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Service Information Letters

Service information
1. SI 980301 Ventilator Alarms and INOSYS Nitric Oxide Delivery System ..... 2

2. SI 980302 Ventilator oxygen cells (N2191) ................................................... 4

3. SI 990101 Ventilator Alarms and INOSYS Nitric Oxide Delivery System ..... 5

4. SI 990302 Possible inadvertant solenoid failure messages .......................... 7

5. SI 000201 Leak Alarm Trigger Threshold. .................................................... 9

6. SI 000302 Replacement of Solenoid Valve ................................................... 11

Technical bulletins

7. TB 990603 Removal of hour counter from electrical chassis. ....................... 12

8. TB 000201 New versions of control software. ............................................... 13

9. TB 000801 Ventilator Firmware Status ......................................................... 14

Page 1
1. SI 980301 Ventilator Alarms and INOSYS Nitric
Oxide Delivery System
Subject :Ventilator Alarms and INOSYS Nitric Oxide
Delivery System
Equipment :2000 and 2000 HFO Infant Ventilators
Serial Numbers :All
Service Information Number :980301
Change Note Ref 0521
Date :27 May 1998

The INOSYS Nitric Oxide Delivery System has the ability to accept an alarm
signal from the ventilator it is being used with, in the event of a leak being detected
in the patient circuit. This will shut off the supply of NO to the flowmeters and hence
to the patient. This signal is connected via a rear panel 3 pin Din connector. The
signal levels required are TTL compatible, active low. i.e. +5 volts = valve open. 0
volts = valve closed.

The following modifications are required to the SLE 2000 and 2000 HFO Infant
Ventilators, if you wish to feed an alarm signal to the INOSYS unit to cut off the
supply of NO gas to the patient in the event of a fresh gas supply reduction, due to
a high alarm condition or ventilator failure.

2000 Infant Ventilator:-

Connect a wire from pin 16 of the Power Supply Board A0703 via a lk_ 0 .25 watt
resistor to the spare pin 4 on the rear panel auxiliary output connector (7 Pin DIN).
The resistor should be connected directly to pin 4 and then sleeved with heatshrink
sleeving. The wire should follow the run of the existing cable loom, using cable ties
to hold it in place.

2000 HFO Infant Ventilator:-

Connect a wire from PLB/pin 3 of the A0702 board to the spare pin 4 on the rear
panel auxiliary output connector (7 Pin DIN). This wire should follow the run of the
existing cable loom using, cable ties to hold it in place.
Note: A resistor is not required on the 2000 HFO as the alarm signal comes from
a buffer output.

Connecting Cable:-

A connecting cable will be required to connect the INOSYS and the Ventilator
together and this should be made up using a screened lead with the following pin
connections :-

Page 2
3 Pin plug INOSYS 7 Pin plug Ventilator

Pin 1 (alarm signal) Pin 4 (alarm signal)

Pin 2 (0 Volts)screen Pin 3 (0 Volts)screen

All other pins must be left unconnected.

Ventilators and INOSYS units must be checked to verify correct operation after
this modification has been carried out. See the appropriate user manuals for these

Page 3
2. SI 980302 Ventilator oxygen cells (N2191)

Regarding :Ventilator oxygen cells (N2191)

Model :2000 and 2000 HFO Infant Ventilators
For Serial Numbers :All ventilators
To :
Service Information Number :980302
Date :16 March 1998

The oxygen cells in the ventilators are fitted with an adhesive foam pad between
the sensor and the baseplate. This pad has, until now, been stuck to the mounting
base in the ventilator. This means that the pad does not get replaced when the
oxygen cell is replaced. Over a number of replacements of the oxygen cell, the
foam pad will compress and not be so effective at holding the cell in place.

New cells fitted to ventilators and replacement spares will now be provided with the
foam pad stuck to the base of them. This means that when the cell is replaced, the
foam pad is also replaced.

When fitting replacement cells it is now necessary to remove the old pad from the
mounting base first so the new cell with the pad stuck to the bottom can be

Note: Do not fit an oxygen cell without the foam pad.

