Unit-Ii Flow of Fluids and Flow Through Pipes 2.1. Flow of Fluids

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Types of fluid flow

The type of flow depends upon the conditions of fluid flow.

1. Laminar flow 2. Turbulent flow

3. Steady flow 4. Unsteady flow
5. Uniform flow 6. Non-uniform flow
7. Compressible flow. 8. In compressible flow.

2.1.1. Laminar flow

Laminar flow is a smooth and regular flow. This type of flow is called as stream line

Conditions for this type of flow

o Low velocity of flow.

o Highly viscous fluid.
o Reynolds number is less than 2000.
2.1.2. Turbulent flow (eddy flow) Turbulent flow is flow in which the velocity of a particle
will very in magnitude and direction form point and time to time. In this flow each liquid
particles does not have a definite path and moves in and irregular way.

Ex: flow of water in the pump. flow in river during floods, Waterfalls.

2.1.3. Steady flow If at any section of flow the quantity of liquid flowing per seconds is
constant, the flow is called steady flow.

Ex: Flow through a tap, when the water level in a tank is constant.

2.1.4. Unsteady flow If at any section of flow, the quantity of liquid flowing per second is not
constant the flow is called unsteady flow. Ex: flow through a tap when the head is not constant.

2.1.5. Uniform flow If the magnitude and direction of velocity at a point of liquid in motion do
not vary with respect to time then the flow is called uniform flow.

Ex: flow of fluids through a pipe line whose cross sectional area is constant.

2.1.6. Un – uniform flow If the magnitude and direction of velocity change from point to point
in a liquid flow, it is called uniform flow.

2.1.7.Compressible flow Compressible flow in which density of fluid is same in all sections.
Ex: liquid flow in pipe.
2.1.8. Incompressible flow In compressible flow in which density of fluid is not same in all
section. Ex: Gas flow in pipe.

2.2. Type of lines in fluid flow

1. Path line 2. Stream line

2.2.1. Path line

Fig 2.2. Path lines

2.2.2. Stream line
Fig 2.3 stream line
2.3. Rate of flow (or) discharge


Volume of liquid flowing per seconds is known as the rate of discharge or simply discharge.

Consider a liquid flowing through the pipe as shown in fig.2.4

Let a = area of the pipe.

V = velocity of flow

Q = rate of discharge

Discharge = volume of cylinder

= area x velocity

Discharge Q = a x v unit :m3 / sec.

2.4. Continuity equation

“If an incompressible liquid is continuously flowing through a pipe or a channel whose section
may or may not be uniform the quantity of liquid passing per sections”. Consider a tapering pipe
through which some liquid is flowing as shown in fig.2.5a
Fig 2.5a

Let a1 = area of pipe in section 1-1

v1 = velocity of liquid in section 1-1
Similarly a2v2 = corresponding values at section 2-2
Total quantity of fluid passing through section 1-1
Q1 = a1 v1

Total quantity of fluid passing through section 2-2

Q2 = a2 v2
Similarly Total quantity of fluid passing through section 3-3
Q3 = a3v3
Discharge is same through all sections.
Hence Q= a1 v1= a2 v2= a3v3
This is called as continuity equation.
2.5.Energy of a liquid in motion Energy is defined as the capacity to do word. A fluid in
motion is said to possess only the following three forms of energies.

1. Potential energy is the energy possessed by a liquid particle, by virtue of its position. If a
liquid particle is “Z” meters above the horizontal datum- line.
Potential energy = WZ unit N-m
2. Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a liquid particle, by virtue of its moment (or)
Kinetic energy = ½ m v2 =1/2 (w/g) v2
3. Pressure energy is the energy possessed by virtue of its existing pressure. If a liquid particle
is under a pressure of “P” (kg/m2) then the pressure energy of the particle will be p/w mk /kg
of the liquid.
Datum head
Datum head is defined as the height of the liquid above the datum line. It is also defined
as the potential energy per unit weight of a liquid.
Potential energy = W x Z
Datum head = Z

Velocity head
 Velocity head is defined as the height of liquid. Corresponding to a particular
velocity of the liquid.
 It is also defined as the kinetic energy of unit weight of a liquid.
 Kinetic energy = W v2/2g
 Velocity head = v2/2g
Pressure head
The height of liquid corresponding to a particle pressure is known as pressure head.
Pressure head, H=P/W
Total head of liquid
Total head of a liquid is defined as the sum of datum head pressure head & velocity head.
Total head = datum head+ pressure head + velocity head.

