individual psychotherapy along with medical
assessment and psychotropic medication; 3) PTSD Residential Rehabilitation Programs
(PRRPs), with LOS similar to SIPUs but is less intensively supervised, and are less
medically-oriented “halfway-house” settings offering PTSD evaluation, psycho-education,
group and individual psychotherapy and counseling, and case management with an emphasis
on resuming productive involvement in community life; and 4) Day Hospital PTSD
Programs, which are “therapeutic communities” similar to PRRPs where veterans can
engage in counseling, social, recreational, and vocational activities several times a week but
reside in the community in their usual residence or in a “residential” program elsewhere
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within the VHA facility.

Status at discharge documented the veteran's reason for leaving the program as assessed by
their primary treatment provider, which included: 1) a mutually agreed upon discharge plan
between the staff and patient (successful program completion); 2) the veteran initiated
choice to leave the program on his/her own; 3) veteran departed for reasons related to rule
violations such as substance abuse or violent behavior; or 4) whether the veteran was
deemed by staff to be too sick to continue in the program. Discharge status was further

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assessed by tracking each veteran's disposition which included: 1) being sent to another
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institution/program for further treatment; 2) to his/her own residence; or 3) to share someone

else's residence in the community. Veterans were also asked about their expectations for
employment post-discharge.

Several measures documented at admission and discharge represented program

participation: LOS in the program, direct transfer into the program from the community (as
contrasted to transfer from another program), level of reported commitment to the program
(reflecting clinician judgment on a 0-4 scale at the time of discharge), and plans to
participate in program “reunions” for post-discharge support.

First, a bivariate correlation table was constructed to identify the associations between
changes in alcohol and drug use status and individual sociodemographic characteristics,
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psychiatric diagnoses, clinical status variables, program characteristics, and discharge status
indicators, controlling for potentially confounding baseline clinical status measures
including severity of alcohol and drug use, violent behavior, PTSD symptoms, and
employment, using linear regression. Thus, bivariate relationships were assessed net of
major baseline clinical status indicators. In addition, the association of change from baseline
to follow-up on substance abuse measures was examined in relationship to change in other
outcomes including PTSD symptoms, violent behavior, and days of employment. Based on
the large number of statistical variables being assessed and the large sample size, a stringent
alpha level of .001 was adopted to test for statistical significance.

Next, stepwise linear regression including all variables significant on bivariate analysis was
used to determine which baseline variables were the strongest independent predictors of
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changes in alcohol and drug use severity, again controlling for baseline measures of alcohol
and drug use and PTSD symptom severity. These analyses established a parsimonious set of
independent baseline correlates of change in alcohol and drug use indicators net of baseline
status on other clinical status measures.

Multivariate analysis was then conducted to examine the association of change in alcohol
and drug use indicators with change in other clinical variables of interest (PTSD symptoms,
violent behavior, and employment) net of baseline characteristics found to be significant in
the previous analyses. Changes in days of employment, violence and two measures of PTSD
were examined in a separate set of multivariate analysis in order to prevent these variables
from confounding the analysis of the effect of baseline and treatment element predictors.
Again because of the large sample size vastly enhancing statistical power, a standardized
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regression estimate of .02 was used as the threshold value for meaningful associations.

General characteristics of the sample
The sample consisted of 12, 270 veterans with an average age of 50.2 years (SD= 8.7)
(Table 1). A majority of the sample had an Alcohol Abuse/Dependence diagnosis (91%),
followed by Drug Abuse/Dependence (60%) (51% had both alcohol and drug Abuse/

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Dependence), an Affective Disorder (33%), or an Anxiety Disorder diagnosis (14%) other

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than PTSD. On average, veterans in this sample had an average of 3.1 psychiatric co-morbid
diagnoses (SD= 1.0), which included a diagnosis of PTSD. The average length of stay in
these programs was 51.4 days (SD= 32.9 days).

Bivariate changes in ASI alcohol abuse and ASI drug abuse composite scores
At baseline, the mean ASI alcohol score was .22 (SD= .27) and the mean ASI drug score
was .09 (SD= .12). The magnitude of the improvement in ASI alcohol abuse composite
scores from baseline was small to moderate with an effect size (ES) of -.269. The magnitude
of the improvement in ASI drug abuse composite scores from baseline was also small to
moderate (ES = -.287). Bivariate correlation analysis identified several variables that were
associated with change (improvement) in the ASI alcohol and ASI drug composite indices
controlling for measures of baseline clinical status (Table 1). In these analyses, positive
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coefficients represent an association with increased substance abuse and a negative

