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Load Control

Feature Parameter Description

Issue Draft A

Date 2013-01-30


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Load Control Contents

1 About This Document ..............................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Intended Audience......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Change History.............................................................................................................................. 1-1

2 Overview......................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Load Control in Different Scenarios .............................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Functions of Load Control ............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.3 Priorities Involved in Load Control ................................................................................................ 2-3
2.3.1 User Priority .......................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.2 Integrated RAB Priority ......................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3.3 Integrated User Priority......................................................................................................... 2-4

3 Load Measurement ...................................................................................................................3-1

3.1 Load-related Measurement Quantities .......................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Reporting Period ........................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Load Measurement Filtering ......................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3.1 Layer 3 Filtering on the NodeB Side .................................................................................... 3-3
3.3.2 Smooth Filtering on the RNC Side ....................................................................................... 3-4
3.4 Auto-Adaptive Background Noise Update Algorithm..................................................................... 3-5

4 Potential User Control .............................................................................................................4-1

5 Intelligent Access Control ......................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Overview of Intelligent Access Control .......................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 IAC During RRC Connection Setup .............................................................................................. 5-3
5.2.1 Procedure of IAC During RRC Connection Setup ................................................................ 5-3
5.2.2 Inter-RAT RRC Redirection Based on Weak Coverage ....................................................... 5-5
5.2.3 RRC Redirection based on Distance .................................................................................... 5-6
5.2.4 RRC Redirection for Service Steering ................................................................................ 5-10
5.2.5 RRC DRD ........................................................................................................................... 5-12
5.2.6 RRC Redirection After DRD Failure ................................................................................... 5-12
5.2.7 FACH Power Control of RRC phase .................................................................................. 5-13
5.3 Directed Retry Decision .............................................................................................................. 5-14
5.4 Rate Negotiation at Admission Control ....................................................................................... 5-14
5.4.1 PS MBR Negotiation ........................................................................................................... 5-14
5.4.2 PS GBR Negotiation ........................................................................................................... 5-14
5.4.3 Initial Rate Negotiation ....................................................................................................... 5-15
5.4.4 Target Rate Negotiation ...................................................................................................... 5-20
5.5 Admission Decision ..................................................................................................................... 5-20
5.6 Preemption .................................................................................................................................. 5-21
5.7 Queuing ....................................................................................................................................... 5-24

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Load Control Contents

5.8 Low-Rate Access of the PS BE Service ...................................................................................... 5-25

5.9 IAC for Emergency Calls ............................................................................................................. 5-26
5.9.1 RRC connection setup procedure of Emergency Calls ...................................................... 5-27
5.9.2 RAB Process of Emergency Calls ...................................................................................... 5-27

6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold ..............6-1

6.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Decision to Trigger or Release the CLB State .............................................................................. 6-3
6.3 User Selection for a CLB Inter-Frequency Handover ................................................................... 6-5
6.4 Target Cell Selection for a CLB Inter-Frequency Handover .......................................................... 6-6
6.5 Inter-Frequency Measurements and Handovers .......................................................................... 6-8
6.6 Related Features ........................................................................................................................... 6-9

7 Intra-Frequency Load Balancing ..........................................................................................7-1

7.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Downlink Intra-Frequency Load Balancing ................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.1 TCP-based Intra-Frequency Load Balancing ....................................................................... 7-1
7.2.2 Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH ...................................................................... 7-2
7.3 Uplink Intra-Frequency Load Balancing ........................................................................................ 7-4

8 Load Reshuffling.......................................................................................................................8-1
8.1 Basic Congestion Triggering ......................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.1 Power Resource ................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.2 Code Resource ..................................................................................................................... 8-2
8.1.3 Iub Resource ........................................................................................................................ 8-3
8.1.4 NodeB Credit Resource........................................................................................................ 8-3
8.2 LDR Procedure.............................................................................................................................. 8-3
8.3 LDR Actions ................................................................................................................................... 8-8
8.3.1 Load-based Inter-Frequency Handover ............................................................................... 8-8
8.3.2 BE Rate Reduction ............................................................................................................. 8-11
8.3.3 QoS Renegotiation for Uncontrollable Real-Time Services ............................................... 8-12
8.3.4 Inter-RAT Handover in the CS Domain .............................................................................. 8-12
8.3.5 Inter-RAT Handover in the PS Domain............................................................................... 8-13
8.3.6 AMR Rate Reduction .......................................................................................................... 8-13
8.3.7 Code Reshuffling ................................................................................................................ 8-14
8.3.8 MBMS Power Reduction .................................................................................................... 8-15
8.3.9 PS Inter-RAT Handover from UMTS to LTE ....................................................................... 8-15
8.3.10 LDR Actions of One UE in the Uplink and Downlink ........................................................ 8-16

9 Overload Control .......................................................................................................................9-1

9.1 Overload Triggering ....................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 General OLC Procedure ............................................................................................................... 9-2
9.3 OLC Actions .................................................................................................................................. 9-4
9.3.1 Performing TF Control of BE Services ................................................................................. 9-4

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Load Control Contents

9.3.2 Switching BE Services to Common Channels ..................................................................... 9-5

9.3.3 Adjusting the Maximum FACH TX Power ............................................................................. 9-6
9.3.4 Releasing Some RABs ......................................................................................................... 9-6

10 Network Impact .....................................................................................................................10-1

10.1 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing ............................................................................................... 10-1
10.1.1 Network Performance ....................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold ............................... 10-1
10.2.1 System Capacity ............................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2.2 Network Performance ....................................................................................................... 10-1
10.3 Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on Distance ...................................................................... 10-2
10.3.1 System Capacity ............................................................................................................... 10-2
10.3.2 Network Performance ....................................................................................................... 10-2
10.4 RRC Redirection for Service Steering ....................................................................................... 10-2
10.4.1 System Capacity ............................................................................................................... 10-2
10.4.2 Network Performance ....................................................................................................... 10-2
10.5 FACH Power Control of RRC phase ......................................................................................... 10-2
10.5.1 System Capacity ............................................................................................................... 10-2
10.5.2 Network Performance ....................................................................................................... 10-3
10.6 Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna.................................................................................... 10-3
10.6.1 System Capacity and Network Performance.................................................................... 10-3
10.6.2 Prerequisite Features ....................................................................................................... 10-4
10.6.3 Mutually Exclusive Features ............................................................................................. 10-4
10.6.4 Impacted Features ............................................................................................................ 10-4
10.7 WRFD-150236 Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH ................................................. 10-5
10.7.1 System Capacity ............................................................................................................... 10-5
10.7.2 Network Performance ....................................................................................................... 10-5
10.7.3 Prerequisite Features ....................................................................................................... 10-5
10.7.4 Mutually Exclusive Features ............................................................................................. 10-5
10.7.5 Impacted Features ............................................................................................................ 10-6

11 Engineering Guidelines.......................................................................................................11-1
11.1 WRFD-021104 Emergency Call ................................................................................................ 11-1
11.1.1 Deployment ....................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 WRFD-010506 RAB Quality of Service Renegotiation over Iu Interface .................................. 11-1
11.2.1 Deployment ....................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.3 WRFD-020102 Load Measurement .......................................................................................... 11-3
11.3.1 Deployment ....................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.4 WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling .............................................................................................. 11-5
11.4.1 Deployment ....................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.5 WRFD-020107 Overload Control .............................................................................................. 11-8
11.5.1 Deployment ....................................................................................................................... 11-8
11.6 WRFD-020108 Code Resource Management .......................................................................... 11-9

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11.6.1 Deployment ....................................................................................................................... 11-9

11.7 WRFD-020105 Potential User Control ..................................................................................... 11-11
11.7.1 Deployment ...................................................................................................................... 11-11
11.8 WRFD-020103 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing .................................................................... 11-12
11.8.1 Deployment ..................................................................................................................... 11-12
11.9 WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold .... 11-16
11.9.1 When to Use Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold11-16
11.9.2 Deployment ..................................................................................................................... 11-16
11.9.3 Performance Monitoring ................................................................................................. 11-20
11.9.4 Parameter Optimization .................................................................................................. 11-20
11.9.5 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 11-20
11.10 WRFD-020401 Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on Distance ......................................... 11-20
11.10.1 When to Use Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on Distance .................................... 11-20
11.10.2 Required Information .................................................................................................... 11-20
11.10.3 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-21
11.10.4 Performance Monitoring ............................................................................................... 11-23
11.10.5 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 11-23
11.11 WRFD-020401 Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance .................................................... 11-23
11.11.1 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-23
11.12 WRFD-02040003 Inter System Redirect ............................................................................... 11-26
11.12.1 When to Use Inter System Redirect ............................................................................. 11-26
11.12.2 Required Information .................................................................................................... 11-26
11.12.3 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-26
11.13 WRFD-020120 Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup ................... 11-27
11.13.1 When to Use Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup .............. 11-27
11.13.2 Required Information .................................................................................................... 11-27
11.13.3 Planning ........................................................................................................................ 11-27
11.13.4 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-27
11.13.5 Performance Monitoring ............................................................................................... 11-33
11.13.6 Parameter Optimization ................................................................................................ 11-33
11.13.7 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 11-33
11.14 FACH Power Control of RRC phase ..................................................................................... 11-33
11.14.1 When to Use FACH Power Control of RRC phase ....................................................... 11-33
11.14.2 Required Information .................................................................................................... 11-33
11.14.3 Planning ........................................................................................................................ 11-34
11.14.4 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-34
11.14.5 Performance Monitoring ............................................................................................... 11-40
11.14.6 Parameter Optimization ................................................................................................ 11-43
11.14.7 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 11-43
11.15 Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna ................................................................................ 11-43
11.15.1 When to Use Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna ................................................. 11-43
11.15.2 Required Information .................................................................................................... 11-43

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11.15.3 Planning ........................................................................................................................ 11-46

11.15.4 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-46
11.15.5 Performance Monitoring ............................................................................................... 11-48
11.15.6 Parameter Optimization ................................................................................................ 11-49
11.15.7 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 11-49
11.16 WRFD-020104 Intra Frequency Load Balance ..................................................................... 11-50
11.16.1 When to Use Intra Frequency Load Balance................................................................ 11-50
11.16.2 Required Information .................................................................................................... 11-50
11.16.3 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-50
11.17 WRFD-010505 Queuing and Preemption ............................................................................. 11-52
11.17.1 When to Use Queuing and Preemption ........................................................................ 11-52
11.17.2 Required Information .................................................................................................... 11-52
11.17.3 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-52
11.18 WRFD-010507 Rate Negotiation at Admission Control ........................................................ 11-55
11.18.1 When to Use Rate Negotiation at Admission Control ................................................... 11-55
11.18.2 Required Information .................................................................................................... 11-55
11.18.3 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-55
11.19 WRFD-150236 Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH ............................................. 11-59
11.19.1 When to Use Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH ........................................ 11-59
11.19.2 Required Information .................................................................................................... 11-59
11.19.3 Planning ........................................................................................................................ 11-60
11.19.4 Deployment ................................................................................................................... 11-60
11.19.5 Performance Monitoring ............................................................................................... 11-65
11.19.6 Parameter Optimization ................................................................................................ 11-67
11.19.7 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 11-67

12 Parameters .............................................................................................................................12-1
13 Counters..................................................................................................................................13-1
14 Glossary ..................................................................................................................................14-1
15 Reference Documents .........................................................................................................15-1

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Load Control 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

1.1 Scope
This document describes features related to load control and the related parameters.

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for personnel who:
 Are familiar with WCDMA basics
 Need to understand load control
 Work with Huawei WCDMA products

1.3 Change History

This section provides information on the changes in different document versions.
There are two types of changes, which are defined as follows:
 Feature change: refers to a change in the load control feature.
 Editorial change: refers to a change in wording or the addition of information that was not described in
the earlier version.

Document Versions
The document issue is as follows:
 Draft A (2013-01-30)

Draft A (2013-01-30)
This is a draft for RAN15.0.
Compared with issue 02 (2012-07-20) of RAN14.0, Draft A (2012-12-30) of RAN15.0 includes the
following changes.

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

Feature change Added the anti-imbalance of the different Added the
antenna function. For details, see following ANTIANTENNAIMBALANCESW
sections: parameter
 3.1 "Load-related Measurement

 10.6 "Anti-Imbalance of the Different
Antenna" in chapter 10 "Network Impact"
 11.15 "Anti-Imbalance of the Different
Antenna" in chapter 11 "Engineering
Optimized the RRC Redirection for Service Added the RedirEcN0Thd parameter
Steering feature. Added network impact and
engineering guidelines for this feature. For
details, see following sections:
 5.2.4 "RRC Redirection for Service

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 1 About This Document

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

 10.4 "RRC Redirection for Service
Steering" in chapter 10 "Network Impact"
 11.13 "WRFD-020120 Service Steering
and Load Sharing in RRC Connection
Setup" in chapter 11 "Engineering
Added the FACH power control of RRC Added the following parameters:
phase function. For details, see following  T381
 N381
 5.2.7 "FACH Power Control of RRC
 T300
10.5 "FACH Power Control of RRC phase" RrcCause

in chapter 10 "Network Impact"  FACHPower4RRCRepEcNoThd

 11.14 "FACH Power Control of RRC  MaxFachPower

phase" in chapter 11 "Engineering  SIGRBIND
 TrChId
 OffsetFACHPower
Added the initial rate negotiation for CS+PS Added the following parameters:
BE combined services function. For details,  BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs
see "Initial Rate Negotiation for the PS BE
 ReservedSwitch0:
Service in CS+PS Combined Services" in
section 5.4.3 "Initial Rate Negotiation." RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11
 ReservedSwitch0:

 ReservedSwitch0:
Added the WRFD-150236 Load Based Added the following parameters:
Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH feature. NBMLdcAlgoSwitch:

For details, see following sections: DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_A
 7.2.2 "Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of DJ_SWITCH
PCPICH"  PcpichPwrDownDlLoadState
 10.7 "WRFD-150236 Load Based  PcpichPwrUpDlLoadState
Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH"
 FuncSwitch2:
 11.19 "WRFD-150236 Load Based LOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ
Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH"
Added descriptions about the Macro & None
Micro Joint Inter-frequency Redirection
feature. For details, see 5.2.1 "Procedure of
IAC During RRC Connection Setup."
Updated descriptions about queuing and None
preemption for DB-HSDPA and 4C-HSDPA
services. For details, see section 5.6
"Preemption" and section 5.7 "Queuing."
Introduced the CE resource preemption Added the PreemptEnhSwitch:

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-2

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Load Control 1 About This Document

Change Type Change Description Parameter Change

enhancement function. For details, see PREEMPT_ENH_NODEB_PREEMPT_
following sections: CE_SWITCH parameter
 "Forced Preemption" in section 5.6
 11.17 "WRFD-010505 Queuing and
Modified the algorithm of the WRFD-020104 None
Intra-Frequency Load Balance feature to
TCP-based intra-frequency load balancing.
For details, see section 7.2 "Downlink
Intra-Frequency Load Balancing."
Editorial change None None

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 2 Overview

2 Overview
The WCDMA system is a self-interfering system. As the load of the system increases, the interference
rises. A relatively high interference can affect the coverage of cells and QoS of established services.
Therefore, the capacity, coverage, and QoS of the WCDMA system are mutually affected. To solve these
problems, the load control function is introduced to control the load in a cell.
Load control aims to maximize the system capacity while ensuring coverage and QoS by controlling the
key resources, such as power, downlink channelization codes, channel elements (CEs), and Iub
transmission resources, which directly affect user experience.
Each cell has its own set of load control functions that are responsible for monitoring and controlling the
resources of the cell. The load control functions monitor the load condition of the cell through load
measurement, make the admission decision for services through intelligent access control and call
admission control, and relieve congestion in a cell.

2.1 Load Control in Different Scenarios

Depending on the different phases of UE access, different load control functions are used, as shown in
the following figure.
Figure 2-1 Load control functions in different UE access phases

The load control functions are applied to different UE access phases as follows:
 Before UE access: Potential User Control (PUC)
 During UE access: Intelligent Access Control (IAC) and Call Admission Control (CAC)
 After UE access: Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold(CLB),
intra-frequency Load Balancing (LDB), Load Reshuffling (LDR), and Overload Control (OLC)
The following sections provide detailed information about the load control functions performed in the
different UE access phases.

2.2 Functions of Load Control

Load control is implemented on the RNC after obtaining measurement reports from the NodeBs.

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Load Control 2 Overview

Figure 2-2 Load control function in the WCDMA system

The load control functions are described as follows:

The function of PUC is to balance traffic load among cells on different frequencies. The RNC uses
PUC to modify cell selection and reselection parameters, and broadcasts them through system
information. In this way, UEs are directed to the lightly loaded cells. The UEs can be in idle mode,
CELL_FACH state, CELL_PCH state, or URA_PCH state.
The function of IAC is to increase the access success rate with the current QoS guaranteed through
rate negotiation, queuing, preemption, and directed retry decision (DRD). For details about DRD, see
Directed Retry Decision Feature Parameter Description.
The function of CAC is to decide whether to accept resource requests from UEs, such as access,
reconfiguration, and handover requests, depending on the resource status of the cell.
For details about CAC, see Call Admission Control Feature Parameter Description.
The function of CLB is to initiate the procedure of inter-frequency load balancing when a cell is not
congested, ensuring load balancing among cells. This function supports intra- and inter-RNC load
balancing. CLB may occur before LDR. That is, the RNC can perform inter-frequency load balancing
before a cell is congested.
The function of intra-frequency LDB is to balance the cell load between intra-frequency neighboring
cells to provide better resource usage. When the load of a cell increases, the cell reduces its coverage
to lighten its load. When the load of a cell decreases, the cell extends its coverage so that some traffic
is sent from its neighboring cells to it.
The function of LDR is to reduce the cell load when the cell enters the basic congestion state. The
purpose of LDR is to increase the access success rate by taking the following actions:
− Load-based inter-frequency handover
− BE service rate reduction
− QoS renegotiation for uncontrollable real-time services
− Load-based CS inter-RAT handover
− Load-based PS inter-RAT handover
− AMR voice service rate reduction
− Code reshuffling

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Load Control 2 Overview

− MBMS power reduction

− PS inter-RAT handover from UMTS to LTE
The function of OLC is to reduce the cell load rapidly when the cell is overloaded. The purpose of OLC
is to ensure the system stability and the QoS of most UEs in the following ways:
− Restricting the Transport Format (TF) of the BE service
− Switching BE services to common channels
− Adjusting the maximum transmit power of FACHs
− Releasing some RABs
Table 2-1 lists the resources that are considered by different load control functions.
Table 2-1 Resources considered by different load control functions
Load Control Function Resources
Power Code NodeB Credit Iub Bandwidth
CAC √ √ √ √
IAC √ √ √ √
PUC √ - - -
CLB √ √ √ -
LDB √ - - -
LDR √ √ √ √
OLC √ - - √

-: not considered
√: considered

2.3 Priorities Involved in Load Control

Different types of priorities are used in load control to preferentially ensure the QoS of the services or
users with high priorities.
The priorities involved in load control are user priority, integrated radio access bearer (RAB) priority, and
integrated user priority.

2.3.1 User Priority

User priorities are adopted to provide differentiated services for users. For ease of application, the RNC
maps the 15 levels of Allocation/Retention Priority (ARP) that is carried in the RAB ASSIGNMENT
REQUEST message from the core network (CN) onto three user priorities, that is, gold (high priority),
silver (medium priority), and bronze (low priority). The relationship between user priority and ARP can be
set by running the SET UUSERPRIORITY command; the typical relationship is provided in Table 2-2.

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Load Control 2 Overview

Table 2-2 Typical relationship between user priority and ARP

ARP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Silver Silver Silver
ARP 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Silver Silver Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper

If ARP is not received in messages from the Iu interface, the user priority is regarded as copper.

2.3.2 Integrated RAB Priority

The priority of an RAB is determined by its traffic class, ARP, and carrier type. Such a priority is called
integrated RAB priority. When resources are insufficient, services with the highest integrated priority are
preferentially processed.
The values of integrated RAB priority are set according to the integrated priority configuration reference
parameter (PriorityReference):
 If PriorityReference is set to Traffic Class, the integrated priority abides by the following rules:
− Traffic classes: conversational > streaming > interactive > background
− Services
of the same traffic class: priority based on ARP, that is, ARP1 > ARP2 > ARP3 > ... >
ARP14 > ARP15
− Service
of the same traffic class and ARP (only for interactive services): priority based on Traffic
Handling Priority (THP) that is carried in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message, that is,
THP1 > THP2 > THP3 > ... > THP14 > THP15
− Services
of the same traffic class, ARP and THP (only for interactive services): High Speed Packet
Access (HSPA) or Dedicated Channel (DCH) service preferred depending on CarrierTypePriorInd.
 If PriorityReference is set to ARP, the integrated priority abides by the following rules:
− ARP: ARP1 > ARP2 > ARP3 > ... > ARP14 > ARP15
− Services of the same ARP: priority based on traffic classes, that is, conversational > streaming >
interactive > background
− Only
for the interactive service of the same ARP value: priority based on Traffic Handling Priority
(THP), that is, THP1 > THP2 > THP3 > ... > THP14 > THP15
− Servicesof the same ARP, traffic class and THP (only for interactive services): HSPA or DCH service
preferred depending on CarrierTypePriorInd.

2.3.3 Integrated User Priority

A user may have multiple RABs, and the RABs may have different priorities. In this case, the highest
priority is considered as the priority of this user. Such a priority is called integrated user priority.
Integrated user priority is used in user-specific load control. For example, the selection of R99 users
during preemption, the selection of users during load-based inter-frequency handover for LDR, and the
selection of users during switching of BE services to common channels are performed according to the
integrated user priority.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 3 Load Measurement

3 Load Measurement
This chapter describes the WRFD-020102 Load Measurement feature.
The load control functions, such as OLC and CAC, use load measurement values in the uplink and the
downlink. A common Load Measurement (LDM) function is used to control load measurement in the
uplink and the downlink separately.
Load measurement is implemented by the NodeB. The filtering of measurement quantities is
implemented by the NodeB and the RNC.

3.1 Load-related Measurement Quantities

The major load-related measurement quantities are as follows:
 Uplink Received Total Wideband Power (RTWP)
− When the feature WRFD-020137 Dual-Threshold Scheduling with HSUPA Interference Cancellation
is not enabled, the RNC uses the measured RTWP value.
− When the feature WRFD-020137 Dual-Threshold Scheduling with HSUPA Interference Cancellation
is enabled, the RNC uses the RTWP value after interference cancellation if UlIcLdcOptSwitch is set
to OFF; the RNC uses the larger one between the following if UlIcLdcOptSwitch is set to ON:
a. Measured RTWP value – MaxDeltaOfTargetRoT
b. RTWP value after interference cancellation
For details about the feature WRFD-020137 Dual-Threshold Scheduling with HSUPA Interference
Cancellation, see HSUPA Feature Parameter Description.

OLC always uses the measured RTWP value no matter whether the RNC uses the measured RTWP value. For details
about OLC, see chapter 9 "Overload Control".
 Downlink Transmitted Carrier Power (TCP)
 Non-HSPA power: TCP excluding the power used for transmission on HSPA channels. For the detailed
information about HSPA channels, see HSDPA Feature Parameter Description and HSUPA Feature
Parameter Description.

The downlink power load state is as follows:

 Light State (The downlink power load falls into the range of 0% to 30%)
 Normal State (The downlink power load falls into the range of 30% to 50%)
 Loaded State (The downlink power load falls into the range of 50% to 70%)
 Heavy State (The downlink power load falls into the range of 70% to 95%)
 Overload State (The downlink power load falls into the range of 95% to 100%)
 These power load states are used to determine downlink cell load. Downlink load in an HSDPA cell is the proportion of
non-HSPA power consumption to the maximum transmit power of this cell (MaxTxPower). Downlink load in an R99 cell
is the proportion of TCP to the maximum transmit power of this cell.
 Provided Bit Rate (PBR) on HS-DSCH. For details about PBR, see 3GPP 25.321.
 Power Requirement for GBR (GBP) on HS-DSCH: minimum power required to ensure the GBR on
 PBR on E-DCH Light State, Normal State, Loaded State, Heavy State, Overload State
 Received Scheduled E-DCH Power Share (RSEPS): power of the E-DCH scheduling service in the
serving cell
 Uplink total load: sum of R99 service load, HSUPA service load, and control channel load. Measuring
the uplink total load depends on the NodeB hardware.

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 Uplink minimum guaranteed load: sum of R99 service load, HSUPA service load required by the
HSUPA GBR, and control channel load. Measuring the uplink minimum guaranteed load depends on
the NodeB hardware.
The HSUPA GBR is calculated as follows:
− If the function uplink enhanced L2 is disabled, GBR = max (bit rate of one RLC PDU, GBR).
− If the function uplink enhanced L2 is enabled, GBR = max (bit rate of the smallest RLC PDU, GBR).
The NodeB measures the major quantities related to load control. After layer 1 and layer 3 filtering, the
measurement values are reported to the RNC through the COMMON MEASUREMENT REPORT
The RNC performs smooth filtering of the measurement values reported from the NodeB and then
obtains the measurement values, which further serve as data input for the load control algorithms.
The RNC calculates the actual uplink load based on the filtered RTWP, uplink total load, and uplink
minimum guaranteed load. The actual uplink load is one of the factors for the uplink load-related

When one base station uses multiple antennas, these antennas may cause interference to each other. If antenna
interference is imbalanced or if some antennas become invalid, the measured RTWP and uplink load may be inaccurate.
In this situation, the anti-imbalance of the different antenna algorithm can be used to correct the inaccurate measurement
results and reflect the actual cell load. In this way, system capacity and network coverage can be better balanced. This
algorithm helps address shrinking uplink coverage and reduced system capacity in multi-antenna scenarios.
Uplink load measurement involves the measurement of RSEPS, uplink total load, and uplink minimum guaranteed load.
The anti-imbalance of the different antenna algorithm is controlled by the ANTIANTENNAIMBALANCESW parameter on
the NodeB side.

Figure 3-1 shows the LDM procedure.

Figure 3-1 LDM procedure

3.2 Reporting Period

The NodeB periodically reports each measurement quantity to the RNC. The following table lists the
reporting period parameters for setting different measurement quantities.

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Load Control 3 Load Measurement

Measurement Quantity Reporting Period Parameter

RTWP ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas
RSEPS TenMsecForUlBasicMeas
Non-HSPA power TenMsecForDlBasicMeas
Uplink total load MinForDlBasicMeas

Uplink minimum guaranteed load

GBP ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaPwrMeas
HS-DSCH PBR ChoiceRprtUnitForHsdpaRateMeas
E-DCH PBR ChoiceRprtUnitForHsupaRateMeas

3.3 Load Measurement Filtering

3.3.1 Layer 3 Filtering on the NodeB Side
The following figure shows the measurement model at the physical layer that is compliant with 3GPP
Figure 3-2 Measurement model at the physical layer

In Figure 3-2:
 A is the sampling value of the measurement.
 B is the measurement value after layer 1 filtering.
 C is the measurement value after layer 3 filtering.
 C' is another measurement value (if any) for measurement evaluation.

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Load Control 3 Load Measurement

 D is the reported measurement value.

Layer 1 filtering is not standardized by protocols and it depends on vendor equipment. Layer 3 filtering is
standardized. The filtering effect is controlled by a higher layer. The alpha filtering that applies to layer 3
filtering is calculated according to the following formula:

 Fn is the new post-filtering measurement value.
 Fn-1 is the last post-filtering measurement value.
 Mn is the new measurement value from the physical layer.
 α = (1/2)k/2, k is the measure filter coefficient which is specified by the following parameters.
− For
load control algorithms (excluding OLC), k is specified by the UlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff or
DlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff parameter.
− For OLC algorithm, k is specified by the UlOlcMeasFilterCoeff or DlOlcMeasFilterCoeff parameter.

3.3.2 Smooth Filtering on the RNC Side

After the RNC receives the measurement report, it filters the measurement value using the smooth
window method.
Assuming that the reported measurement value is Qn and that the length of the smooth window is N, the
filtered measurement value is

LDM must apply different smooth window length and measurement periods to PUC, CAC, LDR, and
OLC to obtain appropriate filtered values.
The following table lists the smooth window length parameters for setting different functions.
Table 3-1 The smooth window length parameters for setting different functions
Function Smooth Window Length Parameter
PUC PucAvgFilterLen
CAC UlCacAvgFilterLen
LDB LdbAvgFilterLen
LDR UlLdrAvgFilterLen
OLC UlOlcAvgFilterLen

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GBP measurements have the same smooth window length in all related functions. The filter length for GBP measurement
is specified by the HsdpaNeedPwrFilterLen parameter.
The length of the PBR smooth filter window is specified by the HsdpaPrvidBitRateFilterLen /
HsupaPrvidBitRateFilterLen parameter.
CLB measurements have the same smooth window length with LDR.

3.4 Auto-Adaptive Background Noise Update Algorithm

Uplink (UL) background noises are sensitive to environmental conditions, and the fluctuation of the
background noises has a negative impact on the RTWP measurement value. Therefore, the LDM
function includes an auto-adaptive update algorithm to restrict the background noise within a specified
range, as described here:
 If the temperature in the equipment room is constant, the background noise changes slightly. In this
case, the background noise requires no adjustment after initial correction.
 If the temperature in the equipment room varies with the ambient temperature, the background noise
changes greatly. In this case, the background noise requires auto-adaptive upgrade.
The following figure shows the flow chart of auto-adaptive background noise update, which is enabled by
the BGNSwitch parameter.

BGNSwitch is set to ON by default.

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Figure 3-3 Flow chart of auto-adaptive background noise update

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 The Alpha filter formula is: Fn = (1 - α) x Fn-1 + α x Mn (n≥1). For details about this formula, see section 3.3.1 "Layer 3
Filtering on the NodeB Side."
 Counting threshold = (Duration of background noise)/(RTWP reporting period). The duration of background noise is
used in auto-adaptive upgrade decision and is set by the BGNAdjustTimeLen parameter. For the setting of RTWP
reporting period, see section 3.2 "Reporting Period."

The procedure for auto-adaptive background noise update is as follows:

1. The RNC initializes the counter and filter that are used for auto-adaptive upgrade and sets the initial
value (F0) of the filter to BackgroundNoise.
2. The RNC receives the latest RTWP measurement value and uplink total load measurement value
from the physical layer.
3. The RNC checks whether the current time is within the effective period of the algorithm, that is,
whether the current time is later than BgnStartTime and earlier than BgnEndTime.
If the current time is within the effective period, then:
− IfBGNOptSwitch is set to OFF, Mn = the latest RTWP measurement value. The procedure goes to 4
− If
BGNOptSwitch is set to ON, Mn = the latest RTWP measurement value - uplink total load
measurement value. The procedure goes to 4 (b).
If the current time is not within the effective period, the RNC waits for the next RTWP measurement
value and uplink total load measurement value.

The uplink total load measurement depends on the NodeB hardware. For details, see section 3.1 "Load-related
Measurement Quantities" When the uplink total load measurement is invalid, background noise update is not performed.
The initial value of the filter is set to the current background noise.
4. The RNC do the following:
(a). The RNC determines whether the current Equivalent Number of Users (ENU) in the cell is greater
than the value of BGNEqUserNumThd:
− Ifthe current ENU is greater than the value of BGNEqUserNumThd, the RNC infers that Mn includes
other noises in addition to the background noise, and therefore it does not feed Mn to the filter. In
addition, the RNC sets the counter to zero, retains the current background noise, and sets the initial
value of the filter to the current background noise. The background noise update procedure ends.
The RNC waits for the next RTWP measurement value and uplink total load measurement value.
− Ifthe current ENU in the cell is smaller than or equal to the value of BGNEqUserNumThd, the RNC
feeds Mn to the filter and performs the next step.
(b). The RNC determines whether the uplink total load measurement value is greater than the value
of BGNULLoadThd:
− If the latest uplink total load measurement value is greater than the value of BGNULLoadThd, the
RNC sets the counter to zero, retains the current background noise, and sets the initial value of the
filter to the current background noise. The background noise update procedure ends. The RNC waits
for the next RTWP measurement value and uplink total load measurement value.
− If the latest uplink total load measurement value is smaller than or equal to the value of
BGNULLoadThd, the RNC feeds Mn to the filter and performs the next step.
5. The RNC checks whether |Mn - Fn-1| is smaller than the value of BgnAbnormalThd. If it is smaller
than this threshold value, the RNC increments the counter by one, calculates Fn according to the
Alpha filter formula, and performs the next step. Otherwise, the RNC waits for the next RTWP
measurement value.
6. The RNC checks whether the counter reaches the counting threshold. If it reaches the counting
threshold, the RNC performs the next step. Otherwise, the RNC waits for the next RTWP
measurement value.

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Load Control 3 Load Measurement

7. The RNC checks whether |Fn - BackgroundNoise| is smaller than the value of BgnAbnormalThd.
The purpose is to prevent burst interference and RTWP spike. If it is smaller than the value of
BgnAbnormalThd, the RNC performs the next step. Otherwise, the RNC sets the counter to zero
and waits for the next RTWP measurement value.
8. The RNC checks whether |Fn - current background noise| is greater than the value of
BgnUpdateThd. The purpose is to prevent frequent background noise upgrades on the Iub interface.
If it is greater than the value of BgnUpdateThd, the RNC sets the current background noise to Fn,
sets the counter to zero, and waits for the next RTWP measurement value. Otherwise, the RNC sets
the counter to zero and waits for the next RTWP measurement value.

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Load Control 4 Potential User Control

4 Potential User Control

This chapter describes the WRFD-020105 Potential User Control feature.
The PUC function controls the cell selection and cell reselection of a UE that is in idle mode, in the
CELL_FACH state, CELL_PCH state, or URA_PCH state and prevents the UE from camping on a
heavily loaded cell.
The PUC is valid only for inter-frequency cells, and it takes effect only in the downlink.
Figure 4-1 shows the PUC procedure.
Figure 4-1 PUC procedure

The PUC function is enabled only when the PUC sub-parameter of the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch parameter
is set to 1.
For a cell not supporting DC-HSDPA, the RNC periodically monitors the downlink load of the cell.
 If the cell load is higher than the upper threshold (SpucHeavy) plus the load level division hysteresis
(SpucHyst), the cell load is considered heavy.
 If the cell load is lower than the lower threshold (SpucLight) minus SpucHyst, the cell load is
considered light.
For a cell supporting DC-HSDPA, the RNC concurrently monitors the load state of each single cell and
load state of the cell group.
 The checking of load state of a single cell is the same as that of a cell not supporting DC-HSDPA.
 The checking of load state of the cell group is as follows:
− If
the load of the two cells is higher than their upper thresholds (SpucHeavy) plus their load level
division hysteresis (SpucHyst), the load of the cell group is considered heavy.
− If
the load of the two cells is lower than their lower thresholds (SpucLight) minus their load level
division hysteresis (SpucHyst), the load of the cell group is considered light.
The load state of a cell supporting DC-HSDPA is determined based on the following table.

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Load Control 4 Potential User Control

Load of Single Cell Load of Cell Group Load of Cell Supporting DC-HSDPA
Heavy Heavy, normal, or light Heavy
Heavy, normal, or light Heavy Heavy
Normal Normal, or light Normal
Normal, or light Normal Normal
Light Light Light

The states of a cell load are heavy, normal, and light, as shown in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1 Cell load states

Based on the cell load, the PUC works as follows:

 If the cell load becomes heavy, the PUC modifies cell selection and reselection parameters and
broadcasts them through system information. In this way, the PUC leads UEs to the lightly loaded
neighboring cells.
 If the cell load becomes normal, the PUC uses the cell selection and reselection parameters
configured on the RNC LMT.
 If the cell load becomes light, the PUC modifies cell selection and reselection parameters and
broadcasts them through system information. In this way, the PUC leads UEs to this cell.
The variables related to cell selection and reselection are Qoffset1(s,n) (load level offset), Qoffset2(s,n)
(load level offset), and Sintersearch (start threshold for inter-frequency cell reselection). The following
table describes PUC-related variables and their impacts on UEs.

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Table 4-2 PUC-related variables and their impacts on UEs

Item Description
Implementation The NodeB periodically reports the transmit power of the cell, and the PUC
periodically triggers the following activities:
 Assessing the cell load level based on the non-HSPA power and HS-DSCH GBP
 Setting Sintersearch, Qoffset1(s,n), and Qoffset2(s,n) based on the cell load level
 Updating the parameters in system information SIB3 and SIB11
Adjustment Based on the characteristics of inter-frequency cell selection and reselection, the UE
makes the corresponding adjustments:
 Sintersearch
− When this value is increased by the serving cell, the UE starts inter-frequency
cell reselection ahead of schedule.
− When this value is decreased by the serving cell, the UE delays inter-frequency
cell reselection.
 Qoffset1(s,n): applies to R (reselection) rule with CPICH RSCP
− When this value is increased by the serving cell, the UE has a lower probability
of selecting a neighboring cell.
− When this value is decreased by the serving cell, the UE has a higher probability
of selecting a neighboring cell.
 Qoffset2(s,n): applies to R (reselection) rule with CPICH Ec/Io
− When this value is increased by the serving cell, the UE has a lower probability
of selecting a neighboring cell.
− When this value is decreased by the serving cell, the UE has a higher probability
of selecting a neighboring cell.

Depending on the load status of the serving cell, the cell reselection variable Sintersearch is adjusted up
or down or kept unchanged. Changes to the variable Sintersearch are made as shown in Table 4-3.
Table 4-3 Changes made to Sintersearch according to the load state
Load State of the S'intersearch Change to Sintersearch
Serving Cell
Light S'intersearch = Sintersearch + OffSinterLight 
Normal S'intersearch = Sintersearch →
Heavy S'intersearch = Sintersearch + OffSinterHeavy 

: indicates that the parameter value decreases.

→: indicates that the parameter value remains unchanged.
: indicates that the parameter value increases.

The configurations of Qoffset1 and Qoffset2 are related to the load of the serving cell and the load of the
neighboring cells. Changes to Qoffset1 and Qoffset2 are made as shown in Table 4-4.

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Table 4-4 Changes made to Qoffset1 and Qoffset2 according to the load state
Load State of Load State Q'offset1 Change Q'offset2 Change
the of the to to
Neighboring Serving Qoffset1 Qoffset2
Cells Cell
Light Light Q'offset1 = Qoffset1 → Q'offset2 = Qoffset2 →
Light Normal Q'offset1 = Qoffset1 → Q'offset2 = Qoffset2 →
Light Heavy Q'offset1 = Qoffset1  Q'offset2 = Qoffset2 
+ OffQoffset1Light + OffQoffset2Light
Normal Light Q'offset1 = Qoffset1 → Q'offset2 = Qoffset2 →
Normal Normal Q'offset1 = Qoffset1 → Q'offset2 = Qoffset2 →
Normal Heavy Q'offset1 = Qoffset1  Q'offset2 = Qoffset2 
+ OffQoffset1Light + OffQoffset2Light
Heavy Light Q'offset1 = Qoffset1  Q'offset2 = Qoffset2 
+ OffQoffset1Heavy +
Heavy Normal Q'offset1 = Qoffset1  Q'offset2 = Qoffset2 
+ OffQoffset1Heavy +
Heavy Heavy Q'offset1 = Qoffset1 → Q'offset2 = Qoffset2 →

The prerequisite for changing the preceding parameters is that these parameters should be in their default values.

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Load Control 5 Intelligent Access Control

5 Intelligent Access Control

5.1 Overview of Intelligent Access Control
IAC is used to increase the access success rate, that is, RRC connection success rate and RAB setup
success rate.
There are two types of IAC, namely, IAC for RRC connection processing and IAC for RAB connection
 IAC for RRC connection processing is used to select a suitable cell for a UE to access through
redirection and RRC DRD. It also implements load balancing and service steering.
 IAC for RAB connection processing is used to select a suitable cell for a UE to access through DRD
and CAC. It also implements load balancing and service steering. Features such as preemption,
queuing, and low-rate access are used to further improve the RAB setup success rate.
In addition, IAC provides differentiated services for users with different priorities. For example, when the
system resources are insufficient, procedures such as direct admission, preemption, and redirection can
be performed to ensure the successful access of emergency calls to the network.
Figure 5-1 shows a typical procedure for service access control.
Figure 5-1 Service access control procedure

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As shown in Figure 5-1, the procedure for service access includes the procedures for RRC connection
setup and RAB setup. The successful setup of the RRC connection is one of the prerequisites for the
RAB setup.
 During the RRC connection processing, the RNC performs the following steps.
1. RRC redirection based on distance (only for UE-originating AMR services). For details, see section
5.2.3 "Inter-RAT RRC Redirection Based on Distance". If the RNC decides to obtain UE access from
another cell, it sends an RRC connection reject message to the UE; otherwise, the RNC performs the
next step.
2. RRC redirection for service steering. For details, see section 5.2.4 "RRC Redirection for Service
− If
the RNC decides to obtain UE access from the current cell, it then makes a resource-based
admission decision. If the resource-based admission fails, the RNC performs DRD and redirection.
− If
the RNC decides to obtain UE access from another cell, it then sends an RRC connection reject
message to the UE. The message carries the information about the cell and instructs the UE to set up
an RRC connection to the cell.
For details, see section 5.2 "IAC During RRC Connection Setup."
 During the RAB connection processing, the RNC performs the following steps:
3. Performs inter-frequency DRD to select a suitable cell for service steering or load balancing. For
details about DRD, see Directed Retry Decision Feature Parameter Description.
4. Performs rate negotiation according to the service requested by the UE. For details, see section 5.4
"Rate Negotiation at Admission Control."
5. Makes cell resource-based admission decision. If the admission is successful, UE access is granted.
Otherwise, the RNC performs the next step. For details about admission decision, see Call
Admission Control Feature Parameter Description.
6. Selects a suitable cell, according to the inter-frequency DRD, from the cells where no admission
attempt has been made, and then performs step 7. If all the attempts fail, the RNC performs the next
7. Selects a suitable cell according to the inter-RAT DRD. If the inter-RAT admission is successful, UE
access is granted in the inter-RAT cell. If the inter-RAT DRD fails or is not supported, the RNC
performs the next step.
8. Makes a preemption attempt. For details about preemption, see section 5.6 "Preemption." If the
preemption is successful, UE access is granted. If the preemption fails or is not supported, the RNC
performs the next step.
9. Makes a queuing attempt. For details about queuing, see section 5.7 "Queuing."
10. ." If the queuing is successful, UE access is granted. If the queuing fails or is not supported, the RNC
performs the next step.
11. Performs low-rate access. For details about low-rate access, see section 5.8 "Low-Rate Access of
the PS BE Service." If the low-rate access is admitted, UE access is granted. If the low-rate access is
unsuccessful, the RNC performs the next step.
12. Rejects UE access.

After the admission attempts of an HSPA service request fail in all candidate cells, the service falls back to the DCH. Then,
the service reattempts to access the network.

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Load Control 5 Intelligent Access Control

Table 5-1 IAC procedure supported by services

Service Low-Rate Rate Negotiation Preemption Queuing DRD
Type Access
MBR GBR Initial Rate Target Rate Inter- Inter-RAT
Negotiation Negotiation Negotiation Negotiation Frequency

DCH √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

HSUPA - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ -

HSDPA - √ √ - - √ √ √ -

5.2 IAC During RRC Connection Setup

5.2.1 Procedure of IAC During RRC Connection Setup
Before a new service is admitted to the network, an RRC connection must be set up.
As shown in Figure 5-2, when the switch DrSwitch: DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH is set to ON, the RRC
connection setup procedure is performed as follows:

Inter-RAT RRC redirection based on weak coverage is controlled by the switch PerfEnhanceSwitch:

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Figure 5-2 RRC connection setup procedure

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After receiving an RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message from the UE, the RNC performs inter-RAT
RRC redirection based on weak coverage when PERFENH_RRC_WEAK_REDIR_SWITCH under the
PerfEnhanceSwitch parameter is selected. If this check box is not selected, the RNC performs the RRC
redirection based on distance (only for UE-originating AMR services). For details, see section 5.2.3
"RRC Redirection based on Distance". If the RNC decides to obtain UE access from another cell, it
sends an RRC connection reject message to the UE; otherwise, the RNC performs the next step.
Then, the RNC uses the RRC redirection algorithm for service steering and Macro & Micro Joint
Inter-Frequency Redirection to decide whether the UE can access the network from the current cell:
 If the UE can access the network from the current cell according to the decision result, the RNC uses
the CAC algorithm to decide whether an RRC connection can be set up between the UE and the
current cell.
− If
the RRC connection can be set up between the UE and the current cell, the RNC sends an RRC
CONNECTION SETUP message to the UE.
− If
the RRC connection cannot be set up between the UE and the current cell, the RNC attempts to
select a cell for RRC connection setup through RRC DRD. If the RRC DRD fails, RRC redirection will
be performed.
 If the UE needs to access the network from another cell according to the decision result, the RNC
sends an RRC CONNECTION REJECT message to the UE. The message carries the information
about this cell.
DrSwitch: DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH is the general switch of the following six algorithms:
 Inter-RAT RRC Redirection Based on Distance
 Inter-Frequency RRC Redirection Based on Distance
 RRC Redirection for Service Steering
 Macro & Micro Joint Inter-frequency Redirection
 RRC Redirection After DRD Failure
Before enabling the six algorithms, turn on the DrSwitch: DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH.

For details about the Macro & Micro Joint Inter-Frequency Redirection feature, see HetNet Co-Carrier Coordination Phase
1Feature Parameter Description.

5.2.2 Inter-RAT RRC Redirection Based on Weak Coverage

In weak-coverage areas, the UE access success rate is low and the call drop possibility is high. In areas
where the GSM coverage is better than the UMTS coverage, using inter-RAT RRC redirection based on
weak coverage can redirect UEs from the UMTS to the GSM network to improve the UE access success
rate and reduce the call drop rate.
Inter-RAT RRC redirection based on weak coverage is recommended when there is only a small
proportion of UEs that do not support inter-RAT redirections. The parameter PerfEnhanceSwitch:
PERFENH_RRC_WEAK_REDIR_SWITCH specifies whether to enable inter-RAT RRC redirection
based on weak coverage.
The procedure for inter-RAT RRC redirection based on weak coverage is as follows:
1. Upon receiving an RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message from the UE, the RNC checks the
setting of PerfEnhanceSwitch: PERFENH_RRC_WEAK_REDIR_SWITCH.

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− If
PERFENH_RRC_WEAK_REDIR_SWITCH under the PerfEnhanceSwitch parameter is not
selected, the RNC does not perform inter-RAT RRC redirection based on weak coverage. The RRC
connection setup request is then processed in the current cell.
− If
PERFENH_RRC_WEAK_REDIR_SWITCH under the PerfEnhanceSwitch parameter is selected,
the procedure goes to the next step.
2. The RNC obtains the Ec/N0 value of the current cell from the RACH Measurement Report IE in the
− If
the Ec/N0 value is greater than or equal to the value of WeakCovRrcRedirEcNoThs, the RNC
does not perform inter-RAT RRC redirection based on weak coverage. The RRC connection setup
request is then processed in the current cell.
− If
the Ec/N0 value is smaller than the value of WeakCovRrcRedirEcNoThs, the procedure goes to
the next step.
3. The RNC sends the UE an RRC CONNECTION REJECT message containing information on the
neighboring GSM cells of the current cell.

If the current cell does not have any neighboring GSM cell or the IE "RACH Measurement Report" does not contain the
Ec/N0 value, inter-RAT RRC redirection based on weak coverage is not performed.

5.2.3 RRC Redirection based on Distance

Inter-RAT RRC Redirection Based on Distance
This section describes the WRFD-020401 Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance feature.
In actual situations, a UE may receive signals from a distant cell and subsequently access the cell.
However, the cells that are adjacent to this cell are not configured as its neighboring cells. If the UE
moves out of this cell, call drops may occur. To solve this problem, RRC Inter-RAT redirection based on
distance is introduced.
The RRC Inter-RAT redirection based on distance technique estimates the distance between the UE and
the cell center by considering the propagation delay. Based on the estimation result, the RNC checks
whether to perform RRC Inter-RAT redirection. The propagation delay is the one-way propagation delay
of the radio signal from the UE to the NodeB. The NodeB measures the propagation delay and then
reports it to the RNC. The propagation delay is directly proportional to the distance between the UE and
the NodeB.
The switch of RRC Inter-RAT redirection based on distance can be set through the RedirSwitch
parameter. RRC Inter-RAT redirection based on distance is applicable only to the UE-originating AMR
The procedure for RRC Inter-RAT redirection based on distance is as follows:
1. Upon receiving an RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message from the UE, the RNC checks whether
the requested service is the UE-originating AMR service. If yes, the RNC performs the next step.
Otherwise, the RNC does not perform RRC Inter-RAT redirection based on distance, and handles the
RRC connection setup request of the UE in the current cell.
2. The RNC obtains the propagation delay from the NodeB and compares it with DelayThs.
− If the propagation delay is greater than DelayThs, the RNC performs the next step.
− If
the propagation delay is equal to or less than DelayThs, the RNC does not perform RRC Inter-RAT
redirection based on distance, and handles the RRC connection setup request of the UE in the
current cell.
3. The RNC checks the load status of the current cell and checks whether to perform RRC Inter-RAT
redirection based on distance by considering the load status.

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− If
the cell is in the normal state, the RNC generates a random value ranging from 0 to 1 and
compares the value with the RedirFactorOfNorm parameter. If the random value is equal to or
smaller than the parameter, the RNC performs the next step. Otherwise, the RNC does not perform
RRC Inter-RAT redirection based on distance, and handles the RRC connection setup request of the
UE in the current cell.
− If
the cell is in the basic congestion state or is overloaded, the RNC generates a random value
ranging from 0 to 1 and compares the value with the RedirFactorOfLDR parameter. If the random
value is equal to or smaller than the parameter, the RNC performs the next step. Otherwise, the RNC
does not perform RRC Inter-RAT redirection based on distance, and handles the RRC connection
setup request of the UE in the current cell.
4. The RNC sends the UE an RRC CONNECTION REJECT message containing information on the
neighboring GSM cells of the current cell.

If the current cell does not have any neighboring GSM cell, the UE spontaneously selects a proper cell to access.

Inter-Frequency RRC Redirection Based on Distance

This section describes the WRFD-02040005 Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on Distance feature.
Excessive cell coverage may occur in UMTS networks. This is especially the case in cells operating in
UMTS 900 MHz, because such cells have strong coverage abilities. If a UE moves out of a UMTS cell
with excessive coverage during cell access and no neighboring GSM cells are configured for this cell,
the RRC setup for the UE fails. Inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance, which is designed to
address excessive coverage issues, can solve this problem. Inter-frequency RRC redirection based on
distance applies only to UE-originating services.
Upon receiving an RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message from the UE, the RNC obtains the
propagation delay of the UE and compares it with the propagation delay threshold for inter-frequency
RRC redirections. When inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance is enabled and the
propagation delay of the UE is greater than the threshold, the RNC considers that the UE is in a cell with
excessive coverage, and it triggers inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance. The
InterFreqRedirSwitch parameter specifies whether inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance
is enabled.
Figure 5-3 shows the procedure for inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance.

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Figure 5-3 Procedure for inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance

The procedure for inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance is as follows:

1. Upon receiving an RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message from the UE, the RNC checks whether
InterFreqRedirSwitch is set to ON.
 If InterFreqRedirSwitch is set to OFF, the RNC does not perform inter-frequency RRC redirection
based on distance. The RRC connection setup request is then processed in the current cell.

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 If InterFreqRedirSwitch is set to ON, the procedure goes to the next step.

2. The RNC obtains the propagation delay of the UE from the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST
message and compares it with the propagation delay limit for inter-frequency RRC redirections. The
propagation delay threshold is specified by the InterFreqRedirDelayThd parameter.
 If the propagation delay of the UE is smaller than or equal to InterFreqRedirDelayThd, the RNC does
not perform inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance. The RRC connection setup request is
then processed in the current cell.
 If the propagation delay of the UE is greater than InterFreqRedirDelayThd, the procedure goes to the
next step.
3. The RNC checks the load status of the current cell.
 If the current cell is experiencing LDR (that is, the cell is in the basic congestion state in the uplink or
downlink), the RNC generates a random number between 0 and 1 and compares it with the
inter-frequency redirection factor for LDR (specified by InterFreqRedirFactorOfLDR).
− If
the random number is smaller than or equal to InterFreqRedirFactorOfLDR, the procedure goes
to the next step.
− If
the random number is greater than InterFreqRedirFactorOfLDR, the RNC does not perform
inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance. The RRC connection setup request is then
processed in the current cell.
 If the current cell is not experiencing LDR, the RNC generates a random number between 0 and 1 and
compares it with the inter-frequency redirection factor for the normal state (specified by
− If
the random number is smaller than or equal to InterFreqRedirFactorOfNorm, the procedure goes
to the next step.
− If
the random number is greater than InterFreqRedirFactorOfNorm, the RNC does not perform
inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance. The RRC connection setup request is then
processed in the current cell.
4. The RNC sends the UE an RRC CONNECTION REJECT message that contains the target
frequency number for redirection.
 The RedirUARFCNUplinkInd parameter specifies whether to manually configure the uplink target
frequency number for redirection.
− If
RedirUARFCNUplinkInd is set to TRUE, the uplink target frequency number is set by the
RedirUARFCNUplink parameter.
− If
RedirUARFCNUplinkInd is set to FALSE, the uplink target frequency number is automatically
configured according to the binding relationship between uplink and downlink frequency numbers.
 The downlink target frequency number is specified by the RedirUARFCNDownlink parameter.
The RedirBandInd parameter determines the validity of the uplink and downlink target frequency
numbers. If the target frequency numbers are out of the range of the bands specified by
RedirBandInd, a prompt displays to inform users. If RedirBandInd is set to DependOnNCell, the
target cell must be under the same RNC as the current cell and these two cells must be on the same
5. After inter-frequency RRC redirection based on distance is complete, the RNC prevents ping-pong
redirections regardless of whether the redirection is successful.
 If PERFENH_RRC_REDIR_PROTECT_SWITCH under the PerfEnhanceSwitch parameter in the
SET UCORRMPARA command is selected, the RNC prevents ping-pong redirections based on
service, Iur-g load, and distance. If a UE that has been redirected to another cell attempts to access
the original cell, it is directly admitted.
 If PERFENH_RRC_REDIR_PROTECT_SWITCH under the PerfEnhanceSwitch parameter in the
SET UCORRMPARA command is not selected, the RNC does not prevent ping-pong redirections.

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5.2.4 RRC Redirection for Service Steering

This section describes the WRFD-020120 Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup
The RRC redirection for service steering is used to enable the successful RRC connection setup by
selecting an appropriate cell for the UE based on the requested service. This algorithm is not applicable
to combined services.
During the RRC connection setup, the RNC implements service steering between inter-frequency or
inter-RAT cells according to the service type requested by the UE. In addition, the RNC considers the
load of the cell for access and the redirection factors to control the degree of load sharing. Therefore,
this function is also called service steering and load sharing in RRC connection setup.

Procedure of RRC Redirection for Service Steering

The procedure for RRC redirection for service steering is as follows:
1. The RNC obtains the information about the service requested by the UE and the capability of the UE.
− If
the DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH of the parameter DrSwitch is set to 1, the RNC determines the
service type requested by the UE. If the RNC succeeds in determining the service type requested by
the UE and the switch of RRC direction for service steering (RedirSwitch) is set to
ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY or ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT, the RNC performs the next step.
Otherwise, the RNC handles the RRC connection setup request of the UE in the current cell.
− If
the DR_ RRC_DRD_SWITCH of the parameter DrSwitch is set to 0, the RNC handles the RRC
connection setup request of the UE in the current cell.
2. Based on the setting of RedirSwitch and SCellLoadBsdRedirSwitch, the RNC takes the
corresponding actions:
− If
RedirSwitch is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY and SCellLoadBsdRedirSwitch is set to
a. If the uplink power load of the cell is lower than the value of UlLdrTrigThd multiplied by
OffloadRelativeThd and the downlink power load is lower than the value of DlLdrTrigThd
multiplied by OffloadRelativeThd, the RNC handles the RRC connection setup request of the
UE in the current cell.
b. If the preceding conditions are not met, the RNC performs the next step.
− If
RedirSwitch is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY and SCellLoadBsdRedirSwitch is set to
OFF, the RNC performs the next step.

 The frequency information carried in the message can be set by running the SET UREDIRECTION command.
 SCellLoadBsdRedirSwitch is effective when RedirSwitch is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY.
 The calculation method for the uplink/downlink power load of a cell is the same as that for the power load in the load
reshuffling algorithm.
− If RedirSwitch is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT, the RNC performs the next step.
3. Based on the cell load and the redirection factors, the RNC decides whether to perform RRC
redirection for service steering.
− If
the cell is in the normal state, the RNC generates a random number between 0 and 1 and
compares it with the corresponding unconditional redirection factor (RedirFactorOfNorm). If the
random number is smaller than this factor, the RNC performs the next step. Otherwise, the RNC
handles the RRC connection setup request of the UE in the current cell.

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− If
the cell is in the basic congestion or overload state, the RNC generates a random number between
0 and 1 and compares it with the value of RedirFactorOfLDR. If the random number is smaller than
this factor, the RNC performs the next step. Otherwise, the RNC handles the RRC connection setup
request of the UE in the current cell.
4. When RedirBandInd is set to a value ranging from Band1 to Band9, the RNC takes the following
− If
the measured CPICH Ec/N0 is contained in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message and the
value of CPICH Ec/N0 is larger than or equal to the value for RedirEcN0Thd, the RNC proceeds with
the next step. If the value of CPICH Ec/N0 is smaller than the value for RedirEcN0Thd, the RNC
processes the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message in the current cell.
− If
the measured CPICH Ec/N0 is not contained in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message, the
RNC proceeds with the next step.
When RedirSwitch is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY and RedirBandInd is set to
DependOnNCell, the target cell must be an intra-band inter-frequency cell under the same RNC with
the current cell and BlindHoFlag for the target cell is set to TRUE.
− If
a cell in the inter-frequency neighboring cell list meets the preceding requirements, the RNC
determines whether this neighboring cell is in the OLC state.
a. If this neighboring cell is in the OLC state, it cannot be the target cell of the UE. If all the
neighboring cells are in the OLC state, the RNC processes the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST
message in the current cell.
b. If this neighboring cell is not in the OLC state, the RNC proceeds with the next step.
− If
all the cells in the inter-frequency neighboring cell list do not meet the preceding requirements, the
RNC processes the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message in the current cell.

If parameter settings do not meet the requirements in this step, the RNC skips this step and proceeds with the next step.
5. The RNC performs RRC redirection.
− If
RedirSwitch is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_FREQUENCY, the RNC sends an RRC CONNECTION
REJECT message to the UE, redirecting the UE to the target frequency carried in the message.
− If
RedirSwitch is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_RAT, the RNC sends an RRC CONNECTION REJECT
message to the UE, redirecting the UE to inter-RAT neighboring cells carried in the message.

Service Identification Rule

The RNC identifies requested services according to the relevant information elements (IEs) in the RRC
Connection Request message received from the UE. The identification is successful only when all the
conditions described in Table 5-2 are met. Otherwise, the identification fails.

TerminTrfcBsdRedirSwitch specifies whether to identify terminated services.

 If TerminTrfcBsdRedirSwitch is set to ON, the RNC identifies both originated services and terminated services.
 If TerminTrfcBsdRedirSwitch is set to OFF, the RNC identifies only originated services.

Table 5-2 Service identification rule

Identified Reference IE
Type Establishment cause Domain Call type UE capability Access stratum
indicator indication release indicator
AMR Originating Conversational CS domain Speech N/A REL-6
Call REL-7
Terminating Conversational

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Identified Reference IE
Type Establishment cause Domain Call type UE capability Access stratum
indicator indication release indicator
AMR/VP Originating Conversational N/A N/A N/A R99
Call REL-4
Terminating Conversational REL-5
VP Originating Conversational CS domain Video N/A REL-6
Call REL-7
Terminating Conversational
PS R99 Originating Interactive Call N/A N/A N/A R99
Originating Background Call REL-4
Terminating Interactive Call
Terminating Background Call
PS R99 Originating Interactive Call PS domain N/A Not HS-DSCH REL-6
Originating Background Call or HS-DSCH REL-7
Terminating Interactive Call +E-DCH
Terminating Background Call
PS HSPA Originating Interactive Call PS domain N/A HS-DSCH or REL-6
Originating Background Call HS-DSCH REL-7
Terminating Interactive Call +E-DCH
Terminating Background Call

PS R99 and PS HSPA services for UEs of the REL-5 version cannot be identified by the RNC because these UEs do not
carry the Domain indicator, Call type, or UE capability indication IEs in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message.
 UEs of REL-5 and earlier versions do not carry the Domain indicator, Call type, or UE capability indication IEs.
Therefore, the RNC cannot differentiate between AMR services and VP services. The RNC implements VP service
redirection the same way it implements AMR service redirection.

5.2.5 RRC DRD

If the UE fails to access the current cell, the RNC performs RRC DRD. The purpose is to instruct the UE
to set up an RRC connection in an inter-frequency neighboring cell with better signal quality.
For details about RRC DRD, see Directed Retry Decision Feature Parameter Description.

5.2.6 RRC Redirection After DRD Failure

This section describes the WRFD-02040003 Inter System Redirect feature.
The purpose of RRC redirection after DRD failure is to instruct the UE to set up RRC connection in an
inter-frequency or an inter-RAT cell.

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When the RRC DRD fails, the RNC performs RRC redirection as follows:
The RNC selects another frequency for redirection based on the setting of the ReDirBandInd parameter.
If the ReDirBandInd parameter is set to a specific band, the RNC selects the configured target
frequency number and redirects the UE. The target frequency number is configured by the following
parameters: ReDirUARFCNUplinkInd, ReDirUARFCNUplink, ReDirUARFCNDownlink.
If the ReDirBandInd parameter is set to DependOnNCell, the RNC selects the target frequency number
from the target frequency numbers corresponding to the intra-band inter-frequency neighboring cells of
the current cell. In addition, the RNC excludes the target frequency numbers corresponding to the cells
that have carried out inter-frequency RRC DRD attempts.
 If more than one target frequency number is available, the RNC selects a target frequency number
randomly. Then, the RNC sends an RRC CONNECTION REJECT message to the UE, redirecting the
UE to the selected target frequency carried in the message.
 If no target frequency number is available, the RNC continues to perform RRC redirection according to
the setting of the ConnectFailRrcRedirSwitch parameter.
− If ConnectFailRrcRedirSwitch is set to Only_To_Inter_Frequency, the RRC connection setup fails.
− If
ConnectFailRrcRedirSwitch is set to Allowed_To_Inter_RAT and there is a neighboring GSM cell,
the RNC sends the information about the neighboring GSM cell to the UE and redirects the UE to
GSM system. If ConnectFailRrcRedirSwitch is set to Allowed_To_Inter_RAT but there is no
neighboring GSM cell, the UE automatically searches for GSM cells and then selects one of them for
RRC connection setup attempts.

5.2.7 FACH Power Control of RRC phase

During the RRC connection setup procedure, coverage in the live network may be imbalanced and UEs
in weak coverage areas cannot correctly parse messages from the network. This leads to RRC
connection setup failures. To address this problem, the FACH power control of RRC phase function is
introduced to increase the downlink transmit power of the FACH so that UEs can parse messages more
When a UE attempts to access a cell, the RNC checks the cause value and the Ec/N0 value contained in
the RRC CONNETCTION REQUEST message. The RRC connection setup cause is specified by the
RrcCause parameter. The RNC then compares the Ec/N0 value with the value for
FACHPower4RRCRepEcNoThd corresponding to the RrcCause parameter.
If the value of Ec/N0 is smaller than the value for FACHPower4RRCRepEcNoThd, the FACH power
control of RRC phase function is triggered. This function increases the FACH transmit power as follows:
 If the T381 timer expires, the RNC increases the downlink transmit power of the FACH when
resending the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message to the UE. The times for resending this message
are determined by the N381 timer.
 If the T300 timer expires, after the UE resends an RRC CONNETCTION REQUEST message, the
RNC increases the downlink transmit power of the FACH when sending the RRC CONNECTION
SETUP message. The times for resending this message are determined by the N300 timer.
The FACH downlink transmit power is specified by the MaxFachPower parameter. If the FACH downlink
transmit power exceeds the OLC threshold (DlOlcTrigThd), the RNC will not adjust the FACH downlink
transmit power.
The FACH is a common channel. When the FACH power control of RRC phase function is enabled, the
FACH downlink transmit power for UEs with no power increase requirements is the difference between
the MaxFachPower and OffsetFACHPower parameters.

