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Carbon Price Forecasting Based on Multi-Resolution
Singular Value Decomposition and Extreme Learning
Machine Optimized by the Moth–Flame Optimization
Algorithm Considering Energy and Economic Factors
Xing Zhang *, Chongchong Zhang and Zhuoqun Wei
Department of Business Administration, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071000, China;
[email protected] (C.Z.); [email protected] (Z.W.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Received: 9 October 2019; Accepted: 6 November 2019; Published: 11 November 2019 

Abstract: Carbon price forecasting is significant to both policy makers and market participants.
However, since the complex characteristics of carbon prices are affected by many factors, it may be
hard for a single prediction model to obtain high-precision results. As a consequence, a new hybrid
model based on multi-resolution singular value decomposition (MRSVD) and the extreme learning
machine (ELM) optimized by moth–flame optimization (MFO) is proposed for carbon price prediction.
First, through the augmented Dickey–Fuller test (ADF), cointegration test and Granger causality test,
the external factors of the carbon price, which includes energy and economic factors, are selected
in turn. To select the internal factors of the carbon price, the carbon price series are decomposed
by MRSVD, and the lags are determined by partial autocorrelation function (PACF). MFO is then
used for the optimization of ELM parameters, and external and internal factors are input to the
MFO-ELM. Finally, to test the capability and effectiveness of the proposed model, MRSVD-MFO-ELM
and its comparison models are used for carbon price forecast in the European Union (EU) and
China, respectively. The results show that the performance of the model is significantly better than
other models.

Keywords: carbon price forecasting; ELM; MFO; MRSVD; PACF; Granger causality test

1. Introduction
As global temperatures warm and environmental issues become more prominent, how to reduce
emissions has become the focus of the world’s attention. The Paris Agreement established the goal
of controlling the global average temperature to a level well below 2 ◦ C and working towards a
1.5 ◦ C temperature control target. Under the premise of setting mandatory carbon emission control
targets and allowing carbon emission quota trading, the carbon market optimizes the allocation of
carbon emission space resources through market mechanisms to provide economic incentives for
emission entities to reduce carbon emissions. It is a greenhouse gas reduction measure based on
market mechanisms. Compared with emission reduction measures, such as administrative orders
and economic subsidies, the carbon emission trading mechanism is a low-cost and sustainable carbon
emission reduction policy tool. It is of great significance. First, it is a major institutional innovation to
address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by market mechanisms. Second, it is
an important means to help incentive entities to achieve carbon reduction targets at low cost and to
achieve total greenhouse gas emissions control. Third, it helps to channel technology and funding
to low-carbon development. After years of practice, the carbon market has been certified to be an