association with decreased substance use. Age (t= -3.55, β = -.022, p< .001) and being
prescribed psychiatric medication in the past 30 days (t= -3.79, β = -.023, p< .001) were both
associated with a significant, albeit small, decrease in ASI alcohol severity. Age was also
associated with a significant decrease in ASI drug severity (t= -4.48, β = -.026, p< .001).
However, a history of incarceration was associated with a relative increase in ASI drug
severity (t= 4.19, β = .025, p< .001). Among the co-morbid psychiatric diagnoses, drug
abuse/dependence was associated with a significant relative reduction (t= -5.83, β = -.037,
p< .001) in ASI alcohol severity whereas an alcohol abuse/dependence diagnosis was related
to a significant relative increase (t= 4.98, β = .032, p< .001). Alcohol abuse/dependence was
associated with a significant relative reduction (t= -5.19, β = -.033, p< .001) in ASI drug
severity while a drug abuse/dependence diagnosis (t= 10.42, β = .063, p< .001) and total
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number of diagnoses (t= 5.16, β = .030, p< .001) were related to a significant increase in
ASI drug severity. Length of stay in the program (t= -4.86, β = -.029, p< .001), direct
transfer into the program from another program (t= -4.23, β = -.027, p< .001) were
significantly associated with a reduction in ASI alcohol severity but not for ASI drug
severity. Level of reported commitment to the program (t= -5.23, β = -.031, p< .001) and
planned participation in reunions (t= -8.09, β = -.048, p< .001) were significantly associated
with a reduction in ASI alcohol severity and a reduction in ASI drug severity (t= -3.88, β = -.
022, p< .001) and (t= -7.01, β = -.040, p< .001), respectively.

In comparison to the veterans in the short-term EBTPUs (the reference condition), veterans
in the SIPUs (t= -3.91, β = -.031, p< .001) and in PRRPs (t= -3.57, β = -.032, p< .001)
demonstrated significant relative improvements in ASI alcohol severity in bivariate analysis.
Similarly, veterans admitted to SIPUs (t= -3.37, β = -.026, p< .001) and PRRPs (t= -3.89, β
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= -.034, p< .001) demonstrated significant relative improvements in ASI drug severity. With
regard to discharge status, being transferred to another program was significantly associated
with a reduction in ASI alcohol severity. In comparison to veterans who were discharged to
another program or institution, veterans who were discharged to their own residence (t=
5.95, β = .046, p< .001) or to share someone else's residence (t= 5.72, β = .042, p< .001)
showed significant relative increases in ASI alcohol severity, possibly because they had
more opportunities for alcohol use at those residences. Similarly, veterans who were

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discharged to someone else's residence showed significant increases (t= 3.39, β = .024, p< .
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001) in ASI drug severity, again potentially due to greater availability of drugs at those
residences. Veterans who chose to leave the program without staff concurrence
demonstrated significantly poorer ASI alcohol severity outcomes (t= 3.53, β = .021, p< .001)
than veterans who had a mutually agreed upon a discharge plan with staff. Veterans who left
the program for reasons associated with rule violations demonstrated significantly poorer
ASI alcohol severity outcomes (t= 6.07, β = .036, p< .001) and poorer ASI drug severity
outcomes (t= 7.05, β = .040, p< .001) than veterans who had a mutually agreed upon a
discharge plan with staff.

There was a significant positive relationship between reduction in violence with ASI alcohol
reduction (t= 25.66, β = .199, p< .001) and with ASI drug reduction (t= 21.33, β = .161, p< .
001). The mean Short Mississippi PTSD score was 40.2 (SD= 5.6) and the changes revealed
an overall moderate effect size (ES = .46). The Short Mississippi PTSD scores were
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significantly associated with ASI alcohol reduction (t= 24.37, β = .142, p< .001) and ASI
drug reduction (t= 17.95, β = .102, p< .001). These findings mean that as alcohol and drug
problems declined so did PTSD symptoms and violent behavior. There were no significant
associations between ASI alcohol or drug severity with changes in days of employment.

Stepwise multiple linear regression analyses predicting ASI alcohol and drug composite
score changes
The stepwise linear regression revealed several baseline variables that were significant
independent predictors of ASI alcohol and drug change (Table 2). Being prescribed
psychiatric medication in the past 30 days was associated with small reductions in ASI
alcohol severity scores from baseline. Planned participation in reunions and enrollment in
either the SIPUs or PRRPs were associated with significant reductions in ASI alcohol and
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ASI drug severity scores from baseline. However, discharge associated with rule violations
or discharge to one's own place or someone else's place were all associated with a significant
relative increase in ASI alcohol and ASI drug severity scores from baseline. A history of
incarceration was associated with a significant relative increase in ASI drug severity scores,
but not ASI alcohol scores, from baseline. Further, a separate stepwise linear regression
confirmed that reductions in alcohol and drug use were positively associated with reductions
in violence and PTSD symptoms as measured by the Short Form of the Mississippi Scale for
PTSD and these were the strongest observed associations.

