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Accepted Manuscript

Title: Neurocysticercosis Infection and Disease–A Review

Author: Lucy Gripper Susan C. Welburn

PII: S0001-706X(16)30650-7
Reference: ACTROP 4108

To appear in: Acta Tropica

Received date: 25-8-2016

Revised date: 15-11-2016
Accepted date: 15-11-2016

Please cite this article as: Gripper, Lucy, Welburn, Susan C.,
Neurocysticercosis Infection and Disease–A Review.Acta Tropica

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Neurocysticercosis Infection and Disease – A Review

Lucy Gripper1 and Susan C Welburn1

Division of Infection and Pathway Medicine, Edinburgh Infectious Diseases,

Edinburgh Medical School: Biomedical Sciences, The University of Edinburgh,

Chancellor’s Building, 49 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4UK.

*Corresponding author [email protected]


Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common parasitic disease of the human central

nervous system (CNS), a pleomorphic disease with a diverse array of clinical manifestations.

The infection is pleomorphic and dependent on a complex range of interconnecting factors,

including number and size of the cysticerci, their stage of development and localisation

within the brain with resulting difficulties in accurate diagnosis and staging of the disease.

This review examines the factors that contribute to the accurate assessment of NCC

distribution and transmission that are critical to achieving robust disease burden calculations.

Control and prevention of T. solium transmission should be a key priority in global health as

intervention can reduce the substantial healthcare and economic burdens inflicted by both

NCC and taeniasis. Surveillance systems need to be better established, including

implementing obligatory notification of cases. In the absence of reliable estimates of its

global burden, NCC will remain - along with other endemic zoonoses, of low priority in the

eyes of funding agencies– a truly neglected disease.

Key Words

Neurocysticercosis (NCC); extra-parenchymal neurocysticercosis; zoonoses; Neglected

Tropical Diseases; taeniasis; cestode; Taenia solium; lateral flow assay; epilepsy


1. Introduction

1.1.Parasite Lifecycle

1.2.Typical Lifecycle of T. solium

2. Epidemiology

2.1. Endemicity of NCC

2.2. Increasing Incidence in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC)

3. Clinical Presentation

3.1.Parenchymal NCC

3.2.Extra-parenchymal NCC

4. Diagnosis

4.1 Neuroimaging

4.2 Immunological Assays

4.3 Stool Microscopy

5. Treatment

5.1 Cysticidal Drugs

5.2 Anti-Epileptics

5.3. Steroids

5.4 Surgery

6. Future prospects for control and prevention

7. Acknowledgements

8. References

1. Introduction

Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common parasitic disease of the human central

nervous system (CNS) (Del Brutto, 2012). Caused by the larval form of the cestode, Taenia

solium, commonly referred to as the ‘pork tapeworm’ (Fogang et al, 2015), NCC is not to be

confused with ‘taeniasis’, the condition resulting from adult tapeworm infection. Human or

porcine NCC originates from the ingestion of food or water that is contaminated with T.

solium eggs; these hatch within and then penetrate the intestine, following which, a period of

widespread tissue dissemination occurs. Multiple body tissues may be invaded, including the

eyes, skin and muscles (WHO, 2015), however the larvae display a strong affinity for the

CNS (Sinha and Sharma, 2009). NCC has a diverse array of clinical manifestations,

depending on a complex range of interconnecting factors, including the number and size of

the cysticerci present, their stage of development and localisation within the brain with

resulting difficulties in accurate diagnosis and staging of the disease (Takayanagui and

Odashima, 2006).

Aristotle was aware of NCC in 424 BC, describing the presence of muscle cysts, compared to

hailstones in appearance, evident in certain porcine diseases (Del Brutto et al, 1998). Until

the development of CT and MRI scans in the 20th century, knowledge of NCC was very

limited, as the majority of diagnoses were based on clinical manifestations visible externally

to the naked eye, such as presence of subcutaneous nodules, or on post-mortem observations

made at autopsy (Garcia et al, 2002). This advance in diagnostic capabilities was a watershed

in our understanding of NCC, redefining prognoses. Previously only the severest cases had

been apparent to clinicians, giving a distorted view of disease severity; advances in scanning

allowed for the diagnosis of previously undetected milder cases and further consideration was

given to the spectrum of presentations that existed (Garcia et al, 2002).