Energies 2019, 12, 4283; doi:10.3390/en12224283

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efficacious tool to address climate change and a chronic mechanism to solve environmental issues;
people can effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions by buying and selling carbon emission quotas.
As the carbon trading market at home and abroad matures, the focus on carbon prices is increasing.
According to the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) proposed in 1970 by Eugene Fama, a famous
professor at the University of Chicago in the United States, in a stock market with sound laws, good
functions, high transparency and full competition, all valuable information is reflected in the stock
price trend, which is timely, accurate, and sufficient. Therefore, the carbon price is the core factor
for evaluating the effectiveness of the carbon market system. It is not only an important tool for
regulating supply and demand but also a key factor in the development of carbon financial derivatives.
Accurately predicting carbon prices is critical for policymakers to establish effective and stable carbon
pricing mechanisms, which is also important for market participants to avoid investment risks. Carbon
price prediction, as one of the issues closely concerned and need to be solved, has become a hot topic
of academic circles. Therefore, it is of practical significance to explore and develop a carbon price
prediction method with high accuracy. This article is devoted to proposing a new hybrid prediction
model based on multi-resolution singular value decomposition (MRSVD) and the extreme learning
machine (ELM) optimized by moth–flame optimization (MFO) considering both internal factors
(historical carbon price data) and external factors (energy and economic factors) for the analysis and
prediction of carbon price. Compared with traditional statistical models, it has superior learning ability,
which can grasp the non-linear characteristics of the carbon price series. Compared with the classical
intelligent algorithm, it can avoid the defects of a single algorithm and predict the future change in
carbon price with more accurate fitting. Therefore, the research in this paper has certain academic
significance and application value.
Carbon prices have always been a hot spot in carbon market research. At present, the study of
carbon prices can be separated into two types. One focuses on the factors analysis affecting the carbon
prices, while the other focuses on carbon price forecasts.
Numerous studies have analyzed the influencing factors of the carbon price. Reference [1] proved
that the ideal predictor to predict carbon price is coal. Reference [2] studied the relationship between the
prices of fuel and European emission allowances (EUA) during phase 3 of European Union emissions
trading scheme (EU ETS), and found that the forward prices of EUA, coal, gas, and Brent oil are jointly
determined in equilibrium; EUA prices are driven by the dynamics of fuel prices. Reference [3] studied
the determining factors of EUA prices in the third phase of the EU ETS. The results show that EUA
prices have a causal effect on electricity and natural gas prices. Second, all variables, including coal
prices, oil prices, gas prices, electricity prices, industrial production, economic confidence, bank loans,
maximum temperature, precipitation, and certification emission reduction (CER) prices, are positively
correlated with EUA prices. Reference [4] discover that there is a strong relationship between German
electricity prices and gas and coal prices to the price of EUA, and the EUA forward price depends
on the price of electricity as well as on the gas–coal difference. Reference [5] examines the impact of
currency exchange rates on the carbon market, and found that a shock in the Euro/USD exchange
rate can be transmitted through the channel of energy substitution between coal and natural gas, and
influence the carbon credit market. Reference [6] found that only variations in economic activity and
the growth of wind and solar electricity production are robustly explaining EUA price dynamics.
Reference [7] showing that EUA spot prices react not only to energy prices with forecast errors but
also to unanticipated temperatures changes during colder events. Reference [8] investigate the link
between carbon prices and macro risks in China’s cap and trade pilot schemeempirically.
Carbon price forecasts could be broadly divided into two main categories: traditional statistical
models and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Traditional statistical models primarily include
the autoregressive integral moving average (ARIMA) model [9,10], the generalized autoregressive
conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model [11,12], the gray model [13], nonparametric
modeling [14], and so on. A disadvantage of traditional statistical models is that objects must
satisfy certain statistical assumptions (such as data stability tests) before building such statistical
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 3 of 23

models. But carbon price time series are typical of unstable and nonlinear series, and traditional
statistical models may not be suitable for carbon price prediction.
As a parallel predictive model, AI technology does not need to meet statistical assumptions and
presents clear superiority in nonlinear fitting ability, robustness, and self-learning ability. They are
already utilized in lots of prediction areas. Backpropagation neural networks (BPNN) [15,16] and least
squares support vector machines (LSSVM) [17] are used to predict carbon price sequences. However,
when the data set is not sufficient, BPNN’s neural network is likely to result in bad fitness. Different
types of core functions and core parameters greatly influence the fitting precision and generalization
function of LSSVM. Huang G.B. et al. proposed the extreme learning machine (ELM) model; it owns
better generalization precision and faster convergence speed compared with above models, that is,
using ELM to predict the unknown data, the generalization error obtained is smaller and the time taken
is shorter [18]. In addition, in the gradient-based learning approach, many problems are prevented,
such as suspending criteria and learning cycles. Therefore, since its introduction, it has been widely
used in different fields of forecasting, such as load forecasting [19], wind speed forecasting [20],
electricity price forecasting [21], and carbon emission forecasting [22]. The experimental results show
that the ELM model performs best in the comparison model. Therefore, this paper intends to use ELM
as a carbon price prediction model.
Furthermore, the input weight matrix and hidden layer bias of ELM, which is stochastically
allocated, may affect the generalization ability of the ELM. Hence, for the purpose of getting the input
layer’s weight and the deviation of the hidden layer, an optimization algorithm is highly needed. Given
moth-like spiral motion, Mirjalili, S. proposed moth–fire optimization (MFO) [23]. Unlike algorithms
that rely solely on equations to update proxy locations, the ability to reduce the risk of falling into the
local optimum of solution space by smoothly balancing exploration and exploitation in runtime is
considered a strength of MFO when comparing with the genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm
optimization (PSO). Consequently, MFO has been widely used in some optimization problems [24,25].
Thus, this paper intends to use MFO as an optimization model for ELM parameters.
Given the chaotic nature and inherent complexity of carbon prices, direct prediction of carbon
prices without data pre-processing may be inappropriate. At present, wavelet transform (WT) [26,27]
and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) [28,29] are regarded as common data pre-processing
methods for decomposing initial sequences and eliminating stochastic volatility. However, EMD
decomposes the time series into several intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), which significantly increases
the difficulty of prediction. The high redundancy of WT is an inherent defect, and the selection of
a wavelet basis is also one of the difficulties of WT. In addition to the disintegration approaches
mentioned, singular value decomposition (SVD) is also a de-noising method with the strength of a
naught phase shift and less waveform distortion [30]. To solve the problem of determining the phase
space matrix form and dimension in SVD, a new decomposition method—multi-resolution singular
value decomposition (MRSVD), which puts the basis on the dichotomy and matrix recursive generation,
is put forward. MRSVD is similar to WT, and its basic idea is to replace the filtering with singular value
decomposition (SVD) on each layer of the smoothing component [31]. This paper chooses MRSVD as
the decomposition model of carbon price sequences.
At present, there are few literatures on carbon price prediction considering both internal factors
(carbon price historical data) and external factors (the influencing indicators of the carbon price, such
as energy price, economic index, and so on). Most of the literature only predicts carbon prices based
on historical data or only studies the relationship between carbon prices and their influencing factors.
Therefore, historical data determined by partial autocorrelation function (PACF) and influencing
indicators selected by the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test, cointegration test, and granger
causality test are both used to predict carbon prices at the same time in this paper.
In addition, the data selected in the empirical research part of most of the literature come from
one market, such as the EU emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) or China ETS. To verify the versatility
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of the model built in this paper, the empirical part of this paper will select both EU ETS and China ETS
to study. The main contributions of this article are as follows:

