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30 September 2020 Applications and Admissions

The University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019
Eric Sierra Auckland 1142
21 Dovedale Place New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 373 7513 (if overseas)
Parnell Or 0800 61 62 63 (in NZ)
Auckland 1010 Email: [email protected]

University Student ID: 366789976

Date of Birth: 13 November 1986


Tēnā koe Eric Sierra,

Congratulations on being offered admission to the University of Auckland for the following

Master of Engineering Studies (Electrical and Electronic Eng – Taught - 180)

Semester One starts

Monday 01 March 2021

Accept your offer to confirm your place

Accept your offer as soon as possible. The offer will only be available until the expiry date.

Sign into your Application for Admission to:

• Accept or decline the offer
• View the expiry date.

When you have accepted a place in a programme (or programmes, in the case of double degrees),
please decline any other offers you do not want.

If you want to change your major or specialisation

You can change your major or specialisation if you meet the relevant admission requirements.

Minimum time to complete your study

18 Months full time

Your yearly tuition fees (estimated)

NZ$ 44,526.00

This estimate is based on a standard 120 points on 2020 fees. It excludes the student services fee
and other miscellaneous costs (see clause 7.4 of the Terms and Conditions for International
Students below).

Tuition fees are reviewed every year and are subject to change (see clause 7.5 of the Terms and
Conditions for International Students below).

When you must pay your fees by

Monday 01 March 2021 is the final date for paying fees for tuition, student services and insurance.

However, if you need to apply for a student visa, you must pay your fees earlier to allow time for:
• The University of Auckland to process your fees
• Immigration New Zealand to process your visa application.
For payment processing times, see

For visa application processing times, see

You must have a valid student visa before you start your programme
To apply for a student visa, you must be enrolled for full-time study (see clauses 2 and 6 of the
Terms and Conditions for International Students below).

To apply for a student visa, you must provide:

• This offer of admission (which includes the estimate of fees)
• Proof that you have paid your fees. You can download a fees statement at

Important dates you need to know about

For information about important dates, including holidays, see

Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully

As a student at the University of Auckland, you must comply with our Terms and Conditions for
International Students (see below). Please read them carefully.

The terms of this offer may change

This offer is valid at the date of this letter. Changes to policy or degree regulations may happen
later and affect the terms of this offer. Details and regulations are set out in the University of
Auckland Calendar

We consider this programme right for you

We have assessed your application to make sure:
• You are able to participate effectively in this programme.
• The programme meets your proficiencies and career aspirations

(See clause 18 of the Terms and Conditions for International Students for more about your career

Immigration New Zealand requirements as of U3.5, Offer of a Place: The University of

Auckland has assessed and is satisfied that the programme is appropriate for the student's
expectations, and that the prospective student has the English language proficiency and academic
capability to succeed in the programme offered.

How you can apply for University accommodation

Don't forget to organise accommodation. To read about all the options and find out when you can
move in, go to

Signed for and on behalf of the University of Auckland by:

Adrienne Cleland
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Operations) & Registrar
[email protected]

Student Name: Eric Sierra

University Student ID: 366789976

Programme Name: Master of Engineering Studies

NZ$ 44,526.00
Estimated Annual Tuition Fees (for a standard 120 points based on 2020 fees)
Tuition fees are calculated on a per points basis and are reviewed annually. Tuition fees comprise
programme or course fees.

Estimated student services fee for one year is NZ$ 943.20

Student services fees are calculated on a per points basis and are reviewed annually.

Estimated cost of insurance for one year is NZ$ 620.00

Payment for Health and Travel Insurance can be included when paying your fees. For more
information please visit

Total estimated annual cost for tuition, student services, health and travel insurance: NZ$ 46,089.20

After you have paid your fees, click the Payment History tab to print your fees receipt of payment. You will need this receipt to
support your student visa application.

You can pay by telegraphic transfer/bank transfer or credit/debit card from your home country using Flywire, when you log into
Student Services Online. Additional payment options may be available depending on the country you are paying from.

