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MISSION,VALUES, AND MOTTO……………………………………...PG.25


As the City of Buena Park’s Chief of Police, I am pleased to have the opportunity
of introducing you to the Buena Park Police Department. Through the helpful
information contained in our report to the community, you will find that our
agency is committed to addressing the concerns of our community. You will also
discover the various services we provide to the citizens of Buena Park.

Credit for our success belongs to the guidance and direction demonstrated
day-after-day by the Police Department’s Leadership Team, as well as the hard
work being accomplished by the many members of our organization, and also the
members of our community that we have built partnerships with.
With the many challenges that face law enforcement today, I am extremely proud
of our ability to adapt and remain steadfast in our commitment to providing the
best possible police services to our City.

I encourage you to navigate through our report to the community, which reaffirms
our commitment to proactively and responsively addressing the needs of our
community, enhancing our public safety services and improving the quality of life
in the City of Buena Park.

The department thanks the wonderful community for its continued support and
trust of this agency.

Corey S. Sianez
Chief of Police
Buena Park Police Department Community Report
Pillar 1
Building Trust and Legitimacy
The Buena Park police department strives to
have a strong relationship with the community
it serves. The directive of the department is to
solve and prevent crime through Community
Oriented Policing involving the residents,
businesses, business owners, police officers,
and tourist population to build respect, trust,
and appreciation for one another. The
departments overall goal is to provide safety
and service in the community for a better
overall way of life. With a vision to enhance
public safety and security while striving to
continuously improve community partnership. “Coffee with a cop”
-Positive Interaction with the public not involving enforcement.

Buena Park officers are not just officers but members of the
community. They frequently are involved in programs, events, and
activities not involving criminal investigations. Officers have
implemented programs to integrate themselves in the community
to further build and strengthen community relations. Programs
such as the SRO teen academy and citizens academy allows the
community into the law enforcement world to gain a better
understanding of what their officers do and why. Officers “Tip a Cop”
participate in “coffee with a cop” and “tip a cop” events were
officers spend time in local businesses with citizens enjoying local
products in the community and in some cases serve them in
uniform. The departments yearly Open house event opens the
departments doors to the community and invites citizens to
explore and see all the department has and utilizes while inviting
city businesses to connect law enforcement, residents, and
business owners.


The Buena Park Police Department will begin to
ask and track police interactions and service. Forums
on social media , contacting a watch commander, or a
portal created on the BPPD website will be utilized to
allow citizens to discuss their interaction with BPPD,
which will allow citizens to give comments on how the
interaction was positive or negative. Tracking of this
will help BPPD management to assess the overall
service being provided by their employees. This
allows management to address any deficiency and
implement any training to improve quality of service.

The public information officer along with participating officers hold monthly
Neighborhood watch meetings where citizens can address any concerns/crime
trends/issues occurring in their neighborhood which are hosted at the departments
community room. The PIO films monthly “crime watch” segments which covers a
specific topic in law enforcement and/or follows an officer out on normal patrol
which is aired on youtube and public access TV for its residents to see. The Chief
Advisory Board which is composed of residents, business owners, and city council
meet once a month to discuss the state of the city and address any issues the
community/city are facing.


Officers understand the importance of connecting with the
youth of in the community to leave a positive impression/image of law
enforcement. At risk youth especially need guidance and mentors to
keep them away from a life of crime or bad decisions. Officers run an
explorer program which takes teenagers and introduces them to law
enforcement ways with an emphasis in team building. The SRO’s
created/implemented a teen academy at the local high school which
lasted for approximately 10 weeks and educated/mentored at risk youth
on law, law enforcement, and provided these teens with adult themes
not covered in school such as finances, credit, taxes, and insurance to
better prepare them to for their life after high school. The Buena Park
Police officers association donated money to SRO’s to fund
scholarships for high school students who excelled in academics,
community service, and positive influence for their peers. Our Gang
officers attend weekly Gang Resistance Intervention Program to
mentor at risk youth. The department and its officers dedicate
numerous hours to the future of the city and society.