This study of a large sample of veterans with severe PTSD requiring specialized intensive
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treatment, examined baseline and programmatic correlates of improvement in substance use

and concurrent changes between substance use and other important outcomes. Previous
studies have demonstrated high rates of comorbidity between PTSD and substance use
disorders (Terence M. Keane & Wolfe, 1990) and the additive negative effects of additional
Axis I diagnoses on their psychopathology (Cacciola, Koppenhaver, Alterman, & McKay,
2009). These prior studies highlight the synergistic adverse relationship between trauma and
substance use and the need for research to identify effective programs and/or related factors

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targeted to address this area of critical importance. In our multivariate analysis, several
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program participation indicators had significant, albeit small, associations with substance
abuse outcomes. Treatment in longer term programs (PRRPs and SIPUs) with longer lengths
of stay, being prescribed medication, and planned participation in program reunions were
associated with slightly improved alcohol outcomes. Similar results were found for illicit
drug use measures with the exception that total number of diagnoses and prior history of
incarceration were related to poorer outcomes. Although the effect sizes in our study were
small to moderate, research shows that effect sizes observed in real word observational
studies are generally smaller than those seen in highly controlled clinical studies, or
observational studies in which the service providers are specifically trained in delivery of the
intervention and monitored for treatment fidelity (Eftekhari et al., 2013; Karlin et al., 2010).

Examination of clinical correlates of substance use change showed far stronger associations
such that as alcohol and drug composite scores improved, reductions were also observed in
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violent behavior and PTSD symptoms. Research has documented the symptom improvement
in specialized intensive VHA programs for veterans with PTSD however, comparisons
between the long term units and the short term units have yielded mixed results (Fontana &
Rosenheck, 1997; Rosenheck, Fontana, & Errera, 1997). The findings from the current study
are generally consistent with past research. This study revealed greater efficacy for the
longer term PTSD programs than shorter term ones and an association of length of stay with
reduced alcohol and drug use indicators on bivariate analysis, suggesting that length of stay
may mediate the benefits of treatment in SIPUs and PRRPs. Prior studies comparing long
term and short term residential treatment programs for dual diagnosis patients have also
found that patients in long term programs had significantly better outcomes which included
enhanced treatment engagement and maintained abstinence from substances (Brunette,
Drake, Woods, & Hartnett, 2001). However, improvement may be more influenced by
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overall treatment duration and intensity as contrasted with specific length of stay in the
residential component of treatment. We do not have enough detail on services delivered in
SIPUs and PRRTPs to determine whether the critical element is length of stay, concomitant
treatment intensity, or specific treatment elements.

Our study also revealed that in comparison to those discharged based on a mutually agreed
upon plan between staff and the patient, those discharged under less desirable circumstances
had poorer substance use outcomes. It is unclear whether the availability of a well-worked
out treatment plan in itself improves substance use outcomes, or whether this is a proxy for
other critical factors such as the veteran's motivation to reduce their substance use, or
previous degree of benefit from program participation up to the time of discharge. We also
found that veterans discharged to another institution had better outcomes that veterans
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discharged to their own homes in the community or to someone else's residence. This
finding allows a more straightforward interpretation as greater substance use among veterans
discharged to community settings, as contrasted to institutions (institutions that are likely to
have rules forbidding substance use and staff to supervise these rules, as well as a stronger
patient-maintained culture of abstinence) may provide veterans with extra time to develop
the skills and confidence necessary for prolonged sobriety (Brunette et al., 2001; Rosenheck
& Fontana, 2001). This point cannot be understated because once patients leave a treatment

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program they will again have greater exposure to sources of alcohol and illicit substances as
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well as to peers who may encourage substance use.

This is the first study we know of that examined data from a large cohort of veterans in
specialized intensive treatment programs over an extended period to identify baseline and
program characteristics associated with improvement in substance abuse outcomes,
employment, PTSD, and violent behavior. Our findings are consistent with existing
literature documenting that improvements in substance abuse are associated with reductions
in PTSD symptoms (Fontana et al., 2012). The findings from this study also revealed that
among veterans diagnosed with PTSD severe enough to warrant specialized intensive
treatment, improvement in substance use was associated with reductions in violent behavior.
These results are largely consistent with literature regarding the strong connection between
substance use, PTSD, and the perpetration of violence (Barrett, Mills, & Teesson, 2011;
Barrett, Teesson, & Mills, 2014). Our findings are also consistent with the more general
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association of violence with co-morbid substance use and mental illness, even among
recently discharged inpatients (Steadman et al., 1998).