• The carbon price forecast not only considers internal factors (historical carbon price data) but
also considers external factors, including energy prices and economic factors, which makes the
forecast more comprehensive and accurate.
• The MFO-optimized ELM, called MFO-ELM, was selected as the predictive model. The MFO-ELM
model has the ability to maximize the global search ability of the MFO and the learning speed of
the ELM and solve the intrinsic instability of the ELM by optimizing its parameters.
• Using MRSVD to decompose the historical carbon price sequences and selecting partial
autocorrelation function (PACF), we can determine the lag data as internal factors, which
are a part of the MFO-ELM input.
• Combining ADF testing, cointegration testing, Granger causality testing, we can select external
factors; this is another part of the MFO-ELM input.
• The carbon price dates of the EU ETS and the China ETS were both collected and predicted with
the intention of testing the universality of the proposed model.

This paper’s framework is as below: Section 2 shows methods and models employed in this
paper, which includes MRSVD, MFO, and ELM. The entire framework of the proposed model
(MRSVD-MFO-ELM) is then detailed in Section 3. Section 4 presents empirical studies, including
data collection, external and internal input selection, parameter settings, prediction results, and error
analysis for EU ETS and China ETS. Conclusions in view of the results are shown in Section 5.

2. Methodology
This section highlights a brief introduction to the methods used in this article. Therefore, a brief
review of the theory involved, namely the ADF test, cointegration test, and Granger causality test,
MRSVD, PACF, MFO, and ELM, is shown below, respectively.

2.1. ADF Test

If a time series meets the following conditions: (1) Mean E(Xt ) = µ is a constant independent of
time t. (2) Variance Var(Xt ) = σ2 is a constant independent of time t. (3) Covariance Cov(Xt, Xt+k ) = γk
is a constant only related to time interval k, independent of time t, then, the time series is stationary.
The ADF test is a way to determine whether a sequence is stable. For the regression Xt = ρXt−1 + µt .
If ρ = 1 is found, the random variable Xt has a unit root, then the sequence is not stable; otherwise,
there is no unit root, and the sequence is stable.

2.2. Cointegration Test

If a non-stationary time series becomes smooth after 1-differential ∆Xt = Xt − Xt−1 , the original
sequence is called integrated of 1, which is denoted as I(1). Generally, if one non-stationary time series
becomes smooth after d-differential, the original sequence is called integrated of d, which is denoted
as I(d).
For two non-stationary time series {Xt } and {Yt }, if {Xt } and {Yt } are both I (d) sequences, and there
is a linear combination Xt + bYt making {Xt + bYt } a stationary sequence, then there is a cointegration
relationship between {Xt } and {Yt }.