SRO Teen Academy BPPD officers purchasing X-mas

presents for children in need

The department understands it is important to have a
diverse workforce to deal with its diverse growing
community. The department employs qualified personal of
all gender and race/ethnicity. Approximately 50% of the
department consist of officers who classify themselves as
Asian/other, Hispanic, and/or Black.The departments female
“SIKH Ceremony” employee rate has increased 5% in the past two years. The
Chiefs overall goal is to hire the most qualified candidates
no matter the gender, religion, or race/ethnicity of the

From 2016-2017 the BPPD implemented a Body Worn
Camera pilot program and finalized its BWC program in 2017. The
BWC policy was written with influences from it’s officers, city
management, city counsel, command staff, and residents. BWC’s
were implemented by the department to promote greater
transparency and accountability to promote public trust. The BWC
program has reduced citizen complaints, court discoveries into
peace officer backgrounds, and increased criminal prosecution.
BPPD has also made its crime statistics and response times to
calls based on priority accessible via its website. The department
is continuously updating its information system to better log crime
trends, issues, types of arrest, and problem areas to better address
where a greater police presence/action is needed.The department
created and published its Public Records Act Policy and requestor
process online and starting in 2019 the Chief along with the PIO
began releasing video debriefs on all major incidents to address
any public concern or questions. Annual reports are released
highlighting all the department has accomplished throughout the

Type of Complaint 2017 2018

Citizen Complaints 6(2017) 9(2018)

Administrative Investigation 23 (2017) 20(2018)

Homeless Liaison Program

With the support of our City Council, the
Police Department has assigned two full-time
officers to work as ”Homeless Liaison
Officers” to navigate the City’s homeless
population. These two officers work with
various organizations, such as Bright Paths
and City Net, who take a case management
approach in assisting with the basic needs of
our homeless neighbors.

Pillar 2
The Buena Park Police Department
prides itself on taking a proactive Chief Sianez addressing media/community

approach to formulating and

implementing its policies and
procedures. The overall goal of BPPD’s
policies and procedures is to create a
directive to allow its officers to
effectively serve its community and
address its needs safely. Policy and
procedure are adopted by our officers
via briefings, mandated policy
recognition/reading, education, and

Captain Nunes and panel of BPPD officers addressing/informing

community on policy and procedure

-Policy building with community input

The Buena Park Police Department values public trust earned through positive
interaction and strives to strengthen it everyday through positive interaction and
communication with its community.The goal of the policies enacted and implemented by the
Buena Park Police Department is to ensure they are written with the best interest of its
community members and officers who serve it. The Buena Park Police Department has been
proactive in writing and rewriting policies to better suit the needs of its community and officers
in the vastly changing law enforcement world. City management, city counsel, Buena Police
Officers/association, and community members opinions are taken into consideration when
drafting policy with the overall goal to reduce crime and increase quality of life.
-Use of Force if Policy
The Buena Park Police Department’s use of Force
policy outlines and emphasizes the importance of life and
expects its officers to follow its guidelines to make
decisions in a professional, impartial, and reasonable
manner. The BPPD Use of Force Policy ensures its officers
have an understanding and appreciation that comes with its
authority. Officers are trained in verbal de-escalation
techniques on top of their reasonable force training to make
our officers well trained for all situations. All uses of force
are captured via body worn camera, documented via
incident report, and reviewed by a supervisor to
critique/evaluate if all actions were within policy.