How to pay instructions:

1. Sign into Student Services Online – (use your username and password to log in)
2. Click on the 'Fees and Payments' icon
3. The 'Account Summary' page will appear
4. Click 'Pay by Flywire -International' tab
5. Enter the $ amount on your Fees Estimate in the Payment Amount (NZ Dollars) field
6. You may need to 'Unblock your Pop-ups' in order to 'Continue to Flywire' so that Flywire site can open in a new
7. Click the 'Continue with payment' icon
8. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your payment
You can visit Flywire fees payment method for international students for more information.

How to generate your receipt of payment:

Once the University receives your fees payment, you can view and print your receipt via Student Services Online (please allow up to 3
days following payment).

For instructions visit:

How to generate your fees statement:

After you have enrolled into courses, click Account Summary tab to access your fees statement/invoice. The itemised fees amount
may differ from this Fees Estimate; see the Offer Terms and Conditions below.

For instructions visit:

For support:
If you need help, AskAuckland ( has answers to frequently asked questions about fees and money
matters (or call +64 9 923 4422)

These terms and conditions of enrolment to the University of Auckland are to be read in conjunction with the University
of Auckland Calendar. These form part of the agreement between the University of Auckland and the student named in
the offer upon acceptance.

Note: For doctoral candidates the letter of registration represents the offer.


1.1. This agreement is subject to the laws of New Zealand and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New
Zealand Courts in all matters arising from this agreement and the Offer of Admission.

1.2. The parties shall abide by any Statutes, Regulations, Rules and Policies established from time to time by the Council
of the University and published in the Calendar or otherwise notified to the student.


2.1. This agreement is conditional upon the student obtaining the appropriate student visa to enable the student to live
and study in New Zealand. Holders of other types of visas should ensure their visa allows them to study in New
Zealand. For further information visit

2.2. The Offer of Admission at the University does not guarantee that the student will be issued with a student visa.

2.3. The student is responsible for complying with all conditions relating to the student visa.

2.4. The student is responsible for providing a copy of the student visa to the International Office at the beginning of the
first semester of study for that Calendar year.

2.5. Where a student does not provide evidence of a valid student visa and/or the required contact details then, until that
evidence is produced, the Council may:
(i) withdraw the enrolment of that student from a course or courses
(ii) decline to re-enrol the student
(iii) restrict that student's access to University services.

2.6. If the student fails to obtain or maintain a valid student visa or is required to leave New Zealand for whatever
reason, this agreement will lapse and the University may offer the place of enrolment to another student.

2.7. If this agreement lapses in this way, clause 8 of the Terms and Conditions apply to such a student as if he or she
had been deleted from the programme of study, and the student may be entitled to a refund or credit.

2.8. To obtain a student visa, the student must be enrolled in full-time study. This will mean that a full-time student will
typically take courses totalling up to 120 points per academic year. For further information please contact int-
[email protected].


3.1. Under the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016, all international students are to
have an appropriate health and travel insurance policy during their period of study.

3.2. An approved insurance policy is a condition of enrolment. Holders of all visa types are required to have approved
insurance for the duration of their study. A student visa holder is also required to have approved health and travel
insurance for the duration of their visa or until they depart New Zealand, whichever comes first.

3.3. The default approved insurance policy is the Studentsafe Inbound University policy. Enrolled international
students will be charged the Studentsafe Inbound University policy premium. The Studentsafe Inbound
University policy premium must be paid unless the University of Auckland approves the use of an alternative
insurance policy.

More information on insurance waivers and family applications deadlines, pre-existing conditions, forms, terms
and conditions for Studentsafe Inbound policy please visit or contact
[email protected]

3.4. A student's enrolment cannot continue in the event of their insurance cover being declined.

4.1. Recognition of prior academic study can be applied for through Applications and Admissions. There is no charge for
this service. Recognition of prior academic study does not apply to inbound exchange students.

4.2. The student must submit an official academic transcript and detailed course descriptions of prior study to
Applications and Admissions. Applications and Admissions will assess the prior study and the applicant will be
informed of the outcome of his/her application.

4.3. This process is normally done as part of the original application but an application for the recognition of prior learning
can be made at any time.

4.4. The student will not be granted credit retrospectively for courses that have already been completed at the University
of Auckland.


5.1. The student can accept the Offer of Admission /Conditional Offer of Admission online on Student Services Online or
by signing and returning a copy to Applications and Admissions.