1.1 Parasite Lifecycle

T. solium belongs to the class Cestoda, one of the largest and most successful groups of

parasitic tapeworms, comprising approximately 5000 species. The family Taeniidae is

divided into three genera: Taenia (sub-divided into Taenia and Versteria; Nakao et al, 2013)

of which T. solium is a species, and Echinococcus (Bobes et al, 2014).

The lifecycle of T. solium is complex and may result in a range of pathologies, affecting both

pigs and humans. Humans are the only definitive hosts, within which the tapeworm can

complete its lifecycle and exist in adult form, however both humans and pigs have been

documented as intermediate hosts, in which the tapeworm eggs can develop up to the

metacestode larval stage (Coral-Almeida et al, 2015). Dogs have also been implicated as

intermediate hosts in Asia (Ito et al, 2002).

1.2 Typical Lifecycle of T. solium

Human NCC, porcine NCC and dog NCC are mainly due to direct contact with human

faeces. Humans become infected most commonly through the ingestion of food or water

contaminated with T. solium eggs; pigs and dogs through scavenging human faeces. Eggs

come from an adult tapeworm that has reached maturity in the small intestine of a human

host entering the environment within human faeces; one adult tapeworm can expel a

minimum of 100,000 eggs per day. Serological studies in endemic areas have shown that

eggs can be distributed in the environment at large distances from the infected individual

(Lescano et al, 2009). It has also been suggested that humans may be able to autoinfect

themselves (Kobayashi et al, 2013)

In the host intestinal tract, eggs become uncoated liberating the enclosed larvae, known as

oncospheres. These penetrate the intestinal wall and are transported in the bloodstream to

various tissues of the body, including the brain, eyes, skin and muscles, where they are

deposited (Del Brutto, 2012). Within these tissues oncospheres differentiate and develop into

metacestodes, which undergo multiple stages of development and establish as cysticerci. The

first stage is known as the ‘viable or vesicular stage’ in which a membrane develops around

each oncosphere, forming a vesicle that contains clear fluid surrounding the parasite head, or

scolex. Depending on the surrounding environment, and the nature of the immune response

their presence elicits, the cysts may remain at this stage for months or even years, before they

begin to degenerate. The ‘colloidal stage’ marks this transition, whereby the scolex shows

signs of deterioration and the vesicular fluid begins to appear turbid. Following this, the

vesicular fluid becomes gradually more opaque and the cyst begins to calcify, eventually

terminating its evolution as non-viable calcified nodule (Coral-Almeida et al, 2015).

The lifecycle is completed when humans ingest undercooked pork containing viable

cysticerci. Digestive enzymes in the small intestine cause the scolices to evaginate from the

cyst vesicle and attach to the wall of the intestine using powerful suckers and hooks. Here,

the tapeworm matures to adulthood, at which point egg-containing sections of the tapeworm

body, called ‘gravid proglottids’, are released in the host’s faeces (Del Brutto, 2012). This

part of the tapeworm lifecycle accounts for the disease taeniasis only; it is a common

misconception that eating undercooked pork can result in cysticercosis.

2. Epidemiology

Despite being one of the most prevalent parasitic disease of the human CNS (Fabiani and

Bruschi, 2013), NCC remains a neglected tropical disease, recognised in 2010 by the World

Health Organisation (WHO, 2015). Despite its substantial global impact, in terms of both

disease and economic burden, there are limited data for accurate assessment of distribution

and transmission (Crompton and Peters, 2010). However, awareness of cysticercosis is

increasing (Ito and Budke , 2014) and bodies such as WHO have put forward improved

strategies for the control of both taeniasis and cysticercosis (WHO, 2015).

2.1 Endemicity of NCC

NCC particularly affects countries burdened by poverty, as lack of adequate sanitation and

inaccessibility of clean water supplies increase contamination of both food and water with

human faeces containing T. solium eggs. Countries where NCC is endemic may also have

high numbers of free-roaming pigs that are exposed to human faeces, leading to increased

incidence of porcine NCC (Coyle et al, 2012). Once established within a population, the

taeniasis-cysticercosis complex shows high epidemiological stability, due to a number of

factors, including the durability of the eggs and the potential for a single tapeworm to infect

multiple individuals including the tapeworm carrier (Kobayashi et al, 2013); this has

contributed substantially to logistical difficulties in infection control (Fabiani and Bruschi,