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5.3 Directed Retry Decision

Traffic steering and load sharing during RAB setup will be performed through DRD.
During the RAB connection processing, non-periodic DRD is used to select a suitable cell for a UE to
access according to the HSPA+ technological satisfaction, service priority, and cell load. Non-periodic
DRD is performed during RAB setup, RAB modification, or DCCC channel reconfiguration.
Non-periodic DRD involves inter-frequency DRD and inter-RAT DRD.
By using inter-frequency DRD, the RNC selects the qualified candidate cells by considering HSPA+
technological satisfaction, cell service priority, and cell load. Then, the RNC sequences the candidate
cells according to the priority. The UE tries accessing the cells in order of priority from higher to lower,
until it is admitted or it fails to access any cell.
If the UE fails to access any cell in the case of inter-frequency DRD, inter-RAT DRD will be triggered.
For details about non-periodic DRD, see Directed Retry Decision Feature Parameter Description.

5.4 Rate Negotiation at Admission Control

Rate negotiation at admission control (WRFD-010507 Rate Negotiation at Admission Control) includes
MBR negotiation, GBR negotiation, initial rate negotiation, and target rate negotiation.
For a streaming service, the RNC performs resource admission based on the negotiated MBR.
For a new PS BE service, the RNC performs resource admission based on the negotiated initial rate.
For AMR and AMR-WB speech services in the CS domain, see AMR Feature Parameter Description.

5.4.1 PS MBR Negotiation

If the IE "Alternative RAB Parameter Values" is present in the RANAP RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST or
the RELOCATION REQUEST message when a PS service is set up, reconfigured, or handed over, then
the RNC and the CN negotiate the rate according to the UE capability to obtain the MBR while ensuring
a proper QoS.
 For the PS streaming service, when the PS_STREAM_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH sub-parameter of the
PsSwitch parameter is set to 1, the Iu QoS negotiation function is enabled for MBR negotiation.
 For the PS BE service:
sub-parameters of the PsSwitch parameter are set to 1, the Iu QoS negotiation function is enabled,
and the RNC determines the MBR of Iu QoS negotiation based on the information about UE
capability, cell capability and rate requested by the CN.
set to 0, the Iu QoS negotiation function is enabled, and the RNC determines the MBR of Iu QoS
negotiation based on the maximum rate supported by the UE rather than the cell capability and other

5.4.2 PS GBR Negotiation

During the setup, reconfiguration, or handover of a PS real-time service, if the
PS_STREAM_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH sub-parameter of the PsSwitch parameter is set to 1, the RNC
will negotiate with the CN about the GBR as follows:
 If the IE "Type of Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate Information" in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST
message is set to "unspecified", the GBR negotiation will not be performed. In such a case, the GBR

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contained in the IE "RAB Parameters" of the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message is used. In
addition, the subsequent RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message does not contain the GBR.
 If the IE "Type of Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate Information" in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST
message is set to "value range", the sole GBR contained in the IE "Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rates"
is used. In addition, the subsequent RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message contains the GBR.
 If the IE "Type of Alternative Guaranteed Bit Rate Information" in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST
message is set to "Discrete values", the largest GBR contained in the IE "Alternative Guaranteed Bit
Rates" is used. In addition, the subsequent RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE message contains the
If the PS_STREAM_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH sub-parameter of the PsSwitch parameter is set to 0, the
GBR negotiation will be not performed. In such a case, the GBR contained in the IE "RAB Parameters"
of the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message is used.
For details about GBR negotiation, see 3GPP 25.413.

5.4.3 Initial Rate Negotiation

Initial rate is classified into initial admission rate and initial access rate.
 Initial admission rate: The RNC allocates bandwidths based on the initial admission rate and then
performs cell-resource-based admission based on the allocated bandwidths.
 Initial access rate: Initial configured rate after service admission is successful, which means the
current maximum data transmission rate before any other reconfiguration.
For PS BE services, the RNC performs initial rate negotiation when a new service is being set up or the
UE is changing from the CELL_FACH state to the CELL_DCH state. The initial rate negotiation policy
varies, depending on the services carried on different channels.

Initial Rate Definition for DCH Services

For DCH services, the initial admission rate and the initial access rate are the same.
Initial rate is negotiated according to Table 5-3.
Table 5-3 Initial rate negotiation
DCCC PS BE Initial Rate Actual Initial Rate
Switch Dynamic Configuration
(DCCC_SWI Switch
ON ON In the uplink, the initial rate is the smaller one of the MBR
and 384 kbit/s.
In the downlink, the initial rate is dynamically set on the
basis of Ec/N0. The specific method is as follows:
When the RNC receives an RRC connection setup
request, it starts the timer EcN0EffectTime.
Before the timer expires, the RNC dynamically sets the
initial rate based on the Ec/N0. The value of Ec/N0
comes from the latest RACH measurement report or
latest intra-frequency measurement report.
 If the cell Ec/N0 reported from the UE is above the

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DCCC PS BE Initial Rate Actual Initial Rate

Switch Dynamic Configuration
(DCCC_SWI Switch
Ec/N0 threshold (EcN0Ths), the RNC sets the actual
initial rate to the smaller one of the MBR and 384 kbit/s.
Note that if the UE is in the soft handover state, the
RNC sets the actual initial rate to the smaller one of the
MBR and 384 kbit/s when any of the cells in the active
set meets the threshold.
 If the cell Ec/N0 is below or equal to the Ec/N0
threshold (EcN0Ths) or the RRC CONNECTION
REQUEST message does not carry the information
about Ec/N0, the RNC sets the actual initial rate to the
smaller one of the MBR and the initial rate of the
downlink BE service (DlBeTraffInitBitrate).
ON OFF In the uplink, the initial rate is the smaller one of the MBR
and the initial rate of the uplink BE service
In the downlink, the initial rate is the smaller one of the
MBR and the initial rate of the downlink BE service

If the DCCC function is enabled and the PS_RAB_Downsizing_Switch sub-parameter of the PsSwitch parameter is set
to 1, the RNC can decrease the rate through the RAB rate decrease function when the admission based on the initial rate
The PS BE service mentioned in this section can be the single PS BE service or the PS BE service in combined services.

Initial Rate Definition for HSPA Services

For the HSUPA service,
 The initial admission rate is GBR.
 The initial access rate is defined as follows:
− If
the DRA_HSUPA_DCCC_SWITCH sub-parameter of the DraSwitch parameter is set to 1, the
initial access rate is the initial rate of the HSUPA BE service (HsupaInitialRate).
− If
the DRA_HSUPA_DCCC_SWITCH sub-parameter of the DraSwitch parameter is set to 0, the
initial access rate is the MBR for there will not be any rate upsizing reconfiguration when the
DRA_HSUPA_DCCC_SWITCH sub-parameter of the DraSwitch parameter is set to 0.
For the HSDPA service, the initial admission rate and the initial access are both GBR.

Initial Rate Negotiation for the PS BE Service in CS+PS Combined Services

The PS BE service in CS+PS combined services has low data transmission requirements. In most cases,
the PS BE service does not need to transmit data when the UE is performing CS services. If the PS BE
service in CS+PS combined services has high data transmission requirements, the transmission rate of
the PS BE service increases or the PS BE service is switched to an HSDPA channel. As a result, the

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signaling load increases, and the CS call drop rate may also increase. The initial rate negotiation
function is recommended when most PS BE services in CS+PS combined services have low data
transmission requirements.
The BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs parameter specifies the bearing policy for the PS BE service and the
initial rate for the PS BE service when the UE is in the CELL_DCH state or transitions to this state.
BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs applies only to the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services in the
following scenarios:
 Scenario 1: The UE is in the CELL_DCH state and is processing CS services or CS+PS combined
services (any PS service). Then, the UE initiates PS BE services.
 Scenario 2: The UE is in the CELL_DCH state and is processing PS BE services. Then, the UE
initiates CS services.
 Scenario 3: The UE is in the CELL_FACH state and is processing PS BE services. Then, the UE
initiates CS services. (The UE must transition to the CELL_DCH state before establishing CS
 Scenario 4: The UE is in the CELL_PCH state and is processing PS BE services. Then, the UE
initiates CS services. (The UE must transition to the CELL_FACH or CELL_DCH state before
establishing CS services.)

This section describes the initial rate negotiation function only for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services in the
preceding scenarios. For details about the initial rate negotiation function for the PS BE service in other scenarios, see
"Initial Rate Definition for DCH Services" and "Initial Rate Definition for HSPA Services".

The BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs parameter can be set to OFF, DCH 0k, DCH 8k, or DCH 8k/HSDPA.
 OFF: indicates that the initial rate negotiation function is disabled for the PS BE service in CS+PS
combined services in the preceding scenarios.
 DCH 0k: indicates that both the initial uplink and downlink rates for the DCH are 0 kbit/s.
 DCH 8k: indicates that both the initial uplink and downlink rates for the DCH are 8 kbit/s.
 DCH 8k/HSDPA: indicates that the initial uplink rate for the DCH is 8 kbit/s and that downlink services
are carried on HSDPA channels.
The implementation of the initial rate negotiation function for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined
services varies depending on the protocol version that the UE complies with.
 For UEs complying with versions later than 3GPP Release 5
− If
the BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs parameter is not set to OFF and the following switches are turned
ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11
ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15
ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28
Then, the initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services are as
listed in Table 5-4.
Table 5-4 Initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services
Value of Initial Uplink and Downlink Rates for the PS BE Service
DCH 0k DCH 0 kbit/s
DCH 8k DCH 8 kbit/s

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Value of Initial Uplink and Downlink Rates for the PS BE Service

DCH 8k/HSDPA DCH 8 kbit/s; HSDPA

− IfReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11 is turned on and BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs

is not set to OFF, the initial uplink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services are as
listed in Table 5-5.
Table 5-5 Initial uplink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services
Setting of ReservedSwitch0: Value of Initial Uplink Rate for the PS BE
RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11 BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs Service
Turned on DCH 0k DCH 0 kbit/s
Turned on DCH 8k DCH 8 kbit/s
Turned on DCH 8k/HSDPA DCH 8 kbit/s

− IfReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15 is turned on and BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs

is not set to OFF, the initial downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services are as
listed in Table 5-6.
Table 5-6 Initial downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services
Setting of ReservedSwitch0: Value of Initial Downlink Rate for the PS BE
RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15 BeInitBitrateTypeforC Service
Turned on DCH 0k DCH 0 kbit/s
Turned on DCH 8k DCH 8 kbit/s
Turned on DCH 8k/HSDPA DCH 8 kbit/s

− Inscenario 4, if ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28 is turned on, the UE transitions

from the CELL_PCH state to the CELL_DCH state before establishing CS services. Under this
a If ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14 is set to 0, the initial uplink and downlink
rates for the PS BE service are 8 kbit/s.
b If ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14 is set to 1, the initial uplink and downlink
rates for the PS BE service are 0 kbit/s.
Table 5-7 lists the initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined
services when ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28 is turned on.

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Table 5-7 Initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services
Setting of ReservedSwitch0: Value of Initial Uplink and Downlink Rates
RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14 BeInitBitrateTypeforCs for the PS BE Service
1 DCH 0k DCH 0 kbit/s
1 DCH 8k DCH 0 kbit/s
1 DCH 8k/HSDPA DCH 0 kbit/s
0 DCH 0k DCH 0 kbit/s
0 DCH 8k DCH 8 kbit/s
0 DCH 8k/HSDPA DCH 8 kbit/s

 For UEs complying with versions earlier than 3GPP Release 5

 Versions earlier than 3GPP Release 5 support neither HSDPA nor HSUPA. If ReservedSwitch0:
RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28 is turned on, the initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS
combined services are as listed in Table 5-7.
 If ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28 is turned off, the initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE
service in CS+PS combined services are as listed in Table 5-8.

Table 5-8 Initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services
Value of Initial Uplink and Downlink Rates for the PS BE Service
DCH 0k DCH 0 kbit/s
DCH 8k DCH 8 kbit/s
DCH 8k/HSDPA DCH 8 kbit/s

 For UEs complying with 3GPP Release 5

3GPP Release 5 supports HSDPA but does not support HSUPA.

ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15 does not take effect for UEs that comply with 3GPP Release 5.
− In
scenario 2, as long as BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs is not set to OFF, the PS BE service is always
carried on HSDPA channels in the downlink and the initial uplink rate for the PS BE service is 8 kbit/s.
− Inscenario 2, as long as BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs is not set to OFF, the initial uplink and downlink
rates for PS BE service is always carried on DCH are listed in Table 5-9.
− Inscenario 3, when the uplink and downlink services can be carried on the DCH or HS-DSCH, the
initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services are as listed in
Table 5-9.

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Table 5-9 Initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services
Value of Initial Uplink and Downlink Rates for the PS BE Service
DCH 0k DCH 0 kbit/s
DCH 8k DCH 8 kbit/s
DCH 8k/HSDPA DCH 8 kbit/s

− Inscenario 1, BeInitBitrateTypeforCsPs can be set to DCH 0k, DCH 8k, or DCH 8k/HSDPA. The
initial uplink rate for the PS BE service is 8 kbit/s, and downlink services are carried on HSDPA
− In
scenario 4, when ReservedSwitch0: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28 is turned on, the initial
uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services are as listed in Table
Table 5-10 Initial uplink and downlink rates for the PS BE service in CS+PS combined services
Setting of ReservedSwitch0: Value of Initial Uplink and Downlink Rates
RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14 BeInitBitrateTypefor for the PS BE Service
1 DCH 0k, DCH 8k, DCH 0 kbit/s
0 DCH 0k DCH 0 kbit/s
0 DCH 8k, DCH DCH 8 kbit/s

5.4.4 Target Rate Negotiation

For a BE service in the PS domain, if the cell resource-based admission at the initial rate fails, the RNC
selects a target rate to allocate bandwidth for the service based on cell resources in following cases:
 Service setup
 Soft handover
 DCCC rate upsizing
If the cell has sufficient code and CE resource, the RNC sets the candidate target rate to the one that
matches the cell resource surplus. Then, the RNC sets the target rate to the greater one of the candidate
target rate and the GBR.
In the case of DCCC rate upsizing, if the rate upsizing fails, the target rate is the greater one of the
candidate target rate and the pre-upsizing DCCC rate.

5.5 Admission Decision

A radio link sends a resource request to the CAC functional module when additional resources are
required. On receipt of the resource request, the CAC functional module determines whether the request
can be accepted by measuring the cell load and the requested resource.

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The CAC performs the admission decision based on resources such as code resource, power resource,
NodeB credit, and Iub resource. In the case of HSPA resource request, the admission decision is also
based on the number of HSPA users. The admission succeeds only when the resource on which CAC is
based is available.
For details about CAC, see Call Admission Control Feature Parameter Description.

5.6 Preemption
Common Preemption
This section describes the preemption algorithm in the WRFD-010505 Queuing and Pre-Emption
By forcibly releasing the resources of lower-priority users, the preemption (pre-emption) function
increases the access success rate of higher-priority users.
After cell/cell group resource-based admission fails, the RNC performs preemption if the following
conditions are met:
 The RNC receives an RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message indicating that preemption is

In the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message sent by the CN, the Pre-emption Capability IE specifies whether a service
can trigger preemption and the Pre-emption Vulnerability IE specifies whether a service can be preempted. That is,
Service priorities and the Pre-emption Capability and Pre-emption Vulnerability IEs determine whether to perform
 The preemption algorithm switch (PreemptAlgoSwitch) is set to ON.
Preemption is applicable to the following scenarios:
 Setup or modification of a service
 Hard handover or SRNS relocation
 UE state transition from CELL_FACH to CELL_DCH
The preemption procedure is as follows:
1. The RNC selects the target cell for preemption.
− Formulti-carrier services (such as DC-HSDPA, DB-HSDPA, 4C-HSDPA, or DC-HSUPA services), the
RNC selects the primary cell in the DC-HSDPA, DB-HSDPA, 4C-HSDPA, or DC-HSUPA cell group as
the target cell.
− Fornon-multi-carrier services, the RNC selects the cell with the highest service priority or lightest
load as the target cell.
2. The preemption algorithm determines the radio link sets to be preempted.
a. Selects SRNC UEs first. If no UEs under the SRNC are available, the algorithm selects UEs under
the DRNC.
b. Sorts the preemptable UEs by integrated user priority, or sorts the preemptable RABs by integrated
RAB priority.
c. Determines candidate UEs or RABs.
For RABs of streaming or BE services, if PriorityReference is set to Traffic Class and
PreemptRefArpSwitch is set to ON, only the ones with lower ARP priority than the RAB to be
established are selected.
For multi-carrier services, only the resource of UEs that use the target cell as the primary cell is

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Select as many users or RABs as necessary in order to match the resources needed by the RAB to be
established. When the priorities of two users or RABs are the same, the algorithm selects the user or
RAB that can release the most resources.
Preemptable users or RABs must have lower priorities than RABs to be established. The type of
preemptable user or RAB varies, depending on the type of resources that triggers the preemption.

 The preemption algorithm checks whether the resources released by preempted UEs or RABs are sufficient for setting
up new RABs. It does not consider the remaining resources in the cell, because they may be used by other UEs during
the preemption.
 For the preemption triggered for power, the preempted objects can be R99 users, R99 + HSPA combined users, or
 For the preemption triggered for the Iub bandwidth, the preempted objects can only be RABs.
 For the preemption triggered for the credit resource, more than one user or RAB can be preempted.
 For the preemption triggered for the code, only one user can be preempted.
For CS RABs with the preemption capability, the PsBERrcPreemptVulnerable parameter specifies
whether RRCs can be preempted when there are no RABs to be preempted.
− If
PsBERrcPreemptVulnerable is set to ON, the RRCs whose service request type is the PS BE
service and RABs have not been set up can be preempted by CS RABs.
− If PsBERrcPreemptVulnerable is set to OFF, RRCs cannot be preempted.

RRCs do not have preemption attributes or priorities. Therefore, preemption attributes and priorities are not considered
during the preemption.
3. The RNC releases the resources occupied by the candidate users, RABs, or RRCs.
4. The requested service directly uses the released resources to access the network without an
admission decision.

For details about preemption of MBMS services, see MBMS Feature Parameter Description.

Emergency calls take priority over other common users and therefore can preempt all non-emergency
services. The common preemption procedure can be performed regardless of the setting for
When NbmWpsAlgorithmSwitch is set to ON, the wireless priority service (WPS) function is enabled.
In such a case, the WPS users can trigger common preemption regardless of the setting for
PreemptAlgoSwitch. WPS users take priority over emergency call users.

 WPS is a National Security/Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) voice service managed by the USA government. The
National Communications System (NCS) is authorized to manage the execution of the WPS project. The
NbmWpsAlgorithmPriority parameter specifies the WPS user priority.
 When enabling the common preemption function, the CE resource preemption enhancement function must also be
enabled (controlled by PREEMPT_ENH_NODEB_PREEMPT_CE_SWITCH under the PreemptEnhSwitch parameter).
When CE resource admission fails due to insufficient CE resources, the CE resource preemption enhancement function
can be triggered on the NodeB side to ensure the CE resource preemption success rate. However, this function may
occupy CE resources reserved for RRC connection setups and handovers, reducing the handover success rate and
RRC connection setup success rate. This function does not affect the handover success rate and access success rate
of the preempting UEs. The probability of the handover success rate and access success rate being reduced is low.
Therefore, this function does not affect the performance of the live network.

Forced Preemption
Common preemption requires that RABs have been set up or are being set up for preempting users and
that preempting users have higher priorities than preemptable users. Therefore, CS services cannot
trigger preemption in the RRC connection setup phase. Even in the RAB-related phases, CS services

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may fail to preempt PS services because of insufficient priorities. When PS traffic volume is high and
radio resources are insufficient, the success rate for CS service setup may decrease. To solve this
problem, forced preemption is introduced. This function ensures preferred access of AMR services and a
high success rate for AMR service setup.

After forced preemption is enabled, only CS conversational services can trigger preemption and only PS BE service
resources can be preempted.

The forced preemption function is controlled by the following switches under the PreemptEnhSwitch
 PREEMPT_ENH_CSRRC_PREEMPT_PS_SWITCH: indicates whether CS services can preempt PS
service resources during the CS RRC connection setup procedure.
 PREEMPT_ENH_CSRAB_PREEMPT_PS_SWITCH: indicates whether CS services can preempt PS
BE service resources during the CS RAB-related procedures.
The following table describes how these two switches determine preemption.
Table 5-11 How these two switches determine preemption
On Off CS conversational If RAB admission for CS
services cannot conversational services
preempt PS BE fails, PS BE service
service resources. resources can be
preempted unconditionally.
On On If RRC admission for If RAB admission for CS
CS conversational conversational services
services fails, PS BE fails, PS BE service
service resources can resources can be
be preempted preempted unconditionally.
Off On If RRC admission for Common preemption is
CS conversational performed. That is, Service
services fails, Priorities and the
resources of PS BE Pre-emption Capability and
services whose Pre-emption Vulnerability
Pre-emption IEs determine whether to
Vulnerability IE is set perform preemption.
to "pre-emptable" can
be preempted.
Off Off CS conversational Common preemption is
services cannot performed. That is, Service
preempt PS BE Priorities and the
service resources. Pre-Emption Capability
and Pre-emption
Vulnerability IEs determine
whether to perform

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In the RRC connection setup phase, if an RRC setup request is from the CS domain and the cause of RRC setup is
Originating Conversational Call or Terminating Conversational Call, the RNC regards the corresponding service as CS
conversational service.

In the case of unconditional preemption, the RNC does not compare the priority of CS conversational
services with that of PS BE services. In addition, it does not consider the Pre-emption Capability or
Pre-emption Vulnerability IE delivered by the CN. In this case, PS BE services can be preempted by any
CS conversational services and only PS BE services can be preempted. Preempted PS BE services are
ranked by priority and PS BE services with the lowest priority are preempted.
When a UE transits to the CELL_DCH state from the URA_PCH or CELL_PCH state due to a CS service
request, the RNC implements the policy of forced preemption based on the setting of
 If CsP2DPreemptSwitch is set to OFF, the CS service request does not support preemption during a
transition from the URA_PCH or CELL_PCH state to the CELL_DCH state.
 If CsP2DPreemptSwitch is set to ON, the CS service can preempt only PS BE services during a
transition from the URA_PCH or CELL_PCH state to the CELL_DCH state, regardless of the
preemption attributes and priorities of the CS and PS BE services.
If there is no PS BE services to preempt, forced preemption is implemented and the RRCs for PS BE
services are preempted when PsBERrcPreemptVulnerable is set to ON. Otherwise, preemption fails.
For details about preemption of RRCs for PS BE services, see "Common Preemption" in section 5.6

When enabling the forced preemption function, the CE resource preemption enhancement function must also be enabled
(controlled by PREEMPT_ENH_NODEB_PREEMPT_CE_SWITCH under the PreemptEnhSwitch parameter). When CE
resource admission fails due to insufficient CE resources, the CE resource preemption enhancement function can be
triggered on the NodeB side to ensure the CE resource preemption success rate. However, this function may occupy CE
resources reserved for RRC connection setups and handovers, reducing the handover success rate and RRC connection
setup success rate. This function does not affect the handover success rate and access success rate of the preempting
UEs. The probability of the handover success rate and access success rate being reduced is low. Therefore, this function
does not affect the performance of the live network.

5.7 Queuing
This section describes the queuing algorithm in the WRFD-010505 Queuing and Pre-Emption feature.
For PS services, after preemption fails, the RNC performs queuing if the following conditions are met:
 The RNC receives an RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message indicating that queuing is supported.
 The queuing algorithm switch (QueueAlgoSwitch) is set to ON.
The queuing function is triggered by the heartbeat timer that is set by the PollTimerLen parameter. Each
time the timer expires, the RNC selects the service that meets the requirement to make an admission

Multi-carrier services (such as DC-HSDPA, DB-HSDPA, 4C-HSDPA, or DC-HSUPA services) requested by the UE are
waiting to be processed in the primary cell.

The queuing function performs the following functions:

 The queuing algorithm checks whether the queue is full, that is, whether the number of service
requests in the queue exceeds QueueLen.
 The queuing algorithm decides whether to put the request into the queue, as described in the following

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Table 5-12 Putting the new request into the queue

If the queue is... Then the queuing algorithm...
Not full  Stamps this request with the request time (T_request)
 Puts this request into the queue
 Starts the heartbeat timer if it is not started
Full Checks whether the integrated priority of any existing request is lower than that of
the new request
 If yes, then the queuing algorithm:
− Checks the queuing time of each request. The algorithm removes the request
with the longest queuing time from the queue
− Stampsthe new request with the request time (T_request) and then puts it into
the queue
− Starts the heartbeat timer if it is not started
 If no, then the queuing algorithm rejects the new request directly

After the heartbeat timer expires, the queuing algorithm performs resource-based admission attempts as
 Rejects the request if the queuing time of the request (Telapsed) is longer than the maximum queuing
time (MaxQueueTimeLen). Here, Telapsed is equal to the current time minus the request time
 Selects the request with the highest integrated priority for a resource-based admission attempt.
 If more than one service has the highest integrated priority, the RNC selects the request with the
longest queuing time.
 If the attempt is successful, the heartbeat timer is restarted for the next processing.
 If the attempt fails, the queuing algorithm proceeds as follows:
− Putsthe service request back into the queue with the request time (T_request) unchanged for the next
− Selectsthe request with the longest queuing time from the rest and makes another attempt until a
request is accepted or all requests are rejected.

5.8 Low-Rate Access of the PS BE Service

If the low-rate access of the PS BE service function is enabled, the PS BE service can access the target
cell at a low rate in the case of a preemption or queuing failure, to increases the access success rate.
Low-rate access means access from the DCH at 0 kbit/s, FACH, or enhanced FACH (E-FACH).
The low-rate access of the PS BE service function is enabled when the following conditions are met:
 The PS_BE_EXTRA_LOW_RATE_ACCESS_SWITCH under the PsSwitch parameter is set to 1.
 The PERFENH_SMALL_RATE_PS_FORCE_ADM_SWITCH under the PerfEnhanceSwitch
parameter is set to 0.
 The DRA_DCCC_SWITCH under the DraSwitch parameter is set to 1.
 The PS_RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH under the PsSwitch parameter is set to 1.
Low-rate access is used in the following scenarios:
 RAB setup

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 Hard handover or SRNS relocation

After a service request is rejected, the low-rate access actions in different scenarios are as follows:

Scenario Scenario Description FACH/E_FACH DCH at 0 kbit/s

RAB setup The RRC connection is set up on the FACH √ x
or E-FACH.
The RRC connection is set up on the DCH. x √
The RRC connection is set up on the HSPA x √
The CS service is set up, and a new PS x √
service is to be set up.
The existing PS service is set up on the √ x
FACH/E-FACH, and a new PS service is to
be set up.
The existing PS service is set up on the x √
DCH, and a new PS service is to be set up.
The existing PS service is set up on the x √ (the new PS
HSPA channel, and a new PS service is to service can be
be set up. admitted at 0 kbit/s)
The PS service is set up, and a new CS x x
service is to be set up.
Hard Hard handover or relocation is performed x √ (only the PS
handover or for the CS+PS combined services. service can be
relocation admitted at 0 kbit/s)
Hard handover or relocation is performed x √
for the PS+PS combined services.

After an appropriate access action is determined, the service attempts to access the network.
 If the action of access from the DCH at 0 kbit/s is determined, the service attempts to access the
network at 0 kbit/s for traffic and at the normal rate for signaling. For details about the methods of
resource-based admission decision, see Call Admission Control Feature Parameter Description.
 If the action of access from the FACH/E-FACH is determined, the service attempts to access the
network from the FACH/E-FACH.
If the attempt fails, this service is rejected.
For the service that accesses the network at 0 kbit/s, the ZeroRateUpFailToRelTimerLen timer is
started after the service rate fails to increase for the first time. If the rate fails to increase even after the
timer expires, the service is released, and the connection is also released for a single service.
If no data is transmitted for some time after the access, the UE state changes to another state. For
details about state transition, see State Transition Feature Parameter Description.

5.9 IAC for Emergency Calls

This section describes the WRFD-021104 Emergency Call feature.

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To guarantee successful access of emergency calls, the RNC takes special measures for emergency

5.9.1 RRC connection setup procedure of Emergency Calls

Compared with the RRC connection setup procedure of common services, the RRC connection setup
procedure of emergency calls includes the preemption due to hard resource-based admission failure.
Hard resources include code, Iub, and CE resource. The following figure shows the RRC connection
setup procedure of an emergency call.
Figure 5-4 RRC connection setup procedure of an emergency call

The RNC does not perform RRC redirection for service steering.

In the case of power-based admission, the emergency call is admitted regardless of whether the CAC
function is enabled or not.
In the case of hard resource-based admission, the emergency call is admitted if the current remaining
resources are sufficient for RRC connection setup. If the admission fails, preemption is performed
regardless of whether the preemption is enabled or not. The emergency call that triggers preemption has
the highest priority. The range of users who can be preempted is specified by the
EmcPreeRefVulnSwitch parameter.
 If EmcPreeRefVulnSwitch is set to ON, all non-emergency users who have accessed the network
can be preempted, regardless of the preemption-prohibited attribute of the users.
 If EmcPreeRefVulnSwitch is set to OFF, only the non-emergency users with preemption-allowed
attribute can be preempted.
The principles for selection of specific users to be preempted are the same as those for common
services. For details, see section 5.6 "Preemption."

5.9.2 RAB Process of Emergency Calls

Compared with the RAB process of common services, the RAB process of emergency calls includes
special processing of resource-based admission and preemption.

RAB Admission of Emergency Calls

In case of power resource:
 If the CAC function is enabled, regardless of which algorithm is selected, the admission decision is
made as follows:
− When the EMC_UU_ADCTRL sub-parameter of the NBMCacAlgoSwitch parameter is set to 1,
power-based admission fails if the system is in the overload congestion state. Otherwise, the
admission succeeds.
− When this sub-parameter is set to 0, the emergency calls are directly admitted.

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 If the CAC function switch is off, the emergency calls are directly admitted.
For hard resources (that is, code, Iub, and CE), the resource-based admission is successful if the
current remaining resources are sufficient for the request.

Preemption of Emergency Calls

If cell resource-based admission fails, preemption is performed regardless of whether the preempt
function is enabled or not. The emergency calls that trigger preemption have the highest priority. The
range of users who can be preempted is specified by the EmcPreeRefVulnSwitch parameter.
 If EmcPreeRefVulnSwitch is set to ON, all non-emergency users who have accessed the network
can be preempted, regardless of the preemption-prohibited attribute of the users.
 If EmcPreeRefVulnSwitch is set to OFF, only the non-emergency users with preemption-allowed
attribute can be preempted.
The principles for selection of specific users to be preempted are the same as those for common
services. For details, see section 5.6 "Preemption."

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WCDMA RAN 6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on
Load Control Configurable Load Threshold

6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on

Configurable Load Threshold
6.1 Overview
This chapter describes the WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load
Threshold feature.
This feature balances the load among inter-frequency cells in inter-frequency networking scenarios. CLB
is short for the feature name. Based on the load thresholds set for the power resource, code resource,
and CE resource, the RNC with CLB enabled can determine whether and when to trigger inter-frequency
load balancing in different scenarios.
CLB is used in the following scenarios:
 Overlay network: The cells in a sector use equipment provided by different vendors, and these cells
may be managed by different RNCs. In this scenario, LDR cannot be used for load balancing among
cells under different RNCs.
 Macro and micro combined network: Macro and micro cells are networked using different frequencies.
In this scenario, micro cells are required to absorb traffic volume preferentially, which means that load
balancing needs to be performed before a cell is overloaded. The existing LDR threshold cannot be
randomly changed. CLB can absorb traffic before load balancing is performed.
When the usage of cell resource exceeds the threshold for triggering the CLB state, the cell enters the
CLB state. In this case, CLB inter-frequency handovers are required to reduce the cell load and increase
the access success rate.
Figure 6-1 shows the CLB procedure.

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Figure 6-1 CLB procedure

The CLB procedure is as follows:

1. A user selects the INTER_FREQ_LOAD_BALANCE_BASEON_CFG_THD field under the
FuncSwitch1 parameter to enable CLB.
2. The RNC determines whether a cell is in the CLB state based on the power resource, code resource,
or CE resource. For details, see section 6.2 "Decision to Trigger or Release the CLB State." If the cell
is in the CLB state, the procedure proceeds to the next step.

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WCDMA RAN 6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on
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3. The RNC selects a user with the lowest priority for the CLB inter-frequency handover and checks the
number of selected users.
− If
the number of selected users is lower than or equal to the value of the MaxUserNumforCLBIFHO
parameter, the procedure proceeds to the next step.
− If
the number of selected users is larger than the value of the MaxUserNumforCLBIFHO parameter,
the RNC waits for the next CLB period specified by the ClbPeriodTimerLen parameter and then
returns to step 2.
For details about user selection for a CLB inter-frequency handover, see section 6.3 "User Selection
for a CLB Inter-Frequency Handover."
4. The RNC selects the target cell or cells of a CLB inter-frequency handover for the selected users. For
details, see section 6.4 "Target Cell Selection for a CLB Inter-Frequency Handover."
5. When the NCovCMUserNumCtrlSwitch parameter is set to ON, the RNC checks the number of
users in compressed mode with spreading factor (SF)/2 reduction.
− If
the number of users in compressed mode with SF/2 reduction in the cell is lower than
CellSFCMUserNumThd, the procedure proceeds to the next step.
− If
the number of users in compressed mode with SF/2 reduction in the cell is larger than or equal to
CellSFCMUserNumThd, the RNC waits for a CLB period specified by the ClbPeriodTimerLen
parameter and then returns to step 2.

The first CLB period starts when a cell enters the CLB state.
6. The RNC performs inter-frequency measurements and handovers. For details, see section 6.5
"Inter-Frequency Measurements and Handovers." After the handovers are complete, the procedure
proceeds to 4.

6.2 Decision to Trigger or Release the CLB State

The CLB state of a cell is triggered by insufficient power resource, code resource, or CE resource.
The CLB switches for power resource, code resource, and CE resource are listed in Table 6-1. Turn on
associated CLB switches to enable CLB for power resource, code resource, or CE resource.
Table 6-1 CLB switches for power resource, code resource, and CE resource
Resource Type Scope CLB Switch
Power resource Uplink NBMLdcAlgoSwitch: UL_UU_CLB
Downlink NBMLdcAlgoSwitch: DL_UU_CLB
Code resource Downlink NBMLdcAlgoSwitch: CELL_CODE_CLB
CE resource Cell level NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch: CELL_CREDIT_CLB
Local cell group NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch: LCG_CREDIT_CLB_SWITCH
NodeB level NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch: NODEB_CREDIT_CLB_SWITCH

If the uplink or downlink load on the power resource, code resource, or CE resource is higher than the
corresponding CLB triggering threshold listed in Table 6-2 for a period specified by the
UlLdTrnsHysTime or DlLdTrnsHysTime parameter, the cell enters the CLB state and the RNC
performs inter-frequency measurements and handovers towards the target cell. If the uplink or downlink
load on the power resource, code resource, or CE resource is lower than the corresponding CLB

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WCDMA RAN 6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on
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releasing threshold for a period specified by the UlLdTrnsHysTime or DlLdTrnsHysTime parameter,

the cell releases the CLB state and the RNC stops inter-frequency measurements and handovers
towards the target cell.
Table 6-2 CLB thresholds for power resource, code resource, and CE resource
Resource Type Service Uplink/Downlink CLB Triggering CLB Releasing Threshold
Type Threshold (Unit: %) (Unit: %)
Power resource CS Uplink UlPwrCSClbTrigThd UlPwrCSClbRelThd
Downlink DlPwrCSClbTrigThd DlPwrCSClbRelThd
PS Uplink UlPwrPSClbTrigThd UlPwrPSClbRelThd
Downlink DlPwrPSClbTrigThd DlPwrPSClbRelThd
Code resource CS Downlink CellSfCSClbTrigThd CellSfCSClbRelThd
PS Downlink CellSfPSClbTrigThd CellSfPSClbRelThd
CE resource CS Uplink UlCreditCSClbTrigThd UlCreditCSClbRelThd
Downlink DlCreditCSClbTrigThd DlCreditCSClbRelThd
PS Uplink UlCreditPSClbTrigThd UlCreditPSClbRelThd
Downlink DlCreditPSClbTrigThd DlCreditPSClbRelThd

Set the CLB releasing threshold to a value smaller than the CLB triggering threshold. It is recommended
that the difference value (in unit of %) be greater than or equal to 10.
The CLB state triggered by a CS service or the CS and PS combined services is referred to as the CS
CLB state, and the CLB state triggered by a PS service is referred to as the PS CLB state. Details are as
 If the cell is in the CS CLB state, which means that the uplink or downlink cell load on the power
resource, code resource, or CE resource is higher than the CS CLB triggering threshold for a period
specified by the UlLdTrnsHysTime or DlLdTrnsHysTime parameter, the RNC selects the users
performing CS services.

For CS and PS combined services, the RNC determines their CS CLB state the same way it does with CS services.
 If the cell is in the PS CLB state, which means that the uplink or downlink cell load on the power
resource, code resource, or CE resource is higher than the PS CLB triggering threshold for a period
specified by the UlLdTrnsHysTime or DlLdTrnsHysTime parameter, the RNC selects the users
performing PS services.
 If the cell is in the CS and PS CLB states simultaneously, the RNC selects both the users performing
CS services and the users performing PS services.
Figure 6-2 shows the process for triggering and releasing the CLB state.

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WCDMA RAN 6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on
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Figure 6-2 Triggering and releasing the CLB state

The RNC performs periodic CLB checks, checking whether the cells are in the CLB state. The period of
a CLB check is specified by the ClbPeriodTimerLen parameter.
 If the current UL/DL load is higher than or equal to the UL/DL CLB triggering threshold for a hysteresis
time (UlLdTrnsHysTime/DlLdTrnsHysTime), the cell is in the CLB congestion state and the related
CLB actions are triggered.
 If the current UL/DL load is lower than the UL/DL LDR releasing threshold for a hysteresis time
(UlLdTrnsHysTime / DlLdTrnsHysTime), the cell enters the normal state.

6.3 User Selection for a CLB Inter-Frequency Handover

For different resources, user selection for a CLB inter-frequency handover depends on the services
carried on the uplink and downlink, as shown in Table 6-3.
Table 6-3 User selection for a CLB inter-frequency handover
Resources UL/DL Service CLB User Selection
Power DCH √
UL - -
Code DCH √

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WCDMA RAN 6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on
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Resources UL/DL Service CLB User Selection

Credit DCH √

When a cell enters the CLB state, the RNC selects users for inter-frequency measurements based on
the following conditions:
 The RNC selects users that support one of the frequencies used by the inter-frequency neighboring
cells whose CLBFlag is TRUE.
 The RNC selects users based on the CLB state of a cell.
− If the cell is in the CS CLB state, the RNC selects the users performing CS services.
− If the cell is in the PS CLB state, the RNC selects the users performing PS services.
− If
the cell is in the CS and PS CLB states simultaneously, the RNC selects both the users performing
CS services and the users performing PS services.
 The RNC selects users with a bandwidth smaller than or equal to the bandwidth upper limit.
The bandwidth of UEs processing non-HSPA services and HSPA CS AMR services is their current rate,
and the bandwidth of UEs processing HSPA PS BE services and streaming services is the GBR. The
parameters related to the bandwidth limit are UlInterFreqHoBWThd and DlInterFreqHoBWThd.
 The RNC does not select DC-HSDPA users.
 The RNC can select DC-HSUPA users whose primary cell is in the CLB state.
 The RNC selects gold users only when the GoldUserLoadControlSwitch parameter is set to ON.
Then, the RNC sorts the selected users by integrated user priority in ascending order. The RNC selects
users with lower priorities first and then users with higher priorities. For users having the same integrated
priority, a user is randomly selected. The maximum number of selected users is specified by the
MaxUserNumforCLBIFHO parameter. For details about the integrated user priority, see section 2.3.3
"Integrated User Priority."

6.4 Target Cell Selection for a CLB Inter-Frequency Handover

The RNC selects a target cell of a CLB inter-frequency handover for each selected user. Based on the
value of the CellLoadBalanceRange parameter, the RNC decides whether to select the inter-frequency
neighboring cells whose CLBFlag is TRUE under the neighboring RNC (CLB-capable neighboring cell
for short). The CellLoadBalanceRange parameter values are as follows:
 ONLY_TO_INTRA_RNC: Only intra-RNC inter-frequency load balancing is allowed. Only a
CLB-capable neighboring cell under the same RNC can be selected as the target cell.

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WCDMA RAN 6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on
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 ONLY_TO_INTER_RNC: Only inter-RNC inter-frequency load balancing is allowed. Only a

CLB-capable neighboring cell under the neighboring RNC can be selected as the target cell.
 BOTH_TO_INTRA_RNC_AND_INTER_RNC: Intra- and inter-RNC inter-frequency load balancing are
both allowed. A CLB-capable neighboring cell under the same RNC or the neighboring RNC can be
selected as the target cell.
The process for selecting a target cell of an inter-frequency handover varies according to the following
 The CellLoadBalanceRange parameter is set to ONLY_TO_INTRA_RNC.
− TheRNC selects the inter-frequency neighboring cells whose CLBFlag is TRUE. These cells must
be under the same RNC as the source cell in the CLB state.
− From the previously selected cells, the RNC excludes the inter-frequency neighboring cells working
on the frequencies that are not supported by UEs to be handed over, the inter-frequency neighboring
cells in the CLB state, and the inter-frequency neighboring cells in the LDR state.
− From the previously selected cells, the RNC excludes the cells whose cell load is larger than the CLB
triggering threshold minus the CLB difference threshold, ensuring that the selected cells have
sufficient resources. The selected cells are combined as candidate cells. The CLB triggering
threshold and difference threshold are set based on the air interface load, CE resource, and code
resource. The CLB difference threshold is used to set the resource space threshold for CLB
inter-frequency handovers. The related parameters are described as follows:
Resource Type Uplink Downlink
Power resource UlPwrLoadSpaceThd DlPwrLoadSpaceThd
Code resource None ClbCodeUsedSpaceThd
CE resource UlClbCreditSfSpaceThd DlClbCreditSfSpaceThd

− From the candidate cells, the RNC selects a cell or cells with the highest priority as the target cell or
cells based on the CLB-capable neighboring cell priority (CLBPrio).
− When the reference user speed optimization switch (UESpdOptSwitch) is set to ON, high-speed
users cannot be handed over to a micro cell. For details on how to identify high-speed users, see
Handover Feature Parameter Description.
 The CellLoadBalanceRange parameter is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_RNC, and
SepRNCNCellLoadEstSwitch is set to ON.

The RNC can identify the CLB state of the inter-RNC neighboring cell only by the "high load cell" mark. If the
SepRNCNCellLoadEstSwitch parameter is set to OFF, the RNC does not identify the CLB state by the "high load cell"
− The
RNC selects the inter-frequency neighboring cells whose CLBFlag is TRUE. The selected cells
must NOT be under the same RNC as the source cell in the CLB state.
− From the previously selected cells, the RNC excludes the inter-frequency neighboring cells working
on the frequencies that are not supported by UEs to be handed over and the inter-frequency
neighboring cells in the CLB state and the 3G cells marked "high load cell" as candidate cells. The
details about the 3G cells marked "high load cell" are as follows:
a During the time window defined by UmtsCellLoadEstSlidWindow, if the number of inter-RNC
handover failures due to neighboring cell congestion or high load reaches the value of the
UmtsCellIFHOFailNum parameter, the 3G cell is marked "high load cell". Inter-frequency
measurements on and handovers towards the 3G cell are forbidden. The handover failure
causes include Relocation Preparation Failure and Radio Link Setup Failure.

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WCDMA RAN 6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on
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b When a 3G cell under a neighboring RNC is marked "high load cell", a penalty timer
(PenaltyTimeforHLoad3GCell) starts. The 3G cell cannot be selected as the target cell of a
CLB inter-frequency handover until the timer expires. When it expires, the "high load cell" mark
is removed from the 3G cell.
− From the candidate cells, the RNC selects a cell or cells with the highest priority as the target cell or
cells based on the CLB-capable neighboring cell priority (CLBPrio).
− When the reference user speed optimization switch (UESpdOptSwitch) is set to ON, high-speed
users cannot be handed over to a micro cell. For details on how to identify high-speed users, see
Handover Feature Parameter Description.
 The CellLoadBalanceRange parameter is set to BOTH_TO_INTRA_RNC_AND_INTER_RNC.
− The
RNC selects the combination of target cells that are selected when this parameter is set to
ONLY_TO_INTRA_RNC and ONLY_TO_INTER_RNC as candidate cells.
− From the candidate cells, the RNC selects a cell or cells with the highest priority as the target cell or
cells based on the CLB-capable neighboring cell priority (CLBPrio).

In the preceding three scenarios, if the RNC selects a DC-HSUPA user, the target cell must not be an inter-frequency
neighboring cell from the same carrier group.

6.5 Inter-Frequency Measurements and Handovers

The RNC sends the inter-frequency measurement control message to the UEs selected for CLB
inter-frequency handovers, instructing the UEs to perform inter-frequency measurements for CLB
inter-frequency handovers. This message contains information about one or more target cells. If the
compressed mode is required for inter-frequency measurements, the RNC starts the compressed mode
first. For details about how target cells are selected, see section 6.4 "Target Cell Selection for a CLB
Inter-Frequency Handover." For details about how UEs are selected for CLB inter-frequency handovers,
see section 6.3 "User Selection for a CLB Inter-Frequency Handover."
The UEs selected for CLB inter-frequency handovers send the RNC measurement reports, containing
the cell quality information about one or more target cells. Upon receiving such a measurement report,
the RNC performs the following:
 The RNC initiates an inter-frequency hard handover if the received measurement report includes a cell
that meets all of the following criteria:
− The cell quality meets the RSCP-based and Ec/Io-based inter-frequency handover thresholds.
− The cell is not in the CLB state.
− The cell load is less than or equal to the CLB triggering threshold minus the CLB difference threshold.
If the inter-frequency hard handover succeeds, the RNC processes the next UE. If the handover fails,
the RNC waits for the next measurement report. If the UE cannot be handed over to any of the candidate
cells, the RNC decides that the UE cannot be handed over and processes the next one.
 If the received measurement report includes more than one cell, the RNC selects a target cell based
on the following rules and initiates an inter-frequency hard handover.
− TheRNC selects cells whose cell load meets the RSCP-based and Ec/Io-based inter-frequency
handover thresholds.
− The RNC excludes cells in the CLB state and cells whose cell load exceeds the CLB triggering
threshold minus the CLB difference threshold.
− The RNC selects a cell with the highest integrated priority as the target cell. If more than one cell has
the highest integrated priority, the RNC selects any of them as the target cell.
If the inter-frequency hard handover succeeds, the RNC processes the next UE. If the handover fails,
the RNC selects the target cell with the second-highest integrated priority. If the handover still fails, the

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WCDMA RAN 6 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on
Load Control Configurable Load Threshold

RNC waits for the next measurement report. If the UE cannot be handed over to any of the candidate
cells, the RNC decides that the UE cannot be handed over and processes the next one.

6.6 Related Features

The features that CLB depends on vary in different scenarios:
 In the intra-band inter-frequency networking scenario, CLB does not depend on any features.
 In the inter-band inter-frequency networking scenario, CLB depends on the WRFD-020110 Multi
Frequency Band Networking Management feature.
The difference between CLB and LDR lies in timing for algorithm triggering. LDR is used in the basic
congestion scenario. CLB is used for load balancing when:
 The cell has not been congested.
 The cell has been congested but LDR cannot be used for load balancing, such as load balancing
among cells under different RNCs.
CLB is independent from LDR.

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Load Control 7 Intra-Frequency Load Balancing

7 Intra-Frequency Load Balancing

7.1 Overview
The intra-frequency load balancing function automatically adjusts the P-CPICH transmit power based on
cell load. In this way, load across intra-frequency neighboring cells can be balanced.
 When the cell load increases, this function reduces the P-CPICH transmit power. As a result, cell
coverage shrinks and UEs at the cell edge can be handed over to intra-frequency neighboring cells.
This reduces the load in the current cell.
 When cell load decreases, this function increases the P-CPICH transmit power. In this case, cell
coverage is widened and UEs from other heavily loaded neighboring cells can be handed over to the
current cell.
The intra-frequency load balancing function increases resource usage and system capacity by utilizing
idle resources in neighboring cells.
Intra-frequency load balancing incorporates the downlink intra-frequency load balancing and uplink
intra-frequency load balancing functions. The downlink intra-frequency load balancing and uplink
intra-frequency load balancing functions cannot take effect simultaneously. If they are enabled at the
same time, the downlink intra-frequency load balancing function takes precedence.

7.2 Downlink Intra-Frequency Load Balancing

The downlink intra-frequency load balancing function adjusts the P-CPICH transmit power based on the
measured downlink cell load. The downlink intra-frequency load balancing function incorporates the
TCP-based intra-frequency load balancing function and the Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of
PCPICH feature. If they are enabled at the same time, the Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH
feature takes precedence.

7.2.1 TCP-based Intra-Frequency Load Balancing

This chapter describes the WRFD-020104 Intra-Frequency Load Balance feature.
Downlink intra-frequency load balancing is performed to adjust the coverage areas of cells according to
the measured values of cell load. It is applicable only to the downlink.
Downlink intra-frequency load balancing between intra-frequency cells is performed by adjusting the
transmit power of the Primary Common Pilot Channel (P-CPICH) according to the downlink load of the
associated cells.
When this function is enabled, that is, when INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB under the
NBMLdcAlgoSwitch parameter is enabled, the RNC checks the load of cells periodically and adjusts
the transmit power of the P-CPICH in the associated cells based on the cell load.
The following figure shows the procedure for downlink intra-frequency load balancing.

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Load Control 7 Intra-Frequency Load Balancing

Figure 7-1 Procedure of downlink intra-frequency load balancing

The downlink intra-frequency load balancing is described as follows:

 If the downlink load of a cell is higher than the cell overload threshold (CellOverrunThd), it is an
indication that the cell is heavily overloaded. In this case, the transmit power of the P-CPICH needs to
be reduced step by step. The step is specified by the PCPICHPowerPace parameter.
If the current transmit power is equal to the minimum transmit power of P-CPICH (MinPCPICHPower),
the current transmit power is not adjusted.
Because of the reduction in the pilot power, the UEs at the edge of the cell can be handed over to
neighboring cells, especially to those with a relatively light load and with relatively high pilot power.
After that, the downlink load of the cell is lightened accordingly.
 If the downlink load of a cell is lower than the cell underload threshold (CellUnderrunThd), it is an
indication that the cell has sufficient remaining capacity for more load. In this case, the transmit power
of the P-CPICH can be increased step by step to help lighten the load of neighboring cells. The step is
specified by the PCPICHPowerPace parameter.
If the current transmit power is equal to the maximum transmit power of P-CPICH
(MaxPCPICHPower), the current transmit power is not adjusted.

7.2.2 Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH

This section describes the WRFD-150236 Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH feature.

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Load Control 7 Intra-Frequency Load Balancing

This feature dynamically adjusts the P-CPICH transmit power based on downlink non-HSPA load in a
cell to reduce downlink non-HSPA load for this cell. After the power adjustment, the maximum and
minimum transmit power of the DPCH carrying online UEs is also changed. To minimize the impact of
power adjustment on online UEs, this feature compensates the maximum and minimum DPCH transmit
power during the power adjustment procedure.
When DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH under the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch parameter is
selected, the Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH feature is activated and the TCP-based
intra-frequency load balancing function becomes disabled. The RNC periodically checks the downlink
non-HSPA power load in the current cell and adjusts the P-CPICH transmit power.
Figure 7-2 shows the flowchart of the Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH algorithm.
Figure 7-2 Flowchart of the Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH algorithm

The RNC checks the downlink non-HSPA load in the current cell at an interval specified by the
IntraFreqLdbPeriodTimerLen parameter. Then the RNC adjusts the P-CPICH transmit power for this
 If downlink non-HSPA load in the current cell is equal to or larger than the value specified in the
PcpichPwrDownDlLoadState parameter, this cell is heavily loaded. In this situation, the P-CPICH
transmit power is reduced according to the value of the PCPICHPowerPace parameter so that
cell-edge UEs can be handed over to neighboring cells with lighter load. This reduces downlink power
load and increases downlink capacity of the current cell.

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Load Control 7 Intra-Frequency Load Balancing

The minimum transmit power of the P-CPICH (MinPCPICHPower) is the lower limit for power
adjustment. The P-CPICH transmit power will not be reduced if reaching this limit. The maximum
power reduction is the difference between the PCPICHPower and MinPCPICHPower parameters.
The PCPICHPower parameter specifies the P-CPICH transmit power.
 If downlink non-HSPA load in the current cell is smaller than the value specified in the
PcpichPwrUpDlLoadState parameter, this cell is lightly loaded. In this situation, more services can be
processed in this cell and the P-CPICH transmit power can be increased according to the value of the
PCPICHPowerPace parameter. This widens cell coverage and the widened coverage can
accommodate cell-edge UEs from neighboring cells. This relieves load of the neighboring cells.
The maximum transmit power of the P-CPICH (MaxPCPICHPower) is the upper limit for power
adjustment. P-CPICH transmit power will not be increased if reaching this limit. The maximum power
increase is the difference between the MaxPCPICHPower and PCPICHPower parameters. The
PCPICHPower parameter specifies the P-CPICH transmit power.
To minimize the impact of power adjustment on online UEs, this feature compensates the maximum and
minimum DPCH transmit power during the power adjustment procedure.
 If the adjusted P-CPICH transmit power is lower than the value of the PCPICHPower parameter, the
maximum transmit power of the DPCH carrying online UEs remains the same as the power before the
power adjustment to promote link stability for online UEs.
 If the adjusted P-CPICH transmit power is higher than the value of the PCPICHPower parameter, the
minimum transmit power of the DPCH carrying online UEs remains the same as the power before the
power adjustment to reduce non-HSPA power consumption.

The maximum and minimum transmit power for online UEs before the power adjustment is the sum of the PCPICHPower
and RlMinDlPwr parameters, and the sum of the PCPICHPower and RlMaxDlPwr parameters, respectively. For details
about the RlMinDlPwr and RlMaxDlPwr parameters, see Power Control Feature Parameter Description.

7.3 Uplink Intra-Frequency Load Balancing

In scenarios where uplink interference is always strong, increased RTWP leads to limited uplink
coverage, causing uplink and downlink coverage imbalance. To solve this problem, the RTWP-based
uplink intra-frequency load balancing algorithm is introduced. If this algorithm finds that uplink coverage
limitation is caused by RTWP, it automatically adjusts pilot power and decreases downlink coverage,
thereby balancing uplink and downlink coverage. This algorithm reduces the call drop ratio of cell edge
users caused by strong external interference. After the uplink RTWP becomes normal, this algorithm
automatically adjusts the pilot power to normal.
The uplink intra-frequency load balancing algorithm is specified by the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch:
UL_INTRA_FREQUENCY_ULB parameter. Figure 7-3 shows the process of the uplink intra-frequency
load balancing algorithm.

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Figure 7-3 Process of the uplink intra-frequency load balancing algorithm

As shown in Figure 7-3, the RNC performs the following actions in each ULB period (specified by the
IntraFreqULBPeriodTimerLen parameter):
1. The RNC obtains RTWP from the NodeB and then performs smooth filtering on the RTWP value. The
smooth filtering window is specified by the ULBAvgFilterLen parameter.
2. The RNC evaluates the uplink load of the current cell based on the filtered RTWP value.
− If
the filtered RTWP value is between RTWPHeavyThd and RTWPLightThd, the RNC considers the
load of the current cell to be normal. In this case, the RNC does not adjust the pilot power in this
− If
the filtered RTWP value is more than or equal to RTWPHeavyThd, the RNC considers the load of
the current cell to be heavy. In this case, the RNC performs step 3.
− If
the filtered RTWP value is less than or equal to RTWPLightThd, the RNC considers the load of the
current cell to be light. In this case, the RNC performs step 4.
3. The RNC compares the current pilot power and MinPCPICHPower. If the current pilot power is more
than MinPCPICHPower, the RNC decreases the current pilot power by one step (specified by the
PCPICHPowerPace parameter). Otherwise, the RNC does not adjust the pilot power in this period.
4. The RNC compares the current pilot power and MaxPCPICHPower. If the current pilot power is less
than MaxPCPICHPower, the RNC increases the current pilot power by one step (specified by the
PCPICHPowerPace parameter). Otherwise, the RNC does not adjust the pilot power in this period.

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Load Control 8 Load Reshuffling

8 Load Reshuffling
This chapter describes the WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling feature.
When the usage of cell resources exceeds the basic congestion trigger threshold, the cell enters the
basic congestion state. In this case, LDR is required to reduce the cell load and increase the access
success rate.

8.1 Basic Congestion Triggering

The basic congestion of a cell is caused by insufficient power resource, code resource, Iub resource, or
NodeB credit resource. A cell where the basic congestion occurs is referred to as a cell in the LDR state.
For power resource, the RNC performs periodic measurement and checks whether the cells are
congested. For code, Iub, and NodeB credit resources, the RNC checks whether the cells are congested
when resource usage changes.
If the congestion of all resources is triggered in a cell, the basic congestion triggered by different
resources will be relieved in order of resource priority for load reshuffling as configured by running the

8.1.1 Power Resource

The uplink load reshuffling algorithm selection depends on the following conditions:
 If the parameter NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch is set to ALGORITHM_First, ALGORITHM_THIRD, or
ALGORITHM_OFF, the uplink load reshuffling algorithm will trigger basic congestion based on power
 If the parameter NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch is set to ALGORITHM_FORTH, the uplink load
reshuffling algorithm will trigger basic congestion based on the total uplink load corresponding to the
actual uplink service load.
 If the parameter NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch is set to ALGORITHM_SECOND, the uplink load
reshuffling algorithm will trigger basic congestion based on ENU.

 For an HSUPA cell, if HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch parameter is not selected,
regardless of the value of the parameter NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch, the uplink load reshuffling algorithm will trigger
basic congestion based on ENU.
 If the measurement on the total uplink load corresponding to the actual uplink service load is unavailable, for example,
when the relevant NodeB boards cannot report the measurement results, the uplink load reshuffling algorithm will
trigger basic congestion based on ENU.

The downlink load reshuffling algorithm selection depends on the following conditions:
 If the parameter NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch is set to ALGORITHM_OFF, ALGORITHM_First, or
ALGORITHM_THIRD, the downlink load reshuffling algorithm will trigger basic congestion based on
power resource.
 If the parameter NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch is set to ALGORITHM_SECOND, the downlink load
reshuffling algorithm will trigger basic congestion based on ENU.
If the load of a cell is calculated based on power resource, the uplink load of the cell is calculated based
on the uncontrollable load in the HSUPA cell or total RTWP load in the R99 cell. And the downlink load of
the cell is calculated based on the load of non-HSPA power and GBP in the HSDPA cell or total TCP load
in the R99 cell. If the load of a cell is calculated based on ENU, the uplink load and the downlink load of
the cell are calculated based on the total ENU load in the cell, respectively. For details about the load of
a cell calculated based on power resource and based on ENU, see Call Admission Control Feature
Parameter Description.

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Load Control 8 Load Reshuffling

In a DC-HSDPA or DC-HSUPA cell, if the cell load is calculated based on the number of equivalent users, only the
equivalent users on the primary carrier are counted in the DC-HSDPA or DC-HSUPA cell.

Congestion control based on power resource can be enabled through the DL_UU_LDR and
UL_UU_LDR sub-parameters of the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch parameter.
The following figure shows the triggering and relieving of basic congestion.
Figure 8-1 Triggering and relieving of basic congestion

As shown in Figure 8-1, if the UL/DL load of the cell is higher than or equal to the UL/DL LDR trigger
threshold (UlLdrTrigThd or DlLdrTrigThd) for a hysteresis time, the cell is in the basic congestion state,
and the related load reshuffling actions, as listed in Table 8-2, are taken. If the current UL/DL load of the
cell is lower than the UL/DL LDR relief threshold (UlLdrRelThd or DlLdrRelThd) for a hysteresis time,
the cell changes to the normal state and the related load reshuffling actions are stopped.

For the downlink, the hysteresis time is specified by the DlLdTrnsHysTime parameter; for the uplink, the hysteresis time
is 600 ms.

The DL LDR trigger threshold of a DC-HSDPA cell group equals the sum of the DL LDR trigger
thresholds of the two cells in this group. The DL LDR relief threshold of a DC-HSDPA cell group equals
the sum of the DL LDR relief thresholds of the two cells in this group. If a DC-HSDPA cell group is in the
basic congestion state, the related LDR actions are performed in each cell separately.
In a DC-HSUPA cell, LDR triggering and execution happen in the two cells respectively.

8.1.2 Code Resource

Congestion control based on code resource can be enabled through the CELL_CODE_LDR
sub-parameter of the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch parameter.

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Load Control 8 Load Reshuffling

If the SF corresponding to the current remaining code of the cell is larger than the value of
CellLdrSfResThd, code congestion is triggered and the related load reshuffling actions, as listed in
Table 8-2, are taken.

8.1.3 Iub Resource

Congestion control based on Iub resource can be enabled through the IUB_LDR sub-parameter of the
NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch parameter.
Iub congestion control in both the uplink and downlink is NodeB-oriented. In the case of Iub congestion,
LDR actions are applied to congestion resolution. Iub congestion is detected in a separate processing
module. For details about the decision on Iub congestion detection, see Transmission Resource
Management Feature Parameter Description.
For the basic congestion caused by Iub resource, all UEs under the NodeB are the objects of related
LDR actions.

8.1.4 NodeB Credit Resource

The basic congestion caused by NodeB credit resource is of the following types:
 Type A: Basic congestion at the local cell level
If the cell UL/DL current remaining credit resource is lower than the credit resource corresponding to
the SF specified by UlLdrCreditSfResThd or DlLdrCreditSfResThd (set by running the ADD
UCELLLDR command), credit congestion at the cell level is triggered and related load reshuffling
actions will be taken in the current cell.
 Type B: Basic congestion at the local cell group level (if any)
 Type C: Basic congestion at the NodeB level
If the cell group or NodeB UL/DL current remaining credit resource is lower than the credit resource
corresponding to the SF specified by UlLdrCreditSfResThd or DlLdrCreditSfResThd (set by running
the ADD UNODEBLDR command), credit congestion at the cell group or NodeB level is triggered and
related load reshuffling actions will be taken.
The basic congestion of type A will not trigger load-based inter-frequency handovers while the basic
congestion of type B or C will trigger such actions.
The following table lists the LDR switches that need to be set to 1 for different algorithm types.
Table 8-1 LDR switches to be set to 1
Algorithm Load Control Algorithm Switch LDC Algorithm Switch

8.2 LDR Procedure

When the cell is in the basic congestion state, the RNC takes one of the following actions in each period
(specified by the LdrPeriodTimerLen parameter by running the SET ULDCPERIOD command) until the
congestion is relieved. These procedures apply to HSPA cells and R99 cells:

For R99 cells, only DCH UEs are selected by LDR actions.

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Load Control 8 Load Reshuffling

The GoldUserLoadControlSwitch parameter specifies whether LDR actions select gold users. The RNC selects gold
users only when the GoldUserLoadControlSwitch parameter is set to ON.
 Load-based inter-frequency handover
 Code reshuffling
 BE service rate reduction
 AMR rate reduction
 Inter-RAT load-based handover in the CS domain, which involves the following actions:
− Inter-RAT Should Be Load-based Handover in the CS Domain
− Inter-RAT Should Not Be Load-based Handover in the CS Domain

The difference between the "Inter-RAT Should Be Load-based Handover In the CS/PS Domain" and "Inter-RAT Should
Not Be Load-based Handover In the CS/PS Domain" actions lies in the selection of users. The former only involves
CS/PS users with the "service handover" IE in RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST set to "handover to GSM should be
performed", while the latter only involves CS/PS users with the "service handover" IE set to "handover to GSM should not
be performed". For details about the "service handover" IE, see Handover Feature Parameter Description.
 Inter-RAT load-based handover in the PS domain, which involves the following actions:
− Inter-RAT Should Be Load-based Handover in the PS Domain
− Inter-RAT Should Not Be Load-based Handover in the PS Domain
 QoS Renegotiation for Uncontrollable Real-Time Services
 MBMS power reduction
 PS inter-RAT handover from UMTS to LTE
The sequence of LDR actions can be changed by running the MOD UCELLLDR/MOD UNODEBLDR
The following figure illustrates the detailed LDR procedure. In this example, the sequence of LDR
actions is fixed to load-based inter-frequency handover, code reshuffling, BE rate reduction, inter-RAT
handover in CS domain, inter-RAT handover in PS domain, AMR rate reduction, QoS Renegotiation for
Uncontrollable Real-Time Services, and MBMS power reduction.