Page 4
3. SI 990101 Ventilator Alarms and INOSYS Nitric
Oxide Delivery System
Subject :Ventilator Alarms and INOSYS Nitric Oxide
Delivery System
Equipment :2000 and 2000 HFO Infant Ventilators
Serial Numbers :All ventilators built before 1999
Service Information Number :990101
Change Note Ref 0610
Date :7 January1999

The INOSYS Nitric Oxide Delivery System has the ability to accept an alarm signal
from the ventilator it is being used with, in the event of a leak being detected in the
patient circuit. This will shut off the supply of NO to the flowmeters and hence to the
patient. This signal is connected via a rear panel 3 pin Din connector. The signal
levels required are TTL compatible, active low. i.e. +5 volts = valve open. 0 volts =
valve closed.

The following modifications are required to the SLE 2000 and 2000 HFO Infant
Ventilators, if you wish to feed an alarm signal to the INOSYS unit to cut off the
supply of NO gas to the patient in the event of a fresh gas supply reduction, due to
a high alarm condition or ventilator failure.

2000 Infant Ventilator:-

Connect a wire from pin 16 of the Power Supply Board A0703 via a lk_ 0 .25 watt
resistor to the spare pin 4 on the rear panel auxiliary output connector (7 Pin DIN).
The resistor should be connected directly to pin 4 and then sleeved with heatshrink
sleeving. The wire should follow the run of the existing cable loom, using cable ties
to hold it in place.

2000 HFO Infant Ventilator:-

Connect a wire from PLB/pin 3 of the A0702 board to the spare pin 4 on the rear
panel auxiliary output connector (7 Pin DIN). This wire should follow the run of the
existing cable loom using, cable ties to hold it in place.
Note: A resistor is not required on the 2000 HFO as the alarm signal comes from a
buffer output.

Connecting Cable:-

A connecting cable will be required to connect the INOSYS and the Ventilator
together and this should be made up using a screened lead with the following pin
connections :-

Page 5
3 Pin plug INOSYS 7 Pin plug Ventilator

Pin 1 (alarm signal) Pin 4 (alarm signal)

Pin 2 (0 Volts)screen Pin 3 (0 Volts)screen

All other pins must be left unconnected.

Ventilators and INOSYS units must be checked to verify correct operation after this
modification has been carried out. See the appropriate user manuals for these

Page 6
4. SI 990302 Possible inadvertant solenoid failure
(80C31/32 Microcontroller logical 1 to 0 transition currents on port 3)

Subject :Possible inadvertant solenoid failure messages

(80C31/32 Microcontroller logical 1 to 0 transition
currents on port 3)
Equipment SLE 2000
SLE2000HFO ‘PLUS’ (A0702 boards - all
Serial Numbers :All ventilators prior to serial number starting 904
(April 99)
Service Information Number :990302
Change Note Ref :0626
Date :2 March, 1999

Recently it has been found that some makes of microcontrollers produce a

solenoid failure message when used on HFO ventilators. This is because the
solenoid failure detection circuit connected to one of the controller inputs does not
adequately pull the input to zero (The 80C32 sources a 1 to 0 transition current of
650mA at 2V). For a similar reason it is necessary to change the solenoid failure
detection circuit for an SLE2000 Ventilator.
Modification procedure for A0702 boards on the SLE ventilators.

Connect a diode (1N4007) in parallel with R34 with its cathode (+ve) connected to
the drain of Q4(IRLU110) on all A0702 boards.

Additionally, if the ventilator is an SLE2000 then change R32 to 8k2 and R34 to
91k. (0.25W 1% Metal Film)

Rationale: The diode will be reverse biassed when Q4 is turned off. When Q4 is
turned on it has a value of Rds of 0.5W, giving a Vds of <0.1v. The diode voltage is
added to this which shall result in the microcontroller i/p being pulled down to

Page 7
Circuit Diagram changes

SLE 2000 changes SLE 2000 HFO & HFO ’plus’ Chan

Page 8
5. SI 000201 Leak Alarm Trigger Threshold.