Areas endemic for NCC include Latin America, Africa, South East Asia, India, China and

Nepal (Fabiani and Bruschi, 2013). Differences are observed the clinical and radiological

presentations of NCC between countries in different continents. Patients in India show higher

frequency of symptomatic NCC caused by a single, isolated, parenchymal cysticercus,

compared to patients in Latin America, who more frequently exhibit multiple cysticerci in the

ventricles or subarachnoid space (Bobes et al, 2014). This may reflect genetic dispositions

associated with varying presentations between geographical areas and differing lifestyles

among human populations (Yanagida et al, 2014), where the infection was acquired

(Yanagida et al, 2010), as well as genetic differences between parasite populations (Ito et al,


Despite a lack of accurate prevalence data, various studies have applied statistical methods to

approximate disease burden (Coyle et al, 2012). These burden estimates indicate the relative

impact of the disease in certain areas of the world, but would be much improved if based on

population-based data generated from large-scale studies and improved in-country,

surveillance and reporting systems - few of which currently exist (Martins-Melo et al, 2016).

Multiple obstacles lead to high variability between individual studies, preventing the

acquisition of accurate epidemiological data for NCC; these include inadequacy of current

assays leading to missed diagnoses and subsequent underestimations, as well as discrepancies

between studies as to whether or not to include cases involving calcified cysts in prevalence

calculations as well as resourcing.

2.2 Increasing Incidence in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC)

There have been observations of increasing incidence of NCC in high income countries,

particularly in the USA, where over 5000 infected patients have been reported in recent years

(Sorvillo et al, 2011), as well as in Canada and Europe (Coyle et al, 2012) attributed to

increasing rates of immigration. The great biotic potential of tapeworms represents a

significant risk of sustained propagation within these newly-established populations; this risk

is compounded by the relative inexperience in handling such parasitic infections.

3. Clinical Presentation

The pleomorphic nature of clinical presentations associated with NCC can be attributed to

many factors. The parasite load, dependent on both the size and number of cysticerci, is an

important determinant of symptomatology; high loads are associated with increased risk of

obstruction and corresponding rises in intra-cranial pressure (ICP) as well as induction of

significant inflammatory responses (Singhi and Suthar, 2015). In very severe cases, involving

numerous cysts with associated inflammation, an encephalitic state can occur with diffuse

cerebral oedema; such cases have a very poor prognosis (Kimura-Hayama et al, 2010).

The stage of cysticercus development is a crucial factor in the control of immune interactions.

It is thought that viable cysts initiate a complex immune evasion response, allowing them to

exist undetected in the body; this may persist for a prolonged period of time, with immune-

mediated symptoms sometimes being delayed for several, or as many as 10 years (Kimura-

Hayama et al, 2010; Yanagida et al, 2010).

Development of symptoms is generally associated with the immune system overcoming such

evasion mechanisms and initiating subsequent immune responses against the degenerating

cyst, leading to systemic effects and a corresponding clinical profile (Garcia et al, 2010). This

process may be accelerated by anti-helminthic drug treatment, and clinicians are cautious

when prescribing such medication to patients with high parasite loads (Tuero et al, 2015).

Finally, cyst location is a key determinant of clinical presentation, with clusters of symptoms

showing patterns of association with affected areas of the CNS. In general, cyst location is

broadly classified as either parenchymal, within the functional tissues of the brain, or extra-

parenchymal, which encompasses the remaining locations within the CNS (Garcia et al,


3.1 Parenchymal NCC

The brain parenchyma is most commonly infected with NCC (Bansal et al, 2014) with high

rates of cyst deposition occurring at junctions separating grey matter from white matter; this

is thought to be due to accumulation of metacestodes in the small terminal blood vessels that

converge here. Parenchymal disease generally has a more favourable prognosis than extra-

parenchymal, with seizures and headaches, tending to resolve independently with time, being

the most consistently reported manifestations (Singhi and Suthar, 2015). Psychiatric

symptoms have been reported on occasion, however the majority of studies have found this to

be a rare occurrence, presenting in approximately 5% of NCC cases (Carabin et al, 2011).