2.3. Granger Causality Test

If variable X does not help predict another variable Y, then X is not the cause of Y. Instead, if X is
the cause of Y, two conditions must be met: (1) X should help predict Y. That is to say, adding the
past value of X as an independent variable should significantly increase the explanatory power of the
regression; (2) Y should not help predict X, because if X helps predict Y, Y also helps in predicting X,
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 5 of 23

there is likely to be one or several other variables, which are both the cause of the X and Y. This causal
relationship, defined from the perspective of prediction, is generally referred to as Granger causality.
Estimate two regression equations:
Unconstrained regression model (u)
X q
Yt = α0 + αi Yt−i + βi Xt−i + εt . (1)
i=1 i=1

Constrained regression model (r)

Yt = α0 + αi Yt−i + εt (2)

α0 represents a constant term, p and q are the maximum lag periods of Y and X, respectively. εt is
white noise.
Then use the residual squared sum (RSS) of the two regression models to construct the F statistic.

(RSSr − RSSu )/q

F= ∼ F(q, n − p − q − 1). (3)
RSSu /(n − p − q − 1)

where n is the sample size:

Test null hypothesis H0 : X is not the Granger cause of Y (H0 : β1 = β2 = · · · = βq = 0)
If F > Fα (q, n − p − q − 1), then β1 , β2 , · · · , βq is not zero significantly. The null hypothesis H0
should be rejected; otherwise, H0 cannot be rejected.
Akaike information criterion (AIC) is used for judging lag orders in the Granger causality test.
AIC is defined as
AIC = 2k − 2ln(L) (4)

where k is the number of model parameters, representing the complexity of the model, and L is the
likelihood function, representing the fitting degree of the model. The goal is to select the model with the
minimum AIC. AIC should not only improve the model fitting degree but also introduce a penalty term
to make the model parameters as little as possible, which helps to reduce the possibility of overfitting.

2.4. MRSVD
Based on SVD, MRSVD draws on the idea of wavelet multi-resolution [32] and uses the two-way
recursive idea to construct the Hankel matrix to analyze the signal [33], which realizes a decomposition
of complex signals into sub-spaces of different levels. The core idea of MRSVD is to first decompose
the original signal X into the detail signal (D1) and with less correlation with the original signal and
the approximation signal (A1) with more correlation with the original signal, and then decompose
A1 by SVD recursively. Finally, the original signal is decomposed into a series of detail signals and
approximation signals with different resolutions [34]. Specific steps are as follows:
First, construct a Hankel matrix for one-dimensional signal X = (x1 , x2 , x3 · · · xN ).
x1 x2 ··· xN−1
H= (5)
x2 x3 ··· xN

Then perform SVD on the matrix H to obtain:

 T 
 v1 
# T
δ1 0 0 · · · 0  v2
" 
H = USV T = [u1 u2 ] (6)
 .
0 δ1 0 · · · 0  ..
 

Energies 2019, 12, 4283 6 of 23

Among them, δ1 and δ2 are singular values obtained by decomposition, δ1 ≥ δ2 , u1 , u2 , v1 , v2 are,

respectively, column vectors obtained after SVD decomposition; H = δ1 u1 v1 T + δ2 u2 v2 T , A1 = δ1 u1 v1 T ,
corresponds to the large singular value, reflecting the approximation component of H; D1 = δ2 u2 v2 T ,
corresponds to the small singular, reflecting the detailed component of H.; Continue to perform SVD
on A1Energies
, and the decomposition
2019, process is shown in Figure 1 [35].
12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 24

Figure 1. The decomposition process of multi-resolution singular value decomposition (MRSVD).

