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समासः - विभवितत्परुु षः

This is a very easy and a very important topic of Sanskrit. This topic is very useful for 9th and
10th grades. We all are aware about समासः and we have learnt some basic समासः in Hindi. In
Sanskrit समासः occupies a very important place. It is considered as the wall of the fortress of
Sanskrit grammar. In Sanskrit समासः means “summary” or in simple words समासः is a process
by which two or more words are joined together to get a new word. This new word is called
समासः and there are different types of समासः
But we know that like all the other topics of Sanskrit even समासः has certain important
short-cut keys by which we can easily identify them. Broadly there are 4 major types of समासः
namely ु
तत्परुषः द्वन्द्वः अव्ययीभािः बहुव्रीव ः

Among these तत्परुषः is the longest one. Every समास has its own unique features. Hence this
topic is easy even though it is big.

In our previous lecture we learnt विभवि-तत्परुषः समासः and we learnt that in विभवि-तत्परुु षः समासः
there are समासs from वद्वतीया to सप्तमी vibhaktis… so what about प्रथमा विभविः? Where can we fit

प्रथमा विभविः in विभवि-तत्परुषः समासः? The answer is ----------------------------------------------------

कममधारयः तत्परुषः

In कममधारयः तत्परुषः both the components have same विभविः and that is प्रथमा विभविः.

In simple words, to identify कममधारयः तत्परुषः we should apply the principle of adjective-noun
relationship. In Sanskrit we all know that the adjective follows the noun with respect to विभविः
- िचनम –् विङ्गम ………
् The same principle applies for this type of samas too.
When we compare or assert something with something in a way that is also a description and
adjective means describing the noun. For eg if I say “Raju is like Salman Khan” I am
comparing Raju with Salman Khan and if we observe this sentence in broad way we realise
that I am in a way describing Raju by comparing him with Salman khan. In the same way if I
say “Raju is Salman Khan” I am asserting that Raju is Salman Khan which is also in a way a

description of Raju. All the above examples are of कममधारयः तत्परुषः समासः
In short remember the following points $$$$$$$$

• In कममधारयः तत्परुषः समासः there is adjective-noun relationship everywhere

• Comparison, assertion and description all belong to कममधारयः तत्परुषः समासः
• The विभविः of both the components is always प्रथमा विभविः
Let us see some examples-

In the above examples there is description of words –meaning they are adjective-noun pairs.

The word उत्पिम means ्
lotus and it is the noun and it is in प्रथमा विभविः and the word नीिम is

the adjective which means blue and it is describing the word उत्पिम which means lotus. Since
् in प्रथमा विभविः the adjective नीिम is
the word उत्पिम is ् also in प्रथमा विभविः

Thus the word नीिोत्पिम ् is an example of कममधारयः तत्परुषः

ु समासः

नीिोत्पिम means = Blue lotus. In the same way all the words of the above list are to be

In these words, there is a comparison between two components.

घन means cloud and श्यामः means black, so “black like cloud” is घनश्यामः
In the same way all the above words are to be understood.
In this list both the components are adjectives and both are in प्रथमा विभविः hence the

compounds are the examples of कममधारयः तत्परुषः समासः

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