BWC and documentation policy

The Buena Park Police department requires its officers
to utilize department issued Axon body worn cameras to
capture all officer-citizen contact to further promote
transparency and public trust. BWC’s are tools management
and supervisors can use to review their officers
performance/service. The BWC policy clearly outlines when a
BWC should be activated and when it should not and is
understood that it only captures a certain perspective of an
interaction due to its limitations. BWC’s are great tools for
officers to better document/write their reports as well as a tool
for training to see how they can improve their service/officer

Racial profiling and non-biased policing

The Buena Park Police Department’s policy #402 goal
is to provide law enforcement services equally and fairly
without discrimination toward any individual(s) or group
because of their race, ethnicity, nationality, economic status,
age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or
affiliation to any specific group. This policy clearly outlines
and prohibits officers from engaging/participating in any
bias-based profiling. The overall goal of the Buena Park
Police Department is to give the fairest and highest quality of
service to each individual person. Interaction with
individuals shall be based on behavior/actions and not
personal identifying characteristics. Our officers are given
yearly trainings on non-biased policing techniques and
sensitivity training. 9
-CALEA Accreditation
On July 30, 2016, the Commission on Accreditation
of Law Enforcement Agencies “CALEA,” awarded the
Buena Park Police Department with the distinguished
honor of accreditation, which is accomplished through a
highly regarded and broadly recognized body of
professional standards.Along with being accredited, the
Buena Park Police Department accepts the ongoing
obligation to continue the quest for professional excellence
and exemplify the best professional practices in the
conduct of its responsibilities to the protection of the life,
health, safety and rights of the City of Buena Park.

The Buena Park Police Department prides itself in

voluntarily participating in this process which consist of
external independent evaluations to better establish
standards, practices, and policies to ensure the Buena Park
community gets the best service possible and its officers
are given the right tools/training to give high quality

-No Quota Policy and Attitude

The Buena Park Police Department and its management promotes hard work and
proactive policing to its officers. Officers are expected to give the best quality service and are
encouraged to enforce the law with discretion. Officers are asked to make effect arrest when
necessary, issue citations, warn individuals, and assist individuals with the goal of
improving/educating citizens, improving high crime areas, and making the community safer.
Officers are never asked to meet quotas for arrest and/or citations for revenue purposes and
have full discretion when it comes to enforcing the law fairly.

-Publishing of Data based on criminal investigation and on view activity

The Buena Park Police Department has established an effective and efficient way to
document and log officers investigations and on view activity. The information obtained from
this program collects, maintains, and analyzes demographic info/data during detentions and
investigations which consist of vehicle stop, searches, consensual encounters, and arrest.

Pillar 3
The Buena Park Police Department utilizes technology and
social media to better connect and serve its community.
Different technology and software utilized allows Buena Park
Police Officers to solve crime, enforce laws, and more
effectively protect their community. The Buena Park Police
Department constantly pursues to use technology to further
build accountability and transparency to achieve greater
public trust from its residents, business owners, and council
members. Technology allows for better service and open
communication. EXAMPLES
In Car Camera and BWC
The Buena Park Police
Department made a commitment to create
greater transparency and accountability with
its eagerness to implement video recording
equipment. The Buena Park Police
department years ago outfitted every black
and white police vehicle with L3 in-car
cameras to video record/document traffic
stop investigations and transportation of
individuals. As of 2016, the Buena Park
Police department mandated all officers to
utilize “Axon” Body Worn Cameras. Body
Worn Cameras were implemented to
promote greater transparency and
accountability to promote public trust. The
overall goal of the Body worn cameras were
to reduce citizen complaints, increase
overall officer safety, increase criminal
prosecution, and better documentation of
incidents/interactions which the BWC’s have
been successful in doing so.