Figure 1. The decomposition process of multi-resolution singular value decomposition (MRSVD).
MRSVD for one-dimensional discrete signals shows that there is a certain difference between
WT. Thefor number
one-dimensional discrete signals
of decomposition layers ofshows
WT isthat thereand
limited, is aMRSVD
certain difference
is not limitedbetween
by theMRSVD
numberand WT. The number
of decomposition of decomposition
layers. layers of WT is limited,
Multi-level multi-resolution and MRSVD
of the original signalsiscannotbelimited
performed by MRSVD. To prevent the energy loss of the signal, the number of components in thecan be
by the number of decomposition layers. Multi-level multi-resolution of the original signals
decompositionby MRSVD.
processTo is prevent the energy
two. According loss above
to the of the steps,
of components
can reflectin the
the detail decomposition
signal process is two.
and the approximate According
signal through to the above
multiple steps,
levels, and thefinally,
inverse canofreflect
the the
extracted signal is performed. The structure can realize the noise reduction and feature extraction ofof the
detail signal and the approximate signal through multiple levels, and finally, the inverse
the original signal is performed. The structure can realize the noise reduction and feature extraction of
the original signal.
2.5. PACF
2.5. PACF
The partial autocorrelation function (PACF) is a commonly used method that describes the
structural The
characteristics of a stochasticfunction
partial autocorrelation process,(PACF)
which gives the partial used
is a commonly correlation
method of that
a time series the
with its own lagged
structural values, controlling
characteristics for theprocess,
of a stochastic values ofwhich
the time
the at all shorter
partial lags. of a time series
Given a time
with its laggedxtvalues,
own series , the partial autocorrelation
controlling of lagofk,the
for the values is the
timeautocorrelation between
series at all shorter lags.xt and
xt−k that isGiven a time series 𝑥 , the partial autocorrelation of lag k, is the autocorrelation between 𝑥
not accounted for by lags 1 to k − 1. Described in mathematical language is as follows:
and 𝑥 that
Suppose thatthe k-order
is not autoregressive
accounted for by lagsmodel
1 to kcan
− 1. be expressed
Described as
in mathematical language is as follows:
Suppose that the k-order autoregressive model can be expressed as
xt = Φk1 xt−1 + Φk2 xt−2 + · · · + Φkk xt−k + ut (7)
𝑥 = 𝛷 𝑥 + 𝛷 𝑥 +⋯+𝛷 𝑥 +𝑢 (7)
Φk j represents
wherewhere the j-ththe
𝛷 represents regression coefficient
𝑗-th regression in the k-th
coefficient in order autoregressive
the 𝑘-th expression,
order autoregressive and Φkk and
is the 𝛷
last coefficient.
is the last coefficient.
2.6. Moth–Flame Optimization Algorithm
2.6. Moth–Flame Optimization Algorithm
The MFO algorithm is a cluster intelligent optimization algorithm based on the behavior of moths
The MFO algorithm is a cluster intelligent optimization algorithm based on the behavior of
flying close to the flame in the dark night. The algorithm uses the moth population M and the flame
moths flying close to the flame in the dark night. The algorithm uses the moth population M and the
population F to represent the solution to be optimized. The role of the moth is to constantly update the
flame population F to represent the solution to be optimized. The role of the moth is to constantly
movement and finally find the optimal position, while the role of the flame is to preserve the optimal
update the movement and finally find the optimal position,while the role of the flame is to preserve
position found by the current moth. The moths are in one-to-one correspondence with the flames, and
the optimal position found by the current moth. The moths are in one-to-one correspondence with
each moth searches for the surrounding flame according to the spiral function. If a better position is
the flames, and each moth searches for the surrounding flame according to the spiral function. If a
found, the current optimal position saved in the flame is replaced. When the iterative termination
better position is found, the current optimal position saved in the flame is replaced. When the
iterative termination condition is satisfied, the optimal moth position saved in the output flame is the
optimal solution for the optimization problem [36].
In the MFO algorithm, the moth is assumed to be a candidate solution. The variable of the
problem is the position of the moth in space. The position matrix of the moth can be expressed as M,
and the vector storing its fitness value is 𝑂𝑀.
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 7 of 23

condition is satisfied, the optimal moth position saved in the output flame is the optimal solution for
the optimization problem [36].
In the MFO algorithm, the moth is assumed to be a candidate solution. The variable of the problem
is the position of the moth in space. The position matrix of the moth can be expressed as M, and the
vector storing its fitness value is OM.
 
 M11 M12 · · · M1d 
 M21M22 · · · M2d
 
M =  .
 
 .. .. .. 
 . ··· . 
Mn2 · · · Mnd
 
  (8)
 OM1 
 OM2 
 
OM =  .. ,
 . 

where n is the number of moths; d is the number of variables.

Another important component of the MFO algorithm is the flame. Its position matrix can be
expressed as F, and the matrices M and F have the same dimension. The vector storing the flame
adaptation value is OF:
   
 F11 F12 · · · F1d   OF1 
 F
 21 F22 · · · F2d 
  OF 
 2 
F =  . . .  OF =  .  (9)
 .. .. ..   .. 