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Figure 8-2 LDR procedure

As shown in the preceding figure, when the system is congested, the load-based inter-frequency
handover is initiated first.
 If the handover succeeds, the algorithm continues to check whether the system is congested. If the
system is still congested, the load-based inter-frequency handover is initiated again.
 If the handover fails, code reshuffling is performed:
− Ifthe code reshuffling succeeds, the algorithm continues to check whether the system is congested.
If the system is still congested, the code reshuffling is initiated again.
− If the code reshuffling fails, the next action, BE rate reduction, is taken.
The remaining actions to be performed may be deduced by analogy. For details about LDR actions, see
section 8.3 "LDR Actions."
The LDR actions that are triggered by basic congestion caused by different resources are different.
Table 8-2 describes the LDR actions intended for different resources.

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When the basic congestion is triggered by different resources, the congestion can be relieved in an order
set by running the SET ULDCALGOPARA command.
Table 8-2 LDR actions intended for different resources
Reso UL/ Service LDR Actions
urces DL

Real-Time Services
QoS Renegotiation
BE Rate Reduction

for Uncontrollable

Code Reshuffling

Handover in CS

Handover in PS

MBMS Power


AMR Rate



Power UL DCH √ √ √ √ √* √
HSUPA √* √ √
DC-HS √ √
DL DCH √ √ √ √ √* √
HSDPA √ √ √
DC-HS √ √
Iub UL DCH √ √ √ √
DL DCH √ √ √ √
Code - -
DL DCH √* √ √
Credit UL DCH √ √ √ √ √

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Load Control 8 Load Reshuffling

Reso UL/ Service LDR Actions

urces DL

Real-Time Services
QoS Renegotiation
BE Rate Reduction

for Uncontrollable

Code Reshuffling

Handover in CS

Handover in PS

MBMS Power


AMR Rate



HSUPA √ √ √ √
DC-HS √ √ √
DL DCH √ √ √ √

A few actions in Table 8-2 are described as follows:

 The Inter-RAT Handover in CS Domain action can be performed for the HSDPA services only when
the HsdpaCMPermissionInd parameter is set to TRUE.
 If the uplink power-based admission uses the ENU algorithm, the load-based inter-frequency
handover for HSUPA user can be performed.
 If the uplink power-based admission uses the power resource algorithm, the load-based
inter-frequency handover for HSUPA user cannot be performed, as indicated by the symbol "*" in the
preceding table.
 If the downlink power-based admission uses the ENU algorithm, the basic congestion can also be
caused by the ENU. In this situation, LDR actions do not involve AMR rate reduction or MBMS power
reduction, as indicated by the symbol "*" in the preceding table.
 In the same environment, different rates have different downlink transmit powers. The higher the rate,
the greater the downlink transmit power. Therefore, the load can be reduced by bandwidth
 If dynamic CE resource management is enabled, BE service rate downsizing of LDR actions that is
triggered by insufficient NodeB credit resource is ineffective to HSUPA users.
 For LDR triggered by Iub congestion, RNC selects UEs in the congested path or port.
 Load-based inter-frequency handovers triggered by code resource congestion support blind
handovers but do not support measurement-based handovers.
 In an LDR-triggered DC-HSUPA cell, the RNC selects only the DC-HSUPA UEs whose current cell is
the primary cell. If LDR is triggered because of insufficient uplink power or number of equivalent users,
the RNC does not select the DC-HSUPA UEs whose secondary carrier cell is the target cell.
 Parameters related to certain LDR actions are classified into cell-level and NodeB-level parameters.
These parameters apply to different resources.
− NodeB-levelparameters take effect when Iub resources, cell group credit resources, or NodeB credit
resources are in basic congestion state.

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Load Control 8 Load Reshuffling

− Cell-levelparameters take effect when power resources, code resources, or cell credit resources are
in basic congestion state.

8.3 LDR Actions

8.3.1 Load-based Inter-Frequency Handover
Load-based inter-frequency handover is also called inter-frequency load balance (WRFD-020103
Inter-Frequency Load Balance).
If the UE is in the soft handover state, load-based inter-frequency handover can be performed only when
HO_ALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH under the HoSwitch parameter is set to 1.
When HO_INTER_FREQ_HARD_HO_SWITCH under the HoSwitch parameter is set to ON, the RNC
is allowed to initiate inter-frequency measure control or the load-based inter-frequency hard handover
upon the handover decision on inter-frequency load.
The CodeCongSelInterFreqHoInd parameter can be set so that the inter-frequency handover can
relieve the basic congestion caused by code resource.
The load-based inter-frequency handover can be performed based on blind handover or measurement,
which can be decided by the InterFreqLDHOMethodSelection parameter.

Load-based Inter-Frequency Handover Based on Blind Handover

If the InterFreqLDHOMethodSelection parameter is set to BLINDHO, the load-based inter-frequency
handover based on blind handover performs the following steps:
1. The algorithm checks whether cells for inter-frequency blind handover are available. If available, the
algorithm goes to the next step. Otherwise, the action fails, and the algorithm takes the next action.
Whether the neighboring cells support blind handover is specified by the parameter BlindHoFlag.
2. The RNC selects the UEs that meet the following requirements. Then, RNC sorts the UEs by
integrated user priority and selects the UE of the lowest integrated user priority to perform the next
step. If there are no candidate users, the action fails, and the algorithm takes the next action.
− The service types of UEs are not restricted for LDR handover by parameter
− The user rate of UEs is smaller than or equal to the handover bandwidth threshold. The handover
bandwidth thresholds of uplink and downlink are respectively specified by the UlInterFreqHoBWThd
and DlInterFreqHoBWThd parameters.
− Ifthe basic congestion is caused by the credit resource, only UEs processing PS services are
selected as candidate UEs.

 If multiple UEs have the same lowest integrated priority, the algorithm selects the one with the highest rate for
 The user rates of UEs processing non-HSPA services and HSPA CS AMR services are their actual rates, and the user
rates of UEs processing HSPA PS BE services and streaming services are their GBRs. The user rates must be less
than UlInterFreqHoBWThd and DlInterFreqHoBWThd in the uplink and downlink.
 If the basic congestion is caused by the credit resource, only UEs processing PS services are selected as candidate
UEs. UEs processing CS services are not selected because they consume a small amount of credit resource and
therefore handovers of them can do little to ease credit congestion. In addition, selecting UEs processing CS services
as candidate UEs may increase the call drop rate of CS services.
3. The RNC selects the candidate cells that meet the following requirements:
− The cell is an inter-frequency neighboring cell of the current cell and is controlled by the same RNC.
− The frequency of the cell is within the band supported by the UE.

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− CPICH RSCP of the current cell in the measurement report that is reported by UE is higher than or
equal to BlindHOQualityCondition of the candidate cells.
− Thealgorithm selects the candidate cells to be handed over according to the setting of
a. If NbmLdcUeSelSwitch is set to NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY, the algorithm only selects
the candidate cells from the cells supporting the UE service.
b. If NbmLdcUeSelSwitch is set to NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_FIRST, the algorithm first selects
the candidate cells from the cells supporting the UE service. If there are no such cells, the
algorithm selects the candidate cells from the cells not supporting the UE service.
c. If NbmLdcUeSelSwitch is set to NBM_LDC_ALL_UE, the condition is invalid for the algorithm.
− The load state of candidate cell is normal.
− The candidate cell meets the following conditions on load margin:
a. If the basic congestion is caused by power resource:
If the cell does not support DC-HSDPA, the algorithm checks whether the UL/DL load margin of
the cell is higher than UlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd/DlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd,
whether the load of the cell is normal and whether the CPICH RSCP of the current cell in the
measurement report is higher than or equal to BlindHOQualityCondition.
If a cell supports DC-HSDPA, the cell and its corresponding cell group must have sufficient load
margin to qualify as the candidate cell. That is, the load margin of the cell group must be greater
than twice the value for DlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd and the load margin of the cell must
be greater than DlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd.

The load margin refers to the difference between the load of the candidate cell and the basic congestion trigger threshold
of the candidate cell. If the load of a cell is calculated based on power resource, the uplink load of the cell is calculated
based on the uncontrollable load of the cell and the downlink load of the cell is calculated based on the load of non-HSPA
power and GBP in the cell. If the load of a cell is calculated based on ENU, the uplink load and the downlink load of the
cell are calculated based on the total ENU load in the cell, respectively. For details about the load of a cell calculated
based on power resource and based on ENU, see Call Admission Control Feature Parameter Description.
b. If the basic congestion is caused by code resource:
Whether there are blind handover candidate cells meeting the requirements is decided by the
following conditions:
The minimum SF of the candidate cell is not greater than that of the current cell.
The difference of code usage between the current cell and the candidate cell is greater than
c. If the basic congestion is caused by the credit resource:
UL credit margin for LDR in the candidate cell > Credit resource corresponding to the SF specified
by UlInterFreqHoCeLDRSpaceThd
The UL credit margin for LDR is calculated by subtracting the credit resource corresponding to the
SF specified by UlLdrCreditSfResThd from the remaining credit resource in the cell group or
under the NodeB. The UL credit margin for LDR equals the smaller one of the UL credit margin for
LDR in the cell group and that under the NodeB.
4. The RNC selects the target cell from the candidate cells according to the following principles:
− If
there are more than one candidate cells meeting the requirements, the first cell in the list of the
neighbor cells is selected as the blind handover target cell.
− Ifthere is no such cell, the RNC selects the candidate user of the second lowest integrated user
priority to retry to select the target cell.
− If
all the candidate users have been tried and the RNC does not select the target cell, the action fails
and the algorithm takes the next action.

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5. After selecting the target cell and the UE, the RNC makes blind handover decision. For details, see
Handover Feature Parameter Description.

Load-based Inter-Frequency Handover Based on Measurement

The load-based inter-frequency handover based on measurement can be performed if the basic
congestion is caused by power or credit resource.
Load-based inter-frequency handovers triggered by code resource congestion support blind handovers
but do not support measurement-based handovers.
If the InterFreqLDHOMethodSelection parameter is set to MEASUREHO, the load-based
inter-frequency handover is performed based on measurement. The LDR algorithm is implemented by
performing the following steps:
1. The RNC selects the UE whose service types are not restricted for LDR handover by parameter
InterFreqLdHoForbidenTC, and then sorts the selected UEs according to their integrated priority
and performs load-based inter-frequency handover based on measurement on the UE with the
lowest integrated priority.
If the basic congestion is caused by the credit resource, only UEs processing PS services are
selected as candidate UEs. This is the same as in cases of blind handovers.
2. The RNC selects the candidate cells that meet the following conditions:
− The cell is an inter-frequency neighboring cell of the current cell and is controlled by the same RNC.
− The frequency of the cell is within the band supported by the UE.
− The cell meets the following conditions on load margin:
a. If the basic congestion is caused by power resource:
If the cell does not support DC-HSDPA, the algorithm checks whether the UL/DL load margin of
the target cell is higher than UlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd /
DlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd and whether the load of the target cell is normal.
If the cell supports DC-HSDPA, the cell and its corresponding cell group must have sufficient load
margin. That is, the load margin of the cell group must be greater than twice the value for
DlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd and the load margin of the cell must be greater than
b. If the basic congestion is caused by the credit resource:
UL credit margin for LDR in the candidate cell > Credit resource corresponding to the SF specified by
The UL credit margin for LDR is calculated by subtracting the credit resource corresponding to the
SF specified by UlLdrCreditSfResThd from the remaining credit resource in the cell group or under
the NodeB. The UL credit margin for LDR equals the smaller one of the UL credit margin for LDR in
the cell group and that under the NodeB.
And the load state of target cell is normal.
− The DrdOrLdrFlag parameter of the cell is set to True, indicating that the cell can be measured.
− If
the NbmLdcUeSelSwitch parameter is set to NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY, the cell must
support the service requested by the UE.
− If
the UESpdOptSwitch parameter is set to ON, the RNC identifies high-speed users. To high-speed
users, the value of HCSPrio for candidate cells must be higher than that for the serving cell. For
details on how to identify high-speed users, see Handover Feature Parameter Description.
If such candidate cells do not exist, the load-based inter-frequency handover action fails and the
algorithm takes the next action.
If such candidate cells exist, the following step is performed.

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1. The RNC issues a measurement control message to the UE, requesting the UE to measure the
signal quality of all candidate cells.
2. The UE measures the RSCP and Ec/N0 of the candidate cells and periodically reports the
measurement results to the RNC. The reporting period is specified by the PrdReportInterval
3. Based on the received measurement results, the RNC selects the candidate cells. The candidate
cells must meet the following conditions:
− The cell is not in the basic congestion state.
− Themeasured RSCP is higher than the RSCP threshold that is specified by the TargetFreqThdRscp
− Themeasured Ec/N0 is higher than the Ec/N0 threshold that is specified by the TargetFreqThdEcN0
If such candidate cells do not exist, the load-based inter-frequency handover action fails and the
algorithm takes the next action.
If such candidate cells exist, the following step is performed.
4. The RNC selects the cell with the highest priority from the candidate cells to perform inter-frequency
hard handover.
− If the handover succeeds, the LDR action is complete.
− If
the handover fails, the RNC tries accessing the cell with the second highest priority to perform
inter-frequency hard handover until the handover succeeds or it has attempted to access all the
candidate cells.

If the compressed mode is required for the UE to perform inter-frequency measurement, the RNC starts the
inter-frequency measurement timer (specified by the InterFreqMeasTime parameter) as soon as the measurement
control message is issued. If inter-frequency handover remains unsuccessful until the timer expires, the RNC stops the
inter-frequency measurement and cancels the compressed mode.

8.3.2 BE Rate Reduction

When admission control of Power/NodeB Credit is disabled, do not configure the BE Rate Reduction as an LDR action in
order to avoid ping-pong effect.

BE rate reduction can only be performed when the DRA_DCCC_SWITCH sub-parameter of the
DraSwitch parameter is set to 1.
The LDR algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the BE RABs in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the BE RABs that meet the following condition:
− The
current rate of the BE RAB is higher than the GBR specified by running the SET UUSERGBR
− The BE RAB has the lower integrated priorities.
The number of selected RABs is specified by the UlLdrBERateReductionRabNum or
DlLdrBERateReductionRabNum parameter.
If the integrated priorities of some RABs are identical, the RAB with the highest rate is selected.
3. If services can be selected, the action is successful. If services cannot be selected, the action fails.
The algorithm takes the next action.
4. The bandwidth of the selected services is reduced to the specified rate. For details about the rate
reduction procedure, see DCCC Feature Parameter Description.

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5. The reconfiguration is complete as indicated by the RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION

message on the Uu interface and through the synchronized radio link reconfiguration procedure on
the Iub interface.

8.3.3 QoS Renegotiation for Uncontrollable Real-Time Services

This section describes the WRFD-010506 RAB Quality of Service Renegotiation over Iu Interface
Uncontrollable real-time services refer to PS streaming services. The load can be reduced by adjusting
the rates of real-time services through QoS renegotiation.
The uncontrollable real-time service cannot perform rate down automatically like BE service due to the
QoS requirement. That is, GBR is specified in RAB assignment procedure and must be guaranteed.
When the system needs to adjust service rate to relieve the system load, the RNC has to initiate a rate
renegotiation over the Iu interface by requesting a new RAB parameters with a lower bit rate for real time
service using RAB Modification procedure.
The RNC will request a new MBR and GBR that are the lowest ones among the alternative
configurations in the RAB ASSIGNMENT message from the CN. However, the CN can decide how to
react to the request upon reception of the RAB MODIFY REQUEST message.
The LDR algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the RABs for real-time services in the PS domain
in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the RABs with the lowest integrated priorities for QoS renegotiation. The
number of selected RABs is specified by the UlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum or
DlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum parameter. If the RNC cannot find an appropriate service for the
QoS renegotiation, the action fails. The algorithm takes the next action.
3. The algorithm performs QoS renegotiation for the selected services. The GBR during the service
setup is the minimum rate of the service after the QoS renegotiation.
4. The RNC initiates the RAB MODIFY REQUEST message to the CN for the QoS renegotiation. Upon
reception of the RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, the CN sends the RAB ASSIGNMENT
REQUEST message to the RNC for RAB parameter reconfiguration.

8.3.4 Inter-RAT Handover in the CS Domain

This action can only be performed when the CS inter-RAT handover algorithm is enabled.
The size and coverage mode of a 2G cell are different from those of a 3G cell. Therefore, inter-RAT blind
handover is not considered.
Inter-RAT handover in the CS domain involves the following actions.

Inter-RAT Should Be Load-based Handover in the CS Domain

The LDR algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the UEs with the "service handover" IE set to
"handover to GSM should be performed" in the CS domain in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the UEs with the lowest integrated priorities. The number of selected UEs is
specified by the UlCSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum or DlCSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum
3. For the selected UEs, the LDR module sends the load-based handover command to the inter-RAT
handover module, requesting the inter-RAT handover module to hand over the UEs to the 2G

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4. The handover module decides to trigger the inter-RAT handover, depending on the capability of the
UE to support the compressed mode.
5. If a UE that meets the handover criteria is not found, the algorithm takes the next action.

Inter-RAT Should Not Be Load-based Handover in the CS Domain

The algorithm for this action is the same as that for the action "Inter-RAT Should Be Load-based
Handover in the CS Domain". The difference is that this action involves only CS users with the "service
handover" IE set to "handover to GSM should not be performed".
The number of selected UEs is specified by the UlCSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum or
DlCSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum parameter.

8.3.5 Inter-RAT Handover in the PS Domain

This action can only be performed when the PS inter-RAT handover algorithm is enabled.
Inter-RAT handover in the PS domain involves the following actions.

Inter-RAT Should Be Load-based Handover in the PS Domain

The algorithm for this action is the same as that for the action "Inter-RAT Should Be Load-based
Handover in the CS Domain". The difference is that this action involves only PS users with the "service
handover" IE set to "handover to GSM should be performed".
The number of controlled UEs is determined by the UlPSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum or
DlPSInterRatShouldBeHOUeNum parameter.

Inter-RAT Should Not Be Load-based Handover in the PS Domain

The algorithm for this action is the same as that for the action "Inter-RAT Should Not Be Load-based
Handover in the CS Domain". The difference is that this action involves only PS users with the "service
handover" IE set to "handover to GSM should not be performed".
The number of controlled UEs is specified by the UlPSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum or
DlPSInterRatShouldNotHOUeNum parameter.

HSPA services can be selected only when HsdpaCMPermissionInd is set to TRUE and HsupaCMPermissionInd is not
set to Limited.
For details about the two parameters, see Handover Feature Parameter Description.

8.3.6 AMR Rate Reduction

This action can only be performed when the sub-parameter CS_AMRC_SWITCH of the parameter
CsSwitch is set to 1.

AMR Rate Reduction in the Downlink

In the downlink, the LDR algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the AMR RABs in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the RABs with the lowest integrated priorities and with the rates higher than the
GBR for AMR services (conversational). The number of selected RABs is specified by the
DlLdrAMRRateReductionRabNum parameter. If the RNC cannot find an appropriate RAB for the
AMR rate reduction, the action fails. The algorithm takes the next action.
3. The RNC sends the rate control request message through the Iu interface to the CN to adjust the
AMR rate to the GBR.

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AMR Rate Reduction in the Uplink

In the uplink, the LDR algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the AMR RABs in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the RABs with the lowest integrated priorities and with the rates higher than the
GBR for AMR services (conversational). The number of selected RABs is determined by the
UlLdrAMRRateReductionRabNum parameter. If the RNC cannot find an appropriate RAB for the
AMR rate reduction, the action fails. The algorithm takes the next action.
3. The RNC sends the TFC CONTROL command to the UE to adjust the AMR rate to the GBR.

8.3.7 Code Reshuffling

This section describes the WRFD-020108 Code Resource Management feature.
To optimize the code usage efficiency, the "left most" principle is adopted in initial code allocation
procedure, that is, the code with minimum SF is reserved to ensure that the codes are available for use
continuously. However, the code tree may not obey the "left most" principle during actual use. Code
reshuffling can be used to make the code tree obey "left most" principle.
When the cell is in the basic congestion state caused by code resource, code reshuffling can be
performed to reserve sufficient code resource for subsequent services. Code sub-tree adjustment refers
to the switching of users from one code sub-tree to another. It is used for decreasing the code fragments
to release smaller codes first.
The algorithm operates as follows:
1. Initializes SF_Cur to CellLdrSfResThd.
2. Traverses all the sub-trees with this SF_Cur at the root node except the sub-trees occupied by
common channels and HSDPA channels, and takes the sub-trees in which the number of users is not
larger than the value of MaxUserNumCodeAdj as candidate sub-trees for code reshuffling.
− If such candidate sub-trees are available, the algorithm goes to step 3.
− If no such candidate sub-tree is available, sub-tree selection fails. This procedure ends.
3. Selects a sub-tree from the candidate sub-trees according to the setting of LdrCodePriUseInd.
− If
this parameter is set to TRUE, the algorithm selects the sub-tree with the largest code number from
the candidates.
− If
this parameter is set to FALSE, the algorithm selects the sub-tree with the smallest number of
users from the candidates. if multiple sub-trees have the same number of users, the algorithm selects
the sub-tree with the largest code number.
4. Treats each user in the sub-tree as a new user and allocates code resource to each user.
5. Initiates the reconfiguration procedure for each user in the sub-tree and reconfigures the
channelization codes of the users to the newly allocated code resource.
The reconfiguration procedure on the UU interface is initiated through the PHYSICAL CHANNEL
RECONFIGURATION message and that on the Iub interface through the RL RECONFIGURATION
The following figure shows an example of code reshuffling. In this example, CellLdrSfResThd is set to
SF8, and MaxUserNumCodeAdj is set to 1.

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Figure 8-3 Code reshuffling

8.3.8 MBMS Power Reduction

Some MBMS-related algorithms do not take effect on the BSC6910 because the BSC6910 does not support
MBMS-related features.

The downlink power load can be reduced by lowering the power on MBMS traffic channels.
The algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the RABs in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects a RAB with the lowest integrated priority and with the current power higher than
the minimum transmit power of the corresponding MTCH. That is, it selects an RAB whose ARP
value is higher than MbmsDecPowerRabThd.
3. The algorithm triggers a reconfiguration procedure to set the power to the minimum transmit power of
the FACH onto which the MTCH is mapped.
The reconfiguration procedure on the Iub interface is implemented through the COMMON

8.3.9 PS Inter-RAT Handover from UMTS to LTE

This section describes the WRFD-150216 Load Based PS Redirection from UMTS to LTE feature and
the WRFD-150217 Load Based PS Handover from UMTS to LTE feature.
If PS inter-RAT handover from UMTS to LTE is triggered when UMTS cells are in the basic congestion
state, the RNC redirects or switches only the PS services of UL dual-mode or GUL triple-mode UEs to
LTE cells. This helps balance inter-RAT load and improve user experience.
PS inter-RAT handover from UMTS to LTE is controlled by PSInterU2LLDHO under the
DlLdrFirstAction parameter. This LDR action is implemented as follows:
1. After the PS inter-RAT handover from UMTS to LTE is triggered when UMTS cells are in the basic
congestion state, the RNC determines whether to allow UMTS-to-LTE PS redirection or handovers.
2. The RNC allows UMTS-to-LTE PS redirection or handovers when all of the following conditions are
 There are no CS RABs among the UE's RABs.
 All RABs of the UE can be handed over or redirected to LTE cells.

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− A RAB can be handed over or redirected to LTE cells only when the IE "E-UTRAN Service Handover"
in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message is null and
UTYPRABBASIC command is selected.
− If
the value of the IE "E-UTRAN Service Handover" in the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message
is "Handover to E-UTRAN shall not be performed", a RAB cannot be handed over or redirected to
LTE cells.
 The UEs are UL dual-mode UEs or GUL triple-mode UEs.
 There is LTE coverage.
− If
HO_U2L_REDIR_BASED_ABSOLUTE_FREQ_SWITCH under the HoSwitch1 parameter is
cleared, the current UMTS cell must be configured with neighboring LTE cells.
− If
HO_U2L_REDIR_BASED_ABSOLUTE_FREQ_SWITCH under the HoSwitch1 parameter is
selected, the current UMTS cell must be configured with LTE frequencies. For details about how to
configure LTE frequencies, see Interoperability Between UMTS and LTE Feature Parameter
The UMTS to LTE redirection switch based on absolution frequency is controlled by
HO_U2L_REDIR_BASED_ABSOLUTE_FREQ_SWITCH under the HoSwitch1 parameter.
 The load-based PS redirection or handover from UMTS to LTE function is enabled.
− The
general switch for UMTS-to-LTE PS interoperations is turned on, that is,
HO_LTE_PS_OUT_SWITCH under the HoSwitch parameter is selected.
− To
Load Based PS Redirection from UMTS to LTE feature, the PS inter-RAT handover from UMTS to
LTE function must be enabled.
− Toactivate the Load Based PS Handover from UMTS to LTE feature, the PS handover from UMTS to
LTE function must be enabled and HO_U2L_REDIR_BASED_ABSOLUTE_FREQ_SWITCH under
the HoSwitch1 parameter must be cleared.
For details about redirection and handovers, see Interoperability Between UMTS and LTE Feature
Parameter Description.
3. The RNC selects UEs to perform the PS inter-RAT handover from UMTS to LTE LDR action.
After allowing UMTS-to-LTE PS redirection for handovers, the RNC selects UEs to perform this LDR
a The RNC puts UL or GUL UEs that processes only PS services into a list.
b The RNC selects UEs that did not perform PS handovers from UMTS to LTE.
c The RNC arranges the selected UEs according to the user integrated priority. Then the RNC selects
several UEs to perform this LDR action in ascending order of user integrated priority.
 For uplink LDR actions, the number of UEs is specified by the UlPSU2LHOUeNum parameter. For
downlink LDR actions, the number of UEs is specified by the DlPSU2LHOUeNum parameter.
 If the UEs have the same user integrated priority, they will be selected randomly. Suppose there are
five UEs (UE A, UE B, UE C, UE D, and UE E) and the user integrated priority is A < B = C = D < E. If
three UEs are to be selected, the RNC preferentially selects UE A and then selects any two UEs
among UEs B, C, and D.

8.3.10 LDR Actions of One UE in the Uplink and Downlink

In most cases, uplink and downlink LDR actions are independent of each other. Sometimes, these LDR
actions may be performed by the same UE.
 If the uplink and downlink are going to perform same LDR actions, these LDR actions can be
performed simultaneously in the uplink and downlink of the same UE.

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For example, BE service rate reduction must be performed simultaneously in the uplink and downlink
of the same UE. In this situation, the RNC sends only one RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION
message, indicating that BE service rate reduction is performed simultaneously in the uplink and
downlink of this UE.
 If the uplink and downlink are going to perform different LDR actions, these LDR actions can be
performed as follows:
− If
uplink LDR actions are inter-frequency or inter-RAT handovers, or PS inter-RAT handovers from
UMTS to LTE, LDR actions can only be performed in the uplink.
− If
downlink LDR actions are inter-frequency or inter-RAT handovers, or PS inter-RAT handover from
UMTS to LTE, LDR actions can only be performed in the downlink.
LDR actions are performed in the direction with fewer UEs.

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Load Control 9 Overload Control

9 Overload Control
This chapter describes the WRFD-020107 Overload Control feature.
After the UE access is allowed, the power consumed by a single link is adjusted by the single link power
control function. The power varies with factors such as the mobility of the UE and the changes in the
environment. In some situations, the total power load of the cell can be higher than the target load. To
ensure the system stability, OLC must be performed.

9.1 Overload Triggering

Only the power resource and Iub bandwidth may result in the overload congestion state. Hard resources
such as the ENU and credit resource do not cause overload congestion.

For details about overload congestion caused by Iub bandwidth, see Transmission Resource Management Feature
Parameter Description.

For the overload triggered by power resources, the downlink OLC algorithm will trigger overload based
on total TCP load in the R99 cell or the load of non-HSPA power and HSDPA GBP in the HSDPA cell.
The uplink OLC algorithm selection depends on the following conditions:
 If the parameter NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch is set to ALGORITHM_First, ALGORITHM_THIRD, or
ALGORITHM_OFF, the uplink OLC algorithm will trigger overload based on total RTWP load of the
 If the parameter NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch is set to ALGORITHM_FORTH, the uplink OLC algorithm
will trigger overload based on the total uplink load corresponding to the actual uplink service load.

If the measurement on the total uplink load corresponding to the actual uplink service load is unavailable, for example,
when the relevant NodeB boards cannot report the measurement results, the uplink OLC algorithm will trigger overload
based on total RTWP load of the cell.

OLC can be enabled through the UL_UU_OLC and DL_UU_OLC sub-parameters of the
NBMLdcAlgoSwitch parameter.
The following figure shows the triggering and release of cell power overload.

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Load Control 9 Overload Control

Figure 9-1 Triggering and release of cell power overload

As shown in Figure 9-1, if the UL/DL load of the cell is higher than or equal to the UlOlcTrigThd or
DlOlcTrigThd for a hysteresis time, the cell is in the overload state, and the related overload handling
action is taken. If the current UL/DL load of the cell is lower than the UlOlcRelThd or DlOlcRelThd for a
hysteresis time, the overload state of the cell is released and the related overload handling is stopped.

For the downlink, the hysteresis time is specified by the parameter DlLdTrnsHysTime; for the uplink, the hysteresis time
is 600 ms.

The UL or DL OLC trigger threshold of a DC-HSDPA cell group equals the sum of the UL or DL OLC
trigger thresholds of the two cells in this group. The UL or DL OLC relief threshold of a DC-HSDPA cell
group equals the sum of the UL or DL OLC relief thresholds of the two cells in this group. If a DC-HSDPA
cell group is overloaded, the related overload handling is performed in each cell separately.

In a DC-HSUPA cell, OLC triggering and execution happen in the two cells respectively.

In addition to periodic measurement, event-triggered measurement is applicable to OLC.

If the sub-parameter OLC_EVENTMEAS of the parameter NBMLdcAlgoSwitch is set to 1, the RNC
sends the NodeB a request for event measurement based on power resource. In the associated request
message, the reporting criterion is specified, including the hysteresis time, the related OLC thresholds.
Then the NodeB checks the current power load in real time according to this criterion and reports the
status to the RNC periodically if the conditions of reporting are met.

Limited by 3GPP, the NodeB cannot check the total load of the non-HSDPA power and the GBP. Therefore, the
recommended setting of OLC_EVENTMEAS is 0 for HSDPA cells.

9.2 General OLC Procedure

When the cell is overloaded, the RNC takes one of the following actions in each period specified by the
OlcPeriodTimerLen parameter until the congestion is relieved:

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Load Control 9 Overload Control

 Performing TF control of BE services

 Switching BE services to common channels
 Adjusting the maximum FACH TX power
 Releasing some RABs

The RSVDBIT13 under the RsvdPara1 parameter in the ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH command specifies whether OLC
actions select gold users. When RSVDBIT13 is selected, OLC actions select gold users.

The following figure shows the OLC procedure.

Figure 9-2 OLC procedure

As shown in the preceding figure, the OLC procedure is as follows:

1. The OLC takes the first action to perform TF control.
− If
the TF control succeeds, the OLC checks whether the system is overloaded. If yes, the OLC
performs TF control again.
− If the TF control fails, go to step 2.
2. The OLC takes the second action to switch BE services to common channels.
− If
the switching succeeds, the OLC checks whether the system is overloaded. If yes, the OLC
switches BE services to common channels again.
− If the switching fails, go to step 3.
3. The OLC takes the third action to adjust the maximum FACH transmit power.
− If
the adjustment succeeds, the OLC checks whether the system is overloaded. If yes, the OLC
adjusts the power again.
− If the adjustment fails, the OLC takes the fourth action to release some RABs.
For details about OLC actions, see section 9.3 "OLC Actions."

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Load Control 9 Overload Control

Moreover, when the cell is in the overload congestion state:

 The state transition from FACH to DCH is prohibited.
 When the FACH_UU_ADCTRL sub-parameter of NBMCacAlgoSwitch parameter is set to ON, the
admission for users over FACH or enhanced FACH channels (HS-DSCH) is prohibited.
 When the FACH_UU_ADCTRL sub-parameter of NBMCacAlgoSwitch parameter is set to OFF, the
admission decision for users over FACH or enhanced FACH channels(HS-DSCH) is allowed.
 The admission for resource requests of RRC connection setup whose cause is emergency call, detach,
or registration is always allowed. This is because the priority of such requests is high.

9.3 OLC Actions

9.3.1 Performing TF Control of BE Services
OLC Algorithm for TF Control in the Downlink
For the TF control in the downlink, the OLC algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the RABs in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the following RABs:
− DCH RABs with the rates higher than DlDcccRateThd. For details about the parameter, see DCCC
Feature Parameter Description.
− RABs with the lowest integrated priorities.
The number of RABs selected is smaller than or equal to DlOlcFTFRstrctRabNum.
If the RNC cannot find an appropriate service for the TF control, the OLC takes the next action.
3. The RNC sends the TF control indication message to the MAC. Each MAC of the selected RABs will
receive one TF control indication message and will restrict the transport format combination (TFC)
selection of the BE services to reduce the data rate step by step.
The MAC restricts the TFC selection according to the following formula:
TFmax(N+1) = TFmax(N) x Ratelimitcoeff
− TFmax(0) is the maximum TB number of the BE service before the service is selected for TF control.
− TFmax(N+1) is the maximum TB number during the period from (T0 + RateRstrctTimerLen x N) to
(T0 + RateRstrctTimerLen x (N + 1)), where T0 is the time when the MAC receives the TF control
indication message.
− Ratelimitcoeff is specified by the RateRstrctCoef parameter.
4. If the number of times that TF control is performed exceeds DlOlcFTFRstrctTimes, the action fails.
The OLC takes the next action.
5. If the congestion is relieved, the RNC sends the congestion relief indication to the MAC. At the same
time, the rate recovery timer (RateRecoverTimerLen) is started. When this timer expires, the MAC
increases the data rate step by step.
MAC recovers the TFC selection by calculating the maximum TB number according to the following
TFmax(N+1) = TFmax(N) x RateRecoverCoeff
− TFmax(0) is the maximum TB number of the BE service before congestion relief indication is

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− TFmax(N+1) is the maximum TB number during the period from (T1 + RateRecoverTimerLen x N)
to (T1 + (RateRecoverTimerLen x (N + 1)), where T1 is the time when the MAC receives the
congestion relief indication message.
− RateRecoverCoeff is specified by the RecoverCoef parameter.

OLC Algorithm for TF Control in the Uplink

message to the UE to restrict the TFC of the UE, according to the 3GPP TS25.331. The UE does not
reply to the RNC before the procedure is performed successfully.
For the TF control in the uplink, the OLC algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the DCH RABs in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the following RABs:
− RABs with the rates higher than UlDcccRateThd. For details about the parameter, see DCCC
Feature Parameter Description.
− RABs with the lowest integrated priorities.
The number of selected RABs is specified by the UlOlcFTFRstrctRabNum parameter.
If the RNC cannot find an appropriate service, the OLC performs the next action.
3. The RNC sends the TRANSPORT FORMAT COMBINATION CONTROL message to the UE that
accesses the specified service. This message contains the following IEs:
− Transport Format Combination Set Identity: defines the available TFC that the UE can select, that is,
the restricted TFC sub-set. It is always the two TFCs corresponding to the lowest data rate.
− TFC Control Duration: defines the period the restricted TFC sub-set is to be applied. It is set to a
random value (integer multiples of 10 ms) from the range of 10 ms to 5120 ms to avoid data rate
upsizing at the same time.
After the TFC control duration expires, the UE can apply for any TFC of TFCS before the TF control.
4. If the number of times that TF control is performed exceeds UlOlcFTFRstrctTimes, the action fails.
The OLC takes the next action.

9.3.2 Switching BE Services to Common Channels

Whether the selected UEs can be switched to common channels depends on the setting of
DRA_HSUPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH in the parameter DraSwitch.
For the switching of uplink BE services to common channels, if the control RTWP anti-interference
function switch (NBMCacAlgoSwitch: RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB) is turned on, the RNC checks
whether the uplink equivalent user load proportion of the cell is lower than 40%. If it is lower than 40%,
the RNC does not perform this operation.
For switching BE services to common channels, the OLC algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts all the UEs in the PS domain in descending
2. The algorithm selects the UEs with the lowest integrated priorities. The number of selected UEs is
specified by TransCchUserNum. If the selection fails, the OLC takes the next action.

This function is disabled when the TransCchUserNum parameter is set to 0.

3. The OLC switches the selected UEs to common channels.

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Load Control 9 Overload Control

If both the selected UEs and the current cell support enhanced CELL_FACH, these UEs can be
switched to the enhanced CELL_FACH state.

9.3.3 Adjusting the Maximum FACH TX Power

The procedure for adjusting the maximum FACH transmit power is as follows:
1. Set the maximum FACH transmit power to the target maximum transmit power. The target maximum
transmit power is calculated according to the following formula:
Ptarget = Pmax - Delta
− Ptarget is the target maximum transmit power.
− Pmax is the maximum FACH transmit power (MaxFachPower).
− Delta is the FACH power reduction step (FACHPwrReduceValue).
2. If the congestion is relieved after the power adjustment, the system starts the FACH power recovery
timer, which is set to 5s. When the timer expires, the maximum FACH transmit power is increased to
the original maximum FACH transmit power if the system is always in the normal state before the
timer expires.

The preceding power adjustment is applicable to only the FACH carrying common services rather than MBMS services.

9.3.4 Releasing Some RABs

OLC Algorithm for the Release of Some RABs in the Uplink
If the Control RTWP Anti-interference algorithm switch (NBMCacAlgoSwitch:
RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB) is enabled, the RNC checks whether the uplink equivalent user load
proportion of the cell is lower than 40% before performing this operation. If it is lower than 40%, the RNC
does not perform this operation.
For the release of some RABs in the uplink, the OLC algorithm operates as follows:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts all RABs including HSUPA and DCH services in
descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the RABs with the lowest integrated priorities. If the integrated priorities of
some RABs are identical, it selects the RAB with a higher rate (that is, the current rate for DCH RAB
or the GBR for HSUPA RAB) in the uplink. The number of selected RABs is specified by
3. The selected RABs are released directly.

OLC Algorithm for the Release of Some RABs in the Downlink

Some MBMS-related algorithms do not take effect on the BSC6910 because the BSC6910 does not support
MBMS-related features.

For the release of some RABs in the downlink, the OLC algorithm operates as follows:
 If the SeqOfUserRel parameter is set to USER_REL, then:
1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts all non-MBMS RABs in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the RABs with the lowest integrated priorities. If the integrated priorities of
some RABs are identical, it selects the RAB with a higher rate (that is, the current rate for DCH RAB
or the GBR for HSDPA RAB) in the downlink. The number of selected RABs is specified by
3. The selected RABs are directly released.

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4. If all non-MBMS RABs are released but congestion persists in the downlink, MBMS RABs are
 If the SeqOfUserRel parameter is set to MBMS_REL, then:
1. Based on the ARP, the algorithm sorts all MBMS RABs in descending order.
2. The algorithm selects the RABs with the lowest integrated priorities. The number of selected RABs is
specified by MbmsOlcRelNum.
3. The selected RABs are directly released.
4. If all MBMS RABs are released but congestion persists in the downlink, non-MBMS RABs are

This function is disabled when the UlOlcTraffRelRabNum, DlOlcTraffRelRabNum, and MbmsOlcRelNum parameters
are set to 0.
The higher the value of UlOlcTraffRelRabNum or DlOlcTraffRelRabNum, the more the cell load decreases, which will
affect the users experience negatively.

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Load Control 10 Network Impact

10 Network Impact
10.1 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing
10.1.1 Network Performance
Inter-frequency load balancing based on uplink credit resource enables some UEs to be handed over to
an inter-frequency neighboring cell when the current cell is in the basic congestion state. In this way, the
admission failures due to CE resource congestion decrease.
In addition, this feature makes UEs processing PS services more likely to perform inter-frequency
handovers. This may slightly increase the PS call drop rate.

10.2 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable

Load Threshold
10.2.1 System Capacity
With CLB, a heavily loaded cell can be relieved, and the resources of a lightly loaded cell can be fully
utilized, increasing the whole system capacity.

10.2.2 Network Performance

CLB improves the coverage performance of a heavily loaded cell.
The impact of CLB on network performance in different scenarios is as follows:
 Macro and micro combined network using different frequencies
CLB offloads HSPA services on the macro network to the micro network. Resources of the micro network
deployed at hot spots are fully utilized and the quality of HSPA services after handovers is ensured. In
addition, the quality of CS services on the macro network is improved after the network load decreases.
 Overlay network
CLB supports inter-frequency load balancing for UEs in connected mode under different RNCs in an
overlay network, enabling effective network resource utilization of different vendors. The sector capacity
is expanded, and key performance indicators (KPIs) of heavily loaded cells are improved.
When CLB is implemented between different RNCs on the overlay network, ping-pong handovers may
occur because an RNC cannot obtain the information about the load of inter-frequency neighboring cells
under the neighboring RNC. Therefore, a load evaluation algorithm has been added to evaluate the load
of inter-frequency neighboring cells. If the number of failed inter-frequency handovers during a certain
period of time exceeds a preset threshold, a penalty timer is triggered and UEs cannot be handed over
to the inter-frequency neighboring cell until the penalty timer expires. However, ping-pong handovers
may still occur because this load evaluation algorithm makes a rough estimate of the load of
inter-frequency neighboring cells.
 Other scenarios
CLB is used in other scenarios the similar way the WRFD-020103 Inter-Frequency Load Balance feature
is used. The difference is that CLB can implement load balancing before a cell enters the basic
congestion state so that the traffic load can evenly be distributed among cells. CLB helps prevent a cell
from being heavily loaded or having deteriorated KPIs.
 Negative impact

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− More inter-frequency handovers may reduce the success rate of inter-frequency handovers and
increase the call drop rate.
− During
the inter-frequency handover measurement, the throughput of online UEs in compressed
mode with halved spreading factors (SF) will be reduced.

10.3 Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on Distance

10.3.1 System Capacity
No impact.

10.3.2 Network Performance

Table 10-1 lists the impact of this feature on KPIs.
Table 10-1 Impact on KPIs
KPI Type KPI Impact
Access RRC Setup This feature redirects UEs at the cell edge or in cells with excessive
Success Ratio coverage problems to inter-frequency neighboring cells, which
increases the RRC setup success rate. The RRC CONNECTION
REJECT messages from RRC redirections based on distance
(including inter-RAT and inter-frequency redirections) are not
considered as RRC connection setup failures. Therefore, such
rejections do not affect the RRC setup success rate.
Maintainability Call Drop Ratio This feature redirects UEs at the cell edge or in cells with excessive
coverage problems to inter-frequency neighboring cells, which
reduces the call drop rate.

10.4 RRC Redirection for Service Steering

10.4.1 System Capacity
No impact.

10.4.2 Network Performance

During the RRC connection setup procedure, this feature performs inter-frequency or inter-RAT service
steering and load sharing based on the RRC connection setup cause. This feature performs load sharing
with the consideration of the signal quality, load, and the redirection percentage of the cell the UE
accesses. This feature also affects the access delay of UEs that are to be redirected to inter-frequency
or inter-RAT cells.

10.5 FACH Power Control of RRC phase

10.5.1 System Capacity
The FACH power control of RRC phase function increases the FACH transmit power. As a result, the
amount of power available for dedicated channels decrease. This reduces downlink cell/UE throughput
and the R99 UE admission rate.

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Load Control 10 Network Impact

Suppose that the cell transmit power is 20 W, the P-CPICH transmit power is 10% of the cell transmit
power, and the FACH transmit power is 1 dB. If an additional 2 dB power is to be added, the amount of
power available for the dedicated channel may be insufficient and five AMR UEs may not be admitted
into this cell.

10.5.2 Network Performance

This function increases the downlink FACH power and therefore UEs can receive messages more
accurately. When RRC connection setups fail due to Uu-interface synchronization timeout, this function
increases the RRC connection setup success rate. How well the RRC connection setup success rate
can be improved is determined by coverage and interference in the live network. If the contribution of
weak coverage to RRC connection setup failures is small or if interference in the live network is strong,
the improvement of the RRC connection setup success rate is not noticeable.
 The smaller the increased FACH power MaxFachPower, the less noticeable the improvement of the
RRC connection setup success rate.
 The larger the increased FACH transmit power, the stronger the interference. In this situation,
downlink coverage will deteriorate, which may increase the call drop rate.

10.6 Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna

10.6.1 System Capacity and Network Performance
This function has the following impacts on system capacity and network performance.
 This function corrects the measured RTWP and uplink load in the following scenarios:
− Imbalanced interference
The corrected RTWP and uplink load is smaller than the original values.
a. When interference between antennas is imbalanced and the RTWP-based anti-interference
function is disabled (RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch parameter is
cleared), this function increases the access success rate if an uplink power resource admission
fails. Ultimately, this function increases the number of online UEs.
b. When interference between antennas is imbalanced and the RTWP-based anti-interference
function is enabled (RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch is selected),
this function reduces the admission error rate. This reduces the number of online UEs and the
call drop rate.
c. When services are being processed, this function improves HSUPA throughout if data source is
sufficient. However, this increases the RTWP per antenna. As a result, uplink coverage shrinks
and the call drop rate increases.
d. The decrease of the RTWP reduces RACH receive power. This improves uplink Uu-interface
capacity and increases the access delay.
− Invalid antennas
a. When the RTWP-based anti-interference function is disabled (RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB under
the NBMCacAlgoSwitch parameter is cleared), this function does not take effect.
b. When the RTWP-based anti-interference function is enabled (RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB under
the NBMCacAlgoSwitch parameter is selected), the measured uplink load is corrected (the
corrected value is larger than the original value). This reduces the admission error rate and
improves uplink coverage. As a result, the call drop rate is reduced. In addition, the access
success rate and the number of online UEs decrease.
c. When services are being processed, the measured uplink load is corrected (the corrected value
is larger than the original value) if the WRFD-020136 Anti-Interference Scheduling for HSUPA

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feature is activated. This feature improves uplink coverage and reduces the call drop rate.
However, the HSUPA throughput is also reduced.

The RTWP-based anti-interference function takes effect only when ALGORITHM_FOURTH under the
NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch parameter is selected.
 When several HSUPA UEs are going to transmit a large amount of data simultaneously, the rise over
thermal (RoT) will become high due to HSUPA scheduling. In this case, the RTWPs of two antennas
are almost the same and the gains provided by this function are not noticeable because the corrected
RTWP is almost the same as the original RTWP.
 Although this function increases the NodeB CPU usage, the increase is not noticeable because the
load on a CPU with a 1 GHz main frequency is only 0.001%.

10.6.2 Prerequisite Features


10.6.3 Mutually Exclusive Features

WRFD-021350 Independent Demodulation of Signals from Multiple RRUs in One Cell

10.6.4 Impacted Features

The anti-imbalance of the different antenna function affects the following features:
 This function affects all the features using the uplink load.
a. The correction of the measured RTWP function affects the following algorithms using the
measurement result of the RTWP in a cell: WRFD-020101 Admission Control
b. WRFD-01061202 HSUPA Admission Control
c. WRFD-020136 Anti-Interference Scheduling for HSUPA
d. WRFD-010691 HSUPA UL Interference Cancellation
e. Auto-adaptive background noise update algorithm.
For details about the impact, see section 10.6.1 "System Capacity and Network Performance."
− The
correction of the measured uplink load function affects the following algorithms using the
measurement result of uplink load in a cell:
a. WRFD-020102 Load Measurement
b. WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling
c. WRFD-020107 Overload Control
d. WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold
e. Intra-frequency load balancing algorithm based on RTWP (uplink intra-frequency load balancing
algorithm (ULB))
f. WRFD-010641 HSUPA Adaptive Transmission.
For details about the impact, see section 10.6.1 "System Capacity and Network Performance."
 The anti-imbalance of the different antenna function corrects only real-time RTWPs not delayed
RTWPs. Therefore, the calculated interference cancellation efficiency is not accurate. In addition, if
this function is enabled for the following features, the value of the VS.HSUPA.Ic.MeanEff counter is 0
or smaller than the value before this function is enabled.
− WRFD-020137 Dual-Threshold Scheduling with HSUPA Interference Cancellation
− WRFD-010210 Control Channel Parallel Interference Cancellation (CCPIC)

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− WRFD-140202 Control Channel Parallel Interference Cancellation (Phase 2)

− WRFD-010691 HSUPA UL Interference Cancellation

10.7 WRFD-150236 Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of

10.7.1 System Capacity
This feature reduces the P-CPICH transmit power when downlink non-HSPA load in a cell is heavy. This
reduces power consumption of common channels and cell coverage. In this situation, cell-edge UEs are
handed over to neighboring cells, which reduces downlink non-HSPA load and increases downlink
capacity of the current cell.
For example, the value for PCPICHPower is 10% of the value for MaxTxPower and the maximum
P-CPICH power reduction is 3 dB. If downlink non-HSPA load in a cell is extremely high and the number
of UEs in this cell is large, this feature saves 10% to 15% of downlink non-HSPA cell power. The saved
power can admit 10% to 15% extra UEs or increase at least 5% of the average cell throughput.
The P-CPICH transmit power can be higher than the value for PCPICHPower. In this case, cell
coverage will increase but the available HSDPA power will decrease. This reduces average HSDPA
throughput if there are data transmission requirements.

10.7.2 Network Performance

This feature reduces the P-CPICH transmit power when downlink non-HSPA load in a cell is heavy. As
result, downlink non-HSPA cell load is reduced. When downlink power resources are congested, this
feature increases the access success rate during busy hours.
However, after the reduction of P-CPICH transmit power, cell coverage shrinks, leading to coverage
holes. Coverage holes cause the access success rate and the call drop rate for cell-edge UEs to
deteriorate. This increases the number of handovers. In multi-carrier scenarios, cells that have the same
coverage now may have different coverage. This affects the camping policy and increases the
blind-handover failure probability (Blind handovers here include blind-handover-based DRD and LDR
inter-frequency handovers). Ultimately, the performance of service steering will be affected.
The impact on network performance is determined by the actual cell coverage and the distribution of
cell-edge UEs.
 If cell coverage is good and the number of cell-edge UEs is small, handovers and the call drop rate will
 If cell coverage is bad and the number of cell-edge UEs is large, handovers and the call drop rate will
After the power adjustment, if more cells that have the same coverage now have different coverage, the
probability of blind-handover failures will increase.

10.7.3 Prerequisite Features


10.7.4 Mutually Exclusive Features


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10.7.5 Impacted Features

After this feature is activated, the TCP-based intra-frequency load balancing and uplink intra-frequency
load balancing functions are disabled.

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Load Control 11 Engineering Guidelines

11 Engineering Guidelines
11.1 WRFD-021104 Emergency Call
11.1.1 Deployment
 Hardware
This feature does not have any special requirements for hardware.
 Other features
This feature does not depend on other features.
 License
This feature is not under license control.

Data Preparation

This feature does not need to be activated.

Activation Observation
Use a UE to initiate an emergency call. The emergency call is successfully established.

This feature does not need to be deactivated.

11.2 WRFD-010506 RAB Quality of Service Renegotiation over

Iu Interface
11.2.1 Deployment
 Hardware
The NEs in the core network must support selective configuration of the maximum bit rate (MBR) and
guaranteed bit rate (GBR).
 Other features
This feature does not depend on other features.
 License
This feature is not under license control.

Data Preparation

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Load Control 11 Engineering Guidelines

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to enable the cell-level LDR algorithm. In this
step, set Cell LDC algorithm switch to UL_UU_LDR(Uplink UU LDR Algorithm),
DL_UU_LDR(Downlink UU LDR Algorithm), and CELL_CREDIT_LDR(Credit LDR Algorithm).
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm Parameters;
CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches) to enable the
NodeB-level LDR algorithm. In this step, set NodeB LDC algorithm switch to IUB_LDR(IUB LDR
Algorithm), LCG_CREDIT_LDR(LCG Credit LDR Algorithm), and NODEB_CREDIT_LDR(NodeB
Credit LDR Algorithm).
3. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDM (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Oriented LDM Algorithm Parameters; CME
batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set the cell-level LDR
trigger threshold. In this step, set UL/DL LDR Trigger threshold and DL State Trans Hysteresis
threshold according to the network plan.
4. Run the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBLDR (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB LDR Algorithm
Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches) to set
the NodeB-level LDR credit spreading factor (SF) reserved threshold. In this step, set Ul LDR Credit
SF reserved threshold and Dl LDR Credit SF reserved threshold according to the network plan.
5. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set the NodeB credit LDR
threshold for the local cell. In this step, set Ul LDR Credit SF reserved threshold and DL LDR
Credit SF reserved threshold according to the network plan.
6. Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Oriented LDC
Algorithm Cycle Length; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches).
In this step, set LDR period timer length according to the network plan.
7. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to enable QoS renegotiation on
real-time services. In this step, set DL LDR first action to QOSRENEGO.

Activation Observation
1. Establish a PS streaming service.
2. Trigger LDR in the cell according to the cell LDR threshold specified in the activation procedure.
3. If RAB MODIFY REQUEST is traced on the Iu interface, this feature has been activated.

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to disable the cell-level LDR algorithm. In this
step, clear UL_UU_LDR(Uplink UU LDR Algorithm), DL_UU_LDR(Downlink UU LDR Algorithm),
and CELL_CREDIT_LDR(Credit LDR Algorithm) from the Cell LDC algorithm switch drop-down
list box.
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm Parameters;

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CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches) to disable the
NodeB-level LDR algorithm. In this step, clear IUB_LDR(IUB LDR Algorithm),
Algorithm) from the NodeB LDC algorithm switch drop-down list box.

MML Command Examples

/Activating RAB Quality of Service Renegotiation over Iu Interface*/
//Enabling the cell-level LDR algorithm

//Enabling the NodeB-level LDR algorithm


//Enable QoS renegotiation on real-time services

MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=111, DlLdrFirstAction=QoSRenego;

/Deactivating RAB Quality of Service Renegotiation over Iu Interface*/

//Disabling the cell-level LDR algorithm

//Disabling the NodeB-level LDR algorithm


11.3 WRFD-020102 Load Measurement

11.3.1 Deployment
 Hardware
In RAN14.0, the load measurement of total uplink services is introduced, and the dependencies on
NodeB are as follows:
− The BTS3812, BTS3812E and BTS3812AE do not report the actual service load.
− The DBS3800 does not report the actual service load.
− If
the 3900 series base station is configured with the WBBPa board or the RRU3801C 20 W, the
actual service load is not reported. In other configurations, the actual service load is reported.
 Other features
This feature does not depend on other features.
 License
This feature is not under license control.

Data Preparation

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1. The function of measurement on RTWP, TCP, and non-HSPA power is always activated. Therefore,
this feature does not need to be activated.
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, select
Meas Algorithm) from the Cell CAC algorithm switch drop-down list to activate the cell-level load
measurement for HSDPA and HSUPA.
3. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDM (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Oriented LDM Algorithm Parameters; CME
batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, set load
monitoring parameters, including the uplink/downlink load reshuffling (LDR) algorithm trigger/release
thresholds and uplink/downlink overload congestion (OLC) algorithm trigger/release thresholds to
appropriate values.
4. Run the RNC MML command SET ULDM (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Load Monitoring Parameter Configuration > LDM Algorithm
Parameters of RNC; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches). In this
step, set parameters associated with load measurement, report period, and smoothing filter length
according to the network plan.

Activation Observation
1. On the RNC LMT, open the Monitor tab page. In the Monitor navigation tree, double-click UMTS
Monitoring > Cell Performance Monitoring, and create tasks of monitoring Cell DL Carrier TX
Power and RTWP.
2. Check whether the uplink full-bandwidth RX power of the cell is displayed in the RTWP monitoring
3. Check whether the downlink carrier TX power is displayed in the Cell DL Carrier TX Power
monitoring window.

1. The measurement on RTWP, TCP, and non-HSPA power has been activated and cannot be
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear
Meas Algorithm) from the Cell CAC algorithm switch drop-down list to deactivate the cell-level
load measurement for HSDPA and HSUPA.

MML Command Examples

//Activating load measurement
MOD UCELLLDM: CellId=1, UlLdrTrigThd=55, UlLdrRelThd=45, DlLdrTrigThd=70, DlLdrRelThd=60, UlOlcTrigThd=95,
UlOlcRelThd=85, DlOlcTrigThd=95, DlOlcRelThd=85, HsupAuRetrnsLdTrigThd=70, HsupAuRetrnsLdRelThd=50;
SET ULDM: UlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff=D6, ChoiceRprtUnitForUlBasicMeas=TEN_MSEC,
TenMsecForUlBasicMeas=100, DlBasicCommMeasFilterCoeff=D6;

//Deactivating load measurement


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Load Control 11 Engineering Guidelines

11.4 WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling

11.4.1 Deployment
 Hardware
This feature does not depend on the hardware.
 Other features
This feature does not depend on other features.
 License
This feature is not under license control.

Data Preparation


The following section provides the related parameters and commands. The parameter settings depend on the network
1. Enable the related load reshuffling algorithms.
a Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, turn on the following switches of
Cell LDC algorithm switch:
− UL_UU_LDR(Uplink UU LDR Algorithm): UL UU load reshuffling algorithm
− DL_UU_LDR(Downlink UU LDR Algorithm): DL UU load reshuffling algorithm
− CELL_CODE_LDR(Code LDR Algorithm): Code reshuffling algorithm
− CELL_CREDIT_LDR(Credit LDR Algorithm): Credit reshuffling algorithm
b Run the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm
Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches). In
this step, turn on the following switches of NodeB LDC algorithm switch:
− IUB_LDR(IUB LDR Algorithm): NodeB Iub reshuffling algorithm
− NODEB_CREDIT_LDR(NodeB Credit LDR Algorithm): NodeB-level credit reshuffling algorithm
− LCG_CREDIT_LDR(LCG Credit LDR Algorithm): cell-group-level credit reshuffling algorithm
2. Set the related thresholds.
− Runthe RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDM (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Oriented LDM Algorithm Parameters; CME
batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set LDR thresholds
(UL/DL LDR Trigger/release threshold and DL State Trans Hysteresis threshold).
− Runthe RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set code LDR threshold (Cell
LDR SF reserved threshold) and LDR actions.
− Runthe RNC MML command MOD UNODEBLDR (CME single configuration: NodeB Configuration
Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME

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batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches) to set the
cell-group-level or NodeB-level LDR thresholds (Ul/DL LDR Credit SF reserved threshold).
− Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set the cell-level credit LDR
thresholds (Ul/DL LDR Credit SF reserved threshold).
3. Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Oriented LDC
Algorithm Cycle Length; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches) to
set the LDR period (LDR period timer length).
4. Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS
Radio Global Configuration Express > Connection_Oriented RRM Switch Configuration >
Connection Oriented Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC
Parameters in Batches) to enable the functions used in the LDR actions.
− Inter-frequency load handover
Set HandOver Switch to HO_INTER_FREQ_HARD_HO_SWITCH and
− BE service rate reduction
Set Dynamic Resource Allocation Switch to DRA_DCCC_SWITCH.
− Uncontrolled real-time traffic QoS renegotiation
Set PS Rate Negotiation Switch to PS_BE_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH.
− CS domain inter-RAT load handover
Set HandOver Switch to HO_INTER_RAT_CS_OUT_SWITCH.
− PS domain inter-RAT load handover
Set HandOver Switch to HO_INTER_RAT_PS_OUT_SWITCH.
− Downsizing the bit rate of AMR voice
Set CS Algorithm Switch to CS_AMRC_SWITCH.

Activation Observation
The following section takes R99 non-real-time data services as examples to verify BE service rate
reduction in the basic congestion state.
1. Enable a UE in idle mode to camp on CELL_A11.
2. On the RNC LMT, open the Monitor tab page. In the Monitor Navigation Tree tab page,
double-click UMTS Monitoring > Cell Performance Monitoring. In the displayed dialog box, create
a Cell DL Throughput monitoring task.
3. Connect the UE to a laptop through the USB port and initiate a data service. Check the
rb-mappinginfo information element (IE) contained in the RRC_RB_SETUP message traced over
the Uu interface. The value of rrc-Stateinditator is CELL_DCH.
4. Use the UE to log in to the FTP server and then start FTP downloading. Data downloading is normal.
5. To simulate the scenario where power load reaches 75%, run the NodeB MML command STR
DLSIM. The RRC_RB_RECFG message is displayed in the Uu Interface Trace dialog box. In the
Cell DL Throughput of the Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, you can view the
downlink RB rate decrease configured on the RNC.
6. To stop simulating power load, run the NodeB MML command STP DLSIM. In the Uu Interface Trace
dialog box, the RRC_RB_RECFG message is displayed. In the Cell DL Throughput of the
Connection Performance Monitoring dialog box, you can view the downlink RB rate increase
configured on the RNC.

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Load Control 11 Engineering Guidelines

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear the following switches from
Cell LDC algorithm switch:
− UL_UU_LDR(Uplink UU LDR Algorithm): UL UU load reshuffling algorithm
− DL_UU_LDR(Downlink UU LDR Algorithm): DL UU load reshuffling algorithm
− CELL_CODE_LDR(Code LDR Algorithm): Code reshuffling algorithm
− CELL_CREDIT_LDR(Credit LDR Algorithm): Credit reshuffling algorithm
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm Parameters;
CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear
the following switches from NodeB LDC algorithm switch:
− IUB_LDR(IUB LDR Algorithm): NodeB Iub reshuffling algorithm
− NODEB_CREDIT_LDR(NodeB Credit LDR Algorithm): NodeB-level credit reshuffling algorithm
− LCG_CREDIT_LDR(LCG Credit LDR Algorithm): cell-group-level credit reshuffling algorithm

MML Command Examples

//Activating Load Reshuffling
//Enabling load reshuffling algorithms

//Setting load reshuffling thresholds

MOD UCELLLDM: CellId=100, UlLdrTrigThd=55, UlLdrRelThd=45, DlLdrTrigThd=70, DlLdrRelThd=60,
UlOlcTrigThd=95, UlOlcRelThd=85, DlOlcTrigThd=95, DlOlcRelThd=85, DlLdTrnsHysTime=1000;

//Setting code reshuffling thresholds

MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=100, DlLdrFirstAction=CodeAdj, DlLdrSecondAction=InterFreqLDHO,

//Setting NodeB-level credit reshuffling thresholds

MOD UNODEBLDR: NodeBName="nodeb1", UlLdrCreditSfResThd=SF8, DlLdrCreditSfResThd=SF8;

//Setting cell-level credit reshuffling thresholds

MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=100, UlLdrCreditSfResThd=SF8, DlLdrCreditSfResThd=SF8;

//Setting load reshuffling period


//Turning on load reshuffling function switches


//Deactivating Load Reshuffling

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Load Control 11 Engineering Guidelines



11.5 WRFD-020107 Overload Control

11.5.1 Deployment
 Hardware
This feature does not have any special requirements for hardware.
 Other features
This feature does not depend on other features.
 License
This feature is not under license control.

Data Preparation

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to enable the air interface OLC algorithm.
Select UL_UU_OLC(Uplink UU OLC Algorithm) and DL_UU_OLC(Downlink UU OLC Algorithm)
under the Switch for Cell Load Control parameter.
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm Parameters;
CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches) to enable the OLC
algorithm. Select IUB_OLC(IUB OLC Algorithm) under the parameter NodeB LDC algorithm.
3. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDM (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Oriented LDM Algorithm Parameters; CME
batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set UL OLC trigger
threshold, DL OLC trigger threshold, UL OLC release threshold, and DL OLC release threshold.
4. Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Oriented LDC
Algorithm Cycle Length; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches) to
set the OLC period (OLC period timer value).
5. Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLOLC (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Overload Congestion Control Algorithm
Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set the
parameter related to OLC-related actions.

Activation Observation
1. Run the following RNC MML commands to verify whether the activation is successful.