5.2. Acceptance of the offer entitles the student to enrol at the University in the programme of study specified in the offer
as soon as all conditions are met. If the student has not yet met the conditions or the offer is not yet confirmed, the
student will not be able to enrol.

5.3. Information on course availability can be viewed via Student Services Online. Postgraduate students may need to
contact the faculty postgraduate coordinator for further information.


6.1. Students under 18 years of age at the date of enrolment will not be entitled to enrol until the consent of their parent
or legal guardian has been given to the University of Auckland in writing and accommodation has been approved.

6.2. It is a requirement under the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016 that any
student, who is under 18 years of age, must live full time with either an approved caregiver or relative or in an
approved home stay.

6.3. Please contact the International Student Support Team [email protected] prior to the start of semester,
with the student's accommodation details.


Note: Tuition fees are not displayed on conditional offers of admission

7.1. If the student is applying for a student visa from overseas, tuition fees must be paid in full for the first year of the
programme of study to meet Immigration New Zealand requirements. Inbound exchange students are exempt from
paying fees and are therefore not bound to clause 7 of these Terms and Conditions.

7.2. The fee on this Offer of Admission is an estimate;

• The total fee payable will be shown on the statement/invoice which can be generated via Student Services
Online following course enrolment;
• The total fee payable is subject to course selection and enrolment requirements and may differ from that in
the attached estimate; and
• Students are liable for any fees payable over and above the estimated amount stated in the attached

7.3. Enrolment is subject to full payment of tuition fees due on or before the due date. If payment of the tuition fees is
not made by the due date, the University may cancel this agreement and any enrolments.

7.4. Miscellaneous costs including (but not limited to) travel costs, living costs and other programme related costs are not
included in the estimated tuition fees.

7.5. Tuition fees for new and re-enrolling students are reviewed each year, and approved by the University Council.
International tuition fees are normally increased 3%-6% annually but increase can range from 0%-10%.

7.6. If the Offer of Admission is conditional, fees must not be paid until the offer is confirmed. A confirmed Offer of
Admission with a fees estimate will be sent once conditions are met.


When considering deletion from a course or programme of study, the student should first approach the
International Office for guidance. The student may be entitled to a refund of part or all of the tuition fees paid
to the University in the circumstances set out below; with the exception of inbound exchange students who are
exempt from paying tuition fees:

The deadline for adding and deleting courses is sometimes referred to as ATCE (Alteration to Course
Enrolments). For enrolment changes, it is not enough to notify a University of Auckland staff member. You
must make the changes in Student Services Online.

8.1. Please refer to the University Calendar here for deadlines for deleting courses with refund or credit of fees.

8.2. If the student deletes an enrolment online after the payment of tuition fees but within the deadlines, the University
will, upon application, refund the fees paid, less an administration charge of NZ$1,060.00.

Note: Immigration New Zealand will be informed of changes to the student's enrolment status.

8.3. Where a student has provided all required documentation in support of their visa application and Immigration New
Zealand has declined to grant a student visa then the University will process a full refund and without deduction of a
refund or administration fee.

Please refer to the University Calendar for full details of the applicable dates

8.4. If the student decides to delete from a course or programme of study after the academic session has begun, due to
exceptional circumstances such as illness, injury or events beyond the control of the student, he or she must
complete and submit the required 'Late Application to Delete a Course' form (AS-47) and provide any required
supporting documentation and appropriate evidence as detailed on the form, to [email protected]. Please
refer to the link for full details of the Late Deletion regulation including the criteria whereby a partial refund may be


The University may delay processing a refund until after the last dates for additions and deletions, specified in
the Changes to Current Enrolment regulation, have expired.

Doctoral candidates should contact [email protected] for queries regarding eligibility for a refund
or credit.


9.1. Any student wishing to cease attendance in a course or programme of study after the deadline for withdrawal may
apply to do so by obtaining the approval of the relevant head of department and the dean of the faculty for the
programme. Applications must be made on the 'Course Alteration Form' (AS-70).

9.2. The deadlines for withdrawals are as follows:

• Three weeks before the end of lectures for courses taught in one semester; and
• Three weeks before the end of lectures for courses taught over two semesters; and
• Two weeks before the end of lectures for courses taught in quarters; and
• One week before the end of lectures for courses taught in Summer School.