  
 · · · 
  
Fn1 Fn2 · · · Fnd OFn
The MFO algorithm is a three-dimensional method for solving the global optimal solution of
nonlinear programming problems, which can be defined as

MFO = (I, P, T ) (10)

where I is a function that can generate random moths and corresponding fitness values. The
mathematical model of the function I can be expressed as

I : ∅ → {M, OM} (11)

The function P is the main function, which can freely move the position of the moth in the search
space. The function P records the final position of the moth through the update of the matrix M.

P:M→M (12)

The function T is the termination function. If the function T satisfies the termination condition,
‘true’ will be returned, and the procedure will be stopped; otherwise, ‘false’ will be returned, and the
function P will continue to search.

T : M → true, f alse (13)

The general framework for describing MFO algorithms using I, P, and T is defined as follows:
M = I();
while T(M) is equal to false
M = P(M);
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 8 of 23

After function I is initialized, function P iterates until function T returns true. To accurately
simulate the behavior of the moth, Equation (14) is used to update the position of each moth relative to
the flame:  
Mi = S Mi , F j = Di ·ebt ·cos(2πt) + F j (14)

Here Mi denotes the i-th moth, F j denotes the j-th flame, and S denotes a logarithmic spiral
function. Di represents the distance between the i-th moth and the j-th flame, b is a constant defining
the shape of the logarithmic spiral, and t is a random number between [−1,1]. Di is calculated by the
Equation (15):
Di = F j − Mi (15)

Additionally, another problem here is that location updates of moths relative to n different locations
in the search space may reduce the exploitation of the best promising solutions. With this in mind, an
adaptive mechanism capable of adaptively reducing the number of flames in the iterative process is
proposed to ensure fast convergence speed. Use the following equation in this regard:

f lameno = round N − l · (16)

where l is the current number of iterations, N is the maximum number of flames, and T is the maximum
number of iterations [37].

2.7. Extreme Learning Machine

ELM is a single hidden layer feedforward neural network (Single-hidden layer feedforward neural
network). Its main feature is that the connection weights between the input layer and hidden layer
w (the hidden layer neuron threshold) are randomly initialized, the network converting the training
problem of the network into a solution to directly find a linear system. Unlike the traditional gradient
learning algorithm, which requires multiple iterations to adjust the weight parameters, ELM has the
advantages of short training time and small calculation [38].
The ELM consists of an input layer x1 . . . xn , a hidden layer, and an output layer y1 . . . yn , where
the input layer neuron number is n, the hidden layer neuron number is L, and the output layer neuron
number is m. h i
The connection weights between the input layer and the hidden layer are ω = ωij , i=
h ji = 1 · · · L, and the connection weights between the hidden layer and the output layer are
1 · · · n,
β = β jk , j = 1 · · · L, k = 1 · · · m.
Make the training set input matrix with Q samples to be X = [xir ]n×Q , i = 1 · · · n, r = 1 · · · Q,
output matrix to be Y = [ ykr ]m×Q, k = 1 · · · m, r = 1 · · · Q, the hidden layer neuron threshold is
b = [b1 , b2 · · · bL ]T the hidden layer activation function is g(x). The expected output of the network is
T = [t1 , t2 · · · tm ] [39]. Therefore, ELM can be illustrated as
 L   
β j1 g w j ·xi + b j
 P 
 
   j=1 
 t1   P
  L   
 t2   β j2 g w j ·xi + b j
 
T0 =  .  =  j=1  i = 1 · · · n (17)
   
 ..   .. 
   
tm  
 L   
β jm g w j ·xi + b j
 P 
 
 

However, random parameter settings not only improve the learning speed of ELM but also
increase the risk of getting expected results simultaneously. Therefore, this paper uses MFO to search
for the best optimal parameters, including the input weight and the bias in the hidden layer, to improve
the training process and avoid over-fitting.
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 9 of 23

3. The Whole Framework of the Proposed Model

Figure 2 introduces the overall idea and frame of the article. There are three parts with different
colors yellow, green, and blue.
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 24

Figure 2. The
Figure 2. flowchart of the
The flowchart ofcarbon priceprice
the carbon forecasting model
forecasting model.