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Consult Huawei engineers about the verification solution to obtain professional technical support.

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to disable the air interface OLC algorithm.
Clear UL_UU_OLC(Uplink UU OLC Algorithm) and DL_UU_OLC(Downlink UU OLC Algorithm)
under the Switch for Cell Load Control parameter.
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm Parameters;
CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches) to disable the OLC
algorithm. Clear IUB_OLC(IUB OLC Algorithm) under the NodeB LDC algorithm parameter.

MML Command Examples

//Activating Overload Control
MOD UNODEBALGOPARA: NodeBName="NodeB1", NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch=IUB_OLC-1;
SET ULDCPERIOD: OlcPeriodTimerLen=3000;

//Deactivating Overload Control

MOD UNODEBALGOPARA: NodeBName="NodeB1", NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch=IUB_OLC-0;

11.6 WRFD-020108 Code Resource Management

11.6.1 Deployment
 Hardware
This feature does not have any special requirements for hardware.
 Other features
This feature does not depend on other features.
 License
This feature is not under license control.

Data Preparation


The code allocation function is always activated. The activation procedure applies to only the code reshuffling function.
1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches), and then enable the required LDR algorithm

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switches for resources (CELL_CODE_LDR(Code LDR Algorithm)) through setting the Cell LDC
algorithm switch parameter.
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set code LDR threshold (Cell
LDR SF reserved threshold) and set CodeAdj(Code adjust) as one of the DL LDR actions.
3. Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Oriented LDC
Algorithm Cycle Length; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches) to
set the LDR period (LDR period timer length).

Activation Observation
1. Enable the UE in the idle state to camp on CELL_A11.
2. Set the PS service type to interactive on the HLR.
3. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDR with Cell LDR SF reserved threshold set to SF8
and Max user number for code adjust to 1.
4. Connect the UE to a laptop on the USB port and enable the UE to initiate a data service.
Expected result: Services are set up on the DCH successfully. You can view the rb-mappinginfo
information element (IE) in the RRC_RB_SETUP message traced over the Uu interface. In the Cell
Code Tree Monitor window, you can view that the service occupies code SF32(4).
5. Enable the UE to log in to the FTP Internet server and then enable FTP download.
6. Run the RNC MML command DSP UCELLCHK to check the cell health status. The status of cell
code congestion is displayed as basic congestion.
7. Run the RNC MML command RMV URESERVEOVSF to release the service that occupies code
8. Run the RNC MML command DSP UCELLCHK to check the cell health status. The status of cell
code congestion is displayed as not congested.

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches), and then deactivate the required LDR
algorithm switches for resources (CELL_CODE_LDR(Code LDR Algorithm)) through setting the
Cell LDC algorithm switch parameter.

MML Command Examples

//Activating Code Resource Management
MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=111, DlLdrFirstAction=CodeAdj, CellLdrSfResThd=SF8;
SET ULDCPERIOD: LdrPeriodTimerLen=10;

//Verifying Code Resource Management

MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=111, CellLdrSfResThd=SF8, MaxUserNumCodeAdj=1;

//Deactivating Code Resource Management


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11.7 WRFD-020105 Potential User Control

11.7.1 Deployment
 Hardware
This feature does not have any special requirements for hardware.
 Other features
This feature does not depend on other features.
 License

Data Preparation

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to select PUC(Potential User Control
Algorithm) from the Switch for Cell Load Control drop list to enable the cell-oriented PUC
2. Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Oriented LDC
Algorithm Cycle Length; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches) to
specify the period of potential user control. In this step, set PUC period timer length to an
appropriate value.
3. Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLPUC (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Oriented PUC Algorithm Parameters; CME
batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set the cell-oriented PUC
algorithm parameters.

Activation Observation
1. Configure two cells CELL_A11 and CELL_A12 as inter-frequency neighboring cells on the NodeB.
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLPUC to change the potential user control threshold for
3. Run the NodeB MML command STR DLSIM to simulate a situation where the cell has a high load.
The following messages can be traced on the Iub interface: The NBAP_SYS_INFO_UPDATE_REQ
from the RNC to the NodeB, and the NBAP_SYS_INFO_UPDATE_RSP message responded by the
The updated system information can be traced on the Uu interface. The value of the Sintersearch
signaling element (IE) of the SIB3 of CELL_A11 decreases, and the values of the Qoffset1s,n and
Qoffset2s,n IEs of the SIB11 of CELL_A11 increase.
4. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLPUC to change the potential user control threshold for
5. Run the NodeB MML command STR DLSIM to simulate a situation where CELL_A12 has a high
downlink load.

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The following messages can be traced on the Iub interface: The NBAP_SYS_INFO_UPDATE_REQ
message from the RNC to the NodeB, and the NBAP_SYS_INFO_UPDATE_RSP response message
from the NodeB.
The updated system information can be traced on the Uu interface. The value of the Sintersearch IE of
the SIB3 of CELL_A11 decreases, and the values of the Qoffset1s,n and Qoffset2s,n IEs of the SIB11 of
CELL_A11 increase.

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear PUC(Potential User
Control Algorithm) under the Cell LDC algorithm switch parameter.

MML Command Examples

//Activating Potential User Control
SET ULDCPERIOD: PucPeriodTimerLen=1800;

//Deactivating Potential User Control


11.8 WRFD-020103 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing

11.8.1 Deployment
 Hardware
This feature does not have any special requirements for hardware.
 Other features
The two optional features WRFD-010610 HSDPA Introduction Package and WRFD-010612 HSUPA
Introduction Package have been configured before this feature is activated.
 License
The licenses "Inter frequency load handover" on the RNC side have been activated. For details about
the license items and how to activate the license, see License Management Feature Parameter

Data Preparation

1. Enable load reshuffling (LDR) algorithms.
Enabling uplink load reshuffling on the Uu interface
a Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, select UL_UU_LDR(Uplink UU
LDR Algorithm) under the Switch for Cell Load Control parameter.

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Enabling downlink load reshuffling on the Uu interface

a Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, select DL_UU_LDR(Downlink
UU LDR Algorithm) under the Switch for Cell Load Control parameter.
Enabling load reshuffling based on cell code resources
a Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, select CELL_CODE_LDR(Code
LDR Algorithm) under the Switch for Cell Load Control parameter.
Enabling NodeB-level or cell group-level load reshuffling based on credit resources
a Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCALGOPARA (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio
Global Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Configuration
of Load Control; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches). In this
step, select NodeB-level NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH(NodeB Credit LDR Switch) or cell
group-level LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH(Local Cell Group Credit LDR Switch) under the load
control algorithm switch parameter.
b Run the RNC MML command ADD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm
Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches). In
this step, select NodeB-level NODEB_CREDIT_LDR(NodeB Credit LDR Algorithm) or cell
group-level LCG_CREDIT_LDR(LCG Credit LDR Algorithm) under the NodeB LDC algorithm
switch parameter.
2. Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS
Radio Global Configuration Express > Connection_Oriented RRM Switch Configuration >
Connection Oriented Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC
Parameters in Batches) to enable inter-frequency handover. In this command, select
HandOver Switch parameter.
3. Run the RNC MML command ADD UINTERFREQNCELL (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Neighboring Cell > Inter-frequency Neighboring Cell; CME batch
modification center: not supported) to add an inter-frequency neighboring cell supporting blind
handover, or to add an inter-frequency neighboring cell supporting measurement by setting the
parameter DrdOrLdrFlag to an appropriate value.
4. Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV (CME single configuration: UMTS
Cell Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Oriented None-Coverage Based
Inter-frequency Handover Measurement Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center:
Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) (cell level) or SET UINTERFREQHONCOV (CME
single configuration: UMTS Radio Global Configuration Express > HandOver Parameter
Configuration > RNC Oriented None-Coverage Based Inter-frequency Handover Measurement
Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches)
(RNC level) to set parameters related to load-based inter-RAT hard handovers to appropriate values
based on the network plan.
5. For a load-based inter-frequency handover that is based on measurement, run the Run the RNC
MML command MOD UCELLLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration Express >
Cell Parameters > Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying
UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, set InterFreq Load Handover Method Selection to
6. Set LDR-related thresholds based on the network plan.
− For
uplink and downlink load reshuffling on the Uu interface, run the Run the RNC MML command
MOD UCELLLDM (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration Express > Cell

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Parameters > Cell Oriented LDM Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center:
Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, set the following LDR-related thresholds:
UL LDR trigger threshold, UL LDR release threshold, DL LDR trigger threshold, DL LDR
release threshold, and DlLdTrnsHysTime.
− For uplink and downlink load reshuffling on the Uu interface and load reshuffling based on cell code
resources, run the Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDR (CME single configuration:
UMTS Cell Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME
batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, set the
following LDR-related threshold: Cell LDR SF reserved threshold.
− For
NodeB-level or cell group-level load reshuffling based on credit resources, run the Run the RNC
MML command MOD UNODEBLDR (CME single configuration: NodeB Configuration Express >
IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches). In this step, set the following
LDR-related threshold: UL LDR Credit SF reserved threshold.
7. For load reshuffling based on cell code resources, run the Run the RNC MML command MOD
UCELLLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration Express > Cell Parameters >
Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters
in Batches) to allow inter-frequency handovers in cases of code resource congestion. In this step, set
Code congestion select inter-freq indication to TRUE(TRUE).
8. Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Oriented LDC
Algorithm Cycle Length; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches).
In this step, set the LDR period LDR period timer length to an appropriate value.
9. For uplink and downlink load reshuffling on the Uu interface and load reshuffling based on cell code
resources, run the Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDR (CME single configuration:
UMTS Cell Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME
batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, select
InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover) under the DL LDR first action parameter and set other
parameters related to the LDR action based on the network plan.
10. For NodeB-level or cell group-level load reshuffling based on credit resources, run the Run the RNC
MML command MOD UNODEBLDR (CME single configuration: NodeB Configuration Express >
IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches). In this step, select
InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load handover) under the UL LDR first action parameter and set other
parameters related to the LDR action based on the network plan.

Activation Observation
1. Run the following RNC to check whether this feature has been activated.

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2. Check the value of the counter VS.LCC.LDR.InterFreq (Number of UEs Performing Inter-Frequency
Load Handovers in Basic Congestion for Cell). If the value is not 0, this feature has been activated.

1. Disabling load reshuffling algorithms
Disabling uplink LDR on the Uu interface
a Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear UL_UU_LDR(Uplink UU
LDR Algorithm) under the Switch for Cell Load Control parameter.
Disabling downlink LDR on the Uu interface
a Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear DL_UU_LDR(Downlink
UU LDR Algorithm) under the Switch for Cell Load Control parameter.
Disabling load reshuffling based on cell code resources
a Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear CELL_CODE_LDR(Code
LDR Algorithm) under the Switch for Cell Load Control parameter.
Disabling NodeB-level or cell-level load reshuffling based on credit resources
a Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCALGOPARA (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio
Global Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Configuration
of Load Control; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches). In this
step, clear NodeB-level NODEB_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH(NodeB Credit LDR Switch) or cell
group-level LCG_CREDIT_LDR_SWITCH(Local Cell Group Credit LDR Switch) under the load
control algorithm switch parameter.
b Run the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm
Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches). In
this step, clear NodeB-level NODEB_CREDIT_LDR(NodeB Credit LDR Algorithm) or cell
group-level LCG_CREDIT_LDR(LCG Credit LDR Algorithm) under the NodeB LDC algorithm
switch parameter.
2. Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS
Radio Global Configuration Express > Connection_Oriented RRM Switch Configuration >
Connection Oriented Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC
Parameters in Batches) to disable inter-frequency handover. In this command, clear
HandOver Switch parameter.
3. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell LDR Algorithm Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to prohibit inter-frequency
handovers in cases of code resource congestion. In this step, set Code congestion select
inter-freq indication to FALSE(FALSE).
4. Restore the parameter settings modified in the activation procedure.

MML Command Examples

//Activating Inter Frequency Load Balance

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ADD UINTERFREQNCELL: RNCId=11, CellId=111, NCellRncId=22, NCellId=222, SIB11Ind=TRUE, SIB12Ind=FALSE,
TpenaltyHcsReselect=D0, BlindHoFlag=FALSE, NPrioFlag=FALSE, DrdOrLdrFlag=TRUE,
ADD UCELLINTERFREQHONCOV: CellId=111, InterFreqFilterCoef=D3, Hystfor2C=6, TrigTime2C=D640,
InterFreqCovHOThdEcN0=-16, InterFreqMeasTime=60, PeriodFor2C=4, AmntOfRpt2C=5;
MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=111, InterFreqLDHOMethodSelection=MEASUREHO;
MOD UCELLLDM: CellId=111, UlLdrTrigThd=55, UlLdrRelThd=45, DlLdrTrigThd=70, DlLdrRelThd=60,
MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=111, CellLdrSfResThd=SF8;
MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=111, CodeCongSelInterFreqHoInd=TRUE;
SET ULDCPERIOD: LdrPeriodTimerLen=10;
MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=111, DlLdrFirstAction=InterFreqLDHO, DlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd=20,
MOD UNODEBLDR: IDTYPE=BYID, NodeBId=10, UlLdrFirstAction=InterFreqLDHO, UlLdrCreditSfResThd=SF8,

//Deactivating Inter Frequency Load Balance

MOD UCELLLDR: CellId=111, CodeCongSelInterFreqHoInd= FALSE;
MOD UNODEBLDR: IDTYPE=BYID, NodeBId=10, UlLdrFirstAction=NoAct;

11.9 WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on

Configurable Load Threshold
11.9.1 When to Use Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on
Configurable Load Threshold
This feature is used in the following scenarios:
 Overlay network: This feature achieves inter-frequency load balancing for cells managed by different
 Macro and micro combined network: When macro and micro cells are networked using different
frequencies, this feature enables micro cells to absorb PS services preferentially.
Currently, do not use this feature for other multi-carrier scenarios.

11.9.2 Deployment
 Other features
This feature depends on the feature WRFD-020110 Multi Frequency Band Networking Management in
the inter-band networking scenario.
 License

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The licenses "Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold (per Cell)" on
the RNC side have been activated. For details about the license items and how to activate the license,
see License Management Feature Parameter Description.

Data Preparation

1. Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLLICENSE (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell License Resource/Function Item; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) or MOD UCELLLICENSE (CME
single configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell License
Resource/Function Item; CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in
Batches). In this step, under FuncSwitch1, select
INTER_FREQ_LOAD_BALANCE_BASEON_CFG_THD(Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based
on Config Load Thd) to enable the license of CLB for a specified cell.
2. Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) or MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single
configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches;
CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, under
NBMLdcAlgoSwitch, select UL_UU_CLB to enable uplink Uu-interface load balancing, select
DL_UU_CLB to enable downlink Uu-interface load balancing, select CELL_CODE_CLB to enable
cell code resource load balancing, and select CELL_CREDIT_CLB to enable cell credit load
balancing for a specified cell.
3. Run the RNC MML command ADD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm Parameters;
CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches) or MOD
UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB Configuration Express > IUB_RNC >
NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center:
Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches). In this step, under NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch, select
NODEB_CREDIT_CLB_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CLB Algorithm) to enable NodeB credit load
balancing and select LCG_CREDIT_CLB_SWITCH(Local Cell Group Credit CLB Algorithm) to
enable local cell group credit load balancing for a specified NodeB.
4. Run the RNC MML command ADD UINTERFREQNCELL (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Neighboring Cell > Inter-frequency Neighboring Cell; CME batch
modification center: not supported) or MOD UINTERFREQNCELL (CME single configuration: UMTS
Cell Configuration Express > Neighboring Cell > Inter-frequency Neighboring Cell; CME batch
modification center: not supported). In this step, set CLBFlag for the inter-frequency neighboring cell
of a specified cell to TRUE, and set CLBPrio based on the network plan.

The inter-frequency neighboring cell of intra-RNC whose CLBFlag is TRUE can be the target cell of an inter-frequency
handover using CLB only after step 1 is performed.
5. Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLCLB (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell-Oriented Parameters for CLB interfreq Load
Balance Algorithm; CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches)
or MOD UCELLCLB (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration Express > Cell
Parameters > Cell-Oriented Parameters for CLB interfreq Load Balance Algorithm; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, set the feature
parameters for a specified cell. Based on the site requirements, set CellLoadBalanceRange to
to enable intra-RNC inter-frequency load balancing, inter-RNC inter-frequency load balancing, or

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intra- and inter-RNC inter-frequency load balancing, respectively. Keep the default settings of other
parameters, which are the thresholds for inter-frequency load balancing because of code resource,
cell credit resource, and MaxUserNumforCLBIFHO.
6. Optional: If CellLoadBalanceRange in step 5 is set to ONLY_TO_INTER_RNC or
configuration: UMTS Radio Global Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter
Configuration > RNC Parameters for CLB interfreq Load Balance Algorithm; CME batch
modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches) to set the parameters related to the cell
load status of the neighboring RNC.
7. Optional: Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio
Global Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Oriented LDC
Algorithm Cycle Length; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches).
In this step, set ClbPeriodTimerLen.
8. Optional: If NODEB_CREDIT_CLB_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CLB Algorithm) or
LCG_CREDIT_CLB_SWITCH(Local Cell Group Credit CLB Algorithm)is selected under
NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch in step 3, Run the RNC MML command ADD UNODEBCLB (CME single
configuration: NodeB Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information >
NodeB-Oriented Parameters for CLB interfreq Load Balance Algorithm; CME batch modification
center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches) or MOD UNODEBCLB (CME single
configuration: NodeB Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information >
NodeB-Oriented Parameters for CLB interfreq Load Balance Algorithm; CME batch modification
center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches). In this step, set the feature parameters for
a specified NodeB. Keep the default parameter settings, which are the thresholds for inter-frequency
load balancing because of cell group credit resource and NodeB credit resource.
9. Optional: If UL_UU_CLB or DL_UU_CLB is selected under NBMLdcAlgoSwitch in step 2, Run the
RNC MML command ADD UCELLLDM (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration
Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Oriented LDM Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) or MOD UCELLLDM (CME single configuration:
UMTS Cell Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Oriented LDM Algorithm
Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this
step, set the threshold for inter-frequency load balancing because of power resource for a specified
cell. Keep the default parameter settings.
10. Optional: Run the RNC MML command SET UCMCF (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio
Global Configuration Express > Compression Mode Parameter Configuration > RNC Oriented
CMCF Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in
Batches). In this step, set NCovCMUserNumCtrlSwitch and CellSFCMUserNumThd.
11. Optional: Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLMCLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell-Oriented Based Measurement Inter-frequency
LDR Handover Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell
Parameters in Batches) or MOD UCELLMCLDR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell-Oriented Based Measurement Inter-frequency
LDR Handover Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell
Parameters in Batches). In this step, set UESpdOptSwitch.

Activation Observation
Check the value of the counter VS.LCC.CLB.CS.InterFreq or VS.LCC.CLB.PS.InterFreq on the M2000.
If the value is not 0, this feature has been activated successfully.

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLICENSE (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell License Resource/Function Item; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear

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INTER_FREQ_LOAD_BALANCE_BASEON_CFG_THD under FuncSwitch1 to disable the license

of the feature for a specified cell.
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, under NBMLdcAlgoSwitch, clear
UL_UU_CLB to disable uplink Uu-interface load balancing, clear DL_UU_CLB to disable downlink
Uu-interface load balancing, clear CELL_CODE_CLB to disable cell code resource load balancing,
and clear CELL_CREDIT_CLB to disable cell credit load balancing for a specified cell.
3. Run the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA (CME single configuration: NodeB
Configuration Express > IUB_RNC > NodeB Basic Information > NodeB Algorithm Parameters;
CME batch modification center: Modifying Logical NodeB Parameters in Batches). In this step, under
NodeBLdcAlgoSwitch, clear NODEB_CREDIT_CLB_SWITCH to disable NodeB credit load
balancing and clear LCG_CREDIT_CLB_SWITCH to disable local cell group credit load balancing
for a specified NodeB.

MML Command Examples

//Activating the feature WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load
//Enabling the license of CLB for a specified cell

//Enabling uplink Uu-interface load balancing, downlink Uu-interface load balancing, cell code resource
load balancing, and cell credit load balancing for a specified cell

NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch and NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch in the ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH command are mandatory

parameters. Their values are based on site configurations. In this example, they are set to ALGORITHM_OFF.

//Enabling NodeB credit load balancing and local cell group credit load balancing for a specified NodeB

//Setting the CLB priority for the inter-frequency neighboring cell of a specified cell
ADD UINTERFREQNCELL: RNCId=0, CellId=1, NCellRncId=1, NCellId=2, CLBFlag=TRUE, CLBPrio=1; or
MOD UINTERFREQNCELL: RNCId=0, CellId=1, NCellRncId=1, NCellId=2, CLBFlag=TRUE, CLBPrio=1;

//Setting the CLB parameters for a specified cell


/Deactivating WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold

//Disabling the license of CLB for a specified cell

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//Disabling uplink Uu-interface load balancing, downlink Uu-interface load balancing, cell code resource
load balancing, and cell credit load balancing for a specified cell

//Disabling NodeB credit load balancing and local cell group credit load balancing for a specified NodeB

11.9.3 Performance Monitoring

Check the values of the cell-level counters VS.MeanTCP and VS.MeanRTWP of two or more cells where
load balancing has been implemented. If the counter values are close, load balancing is successful for
these cells.
Check the cell-level KPI Inter-Frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio after CLB is activated. If the KPI
does not decrease significantly, the inter-frequency handovers for load balancing are normal after CLB is

11.9.4 Parameter Optimization

The effect of CLB is affected by the threshold settings for different resources. After CLB is activated,
regulate the following thresholds based on the operator's requirements and load balancing effect:
UlPwrCSClbTrigThd, UlPwrPSClbTrigThd, DlPwrCSClbTrigThd, DlPwrPSClbTrigThd,
CellSfCSClbTrigThd, CellSfPSClbTrigThd, UlCreditCSClbTrigThd, UlCreditPSClbTrigThd,
DlCreditCSClbTrigThd, and DlCreditPSClbTrigThd. If the call drop rate significantly increases or the
inter-frequency handover success rate decreases, raise the preceding thresholds or lower the
MaxUserNumforCLBIFHO parameter value to reduce the number of inter-frequency handovers.

11.9.5 Troubleshooting

11.10 WRFD-020401 Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on

11.10.1 When to Use Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on
Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on Distance is recommended when both of the following conditions
are met:
 The UMTS cell is experiencing excessive coverage problems. This is especially the case when the cell
is operating in UMTS 900 MHz.
 The UMTS cell is not configured with neighboring GSM cells.

11.10.2 Required Information

Before you enable Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on Distance, obtain the following information.
 Confirm that there are UMTS cells that are experiencing excessive coverage problems.
Use this information to determine whether you need to enable Inter-Frequency Redirection Based on

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 Network band and frequencies

Use this information to configure the target band and frequency for distance-based inter-frequency
RRC redirection.

11.10.3 Deployment
 Hardware
This feature does not have any special requirements for hardware.
 Other features
The feature WRFD-020400 DRD Introduction Package has been configured before this feature is
 License

Data Preparation
Table 11-1 lists the data to prepare before activating this feature.
Table 11-1 Data to prepare before activating this feature
Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Description Source
Inter-freq Redirect InterFreqRedirDelayThd 10 Network plan
Propa Delay Thres (internal plan)
Inter-freq Redirection InterFreqRedirFactorOfLD 50 Network plan
Factor of LDR R (internal plan)
Inter-freq Redirection InterFreqRedirFactorOfNo 0 Network plan
Factor of Normal rm (internal plan)
Redirection target RedirBandInd DependOnNCell Network plan
band indicator (internal plan)
Redirection Target UL ReDirUARFCNUplinkInd None Network plan
Frequency Index
Redirection target ReDirUARFCNUplink None Network plan
uplink UARFCN
Redirection target ReDirUARFCNDownlink None Network plan
downlink UARFCN

1. Run the RNC MML command SET UDISTANCEREDIRECTION (CME single configuration: UMTS
Radio Global Configuration Express > Directed Retry Parameter Configuration > RNC-Oriented
Delay Based RRC Redirection Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC
Parameters in Batches) for the RNC or ADD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION (CME single
configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell-Oriented Delay Based
RRC Redirection Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in
Batches)) for a cell. In this step, turn on InterFreqRedirSwitch, set RedirBandInd based on the
network plan, and set other parameters according to the prepared data.

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− If
RedirBandInd is set to DependOnNCell, you do not need to set ReDirUARFCNUplinkInd,
ReDirUARFCNDownlink, and ReDirUARFCNUplink.
− If
RedirBandInd is set to other values, set ReDirUARFCNUplinkInd, ReDirUARFCNDownlink, and
ReDirUARFCNUplink based on the network plan.

Inter-frequency redirection based on distance does not select the inter-frequency neighboring cell under the DRNC as the
target cell. DRD and redirection at RRC connection setup do not select the inter-frequency neighboring cell that uses a
different frequency band from the cell where the RRC connection is to access.

Activation Observation
1. Start Uu Interface Trace on the RNC LMT. Under Uu Message Type, select
2. Move a UE to a position where it has a distance from the NodeB but can still detect pilot signals.
Initiate a service using the UE, such as cs service.

The distance between the UE and the NodeB must be larger than InterFreqRedirDelayThd x 78.125 m/chip x 3 chips.
3. View the Uu interface tracing data.
− If
the RRC CONNECTION REJECT message includes the redirectionInfo IE and this IE contains
frequencyInfo (information about the cell), as shown in Figure 11-1, the RNC has redirected the UE
to an inter-frequency neighboring cell and this feature has been activated.
− If
the RRC CONNECTION REJECT message does not include the redirectionInfo IE, this feature
has not been activated.
Figure 11-1 redirectionInfo IE

 To deactivate Inter-frequency Redirection Based on Distance at the RNC level, Run the RNC MML
command SET UDISTANCEREDIRECTION (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Directed Retry Parameter Configuration > RNC-Oriented Delay Based RRC
Redirection Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches) to
turn off InterFreqRedirSwitch.
 To deactivate Inter-frequency Redirection Based on Distance at the cell level, Run the RNC MML
command MOD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell-Oriented Delay Based RRC Redirection Parameters;
CME batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to turn off

MML Command Examples

//Activating Inter-frequency Redirection Based on Distance

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SET UDISTANCEREDIRECTION: InterFreqRedirSwitch=ON, InterFreqRedirDelayThd=10,

InterFreqRedirFactorOfLDR=50, InterFreqRedirFactorOfNorm=0, RedirBandInd=DependOnNCell;
ADD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION: CellId=1, InterFreqRedirSwitch=ON, InterFreqRedirDelayThd=10,
InterFreqRedirFactorOfLDR=50, InterFreqRedirFactorOfNorm=0, RedirBandInd=DependOnNCell;

//Deactivating Inter-frequency Redirection Based on Distance


11.10.4 Performance Monitoring

You can use the counter VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.Dist.IntraRat to monitor Inter-Frequency Redirection Based
on Distance. If the value of this counter remains steady or keeps increasing, this feature is functioning

11.10.5 Troubleshooting
You can check the propagation delay of the UEs in a cell to learn whether this feature is properly
triggered. If the value of the counter VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.Dist.IntraRat is not in accordance with the
propagation delay of the UEs in a cell, the feature is not functioning properly. For example, the counter
VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.Dist.IntraRat has a large value but the propagation delay of the UEs in a cell indicates
that this large number of redirections is not reasonable. If this happens, deactivate this feature.

11.11 WRFD-020401 Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance

11.11.1 Deployment
 Dependencies on Hardware
This feature does not have any special requirements for hardware.
 Dependencies on Other Features
The feature WRFD-020400 DRD Introduction Package has been configured before this feature is
 License
The licenses "Inter System Redirect Based on Distance" on the RNC side have been activated. For
details about the license items and how to activate the license, see License Management Feature
Parameter Description.

Data Preparation

1. This feature can be activated by using either of the following methods according to the feature area:
− Toactivate this feature in the entire RNC, run the RNC MML command SET
UDISTANCEREDIRECTION (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global Configuration
Express > Directed Retry Parameter Configuration > RNC-Oriented Delay Based RRC
Redirection Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches) to
set the RNC-level parameters.
− Set Redirection Switch to ON.
− Set Propagation delay threshold as specified in 3GPP TS 25.433.

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− SetRedirection Factor Of LDR and Redirection Factor Of Normal to appropriate values based on
the network plan.
− To
activate this feature in a cell, run the RNC MML command ADD
UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration Express >
Cell Parameters > Cell-Oriented Delay Based RRC Redirection Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set the cell-level parameters.
− Set Redirection Switch to ON.
− Set Propagation delay threshold as specified in 3GPP TS 25.433.
− SetRedirection Factor Of LDR and Redirection Factor Of Normal to appropriate values based on
the network plan.

Activation Observation
1. Initiate Uu interface message tracing on the RNC LMT, as shown in Figure 11-2
Figure 11-2 Uu Interface Trace dialog box

2. Simulate a scenario where pilot pollution occurs. Place the UE in a place where the UE is far away
from the NodeB and pilot signals are strong. Then, use the UE to establish a CS voice call.
3. Check the messages traced on the Uu interface.
− Asshown in Figure 11-3, if the RRC CONNECTION REJECT message contains the information
element (IE) GSM-Targetcellinfo, the RAN has redirected the UE to the GSM network, and this
feature has been activated.
− If
the RRC CONNECTION REJECT message does not contain the IE GSM-Targetcellinfo, this
feature is not activated.

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Figure 11-3 GSM-Targetcellinfo IE

1. This feature can be deactivated by using either of the following methods according to the feature
− To deactivate this feature in the entire RNC, run the RNC MML command SET
UDISTANCEREDIRECTION (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global Configuration
Express > Directed Retry Parameter Configuration > RNC-Oriented Delay Based RRC
Redirection Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches).
In this step, set Redirection Switch to OFF.
− To
deactivate this feature in a cell, run the RNC MML command MOD
UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell Configuration Express >
Cell Parameters > Cell-Oriented Delay Based RRC Redirection Parameters; CME batch
modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, set Redirection
Switch to OFF.

MML Command Examples

//Activating Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance
//Activating this feature in the entire RNC
SET UDISTANCEREDIRECTION: RedirSwitch=ON, DelayThs=100, RedirFactorOfLDR=70, RedirFactorOfNorm=60;

//Activating this feature in a specified cell

ADD UCELLDISTANCEREDIRECTION: CellId=1, RedirSwitch=ON, DelayThs=100, RedirFactorOfLDR=80,

//Deactivating Inter-RAT Redirection Based on Distance

//Deactivating this feature in the entire RNC

//Deactivating this feature in a specified cell


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11.12 WRFD-02040003 Inter System Redirect

11.12.1 When to Use Inter System Redirect

11.12.2 Required Information


11.12.3 Deployment
 Hardware
This feature does not depend on the hardware.
 Other features
The feature WRFD-020400 DRD Introduction Package has been configured before this feature is
 License
The licenses "Inter System Redirect" on the RNC side have been activated. For details about the
license items and how to activate the license, see License Management Feature Parameter

Data Preparation

1. Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS
Radio Global Configuration Express > Connection_Oriented RRM Switch Configuration >
Connection Oriented Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC
Parameters in Batches). In this step, set Direct Retry Switch to DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH.
2. Run the RNC MML command SET UDRD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Directed Retry Parameter Configuration > RNC-Oriented DRD
Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches). In
this step, set ConnectFailRrcRedirSwitch to Allowed_To_Inter_RAT.

Activation Observation
1. Start Uu Interface Trace on the RNC LMT. Use a UE to initiate an RRC connection setup request.
2. The following procedure is traced on the Uu interface:
a The UE sends an RRC_SETUP_REQ message.
b The RNC responds with an RRC_CONN_REJ message, carrying GSM-TargetCellInfo in the IE

1. Run the RNC MML command SET UDRD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Directed Retry Parameter Configuration > RNC-Oriented DRD
Algorithm Parameters; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches). In
this step, set RRC redirect switch to OFF or Only_To_Inter_Frequency.

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MML Command Examples

//Activating Inter-System Redirect
SET UDRD: ConnectFailRrcRedirSwitch=Allowed_To_Inter_RAT;

//Deactivating Inter-System Redirect

SET UDRD: ConnectFailRrcRedirSwitch=OFF;

11.13 WRFD-020120 Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC

Connection Setup
11.13.1 When to Use Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC
Connection Setup
Use the Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup feature in networks with multiple
UMTS carriers or networks with GSM and UTMS coverage.
Do not use this feature in areas where UEs in idle mode randomly switch between carriers.
If UEs in idle mode preferentially camp on one or several carriers, use this feature and the RAB DRD
algorithm together to implement service steering and load sharing among carriers.
You are advised to contact Huawei engineers before activating this feature to prevent any strategy
conflicts between the RRC connection setup procedure and the RAB setup procedure.

11.13.2 Required Information

Collect the following information to determine whether to activate this feature and specify the
corresponding parameters:
 Frequency and frequency band of each carrier
 Frequency band support capability of UEs
 Distribution strategies of UEs among multiple carriers

11.13.3 Planning

11.13.4 Deployment
 License
The license for the WRFD-020120 Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup
feature has been activated. For details about how to activate the license, see License Management
Feature Parameter Description.

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Feature ID Feature Name License Description NE Sales Unit

WRFD-02012 Service Steering and Service Steering in RRC RNC Erl+Mbps
0 Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup
Connection Setup

Data Preparation
Table 11-2 lists the data to prepare before activating this feature.
Table 11-2 Data to prepare before activating this feature
Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data source
Traffic Type TrafficType Determine which type of service can be Radio network plan
enabled with this feature by considering (internal)
the RAB DRD strategy.
Redirection Switch RedirSwitch Determine which type of service can be Radio network plan
enabled with this feature by considering (internal)
the RAB DRD strategy.
Direct Retry Switch DrSwitch: None Radio network plan
DR_RRC_DRD_ (internal)
RRC Redirection RedirEcN0Thd Set this parameter based on onsite Default
Ec/No Threshold situations. This parameter takes effect value/Recommend
only when the RedirBandInd parameter is ed value
set to a specific frequency band.
Redirection Factor Of RedirFactorOfN Set this parameter according to the Radio network plan
Normal orm service steering and load sharing strategy. (internal)
Redirection Factor Of RedirFactorOfL Set this parameter according to the Radio network plan
LDR DR service steering and load sharing strategy. (internal)
Redirection target RedirBandInd Set this parameter based on the carrier Radio network plan
band indicator information in section 11.13.2 "Required (internal)
 If this parameter is set to
DependOnNCell, you do not need to set
the ReDirUARFCNUplinkInd,
ReDirUARFCNUplink, and
ReDirUARFCNDownlink parameters.
 If this parameter is set to a specific
frequency band, frequencies configured
for the ReDirUARFCNUplink and
ReDirUARFCNDownlink parameters
must fall into this frequency band.
 If this parameter is set to
BandIndNotUsed, frequencies
configured for the ReDirUARFCNUplink
and ReDirUARFCNDownlink
parameters are not restricted by the

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Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data source

value of this parameter.
Redirection Target UL ReDirUARFCNU Set this parameter based on the carrier Engineering design
Frequency Index plinkInd information in section 11.13.2 "Required
If this parameter is set to FALSE, you do
not need to set the ReDirUARFCNUplink
parameter. ReDirUARFCNUplink is
automatically configured according to the
relationship between the uplink UARFCN
and downlink UARFCN.
Redirection target ReDirUARFCNU Set this parameter based on the carrier Radio network plan
uplink UARFCN plink information in section 11.13.2 "Required (internal)
Redirection target ReDirUARFCND Set this parameter based on the carrier Engineering design
downlink UARFCN ownlink information in section 11.13.2 "Required

This feature must be considered in the radio network plan. Contact Huawei engineers before activating
this feature.

Activation (Using MML Commands)

 Configure parameters based on the Setting Notes in "Data Preparation" because parameters mutually affect each
 If one parameter is set both at the RNC level and at the cell level, the cell-level setting takes precedence.

Step 1 Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH to activate RRC redirection. In this
step, select DR_RRC_DRD_SWITCH under the Direct Retry Switch parameter.
Step 2 Activate the Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup feature and configure
related parameters.
 RNC-level parameter configuration: Run the RNC MML command SET UREDIRECTION. In this step,
set the Traffic Type and Redirection Switch parameters to appropriate values to activate this feature
for the corresponding traffic type. Set the RRC Redirection Ec/No Threshold, Redirection Factor Of
Normal, Redirection Factor Of LDR, Redirection target band indicator, Redirection Target UL
Frequency Index, Redirection target uplink UARFCN, and Redirection target downlink UARFCN
parameters to appropriate values.
 Cell-level configuration
− Forinitial parameter configuration: Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLREDIRECTION. In this
step, set the Traffic Type and Redirection Switch parameters to appropriate values to activate this
feature for the corresponding traffic type. Set the RRC Redirection Ec/No Threshold, Redirection
Factor Of Normal, Redirection Factor Of LDR, Redirection target band indicator, Redirection
Target UL Frequency Index, Redirection target uplink UARFCN, and Redirection target
downlink UARFCN parameters to appropriate values.

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− Forreconfiguration: Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLREDIRECTION. In this step, set the
Traffic Type and Redirection Switch parameters to appropriate values to activate this feature for
the corresponding traffic type. Set the RRC Redirection Ec/No Threshold, Redirection Factor Of
Normal, Redirection Factor Of LDR, Redirection target band indicator, Redirection Target UL
Frequency Index, Redirection target uplink UARFCN, and Redirection target downlink
UARFCN parameters to appropriate values.

MML Command Examples

//Activating RRC connection redirection

//Activating RNC-level Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup
RedirFactorOfLDR=50, RedirBandInd=DependOnNCell, RedirEcN0Thd=-13;

//Activating cell-level Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup for initial parameter
RedirFactorOfNorm=0, RedirFactorOfLDR=50, RedirBandInd=DependOnNCell, RedirEcN0Thd=-24;

//Activating cell-level Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup for parameter
RedirFactorOfNorm=0, RedirFactorOfLDR=50, RedirBandInd=DependOnNCell, RedirEcN0Thd=-24;

Activation (Using the CME)

When configuring the Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup feature on the CME, perform a single
configuration first, and then perform a batch modification if required.
Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging out
of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.

Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence described in Table 11-3. For
instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

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 Configure parameters based on the Setting Notes in "Data Preparation" because parameters mutually affect each
 SN 2 is for RNC-level parameter configuration and SN 3 is for cell-level parameter configuration. If one parameter is set
both at the RNC level and at the cell level, the cell-level setting takes precedence.

Table 11-3 Configuring parameters on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Name Parameter ID Configurable in CME
Batch Modification
1 UCORRMALGO RNC Direct Retry DrSwitch Yes
2 UREDIRECTION RNC Traffic Type TrafficType Yes
Redirection RedirSwitch
RRC Redirection RedirEcN0Thd
Ec/No Threshold
Redirection RedirFactorOfN
Factor Of Normal orm
Redirection RedirFactorOfL
Factor Of LDR DR
Redirection target RedirBandInd
band indicator
Redirection ReDirUARFCNU
Target UL plinkInd
Frequency Index
Redirection target ReDirUARFCNU
uplink UARFCN plink
Redirection target ReDirUARFCND
downlink ownlink
3 UCELLREDIREC RNC Traffic Type TrafficType Yes
Redirection RedirSwitch
RRC Redirection RedirEcN0Thd
Ec/No Threshold
Redirection RedirFactorOfN
Factor Of Normal orm
Redirection RedirFactorOfL
Factor Of LDR DR
Redirection target RedirBandInd
band indicator

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SN MO NE Parameter Name Parameter ID Configurable in CME

Batch Modification
Redirection ReDirUARFCNU
Target UL plinkInd
Frequency Index
Redirection target ReDirUARFCNU
uplink UARFCN plink
Redirection target ReDirUARFCND
downlink ownlink

Activation Observation
After the Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup feature is activated, query the
value of the VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.Service counter to determine whether this feature is activated. If the
value of this counter is not 0, this feature is activated.

Deactivation (Using MML Commands)

Perform the following operations to deactivate the Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC
Connection Setup feature:
 RNC-level configuration
Run the RNC MML command SET UREDIRECTION and turn off the Redirection Switch.
 Cell-level configuration
Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLREDIRECTION and turn off the Redirection Switch.

MML Command Examples

//Deactivating RNC-level Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup

//Deactivating cell-level Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup
MOD UCELLREDIRECTION: CellId=1111, TrafficType=PSHSPA, RedirSwitch=OFF;

Deactivation (Using the CME)

 When configuring the Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup feature on the CME, perform a
single configuration first, and then perform a batch modification if required.
 Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging
out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.

Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence described in Table 11-4. For
instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

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To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

SN 1 is for RNC-level parameter configuration and SN 2 is for cell-level parameter configuration. If one parameter is set
both at the RNC level and at the cell level, the cell-level setting takes precedence.

Table 11-4 Configuring parameters on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Parameter ID Configurable in CME
Name Batch Modification
1 UREDIRECTION RNC Redirection RedirSwitch Yes
2 UCELLREDIRECT RNC Redirection RedirSwitch Yes
ION Switch

11.13.5 Performance Monitoring

Query the value of the VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.Service counter. This counter indicates the number of RRC
connection rejects due to service-based RRC redirection for cell.
If cells with one frequency are enabled with this feature, this feature functions properly if the value of the
VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.Service counter remains stable or if the value of this counter fluctuates regularly each
If cells with multiple frequencies are enabled with this feature, this feature functions properly if the value
of the VS.RRC.Rej.Redir.Service counter remains stable or if the value of this parameter fluctuates
regularly each week. If the value of the counter keeps increasing, you must check the configured
redirection target frequency to prevent the ping-pong reselection.

11.13.6 Parameter Optimization


11.13.7 Troubleshooting

11.14 FACH Power Control of RRC phase

11.14.1 When to Use FACH Power Control of RRC phase
Use the FACH power control of RRC phase function when cells and the RRC connection setup cause in
the live network meet the requirements in section 11.14.2 "Required Information."

11.14.2 Required Information

 Determine the RRC connection setup cause for enabling this function:

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− Analyzethe VS.RRC.FailConnEstab.NoReply counter in the live network. The RRC connection setup
cause that has the largest contribution to RRC connection setup failures is the RRC connection setup
cause for enabling this function.
− Determine the RRC connection setup cause whose RRC connection setup success rate needs to be
improved in the live network.
 Determine target cells for enabling this function:
Step 1 Determine cells that require this feature when the following requirements are met:
Most RRC connection setup failures are caused by the reason of the VS.RRC.FailConnEstab.NoReply
counter. That is, most RRC connection setup failures are caused by RRC connection setup timeout.
Step 2 Select cells where downlink weak coverage has large contribution to RRC connection setup
failures. For example, the contribution is larger than 50%. Collect the RRC setup success rate
corresponding to the RRC connection setup cause. Compare the effect of this feature on the
RRC setup success rate.
Step 3 Select cells where RRC and RAB establishment failures are caused by downlink power resource
congestion. Enable this function for these cells with caution. If the number of RRC and RAB
establishment failures caused by downlink power resource congestion is large, you are not
advised to enable this function.
You can monitor the following counters to determine the number of RRC connection setup and RAB
setup failures caused by downlink power resource congestion:
 VS.RRC.Rej.DLPower.Cong
 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLPower.Cong
 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLPower.Cong

 Determine whether there are signaling storms and traffic bursts during gatherings or festivals in the
live network. If yes, you are not advised to enable this function.

11.14.3 Planning

11.14.4 Deployment

Data Preparation
Table 11-5 lists the data to prepare before enabling this function.
Table 11-5 Data to prepare before enabling this function
Parameter Parameter Setting Notes Data Source
Name ID
Timer 381 T381 If N300 is set to 0, set this parameter to a Radio network plan
value other than D0 to trigger this function. (internal)
You can set this parameter to the
recommended value.

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Parameter Parameter Setting Notes Data Source

Name ID
Constant 381 N381 Set this parameter to the recommended Radio network plan
value. (internal)
Timer 300 T300 Set this parameter to the recommended Radio network plan
value. (internal)
Constant 300 N300 If T381 is set to D0, set this parameter to a Radio network plan
value other than 0 to trigger this function. (internal)
You can set this parameter to the
recommended value.
Cause of RRC RrcCause Set this parameter according to the RRC Radio network plan
connection connection setup cause determined in (internal)
establishment section 11.14.2 "Required Information."

FACH Power FACHPowe Set this parameter to the recommended Radio network plan
Increase Ec/No r4RRCRep value. (internal)
Threshold EcNoThd
Max Transmit MaxFachPo Existing networks: Set this parameter to a Radio network plan
Power of FACH wer value 2 dB higher than the original value. (internal)
Note that the value of this parameter must
not be higher than 3 dB.
New networks: Set this parameter to 3 dB.
Bearing Signal SIGRBIND If FACHs whose MaxFACHPower is Radio network plan
Indication modified are used to send signaling (internal)
messages, this parameter must be set to
TRUE. This parameter must be used
together with the TrChId parameter.
Cell ID CellId None Radio network plan
FACH ID TrChId This parameter is used to locate the Radio network plan
transmission channels whose SIGRBIND is (internal)
set to TRUE and to modify the settings of
MaxFACHPower and OffsetFACHPower of
the FACHs corresponding to this parameter.
Offset between OffsetFAC Existing networks: Set this parameter to a Default
Initial and Max HPower value that has the same increase as the value/Recommende
FACHPower MaxFACHPower parameter. d value
New networks: Set this parameter to 2 dB.

You are not advised to enable this function if there are signaling storms and traffic bursts in the live

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Activation (Using MML Commands)

Step 1 Configure the following parameters to trigger the FACH Power Control of RRC phase function.
 Run the RNC MML command SET UCONNMODETIMER. In this step, set Timer 381 and Constant
381 to appropriate values to trigger this function. For details about parameter settings, see Setting
Notes in "Data Preparation".
 Run the RNC MML command SET UIDLEMODETIMER. In this step, set Timer 300 and Constant
300 to appropriate values to trigger this function. For details about parameter settings, see Setting
Notes in "Data Preparation".

You can perform either of the two operations in step 1 to trigger this function.

Step 2 Configure the RRC connection setup cause that requires this function and the corresponding
Run the RNC MML command SET URRCESTCAUSE. In this step, set Cause of RRC connection
establishment and FACH Power Increase Ec/No Threshold to appropriate values.
Step 3 Modify parameters related to the FACH transmit power. For existing cells: Run the RNC MML
command MOD UFACH. In this step, set Cell ID, FACH ID, Max Transmit Power of FACH, and
Offset between Initial and Max FACHPower to appropriate values.
Step 4 For new cells: Run the RNC MML command ADD UFACH. In this step, set Cell ID, FACH ID,
Max Transmit Power of FACH, and Offset between Initial and Max FACHPower to
appropriate values.

You are only required to modify the Max Transmit Power of FACH and Offset between Initial and Max FACHPower of
the transmission channels whose Bearing Signal Indication is set to TRUE. You can use FACH ID to locate these
transmission channels.
Before running the RNC MML command MOD UFACH, run the RNC MML command LST UFACH to list the transmission
channels whose Bearing Signal Indication is set to TRUE.


MML Command Examples

//Enabling the FACH power control of RRC phase function
MOD UFACH: CellId=1111, TrChId=4, MaxFachPower=10, OffsetFACHPower=0;

Activation (Using the CME)

 When configuring the FACH power control of RRC phase function on the CME, perform a single configuration first, and
then perform a batch modification if required.
 Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging
out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.

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Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence described in Table 11-6. For
instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

 You can perform either of the two operations in SN 1 to trigger this function.
 In SN 3, you are only required to modify the Max Transmit Power of FACH and Offset between Initial and Max
FACHPower of the transmission channels whose Bearing Signal Indication is set to TRUE. You can use FACH ID to
locate these transmission channels. Before performing SN 3, query the transmission channels whose Bearing Signal
Indication is set to TRUE.

Table 11-6 Configuring parameters on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Name Parameter ID Configurable in
CME Batch
Modification Center
1 UCONNMODE RNC Timer 381 T381 Yes
Constant 381 N381
UIDLEMODETI RNC Timer 300 T300 Yes
Constant 300 N300
2 URRCESTCAU RNC Cause of RRC RrcCause Yes
SE connection
Increase Ec/No CRepEcNoThd
3 UFACH RNC Cell ID CellId No
Max Transmit MaxFachPower
Power of FACH
Offset between OffsetFACHPow
Initial and Max er

Activation Observation
Observe the cell tracing results on the RNC LMT.

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 If Transmit Power Level in the FACH FP packet is 0, this feature is enabled, as shown in 0. If
Transmit Power Level in the FACH FP packet is the value of the Offset between Initial and Max
FACHPower parameter, this feature is not enabled.
Figure 11-4 Transmit Power Level in the FACH FP packet

This function cannot be triggered if the traced cell is in the OLC state.

Perform the following steps to trace the signaling messages of a cell:

Step 1 Run the RNC MML command LST USCCPCH to set Cell ID and obtain the number of
SCCPCHs and SCCPCH ID configured for a cell.
Step 2 Run the RNC MML command LST USCCPCH to set Cell ID and obtain the SCCPCH ID of a
transmission channel whose Bearing Signal Indication is set to TRUE.
Step 3 Start a tracing task (Debug Mode) on the Cell Trace interface of the LMT.
Step 4 On the FMR tab page of the Cell Trace dialog box, select Layer 2 data transfer Periodic
Report and CCH Data Report and specify Report Period(100ms) and SCCPCH ID 1.
 It is recommended that Report Period(100ms) be set to 20.
 If there is only one SCCPCH, enter the corresponding SCCPCH ID for SCCPCH ID 1.
 If there are two SCCPCHs, the SCCPCH ID for SCCPCH ID 1 must be the SCCPCH ID of the
transmission channel whose Bearing Signal Indication is set to TRUE.
Step 5 Start cell tracing.

Deactivation (Using MML Commands)

Perform the following operations to disable the FACH power control of RRC phase function:
 RNC-level configuration
Run the RNC MML command SET URRCESTCAUSE with FACH Power Increase Ec/No Threshold
set to –24.
 Cell-level configuration

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Run the RNC MML command MOD UFACH. In this step, set Cell ID, FACH ID, Max Transmit Power
of FACH, and Offset between Initial and Max FACHPower to appropriate values. Modify Max
Transmit Power of FACH and Offset between Initial and Max FACHPower to the original values.

MML Command Examples

//Disabling the FACH power control of RRC phase function

Deactivation (Using the CME)

 When configuring the FACH power control of RRC phase function on the CME, perform a single configuration first, and
then perform a batch modification if required.
 Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging
out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.

Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence described in Table 11-7. For
instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

In SN 2, set Max Transmit Power of FACH and Offset between Initial and Max FACHPower to the values before
feature activation.

Table 11-7 Configuring parameters on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Name Parameter ID Configurable in
CME Batch
Modification Center
1 URRCEST RNC FACH Power Increase FACHPower4R Yes
CAUSE Ec/No Threshold RCRepEcNoTh
Set this parameter to

2 UFACH RNC Cell ID CellId No

Max Transmit Power MaxFachPower
Offset between Initial OffsetFACHPo
and Max FACHPower wer

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11.14.5 Performance Monitoring

Perform the following steps to monitor the performance of this function:
Step 1 Query the RRC connection setup success rate corresponding to the RRC connection setup
Check whether the RRC connection setup success rate increases after the enabling of this function. Use
the following formula to calculate the RRC connection setup success rate:
RRC connection setup success rate = (Number of successful RRC connection setups/RRC connection
setup requests) * 100%
If the RRC connection setup success rate decreases after the enabling of this function, downlink power
resources in a cell may be congested. In this situation, roll back the settings of the MaxFACHPower and
OffsetFACHPower parameters so that this function cannot take effect for this cell.
Table 11-8 lists counters related to the number of RRC connection setup requests corresponding to
different RRC connection setup causes.
Table 11-8 Counters related to the number of RRC connection setup requests
Counter Counter Name Description
67179329 RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgConvCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Originating Conversational Call)
67179330 RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgStrCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Originating Streaming Call)
67179331 RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgInterCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Originating Interactive Call)
67179332 RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgBkgCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Originating Background Call)
67179334 RRC.AttConnEstab.TmConvCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Terminating Conversational Call)
67179335 RRC.AttConnEstab.TmStrCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Terminating Streaming Call)
67179336 RRC.AttConnEstab.TmInterCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Terminating Interactive Call)
67179337 RRC.AttConnEstab.TmBkgCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Terminating Background Call)
67179333 RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgSubCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Originating Subscribed Traffic Call)
67179338 RRC.AttConnEstab.EmgCall Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Emergency Call)
67179339 RRC.AttConnEstab.IRATCelRes Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Inter-RAT Cell Re-Selection)
67179340 RRC.AttConnEstab.IRATCCO Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Inter-RAT Cell Change Order)

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Counter Counter Name Description

67179341 RRC.AttConnEstab.Reg Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
67179342 RRC.AttConnEstab.Detach Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
67179343 RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgHhPrSig Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Originating High Priority Signaling)
67179344 RRC.AttConnEstab.OrgLwPrSig Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Originating Low Priority Signaling)
67179345 RRC.AttConnEstab.CallReEst Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell (Call
67179346 RRC.AttConnEstab.TmHhPrSig Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Terminating High Priority Signaling)
67179347 RRC.AttConnEstab.TmLwPrSig Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Terminating Low Priority Signaling)
67179348 RRC.AttConnEstab.Unknown Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(Terminating-Cause Unknown)
67195964 RRC.AttConnEstab.MBMSRep Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(MBMS Reception)
67195965 RRC.AttConnEstab.MBMSPtp Number of RRC Connection Requests for Cell
(MBMS Reception)

Table 11-9 lists counters related to the number of successful RRC connection setups corresponding to
different RRC connection setup causes.
Table 11-9 Counters related to the number of successful RRC connection setups
Counter Counter Name Description
67179457 RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgConvCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Originating Conversational Call)
67179458 RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgStrCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Originating Streaming Call)
67179459 RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgInterCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Originating Interactive Call)
67179460 RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgBkgCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Originating Background Call)
67179461 RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgSubCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Originating Subscribed traffic Call)
67179462 RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmConvCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Terminating Conversational Call)

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Counter Counter Name Description

67179463 RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmStrCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Terminating Streaming Call)
67179464 RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmItrCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Terminating Interactive Call)
67179465 RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmBkgCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Terminating Background Call)
67179467 RRC.SuccConnEstab.IRATCelRes Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Inter-RAT cell re-selection)
67179468 RRC.SuccConnEstab.IRATCCO Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Inter-RAT cell change order)
67179469 RRC.SuccConnEstab.Reg Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Registration)
67179470 RRC.SuccConnEstab.Detach Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Detach)
67179471 RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgHhPrSig Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Originating High Priority Signaling)
67179472 RRC.SuccConnEstab.OrgLwPrSig Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Originating Low Priority Signaling)
67179473 RRC.SuccConnEstab.CallReEst Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Call re-establishment)
67179474 RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmHhPrSig Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Terminating High Priority Signaling)
67179475 RRC.SuccConnEstab.TmLwPrSig Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Terminating Low Priority Signaling)
67179476 RRC.SuccConnEstab.Unkown Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Terminating - cause unknown)
67179466 RRC.SuccConnEstab.EmgCall Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (Emergency Call)
67195966 RRC.SuccConnEstab.MBMSRep Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (MBMS Reception)
67195967 RRC.SuccConnEstab.MBMSPtp Number of Successful RRC Connection Setups for
Cell (MBMS PTP RB Request)

Step 2 Monitor downlink power congestion for cell.

Check whether the values of the VS.RRC.Rej.DLPower.Cong and VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLPower.Cong
counters increase after the enabling of this function. If downlink power resources are congested in a cell,
roll back the settings of the MaxFACHPower and OffsetFACHPower parameters so that this function
cannot take effect for this cell.

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Step 3 Query the RAB connection setup success rate.

If the RAB connection setup success rate corresponding to the RRC connection setup cause decreases,
collect the Ec/N0 distribution of the RACH for services that experience RAB connection setup failures
during the RRC connection setup procedure. Then compare the Ec/N0 distribution with the value of the
FACHPower4RRCRepEcNoThd parameter. Calculate the times when the Ec/N0 of the RACH is
smaller than the value of this parameter. Compare the calculated result with the increased successful
RRC connection setups. If the two numbers are almost the same, the performance of this function is as
expected. The reason for comparing the two numbers is that although RRC connection setups for UEs in
weak coverage areas may succeed, RAB connection setups may fail.
Step 4 Query the call drop rate in the live network.
The call drop rate is calculated as follows:
CS service drop ratio (cell) =
[VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS/(VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS + VS.RAB.NormRel.CS)]*100%
PS call drop ratio (cell) =
[VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS/(VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS + VS.RAB.NormRel.PS)]*100%
If the call drop rate deteriorates, you can adjust the power increase for the MaxFACHPower parameter
to reduce the maximum FACH transmit power.

11.14.6 Parameter Optimization

For parameter optimization of this function, see section 11.14.5 "Performance Monitoring."

11.14.7 Troubleshooting

11.15 Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna

11.15.1 When to Use Anti-Imbalance of the Different Antenna
Use the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function in multi-antenna scenarios to address shrinking
uplink coverage and reduced uplink capacity caused by imbalanced antenna interference or invalid
Imbalanced antenna interference is caused by improper installation or aging antennas.
It is recommended that this function be enabled for multi-antenna scenarios with intermodulation
interference and invalid antennas.
Do not enable this function for multi-RRU cells, including cells with the 0.5/0.5 configuration mode, the
distributed sector configuration mode, or independent demodulation of signals from multiple RRUs in
one cell. Multi-RRU cells are often used for highway and tunnel coverage.

11.15.2 Required Information

Perform the following steps to determine whether there is intermodulation interference or invalid
antennas in a cell.
Step 1 Observe the values of the following counters:

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 On the NodeB side:

− VS.MeanRTWP.Locell.SectorEqm.Ant0
− VS.MeanRTWP.Locell.SectorEqm.Ant1

− VS.MeanRTWP.Locell.SectorEqm.Ant2

− VS.MeanRTWP.Locell.SectorEqm.Ant3

Each of the preceding counters indicates the mean RTWP of a specific antenna.
 On the RNC side: VS.MeanRTWP
The preceding counter indicates the mean RTWP of a cell.

Step 2 Determine whether there is intermodulation interference or invalid antennas.

 Intermodulation interference
Intermodulation interference exists when the following conditions are true:
− Thedifference between the values of the preceding counters on the NodeB side is equal to or larger
than 6 dB.
− The value of the preceding counter on the RNC side is extremely high.
In normal conditions, the RTWP is 6 dB higher than the background noise (–106 dBm). The
background noise varies according to networks.
 Invalid antennas
Some antennas may become invalid if the RTWPs of these antennas are equal or near to the
background noise while the RTWPs of other antennas are larger than the background noise.
Step 3 If the difference between the values of the preceding counters on the NodeB side is equal to or
larger than 6 dB, check the settings of radio frequency (RF) channel-related parameters (such as
attenuation or RTWP initial rectification value) to ensure that the difference is not caused by
improper parameter settings or faulty tower mounted amplifiers (TMAs). Then determine whether
to enable the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function. Enable this function only when
high RTWPs are caused by intermodulation interference.
Table 11-10 lists RF channel-related parameters.
Table 11-10 RF channel-related parameters
Parameter ID Parameter Setting Notes MML Command
ATTEN Attenuation Set this parameter based on TMA MOD RXBRANCH
installation and feeder connections.
RTWPINITADJ1 RTWP Set this parameter to 0. If this MOD RXBRANCH
Initial1 parameter is already set to a value
other than 0, you must confirm the
RTWPINITADJ2 RTWP Set this parameter to 0. If this MOD RXBRANCH
Initial2 parameter is already set to a value
other than 0, you must confirm the
RTWPINITADJ3 RTWP Set this parameter to 0. If this MOD RXBRANCH
parameter is already set to a value

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Parameter ID Parameter Setting Notes MML Command

Initial3 other than 0, you must confirm the
RTWPINITADJ4 RTWP Set this parameter to 0. If this MOD RXBRANCH
Initial4 parameter is already set to a value
other than 0, you must confirm the
RTWPINITADJ5 RTWP Set this parameter to 0. If this MOD RXBRANCH
Initial5 parameter is already set to a value
other than 0, you must confirm the
RTWPINITADJ6 RTWP Set this parameter to 0. If this MOD RXBRANCH
Initial6 parameter is already set to a value
other than 0, you must confirm the
RTWPINITADJ7 RTWP Set this parameter to 0. If this MOD RXBRANCH
Initial7 parameter is already set to a value
other than 0, you must confirm the
RFDS RF Set this parameter to 0. If this MOD RRU
Desensitivity parameter is already set to a value
other than 0, you must confirm the
DI Desensitizati Set this parameter to 0. If this SET ULOCELLDESENS
on Intensity parameter is already set to a value
other than 0, you must confirm the
RFCONNTYPE RF Connect Set this parameter based on the ADD RFCONNGRP
Type physical connections of the antenna
 If the RTWP of an antenna is equal
to the background noise and does
not fluctuate, the RF
interconnection cable may be
connected but the RF
interconnection may not be
configured at the software level.
 If the RTWP of an antenna is too
low, the RF interconnection may be
configured at the software level but
the RF interconnection cable may
not be connected.
MODE Mode Set this parameter to Normal. MOD TMASUBUNIT
GAIN Gain The setting of this parameter must be MOD TMASUBUNIT
consistent with the TMA
specifications or the network plan.

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Parameter ID Parameter Setting Notes MML Command

PWRSWITCH ALD Power In normal conditions, this switch is on MOD ANTENNAPORT
Switch and there is current.

Step 4 Collect the following RNC counters and KPIs in a cell before feature activation to observe the
effect of this function:
 KPIs: CS RAB Setup Success Ratio, PS RAB Setup Success Ratio, CS Service Drop Ratio, and PS
Call Drop Ratio
 Counters: VS.HSUPA.MeanChThroughput, VS.HSUPA.MeanBitRate,
VS.HSUPA.MeanBitRate.WithData, VS.MeanULActualPowerLoad, VS.ValidAntRatio.Mean, and

11.15.3 Planning

11.15.4 Deployment
 The BTS3812E, BTS3812A, and BTS3812AE do not support this function.
 The DBS3800 does not support this function.
 3900 series base stations do not support this function if configured with the WBBPa board or the 20 W

Data Preparation
Table 11-11 lists the data to prepare before enabling this function.
Table 11-11 Data to prepare before enabling this function
Parameter Parameter Setting Notes Data Source
Name ID
Anti-Antenna ANTIANTE Enable this function if information in section Default
Imbalance NNAIMBAL 11.15.2 "Required Information" meets the value/Recommende
Algorithm ANCESW requirements in section 11.15.1 "When to d value
Switch Use Anti-Imbalance of the Different

Activation (Using MML Commands)

Run the NodeB MML command SET ULOCELLALGPARA with Anti-Antenna Imbalance Algorithm
Switch set to ON(ON).

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MML Command Examples

//Enabling the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function

Activation (Using the CME)

 When configuring the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function on the CME, perform a single configuration first,
and then perform a batch modification if required.
 Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging
out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.

Set the parameter described in Table 11-12 on the CME. For instructions on how to perform the CME
single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide.
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

Table 11-12 Configuring the parameter on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Parameter ID Configurable in CME
Name Batch Modification
Imbalance ESW

Activation Observation
Step 1 Run the NodeB MML command LST ULOCELLALGPARA to check whether this function is
Step 2 Query the value of the VS.ValidAntRatio.Mean counter on the NodeB side.
Expected result: After this function is enabled, the value of this counter is smaller than or equal to the
value before the enabling of this function.
Step 3 Query the value of the VS.MeanRTWP counter on the RNC side.
Expected result: After this function is enabled, the value of this counter is smaller than or equal to the
value before the enabling of this function.

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Deactivation (Using MML Commands)

Run the NodeB MML command SET ULOCELLALGPARA with Anti-Antenna Imbalance Algorithm
Switch set to OFF(OFF).

MML Command Examples

//Disabling the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function

Deactivation (Using the CME)

 When configuring the anti-imbalance of the different antenna function on the CME, perform a single configuration first,
and then perform a batch modification if required.
 Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging
out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME. Set the parameter described in Table
11-13 on the CME. For instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME
Single Configuration Operation Guide.
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

Table 11-13 Configuring the parameter on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Parameter ID Configurable in CME
Name Batch Modification
Algorithm ESW

11.15.5 Performance Monitoring

After this function is enabled, perform the following steps to monitor the performance of this function:
Step 1 Check whether this function takes effect by monitoring counters listed in Table 11-14.
This function takes effect if the value of the VS.MeanRTWP counter on the RNC side and the value of
the VS.ValidAntRatio.Mean counter on the NodeB side are all smaller than or equal to the values before
the enabling of this function.