Importantly, it should be noted that the burden of NCC-associated disease is commonly

overestimated, as asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic patients very rarely present at

neurology clinics; as many as 50% of NCC cases had no history of symptoms (Carabin et al,


The link between NCC and epilepsy is implied to be a causal relationship by the majority of

studies, but to assume causality - not simply high rates of co-occurrence - is unwise without

further analysis of the discrepancies that are evident in existing studies. Definitions as to what

distinguishes epilepsy from seizures need to be more clearly established; by definition

‘epilepsy’ is the occurrence of recurrent and unprovoked seizures, therefore seizures related

to active cysticerci would be classified as ‘acute symptomatic seizures’, which are not

synonymous with epilepsy (Carpio and Romo, 2014). Terminology aside, there still exist

further issues with some of the conclusions drawn from certain aspects of the literature on

this topic. Several reports use seropositivity inferred from enzyme-linked immuno-

electrotransfer blot (EITB) assay as a definitive indicator of active NCC infection, despite

both the accepted inaccuracies of this method and the fact that presence of T. solium

antibodies does not conclusively specify active disease, nor CNS involvement; such work

may therefore misrepresent the epidemiology of the epilepsy-NCC relationship (Carpio and

Romo, 2014). There also exists an evident selection bias in certain studies, where sample

populations have high rates of both epilepsy and NCC; an incidental relationship must first be

considered, as well as the potential for genetic predisposition in certain geographical areas

showing high rates of familial aggregation of NCC (Carpio and Romo, 2014). Whilst the high

co-prevalence of the two conditions certainly provides a strong indication of a causal

relationship, these factors highlight flaws in a hypothesis that seems to have been widely


3.2 Extra-Parenchymal NCC

Clinical manifestations of extra-parenchymal NCC show greater heterogeneity than those

associated with parenchymal disease, as a wide range of locations throughout the CNS are

included within this broad definition. In general, extra-parenchymal disease has a poorer

prognosis than parenchymal, as parasite loads tend to be higher, and growth of individual

cysticerci is less restricted and tends to be more irregular; this is associated with higher rates

of morbidity and mortality (Tuero et al, 2015).

The most common location of extra-parenchymal NCC is in the subarachnoid spaces and

associated meninges (Kimura-Hayama et al, 2010). In severe cases, subarachnoid NCC can

trigger mass inflammation in this area, leading to arachnoiditis; this can have multiple effects

of significant severity, one example being the development of a hydrocephalic state, in which

severe oedema leads to a sharp increase in ICP (Callacondo et al, 2012). Thickening of the

inflamed meninges, along with oedema, may also impact surrounding nerves leading to

entrapment of components of the CNS such as the optic chiasm and cranial nerves with an

assortment of nerve palsies and visual impairments (Kimura-Hayama et al, 2010). Another

mechanism by which hydrocephalus can occur is through the obstruction of cerebro-spinal

fluid (CSF) flow, either due to high parasite burden in the subarachnoid space, or through

cyst deposition in the ventricular system. Prognosis for subarachnoid disease is further

impacted by the occasional development of a proliferating cyst cluster, which forms through

the aggregation of abnormal vesicles, known as a ‘racemose cyst’ (Bansal et al, 2014).

Unrestricted growth of a racemose cyst can lead to invasion of various brain spaces, and

increases the likelihood of obstruction of CSF pathways or severe inflammatory reactions

(Callacondo et al, 2012).

The vascular networks of the brain are similarly affected by obstruction from cysticerci and

inflammatory exudates; there may also be direct insult to the blood vessels themselves in the

form of vasculitis. Consequential disruption to blood flow can lead to transient or prolonged

vascular incidents such as stroke (Callacondo et al, 2012).

Circulating CSF within the subarachnoid space communicates directly with CSF surrounding

the spinal column and, as a result, cysts originating in the basal cisterns may follow a gravity-

dependent downwards course and disseminate within the spinal meninges. Spinal NCC is

rare (Jongwietiwes et al, 2011), with a reported frequency of approximately 0.25% to 5.8%

of cases (Callacondo et al, 2012) and infrequently presents in isolation without concomitant

cranial involvement (Kimura-Hayama et al, 2010). This may present as motor and sensory

dysfunction, related to the level at which the lesion occurs (Del Brutto, 2012). Symptoms

may include paraesthesia and radicular pain, along the nerve roots into the lower extremities

(Singhi and Suthar, 2015).