PartPart 1 describes
1 describes the input
the input indicator
indicator selection
selection procedure.
procedure. The The input
input variables
variables usedused in ELM
in ELM include
two two parts,
parts, external
external factors
factors analyzed
analyzed by ADF
by the the ADF
test,test, cointegration
cointegration test test
and and Granger
Granger causality
causality test, test,
internal factors, and internal factors of the carbon price decomposed by WT and MRSVD,
respectively, whose lags are determined by the PACF.
Part 2 mainly introduces the process of MFO. The purpose of this part is optimizing the
parameter weight w and bias b of the ELM.
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 10 of 23

internal factors, and internal factors of the carbon price decomposed by WT and MRSVD, respectively,
whose lags are determined by the PACF.
Energies 2019, 12,2xmainly
FOR PEERintroduces
REVIEW the process of MFO. The purpose of this part is optimizing the10 parameter
of 24
weight w and bias b of the ELM.
3 is 3the ELM’s
is the ELM’straining procedure,
training whose
procedure, set data
whose can can
set data be obtained in Part
be obtained 1, and
in Part PartPart
1, and 2 2
optimizes the parameters of the ELM. Thus, the carbon price prediction result can be obtained
optimizes the parameters of the ELM. Thus, the carbon price prediction result can be obtained by the by the
optimized ELM model.
ELM model.
To verify the superiority
To verify the superiority of the
of proposed model,
the proposed a comparison
model, framework
a comparison is shown
framework in Figure
is shown 3, 3,
in Figure
which includes three sections.
which includes three sections.

Figure 3. The
3. The comparison
comparison framework
framework of carbon
of the the carbon
priceprice forecasting
forecasting model.

In section
In Section 1, single
1, single BPNN,
BPNN, single
single LSSVM,
LSSVM, andand single-ELM
single-ELM werewere congregated
congregated to present
to present the the
predictive performance of three neural network models and verify the advantages
predictive performance of three neural network models and verify the advantages of single ELM.of single ELM.
In section
In Section 2, single-ELM,
2, single-ELM, PSO-ELM,
MFO-ELM were
were collected
collected to demonstrate
to demonstrate the necessity
the necessity
of optimizing
of optimizing the parameter
the parameter of ELM,
of ELM, andand verify
verify the the advantages
advantages of MFO
of MFO compared
compared withwith PSO.
In Section 3, MFO-ELM, WT-MFO-ELM, MRSVD-MFO-ELM were used to demonstrate the the
In section 3, MFO-ELM, WT-MFO-ELM, MRSVD-MFO-ELM were used to demonstrate
effectiveness of the
effectiveness of the carbon
carbon priceprice decomposition
decomposition process
process andand
the the advantage
advantage of MRSVD.

4. Empirical
4. Empirical Analysis
4.1. Case Studies of the EU Carbon Price
4.1. Case Studies of the EU Carbon Price
4.1.1. Data Collection
4.1.1. Data Collection
The EU ETS is the world’s largest carbon trading system at present, accounting for about 90%
theEU ETS carbon
global is the world’s
scale. carbon
The EUtrading systemEuropean
ETS includes at present,emission
accounting for about(EUA)
allowances 90% ofspot
the market
global carbon trading scale. The EU ETS includes European emission allowances
and future market, hence, EUA spot price and three main EUA future price with maturity (EUA) spot
market and future2019
in December market, hence,
(DEC19), EUA spot2020
December price and three
(DEC20), main EUA
December future
2021 price were
(DEC21) with maturity
collected,in EUA
December 2019 (DEC19), December 2020 (DEC20), December 2021 (DEC21)
spot price, DEC19, DEC20 data are all from 4 January 2016 to 21 March 2019, and DEC20 were collected, EUA is spot
from 26
price, DEC19, 2016
September DEC20 data
to 21 are 2019.
March all from 4 January
Figure 4 depicts2016 to 21 carbon
the daily March price
and for
DEC20 is from
the EUA spot26price,
September 2016 to 21 March 2019. Figure 4 depicts the daily carbon price curve
DEC19, DEC20, and DEC21 in Euros per ton, which comes from European Energy Exchange (EEX) for the EUA spot[40].
abscissaDEC20, and 4DEC21
of Figure in Euros
represents per ton,number,
the sample which comes
and itsfrom European
ordinate Energy
represents EUAExchange
spot price,
(EEX) [40]. The abscissa of Figure 4 represents the sample number, and its ordinate
DEC19 price, DEC20 price, and DEC21 price respectively. As can be seen from Figure 4, the four represents EUA types
carbon prices have striking similarities. Therefore, this paper only selects the EUA spot price 4,
DEC19 price, DEC20 price, and DEC21 price respectively. As can be seen from Figure as an
the experimental
four types of carbon
sample. prices have striking similarities. Therefore, this paper only selects the EUA
spot price as an experimental sample.
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 24