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Table 11-14 RTWP-related counters during busy hours

Counter Name Description
VS.ValidAntRatio.Mean Average ratio of the number of valid antennas to the
number of configured antennas
VS.MeanRTWP Mean Power of Totally Received Bandwidth for Cell

Step 2 Monitor the performance of this function.

 Query the value of the VS.HSUPA.MeanChThroughput counter during busy hours to determine
whether the average HSUPA throughout in a cell increases.
− Afterthis function is enabled, the average HSUPA throughput in a cell increases when antenna
interference is imbalanced.
− Afterthis function is enabled, the average HSUPA throughput in a cell decreases when some
antennas become invalid and the WRFD-020136 Anti-Interference Scheduling for HSUPA feature is
If the average HSUPA throughput does not increase when antenna interference is imbalanced, the live
network may not meet the requirements in section 11.15.1 "When to Use Anti-Imbalance of the
Different Antenna" or the traffic volume is too small so that the gains provided by this function are not
 Monitor the CS RAB Setup Success Ratio and PS RAB Setup Success Ratio KPIs during busy hours
to determine whether the access success rate increases.
− After
this function is enabled, the access success rate increases when antenna interference is
imbalanced and the RTWP-based anti-interference function is disabled; the access success rate
decreases when antenna interference is imbalanced and the RTWP-based anti-interference function
is enabled.
− Afterthis function is enabled, the access success rate decreases when some antennas become
invalid and the RTWP-based anti-interference function is enabled.
 Monitor the CS Service Drop Ratio and PS Call Drop Ratio KPIs to observe whether the call drop rate
− After
this function is enabled, the call drop rate increases when antenna interference is imbalanced
and the RTWP-based anti-interference function is disabled; the call drop rate decreases when
antenna interference is imbalanced and the RTWP-based anti-interference function is enabled.
− After
this function is enabled, the call drop rate decreases when some antennas become invalid and
the WRFD-020136 Anti-Interference Scheduling for HSUPA feature is activated.
If throughput increases, coverage will shrink and the call drop rate will deteriorate. You are advised to
disable this function if the call drop rate deteriorates seriously.

11.15.6 Parameter Optimization


11.15.7 Troubleshooting

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11.16 WRFD-020104 Intra Frequency Load Balance

11.16.1 When to Use Intra Frequency Load Balance

11.16.2 Required Information


11.16.3 Deployment

Data Preparation

1. Run the RNC MML command ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Neighboring Cell > Intra-frequency Neighboring Cell; CME batch
modification center: not supported) to add an intra-frequency neighboring cell.
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, select
INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB(Intra Frequency LDB Algorithm) from the Cell LDC algorithm switch
drop-down list.
3. Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD (CME single configuration: UMTS Radio Global
Configuration Express > Load Control Parameter Configuration > RNC Oriented LDC
Algorithm Cycle Length; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC Parameters in Batches).
In this step, set Intra-frequency LDB period timer length to an appropriate value.
4. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDB (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Oriented LDB Algorithm Parameters; CME
batch modification center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches) to set the following
parameters associated with the cell-level intra-frequency load balancing (LDB) algorithm to
appropriate values:
− Cell overload threshold
− Pilot power adjustment step
− Cell under load threshold
5. Run the RNC MML command MOD UPCPICHPWR (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Channel Configuration > PCPICH; CME batch modification center:
Modifying UMTS Channel Parameters in Batches). In this step, set P-CPICH parameters associated
with intra-frequency LDB, including Max transmit power of PCPICH and Min transmit power of
PCPICH to appropriate values.

Activation Observation
To verify that the RNC can balance the cell load by adjusting the P-CPICH power of a cell, perform the
following steps:
1. On the RNC LMT, open the Monitor tab page. Create the task of monitoring PCPICH TxPower of

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2. Run the NodeB MML command STR DLSIM to simulate high load in CELL_A11.
3. In the Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, check the pilot power of CELL_A11.
Expected result: As the cell load increases, the pilot power periodically decreases. The actual pilot
power must not be decreased to a level lower than the configured minimum pilot power.
4. The NBAP_CELL_RECFG_REQ and NBAP_CELL_RECFG_RSP messages should be displayed in
the Iub tracing result. In the NBAP_CELL_RECFG_REQ message, check whether the RNC has
reduced the pilot power.
5. Run the NodeB MML command STR DLSIM to stop simulating high load in CELL_A11.
6. In the Cell Performance Monitoring dialog box, check the pilot power of CELL_A11.
Expected result: As the cell load becomes normal, the pilot power periodically increases. The actual
pilot power must not be increased to a level higher than the configured maximum pilot power.

1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS Cell
Configuration Express > Cell Parameters > Cell Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification
center: Modifying UMTS Cell Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB
from the Cell LDC algorithm switch drop-down list.
2. Restore the parameter settings modified in the activation procedure.

MML Command Examples

//Activating Intra Frequency Load Balance
//Configuring intra-frequency neighboring cells
ADD UINTRAFREQNCELL: RncId=1, CellId=111, NCellRncId=1, NCellId=211, SIB11Ind=TRUE, SIB12Ind=FALSE,
TpenaltyHcsReselect=D0, NPrioFlag=FALSE;

//Enabling the cell-oriented intra-frequency LDB algorithm


//Setting the intra-frequency LDB period

SET ULDCPERIOD: IntraFreqLdbPeriodTimerLen=1800;

//Setting parameters associated with the cell-oriented intra-frequency LDB algorithm to appropriate
MOD UCELLLDB: CellId=111, PCPICHPowerPace=2, CellOverrunThd=90, CellUnderrunThd=30;

//Setting the P-CPICH associated parameters for intra-frequency LDB

MOD UPCPICHPWR: CellId=111, MaxPCPICHPower=346, MinPCPICHPower=313;

//Verifying Intra Frequency Load Balance


//Deactivating Intra Frequency Load Balance


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11.17 WRFD-010505 Queuing and Preemption

11.17.1 When to Use Queuing and Preemption

11.17.2 Required Information


11.17.3 Deployment
 Hardware
− Toenable the common preemption function, the CN must send the allocation/retention priority (ARP)
IE to the RNC during the RAB assignment procedure so that the RNC can obtain RAB service
− The forced preemption function does not depend on the CN.
 Other features
The following features must be configured before this feature is activated: WRFD-010610 HSDPA
Introduction Package and WRFD-010612 HSUPA Introduction Package.
 License
The licenses "Queuing and Pre-emption" on the RNC side have been activated. For details about the
license items and how to activate the license, see License Management Feature Parameter

Data Preparation

Activation (Using MML Commands)

Step 1 Run the RNC MML command SET UQUEUEPREEMPT. In this step, set Preempt algorithm
switch to ON to enable the preemption function; set Queue algorithm switch to ON to enable
the queuing function.
Step 2 Run the RNC MML command SET UQUEUEPREEMPT. In this step, select
PREEMPT_ENH_NODEB_PREEMPT_CE_SWITCH under the Preemption Enhancement
Switch parameter to enable the CE resource preemption enhancement function.
Step 3 (Optional) To enable the forced preemption function, run the RNC MML command SET
and PREEMPT_ENH_CSRAB_PREEMPT_PS_SWITCH under the Preemption Enhancement
Switch parameter.

If step 3 is performed, the preemption function enabled in step 1 will become disabled and the forced preemption function
will take effect.


MML Command Examples

//Activating Queuing and Preemption

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SET UQUEUEPREEMPT: PreemptAlgoSwitch=ON, QueueAlgoSwitch=ON,


Activation (Using the CME)

 When configuring the Queuing and Preemption feature on the CME, perform a single configuration first, and then
perform a batch modification if required.
 Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging
out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME. Set the parameter described in Table
11-15. For instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single
Configuration Operation Guide.
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

If the forced preemption function is enabled, the preemption function enabled by setting the Preempt algorithm switch
parameter will become disabled.

Table 11-15 Configuring the parameter on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Name Parameter Configurable in
ID CME Batch
Modification Center
1 UQUEUEP RNC Preempt algorithm switch PreemptAlg Yes
REEMPT oSwitch
Set this parameter to ON.

Queue algorithm switch QueueAlgoS

Set this parameter to ON.

Preemption Enhancement Switch PreemptEnh

Set this parameter as follows:
 Select
MPT_CE_SWITCH to enable the
CE resource preemption function.
 (Optional) Select
MPT_PS_SWITCH to enable the
forced preemption function.

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Activation Observation
The queuing function is enabled if the value of any of the following counters is not 0.
 VS.RAB.Estab.QueueTime.CS
 VS.RAB.Estab.QueueTime.PS
The preemption function is enabled if the value of any of the following counters is not 0.
 VS.RAB.AbnormRel.CS.Preempt
 VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.Preempt
 RRC.AttConnRelDCCH.Preempt
 RRC.AttConnRelCCCH.Preempt

Deactivation (Using MML Commands)

Step 1 Run the RNC MML command SET UQUEUEPREEMPT. In this step, set Preempt algorithm
switch to OFF to disable the preemption function; set Queue algorithm switch to OFF to
disable the queuing function.
Step 2 Run the RNC MML command SET UQUEUEPREEMPT. In this step, clear
PREEMPT_ENH_NODEB_PREEMPT_CE_SWITCH under the Preemption Enhancement
Switch parameter to disable the CE resource preemption enhancement function.
Step 3 (Optional) To disable the forced preemption function, run the RNC MML command SET
and PREEMPT_ENH_CSRAB_PREEMPT_PS_SWITCH under the Preemption Enhancement
Switch parameter.

MML Command Examples

//Deactivating Queuing and Preemption
SET UQUEUEPREEMPT: PreemptAlgoSwitch=OFF, QueueAlgoSwitch=OFF,

Deactivation (Using the CME)

 When configuring the Queuing and Preemption feature on the CME, perform a single configuration first, and then
perform a batch modification if required.
 Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging
out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.

Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence described in Table 11-16. For
instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

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To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

Table 11-16 Configuring parameters on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Name Parameter ID Configurable
in CME Batch
1 UQUEUE RNC Preempt algorithm switch PreemptAlgoS Yes
PREEMP witch
T Set this parameter to OFF.

Queue algorithm switch QueueAlgoSwi

Set this parameter to OFF.

Preemption Enhancement PreemptEnhS

Switch witch

Set this parameter as follows:

 Clear
EMPT_CE_SWITCH to disable
the CE resource preemption
 (Optional) Clear
EMPT_PS_SWITCH to disable
the forced preemption function.

11.18 WRFD-010507 Rate Negotiation at Admission Control

11.18.1 When to Use Rate Negotiation at Admission Control

11.18.2 Required Information


11.18.3 Deployment
 Hardware
This feature does not depend on the hardware.

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 Other features
This feature does not depend on other features.
 License
The licenses "RAB Downsizing at Admission Control" on the RNC side have been activated. For
details about the license items and how to activate the license, see License Management Feature
Parameter Description.
 Other prerequisites
− For Iu QoS negotiation, the CN nodes must support this feature.
− For RAB rate reduction, the CN nodes do not need to support this feature.

Data Preparation

 Activating QoS negotiation
1. Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS
Radio Global Configuration Express > Connection_Oriented RRM Switch Configuration >
Connection Oriented Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC
Parameters in Batches). In this step, set Dynamic Resource Allocation Switch to
DRA_DCCC_SWITCH, and set PS rate negotiation switch to PS_BE_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH
 Activating RAB rate reduction
1. Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS
Radio Global Configuration Express > Connection_Oriented RRM Switch Configuration >
Connection Oriented Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC
Parameters in Batches). In this step, set Dynamic Resource Allocation Switch to
DRA_DCCC_SWITCH, and set PS rate negotiation switch to PS_RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH.

Activation Observation
 Verifying QoS negotiation
1. Run the RNC MML command LST UCORRMALGOSWITCH to query the activation result.
2. Start Iu message tracing on the RNC LMT and establish a PS service, as shown in Figure 11-5.

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Figure 11-5 Iu message tracing

3. View the RANAP_RAB_ASSIGNMENT_REQ message. If it contains the IE "alt-RAB-Parameters",

the CN supports Iu QoS negotiation, as shown in Figure 11-6
Figure 11-6 RANAP_RAB_ASSIGNMENT_REQ message on the Iu interface

 Verifying RAB rate reduction

1. Run the RNC MML command LST UCORRMALGOSWITCH to query the activation result.
2. Start Iu message tracing on the RNC LMT and establish a PS service, as shown in Figure 11-7.

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Figure 11-7 Iu message tracing

3. View the RANAP_RAB_ASSIGNMENT_RESP message. If it contains the IE "ass-RAB-Parameters",

rate negotiation at admission control takes effect, and the MaxBitrate is the data rate negotiated by
the RNC, as shown in Figure 11-8.
Figure 11-8 RANAP_RAB_ASSIGNMENT_RESP message on the Iu interface

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 Deactivating QoS negotiation
1. Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS
Radio Global Configuration Express > Connection_Oriented RRM Switch Configuration >
Connection Oriented Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC
Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear DRA_DCCC_SWITCH from the Dynamic Resource
Allocation Switch drop-down list box, and clear PS_BE_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH and
PS_STREAM_IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH from the PS rate negotiation switch drop-down list box.
 Deactivating RAB rate reduction
2. Run the RNC MML command SET UCORRMALGOSWITCH (CME single configuration: UMTS
Radio Global Configuration Express > Connection_Oriented RRM Switch Configuration >
Connection Oriented Algorithm Switches; CME batch modification center: Modifying RNC
Parameters in Batches). In this step, clear DRA_DCCC_SWITCH from the Dynamic Resource
Allocation Switch drop-down list box, and clear PS_RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH from the PS
rate negotiation switch drop-down list box.

MML Command Examples

//Activating Rate Negotiation at Admission Control

//Deactivating Rate Negotiation at Admission Control


11.19 WRFD-150236 Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of

11.19.1 When to Use Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH
Use this feature in the following scenarios:
 There are multiple carriers in urban areas.
 There is a large number of UEs in a carrier and downlink non-HSPA power resources are more easily
congested in this carrier.
You can activate this feature to reduce the call drop rate in multi-carrier scenarios where the current area
is continuously covered by carriers of the GSM or UMTS network. If a carrier covers continuous areas,
you are not advised to activate this feature because the activation of this feature reduces coverage. You
can activate this feature for a carrier that carries services. It is recommended that carriers enabled with
this feature be configured with the coverage-based handover function so that UEs can be handed over
to carriers covering continuous areas.
You are not advised to activate this feature if the P-CPICH transmit power configured for a cell is low.

11.19.2 Required Information

Collect the following information before activating this feature:
 Continuous coverage by multiple carriers

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Before activating this feature, ensure that the current area is continuously covered by a carrier or
several carriers. If not, coverage holes will occur, causing the handover success rate and call drop rate
to deteriorate.
 Network coverage
Obtain the coverage of carriers that are to be activated with this feature. If cell coverage shrinks when
the P-CPICH transmit power is within the adjustment scope, coverage holes will occur. In this situation,
you must estimate the impact of coverage holes on network performance to determine whether to
activate this feature. If the value of the KPI Soft Handover Overhead is high (higher than 30%), cell
coverage is good.
 P-CPICH power in a cell
Obtain the P-CPICH power configured for the current cell before activating this feature. If the
configured P-CPICH power is low (For example, the proportion of PCPICHPower to MaxTxPower is
lower than 5%), the gains provided by this feature are small but the negative impact of this feature is
great. In this case, you are not advised to activate this feature.
 Number of UEs in a cell
The gains provided by this feature are noticeable only when there is a large number of UEs in the cell.
Obtain the number of UEs in this cell by querying the value of the VS.CellDCHUEs counter.
 Non-HSPA power load in a cell
This feature reduces the P-CPICH transmit power only when the downlink non-HSPA power load in
this cell is heavy. Before activating this feature, you are required to estimate the downlink non-HSPA
power load based on the linear value of the difference between the VS.MeanTCP.NonHS counter and
the MaxTxPower parameter. If the load is heavy, downlink non-HSPA power load in this cell is heavy.

11.19.3 Planning

11.19.4 Deployment
 License
The license for the WRFD-150236 Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH feature has been
Feature ID Feature Name License Description NE Sales
WRFD-15023 Load Based Dynamic Load Based Dynamic RNC per cell
6 Adjustment of PCPICH Adjustment of PCPICH (per

Data Preparation
Table 11-17 lists the data to prepare before activating this feature.
Table 11-17 Data to prepare before activating this feature
Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source
Switch for NBMLdcAlgoSwitc Turn on this switch if the live network meets Default

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Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source

Cell Load h: the requirements in section 11.19.1 "When to value/Recom
Control DLLOAD_BASED_ Use Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of mended value
PCPICH_PWR_ADJ PCPICH" and cell downlink capacity can be
_SWITCH improved at the expense of increasing call
drop rates and reducing handover success
rates for some UEs.
Function FuncSwitch2: None Engineering
Switch2 LOAD_BASED_PC Design
Pcpich PcpichPwrDownDl Set this parameter to DL_LOADED_STATE Default
Power Down LoadState for HSDPA cells. Set this parameter to value/Recom
Based On DL_HEAVY_STATE for R99 cells. mended value
DL Load
Pcpich PcpichPwrUpDlLoa Set this parameter to DL_LIGHT_STATE for Default
Power Up dState HSDPA cells. Set this parameter to value/Recom
Based On DL_NORMAL_STATE for R99 cells. mended value
DL Load
Period of IntraFreqLdbPeriod Set this parameter to 60(s). Radio network
RTWP-Base TimerLen plan (internal)
cy LB
Pilot power PCPICHPowerPace Set this parameter to 5 (0.5 dB) for this Radio network
adjustment feature. plan (internal)
Max MaxPCPICHPower This parameter specifies the maximum Radio network
Transmit transmit power of the P-CPICH for a cell. The plan (internal)
Power of value of this parameter is the upper limit for
PCPICH P-CPICH power adjustments.
Set this parameter to the value of the
PCPICHPower parameter to prevent the
negative impact of coverage overlap caused
by the sharp increase of the P-CPICH power.
Min Transmit MinPCPICHPower This parameter specifies the minimum Radio network
Power of transmit power of the P-CPICH for a cell. The plan (internal)
PCPICH value of this parameter is the lower limit for
P-CPICH power adjustments.
Set this parameter to a value whose
difference with the PCPICHPower parameter
is no larger than 3 dB to prevent the
performance deterioration caused by sharp
P-CPICH power reduction.

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Activation (Using MML Commands)

Step 1 Activate the cell-level license.
 Initial configuration: Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLLICENSE. In this step, select
LOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ under the Function Switch2 parameter.
 Reconfiguration: Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLICENSE. In this step, select
LOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ under the Function Switch2 parameter.
Step 2 Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD with Intra-frequency LDB period timer
length set to an appropriate value.
Step 3 Specify the pilot power adjustment step.
 Initial configuration: Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLLDB with Pilot power adjustment
step set to an appropriate value.
 Reconfiguration: Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDB with Pilot power adjustment step
set to an appropriate value.
Step 4 Specify the Pcpich Power Down Based On DL Load State and Pcpich Power Up Based On
DL Load State parameters.
 Initial configuration: Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLLDM command. In this step, set
Pcpich Power Down Based On DL Load State and Pcpich Power Up Based On DL Load State to
appropriate values.
 Reconfiguration: Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDM command. In this step, set Pcpich
Power Down Based On DL Load State and Pcpich Power Up Based On DL Load State to
appropriate values.
Step 5 Specify the maximum and minimum pilot transmit power.
 Initial configuration: Run the RNC MML command ADD UPCPICH. In this step, set Max Transmit
Power of PCPICH and Min Transmit Power of PCPICH to appropriate values.
 Reconfiguration: Run the RNC MML command MOD UPCPICHPWR. In this step, set Max Transmit
Power of PCPICH and Min Transmit Power of PCPICH to appropriate values.
Step 6 Set the load-based dynamic adjustment of P-CPICH switch.
 Initial configuration: Run the RNC MML command ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH. In this step, select
DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH under the Switch for Cell Load Control
 Reconfiguration: Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH. In this step, select
DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH under the Switch for Cell Load Control

MML Command Examples

//Activating Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH
SET ULDCPERIOD: IntraFreqLdbPeriodTimerLen=60;
ADD UCELLLDM: PcpichPwrDownDlLoadState= DL_LOADED_STATE, PcpichPwrUpDlLoadState= DL_LIGHT_STATE;
ADD UPCPICH: MaxPCPICHPower=330, MinPCPICHPower=300;

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Load Control 11 Engineering Guidelines

Activation (Using the CME)

 When configuring the Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH feature on the CME, perform a single configuration
first, and then perform a batch modification if required.
 Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging
out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.

Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence described in Table 11-18. For
instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

Table 11-18 Configuring parameters on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Parameter ID Configurable in CME
Name Batch Modification
1 UCELLLICENSE RNC Function FuncSwitch2 Yes
2 ULDCPERIOD RNC Period of IntraFreqLdb Yes
RTWP-Based PeriodTimerL
Intra-frequency en
3 UCELLLDB RNC Pilot power PCPICHPowe Yes
adjustment rPace
4 UCELLLDM RNC Pcpich Power PcpichPwrDo Yes
Down Based wnDlLoadSta
On DL Load te
Pcpich Power PcpichPwrUp
Up Based On DlLoadState
DL Load State
Power of ower
Min Transmit MinPCPICHP
Power of ower
6 UCELLALGOSW RNC Switch for Cell NBMLdcAlgo Yes

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Load Control 11 Engineering Guidelines

SN MO NE Parameter Parameter ID Configurable in CME

Name Batch Modification
ITCH Load Control Switch

Activation Observation
This feature is activated if values of the VS.CellBreath.CPICHUp and VS.CellBreath.CPICHDown
counters are not 0.

Ensure that the TCP-based intra-frequency load balancing function is not enabled in the measurement period. Otherwise,
the value of the VS.CellBreath.CPICHUp or VS.CellBreath.CPICHDown counter may be collected based on the
TCP-based intra-frequency load balancing function.

Deactivation (Using MML Commands)

Step 1 Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH. In this step, clear
DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH under the Switch for Cell Load Control
Step 2 (Optional) If the TCP-based intra-frequency load balancing function is enabled before feature
activation, reconfigure the Intra-frequency LDB period timer length and Pilot power
adjustment step parameters based on this function after feature deactivation.
1. Run the RNC MML command SET ULDCPERIOD with Intra-frequency LDB period timer length set to
an appropriate value.
2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLLDB with Pilot power adjustment step set to an
appropriate value.

MML Command Examples

//Deactivating Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH
SET ULDCPERIOD: IntraFreqLdbPeriodTimerLen=1800;

Deactivation (Using the CME)

 When configuring the Load Based Dynamic Adjustment of PCPICH feature on the CME, perform a single configuration
first, and then perform a batch modification if required.
 Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification before logging
out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.

Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence described in Table 11-19. For
instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)

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Load Control 11 Engineering Guidelines

To modify objects in batches, click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. For
instructions o how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center, press F1
on the wizard interface to obtain online help.

Table 11-19 Configuring parameters on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Parameter ID Configurable in CME
Name Batch Modification
1 UCELLAL RNC Switch for NBMLdcAlgo Yes
GOSWIT Cell Load Switch
CH Control
2 (Optional) ULDCPE RNC Period of IntraFreqLdb Yes
RIOD RTWP-Based PeriodTimerL
If the TCP-based
Intra-frequen en
intra-frequency cy LB
load balancing
function is UCELLL RNC Pilot power PCPICHPowe Yes
enabled before DB adjustment rPace
feature activation, step
reconfigure the
Period of
LB and Pilot
adjustment step
parameters based
on this function
after feature

11.19.5 Performance Monitoring

Perform the following operations to monitor the performance of this feature.
 Determine whether this feature takes effect and the activation rate of this feature by querying the
values of the counters listed in Table 11-20.
Table 11-20 Counters
Counter Description
VS.CellBreath.CPICHUp Number of Upward CPICH Power Adjustments Due to Cell
Breathing for Cell
VS.CellBreath.CPICHDown Number of Downward CPICH Power Adjustments Due to Cell
Breathing for Cell
VS.CellBreath.CPICHMin.Time Duration of Minimum Values of CPICH Power Due to Cell
Breathing for Cell
VS.CellBreath.CPICHMax.Time Duration of Maximum Values of CPICH Power Due to Cell

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Load Control 11 Engineering Guidelines

Counter Description
Breathing for Cell

 Check the reduced downlink non-HSPA power consumption by querying the value of the counter listed
in Table 11-21 in the case of downlink power congestion.
The value of the VS.MeanTCP.NonHS counter decreases after feature activation if the traffic volume in
the cell remains unchanged.
Table 11-21 Counter
Counter Description
VS.MeanTCP.NonHS Mean Non-HSDPA Transmitted Carrier Power for Cell

 Query the number of UEs in a cell and cell HSDPA throughput.

− If
potential UEs attempt to access a cell and the downlink power resources are congested in this cell,
this feature helps improve the access success rate and the number of online UEs in this cell. You can
query the values of the counters listed in Table 11-22 and KPIs listed in Table 11-23.
− If
no UEs attempt to access a cell but there are service requirements, this feature helps improve cell
throughput. You can query the values of the counters listed in Table 11-22 and KPIs listed in Table
11-23. If only a small number of UEs attempt to access this cell, downlink non-HSPA power in this cell
will decrease. You can query the value of the counter listed in Table 11-21.
Table 11-22 Counters
Counter Description
VS.CellDCHUEs Number of UEs in CELL_DCH State for Cell
VS.HSDPA.UE.Mean.Cell Average Number of HSDPA UEs in a Cell

Table 11-23 KPIs

Mean Throughput for One HSDPA User Service Integrity
Mean Throughput for One HSDPA Cell Service Integrity
RRC Setup Success Ratio Accessibility
CS RAB Setup Success Ratio (cell) Accessibility
PS RAB Setup Success Ratio (cell) Accessibility

 Query the call drop rate.

While adjusting the P-CPICH transmit power, this feature increases the number of handovers and
affects the handover success rate. As a result, the call drop rate increases. You can query the values
of the counters listed in Table 11-24 and KPIs listed in Table 11-25. The value of these counters and
KPIs may increase after feature activation.

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Table 11-24 Counters

Counter Counter Type
Inter-frequency handovers: Handover
Inter-RAT handovers: Handover

Table 11-25 KPIs

CS Service Drop Ratio Retainability
PS Call Drop Ratio Retainability

11.19.6 Parameter Optimization

Take the following measures to optimize parameters for this feature:
 If the value of the VS.CellBreath.CPICHMin.Time counter is large when the P-CPICH transmit power
is set to the smallest value and counters such as the call drop rate does not deteriorate, you can
reduce the value of the MinPCPICHPower parameter so that the P-CPICH transmit power can be
further adjusted.
 If the call drop rate deteriorates noticeably after feature activation, you can increase the value of the
PcpichPwrUpDlLoadState or PcpichPwrDownDlLoadState parameter so that the P-CPICH
transmit power can be more difficult to reduce. For example, you can change the value of the
PcpichPwrDownDlLoadState parameter from DlLoadedState to DlHeavyState.
 If the number of P-CPICH transmit power adjustments (indicated by the VS.CellBreath.CPICHUp or
VS.CellBreath.CPICHDown counter) is large and the number of uplink and downlink adjustments is
almost the same, downlink non-HSPA power load state changes frequently. In this situation, you can
increase the value of the IntraFreqLdbPeriodTimerLen parameter or reduce the value of the
PCPICHPowerPace parameter to reduce the number of P-CPICH transmit power adjustments.

11.19.7 Troubleshooting

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Load Control 12 Parameters

12 Parameters
Table 12-1 Parameter description
Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description
ID Command Name

ANTIANTE DBS3900 SET None None Meaning:Indicates whether to enable

NNAIMBA WCDMA/BTS39 ULOCELL anti-antenna imbalance. If this switch
LANCESW 00 ALGPARA is turned on, the RTWP value and
WCDMA/BTS39 uplink load factor are corrected
00A according to the RTWP values of
WCDMA/BTS39 each antenna and the multipath
00L search energy.
00AL WCDMA GUI Value Range:OFF(OFF),
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF(OFF)

ATTEN DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the attenuation of

WCDMA/BTS39 RXBRANC the RX channel of the RRU or RFU.
00 H
WCDMA/BTS39 GUI Value Range:0~60
00A Actual Value Range:0~30, step:0.5
00L Unit:0.5dB
00AL WCDMA Default Value:0

Backgroun BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:If [Auto-Adaptive

dNoise 910 UCELLCA 101 Control Background Noise Update Switch] is
C set to OFF, it is used to set
WRFD-020 Load background noise of the cell. If
MOD 102 Measurement [Auto-Adaptive Background Noise
UCELLCA Update Switch] is set to ON, new
C background noise is restricted by this
parameter and "BgnAbnormalThd".
For detailed information of this
parameter, refer to the 3GPP TS
GUI Value Range:0~621
Actual Value Range:-112~-50
Default Value:61

BeInitBitrat BSC6900/BSC6 SET UFRC None None Meaning:Specifies the type of the
eTypeforC 910 channel for carrying PS BE services

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
sPs and the initial service access rate in
scenarios of CS+PS BE combined
OFF: The channel bearing type and
initial access rate of PS BE services
are not limited.
DCH0K: PS BE services are carried
over the DCH in the uplink and
downlink and the initial access rate of
the PS BE services is 0 kbit/s.
DCH8K: PS BE services are carried
over the DCH in the uplink and
downlink and the initial access rate of
the PS BE services is 8 kbit/s.
DCH8KHSDPA: PS BE services are
carried over the DCH in the uplink
and the initial access rate of the PS
BE services is 8 kbit/s. In the
downlink, the channel for carrying PS
BE services and the initial access rate
are not limited.
When this parameter is set to
periodic retries of a UE are prohibited.
GUI Value Range:OFF, DCH0K,
Actual Value Range:OFF, DCH0K,
Default Value:OFF

BgnAbnor BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:This parameter is applied

malThd 910 UCELLCA 101 Control when "BGNSwitch" is set to ON. (1) If
C the difference of measured
WRFD-020 Load background noise without filtered and
MOD 102 Measurement the current background noise is larger
UCELLCA than the RTWP threshold, the
C background noise will not be updated.
(2) If the difference of new
background noise and the configured
value is larger than the RTWP
threshold, the background noise will
not be updated.
GUI Value Range:1~400

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value Range:0.1~40
Default Value:100

BGNAdjust BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:Only when the measured

TimeLen 910 UCELLCA 101 Control background noise's duration reaches
C this parameter, the output of the
WRFD-020 Load auto-adaptive background noise
MOD 102 Measurement update filter could be regarded as
UCELLCA effect background noise, and the
C current value is replaced with the new
one. At the same time, the
auto-adaptive status should be
restarted; otherwise, the output could
not be regarded as the effective
background noise.
GUI Value Range:1~6000
Actual Value Range:1~6000
Default Value:120

BgnEndTi BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:1. This parameter, along

me 910 UCELLCA 101 Control with the [Algorithm start time], is used
C to limit the validation time of the
WRFD-020 Load background noise automatic update
MOD 102 Measurement algorithm. When [Algorithm stop time]
UCELLCA is larger than [Algorithm start time],
C and the background noise automatic
update algorithm is enabled, then the
algorithm is activated during the
period of [Algorithm start time] to
[Algorithm stop time] each day. In
other periods, the algorithm does not
take effect.
2. Input format: HH&MM&SS.
GUI Value Range:hour, min, sec
Actual Value Range:hour0~23,
min0~59, sec0~59
Default Value:None

BGNEqUs BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:When the number of uplink

erNumThd 910 UCELLCA 101 Control equivalent users is not larger than this
parameter, the RTWP could be

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
C WRFD-020 Load regarded as background noise.
102 Measurement Therefore, the measured RTWP
MOD could be input to the auto-adaptive
UCELLCA background noise update filter;
C otherwise, the RTWP could not be
regarded as background noise, and
should not be input to the filter, and at
the same time, the auto-adaptive
status should be reset.
GUI Value Range:0~10
Actual Value Range:0~10
Default Value:0

BGNOptS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:Whether to activate the

witch 910 UCELLCA 101 Control optimized background noise
C algorithm. When this switch is turned
on, the RNC first checks whether the
MOD "ULTotalLoad" value is equal to or
UCELLCA smaller than the "BGNULLoadThd"
C value. If yes, the RNC regards the
difference between the current RTWP
and the "ULTotalLoad" value as the
current background noise value,
which is then considered in the
algorithm. When this switch is turned
off, the algorithm does not take effect
and the original background noise
value update algorithm is used. The
original background noise value
update algorithm starts taking effect
when the number of the uplink
equivalent UEs in a cell is equal to or
smaller than the
"BGNEqUserNumThd" value. The
calculation results given by this
algorithm will be inaccurate because
it takes the uplink cell load into
GUI Value Range:OFF(OFF),
Actual Value Range:ON, OFF
Default Value:OFF(OFF)

BgnStartTi BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020Admission Meaning:1. This parameter, along

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
me 910 UCELLCA 101 Control with the [Algorithm stop time], is used
C to limit the validation time of the
WRFD-020 Load background noise automatic update
MOD 102 Measurement algorithm. When [Algorithm stop time]
UCELLCA is larger than [Algorithm start time],
C and the background noise automatic
update algorithm is enabled, then the
algorithm is activated during the
period of [Algorithm start time] to
[Algorithm stop time] each day. In
other periods, the algorithm does not
take effect.
2. Input format: HH&MM&SS.
GUI Value Range:hour, min, sec
Actual Value Range:hour0~23,
min0~59, sec0~59
Default Value:None

BGNSwitc BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:When the parameter is

h 910 UCELLCA 101 Control 'OFF', the auto-adaptive background
C noise update algorithm is switched
WRFD-020 Load off. Otherwise, the algorithm is
MOD 102 Measurement switched on.
C GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:ON

BGNULLo BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:Uplink cell load threshold for
adThd 910 UCELLCA 101 Control the optimized background noise
C algorithm. When "BGNOptSwitch" is
set to ON, the RNC checks whether
MOD the "ULTotalLoad" value is equal to or
UCELLCA smaller than the "BGNULLoadThd"
C value. If yes, the algorithm uses the
difference between the current RTWP
and the "ULTotalLoad" value.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:10

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

BgnUpdate BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:The difference of RTWP that

Thd 910 UCELLCA 101 Control trigger the update of background
C noise. If the difference is larger than
WRFD-020 Load the threshold, the background will be
MOD 102 Measurement updated.
C GUI Value Range:1~100
Actual Value Range:0.1~10
Default Value:5

BlindHoFla BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter Meaning:Whether to perform blind

g 910 U2GNCEL 103 Frequency handover.
L Load Balance
WRFD-021 The value FALSE indicates that the
MOD 200 HCS cell is not considered as a candidate
U2GNCEL (Hierarchical cell for blind handover. Therefore,
L Cell blind over to this cell cannot be
Structure) triggered. The value TRUE indicates
that the cell is considered as a
candidate cell for blind handover and
blind over to this cell can be triggered.
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Default Value:False

BlindHoFla BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter Meaning:Whether to perform blind

g 910 UINTERF 103 Frequency handover.
REQNCEL Load Balance
L WRFD-021 The value FALSE indicates that the
200 HCS cell is not considered as a candidate
MOD (Hierarchical cell for blind handover. Therefore,
UINTERF Cell blind over to this cell cannot be
REQNCEL Structure) triggered. The value TRUE indicates
L that the cell is considered as a
candidate cell for blind handover and
blind over to this cell can be triggered.
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Default Value:False

BlindHOQ BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020Inter Meaning:Threshold for the RSCP in

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
ualityCondi 910 UINTERF 103 Frequency the current cell. Blind handovers
tion REQNCEL Load Balance towards the inter-frequency
L WRFD-021 neighboring cell are allowed only
200 HCS when the RSCP exceeds this
MOD (Hierarchical threshold. This threshold is used for
UINTERF WRFD-150 Cell urgent blind handovers, load
REQNCEL 232 Structure) balancing-based blind handovers,
L macro-micro inter-frequency blind
Direct Retry handovers, and inter-frequency DRD
Based on UE from a low-band cell to a high-band
Location cell.
GUI Value Range:-115~-25
Actual Value Range:-115~-25
Default Value:-92

CarrierTyp BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Decide which carrier is prior

ePriorInd 910 UUSERPR 106 Reshuffling when ARP and TrafficClass are both
IORITY identical.
WRFD-020 Overload
107 Control GUI Value Range:NONE, DCH,
WRFD-010 Queuing and
505 Pre-Emption Actual Value Range:NONE, DCH,
Default Value:NONE

CellId BSC6900/BSC6 ADD None None Meaning:The logical cell ID uniquely

910 UFACH identifies a cell in a radio network.
MOD The logical cell ID is configured at the
UFACH RNC. The RNC sends the cell ID to
the base station during a cell setup
RMV procedure. The mapping between
UFACH logical cell IDs and local cell IDs are
configured at the RNC.
The RNC supports a maximum of
5100 logical cells. Logical cells are
uniquely but not necessarily
consecutively numbered within a
RNC. For example, you can set the ID
of a logical cell to 0 and that of
another logical cell to 2.
For clear and easy identification,
adhere to the following numbering

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Specify different number ranges for
logical cells in different subracks. For
example, you can specify the range of
0 to 899 for the logical cells in
subrack 0 (MPS) and the range of
900 to 1799 for the logical cells in
subrack 1 (EPS).For detailed
information about this parameter, see
3GPP TS 25.401.
GUI Value Range:0~65535
Actual Value Range:0~65535
Default Value:None

CellLdrSfR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:This parameter specifies the

esThd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling Cell SF reserved threshold used for
R judging whether the code load
WRFD-020 Code reshuffling (LDR) is allowed. The
MOD 108 Resource code load reshuffling could be
UCELLLD Management triggered only when the minimum
R available SF of a cell is higher than
this threshold.
GUI Value Range:SF4(SF4),
SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF32(SF32),
SF64(SF64), SF128(SF128),
Actual Value Range:SF4, SF8, SF16,
SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256
Default Value:SF8(SF8)

CellLoadB BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Range of target cells

alanceRan 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load involved in the CLB feature.
ge B Balancing
Based on GUI Value
MOD Configurable Range:ONLY_TO_INTRA_RNC,
Actual Value

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:None

CellOverru BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Intra Meaning:If the cell downlink load
nThd 910 UCELLLD 104 Frequency exceeds this threshold, the algorithm
B Load Balance will decrease the pilot transmit power
of the cell so as to increase the whole
MOD system's capacity. This parameter is
UCELLLD based on network planning.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:90

CellSFCM BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Threshold for the number of

UserNumT 910 UCMCF 217 cy Load UEs that use a different scrambling
hd Balancing code, use SF codes with half
Based on numbers than usual, and work in
Configurable compressed mode in a cell. When the
Load number of such UEs in a cell is equal
Threshold to or higher than this threshold, the
RNC does not perform
inter-frequency handovers to prevent
signal interference.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:5

CellSfCSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:SF release threshold for

bRelThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load CLB specific to CS services. If SF
B Balancing usage specific to CS services in a cell
Based on is lower than this threshold, the RNC
MOD Configurable allows the cell to leave the CS CLB
UCELLCL Load state.Because of load fluctuation, the
B Threshold value difference between
"CellSfCSClbRelThd" and
"CellSfCSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:87

CellSfCSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:SF usage threshold for the
bTrigThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load CLB feature specific to CS services.
B Balancing When the SF usage in a cell is equal
Based on to or higher than this threshold, the
MOD Configurable RNC initiates inter-frequency
UCELLCL Load handovers specific to CS services in
B Threshold the cell to reduce Cell load. Because
of load fluctuation, the value
difference between
"CellSfCSClbRelThd" and
"CellSfCSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:100

CellSfPSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:SF release threshold for

bRelThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load CLB specific to PS services. If SF
B Balancing usage specific to PS services in a cell
Based on is lower than this threshold, the RNC
MOD Configurable allows the cell to leave the PS CLB
UCELLCL Load state.Because of load fluctuation, the
B Threshold value difference between
"CellSfPSClbRelThd" and
"CellSfPSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:69

CellSfPSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:SF usage threshold for the
bTrigThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load CLB feature specific to PS services.
B Balancing When the SF usage in a cell is equal
Based on to or higher than this threshold, the
MOD Configurable RNC initiates inter-frequency
UCELLCL Load handovers specific to PS services in
B Threshold the cell to reduce Cell load.Because
of load fluctuation, the value

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
difference between
"CellSfPSClbRelThd" and
"CellSfPSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:82

CellUnderr BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Intra Meaning:If the cell downlink load is
unThd 910 UCELLLD 104 Frequency lower than this threshold, the
B Load Balance algorithm will increase the pilot
transmit power of the cell so as to
MOD share load of other cells. This
UCELLLD parameter is based on network
B planning.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:30

ChoiceRprt BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If you set this parameter to
UnitForDlB 910 ULDM 102 Measurement TEN_MSEC, use [DL basic meas rprt
asicMeas cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the
measurement report period. If you set
this parameter to MIN, use [DL basic
meas rprt cycle,Unit:min] to specify
measurement report period. For
detailed information of this parameter,
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
Actual Value Range:TEN_MSEC,
Default Value:TEN_MSEC

ChoiceRprt BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If you set this parameter to
UnitForHsd 910 ULDM 102 Measurement TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA need pwr
paPwrMea meas cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the
s measurement report period. If you set
this parameter to MIN, use [HSDPA

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-11

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
need pwr meas cycle,Unit:min] to
specify measurement report period.
For detailed information of this
parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
Actual Value Range:TEN_MSEC,
Default Value:TEN_MSEC

ChoiceRprt BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If you set this parameter to
UnitForHsd 910 ULDM 102 Measurement TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA bit rate
paRateMe meas cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the
as measurement report period. If you set
this parameter to MIN, use [HSDPA
bit rate meas cycle,Unit:min] to
specify measurement report period.
For detailed information of this
parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
Actual Value Range:TEN_MSEC,
Default Value:TEN_MSEC

ChoiceRprt BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If you set this parameter to
UnitForHs 910 ULDM 102 Measurement TEN_MSEC, use [HSDPA bit rate
upaRateM meas cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the
eas measurement report period. If you set
this parameter to MIN, use [HSDPA
bit rate meas cycle,Unit:min] to
specify measurement report period.
For detailed information of this
parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
Actual Value Range:TEN_MSEC,
Default Value:TEN_MSEC

ChoiceRprt BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If you set this parameter to
UnitForUlB 910 ULDM 102 Measurement TEN_MSEC, use [UL basic meas rprt
asicMeas cycle,Unit:10ms] to specify the

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-12

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
measurement report period. If you set
this parameter to MIN, use [UL basic
meas rprt cycle,Unit:min] to specify
measurement report period. For
detailed information of this parameter,
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
Actual Value Range:TEN_MSEC,
Default Value:TEN_MSEC

ClbCodeU BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Code usage margin

sedSpaceT 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load threshold for inter-frequency
hd B Balancing handovers involved in the CLB
Based on feature. When the code usage margin
MOD Configurable in a candidate cell for inter-frequency
UCELLCL Load handovers exceeds this threshold,
B Threshold this cell can be selected as a target
cell for such handovers.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:13

CLBFlag BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Candidate flag of a cell

910 UINTERF 217 cy Load ready to accommodate UEs handed
REQNCEL Balancing over by CLB. When this parameter is
L Based on set to TRUE, the current cell is listed
Configurable on a candidate cell list during an
MOD Load inter-frequency handover triggered by
UINTERF Threshold CLB. When this parameter is set to
REQNCEL FALSE, the current cell is not on the
L list.
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Default Value:False

ClbPeriodT BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Interval for the RNC to

imerLen 910 ULDCPER 217 cy Load determine whether to initiate
IOD Balancing inter-frequency handovers. After a
Based on cell enters the CLB state, the RNC

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Configurable determines whether to initiate
Load inter-frequency handovers at this
Threshold interval. Because inter-frequency
handovers will be triggered in the load
reshuffling process, it is
recommended that this parameter be
set to the value of
GUI Value Range:1~86400
Actual Value Range:1~86400
Default Value:10

CLBPrio BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Priority of a candidate cell

910 UINTERF 217 cy Load for inter-frequency handovers
REQNCEL Balancing triggered by CLB. 0 and 15 indicate
L Based on the highest and lowest priorities,
Configurable respectively. During such a handover,
MOD Load a neighboring cell with a higher
UINTERF Threshold priority is more likely to be on the
REQNCEL candidate cell list.
GUI Value Range:0~15
Actual Value Range:0~15
Default Value:0

CodeCong BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:This switch is valid only

SelInterFre 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling when the inter-frequency handover
qHoInd R switch is enabled. TRUE means that
WRFD-020 Inter inter-frequency handover is selected
MOD 103 Frequency in code resource congestion. FALSE
UCELLLD Load Balance means that inter-frequency handover
R is not selected in code resource
congestion. This parameter should be
set based on network resource
usage. In the case of multi-frequency
coverage, if code resources present a
bottleneck, such as indoor
environment, the parameter is
recommended to be set to TRUE.
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-14

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:FALSE(FALSE)

ConnectFa BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Whether to activate the

ilRrcRedir 910 UDRD 120 Steering and RRC redirection algorithm when the
Switch Load Sharing RRC connection setup is not admitted
WRFD-020 in RRC in the current cell. RRC redirection is
40003 Connection allowed in the case of an admission
Setup failure only When this switch is turned
Inter System
Redirect This parameter takes effect only when
- OFF: The RRC redirection is not
- Only_To_Inter_Frequency: Only
RRC redirection to inter-frequency
cells is allowed.
- Allowed_To_Inter_RAT: RRC
redirections to inter-frequency cells
and inter-RAT cells are allowed.
GUI Value Range:OFF,
Actual Value Range:OFF,

CsP2DPre BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:Whether a UE can preempt

emptSwitc 910 UQUEUEP 505 Pre-Emption resources occupied by PS BE
h REEMPT services after the cell resource
admission fails under the following
-The UE moves from CELL_PCH or
-The RRC_CELL_UPDATE message
sent by the UE contains the cause
value of Originating Conversational
Call or Terminating Conversational
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF

CsSwitch BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-011 TFO/TrFO Meaning:1. CS_AMRC_SWITCH:

910 UCORRM 600 When the switch is on and the AMRC
ALGOSWI AMR/WB-AM license is activated, the AMR control
TCH WRFD-020 R Speech function is enabled for AMR services.
701 Rates Control
switch is on, the default
configurations of signaling and RABs,
which are stipulated in 3GPP 25.331,
are used for relocation of the UE from
GSM to WCDMA. When the switch is
not on, the default configurations are
not used. Instead, the complete
information of RB, TrCH, and PhyCH,
which are in the HANDOVER TO
UTRAN COMMAND message is
When the switch is on and the
"Support IUUP Version 2" license is
activated, the RNC supports the
TFO/TRFO function.
CH (Dynamic CS voice channel
allocation switch): Whether to support
the dynamic CS voice channel
allocation function.
When this switch is turned on,
wideband AMRC compatibility issues
exist and therefore the service data
rate must not be adjusted. When this
switch is turned off, such issues do
not exist and therefore the service
data rate can be adjusted.
When this switch is turned on,
narrowband AMRC compatibility
issues exist and therefore the service
data rate must not be adjusted. When

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
this switch is turned off, such issues
do not exist and therefore the service
data rate can be adjusted.
wideband AMRC can be adjusted
level by level according to the data
rate sets configured by the CN .When
this switch is turned off, wideband
AMRC cannot be adjusted level by
level. When this switch is turned on,
wideband AMRC can be adjusted
level by level.
GUI Value
Actual Value

DelayThs BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter-RAT Meaning:Propagation delay threshold

910 UCELLDIS 401 Redirection for the distance-based inter-RAT
TANCERE Based on redirection algorithm. When the

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
DIRECTIO Distance propagation delay between a UE and
N the NodeB exceeds this threshold,
the RNC activates this algorithm to
MOD redirect the UE. For details about the
UCELLDIS parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.433. The
TANCERE specifications stipulate the following:
DIRECTIO 1TP = 3chips.
GUI Value Range:0~255
Actual Value Range:0~765
Default Value:255

DI DBS3900 ADD None None Meaning:Indicates the desensitization

WCDMA/BTS39 ULOCELL intensity of the local cell, that is, the
00 ratio of uplink noise intensity to
WCDMA/BTS39 MOD background noise. If the
00A ULOCELL desensitization intensity is set as 0,
WCDMA/BTS39 SET the desensitization is not applied.
WCDMA/BTS39 GUI Value Range:0~30
00AL WCDMA Actual Value Range:0~30
Default Value:0

DlBasicCo BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:L3 filtering coefficient. The

mmMeasFi 910 ULDM 102 Measurement larger the value of this parameter, the
lterCoeff stronger the smoothing effect and the
higher the anti-slow-fading capability,
but the lower the signal change
tracing capability. For detailed
information of this parameter, refer to
3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:D0, D1, D2, D3,
D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13,
D15, D17, D19
Actual Value Range:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
Default Value:D6

DlBeTraffIn BSC6900/BSC6 SET UFRC WRFD-021 Dynamic Meaning:DL initial access rate of PS
itBitrate 910 101 Channel background or interactive service.
Configuration When DCCC function is enabled, the
Control downlink initial access rate will be set

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
(DCCC) to this value if the downlink maximum
rate is higher than the initial access
GUI Value Range:D8, D16, D32, D64,
D128, D144, D256, D384
Actual Value Range:8, 16, 32, 64,
128, 144, 256, 384
Default Value:D64

DlCacAvgF BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

ilterLen 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of downlink CAC.
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:5

DlClbCredi BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Margin threshold for

tSfSpaceT 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load downlink cell credit resources for
hd B Balancing inter-frequency handovers involved in
Based on the CLB feature. When the remaining
MOD Configurable downlink credit resources in a
UCELLCL Load candidate cell for inter-frequency
B Threshold handovers exceeds this threshold,
this cell can be selected as a target
cell for such handovers.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:13

DlCreditCS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Clearance threshold for high

ClbRelThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load downlink cell credit usage specific to
B Balancing CS services. If the downlink credit
Based on usage specific to CS services in a cell
MOD Configurable is lower than this threshold, the RNC
UCELLCL Load allows the cell to leave the CS CLB
B Threshold state.Because of load fluctuation, the
value difference between
"DlCreditCSClbRelThd" and
"DlCreditCSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-19

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:87

DlCreditCS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Cell downlink credit usage

ClbTrigThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load threshold for the CLB feature specific
B Balancing to CS services. When the downlink
Based on credit usage in a cell is equal to or
MOD Configurable higher than this threshold, the RNC
UCELLCL Load initiates inter-frequency handovers
B Threshold specific to CS services in the cell to
reduce Cell load.Because of load
fluctuation, the value difference
between "DlCreditCSClbRelThd" and
"DlCreditCSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:100

DlCreditPS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Clearance threshold for high

ClbRelThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load downlink cell credit usage specific to
B Balancing PS services. If the downlink credit
Based on usage specific to PS services in a cell
MOD Configurable is lower than this threshold, the RNC
UCELLCL Load allows the cell to leave the PS CLB
B Threshold state.Because of load fluctuation, the
value difference between
"DlCreditPSClbRelThd" and
"DlCreditPSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:69

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-20

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

DlCreditPS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Cell downlink credit usage

ClbTrigThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load threshold for the CLB feature specific
B Balancing to PS services. When the downlink
Based on credit usage in a cell is equal to or
MOD Configurable higher than this threshold, the RNC
UCELLCL Load initiates inter-frequency handovers
B Threshold specific to PS services in the cell to
reduce Cell load.Because of load
fluctuation, the value difference
between "DlCreditPSClbRelThd" and
"DlCreditPSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:82

DlCSInter BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of users selected in

RatShould 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a DL LDR CS domain inter-RAT
BeHOUeN R SHOULDBE load handover. The
um target subscribers of this parameter
MOD are the CS domain subscribers.
UCELLLD Because the CS domain subscribers
R are session subscribers in general
and they have little impact on load,
you can set this parameter to a
comparatively high value.
GUI Value Range:1~10
Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:3

DlCSInter BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of users selected in

RatShould 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a DL LDR CS domain inter-RAT
NotHOUe R SHOULDNOTBE load handover.
MOD GUI Value Range:1~10
R Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:3

DlDcccRat BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-021Dynamic Meaning:Downlink bit rate threshold

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
eThd 910 UDCCC 101 Channel for DCCC. When the maximum
Configuration downlink bit rate of a BE service is
Control larger than this parameter value, the
(DCCC) traffic-based downlink DCCC function
can take effect for the UE. Otherwise,
the function cannot take effect for the
GUI Value Range:D8, D16, D32, D64,
D128, D144, D256, D384
Actual Value Range:8, 16, 32, 64,
128, 144, 256, 384
Default Value:D64

DlInterFreq BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:The UE can be selected to

HoBWThd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling process load handover only when its
R bandwidth is less than this threshold.
MOD GUI Value Range:0~400000
R Actual Value Range:0~400000
Default Value:200000

DlInterFreq BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:The inter-frequency

HoCellLoa 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling neighboring cell could be selected as
dSpaceTh R the destination of load handover only
d when its load remaining space is
MOD larger than this threshold. The lower
UCELLLD the parameter is, the easier it is to find
R a qualified target cell for the blind
handover. Excessively small value of
the parameter, however makes the
target cell easily enter the congestion
status. The higher the parameter is,
the more difficult it is for the
inter-frequency blind handover
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:20

DlLdrAMR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:The maximum number of

RateReduc 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling RABs selected in executing the action

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
tionRabNu R of downlink LDR-AMR voice service
m rate reduction. The mechanism of the
MOD LDR is that an action is performed in
UCELLLD each [LDR period] and a part of
R services are selected based on the
action rules to perform this action.
GUI Value Range:1~10
Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:1

DlLdrAvgFi BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

lterLen 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of downlink LDR.
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:5

DlLdrBERa BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of RABs selected in

teReductio 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a DL LDR BE traffic rate reduction.
nRabNum R
GUI Value Range:1~10
UCELLLD Actual Value Range:1~10
R Unit:None
Default Value:1

DlLdrCredi BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Threshold of SF reserved in

tSfResThd 910 UNODEBL 106 Reshuffling downlink credit LDR. The downlink
DR credit LDR is triggered when the SF
factor corresponding to the downlink
MOD reserved credit is higher than the
UNODEBL uplink or downlink credit SF reserved
DR threshold.
GUI Value Range:SF4(SF4),
SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF32(SF32),
SF64(SF64), SF128(SF128),
Actual Value Range:SF4, SF8, SF16,
SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256
Default Value:SF8(SF8)

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

DlLdrCredi BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Reserved SF threshold in

tSfResThd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling downlink credit LDR. The downlink
R credit LDR could be triggered only
when the SF factor corresponding to
MOD the downlink reserved credit is higher
UCELLLD than the uplink or downlink credit SF
R reserved threshold.
GUI Value Range:SF4(SF4),
SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF32(SF32),
SF64(SF64), SF128(SF128),
Actual Value Range:SF4, SF8, SF16,
SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256
Default Value:SF8(SF8)

DlLdrFirstA BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:NOACT: No load reshuffling

ction 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling action is taken.
MOD inter-frequency load handover is
UCELLLD performed.
BERATERED: Channels are
reconfigured for the BE service.
QOSRENEGO: The renegotiation on
the QoS of the uncontrollable
real-time service is performed.
The inter-RAT SHOULDBE load
handover of the CS domain is
The inter-RAT SHOULDBE load
handover of the PS domain is
AMRRATERED (AMR service rate
decreasing): The setting of the TFC
subset and the negotiation of the
service rate can be performed for the
AMR voice service.
limiting): The MBMS service is
configured with the minimum power.
CODEADJ (code tree reshuffling):

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-24

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
The fragments of the downlink code
tree are arranged.
The inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load
handover of the CS domain is
The inter-RAT SHOULDNOTBE load
handover of the PS domain is
The LDR takes the actions in the
preset sequence and judges whether
each action is successful. If an action
is unsuccessful, the LDR turns to the
next action. If an action is successful,
a parameter is set to NOACT, or all
the preceding actions are taken, the
downlink LDR is finished, and the
system waits for the next triggering of
the LDR.
Because each action is performed by
its algorithm module, the LDR
algorithm only selects users and
delivers control messages, the
execution result of each action can be
obtained after a delay, and the LDR
algorithm cannot wait for a long time,
so the LDR can only judge whether
the actions succeed by whether
candidate users are found.
The inter-frequency load handover
has no impact on the QoS of users
and can balance the cell load, so the
inter-frequency load handover usually
serves as the first action.
The BE service rate reduction is
effective only when the DCCC
algorithm is enabled.
GUI Value Range:NoAct(no action),
InterFreqLDHO(inter-freq load
handover), BERateRed(BE traff rate
reduction), QoSRenego(uncontrolled
real-time traff Qos re-negotiation),
domain inter-rat should be load
domain inter-rat should be load

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-25

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
handover), AMRRateRed(AMR traff
rate reduction),
MBMSDecPower(MBMS descend
power), CodeAdj(Code adjust),
domain inter-rat should not be load
domain inter-rat should not be load
handover), PSInterU2LLDHO
Actual Value Range:NoAct,
InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed,
AMRRateRed, MBMSDecPower,
Default Value:CodeAdj(Code adjust)

DlLdrPsRT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of RABs selected in

QosReneg 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a DL LDR uncontrolled real-time
RabNum R traffic QoS renegotiation. The target
subscribers of this parameter are the
MOD PS domain real-time subscribers. The
UCELLLD setting of this parameter is similar to
R the setting of BE service rate
reduction subscriber number.
Considering the scenario where the
candidate subscribers selected for
downlink LDR do not meet the QoS
renegotiation conditions, you need to
leave a part of margin when setting
this parameter to ensure the success
of LDR.
GUI Value Range:1~10
Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:1

DlLdrRelT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If the ratio of DL load of the
hd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling cell to the downlink capacity is lower
M than this threshold, the DL load
reshuffling function of the cell is

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-26

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
MOD stopped. After the basic congestion
UCELLLD state of the cell load is released, the
M system no longer implements the
LDR action. Because the load
fluctuates, the difference between the
LDR release threshold and trigger
threshold should be higher than 10%.
The ping-pong effect of the
preliminary congestion state will occur
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:60

DlLdrTrigT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If the ratio of DL load of the
hd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling cell to the downlink capacity is not
M lower than this threshold, the DL load
reshuffling function of the cell is
MOD triggered. After the basic congestion
UCELLLD state of the cell load is released, the
M system no longer implements the
LDR action. Because the load
fluctuates, the difference between the
LDR release threshold and trigger
threshold should be higher than 10%.
The ping-pong effect of the
preliminary congestion state will occur
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:70

DlLdTrnsH BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If the DL load state of the
ysTime 910 UCELLLD 102 Measurement cell is lasted longer than this
M threshold, the DL load state of the cell
UCELLLD GUI Value Range:10~600000
Actual Value Range:10~600000
Default Value:1000

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-27

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

DlOlcAvgFi BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

lterLen 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of downlink OLC.
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:5

DlOlcFTFR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:DL fast TF restriction refers

strctRabNu 910 UCELLOL 107 Control to a situation where, when the cell is
m C overloaded and congested, the
downlink TF can be adjusted to
MOD restrict the number of blocks
UCELLOL transported in each TTI at the MAC
C layer and the rate of user data, thus
reducing the cell downlink load.
The mechanism of the OLC is that an
action is performed in each [OLC
period] and a part of services are
selected based on the action rules to
perform this action. This parameter
defines the maximum number of
RABs selected in executing downlink
OLC fast restriction.
Selection of RABs of the OLC is
based on the service priorities and
ARP values and bearing priority
indication. The RAB of low priority is
under control.
GUI Value Range:1~10
Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:3

DlOlcFTFR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:The maximum number of

strctTimes 910 UCELLOL 107 Control times downlink OLC fast TF
C restriction is executed during the
process of cell entering/quitting the
MOD OLC state. The OLC mechanism is as
UCELLOL follows: An action is performed in
C each [OLC period] and a part of
services are selected based on the
action rules to perform this action.
When overload and congestion
occurs, the RNC immediately

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
executes the OLC action by first
executing fast TF restriction. The
internal counter is incremented by 1
with each execution. If the number of
times overload and congestion occurs
does not exceed this threshold value,
the system reduces the BE service
rate by lowering TF to mitigate
overload. If the number of times
overload and congestion occurs
exceeds this threshold value, fast TF
restriction has no obvious effect on
mitigating overload. In this case, the
system has to switch BE services to
common channels or release users to
solve the overload problem.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:3

DlOlcMeas BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:L3 filtering coefficient. The

FilterCoeff 910 ULDM 102 Measurement larger the value of this parameter, the
stronger the smoothing effect and the
higher the anti-slow-fading capability,
but the lower the signal change
tracing capability. For detailed
information of this parameter, refer to
3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:D0, D1, D2, D3,
D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13,
D15, D17, D19
Actual Value Range:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
Default Value:D3

DlOlcRelT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:If the ratio of DL load of the
hd 910 UCELLLD 107 Control cell to the downlink capacity is lower
M than this threshold, the DL overload
and congestion control function of the
MOD cell is stopped. The value of the OLC
UCELLLD release threshold should not be much
M lower than or close to the OLC trigger
threshold, or the system state will
have a ping-pong effect easily. The

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
recommended difference between the
OLC release threshold and the OLC
trigger threshold is higher than 10%.
It is desirable to set the two
parameters a bit higher given that the
difference between OLC trigger
threshold and OLC release threshold
is fixed.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:85

DlOlcTraff BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:The maximum number of

RelRabNu 910 UCELLOL 107 Control RABs released in executing the
m C action of downlink OLC service
release when setting the OLC
MOD algorithm.
C The OLC mechanism is as follows: An
action is performed in each [OLC
period] and a part of services are
selected based on the action rules to
perform this action. RAB release is an
extreme method in reducing the cell
load and recovering the system when
the cell is overloaded and
congested.For a user processing a
single service, releasing RABs means
releasing the user.
GUI Value Range:0~10
Actual Value Range:0~10
Default Value:0

DlOlcTrigT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:If the ratio of DL load of the
hd 910 UCELLLD 107 Control cell to the downlink capacity is not
M lower than this threshold, the DL
overload and congestion control
MOD function of the cell is triggered. The
UCELLLD value of the OLC release threshold
M should not be much lower than or
close to the OLC trigger threshold, or
the system state will have a
ping-pong effect easily. The
recommended difference between the
OLC release threshold and the OLC

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
trigger threshold is higher than 10%.
It is desirable to set the two
parameters a bit higher given that the
difference between OLC trigger
threshold and OLC release threshold
is fixed.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:95

DlPSInterR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of users selected in

atShouldB 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a DL LDR PS domain inter-RAT
eHOUeNu R SHOULDBE load handover.
MOD GUI Value Range:1~10
R Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:1

DlPSInterR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of users selected in

atShouldN 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a DL LDR PS domain inter-RAT
otHOUeNu R SHOULDNOTBE load handover.
MOD GUI Value Range:1~10
R Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:1

DlPSU2LH BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-150 Load Based Meaning:Number of UEs for

OUeNum 910 UCELLLD 216 PS performing downlink UMTS-to-LTE
R Redirection PS handovers.
WRFD-150 from UMTS to
MOD 217 LTE GUI Value Range:1~10
R Load Based Actual Value Range:1~10
PS Handover Unit:None
from UMTS to
LTE Default Value:1

DlPwrCSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Clearance threshold for the

bRelThd 910 UCELLLD 217 cy Load CS CLB state triggered by high
M Balancing downlink cell power load. When the
Based on downlink power load in a cell is lower
MOD Configurable than this threshold for a period of time

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-31

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
UCELLLD Load longer than the value of
M Threshold "DlLdTrnsHysTime", the cell leaves
the CS CLB state and the RNC does
not perform any inter-frequency CS
handovers for CLB. Because of load
fluctuation, the value difference
between "DlPwrCSClbRelThd" and
"DlPwrCSClbTrigThd" must be larger
than 10%. Otherwise, the cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:90

DlPwrCSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Downlink cell power load

bTrigThd 910 UCELLLD 217 cy Load threshold for the CS CLB state. When
M Balancing the downlink power load in a cell is
Based on equal to or higher than this threshold
MOD Configurable for a period of time longer than the
UCELLLD Load value of "DlLdTrnsHysTime", the RNC
M Threshold hands over UEs processing CS
services to an inter-frequency
neighboring cell. Because of load
fluctuations, the value difference
between "DlPwrCSClbRelThd" and
"DlPwrCSClbTrigThd" must be larger
than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:100

