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My weakness in the learning The learning process of my
process has been insecurity partner Maria Fernanda Meza,
when pronouncing, although I according to the evidence,
understand English writing. I looks very confident in
have to make an effort to learn pronunciation, demonstrates
to pronounce safely. fluidity when speaking.
One strategy to improve your
pronunciation would be to
practice this language more and
interact with more people. In my
point of view, we all need that
as distance learners.
Strategies to improve as a student In this sense, the development of oral
expression in English was applied from a
constructivist approach, implementing sketches
as a didactic tool that motivates students to
learn. The main reason to do it
is that this tool is based on situations related to
daily life and also allows group work for the
development of activities in which
the other students and the teacher participate.
Additionally, during the development of the
sketch, the vocabulary is used learned in the
different class sessions through themes,
students include vocabulary related to close
contexts, what that verifies that students build
their own knowledge based on
own experiences and topics worked on.
In other cases, language learning is seen as a
way for the student to develop their personality
For example, greater self-confidence, greater
willingness to speak in a group) or to develop
their knowledge of how to learn (greater
openness to what is new,
awareness of what is different from one's own,
curiosity about the unknown). There are many
reasons to consider that these specific
objectives, related to a sector or
type of specific competence, or the
development of a partial competence, can
contribute in a general way to the creation or
reinforcement of a multilingual competence and
2. How do students learn?
There is currently no consensus regarding the
way students learn who
is so consolidated by research that the
Reference Framework is founded
in a particular learning theory. Some theorists
believe that human capabilities
information processing systems are strong
enough that an exposed human being
to an understandable language can acquire it
and be able to use it both for comprehension
as for the expression. According to this point of
view, understand and analyze the process of
"Acquisition" is inaccessible from observation
and intuition, and this cannot be facilitated.
understanding through conscious manipulation,
either through teaching or through
study techniques. For these theorists, the most
important thing a teacher can do is
provide the richest possible language
environment in which learning can take place
without an academic teaching.
Learning strategies from the teaching role The activities developed for the learning of the
English language, mainly focus on the study of
verbs, the transmission of grammar rules, the
acquisition of vocabulary and small translations,
using the official language as the vehicle. The
latter is quite widespread in our country at any
level of non-university regulated education. In
fact, it also feeds some curricular initiatives in
compulsory secondary education (Cantero,
2008; Corpas, 2013).
Bibliographic reference
Guillen Ramirez, M. ( 10,12,2018). Unit 1 Language learning and teaching. [Archivo de video].
Retrieved from

Rown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching. Chapter 1. Retrieved from

Development of Oral Expression in English (2015). Recovered from

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