4. Diagnosis

Accurate diagnosis of NCC is notoriously difficult; available methods are problematic and

implementation in resource-poor endemic is patchy. Del Brutto et al (2001) proposed a set of

diagnostic criteria in an attempt to combine aspects of clinical history, neuroimaging and

immunological evidence, as well as epidemiological factors, to form defined guidelines for

the diagnosis of NCC (see Table 1). This multifaceted approach allows for a diagnosis to be

made in the absence of criteria that may be untestable in certain situations.

Table 1. The ‘Del Brutto Criteria’ for diagnosis of NCC - adapted from Del Brutto et al


Using available evidence, a positive diagnosis can be deemed as either ‘definitive’ or

‘probable’ based on the weight attributed to the criteria that have been met. While not

systematically validated, this approach does allow for otherwise unattainable diagnoses to be

made in difficult situations, with a reasonable rate of success (Fogang et al, 2012). For these

guidelines to be improved, there is an urgent need for improved diagnostic methods, which

achieve high levels of both sensitivity and specificity.

4.1 Neuroimaging

Neuroimaging is the preferred method for NCC diagnosis, using CT and MRI scans it is

possible to visualise infecting cysticerci and assess their number and location within the

CNS. With experience, the stage of the cyst lifecycle can be defined: viable cysts appear as

small, round areas that are easily distinguished from the brain parenchyma, with the scolex

appearing as a nodule of high density within the cyst; degenerating cysts are far less well

defined and tend to be surrounded by an area of perilesional oedema (Del Brutto, 2012). A

typical indicative pattern observed for NCC is the ‘starry sky’ appearance formed by the

presence of multiple cysts at different evolutionary stages (Singhi and Suthar, 2015). CT

scans are cheaper and more commonly available, and also show higher sensitivity for

detection of calcifications that occur in approximately 50% of patients (Sinha and Sharma,

2009). The higher resolution of MRI scans, permit better distinction of the degenerative stage

of cysticerci and can detect parasites located in sites that would be missed by a CT scan, e.g.

those located in the posterior fossa, basal cisterns and ventricles (Takayanagui and Odashima,

2006). There are issues with sensitivity, especially for intraventricular and subarachnoid

forms, where the cyst fluid and CSF have such similar densities that visualization is unlikely,

even when using contrast-enhanced MRI scans (Kimura-Hayama et al, 2010; Singhi and

Suthar, 2015).

4.2.Immunological Assays

Neuroimaging is expensive and requires both trained personnel and technological resources

that are not available in the majority of low income countries in which NCC is endemic. This

further reliance on the use of serological testing for the detection of NCC. To date, the lentil

lectin purified glycoprotein (LLGP) enzyme-linked immuno-electrotransfer blot (EITB)

assay, which uses targeted antigens to detect antibodies to T. solium in patient serum, has

provided the most consistent results (Fogang et al, 2015; Ito, 2015). This diagnostic test has

a reported specificity of 100%, with an overall sensitivity of 98% (Garcia and Del Brutto,

2005); these rates significantly decline in cases where only a single cysticercus is present as

the low parasite load elicits a far weaker antibody response, and sensitivity falling as low as

50% (Fogang et al, 2015; Ito, 2015). Antibodies can persist in the serum for long periods

after the parasite has been cleared from the body and can be stimulated following exposure to

the parasite in the absence of an established infection (Gilman et al, 2012). In addition, the

presence of antibodies in the serum does not inform as to the location of a cyst; testing

positive for cysticercus infection is not synonymous with CNS involvement (Fogang et al,

2015; Ito, 2015). These factors mean that the assay results should be interpreted within the

clinical context, and strengthen a suspected diagnosis. There has been some debate as to

whether NCC is best detected in CSF rather than serum samples (Garcia and Del Brutto,

2005), but a recent comparative study by Sako et al (2015) showed no differences in

sensitivity and specificity between samples of serum and CSF.

New assays are in development that show promising results. Gabriel et al (2012) reported an

ELISA based assay that could detect T. solium antigens using monoclonal antibodies

prepared from T. saginata, indicating the presence of an established infection (as opposed to

exposure only). A lateral flow assay (LFA) has recently been developed for the diagnosis and

monitoring of extra-parenchymal NCC (Fleury et al, 2016). This assay is based on the use of

the monoclonal antibody HP10. This assay, applied to CSF samples correctly identified 34

cases of active extra-parenchymal NCC, and gave negative results for 26 samples derived

from treated and cured NCC patients. The assay format is cheaper and is suitable for

laboratories that lack the financial resources to support complex diagnostic procedures

(Fleury et al, 2016).