DlPwrLoad BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Margin threshold for the

SpaceThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load downlink cell power load for
B Balancing inter-frequency handovers involved in
Based on the CLB feature. When the downlink
MOD Configurable cell power load margin in a candidate
UCELLCL Load cell for inter-frequency handovers
B Threshold exceeds this threshold, this cell can
be selected as a target cell for such

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:15

DlPwrPSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Clearance threshold for the

bRelThd 910 UCELLLD 217 cy Load PS CLB state triggered by high
M Balancing downlink cell power load. When the
Based on downlink power load in a cell is lower
MOD Configurable than this threshold for a period of time
UCELLLD Load longer than the value of
M Threshold "DlLdTrnsHysTime", the cell leaves
the PS CLB state and the RNC does
not perform any inter-frequency PS
handovers for CLB. Because of load
fluctuation, the value difference
between "DlPwrPSClbRelThd" and
"DlPwrPSClbTrigThd" must be larger
than 10%. Otherwise, the cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:30

DlPwrPSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Downlink cell power load

bTrigThd 910 UCELLLD 217 cy Load threshold for the PS CLB state. When
M Balancing the downlink power load in a cell is
Based on equal to or higher than this threshold
MOD Configurable for a period of time longer than the
UCELLLD Load value of "DlLdTrnsHysTime", the RNC
M Threshold hands over UEs processing PS
services to an inter-frequency
neighboring cell. Because of load
fluctuations, the value difference
between "DlPwrPSClbRelThd" and
"DlPwrPSClbTrigThd" must be larger
than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:40

DraSwitch BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 HSDPA State Meaning:Dynamic resource allocation

910 UCORRM 61111 Transition switch group.
61208 DCCC switch is on, the active queue
management algorithm is used for the
61404 2ms/10ms
TTI Handover 2.
502 Active Queue OPT_SWITCH: When the switch is
Management on, the TTI dynamic adjustment
WRFD-021 (AQM)
101 algorithm for admission CE-based BE
Dynamic services applies to the UE with the UL
WRFD-050 Channel enhanced L2 feature. This parameter
405 Configuration is valid when
WRFD-050 Control FG_SWITCH(DraSwitch) is set to
408 (DCCC)
WRFD-010 Overbooking
on ATM 3.
WRFD-010 FG_SWITCH: When the switch is on,
61403 Overbooking the TTI dynamic adjustment algorithm
on IP is supported for admission CE-based
WRFD-010 Transmission BE services.
TTI Switch for 4.
61111 Based on PT_SWITCH: When the switch is on,
Coverage the TTI dynamic adjustment algorithm
for coverage-based BE services
HSUPA 2ms applies to the UE with the UL
TTI enhanced L2 feature. This parameter
UE State in is valid when
Mode G_SWITCH(DraSwitch) is set to ON.
URA-PCH, G_SWITCH: When the switch is on,
CELL-FACH) the TTI dynamic adjustment algorithm
HSDPA State is supported for coverage-based BE
Transition services.
_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the
TTI dynamic adjustment algorithm for
differentiation-based BE services
applies to the UE with the UL
enhanced L2 feature. This parameter

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
is valid when
SWITCH(DraSwitch) is set to ON.
SWITCH: When the switch is on, the
TTI dynamic adjustment algorithm is
supported for differentiation-based
BE services.
8. DRA_DCCC_SWITCH: When the
switch is on, the dynamic channel
reconfiguration control algorithm is
used for the RNC.
L_SWITCH: When the switch is on,
flow control is enabled for HSDPA
services in AM mode.
CH: When the switch is on, the status
of the UE RRC that carrying HSDPA
services can be changed to
CELL_FACH at the RNC. If a PS BE
service is carried over the HS-DSCH,
the switch
should be on simultaneously. If a PS
real-time service is carried over the
HS-DSCH, the switch
CH should be on simultaneously.
When the switch is on, the DCCC
algorithm is used for HSUPA. The
DCCC switch must be also on before
this switch takes effect.
CH: When the switch is on, the status
of the UE RRC that carrying HSUPA
services can be changed to
CELL_FACH at the RNC. If a PS BE
service is carried over the E-DCH, the
should be on simultaneously. If a PS
real-time service is carried over the

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
E-DCH, the switch
CH should be on simultaneously.
Switch of the algorithm for increasing
the quality of subscribed services.
When this parameter is set to ON, the
service priority weight of the
subscriber whose key parameters (IP
Address, IP Port, and IP Protocol
Type) match the specified ones can
be adjusted. In this way, the QoS is
CH: When the switch is on, UE RRC
status transition
) is allowed at the RNC.
_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the
status of the UE RRC that carrying
real-time services can be changed to
WITCH: Under a poor radio
environment, the QoS of high speed
services drops considerably and the
TX power is overly high. In this case,
the RNC can set restrictions on low
data rate transmission formats based
on the transmission quality, thus
lowering traffic speed and TX power.
When the switch is on, the R99
downlink flow control function is
CH: When the switch is on, the DCCC
based on traffic statistics is supported
over the DCH.
when the switch is on, the TTI
selection based on the voice service

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
type (including VoIP and CS over
HSPA) is supported when the service
is initially established.
when the switch is on, the TTI
adjustment based on the voice
service type (including VoIP and CS
over HSPA) is supported.
SWITCH: Whether to prohibit channel
retries for CS and PS combined
services. When this switch is turned
on, channel retries are prohibited for
CS and PS combined services. When
this switch is turned off, channel
retries are allowed for CS and PS
combined services.
S_SWITCH: Whether to activate the
fast state transition algorithm. When
this switch is turned on, the RNC
identifies UEs supporting fast state
transition and then quickly transits the
UEs from CELL_DCH to
CH: Whether to activate the algorithm
for smart PCH-to-DCH state transition
specific to UEs in the CELL_PCH or
URA_PCH state. When this switch is
turned on, the RNC identifies UEs
supporting smart PCH-to-DCH state
transition and then transits the UEs
from CELL_PCH or URA_PCH to
L_SWITCH: Whether initial TTI
selection is allowed for differentiated
BE services based on fairness
0: This switch is turned off. The TTI is
selected according to the original
1: This switch is turned on. In the

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
dynamic TTI adjustment algorithm for
differentiated BE services based on
fairness, HSUPA UEs use 10-ms TTI
if the RTWP, occupied Iub bandwidth,
or consumed CE resources are
SEL_SWITCH: Whether to activate
the coverage-based initial TTI
selection algorithm specific to BE
services. When this switch is turned
on and conditions on 2 ms TTI
specific to BE services has been met,
the RNC determines uplink coverage
wideness of specific cells based on
the Ec/N0 values reported by UEs
during RRC connection. If the uplink
coverage of the cells is weak, the
RNC allocates a 10 ms TTI to BE
services as their initial TTI.
25. DRA_F2U_SWITCH: Whether to
enable state transition from
CELL_FACH to URA_PCH.When this
switch is turned on, a UE can directly
move from the CELL_FACH to
URA_PCH state. When this switch is
turned off, a UE must move from the
CELL_FACH to CELL_PCH and then
to URA_PCH state.
GUI Value

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

DrdOrLdrFl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Enhanced Meaning:Flag of a cell on which the

ag 910 UINTERF 160 Multiband DRD(Direct Retry Decision)
REQNCEL Management measurement or LDR(Load
L Reshuffling) measurement is
performed. If this parameter is set to
MOD TRUE, the cell can be considered as
UINTERF the measurement object in the DRD

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
REQNCEL measurement algorithm or LDR
L measurement algorithm. If this
parameter is set to FALSE, the cell is
GUI Value Range:FALSE(Do not
send), TRUE(Send)
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Default Value:FALSE(Do not send)

DrSwitch BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 HSDPA DRD Meaning:Direct retry switch group.
910 UCORRM 61112
TCH WRFD-020 Steering and switch for RRC connection): When
120 Load Sharing the switch is on, DRD and redirection
in RRC is performed for RRC connection if
WRFD-020 Connection retry is required.
40001 Setup
40002 Direct Retry D switch for single RAB): When the
WRFD-020 Inter System switch is on, DRD is performed for
40003 single service if retry is required.
Direct Retry
WRFD-020 Inter System 3)
Redirect D switch for combine RAB): When the
Traffic switch is on, DRD is performed for
Steering and combined services if retry is required.
Load Sharing 4)
Setup ER-RAT DRD switch): When this
switch is turned on, inter-RAT directed
retry is supported.
GUI Value
Actual Value

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

EcN0Effect BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-010 3.4/6.8/13.6/2 Meaning:Time period for valid Ec/No
Time 910 UCELLFR 510 7.2Kbps RRC or RSCP. This parameter defines the
C Connection time period during which the reported
WRFD-150 and Radio values of Ec/No or RSCP are
MOD 232 Access considered as valid values. The time
UCELLFR Bearer period starts from the time the system
C Establishmen receives the first Ec/No or RSCP.
t and Release
GUI Value Range:0~65535
Direct Retry Actual Value Range:0~65535
Based on UE Unit:ms
Default Value:5000

EcN0Ths BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-010 3.4/6.8/13.6/2 Meaning:Threshold for determining

910 UCELLFR 510 7.2Kbps RRC the signal quality in a cell. If the
C Connection reported Ec/No exceeds the value of
and Radio this parameter, you can infer that the
MOD Access signal quality in the cell is good and a
UCELLFR Bearer high code rate can be set for initial
C Establishmen access.
t and Release
Actual Value = (GUI Value -
49(offset)) x 0.5.
GUI Value Range:0~49
Actual Value Range:-24.5~0
Default Value:41

EmcPreeR BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:Whether to allow emergency

efVulnSwit 910 UQUEUEP 505 Pre-Emption calls to perform unconditional
ch REEMPT preemption.When the switch is
enabled, users attempting emergency
call can preempt the resources from
all the accessed users for non
emergency call. When the switch is
disabled, users attempting
emergency call can only preempt
resources from the users for non
emergency call when they are
configured with the preempted
attributes and ARP information

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:ON

EUTRANS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Mobility Meaning:This parameter specifies

HIND 910 UTYPRAB 126 Between whether to allow the service-based
BASIC UMTS and handover of UEs from UMTS to LTE.
WRFD-020 LTE Phase 1
MOD 129 GUI Value
Actual Value

FACHPow BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 3.4/6.8/13.6/2 Meaning:Specifies the Ec/No

er4RRCRe 910 URRCEST 510 7.2Kbps RRC threshold for increasing the FACH
pEcNoThd CAUSE Connection transmit power when the RNC sends
and Radio a duplicate RRC Connection Setup
Access message to the UE. At the RRC
Bearer connection setup phase, if the FACH
Establishmen Ec/No value reported by the UE is
t and Release less than the threshold, the RNC
increases the FACH power when
sending a duplicate RRC Connection
Setup message. Otherwise, the RNC
retains the FACH power. If this
parameter is set to -24, the RNC does
not increase the FACH transmit
power when sending a duplicate RRC
Connection Setup message. For
details, see 3GPP TS 25.215.
GUI Value Range:-24~0
Actual Value Range:-24~0
Default Value:-24

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-43

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

FACHPwr BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:This parameter defines the

ReduceVal 910 UCELLOL 107 Control reduce value in Downlink reducing
ue C FACH power Action.
MOD GUI Value Range:0~30
C Actual Value Range:0~3
Default Value:0

FuncSwitc BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Dynamic Meaning:1. ICR(ICR): In the

h1 910 UCELLLIC 215 Configuration drop-down list of this parameter, the
ENSE of HSDPA switch ICR Function Activated is
WRFD-140 CQI added to control whether to activate
MOD 216 Feedback Intra Circle Roaming (ICR). When
UCELLLIC Period setting of this switch takes effect,
217 handovers of UEs of primary,
Load-based secondary, or partner operators are
WRFD-150 Uplink Target optimized as cells of ICR partner
201 BLER operators become a handover target
Configuration candidate. When setting of this switch
Inter-Frequen does not take effect, ICR partner
cy Load operators are not a handover target
Balancing candidate. After intra-circle roaming
Based on (ICR) is successfully activated in a
Configurable cell, Inter RAT Inter Plmn Ho Allowed
Load in the "SET
command should be set to DISABLE
Macro & to ensure that the call drop rate and
Micro handover success rate are not
Co-carrier affected.
Interference 2.
PE_STEERING(Intelligent Interfreq
UE Type Steering): When this switch
is turned on, the Intelligent
Inter-Carrier UE Layered
Management function is enabled.
H(Cell ICR Demarcation Switch):
When this switch is turned on, the
ICR Demarcation function is enabled.
Configuration of HSDPA CQI
Feedback Period): License control
switch for the function of Dynamic
Configuration of HSDPA CQI

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Feedback Period. When this switch is
turned on, functions controlled by
PS_SWITCH can take effect.
5. DYN_BLER_PS(Load-based
Uplink Target BLER Configuration):
License control switch for the
load-based uplink target BLER
Load Balancing Based on Config
Load Thd): Whether to enable the
feature Inter-Frequency Load
Balancing Based on Configurable
Load Threshold (CLB). When this
switch is turned on in a cell and the
load balancing function specific to a
resource type is enabled, the function
of measurement-based
inter-frequency handover related to
load balancing is available to this cell.
amic Target RoT Adjustment):
License control switch for the
Dynamic Target RoT Adjustment
TCH(Cell MOCN Demarcation
Switch): Whether to enable the
MOCN Cell Resource Demarcation
function for multiple operators in an
MOCN cell. When this switch is
turned on, the cell supports MOCN
demarcation; when this switch is
turned off, the cell does not support
MOCN demarcation. Before turning
on this switch, perform the following
operations: 1. Activate the MOCN
Introduction Package feature. 2. Run
the "ADD
command to add the HSDPA power

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-45

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
resource ratio for all operators of the
operator group controlling the cell, or
run the "ADD
to add the SF resource ratio for these
INTERF_CONTROL: License switch
for activating the Macro and Micro
Co-Carrier Uplink Interference
Control feature. This feature includes
the following sub-features: Macro &
Micro Joint Inter-frequency
Redirection: controlled by the
switch, Macro & Micro Joint
Inter-frequency Handover: controlled
by the
EQ_OUT_SWITCH" switch, Micro
Cell Dynamic Rx Sensitivity Control:
controlled by the
switch. This feature and these three
sub-features can take effect only
when all the four switches are turned
IM: Controls whether the RNC
supports RIM-based load query and
load sharing. When this switch is
turned on, this function takes effect.
H: Controls whether the RNC
supports MOCN introduce pack.
When this switch is turned on, this
function takes effect.
GUI Value Range:ICR(ICR),
PE_STEERING(Intelligent Interfreq
UE Type Steering),
H(Cell ICR Demarcation Switch),
Configuration of HSDPA CQI
Feedback Period),
DYN_BLER_PS(Load-based Uplink

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Target BLER Configuration),
Load Balancing Based on Config
Load Thd),
amic Target RoT Adjustment),
TCH(MOCN Cell Resource
Micro Co-carrier UL Interference
IM(Cellload Shared Based on RIM),
H(MOCN Introduce Pack Switch)
Actual Value Range:ICR,

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

FuncSwitc BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-150 Multiband Meaning:1.BASED_UE_LOC_DRD_

h2 910 UCELLLIC 232 Direct Retry SWITCH: Whether the function of UE
ENSE Based on UE location-based multi-band DRD is
WRFD-150 Location available. When the conditions of
MOD 236 path loss are met, cell edge UEs in a
UCELLLIC Load Based high-band cell perform the DRD
ENSE Dynamic procedure towards a low-band cell, or
Adjustment of cell center UEs in a low-band cell
PCPICH perform the DRD procedure towards
a high-band cell. The function of UE
location-based multi-band DRD takes
effect only when this parameter is
turned on and the
"BasedUELocDRDSwitch" parameter
in the "SET UDRD" or "ADD
UCELLDRD" command is also turned
J: Whether the license function switch
for dynamic load-based pilot power
adjustment is enabled.
GUI Value
Actual Value

GAIN DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the gain of the

WCDMA/BTS39 TMASUBU TMA subunit. If this parameter is set
00 NIT to 255, it is invalid and the actual gain
WCDMA/BTS39 is not changed.
WCDMA/BTS39 GUI Value Range:0~255
00L Actual Value Range:0~63.75,
WCDMA/BTS39 step:0.25
Default Value:255

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

GoldUserL BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Indicates whether gold

oadControl 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling users involve in the switch of
Switch R congestion control. According to the
policy set for gold users by operators,
MOD if service quality of gold users should
UCELLLD be guaranteed even in resource
R congestion, the switch should be
disabled. If the switch is enabled,
LDR such as rate reduction and
handover also occurs on gold users
even in cell resource congestion,
which impacts user service quality. If
the switch is disabled, no action is
performed on gold users.
GUI Value Range:OFF(OFF),
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF(OFF)

HCSPrio BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-021 HCS Meaning:HCS priority of the cell

910 UCELLHC 200 (Hierarchical belongs to. The parameter depends
S Cell on HCS rules. For details, refer to
WRFD-010 Structure) 3GPP TS 25.304. The value 0
MOD 801 indicates the highest-hierarchy cell
S WRFD-010 Cell Update and the value 7 indicates the
802 lowest-hierarchy cell. High-hierarchy
Inter RNC cells are macro cells having large
Cell Update coverage areas where UEs move at
high speeds. Low-hierarchy cells are
micro cells having small coverage
areas where UEs move at low
GUI Value Range:0~7
Actual Value Range:0~7
Default Value:0

HoSwitch BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 HSDPA Meaning:1.

ALGOSWI Package TCH: When the switch is on, the RNC
TCH WRFD-010 evaluates the UE's moving speed in
61006 HSDPA the HCS and initiates fast intra-layer
Mobility or slow inter-layer handover.
WRFD-010 Management
612 2.

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
61204 Introduction TCH: When the switch is on, the LDR
Package inter-frequency handover is allowed
WRFD-020 during soft handover.
WRFD-020 Management When the switch is on, the UE
201 requires that the redirection strategy
Inter be used for frequency layer
WRFD-020 Frequency
202 convergence.
Load Balance
203 When the switch is on, the associated
Softer receiving and mobility algorithms of
WRFD-020 Handover the overlay network are used. When
301 Intra RNC the switch is not on, the associated
algorithms are not used. Overlay
WRFD-020 Soft network is an UTRAN network
302 Handover
covering present network, it supports
WRFD-020 Inter RNC HSPA, MBMS and other new
303 Soft features. To satisfy new requirements
Handover of operator and restrictions of present
WRFD-020 network, overlay network realizes
304 Intra operation distribution and load
Frequency sharing between new network and
WRFD-020 Hard present network, also gives special
305 Handover handling for mobility management of
WRFD-020 Inter network verge.
306 Frequency 5.
WRFD-020 Handover
308 TCH: When the switch is on, the RNC
Based on is allowed to initiate inter-frequency
WRFD-020 Coverage measure control or the load-based
30801 Inter-RAT inter-frequency hard handover upon
the handover decision on
WRFD-020 Handover inter-frequency load.
30802 Based on
Coverage 6.
309 Inter
Frequency WITCH: Whether to enable
WRFD-021 Hard service-based PS handover from
200 Handover UMTS to LTE. When this switch is
Based on DL turned on, the RNC can send LTE
129 message based on service and
Inter-RAT initiate service-based PS handover
WRFD-070 Handover from UMTS to LTE. When this switch
005 Based on is turned off, the RNC cannot initiate
WRFD-070 Service service-based PS handover from
006 UMTS to LTE.
WRFD-070 Handover 7.

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
007 Load : When the switch is on, the RNC is
allowed to initiate inter-frequency
WRFD-020 Inter-RAT measure control and the CS
106 Handover inter-RAT hard handover from the 3G
Phase 2 network to the 2G network.
102 NACC(Netwo 8.
Cell Change) HG_NACC_SWITCH: When the
PS Handover switch is on, the NACC function is
Between supported during the PS inter-RAT
UMTS and handover from the 3G network to the
GPRS 2G network in the cell change order
process. When the switch is not on,
Inter-RAT the NACC function is not supported.
Handover When
QoS is ON, this switch is useless. When
the NACC function is supported, the
HCS UE skips the reading procedure as
(Hierarchical the SI/PSI of the target cell is
Cell provided after the UE accesses the
Structure) 2G cell. Thus, the delay of inter-cell
PS Service handover is reduced.
Redirection 9.
LTE ATION_SWITCH: When the switch is
NACC on, the PS inter-RAT handover from
Procedure the 3G network to the 2G network is
Optimization performed in the relocation process.
Based on When the switch is not on, the PS
Iur-g inter-RAT handover from the 3G
network to the 2G network is
GSM and performed in the cell change order
UMTS Load process.
Based on 10.
: When the switch is on, the RNC is
GSM and allowed to initiate inter-frequency
UMTS Traffic measure control and the PS inter-RAT
Steering hard handover from the 3G network
Based on to the 2G network.
Reshuffling O_SWITCH: When the switch is on,
the attributes of inter-RAT handover
CS Fallback of the services are based on the
Guarantee for configuration of RNC parameters.
LTE When the switch is not on, the
Emergency attributes are set on the basis of the
CN. If no information is provided by

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Calls the CN, the attributes are then based
on the RNC parameters.
ACTSET_SWITCH: When the switch
is on, the cells in the detected set
from which the RNC receives their
valid event reports can be added to
the active set. The cells allowed to be
added to the active set must be the
neighboring cells of the cells in the
active set.
SWITCH: When the switch is on, the
intra-frequency measurement reports
of the detected set can be reported by
TCH: When the switch is on, the RNC
is allowed to initiate the
intra-frequency hard handover.
CH: When the switch is on, the event
1J is included in the delivery of
intra-frequency measurement control
if the UE version is R6.
TCH: When the switch is on, the cells
on the RNC can active the soft
handover. When the RNC receives
reports on the events 1A, 1B, 1C, or
1D, associated addition, removal, and
replacement of handover cell of the
soft handover are initiated.
_SWITCH: When the switch is on, the
neighboring cell whose frequency
band is beyond the UE's capabilities
can also be delivered in the
inter-frequency measurement list.
H: When the switch is on, the

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
neighboring cell combined algorithm
is used during the delivery of the
objects to be measured. When the
switch is not on, the optimal cell
algorithm is used.
TCH: When the switch is on,
intra-frequency handover is allowed
over the Iur interface if the UE has
only signaling.
When the switch is on, quality
measurement on the active set is
delivered after signaling setup but
before service setup. If the UE is at
the cell verge or receives weak
signals after accessing the network,
the RNC can trigger inter-frequency
or inter-RAT handover when the UE
sets up the RRC.
CH: When the switch is on, the RNC
controls the UEs in the connected
state based on the configurations on
the CN. The UEs can only access and
move in authorized cells.
Whether to enable handover from
UMTS to LTE. When this switch is
turned on, the RNC can send LTE
message and initiate PS handover or
redirection from UMTS to LTE. When
this switch is turned off, the RNC
cannot perform the preceding
CH: Whether to enable service-based
redirection from UMTS to LTE. When
this switch is turned on, the RNC can
CONTROL message based on
service and initiate service-based PS
redirection from UMTS to LTE. When
this switch is turned off, the RNC
cannot initiate service-based PS

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
redirection from UMTS to LTE.
bit is a Single Radio Voice Call
Continuity (SRVCC) switch for the
VoIP service that is handed over to
GERAN. SRVCC ensures the
continuity of voice services that are
handed over between the CS domain
and the IP Multimedia Subsystem
(IMS).The meaning of the bit is as
follows: When it is set to "ON", it
indicates that the VoIP service can be
handed over to GERAN through
SRVCC procedure.When it is set to
"OFF", it indicates that the VoIP
service cannot be handed over to
GERAN through SRVCC procedure.
2F_SWITCH: This switch controls
which event to be preferentially
processed when both an intra-
frequency measurement report event
and event 2D or 2F need to be
processed. Turning on this switch
allows the intra-frequency
measurement report event to be
preferentially processed. Turning off
this switch allows event 2D or 2F to
be preferentially processed.
26. HO_CIO_1D_USED: Whether the
RNC instructs the UE to use the cell
individual offset (CIO) parameter
when reporting event 1D. If this field
is selected, the RNC instructs the UE
to use the CIO parameter when
reporting event 1D. If this field is not
selected, the RNC does not instruct
the UE to use the CIO parameter
when reporting event 1D. The call
drop rate will increase if the switch is
opened when the CIO is configured to
a big value.
CH: Whether the RNC determines the
initial speed state of a UE based on
the enUeMobilityStateInd information
element (IE) sent by the UE. If this
switch is turned on, the initial UE

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
speed state is determined by this IE
carried in the
this switch is turned off, the RNC
determines the UE mobility state as
before based on how frequently the
UE sends an event 1D measurement
Whether to activate CS Fall Back.
When this switch is turned on, CS Fall
Back is activated. When this switch is
turned off, CS Fall Back is
N_SWITCH: Switch for preferentially
moving to an LTE cell after a call
release. When this switch is turned
on, the RNC includes the neighboring
frequency information in the RRC
for UEs that can measure signal
quality of the frequency band
including the LTE cells' frequencies.
As a result of these operations, these
UEs can preferentially move to LTE
cells after entering the idle state.
_SWITCH: When this switch is turned
on, the RNC sends periodical
inter-frequency and intra-frequency
measurement control messages, and
includes the information element (IE)
measurementIdentiy in the
inter-frequency measurement control
message to instruct a UE to report
signal quality in an active set cell in a
periodical inter-frequency
measurement report. When this
switch is turned off, the RNC sends
only a periodical inter-frequency
measurement control message
without this IE.
ARA_SWITCH (Algorithm Switch for
Coverage-based Inter-frequency or

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
inter-RAT Handover Parameters
Dedicated to CS and PS Combined
Services): When this switch is turned
on, the handover parameters
dedicated to CS and PS combined
services are used when CS and PS
combined services are processed.
When this switch is turned off, the
thresholds for CS or PS services,
whichever are larger, are used for the
handover parameters.
GUI Value

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

HoSwitch1 BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 PS Service Meaning:1.

ALGOSWI from UMTS to Q_OUT_SWITCH: Switch for
TCH WRFD-140 LTE controlling the sub-feature Macro &
218 Micro Joint Inter-frequency Handover.
Service-Base When this switch is turned on, the
WRFD-020 d PS
303 feature is activated. When this switch
Handover is turned off, the feature is
WRFD-020 from UMTS to deactivated. This feature checks
305 LTE whether UEs are located in problem
areas of intra-frequency networks
WRFD-020 Inter-RAT with macro and micro cells. Then, the
306 Handover
Based on feature instructs these UEs to move
WRFD-150 Coverage to other cells through blind
201 inter-frequency handovers.
Handover 2.
Service TE_FREQ_SWITCH(U2L Redirection
Switch Based on Absolute Freq): This
Inter-RAT switch specifies whether handover
Handover and redirection from UMTS to LTE are
Based on allowed. When this switch is turned
Load on, redirection from UMTS to LTE is
allowed but handover is prohibited.
Macro & During the redirection procedure, the
Micro LTE frequencies configured by using
Uplink command are used for the
Interference redirection, and the RNC does not
Control consider whether the best cell is
configured with neighboring LTE cells.
When this switch is turned off, both
redirection and handover from UMTS
to LTE are allowed. The LTE
frequencies configured by using the
"ADD ULTENCELL" command are
used for the redirection and handover.
Specifies whether to enable a
coverage-based UMTS-to-LTE PS
handover. When the switch is turned
on, the RNC allows the
coverage-based UMTS-to-LTE PS
handover procedure. When the
switch is turned off, the RNC does not
allow the coverage-based
UMTS-to-LTE PS handover

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
TCH: Specifies whether to enable a
coverage-based UMTS-to-LTE PS
redirection. When the switch is turned
on, the RNC allows the
coverage-based UMTS-to-LTE PS
redirection procedure. When the
switch is turned off, the RNC does not
allow the coverage-based
UMTS-to-LTE PS redirection
NCFG_SWITCH: This parameter
allows the inter-RAT handover failure
caused by UE incompatibility for only
once in a call. When the switch is
turned on and a UE failed in handover
from the universal terrestrial radio
access network (UTRAN) to the
GSM/EDGE radio access network
(GERAN) or evolved UMTS terrestrial
radio access network (E-UTRAN) due
to the cause of configuration
unacceptable, the RNC prevents the
handover from UTRAN to GERAN or
E-UTRAN in this call. When the
switch is turned off, the RNC allows
another handover from UTRAN to
GERAN or E-UTRAN in this call.
REQ_MR_SWITCH: Whether the
RNC sends the periodic inter-RAT
measurement control and periodic
intra-frequency measurement control
simultaneously to UEs processing CS
services. When this switch is turned
on, the RNC sends the periodic
inter-RAT measurement control and
periodic intra-frequency
measurement control simultaneously
to UEs processing CS services. The
inter-RAT measurement control
carries the periodic intra-frequency
measurement ID so that the UEs
report both the inter-RAT MRs and
Ec/N0 of the active set. In this way,
the RNC can decide whether to
perform an inter-RAT handover based
on the Ec/N0 of the active set. When
this switch is turned off, the RNC

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
sends only the periodic inter-RAT
measurement control to UEs
processing CS services and the
Ec/N0 of the active set is not
considered in the inter-RAT
REQ_MR_SWITCH: Whether the
RNC sends the periodic inter-RAT
measurement control and periodic
intra-frequency measurement control
simultaneously to UEs processing PS
services. When this switch is turned
on, the RNC sends the periodic
inter-RAT measurement control and
periodic intra-frequency
measurement control simultaneously
to UEs processing PS services. The
inter-RAT measurement control
carries the periodic intra-frequency
measurement ID so that the UEs
report both the inter-RAT MRs and
Ec/N0 of the active set. In this way,
the RNC can decide whether to
perform an inter-RAT handover based
on the Ec/N0 of the active set. When
this switch is turned off, the RNC
sends only the periodic inter-RAT
measurement control to UEs
processing PS services and the
Ec/N0 of the active set is not
considered in the inter-RAT
BINE_SWITCH: Whether to use the
algorithm of intra-frequency
neighboring cell combination. When
this switch is turned on, the algorithm
of intra-frequency neighboring cell
combination is used for
intra-frequency measurement objects.
When this switch is turned off, the
best cell algorithm is used.
BINE_SWITCH: Whether to use the
algorithm of inter-frequency
neighboring cell combination. When

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
this switch is turned on, the algorithm
of inter-frequency neighboring cell
combination is used for
inter-frequency measurement objects.
When this switch is turned off, the
best cell algorithm is used.
WITCH: Whether to use the algorithm
of neighboring GSM cell combination.
When this switch is turned on, the
algorithm of neighboring GSM cell
combination is used for GSM
measurement objects. When this
switch is turned off, the best cell
algorithm is used.
WITCH: Whether to use the algorithm
of neighboring LTE cell combination.
When this switch is turned on, the
algorithm of neighboring LTE cell
combination is used for LTE
measurement objects. When this
switch is turned off, the best cell
algorithm is used.
GUI Value
Actual Value

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

HsdpaCM BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Inter-RAT Meaning:Whether the compressed

Permission 910 UCMCF 303 Handover mode (CM) can coexist with the
Based on HSDPA service. If this parameter is

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Ind WRFD-020 Coverage set to TRUE: 1. the RNC can enable
302 the CM for HSDPA services. 2. The
Inter HSDPA services can be enabled
WRFD-010 Frequency when the CM is enabled. If this
61006 Hard parameter is set to FALSE: 1. the CM
Handover for HSDPA services can be enabled
WRFD-010 Based on
61204 only after the H2D (HS-DSCH to
Coverage DCH) channel switch. 2. The HSDPA
HSDPA services cannot be enabled when the
Mobility CM is enabled.
Management This switch is used for the
HSUPA compatibility of the HSDPA terminals
Mobility that do not support CM when HSDPA
Management is enabled.
GUI Value Range:FALSE(Forbidden),
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Default Value:TRUE(Permit)

HsdpaNee BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

dPwrFilter 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of HSDPA power
Len requirement.
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:5

HsdpaPrvi BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

dBitRateFil 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of HSDPA bit rate.
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:5

HsupaCM BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Inter-RAT Meaning:Whether the compressed

Permission 910 UCMCF 303 Handover mode (CM) can coexist with the
Ind Based on HSUPA service. If this parameter is
WRFD-020 Coverage set to Permit: 1. the RNC can enable
302 the CM for HSUPA services. 2. The
Inter HSUPA services can be enabled
WRFD-010 Frequency
61006 when the CM is enabled. If this
Hard parameter is set to Limited: 1. the CM

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
WRFD-010 Handover for HSUPA services can be enabled
61204 Based on only after the E2D (E-DCH to DCH)
Coverage channel switch. 2. The HSUPA
services cannot be enabled when the
HSDPA CM is enabled. If this parameter is set
Mobility to BasedonUECap, the RNC
Management determines whether CM can be
HSUPA enabled for HSUPA services and
Mobility whether HSUPA services can be
Management enabled when the CM is enabled by
considering the UE capability.
This switch is used for the
compatibility of the HSUPA terminals
that do not support CM when HSUPA
is enabled.
GUI Value Range:Limited, Permit,
BasedOnUECap(Based On UE
Actual Value Range:Limited, Permit,
Value:BasedOnUECap(Based On UE

HsupaInitia BSC6900/BSC6 SET UFRC WRFD-010 HSUPA Meaning:HSUPA BE traffic initial bit
lRate 910 61208 DCCC rate. When DCCC algorithm switch
and HSUPA DCCC algorithm switch
are enabled, the uplink initial bit rate
will be set to this value if the uplink
max bit rate is higher than the initial
bit rate.
GUI Value Range:D8, D16, D32, D64,
D128, D144, D256, D384, D608,
D1280, D2048, D2720, D5440
Actual Value Range:8, 16, 32, 64,
128, 144, 256, 384, 608, 1280, 2048,
2720, 5440
Default Value:D256

HsupaPrvi BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

dBitRateFil 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of HSUPA bit rate.
GUI Value Range:1~32

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:5

InterFreqL BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:This parameter specifies the

dHoForbid 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling forbidden traffic classes when
enTC R perform inter-frequency handover, in
order to prevent disarranging of the
MOD layers.
R GUI Value
9 Conversational),
R99_STREAMING(R99 Streaming),
R99_BE(R99 BE),
A Conversational),
Streaming), HSDPA_BE(HSDPA BE),
Streaming), HSPA_BE(HSPA BE)
Actual Value

InterFreqL BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:This parameter specifies

DHOMetho 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling load handover method.When network
dSelection R is composed of same frequency
WRFD-020 Enhanced band,Blind Handover method is
MOD 160 Multiband suggested .Otherwise,Measure
UCELLLD Management handover is suggested .
GUI Value

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value Range:BLINDHO,

InterFreqM BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter Meaning:This parameter defines the

easTime 910 UCELLMC 302 Frequency timer length for inter-frequency
LDR Hard measurement.
MOD Based on After inter-frequency measurement
UCELLMC Coverage starts, if no inter-frequency handover
LDR is performed when this timer expires,
the inter-frequency measurement and
the compressed mode (if started) are
This parameter is used to prevent the
long inter-frequency measurement
state (compressed mode) due to
unavailable measurement of the
target cells that meet the handover
GUI Value Range:1~255
Actual Value Range:1~255
Default Value:6

InterFreqR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Propagation delay threshold

edirDelayT 910 UCELLDIS 40005 cy for inter-frequency redirection. When
hd TANCERE Redirection the propagation delay between a UE
DIRECTIO Based on and the NodeB exceeds this
N Distance threshold, the distance-based
inter-frequency RRC redirection
MOD algorithm will be triggered. For details
UCELLDIS about propagation delay, see 3GPP
TANCERE TS 25.433.
N GUI Value Range:0~255
Actual Value Range:0~765
Default Value:10

InterFreqR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Inter-frequency redirection

edirFactor 910 UCELLDIS 40005 cy factor for LDR. This parameter is
TANCERE Redirection used to determine whether to trigger

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
OfLDR DIRECTIO Based on the distance-based inter-frequency
N Distance RRC redirection algorithm when the
cell enters the LDR or OLC state.
MOD When this parameter is set to 0, the
UCELLDIS algorithm will not be triggered even
TANCERE though the cell has entered the LDR
DIRECTIO or OLC state.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:50

InterFreqR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Inter-frequency redirection

edirFactor 910 UCELLDIS 40005 cy factor for the normal state. This
OfNorm TANCERE Redirection parameter is used to determine
DIRECTIO Based on whether to trigger the distance-based
N Distance inter-frequency RRC redirection
algorithm when the cell load is within
MOD the valid range. When this parameter
UCELLDIS is set to 0, the algorithm will not be
TANCERE triggered when the cell load is within
DIRECTIO the valid range.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:0

InterFreqR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Whether to allow for

edirSwitch 910 UCELLDIS 40005 cy distance-based inter-frequency RRC
TANCERE Redirection redirection. When this switch is turned
DIRECTIO Based on on, distance-based inter-frequency
N Distance redirection is allowed when an RRC
connection is being set up. When this
MOD switch is turned off, such redirection is
UCELLDIS not allowed.
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF

IntraFreqL BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Intra Meaning:Identifying the period of the

dbPeriodTi 910 ULDCPER 104 Frequency Intra-frequency load balance
merLen IOD Load Balance algorithm. When the cell load is high,

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
the cell PCPICH TX power can be
periodically reduced in order to
enable users in connected mode to
be switched over to other cells more
easily, thus reducing the local cell
load. This parameter is used in the
TCP-based intra-frequency load
balancing algorithm and load-based
dynamic pilot power adjustment
algorithm. When the TCP-based
intra-frequency load balancing
algorithm is enabled, the value 1800s
is recommended. When the
load-based dynamic pilot power
adjustment algorithm is enabled, the
value 60s is recommended.
GUI Value Range:1~115300
Actual Value Range:1~115300
Default Value:1800

IntraFreqUl BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Intra Meaning:Period of RTWP-based

bPeriodTi 910 ULDCPER 104 Frequency intra-frequency load balancing
merLen IOD Load Balance adjustment. When RTWP is high,
CPICH transmit power is periodically
reduced, which reduces RTWP.
GUI Value Range:1~115300
Actual Value Range:1~115300
Default Value:1800

LdbAvgFilt BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

erLen 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of intra-frequency load
balancing (LDB).
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:6

LdrCodePr BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:FALSE means not

iUseInd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling considering the code priority during
R the code reshuffling. TRUE means
considering the code priority during

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
UCELLLD the code reshuffling. If the parameter
R is TRUE, the codes with high priority
are reserved during the code
reshuffling. It is good for the code
resource dynamic sharing, which is a
function used for the HSDPA service.
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Default Value:FALSE(FALSE)

LdrCodeU BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Code resource usage

sedSpaceT 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling difference threshold. Inter-frequency
hd R handover is triggered when the
difference of the resource usage of
MOD the current cell and that of the target
UCELLLD cell is larger than this threshold.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:13

LdrPeriodT BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Identifying the period of the

imerLen 910 ULDCPER 106 Reshuffling LDR execution. When basic
IOD congestion occurs, execution of LDR
can dynamically reduce the cell load.
The LDR algorithm aims to slowly
reduce the cell load and control the
load below the admission threshold,
each LDR action takes a period (for
example the inter-RAT load handover
needs a delay of about 5 s if the
compressed mode is needed), and
there is a delay for the LDM module
responds to the load decreasing (the
delay is about 3 s when the L3 filter
coefficient is set to 6), so the
parameter value should be higher
than 8s.
GUI Value Range:1~86400
Actual Value Range:1~86400

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-70

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:10

MAXDELT DBS3900 SET WRFD-020 Dual-Thresho Meaning:Indicates the max target

AOFTARG WCDMA/BTS39 ULOCELL 137 ld Scheduling RoT difference before and after IC.
WCDMA/BTS39 A GUI Value Range:0~6
00A Actual Value Range:0~3, step:0.5
00L Unit:0.5dB
00AL WCDMA Default Value:0

MaxFachP BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Open Loop Meaning:The offset between the
ower 910 UFACH 501 Power FACH transmit power and P-CPICH
Control transmit power in a cell.
UFACH GUI Value Range:-350~150
Actual Value Range:-35~15
Default Value:10

MaxPCPIC BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Open Loop Meaning:Maximum TX power of the

HPower 910 UPCPICH 501 Power PCPICH in a cell. This parameter
Control should be set based on the actual
MOD system environment such as cell
UPCPICH coverage (radius) and geographical
PWR environment, and the cell total power.
GUI Value Range:-100~500
Actual Value Range:-10~50
Default Value:346

MaxQueue BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:Maximum queue time of

TimeLen 910 UQUEUEP 505 Pre-Emption users. When a user initiates a call, it
REEMPT joins the queue due to cell resource
insufficiency. This parameter defines
the maximum length of time required
for queuing of a user. If cell resources
are still insufficient after expiration,
access fails.
GUI Value Range:1~60
Actual Value Range:1~60

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-71

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:5

MaxTxPow BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Open Loop Meaning:Sum of the maximum

er 910 UCELLSE 501 Power transmit power of all DL channels in a
TUP Control cell. For detailed information of this
parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
UCELL GUI Value Range:0~500
Actual Value Range:0~50
Default Value:430

MaxUserN BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:This parameter specifies the

umCodeAd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling number of users selected in code
j R reshuffling. Code reshuffling can be
triggered only when the number of
MOD users on a code is no larger than the
UCELLLD threshold. Code reshuffling has a big
R impact on the QoS. In addition, the
reshuffled subscribers occupy two
code resources during code
reshuffling. Thus, the parameter
should be set to 1.
GUI Value Range:1~3
Actual Value Range:1~3
Default Value:1

MaxUserN BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Maximum number of UEs

umforCLBI 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load that can be handed over to
FHO B Balancing inter-frequency cells during the period
Based on specified by "ClbPeriodTimerLen" in
MOD Configurable the "SET ULDCPERIOD" command.
UCELLCL Load Such handovers are triggered by the
B Threshold CLB feature.
GUI Value Range:1~20
Actual Value Range:1~20
Default Value:2

MbmsDec BSC6900 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:When the priority of the RAB
PowerRab UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling of MBMS services exceeds this
Thd R threshold, reconfigure the MBMS
power to the minimum power. The

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-72

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
MOD MBMS service at each rate is set on
UCELLLD the basis of two power levels. The
R power set for an MBMS service is
determined according to cell load
during the service access. In addition,
the FACH power of the MBMS service
must be decreased as required in the
duration of cell congestion. a part of
services with high priority, for
example the disaster pre-alert,
however, do not need the coverage
shrink caused by cell load. In such a
case, you can adjust the service
priority threshold to protect the
services with high priority against the
impact of the service access failure
and the load control algorithm.
GUI Value Range:1~15
Actual Value Range:1~15
Default Value:1

MbmsOlcR BSC6900 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:MBMS service release is an

elNum UCELLOL 107 Control extreme method in reducing the cell
C load and recovering the system when
the cell is overloaded and congested.
UCELLOL The mechanism of the OLC is that an
C action is performed in each [OLC
period] and a part of services are
selected based on the action rules to
perform this action.
GUI Value Range:0~8
Actual Value Range:0~8
Default Value:1

MinForDlB BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:DL basic common

asicMeas 910 ULDM 102 Measurement measurement report cycle. For
detailed information of this parameter,
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~60
Actual Value Range:1~60

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:20

MinForHsd BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:This parameter specifies the

paPrvidRat 910 ULDM 102 Measurement HSDPA bit rate measurement report
eMeas period. For detailed information of this
parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~60
Actual Value Range:1~60
Default Value:10

MinForHsd BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:HSDPA power requirement

paPwrMea 910 ULDM 102 Measurement measurement report period For
s detailed information of this parameter,
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~60
Actual Value Range:1~60
Default Value:10

MinForHsu BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:This parameter specifies the

paPrvidRat 910 ULDM 102 Measurement HSUPA bit rate measurement report
eMeas period. For detailed information of this
parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~60
Actual Value Range:1~60
Default Value:1

MinForUlB BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:UL basic common

asicMeas 910 ULDM 102 Measurement measurement report cycle. For
detailed information of this parameter,
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~60
Actual Value Range:1~60
Default Value:20

MinPCPIC BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020Open Loop Meaning:Minimum TX power of the

Power PCPICH in a cell. This parameter

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
HPower 910 UPCPICH 501 Control should be set based on the actual
system environment such as cell
MOD WRFD-020 Intra coverage (radius) and geographical
UPCPICH 104 Frequency environment. Ensure that
PWR Load Balance MinPCPICHPower is set under the
condition of a proper proportion of soft
handover area, or under the condition
that no coverage hole exists.
GUI Value Range:-100~500
Actual Value Range:-10~50
Default Value:313

MODE DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the working mode

WCDMA/BTS39 TMASUBU of the TMA subunit. If the TMA
00 NIT subunit works in BYPASS mode, it
WCDMA/BTS39 does not amplify the uplink signals. If
00A this parameter is set to
00L invalid and the actual mode is not
WCDMA/BTS39 changed.
GUI Value
Actual Value Range:NORMAL,
Default Value:NORMAL(NORMAL)

N300 BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 3GPP R9 Meaning:Maximum number of

910 UIDLEMO 101 Specifications retransmissions of the RRC
GUI Value Range:0~7
Actual Value Range:0~7
Default Value:3

N381 BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 3GPP R9 Meaning:Maximum number of resend

910 UCONNM 101 Specifications times of message "RRC

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-75

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
R UPDATE CONFIRM". default value is
GUI Value Range:D1, D2, D3, D4
Actual Value Range:1, 2, 3, 4
Default Value:D1

NBMCacAl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:Whether to enable the

goSwitch 910 UCELLAL 101 Control algorithms related to cell service
GOSWITC admission. Selecting a switch
H WRFD-020 Load enables the corresponding algorithm
102 Measurement and clearing a switch disables the
MOD corresponding algorithm.
UCELLAL WRFD-010 UE State in
GOSWITC 202 Connected 1. CRD_ADCTRL: Control Cell Credit
H Mode
WRFD-021 (CELL-DCH, admission control algorithm. Only
102 when
URA-PCH, which is set by the SET
Cell Barring this switch are on,the Cell Credit
admission control algorithm is valid.
2. HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to
enable the HSDPA air interface load
admission control algorithm. HSDPA
users initiate uplink services over the
DCH and downlink services over the
HSDPA channel. This switch is invalid
for users who initiate uplink services
over the HSUPA channel and
downlink services over the HSDPA
HSUPA UU Load admission control
algorithm. This switch does not work
when uplink is beared on HSUPA and
downlink is beared on HSDPA.
4. MBMS_UU_ADCTRL: Control
MBMS UU Load admission control
5. HSDPA_GBP_MEAS: Control
HSDPA power requirement for GBR
(GBP) measurement. The NodeB will
report the GBP of HSDPA users to the
RNC after the measurement is

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
6. HSDPA_PBR_MEAS: Control
HSDPA provided bit rate (PBR)
measurement. The NodeB will report
the PBR of HSDPA users to the RNC
after the measurement is enabled.
When this switch and the RNC-level
on, the Cell Barring function is
available to the Iu interface.
8. HSUPA_PBR_MEAS: Control
HSUPA PBR measurement. The
NodeB will report the PBR of HSUPA
users to the RNC after the
measurement is enabled.
Control HSUPA Provided Received
Scheduled EDCH Power Share
10. EMC_UU_ADCTRL: Control
power admission for emergency user.
Control algorithm of resisting disturb
when RTWP is abnormal.
: Whether to prohibit UEs that have
established RRC connections but not
start processing any services yet from
performing soft handovers. When this
switch is turned on, such UEs cannot
access target cells by means of soft
handover if the OLC procedure is
progressing in target cells.
13. FACH_UU_ADCTRL: Admission
control switch for the FACH on the Uu
interface. This switch determines
whether to admit a user in the RRC
state on the CELL_FACH. 1) If this
switch is enabled: if the current cell is
congested due to overload, and the
users are with RAB connection
requests or RRC connection
requests(except the cause of
""Detach"", ""Registration"", or
""Emergency Call""), the users will be

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-77

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
rejected. Otherwise FACH user
admission procedure is initiated. A
user can access the cell after the
procedure succeeds. 2) If this switch
is disabled: FACH user admission
procedure is initiated without the
consideration of cell state.
RL: Legacy HSDPA admission control
algorithm in MIMO cell.
Whether to enable or disable state
transition of users in the CELL-DCH
state, who are enabled with fast
dormancy, to ease FACH congestion
in a cell. If this switch is turned off in a
cell, state transition of such users is
disabled. Note that when this switch
is turned off in multiple cells under an
RNC, signaling storm will occur. As a
result, the CPU usage of the RNC,
NodeB, and SGSN increases greatly,
leading to service setup failure.This
switch has been removed from
RAN13, so that this switch is now
Whether to allow for FACH UEs
without restrictions.
17. If switches above are selected,
the corresponding algorithms will be
enabled;otherwise, disabled.
GUI Value
Admission Control Algorithm),
Load Admission Control Algorithm),
Load Admission Control Algorithm),
Load Admission Control Algorithm),
Meas Algorithm),
Meas Algorithm),
System Info Update Switch for Iu

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-78

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
PBR Meas Algorithm),
PA EDCH RSEPS Meas Algorithm),
EMC_UU_ADCTRL(emergency call
power admission),
Resist Disturb Switch),
(Signaling Sho Ul power cac switch),
cac switch),
RL(Legacy HSDPA Admission Control
Algorithm in MIMO Cell ),
Dormancy User Admission Control
Actual Value Range:CRD_ADCTRL,

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

NBMDlCac BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:The following parameter

AlgoSelSw 910 UCELLAL 101 Control values represent different downlink
itch GOSWITC admission control algorithms:
MOD admission control algorithm disabled.
H increment prediction algorithm for
downlink admission control.
admission algorithm for downlink
admission control.
non-increment prediction algorithm
for downlink admission control.
Actual Value
Default Value:None

NBMLdcAl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Whether to activate the cell

goSwitch 910 UCELLAL 106 Reshuffling load control algorithm. The following
GOSWITC are meanings of different values:
H WRFD-020 Load
102 Measurement 1. The algorithms with the above
MOD values represent are as
GOSWITC 104 Frequency Intra-frequency load balance
H Load Balance algorithm. It is also named cell
105 Potential breathing algorithm.Based on the cell
User Control load, this algorithm changes the pilot
WRFD-020 power of the cell to control the load
107 Overload between intra-frequency cells. When
WRFD-140 DJ_SWITCH is turned on, this
217 Inter-Frequen algorithm automatically fails.
cy Load
WRFD-150 Balancing 2. PUC: Potential user control
236 Based on algorithm. Based on the cell load, this

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Configurable algorithm changes the
Load selection/reselection parameters of a
Threshold cell to lead the UE to a lighter loaded
Load Based
Dynamic 3. UL_UU_OLC: Uplink Uu-interface
Adjustment of overload congestion control
PCPICH algorithm. When the cell is
overloaded in the uplink, this
algorithm reduces the uplink cell load
by quick transport format (TF)
restriction, channel switchover for BE
services to common channels, or
releasing UEs.
4. DL_UU_OLC: Downlink
Uu-interface overload congestion
control algorithm. When the cell is
overloaded in the downlink, this
algorithm reduces the downlink cell
load by quick TF restriction, channel
switchover for BE services to
common channels, or releasing UEs.
5. UL_UU_LDR: UL UU load
reshuffling algorithm. When the cell is
heavily loaded in UL, this algorithm
reduces the cell load in UL by using
inter-frequency load handover, BE
service rate reduction, uncontrollable
real-time service QoS renegotiation,
CS should be inter-RAT, PS should be
inter-RAT handover, CS should not be
inter-RATand, PS should not be
inter-RAT handover and AMR service
rate reduction.
6. DL_UU_LDR: DL UU load
reshuffling algorithm. When the cell is
heavily loaded in DL, this algorithm
reduces the cell load in DL by using
inter-frequency load handover, BE
service rate reduction, uncontrollable
real-time service QoS renegotiation,
CS should be inter-RAT, PS should be
inter-RAT handover, CS should not be
inter-RATand, PS should not be
inter-RAT handover, AMR service rate
reduction and MBMS service power
event measurement. This algorithm

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
starts the OLC event measurement.
reshuffling algorithm. When the cell
CODE is heavily loaded, this
algorithm reduces the cell CODE load
by using BE service rate reduction
and code tree reshuffling.
reshuffling algorithm. When the cell
credit is heavily loaded, this algorithm
reduces the credit load of the cell by
using BE service rate reduction,
uncontrollable real-time service QoS
renegotiation, CS should be
inter-RAT, PS should be inter-RAT
handover, CS should not be
inter-RATand and PS should not be
inter-RAT handover.
Intra-frequency load balancing
algorithm based on RTWP. CPICH
power of a cell is adjusted according
to RTWP load in the cell, triggering
intra-frequency, inter-frequency, or
inter-RAT handover of UEs at the
edge of the cell. As a result, the call
drop rate in the cell is reduced. When
DJ_SWITCH is turned on, this
algorithm automatically fails.
11. UL_UU_CLB: Whether to activate
the uplink-cell-load-based CLB
algorithm. With this algorithm, the
RNC determines whether to enable a
cell to enter the CLB state based on
its uplink cell load. Once the cell
enters the CLB state, the RNC
periodically initiates
measurement-based inter-frequency
handovers to balance load across
inter-frequency cells.
12. DL_UU_CLB: Whether to activate
the downlink-cell-load-based CLB
algorithm. With this algorithm, the
RNC determines whether to enable a
cell to enter the CLB state based on
its downlink cell load. Once the cell
enters the CLB state, the RNC
periodically initiates

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
measurement-based inter-frequency
handovers to balance load across
inter-frequency cells.
13. CELL_CODE_CLB: Whether to
activate the cell-code-resource-based
CLB algorithm. With this algorithm,
the RNC determines whether to
enable a cell to enter the CLB state
based on the code usage in the cell.
Once the cell enters the CLB state,
the RNC periodically initiates
measurement-based inter-frequency
handovers to balance load across
inter-frequency cells.
14. CELL_CREDIT_CLB: Whether to
activate the
cell-credit-resource-based CLB
algorithm. With this algorithm, the
RNC determines whether to enable a
cell to enter the CLB state based on
the credit usage in the cell. Once the
cell enters the CLB state, the RNC
periodically initiates
measurement-based inter-frequency
handovers to balance load across
inter-frequency cells.
DJ_SWITCH: Whether the algorithm
for dynamically adjusting the pilot
power based on the downlink load
takes effect. When this parameter is
set to ON and
of the "FuncSwitch2" parameter in the
turned on, the algorithm for
dynamically adjusting the pilot power
based on the downlink load takes
effect. In this case, other
intra-frequency load balancing
algorithms (for example, the TCP-
and RTWP-based intra-frequency
load balancing algorithms) that have
been enabled in the cell automatically

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
CELL_CREDIT_CLB are selected,
the corresponding algorithms will be
enabled; otherwise, disabled.
GUI Value
Actual Value

NbmLdcUe BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter Meaning:The following parameter

SelSwitch 910 UCELLAL 103 Frequency values represent different policies for
GOSWITC Load Balance selecting users to be handed over in

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-84

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
H the load-based inter-frequency
handovers involved in load reshuffling
MOD (LDR) triggered by basic congestions:
H NBM_LDC_ALL_UE: All UEs can be
selected in a load-based
inter-frequency handover, regardless
of whether the selected UEs match
the supporting capability of the target
the UEs matching the supporting
capability of the target cell can be
selected in a load-based
inter-frequency handover.
UEs matching the supporting
capability of the target cell are
preferentially selected in a
load-based inter-frequency handover.
GUI Value
Range:NBM_LDC_ALL_UE(Select all
ct users match target cell support
ct users match target cell support
Actual Value
Y(Select users match target cell
support only)

NBMUlCac BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:The algorithms with the

AlgoSelSw 910 UCELLAL 101 Control above values represent are as follow:
H ALGORITHM_OFF: Uplink power
admission control algorithm disabled.

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-85

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GOSWITC increment prediction algorithm for
H uplink admission control.
admission algorithm for uplink
admission control.
non-increment prediction algorithm
for uplink admission control.
load-based algorithm for uplink
admission control.
Actual Value
Default Value:None

NbmWpsAl BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-021 Emergency Meaning:This parameter is used to

gorithmPri 910 UWPSALG 104 Call identify WPS users with priority. For
ority O instance, if priorities 3, 4, 5, and 6 are
selected, users with priorities are
regarded as WPS users.

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value Range:PRIORITY1,

NbmWpsAl BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-021 Emergency Meaning:WPS (Wireless Priority

gorithmSwi 910 UWPSALG 104 Call Service) is NS/EP (National
tch O Security/Emergency Preparedness)
AMR conversation service controlled
by White House of USA. NCS is
authorized to manage the execution
of the WPS project. This switch
indicates whether the WPS function is
GUI Value
Algorithm Switch OFF),
Switch ON)
Actual Value
Algorithm Switch OFF)

NCovCMU BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Whether to control the

serNumCtr 910 UCMCF 217 cy Load number of UEs that use a different
lSwitch Balancing scrambling code, use SF codes with
Based on half numbers than usual, and work in

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Configurable compressed mode when
Load measurement-based inter-frequency
Threshold handovers based on other factors
than coverage are about to be
performed. When this switch is turned
on, the RNC checks whether the
number of such UEs is less than the
value of "CellSFCMUserNumThd"
before sending such UEs an
inter-frequency measurement control
message. If so, the RNC continues
with the current inter-frequency
handover process. If no, the RNC
terminates the process. When this
switch is turned off, the RNC directly
sends such UEs an inter-frequency
measurement control message. Note
that measurement-based
inter-frequency handovers based on
other factors than coverage can be
triggered by MC DRD, MC LDR,
inter-RAT LDR, CLB, and HCS.
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:ON, OFF
Default Value:OFF

NodeBLdc BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Whether to enable the

AlgoSwitch 910 UNODEBA 106 Reshuffling algorithms for NodeB load control.
WRFD-020 Overload 1. IUB_LDR (Iub congestion control
MOD 107 Control algorithm): When the NodeB Iub load
UNODEBA is heavy, users are assembled in
LGOPARA WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen priority order among all the NodeBs
217 cy Load and a part of users are selected for
Balancing LDR action (such as BE service rate
Based on reduction) in order to reduce the
Configurable NodeB Iub load.
Threshold 2. NODEB_CREDIT_LDR (NodeB
level credit congestion control
algorithm): When the NodeB level
credit load is heavy, users are
assembled in priority order among all
the NodeBs and a part of users are
selected for LDR action in order to
reduce the NodeB level credit load.
3. LCG_CREDIT_LDR (Cell group
level credit congestion control

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
algorithm): When the cell group level
credit load is heavy, users are
assembled in priority order among all
the NodeBs and a part of users are
selected for LDR action in order to
reduce the cell group level credit load.
4. IUB_OLC (Iub Overload
congestion control algorithm): When
the NodeB Iub load is Overload,
users are assembled in priority order
among all the NodeBs and a part of
users are selected for Olc action in
order to reduce the NodeB Iub load.
5. Whether to activate the
NodeB-credit-based CLB algorithm.
With this algorithm, the RNC initiates
inter-frequency handovers if NodeB
credit load is higher than the value of
"UlCreditCSClbTrigThd" or
"UlCreditPSClbTrigThd" in the "ADD
UNODEBCLB" command. By doing
this, the NodeB credit load can be
6. Whether to activate the
cell-group-credit-based CLB
algorithm. With this algorithm, the
RNC initiates inter-frequency
handovers if credit load in a cell group
is higher than the value of
"UlCreditCSClbTrigThd" in the "ADD
UNODEBCLB" command. By doing
this, the credit load in the cell group
can be reduced.
7. To enable the algorithms above,
select them. Otherwise, they are
LDR Algorithm),
Algorithm), IUB_OLC(IUB OLC
deB Credit CLB Algorithm),
Cell Group Credit CLB Algorithm)
Actual Value Range:IUB_LDR,

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

OffloadRel BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Relative threshold for load

ativeThd 910 UCELLLD 120 Steering and sharing. The RNC redirects UEs to an
M Load Sharing inter-frequency neighboring cell for
in RRC load sharing only when either of the
MOD Connection following conditions is met:
M 1. The uplink load in the source cell is
larger than this parameter multiplied
by "UlLdrTrigThd".
2. The downlink load in the source
cell is larger than this parameter
multiplied by "DlLdrTrigThd".
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:50

OffQoffset BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Potential Meaning:Offset of Qoffset1 when

1Heavy 910 UCELLPU 105 User Control neighboring cell load is heavier than
C that of the center cell (Note: Qoffset1
is used as a priority to decide which
MOD cell will be selected in cell selection or
UCELLPU reselection) For detailed information
C of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS
GUI Value Range:-20~20
Actual Value Range:-20~20
Default Value:4

OffQoffset BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Potential Meaning:Offset of Qoffset1 when

1Light 910 UCELLPU 105 User Control neighboring cell load is lighter than

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ID Command Name
C that of the center cell (Note: Qoffset1
is used as a priority to decide which
MOD cell will be selected in cell selection or
UCELLPU reselection) For detailed information
C of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS
GUI Value Range:-20~20
Actual Value Range:-20~20
Default Value:-4

OffQoffset BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Potential Meaning:Offset of Qoffset2 when

2Heavy 910 UCELLPU 105 User Control neighboring cell load is heavier than
C that of the center cell (Note: Qoffset2
is used as a priority to decide which
MOD cell will be selected in cell selection or
UCELLPU reselection) For detailed information
C of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS
GUI Value Range:-20~20
Actual Value Range:-20~20
Default Value:4

OffQoffset BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Potential Meaning:Offset of Qoffset2 when

2Light 910 UCELLPU 105 User Control neighboring cell load is lighter than
C that of the center cell (Note: Qoffset2
is used as a priority to decide which
MOD cell will be selected in cell selection or
UCELLPU reselection) For detailed information
C of this parameter, refer to 3GPP TS
GUI Value Range:-20~20
Actual Value Range:-20~20
Default Value:-4

OffsetFAC BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-010 3.4/6.8/13.6/2 Meaning:Specifies the offset of the

HPower 910 UFACH 510 7.2Kbps RRC initial FACH power to the maximum
Connection FACH transmit power. The initial
MOD and Radio FACH power is calculated using the
UFACH Access offset based on the following formula:
Bearer "MaxFACHPower" -

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Establishmen OffsetFACHPower. Note:To configure
t and Release this parameter, the actual value of the
initial FACH power ranges from -35
dB to 15 dB. Otherwise, the value is
0. For details, see 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:0~255
Actual Value Range:0~25.5
Default Value:0

OffSinterH BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Potential Meaning:Offset of Sintersearch when

eavy 910 UCELLPU 105 User Control center cell load level is "Heavy" (Note:
C Sintersearch is used to decide
whether to start the inter-frequency
MOD cell reselection). For detailed
UCELLPU information of this parameter, refer to
C 3GPP TS 25.304.
GUI Value Range:-10~10
Actual Value Range:-20~20
Default Value:2

OffSinterLi BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Potential Meaning:Offset of Sintersearch when

ght 910 UCELLPU 105 User Control center cell load level is "Light" (Note:
C Sintersearch is used to decide
whether to start the inter-frequency
MOD cell reselection). For detailed
UCELLPU information of this parameter, refer to
C 3GPP TS 25.304.
GUI Value Range:-10~10
Actual Value Range:-20~20
Default Value:-2

OlcPeriodT BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:Identifying the period of the

imerLen 910 ULDCPER 107 Control OLC execution. When overload
IOD occurs, execution of OLC can
dynamically reduce the cell load.
When setting the parameter, consider
the hysteresis for which the load
monitoring responds to the load
change. For example, when the layer
3 filter coefficient is 6, the hysteresis

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
for which the load measurement
responds to the step-function signals
is about 2.8s, namely that the system
can trace the load control effect about
3 s later after each load control. In this
case, the OLC period timer length
cannot be smaller than 3s.
OlcPeriodTimerLen along with
ULOLCTraffRelUserNum, and
DLOLCTraffRelUserNum determine
the time it takes to release the
uplink/downlink overload. If the OLC
period is excessively long, the system
respond very slowly to overload. If the
OLC period is excessively short,
unnecessary adjustment occur before
the previous OLC action has taken
effect, and therefore the system
performance is affected.
GUI Value Range:100~86400000
Actual Value Range:100~86400000
Default Value:3000

PCPICHPo BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Open Loop Meaning:TX power of the P-CPICH in
wer 910 UPCPICH 501 Power a cell. This parameter should be set
Control based on the actual system
MOD environment such as cell coverage
UCELL (radius) and geographical
environment. For the cells to be
covered, the downlink coverage must
be guaranteed. For the cells requiring
soft handover area, this parameter
should satisfy the proportion of soft
handover areas stipulated in the
network plan. For detailed information
about this parameter, refer to 3GPP
TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:-100~500
Actual Value Range:-10~50

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:330

PCPICHPo BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Intra Meaning:Pace at which CPICH power

werPace 910 UCELLUL 104 Frequency is increased or decreased each time
B Load Balance
GUI Value Range:0~100
UCELLUL Actual Value Range:0~10
B Unit:0.1dB
Default Value:2

PCPICHPo BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Intra Meaning:Pilot power adjustment step

werPace 910 UCELLLD 104 Frequency increased or decreased in each
B Load Balance increase of the cell breathing
algorithm or decrease of cell pilot. For
MOD detailed information of this parameter,
UCELLLD refer to 3GPP TS 25.433. This
B parameter is used in the TCP-based
intra-frequency load balancing
algorithm and load-based dynamic
pilot power adjustment algorithm.
When the TCP-based intra-frequency
load balancing algorithm is enabled,
the value 2 is recommended. When
the load-based dynamic pilot power
adjustment algorithm is enabled, the
value 5 is recommended.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~10
Default Value:2

PcpichPwr BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-150 Load Based Meaning:Downlink non-HSPA power

DownDlLo 910 UCELLLD 236 Dynamic load status for P-CPICH power
adState M Adjustment of decreases by the
PCPICH downlink-load-based dynamic
MOD P-CPICH power adjustment
UCELLLD algorithm. When the downlink
M non-HSPA power load status in a cell
is the same as or worse than the
status indicated by the value of this
parameter, the algorithm decreases
the P-CPICH transmit power by the
pre-set step.
The downlink non-HSPA power load
status types are as follows:
DlLightState: indicates the

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
downlink load is within the range of
0% to 30%
DlNormalState: indicates the
downlink load is within the range of
30% to 50%
DlLoadedState: indicates the
downlink load is within the range of
50% to 70%
DlHeavyState: indicates the
downlink load is within the range of
70% to 95%
DlOverloadState: indicates
the downlink load is within the range
of 95% to 100%

Due to load fluctuation, it is

recommended that there be one
interval between the value of this
parameter and the value of the
parameter. For example, when the
value of the
parameter is set to DlLightState, the
parameter must be set to
DlLoadedState. By doing so,
frequently increasing or decreasing
P-CPICH transmit power can be
prevented. In a cell supporting
HSDPA, the value
recommended. In a cell supporting
R99, the value DL_LOADED_STATE
is recommended.
Actual Value

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

PcpichPwr BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-150 Load Based Meaning:Downlink non-HSPA power

UpDlLoad 910 UCELLLD 236 Dynamic load status for P-CPICH power
State M Adjustment of increases by the downlink-load-based
PCPICH dynamic P-CPICH power adjustment
MOD algorithm. When the downlink
UCELLLD non-HSPA power load status in a cell
M is the same as or better than the
status indicated by the value of this
parameter, the algorithm increases
the P-CPICH transmit power by the
pre-set step.
The downlink non-HSPA power load
status types are as follows:
DlLightState: indicates the
downlink load is within the range of
0% to 30%
DlNormalState: indicates the
downlink load is within the range of
30% to 50%
DlLoadedState: indicates the
downlink load is within the range of
50% to 70%
DlHeavyState: indicates the
downlink load is within the range of
70% to 95%
DlOverloadState: indicates
the downlink load is within the range
of 95% to 100%

Due to load fluctuation, it is

recommended that there be one
interval between the value of this
parameter and the value of the
parameter. For example, when the
value of the
parameter is set to DlLightState, the
parameter must be set to
DlLoadedState. By doing so,
frequently increasing or decreasing
P-CPICH transmit power can be

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ID Command Name
prevented. In a cell supporting
is recommended. In a cell supporting
R99, the value DL_NORMAL_STATE
is recommended.
Actual Value
Default Value:DL_LIGHT_STATE

PenaltyTim BSC6900/BSC6 SET UCLB WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:imer for cell punishment
eforHLoad 910 217 cy Load after a failed inter-RNC
3GCell Balancing inter-frequency handover. During the
Based on period specified by this timer, the cell
Configurable in question is no longer allowed to
Load accommodate the UEs handed over
Threshold from another cell.
GUI Value Range:0~7200
Actual Value Range:0~7200
Default Value:300

PerfEnhan BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 HSDPA State Meaning:1.

ceSwitch 910 UCORRM 61111 Transition PERFENH_AMR_SPEC_BR_SWITC
PARA H: When this switch is turned on, the
WRFD-021 Emergency procedure specific to AMR service
104 Call establishment takes effect.
WRFD-010 UE State in 2.
Mode When this switch is turned on, the
400 AMR template takes effect.
WRFD-010 URA-PCH, 3.
When this switch is turned on, the
WRFD-020 DRD SRB template takes effect.