There are several limitations to this study that require comment. First, the current data is
associational and based on a specialized group. Thus we cannot ascertain whether the PTSD
preceded the substance use or vice versa. However, prior research suggests that traumatized
individuals may turn to illicit substances in an attempt to self-medicate due to the calming
effects of the substances (Jacobsen et al., 2001; P. Ouimette et al., 2010). Furthermore,
studies have shown that traumatic symptoms are associated with subsequent risk for
substance use (P. Ouimette et al., 2003; Read et al., 2012). Given the complex nature of the
synergistic effects of trauma and substance use, studies stress the need for on-going research
to examine the best interventions for dually-diagnosed PTSD patients (Hruska, Fallon,
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Spoonster, Sledjeski, & Delahanty, 2011). Another limitation is the lack of available
information on the use of treatment elements such as the specific evidence-based
psychotherapies that may have been offered and specific medications or medication classes
that were prescribed. This limited our ability to identify specific interventions that may have
been associated with increased clinical benefit. However, as noted in prior research studies
of this type, VA administrative databases often do not provide specific details on the exact
content of therapeutic sessions and applied interventions and identification of specifically
effective interventions should be the focus of future studies (P. Ouimette et al., 2003). Also,
the design of this study made examining cohort effects difficult to evaluate. By examining
the linear effect of the year, the data revealed that veterans experienced an overall slight
improvement in outcomes over the years. However, the population changed over the years
which can impact outcomes and treatment may have changed in the various programs over
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time and we do not have documentation how it changed from facility to facility over time.
Furthermore, this was an observational study such that participants were not randomly
assigned either to the various treatment programs or to receive specific treatments. Our
findings are associational which limits casual inferences about the impact of specific
treatment elements or programs. We attempted to address this limitation to the extent
possible by adjusting our multivariate analyses to control for potentially confounding
baseline factors.

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Despite these limitations, the current study was based on data collected over many years
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from a comprehensive national set of VHA programs designed to treat the most seriously ill
veterans with PTSD and co-morbid substance use disorders -- veterans who are in need of
treatment in specialized intensive (mostly inpatient or residential) programs. We were able
to identify some treatment elements associated with small, but significant, improvements in
drug/alcohol use and important clinical correlates of improvement on measures of violence
and PTSD symptoms.

This study thus confirms previous research (Fontana et al., 2012) emphasizing the
importance and broad benefits of improving substance abuse outcomes among dually
diagnosed veterans with PTSD and draws attention to the need to develop and disseminate
more effective treatments for this population. While there have been extensive efforts in
VHA to disseminate evidence –based treatments for PTSD in recent years (Eftekhari et al.,
2013; Karlin et al., 2010) there has been far less research on the use and dissemination of
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psychotherapies for co-morbid substance use disorders in PTSD. Treatments such as

contingency management (Higgins, Silverman, & Heil, 2008), cognitive behavioral therapy
(Beck, 1999; Wright, 2001), motivational interviewing (Martino, Carroll, Kostas, Perkins, &
Rounsaville, 2002; Martino, Carroll, O'Malley, & Rounsaville, 2000) and computerized
therapies for substance use disorders (Carroll et al., 2008) may all have a role in the
treatment of substance use in dually diagnosed patients with PTSD in specialized intensive
PTSD programs. Further studies of effective medications (Sofuoglu, Rosenheck, & Petrakis,
2014) and of combinations of medications and psychotherapies (Roman, Abraham, &
Knudsen, 2011) are also needed. This study emphasizes the need for and potential benefits
of research and dissemination efforts to provide more effective substance abuse treatments
for this especially vulnerable population of veterans with specialized treatment needs.
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Dr. Coker is supported by National Institute of Health grant T32DA007238

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Table 1
Bivariate Correlations with ASI Alcohol and ASI Drug Change Net of Baseline Status on Alcohol, Drug, Violent Behavior, Mississippi Score,
PTSD, and Year of Admission (N=12, 270)
Coker et al.