9.3. The course will remain on the student's academic record and show as a withdrawal. Tuition fees will not be refunded.
For calculation of Academic Standing, withdrawal will be counted as a failure.


10.1. The student will be enrolled at the University as an "International Student". If the student later becomes a "Domestic
Student", the student will not be entitled to any refund of the tuition fees paid for the semester in which they change

Note: The terms "International Student" and "Domestic Student" are defined in the Education Act 1989.

10.2. However, if the student gains permanent residency prior to the deadline for adding and deleting courses set out in
clause 8.1, the student's status can be amended to "Domestic Student", domestic fees will apply and the fees will be
recalculated. The balance of fees paid at the international fees rate will be refunded if recalculation results in a credit
balance on the fees account. The date of permanent residency will be taken from the "Resident Visa" in the
student's passport only. Note: The Immigration New Zealand confirmation letter is not acceptable. An officially
certified copy of the "Resident Visa" and personal details page of the passport must be provided to AskAuckland
Central, Ground Floor, Alfred Nathan House, as soon as possible.

10.3. Special conditions/restrictions may apply for limited entry programmes, e.g. Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of
Surgery (MBChB).

11.1. This agreement does not entitle the student to enrol in any other programme of study at the University or at any
other tertiary institution in New Zealand.

11.2. A student may apply to transfer to another programme of study but any such transfer will depend on:

• Availability of places in that requested programme of study; or

• Selection and approval by the relevant department or faculty in accordance with prescribed University
selection criteria; and
• Such other statutes and regulations of the University relating to change of programme of study published
in the Calendar or otherwise notified to the student.

11.3. If the student's application to transfer to a new programme of study is successful, this agreement will lapse and the
University will provide the student with a new Offer of Admission for the new programme of study.

12. ACADEMIC STANDING – Undergraduate and Certificate of Proficiency only

12.1. A student is required to pass at least 50 percent of points enrolled in any one semester, including Summer School, to
maintain Good Academic Standing. For full details please refer to the Enrolment and Programme Regulations.

12.2. Where the student fails to meet the requirements set out in the Academic Standing regulation the University may
restrict the number of points a student is allowed to enrol into in the next semester of study or may terminate the
student's enrolment and exclude the student from all programmes at the University.

12.3. Where a student has had their enrolment terminated under the Academic Standing regulation, they will be entitled to
reapply for admission to a programme after one year of exclusion. Please refer to the Academic Standing regulation
in the Enrolment and Programme Regulations for full conditions.

13. DURATION AND TOTAL POINTS VALUE – Postgraduate Students

Please refer to the Duration and Total Points Value section of the Postgraduate Regulation applicable to the
programme of study listed in the attached Offer of Admission.


14.1. The student should contact the International Office in the first instance. If the complaint is related to an International
Office procedure, the Director of the International Office will investigate the grievance.

14.2. If the grievance relates to another area of the University, the Director of the International Office may ask the student
to put the grievance in writing and can contact the relevant department to seek resolution on behalf of the student if

14.3. If the student is not satisfied, he/she may make a written complaint to the University Proctor.


15.1. The University will monitor the student's progress throughout the programme and the appropriate authorities will be
advised each year or as required. Acceptance of this offer gives permission to the University to release this
information in conformity with the terms of the scholarship and the New Zealand Privacy Act.


16.1. The degrees and diplomas offered by the University of Auckland have, in many cases, been accredited by relevant
professional bodies and organisations. However, students must be aware that even where this is the case, as a
graduate they will typically have to meet various other requirements to qualify for registration or licensing in order to
practice in a profession.

16.2. The University can take no responsibility for advising a student as to registration or licensing requirements.
Therefore, before accepting an Offer of Admission in a programme, it is the responsibility of each student to check
with the relevant registration or licensing authority (or authorities) to determine if the proposed degree or
registration/licensing in the relevant jurisdiction and if particular course or other requirements must be satisfied to


17.1. Disability services are not free for international students and university resources will vary. Please contact int-
[email protected] or [email protected] for further information and details. Students are advised to
contact the University of Auckland as early as possible to discuss their particular needs.

18.1. By accepting this offer, the student is confirming that the programme will help fulfil his/her career aspirations. The
University of Auckland provides Career Development and Employment Services (

Last Review Date: March 2017

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