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ID Command Name
60501 Package 4.
WRFD-020 HSDPA When this switch is turned on, the
402 Power OLPC template takes effect.
WRFD-020 5.
Relocation CH: When this switch is turned on,
WRFD-010 (UE Not
61404 the AMR parameter template takes
Involved) effect.
Measurement 6.
Retry T_SWITCH: When this switch is
Inter System turned on, the intra-frequency
Redirect measurement control template takes
2ms/10ms 7.
0_SWITCH: After a UE fails to be
handed over to a 2G cell during an
inter-RAT handover, the RNC forbids
the UE to attempt a handover to the
2G cell in a certain period. When this
switch is turned on, the period is 50s.
When this switch is turned off, the
period is 30s.
I10_SWITCH: When this switch is
turned on, the uplink SRBs of HSUPA
10 ms non-conversational services
are always carried on DCHs, and the
original parameter Type of Channel
Preferably Carrying Signaling RB is
invalid. When this switch is turned off,
SRBs for HSUPA 10 ms
non-conversational services can be
carried on HSUPA channels when the
original parameter Type of Channel
Preferably Carrying Signaling RB is
set to HSUPA or HSPA. The switch is
set to OFF by default.
E_SWITCH: When this switch is
turned on, the single-user peak-rate
improvement algorithm of HSUPA 2
ms TTI is enabled. When this switch
is turned off, the algorithm is disabled.

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ID Command Name
The switch is set to OFF by default.
WITCH: When this switch is turned
on, the P2D cell update confirm
message simplification algorithm
takes effect. When this switch is
turned off, the algorithm does not take
effect. By default, this switch is turned
DER_SWITCH: This check box
controls whether the RNC considers
the converged SIRTarget value that is
used before radio link reconfiguration
in outer loop power control performed
after radio link reconfiguration. If the
check box is not selected, the RNC
sends the initial SIRTarget value used
after radio link reconfiguration to the
NodeB.If the check box is selected,
the RNC selects a more appropriate
value from the initial SIRTarget value
used after radio link reconfiguration
and the converged SIRTarget value
used before radio link reconfiguration.
Then the RNC sends the selected
value to the NodeB. Setting of this
check box takes effect only when the
RY_SWITCH check box is selected.
_SWITCH: When this switch is turned
on, The mechanism to avoid endless
back-and-forth RRC-redirections
takes effect. The switch is set to OFF
by default.
whether to enable the optimized
algorithm for HSPA UE state
transition from CELL_DCH to
CELL_FACH (also referred to as H2F
state transition). When the switch is
turned on, the optimized H2F state
transition algorithm is enabled, and
event 4A measurement of traffic
volume or throughput is added to the
state transition procedure. The added

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
event 4A measurement prevents an
H2F state transition when data is
being transmitted.
CH: When the switch is turned on and
H (P2D for short) state transition is
triggered for a PS service, the PS
service can be set up on HSPA
channels after the state transition.
When the switch is turned off, PS
services can be set up only on DCHs
after a P2D state transition. This
switch is turned off by default.
SWITCH: When this switch is turned
on, VIP UEs report their transmit
power to the RNC when required and
periodically measure signal quality of
intra-frequency cells. In addition,
these UEs measure the downlink
BLER, the NodeB measures the
uplink SIR, and the RNC records the
measurement results.
RIG_SWITCH: Switch for including
the Tx interruption after trigger IE in
the uplink 4A traffic volume
measurement control message.
When this switch is turned on, the
uplink 4A traffic volume measurement
control message from RNC includes
the Tx interruption after trigger IE for
UEs that are in the CELL_FACH or
enhanced CELL_FACH state and
processing PS BE services. The
value of this IE can be changed by
baseband board uses different
processing specifications for users
with different uplink bearer services,
for example, HSUPA TTI 2 ms

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ID Command Name
services, HSUPA TTI 10 ms services,
and R99 services. When serving a
large number of users, the system
cannot guarantee that all users can
access the network with the highest
service bearer supported by UEs.
This switch controls whether the
RNC allocates corresponding
channels for new users based on the
cell capability reported through the
NodeB private interface.
When this switch is turned on, the
RNC dynamically selects an
appropriate uplink service bearer and
allocates corresponding channels for
new users to maximize the system
capacity based on the actual NodeB
processing specifications.
When this switch is turned off, the
optimization process is disabled.
ROC_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to use
the optimized TTI switching algorithm
for BE services
When this switch is turned off, the
optimized algorithm does not take
effect. The original mechanism is
When this switch is turned on, the
optimized algorithm takes effect. After
HSUPA services are configured or
reconfigured with 10 ms TTI due to
network resource (admission CEs,
RTWP, consumed Iub bandwidth, or
consumed CEs) congestion or
insufficient coverage, these UEs
cannot change to use 2 ms TTI if no
data needs to be transmitted.
_SWITCH: Whether to activate the
algorithm for increasing the
single-threaded download rate.
JUST: Switch for adjusting the BLER
coefficient specific to CS services

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ID Command Name
based on the best cell's uplink load
status. When this switch is turned on,
the outer loop power control algorithm
uses the target BLER set by the OMU
board if the best cell's uplink load
status is LDR or OLC. If the status is
neither LDR nor OLC, this algorithm
uses this target BLER after being
divided by five.
Y_SWITCH: Whether to enable the
function of delaying the sending of an
containing AGPS information when
an emergency call is made. When
this switch is turned on, the RNC
delays the sending of this message
until the emergency call is
successfully set up. When this switch
is turned off, the RNC sends this
message upon receiving a
L message from the CN.
_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to enable a
UE having multiple RLSs to use the
value of "CQIReF" and the value of
"CQIFbCk" that are for UEs having
only one RLS. The two parameters
can be set by running the "SET
When this switch is turned off, the UE
does not use the values of the two
parameters that are for UEs having
only one RLS. When this switch is
turned on, the UE uses the values of
the two parameters that are for UEs
having only one RLS.
ORCIP_SWITCH: Whether to enable
message to contain the IE
When this switch is turned on, static
relocation request messages contain

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
the IE calculationTimeForCiphering.
D_SWITCH: Whether to trigger the
DRD procedure and channel
switchover from E-DCH or HS-DSCH
to DCH when messages transmitted
over the Uu and Iub interfaces do not
arrive in time. When this switch is
turned off, the DRD procedure and
channel switchover from E-DCH or
HS-DSCH to DCH are not triggered if
messages transmitted over the Uu
and Iub interfaces do not arrive in
time. When this switch is turned on,
the DRD procedure and channel
switchover from E-DCH or HS-DSCH
to DCH are triggered if messages
transmitted over the Uu and Iub
interfaces do not arrive in time.
DCAST_AMEND: Whether to
consider CE or code resource usage
when determining the resource status
of a cell whose serving boards or CP
sub-systems are different from those
of its neighboring cells. When this
switch is turned on, the RNC
determines the resource status of
such a cell based on power, CE, and
code resource usage. If power, CE, or
code resources in a cell become
congested, the RNC determines that
the cell experiences resource
congestion. When this switch is
turned off, the RNC determines the
resource status of such a cell based
on power resource usage only.
PT_SWITCH: When this switch is
turned on, candidate cells are ranked
by "InterFreqMeasQuantity" (in the
command) for MBDR, and the cell
with the best signal quality is selected
as the target cell. When this switch is
turned off, candidate cells are not
ranked by InterFreqMeasQuantity for

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
ION_SWITCH: Whether the RNC
makes a pre-admission decision on
intra-RAT DRDs or redirections during
an RRC connection setup. When this
switch is turned on, the RNC makes a
pre-admission decision on intra-RAT
DRDs or redirections during an RRC
connection setup. When this switch is
turned off, the RNC does not make a
pre-admission decision on intra-RAT
DRDs or redirections during an RRC
connection setup.
WITCH: Whether to activate the RRC
redirection in weak coverage
algorithm. When this switch is turned
on, UEs located in weak coverage are
redirected to the neighboring GSM
cell through RRC redirection. When
this switch is turned off, this algorithm
is disabled.
_SWITCH: Whether to preferentially
admit UEs processing PS services
who are involved in CS fallbacks.
When this switch is turned on, the
non-real-time PS services of the UE
involved in a CS fallback are switched
to a DCH with a data rate of 8 kbit/s
before the access to the UMTS
network. For the real-time PS
services, the UE follows the standard
access procedure. If the access fails
and the "PreemptAlgoSwitch"
parameter under the "SET
turned on, the UE can preempt other
UEs' resources. If this switch is turned
off, the UE has to try to access the
network as a common PS UE.
parameter controls whether to enable
blind detection for the HSDPA

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ID Command Name
user-associated single-signaling R99
channel. When the switch specified
by this parameter is turned on, blind
detection is enabled.
N_SRBAMRONDCH: This parameter
controls whether to enable blind
detection for the HSDPA
user-associated AMR R99 channel.
When the switch specified by this
parameter is turned on, blind
detection is enabled if the HSDPA
service has been set up and there are
signaling and AMR traffic carried on
the R99 channel.
O2MS_LIMIT: Whether to allow R6
UEs to switch from HSUPA 10 ms to 2
ms TTI. When the switch is turned on,
this switching is not allowed for R6
UEs. When the switch is turned off,
this limit does not work.
This parameter is an advanced
parameter. To modify this parameter,
contact Huawei Customer Service
Center for technical support.
GUI Value

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

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Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

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ID Command Name

PollTimerL BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:Timer length of the queue
en 910 UQUEUEP 505 Pre-Emption poll. The queue is polled for every
REEMPT time specified in this parameter.
During each poll, all the expired users
are removed from the queue and this
user fails in access. Among all the
unexpired users, resources are
allocated in the order of high priority
to low priority. If resource allocation is
successful, the user succeeds in
access and traverse of this queue is
stopped. Otherwise, the rest users
are traversed until all the unexpired
users go through this.
GUI Value Range:1~80
Actual Value Range:10~800
Default Value:50

PrdReportI BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter Meaning:The interval between two

nterval 910 UCELLMC 302 Frequency reports is the configured value.
LDR Hard
Handover GUI Value Range:D250, D500,
MOD Based on D1000, D2000, D3000, D4000,
UCELLMC Coverage D6000, D8000, D12000, D16000,
LDR D20000, D24000, D28000, D32000,
Actual Value Range:250, 500, 1000,
2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000,
12000, 16000, 20000, 24000, 28000,
32000, 64000
Default Value:D3000

PreemptAl BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:Determines whether

goSwitch 910 UQUEUEP 505 Pre-Emption preemption is supported. When this
REEMPT switch is enabled, the RNC allows
privileged users or services to
preempt cell resources from the users
or services with the preempted
attributes and lower priority in the
case of cell resource insufficiency.
When the switch is disabled, the RNC

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-109

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
terminates the service for the user
due to the failure in cell resource
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF

PreemptEn BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:1.

REEMPT T_CE_SWITCH: Whether to activate
CE-based user preemption on the
NodeB side. If this switch is turned
on, the RNC sends the NodeB a user
list containing users that can be
preempted. The NodeB selects users
for preemption based on the
consumed CEs.
PT_SF_SWITCH: Whether channel
codes can be obtained by preempting
SF resources of R99 users when
HS-SCCH channels are being
established.When this switch is
turned on, the RNC preempts SF
resources occupied by R99 users to
set up HS-SCCHs.When the switch is
turned off, the RNC searches for
vacant SF resources to set up
HS-SCCHs in scenarios where SF
resources are occupied by R99 users.
connection requests for CS services
preempt resources for PS services
when cell resources are
insufficient.When this switch is turned
on, CS services preempt resources
occupied by PS services to access
the cell, if RRC connection requests
for CS services fail due to insufficient
cell resources.When this switch is
turned off, RRC connection requests
for CS services cannot initiate a
preemption for resources occupied by

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
PS services.
T_PS_SWITCH: Whether CS access
requests preempt resources for PS
services when cell resources are
insufficient.When this switch is turned
on, CS services preempt resources
occupied by PS services to access
the cell, if CS access requests fail due
to insufficient cell resources.When
this switch is turned off, CS access
requests cannot initiate a preemption
for resources occupied by PS
CTRL_SWITCH: Whether preemption
is allowed when the CPU load is high.
When this switch is turned on, a user
checks the CPU load when
attempting to preempt other users'
resources due to insufficient cell
resources and cannot preempt other
users' resources when the CPU
usage is higher than 70%. When
this switch is turned off, the user does
not consider the CPU load when
preempting other users' resources.
GUI Value
Actual Value

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

PreemptR BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:Indicating whether

efArpSwitc 910 UQUEUEP 505 Pre-Emption ARP-based preemption between TCs
h REEMPT is supported. This switch only has
impact on the TC-based priorities.
When the priority is based on the TC
and the switch is enabled, for the
following two situations, the
preempting service should have a
higher priority and ARP priority than
the preempted service does: 1.The
preempting service is the streaming
service and the preempted service is
the interactive or background service.
2. The preempting service is the
interactive service and the preempted
service is the background service.
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:ON

PriorityRef BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Reference used to

erence 910 UUSERPR 106 Reshuffling determine which priority is arranged
IORITY first in the priority sequence.
WRFD-020 Overload
107 Control If the ARP is preferably used, the
priority sequence is gold > silver >
WRFD-010 Queuing and copper. If the ARPs are all the same,
505 Pre-Emption the TrafficClass is used and the
priority sequence is conversational >
streaming > interactive > background.
If the TrafficClass is preferably used,
the priority sequence is

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-112

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
conversational > streaming >
interactive > background. If the
TrafficClass factors are all the same,
the ARP factor is used and the priority
sequence is gold > silver > copper.
GUI Value Range:ARP, TrafficClass
Actual Value Range:ARP, TrafficClass
Default Value:ARP

PsBERrcP BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:Whether to activate the PS

reemptVul 910 UQUEUEP 505 Pre-Emption BE RRC preemption algorithm for a
nerable REEMPT cell. When this switch is turned on, if
the conversational services (including
the calling and called parties) fail to
be allocated resources at the RRC
connection setup phase or RAB setup
phase and fail to preempt resources
of other services (such as PS RABs),
the conversational services can
preempt the resources of PS BE
services having only the RRC
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF

PsSwitch BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-021 Dynamic Meaning:PS rate negotiation switch

910 UCORRM 101 Channel group.
ALGOSWI Configuration
TCH WRFD-010 Control 1)
SS_SWITCH: When the switch is on,
WRFD-030 RAB Quality access at a rate of 0 kbit/s or on the
004 of Service FACH is determined according to the
Renegotiation current connection state of the RRC if
over Iu the PS BE admission and the later
Interface preemption and queuing fail.
Adaptive 2)
of Typical _SWITCH: When the switch is on, the
HSPA Rate initial rate of the service should be
dynamically configured according to
the value of Ec/No reported by the UE
when the PS BE service is

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-113

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
When the switch is on, the Iu QoS
Negotiation function is applied to the
PS BE service if Alternative RAB
Parameter Values IE is present in the
REQUEST message.
When the switch is on and the RAB
downsizing license is activated, the
initial speed is determined on the
basis of cell resources. Downsizing is
implemented for BE services.
CH: When the switch is on, the Iu
QoS Negotiation function is applied to
the PS STREAM service if Alternative
RAB Parameter Values IE is present
REQUEST message.
ITCH: When the switch is on, the
strict Iu QoS Negotiation function is
applied to the PS BE service,RNC
select Iu max bit rate based on UE
capacity,cell capacity,max bitrate and
alternative RAB parameter values in
REQUEST message. When the
switch is not on, the loose Iu QoS
Negotiation function is applied to the
PS BE service,RNC select Iu max bit
rate based on UE capacity,max
bitrate and alternative RAB parameter
REQUEST message,not consider cell
capacity,this can avoid Iu QoS
Renegotiation between different
cell.The switch is valid when
set to ON.

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
WITCH (HSPA typical traffic rate
adaptation switch): When this switch
is turned on, the RNC can calculate
the actual maximum traffic rate of PS
BE services over HSPA channels
based on the MBR assigned by the
CN, if the license controlling the
Adaptive Configuration of Typical
HSPA Rate feature is activated.
GUI Value
Actual Value

PucAvgFilt BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-115

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
erLen 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of potential user control
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:6

PWRSWIT DBS3900 MOD MRFD-210 Connection Meaning:Indicates the state of the

CH WCDMA/BTS39 ANTENNA 601 with ALD power supply switch. The ALD
00 PORT TMA(Tower power supply switches for the
WCDMA/BTS39 MRFD-210 Mounted SINGLE_RET (Single-antenna
00A 602 Amplifier) Remote Electrical Tilt), MULTI_RET
WCDMA/BTS39 WRFD-060 Remote (Multi-antenna Remote Electrical Tilt),
00L 003 STMA (Smart Tower-mounted
WCDMA/BTS39 Electrical Tilt Amplifier), and SASU (Same-band
00AL WCDMA Same Band Antenna Sharing Unit) must be set to
Antenna ON. In actual running, the RRU/RFU
Sharing automatically sets this switch to OFF
Unit(900Mhz) for an Antenna port when the
ALM-26530 RF Module ALD Current
Abnormal alarm is reported due to
overcurrent, overcurrent protection, or
undercurrent protection (the
RRU/RFU supports undercurrent
protection and Low Current Protect
Switch is set to ON for the RRU/RFU)
on the Antenna port. For details, see
ALM-26530 RF Module ALD Current
GUI Value Range:ON(ON),
Actual Value Range:ON, OFF
Default Value:OFF(OFF)

QueueAlgo BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:Indicating whether queue is

Switch 910 UQUEUEP 505 Pre-Emption supported. When a user initiates a
REEMPT call, if cell resources are insufficient
and the user is queue supportive, the
RNC tries to arrange this user to join
the queue to increase access
success ratio.
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:OFF

QueueLen BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 Queuing and Meaning:Queue length. The total
910 UQUEUEP 505 Pre-Emption number of users in queue of each cell
REEMPT should not exceed the value specified
in this parameter. When a new user
needs queuing, 1) If the queue has
vacancy, the user joins the queue
immediately. 2) If the queue is full and
there is a user whose queue time
exceeds the allowed maximum queue
time, this user is out of the queue and
access fails. At the same time, the
new user joins the queue. 3) If the
queue has a user whose priority is
lower than that of the new user, the
user in the queue with the lowest
priority is out of the queue and access
fails. At the same time, the new user
joins the queue. 4)For other
situations, the user cannot join the
GUI Value Range:5~20
Actual Value Range:5~20
Default Value:5

RateRecov BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:Length of the timer for TF

erTimerLe 910 UCELLOL 107 Control rate recovery when downlink OLC
n C fast TF restriction is being executed.
If the cell is overloaded and
MOD congested when the timer expires, TF
UCELLOL restriction is performed again. If the
C cell is not overloaded or congested
when the timer expires, further TF
rate recovery is performed.
"RateRstrctTimerLen" and
"RateRecoverTimerLen" are effective
only to the downlink. The uplink fast
TF restriction is performed on the UE.
For the uplink fast TF restriction, the
RNC only delivers a new TFCS and
randomly selects a comparatively
long time length in the signaling value
scope. The UE automatically releases
the TF restriction once the time

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-117

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GUI Value Range:1~65535
Actual Value Range:1~65535
Default Value:5000

RateRstrct BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:Rate restriction coefficient

Coef 910 UCELLOL 107 Control for the action of downlink OLC fast TF
C restriction. This parameter indicates
the ratio of the service data rate after
MOD TF restriction to the service data rate
UCELLOL before TF restriction.
When a cell is overloaded and
congested, downlink OLC fast TF
restriction adjusts the downlink TF to
restrict the number of blocks
transported in each TTI at the MAC
layer and the user data rate, therefore
reducing the cell downlink load.
GUI Value Range:1~99
Actual Value Range:0.01~0.99
Default Value:68

RateRstrct BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:Length of the timer for TF

TimerLen 910 UCELLOL 107 Control restriction when downlink OLC fast
C TF restriction is being executed. If cell
overload and congestion has been
MOD released when the timer expires,
UCELLOL service data rate is recovered. If the
C cell is still overloaded when the timer
expires, Length of the timer for TF
restriction when downlink OLC fast
TF restriction is being executed. If cell
overload and congestion has been
released when the timer expires,
service data rate is recovered. If the
cell is still overloaded when the timer
expires, further TF restriction is
"RateRstrctTimerLen" and
"RateRecoverTimerLen" are effective
only to the downlink. The uplink fast
TF restriction is performed on the UE.
For the uplink fast TF restriction, the

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-118

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
RNC only delivers a new TFCS and
randomly selects a comparatively
long time length in the signaling value
scope. The UE automatically releases
TF restriction once the time expires.
GUI Value Range:1~65535
Actual Value Range:1~65535
Default Value:3000

RecoverCo BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:Rate recovery coefficient for

ef 910 UCELLOL 107 Control the action of downlink OLC fast TF
C restriction. The service data rate is
recovered after cell overload and
MOD congestion is released. This
UCELLOL parameter indicates the ratio of the
C recovered service data rate to the
service data rate after TF restriction
due to cell overload.
When a cell is overloaded and
congested, downlink OLC fast TF
restriction adjusts the downlink TF to
restrict the number of blocks
transported in each TTI at the MAC
layer and the user data rate, therefore
reducing the cell downlink load.
GUI Value Range:100~200
Actual Value Range:1~2
Default Value:130

RedirBandI BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Frequency band of the

nd 910 UREDIRE 120 Steering and target UL and DL UARFCNs to which
CTION Load Sharing the UE is redirected. It is
WRFD-020 in RRC recommended that this parameter is
40005 Connection set to Depending on the configuration
Setup of neighboring cells without the
consideration of NRNC neighboring
Inter-Frequen cells, that is, in the non-overlapped
cy network. This helps avoid
Redirection self-redirection. Self-redirection is a
Based on case in which redirection is initiated in
Distance the current cell when the UARFCN to
which the UE is redirected is the
same as that of the current cell.

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-119

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GUI Value Range:Band1, Band2,
Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6,
Band7, Band8, Band9,
DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed
Actual Value Range:Band1, Band2,
Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6,
Band7, Band8, Band9,
DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed
Default Value:DependOnNCell

RedirBandI BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Frequency band of the

nd 910 UCELLRE 120 Steering and target UL and DL UARFCNs to which
DIRECTIO Load Sharing the UE is redirected. It is
N WRFD-020 in RRC recommended that this parameter is
40005 Connection set to Depending on the configuration
MOD Setup of neighboring cells without the
UCELLRE consideration of NRNC neighboring
DIRECTIO Inter-Frequen cells, that is, in the non-overlapped
N cy network. This helps avoid
Redirection self-redirection. Self-redirection is a
Based on case in which redirection is initiated in
Distance the current cell when the UARFCN to
which the UE is redirected is the
same as that of the current cell.
GUI Value Range:Band1, Band2,
Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6,
Band7, Band8, Band9,
DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed
Actual Value Range:Band1, Band2,
Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6,
Band7, Band8, Band9,
DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed
Default Value:None

RedirBandI BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Frequency band of the

nd 910 UCELLDIS 120 Steering and target UL and DL UARFCNs to which
TANCERE Load Sharing the UE is redirected. It is
DIRECTIO WRFD-020 in RRC recommended that this parameter is
N 40005 Connection set to Depending on the configuration
Setup of neighboring cells without the
MOD consideration of NRNC neighboring
UCELLDIS Inter-Frequen cells, that is, in the non-overlapped
TANCERE cy network. This helps avoid
DIRECTIO Redirection self-redirection. Self-redirection is a
N Based on case in which redirection is initiated in

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-120

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Distance the current cell when the UARFCN to
which the UE is redirected is the
same as that of the current cell.
GUI Value Range:Band1, Band2,
Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6,
Band7, Band8, Band9,
DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed
Actual Value Range:Band1, Band2,
Band3, Band4, Band5, Band6,
Band7, Band8, Band9,
DependOnNCell, BandIndNotUsed
Default Value:None

RedirEcN0 BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Inter System Meaning:When the target UARFCN of
Thd 910 UREDIRE 40003 Redirect redirection indicates a specific
CTION frequency band and the Ec/N0 value
of the current cell carried in the RRC
Connection Request message is
smaller than the value of this
parameter, service-based RRC
redirection is forbidden. For details,
see 3GPP TS 25.215.
GUI Value Range:-24~0
Actual Value Range:-24~0
Default Value:-24

RedirEcN0 BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter System Meaning:When the target UARFCN of
Thd 910 UCELLRE 40003 Redirect redirection indicates a specific
DIRECTIO frequency band and the Ec/N0 value
N of the current cell carried in the RRC
Connection Request message is
MOD smaller than the value of this
UCELLRE parameter, service-based RRC
DIRECTIO redirection is forbidden. For details,
N see 3GPP TS 25.215.
GUI Value Range:-24~0
Actual Value Range:-24~0
Default Value:-24

RedirFacto BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020Service Meaning:Possibility of redirecting the

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-121

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
rOfLDR 910 UCELLRE 120 Steering and UE to another cell. When the UL load
DIRECTIO Load Sharing state or DL load state of the serving
N in RRC cell is LDR or OLC, a UE may be
Connection redirected to another cell according to
MOD Setup the traffic type. When this parameter
UCELLRE is set to 0, the RRC redirection is not
DIRECTIO performed if the load state on the
N serving cell is LDR or OLC.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:None

RedirFacto BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Possibility of redirecting the

rOfLDR 910 UREDIRE 120 Steering and UE to another cell. When the UL load
CTION Load Sharing state or DL load state of the serving
in RRC cell is LDR or OLC, a UE may be
Connection redirected to another cell according to
Setup the traffic type. When this parameter
is set to 0, the RRC redirection is not
performed if the load state on the
serving cell is LDR or OLC.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:None

RedirFacto BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter-RAT Meaning:When the UL load state or

rOfLDR 910 UCELLDIS 401 Redirection DL load state of the serving cell is
TANCERE Based on LDR(basic congestion) or
DIRECTIO Distance OLC(overload congestion), a UE may
N be redirected to another cell
according to the distance between UE
MOD and current cell. This parameter
UCELLDIS specifies the possibility of inter-RAT
TANCERE RRC redirecting the UE to another
DIRECTIO cell. When this parameter is set to 0,
N the distance based inter-RAT RRC
redirection is not performed if the load
state on the serving cell is LDR or
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-122

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:50

RedirFacto BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Possibility of redirecting the

rOfNorm 910 UREDIRE 120 Steering and UE to another cell. When the load of
CTION Load Sharing the serving cell is within the normal
in RRC range, a UE may be redirected to
Connection another cell according to the traffic
Setup type. When this parameter is set to 0,
the RRC redirection is not performed
if the load of the serving cell is within
the normal range.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:0

RedirFacto BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter-RAT Meaning:When the load of the serving
rOfNorm 910 UCELLDIS 401 Redirection cell is within the normal range, a UE
TANCERE Based on may be redirected to another cell
DIRECTIO Distance according to the distance between UE
N and current cell. This parameter
specifies the possibility of inter-RAT
MOD RRC redirecting the UE to another
UCELLDIS cell. When this parameter is set to 0,
TANCERE the inter-RAT RRC redirection is not
DIRECTIO performed if the load of the serving
N cell is within the normal range.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:0

RedirFacto BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Possibility of redirecting the

rOfNorm 910 UCELLRE 120 Steering and UE to another cell. When the load of
DIRECTIO Load Sharing the serving cell is within the normal
N in RRC range, a UE may be redirected to
Connection another cell according to the traffic
MOD Setup type. When this parameter is set to 0,
UCELLRE the RRC redirection is not performed
DIRECTIO if the load of the serving cell is within
N the normal range.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-123

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:None

RedirSwitc BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Whether service-based

h 910 UREDIRE 120 Steering and RRC redirection algorithm is
CTION Load Sharing applicable to a specific service type.
in RRC When this switch is turned on, the
Connection RNC checks the service type during
Setup initial RRC connection setup. If the
service type is defined by
"TrafficType", the RNC initiates a
redirection based on the configured
This algorithm is activated only when
this parameter is set to
GUI Value Range:OFF,
Actual Value Range:OFF,
Default Value:None

RedirSwitc BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Whether service-based

h 910 UCELLRE 120 Steering and RRC redirection algorithm is
DIRECTIO Load Sharing applicable to a specific service type.
N in RRC When this switch is turned on, the
Connection RNC checks the service type during
MOD Setup initial RRC connection setup. If the
UCELLRE service type is defined by
DIRECTIO "TrafficType", the RNC initiates a
N redirection based on the configured
This algorithm is activated only when
this parameter is set to
GUI Value Range:OFF,

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-124

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value Range:OFF,
Default Value:None

RedirSwitc BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter-RAT Meaning:Whether to activate the

h 910 UCELLDIS 401 Redirection distance-based inter-RAT redirection
TANCERE Based on algorithm. This algorithm is activated
DIRECTIO Distance only when this switch is turned on. If
N the distance between a UE and the
NodeB exceeds the value for
MOD "DelayThs", the RNC attempts to
UCELLDIS initiate an inter-RAT redirection.
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF

ReDirUAR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Target DL UARFCN for the

FCNDownl 910 UCELLRE 120 Steering and RRC redirection. Different values of
ink DIRECTIO Load Sharing "RedirBandInd" correspond to
N WRFD-020 in RRC different value ranges of the
40005 Connection UARFCN. Range of Each Downlink
MOD Setup Band Indication is as follow:
DIRECTIO Inter-Frequen BAND1
N cy
Redirection Common UARFCNs: [10562-10838]
Based on Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [9662-9938]
Special UARFCNs: {412, 437, 462,
487, 512, 537, 562, 587, 612, 637,
662, 687}
Common UARFCNs: [1162-1513]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [1537-1738]

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Special UARFCNs: {1887, 1912,
1937, 1962, 1987, 2012, 2037, 2062,
Common UARFCNs: [4357-4458]
Special UARFCNs: {1007, 1012,
1032, 1037, 1062, 1087}
Common UARFCNs: [4387-4413]
Special UARFCNs: {1037, 1062}
Common UARFCNs: [2237-2563]
Special UARFCNs: {2587, 2612,
2637, 2662, 2687, 2712, 2737, 2762,
2787, 2812, 2837, 2862, 2887, 2912}
Common UARFCNs: [2937-3088]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [9237-9387]
Special UARFCNs: none
BandIndNotUsed: [0-16383]
GUI Value Range:0~16383
Actual Value Range:0~16383
Default Value:None

ReDirUAR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Target DL UARFCN for the

FCNDownl 910 UCELLDIS 120 Steering and RRC redirection. Different values of
ink TANCERE Load Sharing "RedirBandInd" correspond to
DIRECTIO WRFD-020 in RRC different value ranges of the
N 40005 Connection UARFCN. Range of Each Downlink
Setup Band Indication is as follow:
UCELLDIS Inter-Frequen BAND1
DIRECTIO Redirection Common UARFCNs: [10562-10838]
N Based on Special UARFCNs: none

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-126

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Distance BAND2
Common UARFCNs: [9662-9938]
Special UARFCNs: {412, 437, 462,
487, 512, 537, 562, 587, 612, 637,
662, 687}
Common UARFCNs: [1162-1513]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [1537-1738]
Special UARFCNs: {1887, 1912,
1937, 1962, 1987, 2012, 2037, 2062,
Common UARFCNs: [4357-4458]
Special UARFCNs: {1007, 1012,
1032, 1037, 1062, 1087}
Common UARFCNs: [4387-4413]
Special UARFCNs: {1037, 1062}
Common UARFCNs: [2237-2563]
Special UARFCNs: {2587, 2612,
2637, 2662, 2687, 2712, 2737, 2762,
2787, 2812, 2837, 2862, 2887, 2912}
Common UARFCNs: [2937-3088]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [9237-9387]
Special UARFCNs: none
BandIndNotUsed: [0-16383]
GUI Value Range:0~16383
Actual Value Range:0~16383

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-127

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:None

ReDirUAR BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Target DL UARFCN for the

FCNDownl 910 UREDIRE 120 Steering and RRC redirection. Different values of
ink CTION Load Sharing "RedirBandInd" correspond to
WRFD-020 in RRC different value ranges of the
40005 Connection UARFCN. Range of each Downlink
Setup Band Indication is as follow:
Inter-Frequen BAND1
Redirection Common UARFCNs: [10562-10838]
Based on Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [9662-9938]
Special UARFCNs: {412, 437, 462,
487, 512, 537, 562, 587, 612, 637,
662, 687}
Common UARFCNs: [1162-1513]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [1537-1738]
Special UARFCNs: {1887, 1912,
1937, 1962, 1987, 2012, 2037, 2062,
Common UARFCNs: [4357-4458]
Special UARFCNs: {1007, 1012,
1032, 1037, 1062, 1087}
Common UARFCNs: [4387-4413]
Special UARFCNs: {1037, 1062}
Common UARFCNs: [2237-2563]
Special UARFCNs: {2587, 2612,
2637, 2662, 2687, 2712, 2737, 2762,
2787, 2812, 2837, 2862, 2887, 2912}

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-128

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Common UARFCNs: [2937-3088]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [9237-9387]
Special UARFCNs: none
GUI Value Range:0~16383
Actual Value Range:0~16383
Default Value:None

ReDirUAR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Target UL UARFCN for the

FCNUplink 910 UCELLRE 120 Steering and RRC redirection. The value range of
DIRECTIO Load Sharing the UL UARFCN depends on the
N WRFD-020 in RRC value of "RedirBandInd". The relation
40005 Connection between "RedirBandInd" and the
MOD Setup value range of the UL UARFCN is as
UCELLRE follows:
DIRECTIO Inter-Frequen
N cy BAND1
Based on Common UARFCNs: [9612-9888]
Distance Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [9262-9538]
Special UARFCNs: {12, 37, 62, 87,
112, 137, 162, 187, 212, 237, 262,
Common UARFCNs: [937-1288]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [1312-1513]
Special UARFCNs: {1662, 1687,
1712, 1737, 1762, 1787, 1812, 1837,

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-129

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Common UARFCNs: [4132-4233]
Special UARFCNs: {782, 787, 807,
812, 837, 862}
Common UARFCNs: [4162-4188]
Special UARFCNs: {812, 837}
Common UARFCNs: [2012-2338]
Special UARFCNs: {2362, 2387,
2412, 2437, 2462, 2487, 2512, 2537,
2562, 2587, 2612, 2637, 2662, 2687}
Common UARFCNs: [2712-2863]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [8762-8912]
Special UARFCNs: none
BandIndNotUsed: [0-16383]
Value range: 0-16383
If the UL UARFCN is not manually
configured, if RedirBandInd is set to
BAND9, and if the DL UARFCN is
valid, then the target UL UARFCN of
the redirection is automatically
configured according to the following
If the DL UARFCN is a common
UARFCN, the relation between the
as follows:
- 950
- 400

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-130

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 475
If the DL UARFCN is a special
UARFCN, the relation between the
as follows:
- 400
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 225
GUI Value Range:0~16383
Actual Value Range:0~16383
Default Value:None

ReDirUAR BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Service Meaning:This parameter specifies the

FCNUplink 910 UREDIRE 120 Steering and target UL UARFCN for the RRC
CTION Load Sharing redirection. The value range of the UL
WRFD-020 in RRC UARFCN depends on the
40005 Connection RedirBandInd. The relation between
Setup the RedirBandInd and the value
range of the UL UARFCN is as
Inter-Frequen follows:

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-131

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Based on BAND1
Common UARFCNs: [9612-9888]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [9262-9538]
Special UARFCNs: {12, 37, 62, 87,
112, 137, 162, 187, 212, 237, 262,
Common UARFCNs: [937-1288]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [1312-1513]
Special UARFCNs: {1662, 1687,
1712, 1737, 1762, 1787, 1812, 1837,
Common UARFCNs: [4132-4233]
Special UARFCNs: {782, 787, 807,
812, 837, 862}
Common UARFCNs: [4162-4188]
Special UARFCNs: {812, 837}
Common UARFCNs: [2012-2338]
Special UARFCNs: {2362, 2387,
2412, 2437, 2462, 2487, 2512, 2537,
2562, 2587, 2612, 2637, 2662, 2687}
Common UARFCNs: [2712-2863]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [8762-8912]
Special UARFCNs: none

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-132

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
BandIndNotUsed: [0-16383]
Value range: 0-16383
If the UL UARFCN is not manually
set, if RedirBandInd is set to BAND1,
and if the DL UARFCN is valid, then
the target UL UARFCN of the RRC
redirection is automatically set
according to the following principles:
If the DL UARFCN is a common
UARFCN, the relation between the
as follows:
- 950
- 400
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 475
If the DL UARFCN is a special
UARFCN, the relation between the
as follows:
- 400
- 225

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-133

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
- 225
- 225
- 225
GUI Value Range:0~16383
Actual Value Range:0~16383
Default Value:None

ReDirUAR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Target UL UARFCN for the

FCNUplink 910 UCELLDIS 120 Steering and RRC redirection. The value range of
TANCERE Load Sharing the UL UARFCN depends on the
DIRECTIO WRFD-020 in RRC value of "RedirBandInd". The relation
N 40005 Connection between "RedirBandInd" and the
Setup value range of the UL UARFCN is as
MOD follows:
UCELLDIS Inter-Frequen
DIRECTIO Redirection
N Based on Common UARFCNs: [9612-9888]
Distance Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [9262-9538]
Special UARFCNs: {12, 37, 62, 87,
112, 137, 162, 187, 212, 237, 262,
Common UARFCNs: [937-1288]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [1312-1513]
Special UARFCNs: {1662, 1687,
1712, 1737, 1762, 1787, 1812, 1837,
Common UARFCNs: [4132-4233]
Special UARFCNs: {782, 787, 807,
812, 837, 862}

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-134

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Common UARFCNs: [4162-4188]
Special UARFCNs: {812, 837}
Common UARFCNs: [2012-2338]
Special UARFCNs: {2362, 2387,
2412, 2437, 2462, 2487, 2512, 2537,
2562, 2587, 2612, 2637, 2662, 2687}
Common UARFCNs: [2712-2863]
Special UARFCNs: none
Common UARFCNs: [8762-8912]
Special UARFCNs: none
BandIndNotUsed: [0-16383]
Value range: 0-16383
If the UL UARFCN is not manually
configured, if RedirBandInd is set to
BAND9, and if the DL UARFCN is
valid, then the target UL UARFCN of
the redirection is automatically
configured according to the following
If the DL UARFCN is a common
UARFCN, the relation between the
as follows:
- 950
- 400
- 225
- 225

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-135

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 475
If the DL UARFCN is a special
UARFCN, the relation between the
as follows:
- 400
- 225
- 225
- 225
- 225
GUI Value Range:0~16383
Actual Value Range:0~16383
Default Value:None

ReDirUAR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Whether the target UL

FCNUplink 910 UCELLDIS 120 Steering and UARFCN to which the UE is
Ind TANCERE Load Sharing redirected needs to be configured.
DIRECTIO WRFD-020 in RRC TRUE indicates that the UL UARFCN
N 40005 Connection needs to be configured. FALSE
Setup indicates that the UL UARFCN need
MOD not be manually configured and it is
UCELLDIS Inter-Frequen automatically configured according to
TANCERE cy the relation between the UL and DL
N Based on
Distance GUI Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-136

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:None

ReDirUAR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Whether the target UL

FCNUplink 910 UCELLRE 120 Steering and UARFCN to which the UE is
Ind DIRECTIO Load Sharing redirected needs to be configured.
N WRFD-020 in RRC TRUE indicates that the UL UARFCN
40005 Connection needs to be configured. FALSE
MOD Setup indicates that the UL UARFCN need
UCELLRE not be manually configured and it is
DIRECTIO Inter-Frequen automatically configured according to
N cy the relation between the UL and DL
Redirection UARFCNs.
Based on
Distance GUI Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Default Value:None

ReDirUAR BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Whether the target UL

FCNUplink 910 UREDIRE 120 Steering and UARFCN to which the UE is
Ind CTION Load Sharing redirected needs to be configured.
WRFD-020 in RRC TRUE indicates that the UL UARFCN
40005 Connection needs to be configured. FALSE
Setup indicates that the UL UARFCN need
not be manually configured and it is
Inter-Frequen automatically configured according to
cy the relation between the UL and DL
Redirection UARFCNs.
Based on
Distance GUI Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE
Default Value:None

ReservedS BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Intra System Meaning:1. CORRM algorithm

witch0 910 UCORRM 40001 Direct Retry reserved switch 0. The switch is
ALGOSWI reserved for further change request
TCH WRFD-021 Direct use.
400 Signaling
Connection Disuse statement: This parameter is
WRFD-020 Re-establish used temporarily in patch versions
203 ment (DSCR) and will be replaced with a new
WRFD-021 Inter RNC parameter in later versions. The new
101 parameter ID reflects the parameter
Soft function. Therefore, this parameter is
WRFD-010 Handover not recommended for the

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-137

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
613 Dynamic configuration interface.
WRFD-020 Configuration GUI Value
701 Control Range:RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT
Rates Control RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11,
Actual Value

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-138

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-139

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

RFCONNT DBS3900 None None None Meaning:Indicates the RF

YPE WCDMA/BTS39 interconnection type.Intra
00 interconnection means the
WCDMA/BTS39 interconnection between two RRUs or
00A RFUs belonging to one base station
WCDMA/BTS39 system. Outer connection means the
00L interconnection between two RRUs or
WCDMA/BTS39 RFUs belonging to two base station
00AL WCDMA systems.
GUI Value
tra interconnection),
interconnection), NULL(NULL)
Actual Value
Default Value:NULL(NULL)

RFDS DBS3900 ADD RRU None None Meaning:Indicates the RF

WCDMA/BTS39 desensitization intensity of the RRU
00 MOD RRU or RFU. When the air interface is
WCDMA/BTS39 under strong blocking or interference,
00A the anti-interference capability of RF
WCDMA/BTS39 modules can be improved by
00L decreasing the gain on RX channels
WCDMA/BTS39 and lowering the receiver sensitivity.
00AL WCDMA Currently, this parameter can only be
set to 0 dB or 10 dB. When the
parameter is set to 10 dB, the uplink
receiver sensitivity is lowered by 10
dB. Therefore, the anti-interference
capability is improved.
GUI Value Range:0~10
Actual Value Range:0~10
Default Value:0

RlMaxDlP BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Open Loop Meaning:This parameter specifies the
wr 910 UCELLRL 501 Power maximum DL RL power to be
PWR Control assigned.
MOD 101 Admission This parameter should fulfill the
UCELLRL Control coverage requirement of the network
planning, and the value is relative to

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-140

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
PWR [PCPICH transmit power]. For
detailed information of this parameter,
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:-350~150
Actual Value Range:-35~15
Default Value:None

RlMinDlPw BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Open Loop Meaning:This parameter specifies the
r 910 UCELLRL 501 Power minimum DL RL power to be
PWR Control assigned.
MOD The value of this parameter varies
UCELLRL with the service type. In addition, this
PWR parameter is relevant to
"RlMaxDlPwr" and dynamic
adjustment range of power control.
Their relationship is explained in the
following formula:
RlMinDlPwr = RlMaxDlPwr - Dynamic
adjustment range of power control
Dynamic adjustment range of power
control is tunable and its
recommended value is 15 dB. For
detailed information of this parameter,
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:-350~150
Actual Value Range:-35~15
Default Value:None

RrcCause BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 3.4/6.8/13.6/2 Meaning:Cause of RRC connection

910 URRCEST 510 7.2Kbps RRC establishment, that is, the value of the
CAUSE Connection establishment cause IE in the RRC
and Radio CONNECTION REQUEST message.
Bearer GUI Value
Establishmen Range:ORIGCONVCALLEST,

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-141

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Actual Value
Default Value:None

RsvdPara1 BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Admission Meaning:Reserved parameter 1.

910 UCELLAL 101 Control
GOSWITC Disuse statement: This parameter is
H used temporarily in patch versions
and will be replaced with a new
MOD parameter in later versions. The new
UCELLAL parameter ID reflects the parameter
GOSWITC function. Therefore, this parameter is
H not recommended for the
configuration interface.
GUI Value
Range:RSVDBIT1(Reserved Switch
1), RSVDBIT2(Reserved Switch 2),
RSVDBIT3(Reserved Switch 3),
RSVDBIT4(Reserved Switch 4),

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-142

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
RSVDBIT5(Reserved Switch 5),
RSVDBIT6(Reserved Switch 6),
RSVDBIT7(Reserved Switch 7),
RSVDBIT8(Reserved Switch 8),
RSVDBIT9(Reserved Switch 9),
RSVDBIT10(Reserved Switch 10),
RSVDBIT11(Reserved Switch 11),
RSVDBIT12(Reserved Switch 12),
RSVDBIT13(Reserved Switch 13),
RSVDBIT14(Reserved Switch 14),
RSVDBIT15(Reserved Switch 15),
RSVDBIT16(Reserved Switch 16)
Actual Value Range:RSVDBIT1,

RTWPHea BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Intra Meaning:RTWP heavy threshold for

vyThd 910 UCELLUL 104 Frequency the load balancing algorithm based
B Load Balance on Received Total Wideband Power
(RTWP). If power in a cell exceeds
MOD the threshold, CPICH power in the
UCELLUL cell will be decreased.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:95

RTWPINIT DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the initial

ADJ1 WCDMA/BTS39 RXBRANC correction value of the RTWP for
00 H carrier 1.
00A GUI Value Range:-130~130
WCDMA/BTS39 Actual Value Range:-13~13, step:0.1

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-143

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
WCDMA/BTS39 Unit:0.1dB
Default Value:0

RTWPINIT DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the initial

ADJ2 WCDMA/BTS39 RXBRANC correction value of the RTWP for
00 H carrier 2.
00A GUI Value Range:-130~130
WCDMA/BTS39 Actual Value Range:-13~13, step:0.1
WCDMA/BTS39 Unit:0.1dB
Default Value:0

RTWPINIT DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the initial

ADJ3 WCDMA/BTS39 RXBRANC correction value of the RTWP for
00 H carrier 3.
00A GUI Value Range:-130~130
WCDMA/BTS39 Actual Value Range:-13~13, step:0.1
WCDMA/BTS39 Unit:0.1dB
Default Value:0

RTWPINIT DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the initial

ADJ4 WCDMA/BTS39 RXBRANC correction value of the RTWP for
00 H carrier 4.
00A GUI Value Range:-130~130
WCDMA/BTS39 Actual Value Range:-13~13, step:0.1
WCDMA/BTS39 Unit:0.1dB
Default Value:0

RTWPINIT DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the initial

ADJ5 WCDMA/BTS39 RXBRANC correction value of the RTWP for
00 H carrier 5.
00A GUI Value Range:-130~130
WCDMA/BTS39 Actual Value Range:-13~13, step:0.1
WCDMA/BTS39 Unit:0.1dB
Default Value:0

RTWPINIT DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the initial

ADJ6 WCDMA/BTS39 RXBRANC correction value of the RTWP for
00 H carrier 6.

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-144

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
00A GUI Value Range:-130~130
00L Actual Value Range:-13~13, step:0.1
WCDMA/BTS39 Unit:0.1dB
Default Value:0

RTWPINIT DBS3900 MOD None None Meaning:Indicates the initial

ADJ7 WCDMA/BTS39 RXBRANC correction value of the RTWP for
00 H carrier 7.
00A GUI Value Range:-130~130
WCDMA/BTS39 Actual Value Range:-13~13, step:0.1
WCDMA/BTS39 Unit:0.1dB
Default Value:0

RTWPLigh BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Intra Meaning:RTWP light threshold for the
tThd 910 UCELLUL 104 Frequency load balancing algorithm based on
B Load Balance RTWP. If power in a cell is less than
the threshold, CPICH power in the
MOD cell will be increased.
B GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:85

SCellLoad BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter System Meaning:1. Whether the RNC
BsdRedirS 910 UCELLRE 40003 Redirect considers the load in the source cell
witch DIRECTIO before initiating a service-based RRC
N redirection. When this switch is turned
on, the RNC redirects UEs to an
MOD inter-frequency neighboring cell for
UCELLRE load sharing when either of the
DIRECTIO following conditions is met:
2. The uplink load in the source cell is
greater than or equal to
"UlLdrTrigThd" in the "ADD
UCELLLDM" command multiplied by
"OffloadRelativeThd" in the "ADD
UCELLLDM" command.
3. The downlink load in the source
cell is greater than or equal to
"DlLdrTrigThd" in the "ADD
UCELLLDM" command multiplied by
"OffloadRelativeThd" in the "ADD

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-145

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
UCELLLDM" command.
4. When this switch is turned off, the
RNC does not consider the load in the
source cell before initiating a
service-based RRC redirection.
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF

SepRNCN BSC6900/BSC6 SET UCLB WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Whether to check load in

CellLoadE 910 217 cy Load cells under a neighboring RNC. When
stSwitch Balancing this switch is turned on, the RNC
Based on regards a cell as being overloaded if
Configurable the number of failed inter-RNC
Load inter-frequency handovers in the cell
Threshold exceeds the related threshold within a
period of time specified by a sliding
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:ON, OFF
Default Value:OFF

SeqOfUser BSC6900 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:Whether MBMS services

Rel UCELLOL 107 Control are preferentially released during
C service releasing due to overload
C Range:MBMS_REL(MBMS service),
Actual Value Range:MBMS_REL,
Default Value:MBMS_REL(MBMS

SigRbInd BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Logical Meaning:Indicating whether the

910 UFACH 900 Channel FACH bears signalling
Actual Value Range:FALSE, TRUE

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-146

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:True

SpucHeav BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Potential Meaning:It is used to decide whether

y 910 UCELLPU 105 User Control the cell load level is "Heavy" or not. It
C is denoted by the ratio of NodeB TX
power to the maximum TX power.
UCELLPU If the load of a cell is equal to or
C higher than this threshold, the load
level of this cell is heavy.
If the load level of a cell is heavy, the
PUC algorithm will configure
selection/reselection parameters for
this cell to lead the UE camping on
this cell to reselect another
inter-frequency neighboring cell with
light load.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:70

SpucHyst BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Potential Meaning:Hysteresis used to

910 UCELLPU 105 User Control determine the cell load level. It is
C denoted by the ratio of NodeB TX
power to the maximum TX power. It is
MOD used to avoid the unnecessary
UCELLPU ping-pong effect of a cell between two
C load levels due to tiny load change.
For detailed information of this
parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.304.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:5

SpucLight BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Potential Meaning:It is used to decide whether

910 UCELLPU 105 User Control the cell load level is "Light" or not. It is
C denoted by the ratio of NodeB TX
power to the maximum TX power.
UCELLPU If the load of a cell is equal to or lower
C than this threshold, the load level of
this cell is light.