4.3. Stool Microscopy

Traditional methods such as stool microscopy have been used to visually assess the presence

of T. solium eggs within the stool of a potential carrier. Whilst this does not necessarily

indicate an NCC infection, it does assist in the detection of tapeworm carriers and the

consequent disruption of the cycle of transmission. Whilst this method can have high

specificity depending on the expertise of the examiner, it has very low sensitivity due to a

certain threshold of eggs needed to be visible under a microscope (Gilman et al, 2012).

Molecular methods applied to stool samples, such as PCR and ELISA, may improve

detection rates but like so many other available tests, the equipment and need for trained

operators is impractical in many endemic settings (Mahanty and Garcia, 2010). More

recently simpler and cheaper methods have been developed for identification of T. solium

eggs (Nkouwa et al, 2016).

5. Treatment

The heterogeneity of clinical presentations of NCC not only complicates the diagnostic

procedure but also affects the management plan for the disease; there can be no single,

standard therapeutic approach when so many interconnecting factors must be considered.

Before commencing treatment, the complete disease profile must be determined, including

evidence of CNS involvement, characterisation of the existing immune response, and the

number, location and viability of cysts present. Only once these factors have been ascertained

can a treatment plan that is tailored to the individual be determined.

5.1. Cysticidal Drugs

The use of cysticidal drugs in the treatment of NCC has attracted controversy, as the use of

such drugs may pose more risk to the patient than benefit, due mostly to the extensive

inflammatory response that can be stimulated in response to the mass death of cysts within

the CNS (Sinha and Sharma, 2009). For this reason, the use of cysticidal drugs is

contraindicated in cases that have a pre-existing risk of developing hydrocephalus, such as in

sub-arachnoid NCC and encephalitic NCC; in these situations, the inflammation that would

occur following treatment may pose a substantial risk of rapidly raising ICP, and even result

in death. Therefore, in cases where a definitive diagnosis and characterisation of the infection

cannot be provided due to lack of neuroimaging, it is considered unwise to proceed with

cysticidal therapy and patients should only be treated with regards to their symptoms (Fogang

et al, 2015). Furthermore, it has been suggested that alongside their potential dangers,

cysticidal drugs may also be unnecessary, as parenchymal cysts in particular may resolve

naturally, following a completely benign and asymptomatic pathway (Garcia et al, 2002).

However, several studies have shown that cysticidal drugs do have a positive effect in

reducing symptoms such as seizures and headaches, and hasten the resolution of parenchymal

lesions; this argument is strengthened by many clinicians’ apprehensions over allowing a live

parasite to continue its development in the brain without challenge (Sinha and Sharma, 2009;

Singhi and Suthar, 2015).

The two most widely accepted cysticidal drugs are albendazole, an imidazole that impairs

glucose uptake and metabolism in the parasite, and praziquantel, an isoquinolone that causes

parasite paralysis by disrupting calcium pathways and homeostasis (Bobes et al, 2014). These

drugs are only applicable in the treatment of viable cysts in the vesicular or early colloidal

stages of development, and are ineffective against calcified cysts, as these represent parasites

that are already dead (Baird et al, 2013). Albendazole is generally considered to be the drug

of choice, with superior efficacy and antiparasitic effect compared to praziquantel, alongside

better CSF penetration, less apparent interaction with commonly co-administered drugs such

as corticosteroids and a more competitive price (Fogang et al, 2015; Bansal et al, 2014).

There remains a lack of clarity surrounding prescription guidelines for these drugs and

confusion as to the clinical contexts in which their use is considered appropriate and


5.2 Anti-Epileptics

Seizures are a commonly reported clinical manifestation of parenchymal NCC. In cases

involving evident symptoms and multiple viable cysts, anti-epileptic pharmacological therapy

may be indicated (Takayanagui and Odashima, 2006); drugs such as phenobarbitone and

carbamazepine are effective in controlling NCC-related seizures in many cases (Del Brutto,

2012). One study found that up to 50% of patients receiving anti-epileptic therapy for NCC

suffered relapses in seizure control following drug withdrawal, suggesting that therapy was

having an inhibitory effect on seizures stimulated by the presence of cysts (Garcia and Del

Brutto, 2005). Again, use of these drugs has attracted controversy, with some studies

reporting no improvement in seizure outcome (Fogang et al, 2015).