Subject Leak Alarm Trigger Threshold.

Equipment 2000, 2000HFO & 2000HF0+
Serial Numbers All
Service information Number Si000201
Change Note Ref CN 700
Date 10/02/2000


It has been notice during final test on some ventilators, that the leak alarm trigger
threshold is unstable causing the leak alarm “LED” to flicker and the alarm sound to
be intermittent.

This is unlikely to be problem in normal use, as the pressures in the patient circuit are
not stable enough to cause this condition to be seen. However as a precaution a
100nf capacitor has been added across the input of U500A Pins 2 & 3 on the A0702

See photograph and circuit diagram on next page.

This capacitor is being added as standard to all new production and it is

recommended that this modification should be carried out during routine servicing.

The capacitor used is a 100nf multilayer palladium/ceramic type and can be order
from SLE using part Nº: C0481. Alternatively it can be ordered from your local
component supply using the Philips
part Nº: CW20C 104M

Page 9

Page 10
6. SI 000302 Replacement of Solenoid Valve

Subject Replacement of valve (Spare parts)

Equipment SLE 2000 Infant ventilator
Serial Numbers All non CE marked ventilators
Service information Number SI 000302
Change Note Ref CN 712
Date 16/03/2000

This service information is for reference only, no remedial action has to be carried
out on the ventilator.

The existing solenoid valve N2195 used in the SLE 2000 (NON CE Version) has
been superseded by solenoid valve N2195/08. The reason for this change is the
availability of the N2195 valve.

a Electrical

1 3

Port identification numbers

Existing valve N2195 Replacement valve N2195/08

The new valve although looking different, has the same electrical and pneumatic
properties as the old valve. The new valve is interchangeable with the old valve
within the ventilator.

Note: When fitting valve ensure that the knurled locking ring is tight and that the
electrical connections are on the opposite side to the port identification numbers

Page 11
7. TB 990603 Removal of hour counter from electrical

Subject :Removal of hour counter from electrical chassis.

Equipment :SLE Ventilators
Model :SLE 2000 & SLE 2000 HFO
Serial Numbers :N/A
Number :TB990603
Change Note Ref. :CN0574
Date :03 June 1999

This bulletin has been raised due to a design change. The change being the
removal of a duplicated hour counter from the electronic chassis of SLE 2000 and
SLE 2000 HFO ventilators.

The change is to be phased in and some new ventilators will still have two hour
counters. This will cease when stocks of the old chassis have been exhausted.

Existing ventilators do not require modification to remove the duplicated hour


The one hour counter, will be located in the pneumatic chassis. This is the unit that
is subject to the most wear and tear and requires a major overhaul at 10,000 hours,
so it is important that we record the running time of these chassis. The power
consumption of the hours counters is very small, so removal of one will not affect
the overall power rating of the ventilator.

Page 12
8. TB 000201 New versions of control software.

Subject New versions of control software.

Equipment SLE 2000, SLE 2000 HFO and SLE
2000 HFO+ Ventilators.
Serial Numbers All
Technical Bulletin Number TB000201
Change Note Ref CN616
Date 11/02/2000

Removal of audible bleep in patient triggered modes

Following customer feedback, the control software on the above range of ventilators
has been changed. In the new version the audible bleep, in PTV and SIMV modes is
suppressed for machine triggered breaths. Breaths are still indicated by the trigger
back up LED illuminating. If required the audible bleep can be re-instated by holding in
the reset button when powering up the ventilator.

The above feature is available from the following software versions

Ventilator Software Version

SLE 2000 V3.3
SLE 2000 HFO V1.103
SLE 2000 HFO+ V1.18

Page 13
9. TB 000801 Ventilator Firmware Status

Subject Ventilator Firmware Status.