Drone program
In 2019 the Buena Park Police Department introduced its first ever Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
(UAV) also known as a Drone for trial, training, observation, and evaluation. After several months it
was determined the UAV/Drone was a valuable tool for officers to do their job in a safer more
efficient manner to provide better service for their community. The capabilities of the UAV/Drone
allow officers to use the technology to cover larger areas and get different points of views in cases
regarding missing person, bomb threats, search/rescue, SWAT call outs, and fresh pursuits. The
UAV/Drone also is a tool utilized to document crime scenes, criminal surveillance, and crime
analysis. The Buena Park Police department created a committee of officers who are specially
trained in the UAV/Drone. The committee consists of approximately 10 officers to ensure all
shifts/hours are covered and have an officer who is licensed/trained to operate the UAV. The Buena
Park Police Department understands the responsibility/importance of such a tool and has adopted
policies/procedures regarding the UAV which were shaped by Buena Park community/residents,
Buena Park Officers, Buena Park City council, and the ACLU’s input.
Spillman CAD Integration
The department understands the importance
using an integrated system for its officers to use
to allow to better serve. The department utilizes
the Spillman Technology CAD system. The
Spillman system is a public safety software which
provides the department multi program integration
and data sharing to document crimes, crime
locations, trends, officer location, and other
intricate functions which allow for efficient police
Social Media Networking
The Buena Park Police department believes
social media has been effective with improving
police interaction, communication, and
transparency to its community. Social media
application/platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram, and Youtube allow the department to
inform the community on upcoming events,
programs, police activity, crime trends, and other
important information. Social media post have
been beneficial in solving crimes and identifying
criminals with the communities help. Social media
programs such as virtual ride alongs via
Instagram allows citizens to ask officers questions
related to the job and get to see officers handling
calls for service which creates greater
transparency/trust and understanding of our
police work. Social Media allows the department
another form of communication giving the
department another forum to address its citizens
to create stronger dialogue.
The Buena Park Police Department websites goal is to inform and assist its community. The
website allows users to check crime statistics, report crimes/tips, obtain police
reports, report issues and other informative information regarding police matters on a 24 hour
and 7 days a week basis. The website also educates the community on the organization of the
department, its history, Chiefs message, fallen officers, and mission statement/values of the

Power DMS-management policy software
The BPPD utilizes the Power DMS system to
distribute policy and procedure to all of its
employees. Power DMS is a software/program which
distributes general orders for officers/employees to
review and sign off so they acknowledge their
understanding of the order/directive. The program
also is a resource for officers and employees to
review department training and policy to adequately
and effectively serve their community. The software
program protects the department and reduces
risk/liability for all. The Power DMS program is
CALEA accredited which creates uniformity with our
policy and oversight standards.

Cheif Sianez addressing Major Incident

Major incident debrief team
In the 2018 the Chief of the Buena Park
Police Department implemented a Major incident
debrief team. The team investigates all major
incidents along with the chief which results in the
Chief and Public information officer filming a video
addressing the incident. The video consist of body
worn camera footage to better paint a picture for
the viewer. The purpose and directive of this team
and videos is to immediately address a major
incident and any concerns the community has.
Releasing of this information allows the
department to make a statement regarding an
incident to mitigate any false
narratives/speculations that may arise. The
releasing of these videos have had positive
reactions from the community and increased
public trust.

Multi agency communcation database/channel

The Buena Park Police department along with the other 24 police department in Orange
County all share information via a confidential software program and county wide broadcast
channel. This program and channel are valuable crime solving tools which allows departments to
share and access information with each other regarding suspects, stolen property, threats, and
other police matters. 13
Pillar 3
The Buena Park Police Department is committed to
partnering with its community, business owners, and city
council to reduce crime and improve overall safety.
Buena Park police officers aim to do so through
community policing and proactive engagement. While
officers work for the entire city of Buena Park many of
them are assigned a specific area/zone of the city to
better allow them to focus on specific needs of an
area/zone to better protect and serve to increase public

Chiefs Inaugural Advisory Board

Chiefs advisory board
The Chief Advisory Board which is
composed of residents, business owners, and
city council who meet once a month to
discuss the state of the city. The mission of
the Police Chief’s Advisory Board is to act as
a resource for the Chief in the formation of
strategies, development of policing concepts,
and increasing public awareness regarding
policy/safety issues.The Board addresses
overcoming problems associated with
police-community relations, the improvement
of the Buena Park Police Department’s
operations, and public safety issues in order
to further enhance the quality of life in our
community. The Board reinforces the
departments value of “P.R.I.D.E.” in the
community which stands for Partnership,
Respect, Innovation, Dedication and