5.3 Steroids

Administration of steroids is a vital step in the regulation of NCC-related inflammation in the

CNS to control the acute inflammatory process that occurs following degradation of viable

cysts. Prednisolone or dexamethasone are commonly used as adjuncts to cysticidal therapy

and should be administered around 3 days before the cysticidal drugs are administered, then

continued for approximately a week following the end of the course (Sinha and Sharma,

2009). In patients with a heavy parasite load and diffuse infection, the use of cysticidal

therapy is considered too great a risk and steroids may be used in isolation (Fogang et al,

2015). Concomitant steroid administration has proven to be effective in the prevention of

severe inflammatory complications; however, there are still some concerns regarding their

use, including the potential for increased parasite survival due to immune suppression and the

need for further studies into what constitutes appropriate doses and timing of administration

in order to provide optimum benefits (Carpio et al, 2013).

5.4 Surgery

In cases involving extensive infection, such as racemose NCC and severe extra-parenchymal

NCC, anticysticidal therapy may not be an option due to risks associated with mass

inflammation, but these types of NCC are associated with substantial risk of complications if

left untreated. In these cases, a more aggressive approach may be indicated, including cyst

extirpation via surgery (Bansal et al, 2014). More commonly, surgery may be advised in

severe cases to insert shunts allowing for fluid drainage and resolution of hydrocephalus;

shunt dysfunction in these cases is unfortunately relatively common, and associated with

increased mortality; simultaneous steroid administration can reduce this risk (Garcia et al,

2002). Surgery was the primary intervention for NCC therapy but with the development of

advanced pharmacological therapeutics in this field, the use of surgery has significantly

declined, and is now only used in the severest of cases.

6. Future Prospects for Control and Prevention

Control and prevention of T. solium transmission should be a key priority in global health as

intervention can reduce the substantial healthcare and economic burdens inflicted by both

NCC and taeniasis (Torgerson and Macpherson, 2011).

The high biotic potential and environmental stability of tapeworm eggs presents a significant

challenge for control but there are a number of simple solutions that could easily be

implemented if financial resources were made available to endemic countries. Improved

sanitation, increased education within communities to highlight and inform local populations

as to the disease and corralling pigs to prevent their contact with human waste are all

essential components of any intervention in low and middle income countries (Schantz et al,

1993; Pawlowski, 2016). Increased awareness of infection and transmission is also required

in non-endemic developed countries where the disease has shown signs of increasing

(Fabiani and Bruschi, 2013; Gilman et al, 2012) and where human carriers of T. solium

require to be identified and treated on public health grounds (Nkouawa et al, 2016).

One option for prevention and control of NCC is the development of vaccines for application

in pigs, of which the TSOL18 vaccine, comprised of a recombinant protein originating from a

T. solium oncosphere shows promise (Jayashi et al, 2012). The sequencing of the T. solium

genome also offers exciting prospects in the further improvement of such vaccines through

the identification and direct targeting of highly specific antigens (Bobes et al, 2014).

Finally, improved surveillance is needed, including implementing obligatory notification of

NCC cases. Accurate assessment of NCC distribution and transmission, is critical to

achieving robust disease burden calculations and for targeting of public health interventions.

Carpio et al (2016) provides recommendations for policymakers for a range parasitic diseases

affecting the CNS, and if adopted, would provide much needed data that can be used to direct

future initiatives. In the absence of reliable estimates of its global burden, NCC will remain -

along with other endemic zoonoses of low priority in the eyes of funding agencies (Maudlin

et al, 2009; Okello et al, 2015) – a truly neglected disease.

7. Acknowledgements

This work received financial support from the European Union seventh framework

programme from the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under

grant agreement nº 221948, ICONZ (Integrated Control of Neglected Zoonoses) and THEME

[KBBE.2012.1.4-03] under grant agreement nº312030, Advocacy for the fight against

Neglected Zoonotic Diseases (ADVANZ). The contents of this publication are the

responsibility of the authors.


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