Plum Behaviour MCQ

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1. Coning plume occurs under which conditions?

a) Super adiabatic
b) Sub adiabatic
c) Neutral
d) Inversion
Coning occurs under sub adiabatic conditions. The plume is of conical shaped.
2. In which of the following plumes, stable condition prevails?
a) Lofting
b) Fanning
c) Neutral
d) Fumigating
The stability prevails in the Fanning plume. It occurs during inversion conditions.
3. The upward vertical rise prevails in which of the following plume?
a) Trapping
b) Fanning
c) Looping
d) Neutral
In Neutral plume, the Environmental lapse rate is equal to the Adiabatic lapse rate.
4. Which of the following plume is worst for the dispersion of pollutants?
a) Trapping
b) Fanning
c) Neutral
d) Fumigating
In Fumigating plume, the pollutants come down near the ground due to turbulence instead of
escaping above the stack. This makes it the most dangerous plume.
5. In which of the following plumes, unstable condition prevails?
a) Trapping
b) Fanning
c) Looping
d) Neutral
Rapid dispersion of pollutants takes place under Looping plume. It occurs under super
adiabatic conditions.
6. Which of the following are contradictory plume?
a) Lofting and fumigating
b) Looping and coning
c) Neutral and lofting
d) Fumigating and trapping
In Lofting plume, the super adiabatic lapse rate occurs above the stack, whereas, in
Fumigating plume, it occurs below the stack.
7. The maximum efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator is ___________
a) 95%
b) 80%
c) 99%
d) 100%
The efficiency of electrostatic precipitator lies between 95% to 99%. They are used in
thermal power plants.
8. The minimum particle size removes by the gravitational chamber is ___________
a) >50μm
b) >10μm
c) >25μm
d) >0.5μm
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The minimum particle size removes by the gravitational settling chamber is >50μm and its
efficiency is less than 50%.
1. Which of the following is not a part of photochemical smog?
a) NO2
b) O3
c) PAN
d) SPM
Photochemical smog includes NO2, O3 and PAN. The damage to vegetation is caused by
NO2, O3 and PAN.
2. Which air pollutant cause corrosion of building?
a) SO2
b) SO3
c) CO
d) NO2
SO2 is a colourless and irritant gas that causes corrosion of building.
3. Which of the following air pollutant effects plants the most?
a) Fluorine
b) SO2
c) PAN
d) HCl
Fluorine is the most dangerous air pollutant that affects plant, whereas SO2, PAN and HCl
effects the leaf of the plant.
4. The size of cigarette particles is ______________
a) 1μm
b) 10μm
c) <1μm d) >10μm
Cigarette particles are <1μm and >25% particles are deposited in the lungs.
5. Concentration of fluorine that cause a photo toxicological effect on the plant is
a) 0.1μg/m3
b) 0.3μg/m3
c) 0.5μg/m3
d) 1μg/m3
Fluorine is produced through aluminium or glass industries and it causes a photo
toxicological effect on the plant at a concentration of 0.3μg/m3.
6. Which of the following gas is not colourless?
a) NO
b) O3
c) Pb
d) SO3
NO is a highly reactive gas which is reddish brown in color, whereas O3, Pb and SO3 are
colourless gas.
7. The effective height of stack is given by ___________
a) Plume height / Actual height of the stack
b) Plume height * Actual height of the stack
c) Plume height – Actual height of the stack
d) Plume height + Actual height of the stack
Effective height of the stack, H = h1 + h2 where, h1 is the plume height and h2 is the actual
height of stack.
8. The chimney is emitting particulate matter. Which of the following is the correct
expression of the height of the chimney? Here ‘Kp’ represents the emission of particulate
a) HC = 74 Kp0.27
b) HC = 14 Kp0.27
c) HC = 14 Kp0.47
d) HC = 74 Kp0.33
Height of the chimney HC = 74 Kp0.27 where HC is in metre and ‘Kp’ is in tonnes per hours.
9. What is the minimum height of the chimney in a thermal power plant of capacity 350MW?
a) 100m
b) 220m
c) 380m
d) 60m
As the capacity of the thermal plant lies between 200MW and 500MW, the minimum height
of the chimney is 220m.
10. Which of the following is the correct expression of the height of chimney emitting sulfur
a) HC = 74 Kp0.27
b) HC = 14 Kp0.33
c) HC = 14 Kp0.47
d) HC = 74 Kp0.33
Height of the chimney, HC = 14 Kp0.33 when the chimney is emitting sulfur dioxide. Here, the
unit of ‘Kp’ is in kg/hour and HC is in metre.
1. When environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) is less is than Adiabatic Lapse Rate (ALR), then
which of the following occurs?
a) Sub adiabatic lapse rate
b) Super adiabatic lapse rate
c) Neutral lapse rate
d) Adiabatic lapse rate
When the temperature increases with an increase in altitude, Sub adiabatic lapse rate occur
and there will be stable environment.
2. _______ occurs when atmospheric temperature increases with height.
a) Negative lapse rate
b) Super adiabatic lapse rate
c) Neutral lapse rate
d) Positive lapse rate
Under negative lapse rate, the colder air is below the warmer air. It can be occurred near the
earth’s surface.
3. When environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) is equal to the Adiabatic Lapse Rate (ALR), then
which of the following occurs?
a) Sub adiabatic lapse rate
b) Super adiabatic lapse rate
c) Neutral lapse rate
d) Adiabatic lapse rate
When the temperature is constant with height, then neutral lapse rate occurs.
4. The wet adiabatic rate is greater than the dry adiabatic rate.
a) True
b) False
The value of wet adiabatic rate is 60C per 1000m whereas of dry adiabatic rate is 9.80C per
5. When Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR) is greater than Adiabatic Lapse Rate (ALR), then
which of the following occurs?
a) Sub adiabatic lapse rate
b) Super adiabatic lapse rate
c) Neutral lapse rate
d) Adiabatic lapse rate
In Super adiabatic lapse rate, the environment is unstable due to the quick dispersion of
6. Which of the following is the absorption unit?
a) Cyclone collector
b) Plate tower
c) Gravitation settling chamber
d) Dynamic precipitator
Cyclone collector, Gravitation settling chamber and Dynamic precipitator are used to remove
particulate matter, whereas Plate tower is used to remove gaseous matter and is an absorption
7. Which of the following catalyst is used for removing hydrocarbon from gaseous pollutant
in combustion unit?
a) Platinum
b) Activated alumina
c) Vanadium
d) Potassium permanganate
Activated alumina is used as a catalyst for removing gaseous pollutant called hydrocarbons
from the air. The concentration of hydrocarbon emitted from automobiles is 300-1000 mg/l.
8. Which of the following is not a part of adsorption unit?
a) Packed towers
b) Multiple fixed bed
c) Fluidized bed
d) Moving bed
Packed tower is a part of the absorption unit, whereas multiple fixed bed, fluidized bed and
moving bed are the examples of absorbers.
9. Which of the following is a bulk phenomena?
a) Physical adsorption
b) Chemical adsorption
c) Absorption
d) Sorption
Adsorption is a bulk phenomena, whereas absorption is a surface phenomena.
10. Which of the following is not an adsorbent?
a) Molecular sieves
b) Activated carbon
c) Activated alumina
d) Water
Water is an absorbent whereas molecular sieves, activated carbon and activated alumina are

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