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-147

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
If the load level of a cell is light, the
PUC algorithm will configure
selection/reselection parameters for
this cell to lead the UE to reselect this
cell rather than the previous
inter-frequency neighboring cell with
heavy load.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:45

T300 BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 3GPP R9 Meaning:T300 is started when UE

910 UIDLEMO 101 Specifications sends the RRC CONNECTION
DETIMER REQUEST message. It is stopped
when UE receives the RRC
be resent upon the expiry of the timer
if V300 is lower than or equal to
N300, else enter idle mode.
GUI Value Range:D100, D200, D400,
D600, D800, D1000, D1200, D1400,
D1600, D1800, D2000, D3000,
D4000, D6000, D8000
Actual Value Range:100, 200, 400,
600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600,
1800, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000
Default Value:D2000

T381 BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-010 3GPP R9 Meaning:T381 is started after the

910 UCONNM 101 Specifications RNC send message "RRC
R UPDATE CONFIRM"). If T381 expire
and RNC does not receive "RRC
COMPLETE"(or the response of
V381 is smaller than N381, RNC
CONFIRM") and restart timer T381
and increase V381. If RNC receive
COMPLETE"(or the response of

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-148

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
will be stopped. Default value is
GUI Value Range:D0, D100, D200,
D300, D400, D500, D600, D700,
D800, D900, D1000, D1200, D1500,
Actual Value Range:0, 100, 200, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000,
1200, 1500, 2000
Default Value:D600

TargetFreq BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter Meaning:Estimate the signal quality

ThdEcN0 910 UCELLMC 302 Frequency of the periodic reports. The
LDR Hard inter-frequency handover is triggered
Handover only when the signal quality of the
MOD Based on target cell is higher than this
UCELLMC Coverage parameter. Note: The threshold can
LDR be reached only when RSCP and
EcNo of the target cell are above the
RSCP and EcNo that are set in the
GUI Value Range:-24~0
Actual Value Range:-24~0
Default Value:-12

TargetFreq BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter Meaning:Estimate the signal quality

ThdRscp 910 UCELLMC 302 Frequency of the periodic reports. The
LDR Hard inter-frequency handover is triggered
Handover only when the signal quality of the
MOD Based on target cell is higher than this
UCELLMC Coverage parameter. Note: The threshold can
LDR be reached only when RSCP and
EcNo of the target cell are above the
RSCP and EcNo that are set in the
GUI Value Range:-115~-25
Actual Value Range:-115~-25
Default Value:-92

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

TenMsecF BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:DL basic common

orDlBasic 910 ULDM 102 Measurement measurement report cycle. For
Meas detailed information of this parameter,
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~6000
Actual Value Range:10~60000
Default Value:100

TenMsecF BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:This parameter specifies the

orHsdpaPr 910 ULDM 102 Measurement HSDPA bit rate measurement report
vidRateMe period. For detailed information of this
as parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~6000
Actual Value Range:10~60000
Default Value:100

TenMsecF BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:HSDPA power requirement

orHsdpaP 910 ULDM 102 Measurement measurement report period For
wrMeas detailed information of this parameter,
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~6000
Actual Value Range:10~60000
Default Value:100

TenMsecF BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:This parameter specifies the

orHsupaPr 910 ULDM 102 Measurement HSUPA bit rate measurement report
vidRateMe period. For detailed information of this
as parameter, refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~6000
Actual Value Range:10~60000
Default Value:100

TenMsecF BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:UL basic common

orUlBasic 910 ULDM 102 Measurement measurement report cycle. For
Meas detailed information of this parameter,

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-150

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
refer to 3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:1~6000
Actual Value Range:10~60000
Default Value:100

TerminTrfc BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter System Meaning:Whether service-based

BsdRedirS 910 UCELLRE 40003 Redirect RRC redirections are performed on
witch DIRECTIO mobile terminated calls (MTCs).
N When this switch is turned on, RRC
redirections are performed on MTCs
MOD of the selected service. When this
UCELLRE switch is turned off, RRC redirections
DIRECTIO are performed only on mobile
N originated calls (MOCs).
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF

TrafficType BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Traffic class whose RRC

910 UREDIRE 120 Steering and redirection parameters are to be set
CTION Load Sharing
in RRC GUI Value Range:AMR, VP, PSR99,
Connection PSHSPA
Setup Actual Value Range:AMR, VP,
Default Value:None

TrafficType BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Service Meaning:Traffic class whose RRC

910 UCELLRE 120 Steering and redirection parameters are to be set.
DIRECTIO Load Sharing The RRC redirection algorithm is not
N in RRC able to distinguish AMR or VP service
MOD Setup message sent by UE in R5(or R3,R4)
UCELLRE version.
N GUI Value Range:AMR, VP, PSR99,
UCELLRE Actual Value Range:AMR, VP,

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:None

TransCchU BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:The maximum number of

serNum 910 UCELLOL 107 Control users that can be selected for
C executing the action of switching BE
users to common channels when the
MOD cell is overloaded and congested.
C The OLC mechanism is as follows: An
action is performed in each [OLC
period] and a part of services are
selected based on the action rules to
perform this action. The action of
switching BE users to common
channels is one of the actions.
GUI Value Range:0~10
Actual Value Range:0~10
Default Value:0

TrChId BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-010 3GPP R9 Meaning:Uniquely identifying a FACH

910 UFACH 101 Specifications in a cell.The ID of a common
transport channel is used to identify a
MOD common physical channel in a cell.
UFACH Each common physical channel is
RMV uniquely numbered within a cell. The
UFACH IDs of common physical channels
should be planned before the
channels are configured for the cell.
Configured according to the product
specifications.One cell has at least
two FACHs.One FACH bears signal,
the other bears traffic.One S-CCPCH
carries zero to two FACHs.
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:None

UESpdOpt BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter System Meaning:Whether MCDRD considers

Switch 910 UCELLMC 40002 Direct Retry the moving speeds of UEs. This
DRD parameter prevents frequent
WRFD-021 HCS handovers of high-speed moving UEs
MOD 200 (Hierarchical in hierarchical cell networking after
UCELLMC Cell HSPA users are reassigned to micro
DRD Structure) cells. When this switch is turned on,

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
high-speed moving UEs are not
handed over to the micro cells. When
this switch is turned off, MCDRD does
not consider the moving speeds of
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF

UESpdOpt BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter Meaning:Whether the RNC considers

Switch 910 UCELLMC 103 Frequency the UE speed when initiating a
LDR Load Balance measurement-based inter-frequency
WRFD-020 handover. If this parameter is set to
MOD 160 Enhanced ON, high-speed UEs will not be
UCELLMC Multiband handed over to a micro cell. If this
LDR Management parameter is set to OFF, the RNC
does not consider the UE speed
when initiating a measurement-based
inter-frequency handover.
GUI Value Range:OFF, ON
Actual Value Range:OFF, ON
Default Value:OFF

UlBasicCo BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:L3 filtering coefficient. The

mmMeasFi 910 ULDM 102 Measurement larger the value of this parameter, the
lterCoeff stronger the smoothing effect and the
higher the anti-slow-fading capability,
but the lower the signal change
tracing capability. For detailed
information of this parameter, refer to
3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:D0, D1, D2, D3,
D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13,
D15, D17, D19
Actual Value Range:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
Default Value:D6

UlbAvgFilt BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Intra Meaning:Filter length used for

erLen 910 ULDM 104 Frequency calculating RTWP

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Load Balance GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:32

UlBeTraffIn BSC6900/BSC6 SET UFRC WRFD-021 Dynamic Meaning:UL initial access rate of PS
itBitrate 910 101 Channel background or interactive service.
Configuration When DCCC function is enabled, the
Control uplink initial access rate will be set to
(DCCC) this value if the uplink maximum rate
is higher than the initial access rate. A
higher value indicates that it takes
shorter time for BE services to reach
the maximum rate. Note that the rate
will be decreased through negotiation
when congestion occurs. A smaller
value indicates that BE services is
easier to be accessed. It is not
recommended to set a too small
value, because it will take longer time
for BE services to adjust to a higher
rate when needed.
GUI Value Range:D8, D16, D32, D64,
D128, D144, D256, D384
Actual Value Range:8, 16, 32, 64,
128, 144, 256, 384
Default Value:D64

UlCacAvgF BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

ilterLen 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of uplink CAC.
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:5

UlClbCredi BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Margin threshold for uplink

tSfSpaceT 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load cell credit resources for
hd B Balancing inter-frequency handovers involved in
Based on the CLB feature. When the remaining
MOD Configurable uplink credit resources in a candidate
UCELLCL Load cell for inter-frequency handovers
B Threshold exceeds this threshold, this cell can
be selected as a target cell for such

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:13

UlCreditCS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Clearance threshold for high

ClbRelThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load uplink cell credit usage specific to CS
B Balancing services. If the uplink credit usage
Based on specific to CS services in a cell is
MOD Configurable lower than this threshold, the RNC
UCELLCL Load allows the cell to leave the CS CLB
B Threshold state.Because of load fluctuation, the
value difference between
"UlCreditCSClbRelThd" and
"UlCreditCSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:87

UlCreditCS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Cell uplink credit usage

ClbTrigThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load threshold for the CLB feature specific
B Balancing to CS services. When the uplink
Based on credit usage in a cell is equal to or
MOD Configurable higher than this threshold, the RNC
UCELLCL Load initiates inter-frequency handovers
B Threshold specific to CS services in the cell to
reduce Cell load. Because of load
fluctuation, the value difference
between "UlCreditCSClbRelThd" and
"UlCreditCSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:100

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-155

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

UlCreditPS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Clearance threshold for high

ClbRelThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load uplink cell credit usage specific to PS
B Balancing services. If the uplink credit usage
Based on specific to PS services in a cell is
MOD Configurable lower than this threshold, the RNC
UCELLCL Load allows the cell to leave the PS CLB
B Threshold state.Because of load fluctuation, the
value difference between
"UlCreditPSClbRelThd" and
"UlCreditPSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:69

UlCreditPS BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Cell uplink credit usage

ClbTrigThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load threshold for the CLB feature specific
B Balancing to PS services. When the uplink credit
Based on usage in a cell is equal to or higher
MOD Configurable than this threshold, the RNC initiates
UCELLCL Load inter-frequency handovers specific to
B Threshold PS services in the cell to reduce Cell
load.Because of load fluctuation, the
value difference between
"UlCreditPSClbRelThd" and
"UlCreditPSClbTrigThd" should be
larger than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:82

UlCSInter BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of users selected in

RatShould 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a UL LDR CS domain inter-RAT
BeHOUeN R SHOULDBE load handover.
MOD GUI Value Range:1~10
R Actual Value Range:1~10

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Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:3

UlCSInter BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of users selected in

RatShould 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a UL LDR CS domain inter-RAT
NotHOUe R SHOULDNOTBE load handover.
MOD GUI Value Range:1~10
R Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:3

UlDcccRat BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-021 Dynamic Meaning:Uplink bit rate threshold for
eThd 910 UDCCC 101 Channel DCCC. When the maximum uplink bit
Configuration rate of a BE service is larger than this
Control parameter value, the traffic-based
(DCCC) uplink DCCC function can take effect
for the UE. Otherwise, the function
cannot take effect for the UE.
GUI Value Range:D8, D16, D32, D64,
D128, D144, D256, D384
Actual Value Range:8, 16, 32, 64,
128, 144, 256, 384
Default Value:D64

UlIcLdcOpt BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Dual-Thresho Meaning:Whether to consider load on

Switch 910 UCELLCA 137 ld Scheduling delay antennas or load on real-time
C with HSUPA and delay antennas when setting the
Interference uplink power threshold for admission
MOD Cancellation and the LDR threshold.When this
UCELLCA switch is turned off, load on delay
C antennas is considered during the
setting of the uplink power threshold
for admission and the LDR threshold.
When this switch is turned on, load on
real-time and delay antennas is
considered during the setting of the
two thresholds.
GUI Value Range:OFF(OFF),
Actual Value Range:ON, OFF
Default Value:OFF(OFF)

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

UlInterFreq BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:The UE can be selected to

HoBWThd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling process load handover only when its
R bandwidth is less than this threshold.
MOD GUI Value Range:0~400000
R Actual Value Range:0~400000
Default Value:200000

UlInterFreq BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Inter Meaning:CE resource threshold for a

HoCeLDR 910 UNODEBL 103 Frequency target cell for inter-frequency
SpaceThd DR Load Balance handovers. A cell can be selected as
a target cell for inter-frequency
MOD handovers when the CE resource
UNODEBL margin of the local cell group to which
DR the cell belongs exceeds this
threshold and when the CE resource
margin of the NodeB controlling the
local cell group exceeds this
threshold. A CE resource margin is
the difference between the number of
the remaining CE resources in a local
cell group, or NodeB and the
corresponding CE resource LDR
GUI Value Range:SF4(SF4),
SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16), SF32(SF32),
SF64(SF64), SF128(SF128),
SF256(SF256), 2*SF4(2*SF4),
Actual Value Range:SF4, SF8, SF16,
SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256, 2*SF4,
Default Value:SF8(SF8)

UlInterFreq BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:In the load-based

HoCellLoa 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling inter-frequency handovers involved in
dSpaceTh R LDR triggered by basic congestions in
d the uplink, the inter-frequency
MOD neighboring cell can be selected as
UCELLLD the target cell of the handover only
R when the uplink load remaining space
of the cell is larger than this
parameter value.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:20

UlLdrAMR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:The maximum number of

RateReduc 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling RABs selected in executing the action
tionRabNu R of uplink LDR-AMR voice service rate
m reduction. The mechanism of the LDR
MOD is that an action is performed in each
UCELLLD [LDR period] and a part of services
R are selected based on the action
rules to perform this action.
GUI Value Range:1~10
Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:1

UlLdrAvgFi BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

lterLen 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of uplink LDR.
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:5

UlLdrBERa BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of RABs selected in

teReductio 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a UL LDR BE traffic rate reduction.
nRabNum R
GUI Value Range:1~10
UCELLLD Actual Value Range:1~10
R Unit:None
Default Value:1

UlLdrCredi BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Reserved SF threshold in

tSfResThd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling uplink credit LDR. The uplink credit
R LDR could be triggered only when the
SF factor corresponding to the uplink
MOD reserved credit is higher than the
UCELLLD uplink or downlink credit SF reserved
R threshold.
GUI Value Range:8*SF4(8*SF4),

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
7*SF4(7*SF4), 6*SF4(6*SF4),
5*SF4(5*SF4), 4*SF4(4*SF4),
3*SF4(3*SF4), 2*SF4(2*SF4),
SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF16(SF16),
SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64),
SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256)
Actual Value Range:8*SF4, 7*SF4,
6*SF4, 5*SF4, 4*SF4, 3*SF4, 2*SF4,
SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128,
Default Value:SF8(SF8)

UlLdrPsRT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of RABs selected in

QosReneg 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a UL LDR uncontrolled real-time
RabNum R traffic QoS renegotiation. The target
subscribers of this parameter are the
MOD PS domain real-time subscribers. The
UCELLLD setting of this parameter is similar to
R the setting of BE service rate
reduction subscriber number.
Considering the scenario where the
candidate subscribers selected for
uplink LDR do not meet the QoS
renegotiation conditions, you need to
leave a part of margin when setting
this parameter to ensure the success
of LDR.
GUI Value Range:1~10
Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:1

UlLdrRelT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If the ratio of UL load of the
hd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling cell to the uplink capacity is lower
M than this threshold, the UL load
reshuffling function of the cell is
MOD stopped. After the basic congestion
UCELLLD state of the cell load is released, the
M system no longer implements the
LDR action. Because the load
fluctuates, the difference between the
LDR release threshold and trigger
threshold should be higher than 10%.
The ping-pong effect of the
preliminary congestion state will occur

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-160

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:45

UlLdrTrigT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If the ratio of UL load of the
hd 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling cell to the uplink capacity is not lower
M than this threshold, the UL load
reshuffling function of the cell is
MOD triggered. After the basic congestion
UCELLLD state of the cell load is released, the
M system no longer implements the
LDR action. Because the load
fluctuates, the difference between the
LDR release threshold and trigger
threshold should be higher than 10%.
The ping-pong effect of the
preliminary congestion state will occur
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:55

UlLdTrnsH BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:If the UL load state of the
ysTime 910 UCELLLD 102 Measurement cell is lasted longer than this
M threshold, the UL load state of the cell
UCELLLD GUI Value Range:10~600000
Actual Value Range:10~600000
Default Value:600

UlOlcAvgFi BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Length of smoothing filter

lterLen 910 ULDM 102 Measurement window of uplink OLC.
GUI Value Range:1~32
Actual Value Range:1~32
Default Value:5

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name

UlOlcFTFR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:UL fast TF restriction refers

strctRabNu 910 UCELLOL 107 Control to a situation where, when the cell is
m C overloaded and congested, the uplink
TF can be adjusted to restrict the
MOD number of blocks transported in each
UCELLOL TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of
C user data, thus reducing the cell
uplink load.
The mechanism of the OLC is that an
action is performed in each [OLC
period] and a part of services are
selected based on the action rules to
perform this action. This parameter
defines the maximum number of
RABs selected in executing uplink
OLC fast restriction.
Selection of RABs of the OLC is
based on the service priorities and
ARP values and bearing priority
indication. The RAB of low priority is
under control.
GUI Value Range:1~10
Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:3

UlOlcFTFR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:UL fast TF restriction refers

strctTimes 910 UCELLOL 107 Control to a situation where, when the cell is
C overloaded and congested, the uplink
TF can be adjusted to restrict the
MOD number of blocks transported in each
UCELLOL TTI at the MAC layer and the rate of
C user data, thus reducing the cell
uplink load.
The mechanism of the OLC is that an
action is performed in each [OLC
period] and a part of services are
selected based on the action rules to
perform this action. This parameter
defines the maximum number of
uplink OLC fast TF restriction
performed in entering/exiting the OLC
After the overload is triggered, the
RNC immediately executes OLC by
first executing fast TF restriction. The

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
internal counter is incremented by 1
with each execution. If the number of
overloads does not exceed the OLC
action threshold, the system lowers
the BE service rate by lowering TF to
relieve the overload. If the number of
overloads exceeds the OLC action
threshold, the previous operation has
no obvious effect on alleviating the
overload and the system has to
release users to solve the overload
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:3

UlOlcMeas BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-020 Load Meaning:L3 filtering coefficient. The

FilterCoeff 910 ULDM 102 Measurement larger the value of this parameter, the
stronger the smoothing effect and the
higher the anti-slow-fading capability,
but the lower the signal change
tracing capability. For detailed
information of this parameter, refer to
3GPP TS 25.433.
GUI Value Range:D0, D1, D2, D3,
D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13,
D15, D17, D19
Actual Value Range:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
Default Value:D3

UlOlcRelT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:If the ratio of UL load of the
hd 910 UCELLLD 107 Control cell to the uplink capacity is lower
M than this threshold, the UL overload
and congestion control function of the
MOD cell is stopped. The value of the OLC
UCELLLD release threshold should not be much
M lower than or close to the OLC trigger
threshold, or the system state will
have a ping-pong effect easily. The
recommended difference between the
OLC release threshold and the OLC
trigger threshold is higher than 10%.
It is desirable to set the two

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-163

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
parameters a bit higher given that the
difference between OLC trigger
threshold and OLC release threshold
is fixed.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:85

UlOlcTraff BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:User release is an extreme

RelRabNu 910 UCELLOL 107 Control method in reducing the cell load and
m C recovering the system when the cell
is overloaded and congested.
UCELLOL The mechanism of the OLC is that an
C action is performed in each [OLC
period] and a part of services are
selected based on the action rules to
perform this action. This parameter
defines the maximum number of
RABs released in executing uplink
OLC service release.
For the users of a single service, the
releasing of RABs means the
complete releasing of the users. The
releasing of RABs causes call drops,
so UlOlcFTFRstrctTimes or
DlOlcFTFRstrctTimes should be set
to a low value. Higher values of the
parameter get the cell load to
decrease more obviously, but the
QoS will be affected.
GUI Value Range:0~10
Actual Value Range:0~10
Default Value:0

UlOlcTrigT BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Overload Meaning:If the ratio of UL load of the
hd 910 UCELLLD 107 Control cell to the uplink capacity is not lower
M than this threshold, the UL overload
and congestion control function of the
MOD cell is triggered. The value of the OLC
UCELLLD release threshold should not be much
M lower than or close to the OLC trigger
threshold, or the system state will
have a ping-pong effect easily. The

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-164

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
recommended difference between the
OLC release threshold and the OLC
trigger threshold is higher than 10%.
It is desirable to set the two
parameters a bit higher given that the
difference between OLC trigger
threshold and OLC release threshold
is fixed.
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:95

UlPSInterR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of users selected in

atShouldB 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a UL LDR PS domain inter-RAT
eHOUeNu R SHOULDBE load handover.
MOD GUI Value Range:1~10
R Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:1

UlPSInterR BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-020 Load Meaning:Number of users selected in

atShouldN 910 UCELLLD 106 Reshuffling a UL LDR PS domain inter-RAT
otHOUeNu R SHOULDNOTBE load handover.
MOD GUI Value Range:1~10
R Actual Value Range:1~10
Default Value:1

UlPSU2LH BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-150 Load Based Meaning:Number of UEs for

OUeNum 910 UCELLLD 216 PS performing uplink UMTS-to-LTE PS
R Redirection handovers.
WRFD-150 from UMTS to
MOD 217 LTE GUI Value Range:1~10
R Load Based Actual Value Range:1~10
PS Handover Unit:None
from UMTS to
LTE Default Value:1

UlPwrCSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Clearance threshold for the

bRelThd 910 UCELLLD 217 cy Load CS CLB state triggered by high uplink
Balancing cell power load. When the uplink

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-165

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
M Based on power load in a cell is lower than this
Configurable threshold for a period of time longer
MOD Load than the value of "UlLdTrnsHysTime",
UCELLLD Threshold the cell leaves the CS CLB state and
M the RNC does not perform any
inter-frequency CS handovers for
CLB. Because of load fluctuation, the
value difference between
"UlPwrCSClbRelThd" and
"UlPwrCSClbTrigThd" must be larger
than 10%. Otherwise, the cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:90

UlPwrCSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Uplink cell power load

bTrigThd 910 UCELLLD 217 cy Load threshold for the CS CLB state. When
M Balancing the uplink power load in a cell is equal
Based on to or higher than this threshold for a
MOD Configurable period of time longer than the value of
UCELLLD Load "UlLdTrnsHysTime", the RNC hands
M Threshold over UEs processing CS services to
an inter-frequency neighboring cell.
Because of load fluctuations, the
value difference between
"UlPwrCSClbRelThd" and
"UlPwrCSClbTrigThd" must be larger
than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:100

UlPwrLoad BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Margin threshold for the

SpaceThd 910 UCELLCL 217 cy Load uplink cell power load for
B Balancing inter-frequency handovers involved in
Based on the CLB feature. When the uplink cell
MOD Configurable power load margin in a candidate cell
UCELLCL Load for inter-frequency handovers
B Threshold exceeds this threshold, this cell can
be selected as a target cell for such

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-166

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:15

UlPwrPSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Clearance threshold for the

bRelThd 910 UCELLLD 217 cy Load PS CLB state triggered by high uplink
M Balancing cell power load. When the uplink
Based on power load in a cell is lower than this
MOD Configurable threshold for a period of time longer
UCELLLD Load than the value of "UlLdTrnsHysTime",
M Threshold the cell leaves the PS CLB state and
the RNC does not perform any
inter-frequency PS handovers for
CLB. Because of load fluctuation, the
value difference between
"UlPwrPSClbRelThd" and
"UlPwrPSClbTrigThd" must be larger
than 10%. Otherwise, the cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100
Default Value:30

UlPwrPSCl BSC6900/BSC6 ADD WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Uplink cell power load

bTrigThd 910 UCELLLD 217 cy Load threshold for the PS CLB state. When
M Balancing the uplink power load in a cell is equal
Based on to or higher than this threshold for a
MOD Configurable period of time longer than the value of
UCELLLD Load "UlLdTrnsHysTime", the RNC hands
M Threshold over UEs processing PS services to
an inter-frequency neighboring cell.
Because of load fluctuations, the
value difference between
"UlPwrPSClbRelThd" and
"UlPwrPSClbTrigThd" must be larger
than 10%. Otherwise, a cell will
frequently enter and leave the CLB
GUI Value Range:0~100
Actual Value Range:0~100

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-167

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
Default Value:40

UmtsCellIF BSC6900/BSC6 SET UCLB WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Maximum number of

HOFailNu 910 217 cy Load allowable failed inter-RNC
m Balancing inter-frequency handovers. During a
Based on period specified by
Configurable "UmtsCellLoadEstSlidWindow", if
Load the number of inter-RNC failed
Threshold inter-frequency handovers in a cell is
larger than the value of
"UmtsCellIFHOFailNum", the target
cell accommodating the UEs handed
over from the original cell is punished.
Therefore, the target cell is no longer
allowed to accommodate such UEs
for a period of time specified by
GUI Value Range:1~255
Actual Value Range:1~255
Default Value:1

UmtsCellL BSC6900/BSC6 SET UCLB WRFD-140 Inter-Frequen Meaning:Period during which the
oadEstSlid 910 217 cy Load RNC records the number of failed
Window Balancing inter-RNC inter-frequency handovers.
Based on During this period, if the number of
Configurable failed inter-frequency handovers in a
Load cell exceeds the threshold specified
Threshold by "UmtsCellIFHOFailNum", the
target cell accommodating the UEs
handed over from the original cell is
punished. Therefore, the target cell is
no longer allowed to accommodate
such UEs for a period of time
specified by
GUI Value Range:0~7200
Actual Value Range:0~7200
Default Value:30

WeakCovR BSC6900/BSC6 SET UFRC WRFD-020 Inter System Meaning:The cell signal quality is
rcRedirEc 910 40003 Redirect indicated by the Ec/No reported by
NoThs UEs in the cell. If the value of Ec/No is

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 12 Parameters

Parameter NE MML Feature ID Feature Description

ID Command Name
lower than the threshold, the cell
signal quality is poor, and the UEs are
redirected to the neighboring GSM
cell when the
WITCH" parameter in the "SET
UCORRMPARA" command is set to
Actual Value = (GUI Value -
49(offset)) x 0.5.
GUI Value Range:0~49
Actual Value Range:-24.5~0
Default Value:13

ZeroRateU BSC6900/BSC6 SET WRFD-021 Dynamic Meaning:Release timer for the PS BE

pFailToRel 910 UCOIFTIM 101 Channel service at a rate of 0 kbit/s after the
TimerLen ER Configuration DCCC rate increase. For the PS BE
Control service at a rate of 0 kbit/s, this
(DCCC) parameter is used for the DCCC rate
increase triggered by event 4A.
Unsuccessful rate increases indicate
that resources are insufficient in the
cell. The service at a rate of 0 kbit/s is
unavailable in a short period. If the
timer is started, the 0 kbit/s service is
released after the timer expires. If the
value is set to 0, the timer is not
GUI Value Range:0~65535
Actual Value Range:0~65535
Default Value:180

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12-169

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

13 Counters
Table 13-1 Counter description
Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

67179338 RRC.AttConnEs Number of RRC Connection BSC6910 WRFD-0211 Emergency Call

tab.EmgCall Requests for Cell 04
(Emergency Call) 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
WRFD-0105 s RRC Connection
10 and Radio Access
Establishment and

67179338 RRC.AttConnEs Number of RRC Connection BSC6900 WRFD-0211 Emergency Call

tab.EmgCall Requests for Cell 04
(Emergency Call) 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
WRFD-0105 s RRC Connection
10 and Radio Access
Establishment and

67179466 RRC.SuccConn Number of Successful RRC BSC6910 WRFD-0211 Emergency Call

Estab.EmgCall Connection Setups for Cell 04
(Emergency Call) 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
WRFD-0105 s RRC Connection
10 and Radio Access
Establishment and

67179466 RRC.SuccConn Number of Successful RRC BSC6900 WRFD-0211 Emergency Call

Estab.EmgCall Connection Setups for Cell 04
(Emergency Call) 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
WRFD-0105 s RRC Connection
10 and Radio Access
Establishment and

67179848 VS.RAB.AttRel Number of CS RAB Release BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

CS.Preempt Requests for Cell (RAB 05 Pre-Emption
WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67179848 VS.RAB.AttRel Number of CS RAB Release BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

CS.Preempt Requests for Cell (RAB 05 Pre-Emption

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Preempted) WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67179953 VS.RAB.AttRelP Number of PS RAB Release BSC6900 WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp

S.RABPreempt Requests for Cell (RAB 10 s RRC Connection
Preempted) and Radio Access
WRFD-0105 Bearer
05 Establishment and
Queuing and

67179953 VS.RAB.AttRelP Number of PS RAB Release BSC6910 WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp

S.RABPreempt Requests for Cell (RAB 10 s RRC Connection
Preempted) and Radio Access
WRFD-0105 Bearer
05 Establishment and
Queuing and

67180069 VS.RAB.Abnor Number of CS RAB Release BSC6910 WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp

mRel.CS.Preem Attempts for Cell (RAB 10 s RRC Connection
pt Preemption) and Radio Access
WRFD-0105 Bearer
05 Establishment and
Queuing and

67180069 VS.RAB.Abnor Number of CS RAB Release BSC6900 WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp

mRel.CS.Preem Attempts for Cell (RAB 10 s RRC Connection
pt Preemption) and Radio Access
WRFD-0105 Bearer
05 Establishment and
Queuing and

67180076 VS.RAB.Abnor Number of PS RAB BSC6900 WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp

mRel.PS.Preem Abnormal Released Due to 10 s RRC Connection
pt RAB Preemption for Cell and Radio Access
WRFD-0105 Bearer
05 Establishment and

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Queuing and

67180076 VS.RAB.Abnor Number of PS RAB BSC6910 WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp

mRel.PS.Preem Abnormal Released Due to 10 s RRC Connection
pt RAB Preemption for Cell and Radio Access
WRFD-0105 Bearer
05 Establishment and
Queuing and

67180549 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of Outgoing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

CellLB.SingleRL Inter-Frequency Hard 03 Load Balance
Handover Attempts Due to
Load Balancing for Cell
(Single RL)

67180549 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of Outgoing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

CellLB.SingleRL Inter-Frequency Hard 03 Load Balance
Handover Attempts Due to
Load Balancing for Cell
(Single RL)

67180550 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

terCellLB.Single Outgoing Inter-Frequency 03 Load Balance
RL Hard Handovers Due to
Load Balancing for Cell
(Single RL)

67180550 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

terCellLB.Single Outgoing Inter-Frequency 03 Load Balance
RL Hard Handovers Due to
Load Balancing for Cell
(Single RL)

67183900 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of Outgoing BSC6910 WRFD-0203 Inter Frequency

FreqOut Inter-Frequency Hard 02 Hard Handover
Handover Attempts for Cell Based on Coverage
04 Inter Frequency
Hard Handover
WRFD-0201 Based on DL QoS
Load Reshuffling

67183900 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of Outgoing BSC6900 WRFD-0203 Inter Frequency

FreqOut Inter-Frequency Hard 02 Hard Handover

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Handover Attempts for Cell WRFD-0203 Based on Coverage
Inter Frequency
WRFD-0201 Hard Handover
06 Based on DL QoS
Load Reshuffling

67183901 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful BSC6900 WRFD-0203 Inter Frequency

terFreqOut Outgoing Inter-Frequency 02 Hard Handover
Hard Handovers for Cell Based on Coverage
04 Inter Frequency
Hard Handover
WRFD-0201 Based on DL QoS
Load Reshuffling

67183901 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful BSC6910 WRFD-0203 Inter Frequency

terFreqOut Outgoing Inter-Frequency 02 Hard Handover
Hard Handovers for Cell Based on Coverage
04 Inter Frequency
Hard Handover
WRFD-0201 Based on DL QoS
Load Reshuffling

67189460 RRC.AttConnRe Number of RRC Connection BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

lDCCH.Preempt Releases on DCCH due to 05 Pre-Emption
Preemption for Cell
WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67189460 RRC.AttConnRe Number of RRC Connection BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

lDCCH.Preempt Releases on DCCH due to 05 Pre-Emption
Preemption for Cell
WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67189466 RRC.AttConnRe Number of RRC Connection BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

lCCCH.Preempt Releases on CCCH due to 05 Pre-Emption
Preemption for Cell
WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Establishment and

67189466 RRC.AttConnRe Number of RRC Connection BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

lCCCH.Preempt Releases on CCCH due to 05 Pre-Emption
Preemption for Cell
WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67189474 VS.RRC.Rej.Re Number of RRC Connection BSC6900 WRFD-0204 Inter System

dir.InterRat Rejects during redirection 0003 Redirect
between inter-RAT cells for
cell WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67189474 VS.RRC.Rej.Re Number of RRC Connection BSC6910 WRFD-0204 Inter System

dir.InterRat Rejects during redirection 0003 Redirect
between inter-RAT cells for
cell WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67189852 VS.LCC.OLC.U Number of UL Overload BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.Num Congestions for Cell 07

67189852 VS.LCC.OLC.U Number of UL Overload BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.Num Congestions for Cell 07

67189853 VS.LCC.OLC.D Number of DL Overload BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.Num Congestions for Cell 07

67189853 VS.LCC.OLC.D Number of DL Overload BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.Num Congestions for Cell 07

67189856 VS.PUC.High.O Number of Qoffset Updates BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Potential User

ffset.Updt Due to Heavy Load for Cell 05 Control

67189856 VS.PUC.High.O Number of Qoffset Updates BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Potential User

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

ffset.Updt Due to Heavy Load for Cell 05 Control

67189857 VS.PUC.Light.O Number of Qoffset Updates BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Potential User

ffset.Updt Due to Light Load for Cell 05 Control

67189857 VS.PUC.Light.O Number of Qoffset Updates BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Potential User

ffset.Updt Due to Light Load for Cell 05 Control

67189858 VS.PUC.Norm. Number of Qoffset Updates BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Potential User

Offset.Updt Due to Normal Load for Cell 05 Control

67189858 VS.PUC.Norm. Number of Qoffset Updates BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Potential User

Offset.Updt Due to Normal Load for Cell 05 Control

67190073 VS.RRC.AttCon Number of RRC Connection BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

nRel.Preempt.R Releases due to Preemption 05 Pre-Emption
NC for RNC
WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67190073 VS.RRC.AttCon Number of RRC Connection BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

nRel.Preempt.R Releases due to Preemption 05 Pre-Emption
NC for RNC
WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67190183 VS.IU.RelReqP Number of IU RELEASE BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

S.Preempt REQUEST Messages Sent 05 Pre-Emption
by RNC to CN in PS Domain
(RAB Preempted) WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67190183 VS.IU.RelReqP Number of IU RELEASE BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

S.Preempt REQUEST Messages Sent 05 Pre-Emption
by RNC to CN in PS Domain
(RAB Preempted) WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
10 s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-6

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name


67190435 VS.LCC.LDR.Int Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

erFreq Inter-Frequency Load 03 Load Balance
Handovers in Basic
Congestion for Cell

67190435 VS.LCC.LDR.Int Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

erFreq Inter-Frequency Load 03 Load Balance
Handovers in Basic
Congestion for Cell

67190436 VS.LCC.LDR.U Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

L.BERateDown BE Service Downsizing in 06
UL Basic Congestion

67190436 VS.LCC.LDR.U Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

L.BERateDown BE Service Downsizing in 06
UL Basic Congestion

67190437 VS.LCC.LDR.D Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

L.BERateDown BE Service Downsizing in 06
DL Basic Congestion

67190437 VS.LCC.LDR.D Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

L.BERateDown BE Service Downsizing in 06
DL Basic Congestion

67190438 VS.LCC.LDR.U Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

L.QosReNego Uncontrollable Real-Time 06
Service QoS Renegotiation
in UL Basic Congestion for

67190438 VS.LCC.LDR.U Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

L.QosReNego Uncontrollable Real-Time 06
Service QoS Renegotiation
in UL Basic Congestion for

67190439 VS.LCC.LDR.D Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

L.QosReNego Uncontrollable Real-Time 06
Service QoS Renegotiation
in DL Basic Congestion for

67190439 VS.LCC.LDR.D Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

L.QosReNego Uncontrollable Real-Time 06
Service QoS Renegotiation

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

in DL Basic Congestion for

67190442 VS.PUC.Light.In Number of Sintersearch BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Potential User

tSrch.Updt Updates Due to Light Load 05 Control
for Cell

67190442 VS.PUC.Light.In Number of Sintersearch BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Potential User

tSrch.Updt Updates Due to Light Load 05 Control
for Cell

67190443 VS.PUC.Norm.I Number of Sintersearch BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Potential User

ntSrch.Updt Updates Due to Normal 05 Control
Load for Cell

67190443 VS.PUC.Norm.I Number of Sintersearch BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Potential User

ntSrch.Updt Updates Due to Normal 05 Control
Load for Cell

67190444 VS.PUC.High.In Number of Sintersearch BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Potential User

tSrch.Updt Updates Due to Heavy Load 05 Control
for Cell

67190444 VS.PUC.High.In Number of Sintersearch BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Potential User

tSrch.Updt Updates Due to Heavy Load 05 Control
for Cell

67190840 VS.RAB.Abnor Number of PS Domain RABs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

mRel.PS.OLC Released Due to Congestion 07
for Cell

67190840 VS.RAB.Abnor Number of PS Domain RABs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

mRel.PS.OLC Released Due to Congestion 07
for Cell

67190841 VS.RAB.Abnor Number of CS Domain BSC6910 WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp

mRel.CS.OLC RABs Released Due to 10 s RRC Connection
Congestion for Cell and Radio Access
WRFD-0201 Bearer
07 Establishment and
Overload Control

67190841 VS.RAB.Abnor Number of CS Domain BSC6900 WRFD-0105 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp

mRel.CS.OLC RABs Released Due to 10 s RRC Connection
Congestion for Cell and Radio Access
WRFD-0201 Bearer
07 Establishment and

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-8

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Overload Control

67190846 VS.CellBreath.C Number of Upward CPICH BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

PICHUp Power Adjustments Due to 04 Load Balance
Cell Breathing for Cell

67190846 VS.CellBreath.C Number of Upward CPICH BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

PICHUp Power Adjustments Due to 04 Load Balance
Cell Breathing for Cell

67190847 VS.CellBreath.C Number of Downward BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

PICHDown CPICH Power Adjustments 04 Load Balance
Due to Cell Breathing for

67190847 VS.CellBreath.C Number of Downward BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

PICHDown CPICH Power Adjustments 04 Load Balance
Due to Cell Breathing for

67191150 VS.LCC.OLC.H Number of HSDPA UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

SDPA.UserRel Released Due to Overload 07
Congestion for Cell

67191150 VS.LCC.OLC.H Number of HSDPA UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

SDPA.UserRel Released Due to Overload 07
Congestion for Cell

67191151 VS.LCC.LDR.H Number of HSDPA UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

SDPA.InterFreq Performing Inter-Frequency 03 Load Balance
Load Handovers in Basic
Congestion for Cell

67191151 VS.LCC.LDR.H Number of HSDPA UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

SDPA.InterFreq Performing Inter-Frequency 03 Load Balance
Load Handovers in Basic
Congestion for Cell

67191657 VS.RAB.SFOcc Maximum Number of SFs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

upy.MAX that Have Been Occupied 08 Management
(Let the SFs that Have Been
Occupied a Unitary SF of
256) for Cell

67191657 VS.RAB.SFOcc Maximum Number of SFs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

upy.MAX that Have Been Occupied 08 Management
(Let the SFs that Have Been
Occupied a Unitary SF of

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

256) for Cell

67192134 VS.IUB.UL.Con Number of Iub UL BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

g.Num Congestions 06

67192134 VS.IUB.UL.Con Number of Iub UL BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

g.Num Congestions 06

67192135 VS.IUB.DL.Con Number of Iub DL BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

g.Num Congestions 06

67192135 VS.IUB.DL.Con Number of Iub DL BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

g.Num Congestions 06

67192397 VS.LCC.LDR.C Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

odeAdj.Att Code Adjustment Attempts 06
in DL Basic Congestion for

67192397 VS.LCC.LDR.C Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

odeAdj.Att Code Adjustment Attempts 06
in DL Basic Congestion for

67192398 VS.LCC.LDR.M Number of MBMS Services BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

bmsPowerDec Performing Power 06
Decreasing in Basic
Congestion for Cell

67192426 VS.LCC.LDR.A Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

MRRateUL AMR Rate Decrease in UL 06
Basic Congestion for Cell

67192426 VS.LCC.LDR.A Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

MRRateUL AMR Rate Decrease in UL 06
Basic Congestion for Cell

67192427 VS.LCC.LDR.A Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

MRRateDL AMR Rate Decrease in DL 06
Basic Congestion for Cell

67192427 VS.LCC.LDR.A Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

MRRateDL AMR Rate Decrease in DL 06
Basic Congestion for Cell

67192549 VS.LCC.OLC.D Number of UEs Transferring BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

2C BE Service to Common 07
Channel in Overload

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-10

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Congestion for Cell

67192549 VS.LCC.OLC.D Number of UEs Transferring BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

2C BE Service to Common 07
Channel in Overload
Congestion for Cell

67192637 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.ULPower LDR State Due to UL Power 06
Congestion for Cell

67192637 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.ULPower LDR State Due to UL Power 06
Congestion for Cell

67192638 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.DLPower LDR State Due to DL Power 06
Congestion for Cell

67192638 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.DLPower LDR State Due to DL Power 06
Congestion for Cell

67192639 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.DLCode LDR State Due to DL Code 06
Resource Congestion for

67192639 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.DLCode LDR State Due to DL Code 06
Resource Congestion for

67192640 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.ULCE LDR State Due to UL CE 06
Resource Congestion for

67192640 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.ULCE LDR State Due to UL CE 06
Resource Congestion for

67192641 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.DLCE LDR State Due to DL CE 06
Resource Congestion for

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

67192641 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.DLCE LDR State Due to DL CE 06
Resource Congestion for

67192642 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.ULIub LDR State Due to UL Iub 06
Transmission Resource
Congestion for Cell

67192642 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.ULIub LDR State Due to UL Iub 06
Transmission Resource
Congestion for Cell

67192643 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.DLIub LDR State Due to DL Iub 06
Transmission Resource
Congestion for Cell

67192643 VS.LCC.LDR.N Number of Times a Cell Is in BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

um.DLIub LDR State Due to DL Iub 06
Transmission Resource
Congestion for Cell

67192644 VS.LCC.LDR.H Number of HSUPA UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

SUPA.InterFreq Performing Inter-Frequency 03 Load Balance
Load Handovers in Basic
Congestion for Cell

67192644 VS.LCC.LDR.H Number of HSUPA UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

SUPA.InterFreq Performing Inter-Frequency 03 Load Balance
Load Handovers in Basic
Congestion for Cell

67192646 VS.LCC.OLC.U Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.TF BE Service TF Control in UL 07
Overload Congestion for

67192646 VS.LCC.OLC.U Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.TF BE Service TF Control in UL 07
Overload Congestion for

67192647 VS.LCC.OLC.U Number of UEs Released BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.UserRel Due to UL Overload 07
Congestion for Cell

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-12

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

67192647 VS.LCC.OLC.U Number of UEs Released BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.UserRel Due to UL Overload 07
Congestion for Cell

67192648 VS.LCC.OLC.H Number of HSUPA UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

SUPA.UserRel Released during Overload 07
Congestion for Cell

67192648 VS.LCC.OLC.H Number of HSUPA UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

SUPA.UserRel Released during Overload 07
Congestion for Cell

67192649 VS.LCC.OLC.D Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.TF BE Service TF Control in DL 07
Overload Congestion for

67192649 VS.LCC.OLC.D Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.TF BE Service TF Control in DL 07
Overload Congestion for

67192650 VS.LCC.OLC.D Number of UEs Released BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.UserRel Due to DL Overload 07
Congestion for Cell

67192650 VS.LCC.OLC.D Number of UEs Released BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.UserRel Due to DL Overload 07
Congestion for Cell

67192937 VS.RAC.NewCa Number of Preemptions BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

llReq.Preempt.C During RAB Establishment 05 Pre-Emption
ong for Cell

67192937 VS.RAC.NewCa Number of Preemptions BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

llReq.Preempt.C During RAB Establishment 05 Pre-Emption
ong for Cell

67192938 VS.RAC.HHO.P Number of Preemptions BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

reempt.Cong During HHO for Cell 05 Pre-Emption

67192938 VS.RAC.HHO.P Number of Preemptions BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

reempt.Cong During HHO for Cell 05 Pre-Emption

67192975 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSDPA RABs BSC6900 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSDPA. Carrying Golden Users BE 10 Package
Cong.Golden Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name


67192975 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSDPA RABs BSC6910 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSDPA. Carrying Golden Users BE 10 Package
Cong.Golden Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192976 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSDPA RABs BSC6910 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSDPA. Carrying Silver Users BE 10 Package
Cong.Silver Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192976 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSDPA RABs BSC6900 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSDPA. Carrying Silver Users BE 10 Package
Cong.Silver Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192977 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSDPA RABs BSC6910 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSDPA. Carrying Copper Users BE 10 Package
Cong.Copper Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192977 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSDPA RABs BSC6900 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSDPA. Carrying Copper Users BE 10 Package
Cong.Copper Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192978 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSUPA RABs BSC6910 WRFD-0106 HSUPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSUPA. Carrying Golden Users BE 12 Package
Cong.Golden Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192978 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSUPA RABs BSC6900 WRFD-0106 HSUPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSUPA. Carrying Golden Users BE 12 Package
Cong.Golden Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192979 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSUPA RABs BSC6900 WRFD-0106 HSUPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSUPA. Carrying Silver Users BE 12 Package
Cong.Silver Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192979 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSUPA RABs BSC6910 WRFD-0106 HSUPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSUPA. Carrying Silver Users BE 12 Package
Traffic Released Due to

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-14

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Cong.Silver Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192980 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSUPA RABs BSC6900 WRFD-0106 HSUPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSUPA. Carrying Copper Users BE 12 Package
Cong.Copper Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67192980 VS.RAB.RelReq Number of HSUPA RABs BSC6910 WRFD-0106 HSUPA Introduction

PS.BE.HSUPA. Carrying Copper Users BE 12 Package
Cong.Copper Traffic Released Due to
Congestion for Cell WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67193409 VS.LCC.LDR.C Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

odeAdj.Succ Successful Code Adjustment 08 Management
in DL Basic Congestion for

67193409 VS.LCC.LDR.C Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

odeAdj.Succ Successful Code Adjustment 08 Management
in DL Basic Congestion for

67193410 VS.LCC.HSDPA Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

.CodeAdj.Succ Successful Code Adjustment 10 Package
Based on HSDPA for Cell
WRFD-0201 Code Resource
08 Management

67193410 VS.LCC.HSDPA Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

.CodeAdj.Succ Successful Code Adjustment 10 Package
Based on HSDPA for Cell
WRFD-0201 Code Resource
08 Management

67193709 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of Outgoing BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

CellLB.MultiRL Inter-Frequency Hard 03 Load Balance
Handover Attempts Due to
Load Balancing for Cell
(Multiple RLs)

67193709 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of Outgoing BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

CellLB.MultiRL Inter-Frequency Hard 03 Load Balance
Handover Attempts Due to
Load Balancing for Cell
(Multiple RLs)

67193710 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

terCellLB.MultiR Outgoing Inter-Frequency 03 Load Balance

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

L Hard Handovers Due to
Load Balancing for Cell
(Multiple RLs)

67193710 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

terCellLB.MultiR Outgoing Inter-Frequency 03 Load Balance
L Hard Handovers Due to
Load Balancing for Cell
(Multiple RLs)

67194970 VS.LCC.OLC.M Number of MBMS PTM BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

BMS.PTM.RBR Service Releases in 07
el Overload Congestion for

67194971 VS.LCC.OLC.M Number of MBMS PTP BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

BMS.PTP.RBRe Service Releases in 07
l Overload Congestion for

67195992 VS.LCC.HSDPA Number of UEs Performing BSC6910 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

.CodeAdj.Att Code Adjustment Based on 10 Package
HSDPA for Cell
WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67195992 VS.LCC.HSDPA Number of UEs Performing BSC6900 WRFD-0106 HSDPA Introduction

.CodeAdj.Att Code Adjustment Based on 10 Package
HSDPA for Cell
WRFD-0201 Overload Control

67196031 VS.RRC.Rej.Re Number of RRC Connection BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Service Steering and
dir.Service Rejects Due to 20 Load Sharing in RRC
Service-based RRC Connection Setup
Redirection for Cell WRFD-0105
10 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

67196031 VS.RRC.Rej.Re Number of RRC Connection BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Service Steering and
dir.Service Rejects Due to 20 Load Sharing in RRC
Service-based RRC Connection Setup
Redirection for Cell WRFD-0105
10 3.4/6.8/13.6/27.2Kbp
s RRC Connection
and Radio Access
Establishment and

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-16

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name


67196293 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of CS Voice BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.CS.MBDR.RBS Directed Retry Attempts 03 Load Balance
etup.AttOut Based on Inter-Frequency
Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196293 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of CS Voice BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.CS.MBDR.RBS Directed Retry Attempts 03 Load Balance
etup.AttOut Based on Inter-Frequency
Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196294 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of Successful CS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.CS.MBDR.RBS Voice Directed Retry Based 03 Load Balance
etup.SuccOut on Inter-Frequency
Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196294 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of Successful CS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.CS.MBDR.RBS Voice Directed Retry Based 03 Load Balance
etup.SuccOut on Inter-Frequency
Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196295 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of PS R99 Directed BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.PS.MBDR.R99. Retry Attempts Based on 03 Load Balance
RBSetup.AttOut Inter-Frequency
Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196295 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of PS R99 Directed BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.PS.MBDR.R99. Retry Attempts Based on 03 Load Balance
RBSetup.AttOut Inter-Frequency
Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196296 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of Successful PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.PS.MBDR.R99. R99 Directed Retry Based 03 Load Balance
RBSetup.SuccO on Inter-Frequency
ut Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196296 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of Successful PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.PS.MBDR.R99. R99 Directed Retry Based 03 Load Balance
RBSetup.SuccO on Inter-Frequency
ut Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196297 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of HSDPA PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.PS.MBDR.HRe Directed Retry Attempts 03 Load Balance
sCong.RBSetup Based on Inter-Frequency

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-17

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

.AttOut Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196297 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of HSDPA PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.PS.MBDR.HRe Directed Retry Attempts 03 Load Balance
sCong.RBSetup Based on Inter-Frequency
.AttOut Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196298 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of Successful BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.PS.MBDR.HRe HSDPA PS Directed Retry 03 Load Balance
sCong.RBSetup Based on Inter-Frequency
.SuccOut Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67196298 VS.DRD.IFREQ Number of Successful BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

.PS.MBDR.HRe HSDPA PS Directed Retry 03 Load Balance
sCong.RBSetup Based on Inter-Frequency
.SuccOut Measurement for Cell WRFD-0204 Measurement Based
02 Direct Retry

67199617 VS.MeanRTWP Mean Power of Totally BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Received Bandwidth for Cell 02

67199617 VS.MeanRTWP Mean Power of Totally BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Received Bandwidth for Cell 02

67199618 VS.MeanTCP Mean Transmitted Power of BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Carrier for Cell 02

67199618 VS.MeanTCP Mean Transmitted Power of BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Carrier for Cell 02

67199680 VS.MaxRTWP Maximum Power of Totally BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Received Bandwidth for Cell 02

67199680 VS.MaxRTWP Maximum Power of Totally BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Received Bandwidth for Cell 02

67199681 VS.MinRTWP Minimum Power of Totally BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Received Bandwidth for Cell 02

67199681 VS.MinRTWP Minimum Power of Totally BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Received Bandwidth for Cell 02

67199682 VS.MaxTCP Maximum Transmitted BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Power of Carrier for Cell 02

67199682 VS.MaxTCP Maximum Transmitted BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-18

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Power of Carrier for Cell 02

67199683 VS.MinTCP Minimum Transmitted Power BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

of Carrier for Cell 02

67199683 VS.MinTCP Minimum Transmitted Power BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

of Carrier for Cell 02

67199691 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

8 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 8 for Cell

67199691 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

8 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 8 for Cell

67199692 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

16 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 16 for Cell

67199692 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

16 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 16 for Cell

67199693 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

32 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 32 for Cell

67199693 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

32 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 32 for Cell

67199694 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

64 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 64 for Cell

67199694 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

64 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 64 for Cell

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-19

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

67199698 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF4 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 4 for Cell

67199698 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF4 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 4 for Cell

67199699 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF8 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 8 for Cell

67199699 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF8 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 8 for Cell

67199700 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF16 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 16 for Cell

67199700 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF16 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 16 for Cell

67199701 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF32 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 32 for Cell

67199701 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF32 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 32 for Cell

67199702 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF64 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 64 for Cell

67199702 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF64 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-20

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Factor (SF) of 64 for Cell

67199703 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF128 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 128 for Cell

67199703 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF128 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 128 for Cell

67199704 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF256 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 256 for Cell

67199704 VS.SingleRAB. Number of single-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

SF256 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with Spreading
Factor (SF) of 256 for Cell

67202900 VS.MaxTCP.No Maximum Non-HSDPA BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

nHS Transmitted Carrier Power 02
for Cell

67202900 VS.MaxTCP.No Maximum Non-HSDPA BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

nHS Transmitted Carrier Power 02
for Cell

67202901 VS.MinTCP.Non Minimum Non-HSDPA BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

HS Transmitted Carrier Power 02
for Cell

67202901 VS.MinTCP.Non Minimum Non-HSDPA BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

HS Transmitted Carrier Power 02
for Cell

67202902 VS.MeanTCP.N Mean Non-HSDPA BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

onHS Transmitted Carrier Power 02
for Cell

67202902 VS.MeanTCP.N Mean Non-HSDPA BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

onHS Transmitted Carrier Power 02
for Cell

67202917 VS.CellBreath.C Duration of Minimum Values BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

PICHMin.Time of CPICH Power Due to Cell 04 Load Balance

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Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Breathing for Cell

67202917 VS.CellBreath.C Duration of Minimum Values BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

PICHMin.Time of CPICH Power Due to Cell 04 Load Balance
Breathing for Cell

67202918 VS.CellBreath.C Duration of Maximum Values BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

PICHMax.Time of CPICH Power Due to Cell 04 Load Balance
Breathing for Cell

67202918 VS.CellBreath.C Duration of Maximum Values BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

PICHMax.Time of CPICH Power Due to Cell 04 Load Balance
Breathing for Cell

67202919 VS.CellBreath.T Duration of TCP Smaller BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

CPUnder.Time Than Cell Breathing Lower 04 Load Balance
Threshold for Cell

67202919 VS.CellBreath.T Duration of TCP Smaller BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

CPUnder.Time Than Cell Breathing Lower 04 Load Balance
Threshold for Cell

67202920 VS.CellBreath.T Duration of TCP Greater BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

CPOver.Time Than Cell Breathing Upper 04 Load Balance
Threshold for Cell

67202920 VS.CellBreath.T Duration of TCP Greater BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

CPOver.Time Than Cell Breathing Upper 04 Load Balance
Threshold for Cell

67202942 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

4 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 4 for Cell

67202942 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

4 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 4 for Cell

67202943 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

128 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 128 for Cell

67202943 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

128 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading

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Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Factor (SF) of 128 for Cell

67202944 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

256 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 256 for Cell

67202944 VS.MultRAB.SF Number of multi-RAB UEs BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource

256 that Occupy the DL R99 08 Management
Codes with the Spreading
Factor (SF) of 256 for Cell

67202982 VS.HSDPA.Max Maximum Power Required BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RequiredPwr by HS-DSCH for Cell 02

67202982 VS.HSDPA.Max Maximum Power Required BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RequiredPwr by HS-DSCH for Cell 02

67202983 VS.HSDPA.Min Minimum Power Required BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RequiredPwr by HS-DSCH for Cell 02

67202983 VS.HSDPA.Min Minimum Power Required BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RequiredPwr by HS-DSCH for Cell 02

67202984 VS.HSDPA.Mea Mean Power Required by BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

nRequiredPwr HS-DSCH for Cell 02

67202984 VS.HSDPA.Mea Mean Power Required by BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

nRequiredPwr HS-DSCH for Cell 02

67203402 VS.LCC.OLC.U Duration of UL Overload BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.Time Congestion for Cell 07

67203402 VS.LCC.OLC.U Duration of UL Overload BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.Time Congestion for Cell 07

67203403 VS.LCC.OLC.D Duration of DL Overload BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.Time Congestion for Cell 07

67203403 VS.LCC.OLC.D Duration of DL Overload BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Overload Control

L.Time Congestion for Cell 07

67203416 VS.RAB.SFOcc Mean Number of SFs that BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Code Resource
upy Have Been Occupied (Let 08 Management
the SFs that Have Been
Occupied a Unitary SF of
256) for Cell

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

67203416 VS.RAB.SFOcc Mean Number of SFs that BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Code Resource
upy Have Been Occupied (Let 08 Management
the SFs that Have Been
Occupied a Unitary SF of
256) for Cell

67203854 VS.IUB.UL.Con Duration of Iub UL BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

g.Time Congestion 06

67203854 VS.IUB.UL.Con Duration of Iub UL BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

g.Time Congestion 06

67203855 VS.IUB.DL.Con Duration of Iub DL BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

g.Time Congestion 06

67203855 VS.IUB.DL.Con Duration of Iub DL BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

g.Time Congestion 06

67203991 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.ULPower Due to UL Power 06
Congestion for Cell

67203991 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.ULPower Due to UL Power 06
Congestion for Cell

67203992 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.DLPower Due to DL Power 06
Congestion for Cell

67203992 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.DLPower Due to DL Power 06
Congestion for Cell

67203993 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.DLCode Due to DL Code Resource 06
Congestion for Cell

67203993 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.DLCode Due to DL Code Resource 06
Congestion for Cell

67203994 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.ULCE Due to UL CE Resource 06

67203994 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
Due to UL CE Resource

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Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

me.ULCE Congestion 06

67203995 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.DLCE Due to DL CE Resource 06

67203995 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.DLCE Due to DL CE Resource 06

67203996 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.ULIub Due to UL Iub Transmission 06
Resource Congestion for

67203996 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.ULIub Due to UL Iub Transmission 06
Resource Congestion for

67203997 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.DLIub Due to DL Iub Transmission 06
Resource Congestion for

67203997 VS.LCC.LDR.Ti Duration of Cell in LDR State BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling
me.DLIub Due to DL Iub Transmission 06
Resource Congestion for

73393916 VS.RAB.AttEsta Number of Queuing BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

bCS.Queue Attempts Due to Insufficient 05 Pre-Emption
Resource in the CS RAB
Assignment Establishment
Procedure for Cell

73393916 VS.RAB.AttEsta Number of Queuing BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

bCS.Queue Attempts Due to Insufficient 05 Pre-Emption
Resource in the CS RAB
Assignment Establishment
Procedure for Cell

73393917 VS.RAB.AttEsta Number of Queuing BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

bPS.Queue Attempts Due to Insufficient 05 Pre-Emption
Resource in the PS RAB
Assignment Establishment
Procedure for Cell

73393917 VS.RAB.AttEsta Number of Queuing BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

bPS.Queue Attempts Due to Insufficient 05 Pre-Emption
Resource in the PS RAB
Assignment Establishment
Procedure for Cell

73393918 VS.RAB.Estab. Average Duration of a CS BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

QueueTime.CS Queuing in the RAB 05 Pre-Emption
Establishment Procedure for

73393918 VS.RAB.Estab. Average Duration of a CS BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

QueueTime.CS Queuing in the RAB 05 Pre-Emption
Establishment Procedure for

73393919 VS.RAB.Estab. Average Duration of a PS BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

QueueTime.PS Queuing in the RAB 05 Pre-Emption
Establishment Procedure for

73393919 VS.RAB.Estab. Average Duration of a PS BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

QueueTime.PS Queuing in the RAB 05 Pre-Emption
Establishment Procedure for

73393920 VS.RAB.SuccEs Number of Successful CS BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

tabCS.Queue Establishment After Queuing 05 Pre-Emption
for Cell

73393920 VS.RAB.SuccEs Number of Successful CS BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

tabCS.Queue Establishment After Queuing 05 Pre-Emption
for Cell

73393921 VS.RAB.SuccEs Number of Successful PS BSC6900 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

tabPS.Queue Establishment After Queuing 05 Pre-Emption
for Cell

73393921 VS.RAB.SuccEs Number of Successful PS BSC6910 WRFD-0105 Queuing and

tabPS.Queue Establishment After Queuing 05 Pre-Emption
for Cell

73393939 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.CS.Tot Inter-Frequency Hard 06
alTxPwr Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Cell Total Transmit Power WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
for Cell 17 Based on
Configurable Load

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Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

73393939 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.CS.Tot Inter-Frequency Hard 06
alTxPwr Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Cell Total Transmit Power WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
for Cell 17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393940 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.PS.Tot Inter-Frequency Hard 06
alTxPwr Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Cell Total Transmit Power WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
for Cell 17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393940 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.PS.Tot Inter-Frequency Hard 06
alTxPwr Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Cell Total Transmit Power WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
for Cell 17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393941 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.CS.Tot Inter-Frequency Hard 06
alRxPwr Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Cell Total Receive Power WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
for Cell 17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393941 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.CS.Tot Inter-Frequency Hard 06
alRxPwr Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Cell Total Receive Power WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
for Cell 17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393942 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.PS.Tot Inter-Frequency Hard 06
alRxPwr Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Cell Total Receive Power WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
for Cell 17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393942 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.PS.Tot Inter-Frequency Hard 06
alRxPwr Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Cell Total Receive Power WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
Based on

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

for Cell 17 Configurable Load

73393943 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.CS.Co Inter-Frequency Hard 06
de Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Code Resources for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393943 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.CS.Co Inter-Frequency Hard 06
de Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Code Resources for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393944 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.PS.Co Inter-Frequency Hard 06
de Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Code Resources for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393944 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.PS.Co Inter-Frequency Hard 06
de Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on Code Resources for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393950 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.CS.T Inter-Frequency Hard 06
otalTxPwr Handovers Based on Cell Inter-Frequency
Total Transmit Power for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393950 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.CS.T Inter-Frequency Hard 06
otalTxPwr Handovers Based on Cell Inter-Frequency
Total Transmit Power for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393951 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.PS.T Inter-Frequency Hard

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Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

otalTxPwr Handovers Based on Cell 06 Inter-Frequency
Total Transmit Power for Cell Load Balancing
WRFD-1402 Based on
17 Configurable Load

73393951 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.PS.T Inter-Frequency Hard 06
otalTxPwr Handovers Based on Cell Inter-Frequency
Total Transmit Power for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393952 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.CS.T Inter-Frequency Hard 06
otalRxPwr Handovers Based on Cell Inter-Frequency
Total Receive Power for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393952 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.CS.T Inter-Frequency Hard 06
otalRxPwr Handovers Based on Cell Inter-Frequency
Total Receive Power for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393953 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.PS.T Inter-Frequency Hard 06
otalRxPwr Handovers Based on Cell Inter-Frequency
Total Receive Power for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393953 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.PS.T Inter-Frequency Hard 06
otalRxPwr Handovers Based on Cell Inter-Frequency
Total Receive Power for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393954 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.CS. Inter-Frequency Hard 06
Code Handovers Based on Code Inter-Frequency
Resources for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

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Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name


73393954 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.CS. Inter-Frequency Hard 06
Code Handovers Based on Code Inter-Frequency
Resources for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393955 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.PS. Inter-Frequency Hard 06
Code Handovers Based on Code Inter-Frequency
Resources for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73393955 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.PS. Inter-Frequency Hard 06
Code Handovers Based on Code Inter-Frequency
Resources for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73394053 VS.DRD.PhyRe Number of Outgoing DRD BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

cfg.AttOut Attempts through Physical 03 Load Balance
Channel Reconfiguration for
Cell WRFD-0204 Intra System Direct
0001 Retry

73394053 VS.DRD.PhyRe Number of Outgoing DRD BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

cfg.AttOut Attempts through Physical 03 Load Balance
Channel Reconfiguration for
Cell WRFD-0204 Intra System Direct
0001 Retry

73394054 VS.DRD.PhyRe Number of Successful BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

cfg.SuccOut Outgoing DRDs through 03 Load Balance
Physical Channel
Reconfiguration for Cell WRFD-0204 Intra System Direct
0001 Retry

73394054 VS.DRD.PhyRe Number of Successful BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

cfg.SuccOut Outgoing DRDs through 03 Load Balance
Physical Channel
Reconfiguration for Cell WRFD-0204 Intra System Direct
0001 Retry

73394055 VS.DRD.PhyRe Number of Incoming DRD BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

cfg.AttIn Attempts through Physical 03 Load Balance
Channel Reconfiguration for

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Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Cell WRFD-0204 Intra System Direct
0001 Retry

73394055 VS.DRD.PhyRe Number of Incoming DRD BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

cfg.AttIn Attempts through Physical 03 Load Balance
Channel Reconfiguration for
Cell WRFD-0204 Intra System Direct
0001 Retry

73394056 VS.DRD.PhyRe Number of Successful BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

cfg.SuccIn Incoming DRDs through 03 Load Balance
Physical Channel
Reconfiguration for Cell WRFD-0204 Intra System Direct
0001 Retry

73394056 VS.DRD.PhyRe Number of Successful BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Inter Frequency

cfg.SuccIn Incoming DRDs through 03 Load Balance
Physical Channel
Reconfiguration for Cell WRFD-0204 Intra System Direct
0001 Retry

73403758 VS.HSUPA.Max Maximum Received BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RSEPS Scheduled E-DCH Power 02
Share for Cell

73403758 VS.HSUPA.Max Maximum Received BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RSEPS Scheduled E-DCH Power 02
Share for Cell

73403760 VS.HSUPA.Min Minimum Received BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RSEPS Scheduled E-DCH Power 02
Share for Cell

73403760 VS.HSUPA.Min Minimum Received BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RSEPS Scheduled E-DCH Power 02
Share for Cell

73415859 VS.HSUPA.Mea Average Received BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

nRSEPS Scheduled E-DCH Power 02
Share for Cell

73415859 VS.HSUPA.Mea Average Received BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

nRSEPS Scheduled E-DCH Power 02
Share for Cell

73421493 VS.RRC.Rej.Re Number of Distance-Based BSC6900 WRFD-0204 Inter System

dir.Dist RRC Redirections for Cell 0003 Redirect

73421493 VS.RRC.Rej.Re Number of Distance-Based BSC6910 WRFD-0204 Inter System

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Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

dir.Dist RRC Redirections for Cell 0003 Redirect

73423313 VS.ULB.CPICH. Number of CPICH Power BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

AdjustNum Adjustments Based on 04 Load Balance
RTWP for Cell

73423313 VS.ULB.CPICH. Number of CPICH Power BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

AdjustNum Adjustments Based on 04 Load Balance
RTWP for Cell

73423948 VS.BackGround Number of Automatic Uplink BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Noise.Update Background Noise Updates 02
in a Cell

73423948 VS.BackGround Number of Automatic Uplink BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Noise.Update Background Noise Updates 02
in a Cell

73424203 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.PS.UlC Inter-Frequency Hard 06
E Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on UL CE for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73424203 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

FreqOut.PS.UlC Inter-Frequency Hard 06
E Handover Attempts Based Inter-Frequency
on UL CE for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73424204 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.PS. Inter-Frequency Hard 06
UlCE Handovers Based on UL CE Inter-Frequency
for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73424204 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Reshuffling

terFreqOut.PS. Inter-Frequency Hard 06
UlCE Handovers Based on UL CE Inter-Frequency
for Cell WRFD-1402 Load Balancing
17 Based on
Configurable Load

73424243 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6900 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

FreqOut.PS.DlC Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
E Handover Attempts Based Based on
on DL CE for Cell Configurable Load

73424243 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of PS BSC6910 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

FreqOut.PS.DlC Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
E Handover Attempts Based Based on
on DL CE for Cell Configurable Load

73424244 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6910 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

terFreqOut.PS. Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
DlCE Handovers Based on DL CE Based on
for Cell Configurable Load

73424244 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful PS BSC6900 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

terFreqOut.PS. Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
DlCE Handovers Based on DL CE Based on
for Cell Configurable Load

73424245 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6910 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

FreqOut.CS.DlC Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
E Handover Attempts Based Based on
on DL CE for Cell Configurable Load

73424245 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6900 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

FreqOut.CS.DlC Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
E Handover Attempts Based Based on
on DL CE for Cell Configurable Load

73424246 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6910 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

FreqOut.CS.UlC Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
E Handover Attempts Based Based on
on UL CE for Cell Configurable Load

73424246 VS.HHO.AttInter Number of CS BSC6900 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

FreqOut.CS.UlC Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
E Handover Attempts Based Based on
on UL CE for Cell Configurable Load

73424247 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6900 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

terFreqOut.CS. Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
UlCE Handovers Based on UL CE Based on

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Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

for Cell Configurable Load

73424247 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6910 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

terFreqOut.CS. Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
UlCE Handovers Based on UL CE Based on
for Cell Configurable Load

73424248 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6900 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

terFreqOut.CS. Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
DlCE Handovers Based on DL CE Based on
for Cell Configurable Load

73424248 VS.HHO.SuccIn Number of Successful CS BSC6910 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

terFreqOut.CS. Inter-Frequency Hard 17 Load Balancing
DlCE Handovers Based on DL CE Based on
for Cell Configurable Load

73424787 VS.MaxULActua Max Uplink Actual Cell Load BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement
lPowerLoad 02

73424787 VS.MaxULActua Max Uplink Actual Cell Load BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement
lPowerLoad 02

73424788 VS.MinULActual Min Uplink Actual Cell Load BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement
PowerLoad 02

73424788 VS.MinULActual Min Uplink Actual Cell Load BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement
PowerLoad 02

73424972 VS.RRC.Rej.Re Number of Distance-Based BSC6910 WRFD-0204 Inter-Frequency

dir.Dist.IntraRat RRC Inter-frequency 0005 Redirection Based
Redirections for Cell on Distance

73424972 VS.RRC.Rej.Re Number of Distance-Based BSC6900 WRFD-0204 Inter-Frequency

dir.Dist.IntraRat RRC Inter-frequency 0005 Redirection Based
Redirections for Cell on Distance

73441123 VS.ULB.CPICH Duration of PCPICH Power BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

Min.Time Under Minimum RTWP 04 Load Balance

73441123 VS.ULB.CPICH Duration of PCPICH Power BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Intra Frequency

Min.Time Under Minimum RTWP 04 Load Balance

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-34

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

73441143 VS.HSDPA.Max Maximum Power Required BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RequiredPwr.Fr for Free HSDPA Users for 02
ee Cell

73441143 VS.HSDPA.Max Maximum Power Required BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

RequiredPwr.Fr for Free HSDPA Users for 02
ee Cell

73441144 VS.HSDPA.Mea Average Power Required for BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement
nRequiredPwr.F Free HSDPA Users for Cell 02

73441144 VS.HSDPA.Mea Average Power Required for BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement
nRequiredPwr.F Free HSDPA Users for Cell 02

73441212 VS.BackGround Average Uplink Background BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Noise.Mean Noise in a Cell 02

73441212 VS.BackGround Average Uplink Background BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Noise.Mean Noise in a Cell 02

73441215 VS.BackGround Maximum Uplink BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Noise.Max Background Noise in a Cell 02

73441215 VS.BackGround Maximum Uplink BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement

Noise.Max Background Noise in a Cell 02

73441246 VS.LCC.CLB.C Number of CS UEs Involved BSC6900 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

S.InterFreq in Inter-Frequency 17 Load Balancing
Load-based Handovers in a Based on
CS CLB Cell Configurable Load

73441246 VS.LCC.CLB.C Number of CS UEs Involved BSC6910 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

S.InterFreq in Inter-Frequency 17 Load Balancing
Load-based Handovers in a Based on
CS CLB Cell Configurable Load

73441247 VS.LCC.CLB.P Number of PS UEs Involved BSC6910 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

S.InterFreq in Inter-Frequency 17 Load Balancing
Load-based Handovers in a Based on
PS CLB Cell Configurable Load

73441247 VS.LCC.CLB.P Number of PS UEs Involved BSC6900 WRFD-1402 Inter-Frequency

S.InterFreq in Inter-Frequency 17 Load Balancing

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-35

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 13 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Feature ID Feature Name

Load-based Handovers in a Based on
PS CLB Cell Configurable Load

73441505 VS.MeanULAct Mean Uplink Actual Cell BSC6910 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement
ualPowerLoad Load 02

73441505 VS.MeanULAct Mean Uplink Actual Cell BSC6900 WRFD-0201 Load Measurement
ualPowerLoad Load 02

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13-36

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 14 Glossary

14 Glossary
For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 14-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Load Control 15 Reference Documents

15 Reference Documents
[1] 3GPP TS 25.133: Requirements for Support of Radio Resource Management (FDD)
[2] 3GPP TS 25.215: Physical layer - Measurements (FDD)
[3] 3GPP TS 25.321: Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification
[4] 3GPP TS 25.331: Radio Resource Control (RRC)
[5] 3GPP TS 25.413: UTRAN Iu Interface RANAP Signaling
[6] DCCC Feature Parameter Description
[7] AMR Feature Parameter Description
[8] MBMS Feature Parameter Description
[9] HSDPA Feature Parameter Description
[10] HSUPA Feature Parameter Description
[11] Transmission Resource Management Feature Parameter Description
[12] Handover Feature Parameter Description

Draft A (2013-01-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 15-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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