Equipment SLE 2000, SLE 2000 HFO & SLE 2000
Serial Numbers All
Technical Bulletin Number TB 000801
Change Note Ref N/A
Date 08/09/00
The purpose of this technical bulletin is to provide information on the control and dis-
play versions of firmware available for the SLE 2000, SLE 2000 HFO and SLE
2000HFO Plus ventilators.
SLE 2000
Control firmware.
Firmware Date of Change Details of change.
version change note Nº
V3.0 09/03/93 Includes “Mary interface” and runs on a 80C32
processor. For ventilators fitted with serial port.
V3.1 17/06/94 Changed I/E Ratio display from flashing to non-
flashing hyphens if ratio <1:9.9 or > 9.9:1.
V3.3 15/01/99 CN0616 No audible indication of machine triggered
breaths in patient triggered modes (SIMV and
PTV) unless reset button is held in during power
SLE 2000 HFO
Control firmware.
Firmware Date of Change Details of change.
version change note Nº
V1.09 09/03/93 Flashing of I/E Ratio display replaced with
hyphens to indicate out of limit values.
V1.10 17/06/94 CN0078 Airway pressure signal conditioner ranging
modified to give RV2(zero) and RV5 (span)
greater travel.
V1.103 15/01/99 CN0616 Removal of the audible indication of machine
triggered breaths in patient triggered modes
(SIMV and PTV).

Page 14
V1.11 22/10/99 CN0676 Change to the averaging period of the mean
calculation to 4 seconds. Watchdog servicing
time changed from 350ms to 20ms.
V1.12 01/09/00 CN0729 Quantisation error correction in CMV mean
Display firmware.
Firmware Date of Change Details of change.
version change note Nº
V1.0 17/01/95 Initial release
V1.1 07/02/95 Adjustment of the offset on the HFO rate display
by 2Hz., to allow for setting of the HFO rate
circuit without saturation at the top end.
V1.2 08/06/95 CN0056 Correction of error in Fail to Cycle detection
algorithm which caused spurious triggering of
Fail to Cycle alarm. Increased debouncing on
“Freeze” push button. Correction of graphic
display that did not update when the ventilator is
switched on with the display rate switch position
in 0.5sec setting.
V1.3 26/07/95 CN0063 Modification to prevent the screen going blank
when subject to 8KV ES discharge.
V1.4 20/12/95 CN0099 Correction of error in Fail to Cycle detection
which caused erroneous triggering at low
V1.5 26/03/96 CN0116 Delta P to be displayed for CPAP and HFO
modes and ident on oscillator pressure gauge
V1.6 10/07/96 CN0156 Increased range of display of delta pressures.
Addition of display of pressure transducer
saturation (positive and negative).
V1.7 30/04/97 CN0308 Implementation of an HFO disconnection alarm
and pressure transducer drift alarm.
V1.8 15/05/97 CN0362 Modification of High alarm level (minimum
setting). Update of SLE logo. Addition of
conditional assembly directives for french
V1.9 18/11/97 CN0428 Inclusion of display firmware in German.
CN0449 Change in method of setting the Delta P alarm.
V2.0 18/03/98 CN0495 Modification of the pressure transducer drift
detection algorithm.

Page 15
V2.1 26/02/99 CN0632 Inclusion of O2 alarm. High Delta P converted to
alarm condition. Delta P to be set as a
percentage rather than a fixed window.
Reduction of the response time of the Delta P


Control firmware.
Firmware Date of Change Details of change.
version change note Nº
V1.17 02/10/98 Indication of delivery of a machine breath
changed from audible to visual in spontaneous
period of SIMV mode.
V1.18 28/06/99 CN0616 Removal of the audible indication of machine
triggered breaths in patient triggered modes
(SIMV and PTV).
V1.20 22/10/99 CN0676 Change to the averaging period of the mean
calculation to 4 seconds. Watchdog servicing
time changed from 350ms to 20ms.

Display firmware.
Firmware Date of Change Details of change.
version change note Nº
V1.0 30/09/98 CN0560 Initial release.
V1.1 08/12/98 CN0589 Removal of mean pressure drop alarm. High
delta P converted to alarm condition.
V1.2 12/02/98 CN0608 The response time of the delta P alarm
decreased at slower screen update rates.

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