Youth engagement/mentoring
Buena Park Police Officers understand the youth in the community are the future, will be the
majority we serve for years to come, and building a positive relationship with the youth is of upmost
importance. Buena Park Officers strive to have positive interactions with the youth to leave a positive
lasting impression and impact at-risk youth toward positive outcomes. Officers of all Bureaus are
involved in the “Bigs and Badges” program which is a one on one mentoring program which connects
youth(10-17years of age) and officers once a month during the school year in the Buena Park community
with a goal to build strong, trust filled, and lasting relationships. Buena Park Gang Officers work with
nearby schools and participate in the Gang resistance Intervention Program “GRIP” to mentor high
at-risk kids in the community. The two School Resource officers recently had their inaugural 10 week
teen academy which took 30 high schools students and met with them on a weekly basis. In those ten
weeks the teenagers covered law enforcement related subject matter as well as taught the teenagers life
lessons/skills to prepare them for adulthood after high school.



Citizens academy
The Buena Park Police department offers
two citizens academies free of charge for
community members. The Citizens Police
academy which is for adults and the SRO teen
academy which is geared toward teens are held
yearly. Both Citizen academies are a mixture of
hands-on and classroom training which cover a
wide variety of topics dealing with law
enforcement. Citizens who attend these 10 week
academies learn about policing, investigations,
SWAT, car stops, law enforcement tools, critical
incidents, and several other law enforcement
related subjects. Participants are put through a
virtual use of force simulator to put them through
tense and rapidly evolving situations which
require split second decisions. The Academies
also strive to teach participants how to make
themselves and their homes/businesses safer.
Graduates of these academies gain a better
understanding of law enforcement and
engagement between officers and participants
strengthens resulting in greater mutual trust.

Connection with religious sects

The Buena Park Police Department is
committed to serving its community no matter
religious affiliation or preference. There are four
Chaplains who partner with the Buena Park
Police department to provide support during
times of crisis to the Buena Park Community
and its Officers. The Chaplains have
partnerships and connections with religious
members of all sects and can obtain
advice/information for any religious practices.
The goal of this collaboration is to increase
community engagement and involvement
through prayer and places of worship.


Crime reduction by Community

Assistance-neighborhood watch/tip a cop LT. PINO ADDRESSING EAST AREA
The Buena Park Police Department NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING
strives to have its community members involved ATTENDEES
in crime reduction and prevention. The Buena
Park Police department holds monthly
neighborhood watch meetings specific to areas
of the city where area officers hear and address
concerns from residents. These meetings allow
community residents/business owners to build a
personal connection with officers who patrol
their places of residence/business of all hours of
the day. Officers understand the valuable
information they can obtain from community
members. The Buena Park police Department
allows users to give anonymous tips to the CHIEF AND CITY COUNCIL
police department regarding criminal activity or HONORING VOLUNTEERS
concerns via the Tip-a-Cop program which is
accessible via the department website. Currently
the department has a volunteer program
consisting of qualified individuals dedicated to
the betterment of the city. These volunteers have
dedicated over 250,000 hours to help with street
closures, special police events, vacation checks,
routine patrol checks and other numerous jobs
throughout the police station since the program

Career Criminal- (reduction program)

The Community Impact Team also known as C.I.T is a unit comprised of officers who are
dedicated in tracking/registering career criminals. Career criminals are categorized as individuals
who have been arrested for or participated in serious violent or property crimes and have
shown/show a propensity to commit further crimes. The CIT unit aims to proactively prevent,
deter, and reduce crime that greatly impacts the community.