Variable % M SD ASI Alcohol Standardized Estimate ASI Alcohol t ASI Drug Standardized Estimate ASI Drug t

Socio-demographic Characteristics
Age -- 50.2 8.7 -.022 -3.55* -.026 -4.48*

Sexual Trauma During Military 4.6 -- -- .002 0.29 .016 2.68

Service Connected (PTSD) 43.3 -- -- .017 2.89 -.005 -0.82

Service Connected (Other Psychiatric) 0.5 -- -- .003 0.59 -.002 -0.33

Service Connected (Medical) 40.3 -- -- .007 1.15 -.001 -0.22

Service Connected (Any Diagnosis) 62.4 -- -- .014 2.35 -.000 -0.06

Incarceration History 63.0 -- -- .012 1.99 .025 4.19*

Prescribed Psychiatric Medication (last 30 days) 85.1 -- -- -.023 -3.79* -.015 -2.65

Co-morbid Diagnosis
Alcohol Abuse/Dependence 90.9 -- -- .032 4.98* -.033 -5.19*
Drug Abuse/Dependence 59.5 -- -- -.037 -5.83* .063 10.42*

Affective Disorder 33.1 -- -- -.018 -3.05 -.007 -1.31

Anxiety Disorder 13.6 -- -- .004 0.73 -.003 -0.59

Total Number of Diagnoses 3.1 1.0 -- -.002 -0.33 .030 5.16*

Program Characteristics
Length of Stay in Program (Days) -- 51.4 32.9 -.029 -4.86* -.011 -2.01

Psychol Trauma. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 January 01.

Direct Transfer 25.1 -- -- -.027 -4.23* .004 0.73

Commitment -- 2.6 0.9 -.031 -5.23* -.022 -3.88*

Reunions 66.6 -- -- -.048 -8.09* -.040 -7.01*

Specialized Inpatient PTSD Units (SIPUs)a 22.3 -- -- -.031 -3.91* -.026 -3.37*

PTSD Residential Rehabilitation Programs (PRRPs)a 54.3 -- -- -.032 -3.57* -.034 -3.89*

Day Hospitala 7.6 -- -- .005 0.67 .007 1.05

Discharge Status
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Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript

Variable % M SD ASI Alcohol Standardized Estimate ASI Alcohol t ASI Drug Standardized Estimate ASI Drug t

Discharged to His/Her Own Residenceb 67.0 -- -- .046 5.95* .016 2.16

Discharged to Share Someone Else's Residenceb 14.5 -- -- .042 5.72* .024 3.39*
Coker et al.

Transferred to Another Programc 5.1 -- -- -.021 -3.55* -.016 -2.71

Chose to Leave Programc 4.8 -- -- .021 3.53* .015 2.68

Left the Program (Related to Rule Violation)c 5.4 -- -- 0.36 6.07* .040 7.05*

Too Sick to Continue Programc 0.0 -- -- .014 2.45 .016 2.74

Plan for Employment Post-discharge 22.3 -- -- -.017 -2.78 -.017 3.11

Associated Changes
ASIEMPLOYMENT_CHANGE -- 0.0 0.2 -.015 -2.31 -.017 -2.56

VIOLENCE_CHANGE -- -0.7 1.5 .199 25.66* .161 21.33*

MISS_CHANGE -- -2.6 7.1 .142 24.37* .102 17.95*

p < .001;
Represents the program in which treatment was delivered and the reference group is Evaluation/Brief Treatment PTSD Units (EBTPUs);
Reference group is discharged to another institution or program;
Reference group is mutually agreed upon discharge plan between staff and patient (successful program completion).

Psychol Trauma. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 January 01.

Page 15
Coker et al. Page 16

Table 2
Stepwise regression model predicting ASI Alcohol and ASI Drug Change
Author Manuscript

Variable* ASI Alcohol Standardized ASI Alcohol t ASI Drug Standardized ASI Drug t
Estimate Estimate
Prescribed Psychiatric Medication -.024 -4.00 .026 4.32
Reunions -.029 -4.53 -.024 -4.00

Specialized Inpatient PTSD Unita -.023 -2.72 -.025 -3.50

PTSD Residential Rehabilitation Programa -.023 -2.35 -.041 -5.62

Discharged to His/Her Own Residenceb .043 5.28 .027 3.20

Discharged to Share Someone Else's Residenceb .037 4.97 .020 2.67

Left the Program (Related to Rule Violation)c .028 4.48 .035 6.02

VIOLENCE_CHANGE (reduction)d .126 14.85 .111 13.51

MISS_CHANGE (reduction)d .127 19.13 .081 12.37

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These variables were the significant predictors of ASI alcohol change based on a standardized estimate cutoff of ≥ .02 (N = 12,270);
Represents the program in which treatment was delivered and the reference group is EBTPUs;
Reference group is discharged to another institution or program;
Reference group is mutually agreed upon discharge plan between staff and patient (successful completion);
Represents a separate multivariate stepwise linear regression model which included these associated change variables to minimize the
confounding effect on the model of baseline predictors.
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Psychol Trauma. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 January 01.

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