2.7. Bernoulli’s theorem

Bernoulli’s theorem states “for a perfect in compressible liquid, flowing in a continuous
stream, the total energy of a particle remains same while the particle moves from one point to
another point”.

Fig 2.6 Bernoulli’s theorem

Let take two sections AA and BB of the pipe .


Z1 = Height of AA above the datum

P1 = Pressure at AA

V1 = Velocity at AA

a1 = area of the pipe at AA

Z2, P2, V2, a2 corresponding values at BB

W=wa1dl1 = wa2dl2

a1dl1 = W/w--------------(1)
a2dl2 = W/w ----------(2) W-Total weight of liquid

a1dl1 = a2dl2 ----------(3) w- specific weight of liquid

Work done by the pressure at AA in moving the liquid to A’A’= Force x Distance

= P1a1dl1

Assumptions in Bernoulli’s equation

 Flow is incompressible and homogeneous.
 Flow is steady.
 Flow is continuous.
 Flow is ideal.
 Flow is one – dimensional.
 Flow is along a stream line.
 No energy transfer to the flow (or) from the flow.
Application of Bernoulli’s theorem
 Venturimeter
 Orifice meter
 Pitot tube
 Nozzle meter or flow Nozzle.
Venturimeter is an instrument used for measuring the discharge quantity of liquid flowing in a
pipe The diagram is shown in fig.2.7. It consists of Convergent cone, Throat, Divergent cone.

2.9. Orifice meter

Orifice meter is used to measure the discharge of the liquid flowing in a pipe. It consist of
sharp edged circular hole plate and is fixed inside the pipe. The working principle of Orifice
meter is similar to Venturimeter. A differential manometer is used to measure the pressure
difference between the two sides of Orifice meter.
2.10. Pitot Tube
Pitot tube is an important instrument used to measure the velocity of flow in a river or in
open channel. It is a glass tube, both ends are open and bent through 90 deg as shown in fig 2.10.
The Liquid flow in to the tube and rises in the tube until all its kinetic energy converted into the
potential energy.

Types of orifices

There are many types of orifices, depending upon their size, shape and nature of discharge.

1) According to the size a) Small orifice b) Large orifice

2) According to the shape a. Circular orifice b. Rectangular orifice c. Triangular orifice

3) According to nature of discharge a. Fully submerged orifice b. Partially submerged orifice.

4) According to shape of the edge. a. Sharp- edged orifice. b. Bell – mouthed orifice.

Jet of water
The continuous stream of a liquid that comes out or flows out of an orifice is known as
the jet of water.

Consider a tanks fitted with an orifice as shown in fig.2.16.

Fig 2.16 Vena-contracta

Velocity of flow through Orifice

Consider a discharging free as shown in fig 2.17. Top surface of the liquid in the tank is
exposed to atmosphere. .Head of liquid “H” above the centre of the orifice causes flow through
orifice. Head H is maintain constant. Particles of jet outside the orifice at C-C(vena -contracta).
Let Vt = velocity of flow at C-C
Ha = atmospheric pressure head
Hydraulic coefficients
1. Co efficient of contraction(Cc) average value = 0.64
2. Co efficient of velocity(Cv) average value = 0.97
3. Co efficient of Discharge(Cd) average value = 0.62
Relation between the three Hydraulic coefficients Cd = Cv x Cc
Discharge through a small orifice

 An orifice is said to be small, when the head causing the flow is greater than 5 times its
 Consider a tank containing liquid under a head of h above the centre line of the orifice as
shown in fig.2.18.
Experimental method of finding (cv)
Consider a tank containing liquid under constant head as shown in fig 2.19. When the liquid is
flowing through the orifice, it moves horizontally and vertically downwards.
Horizontal movement is due to the pressure head and the vertical movement is due to gravity.

Experimental Method for finding (Cd)

Experimental method of finding (Cc)

 The diameter of the jet at vena contract is actually measured using a micrometer
contraction gauge.
 This gauge consists of a ring with four micrometer screw fitted radially as shown in
 In closed position the pointed ends of the screws meet at the centre of the ring and the
reading on the scale of each micrometer screw is zero.

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