Pillar 5
As Society and communities change/evolve Law enforcement
as a whole is expected to take on new roles and
responsibilities. Officers today are expected to be educated
and knowledgeable in criminal law, constitutional rights, civil
issues, terrorism, mental health issues, family counseling, and
life saving techniques on top of a plethora of other
topics/issues. Officers are seen as problem solvers and called
upon by their community to help them with all types of issues.
Constant training and education for officers is vital to having
skilled and effective Officers to better serve their community.
Reality Based Training
The Buena Park Police Department
understands the importance of hands on/reality
based training to give their officers life like training
because officers are expected to be able to make
difficult split decisions under stress. Reality/hands
on training helps to put officers through critical
thinking situations which allows officers to formulate
a plan and practice for situations they do not
frequently encounter. The department ensures its
officers obtain hands on training through quarterly
trainings put on by the training sergeant of the
department. The department uses a virtual reality
training system which allows officers to perform real
life actions such traffic stops, shootings, “CAR STOP
de-escalation, and other less lethal options that SCENARIOS”
result in a specific outcome. Officers are also trained
in apprehension techniques which allow officers to
experience resistance during arrest. This type of
hands on training provides the benefit of consistent,
constant, and immediate feedback with . Officers are
also required to complete and successfully pass
shooting qualifications once a month which cover the
manipulation and use of tools such handguns,
shotguns, less lethal shotguns, and rifles to ensure SELF CARE
officers are acclimated and proficient with their tools. TRAINING
Mandatory monthly educational trainings
The department values training and emphasizes
continuous training for officers of all levels/ranks. The
department mandates officers to attend in-house
trainings once a month so officers have constant
training on these changing and perishable skills. These
trainings cover policy, procedure, current case law, and
incident debriefs regarding issues officers deal with.
Topics such as sensitivity training, medical
care/lifesaving techniques, search and seizure, use of
force, mental health, taser, arrest control techniques,
and District attorney requests/needs/wants are some
examples. Having officers constantly trained makes
them well rounded officers to better serve their

Explorers youth program

Buena Park Police Explorer Post 474 is a group of over 40 young men and women,
between the ages of 14 and 21, who are interested in community service and a career in law
enforcement. Explorers attend a high-energy, four-day Explorer Academy within one year of
joining the Explorer Post. Explorers also receive year-round instruction and training at the
police station, which includes inspections, physical development, and a basic understanding of
police service and the duties entailed. Explorer Post 474 provides hundreds of community
service hours to our City and surrounding local communities. The lessons in leadership,
responsibility, and service provide a life-long benefit to each member.
SBSLI: Leaders in the making
The Buena Park Police Department understands,
values, and strives for the best leadership possible.
The Command staff of the department requires each
officer promoted to a supervisory rank to
complete/attend the California Post Certified Sherman
Block Supervisory Leadership Institute. The SBSLI is a
program geared to influence leadership, ethical
decision-making, and personal growth in law
enforcement supervisors. In this program, supervisors
cover management issues such as planning, organizing,
directing, inspiring, and developing their
subordinates/units/programs. The department
understands having educated and qualified leaders
creates a more effective workplace which pushes
officers to give the highest quality service to its

Higher Learning Initiative

The Buena Park Police
Department and human resources
understands the value and impact higher
education and learner has on individuals.
The department only requires applicants to
have a high school diploma but prefer an AA
or bachelor degree. For officers already
employed with the department an incentive
and reimbursement program is offered to
officers who make the commitment to obtain
any further education such as an AA,
Bachelors, or Masters degree. The city and DEGREE RECOGNITION
department have enacted incentive and
reimbursement programs to strive to have
officers who obtain a higher level education
to become more valuable assets to the
department and community. The
department as of 2014 has mandated that
the minimum education requirement for a
Sergeant shall be a Bachelors Degree.
Currently 90 percent of officers who hold a
management/supervisor rank have a
Bachelors degree or higher.
FTO Program
The department understands the importance
of properly educating and training its officers and
believes the foundation/building blocks which
distinguish a well rounded officer starts during the
Field training program. The field training program at
the Buena Park Police Department is a California
POST approved training regiment which provides
recruits/trainees a platform to positively shape and
have a successful future career in law enforcement.
The program utilizes field training officers to provide
on the job education, training, and evaluations to all
new officers. After a 6 month training phase is
complete, all field training officers meet to determine
if the recruit/trainee is satisfactory to handle the NEW OFFICERS BEING ASSIGNED TO
requirements asked of an officer. All field training THEIR FTO’S
officers involved work together to address any
concerns to ultimately produce the best possible
officer to ensure the Buena Park Community is
being served by well-rounded competent officers.

Pillar 6
The Buena Park Police Department fully understands the
importance of creating policies, a culture, and workplace
atmosphere of positive health and wellness for its officers.
The department and city understands its Police Officers
encounter/deal with tense, dangerous, sad, and traumatic
events every day which most people would have difficulty
dealing with. The department understands the overall health
and wellness of its officers while out in the field is important
to allowing/molding officers who can provide the best
professional service possible to the community.

Peer Support Team

The department and city understand the
importance of having a program and avenue for
officers in need to express themselves. The
department created a Peer support team
composed of a mix of 10 sworn and non-sworn
employees of the Buena Park Police Department.
The objective of the peer support team is to
assist employees in dealing with difficulties and
the opportunity to receive emotional support
through professional/personal crisis. In 2016 the
department added the services of Dr. Raymond
Mars Police psychologist to give Buena Park
another wellness/health support system. Dr.
Mars has been a Police Psychologist for over
twenty years and has provided his services to
large police agencies such as the Los Angeles
Police Department and the Memphis Police

Work schedules/shifts Officers ready for graveyard shift
The Buena Park police Department recently
enacted a 3 day 12.5 hours work week for all
operations staff. The goal of the change in
schedule is to decrease stress and maximize
officer’s time to decompress on days off. Officers
in this new schedule work less days allowing them
to enjoy time off improving quality of life and
family time. The current schedule improves
coverage and staffing by increasing the number of
Officers working patrol which lightens the
workload for all officers. Officers are allowed to
select day, mid-day, or graveyard shifts to
accommodate family/personal obligations,
vacations, and trainings around their three day
work week. Officers have given positive feedback
regarding the new shift deployment.

Officer Equipment
Each Buena Park Police Officer is
issued a ballistic level vest, ballistic
helmets, Individual First Aid Kit, and
medical kits. Officers are frequently trained
on the importance of safety equipment,
medical first aid, and self-aid. Officers
receive yearly training and educational
literature on the importance of all the
equipment issued to them and the positive
effects it could have on their life. The IFAKs
issued to each officer contains equipment
to save/preserve their own life as well as
equipment to save another’s. Each officer
who receives an IFAK is required to attend a
Tactical Combat Casualty Care course
which introduces evidence-based and
life-saving techniques/strategies.

Tools and Equipment
The Department strives to give its
officers all the necessary tools to enhance
safety, efficiency, and productivity. The
department recently outfitted each patrol officer
with assigned patrol rifles which included a
post certified rifle course. The department has
two Rapid Response Vehicle’s which are patrol
units outfitted with storage units to store extra
tools officers may need at any seconds notice
depending on the type of call. The department
recently purchased a Lenco Armored rescue
vehicle which was is utilized by the
departments SWAT team during call outs
because of its ballistics capabilities and also
utilized by patrol officers to rescue individuals
in hostile situations. The department is in the
process of approving funding to purchase
external vest with carrier plates for each officer.
Department Gym
The Department understands the importance and practice of lifetime fitness. A proper
workout regime and constant physical activity has career and lifetime benefits. Exercising has
been proven to protect individuals from heart conditions, increase immune systems, and most
importantly improve quality of life. The department with the assistance of the Buena Park police
Officers Association built a gym equipped with cardio and weight training equipment within the
police department to give officers 24/7 access to a gym and no cost.

Policies to Save Lives

Officer teaching student about
The Buena Park Police Department and its
seatbelt safety/policy
policy committee have enacted and implemented
policies and procedure to save lives. The department
combats officer involved deaths due to car
accidents/traffic incidents by requiring officers to
wear seatbelts on duty with minimal exceptions.
Officers also are only allowed to work a maximum of
16 hours days with a mandatory 8 hours break in
between shifts to make sure officers are rested and
alert. The department enacted a policy not allowing
its officers to use or consume any tobacco products
which cause health issues and other complications.
All sworn and non-sworn employees are issued
ballistic vest and required to wear them while out in
the field.

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