Energies 2019, 12, 4283 11 of 23

Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 24

Figure 4. The original carbon price under the European Union emissions trading scheme (EU ETS)
Figure 4. The original carbon price under the European Union emissions trading scheme (EU ETS).
InFigure 4. The original
this paper, carbon price
five indicators, under the
including EUAEuropean Union emissions
spot trading volume,trading
CSX coal scheme (EUprice
future ETS) (coal
price), crude oil future price (oil price), natural gas future price (gas price), and Euro Stoxxprice
In this paper, five indicators, including EUA spot trading volume, CSX coal future (coal
50 were
used In crude
as this
the oil future
influence five price (oil price),
pre-selection natural
factors EUA
of the gas
EUA future
spot priceEUA
price. (gasspot
volume, price),
CSX and
trading Stoxx
volume data50were
price were
from as
price),EEX the
crude influence
future pre-selection
coalprice (oilprice
future factors
price), of the
data EUA spot
gas future
were from price.
ICE [41], EUA
(gas oil
crude spot
future trading
and volume
price Stoxx data were
50 were
natural gas
used asEEX
the [34], CSX
influence coal future
pre-selection price data
factors ofwere
the from
spot [41],
price. crude
EUA oil
spot future
future price data were from EIA [42], Euro Stoxx 50 data were from Investing [43]. The data collection price and
volume natural
data weregas
from EEX price data
[34], CSXwere
coalfrom EIA
future [42],
price Euro
data Stoxx
were 50
from data
ICE were
[41], from
oil future
range of these indicators was all 4 January 2016 to 21 March 2019, which is illustrated in Figure 5. The[43].
anddata collection
natural gas
abscissa ofofthese
Figure were fromwas
5represents EIAall[42],
the 4sample
January 2016 50
Stoxx to 21
and March
its 2019,
ordinate Investingis illustrated
represents [43].
EUAThe in Figure
spot 5. The
price, EUA
spot trading of Figure
of these volume, 5 represents
indicatorsCSX was
coal the
4 January number,
crude2016 and
to 21 March
oil future its 2019,
price, ordinate
natural represents
gas is EUAand
future price spot
in price,
Euro 5. EUA
50 trading volume, CSX coal price, crude oil future price, natural gas future
of Figure 5represents the sample number, and its ordinate represents EUA spot price, EUA
respectively. price and Euro Stoxx
50 respectively.
spot trading volume, CSX coal price, crude oil future price, natural gas future price and Euro Stoxx
50 respectively.

Figure 5. The curves of European emission allowances (EUA) spot trading volume and its
Figure factors.
5. The curves of European emission allowances (EUA) spot trading volume and its external
4.1.2. Input Selection
Figure 5. The curves of European emission allowances (EUA) spot trading volume and its external
1. factors.
4.1.2. External Factor Selection
Input Selection
1. Combined withSelection
the ADF test, cointegration test, and Granger causality test under the environment
4.1.2.External Factor
Input Selection
of Eviews
Combined7.0, with
the relationship
the ADF test,between variables test,
cointegration is accurately judged,
and Granger and the test
causality input factors
under theof
1. External
environment Factor Selection
of selected. Thethe
Eviews 7.0, flow is shown inbetween
relationship Figure 6.
variables is accurately judged, and the input
factors of MFO-ELMwithare
the ADF test,
selected. cointegration
The flow is shown intest, and6. Granger causality test under the
environment of Eviews 7.0, the relationship between variables is accurately judged, and the input
factors of MFO-ELM are selected. The flow is shown in Figure 6.
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 12 of 23
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 24

Figure 6. The
6. The flowchart
flowchart of external
of external factor
factor selection.

(a) The
(a) The ADFADF
A prerequisite
A prerequisite for Granger
for Granger causality
causality testing
testing is that
is that the time
the time series
series mustmust be stationary.
be stationary. Otherwise,
pseudo-regression problems may occur. Therefore, the unit root test should be
pseudo-regression problems may occur. Therefore, the unit root test should be performed before performed before
the the
Granger causality
causality test.test. In this
In this paper,
paper, the the
test test is used
is used to perform
to perform unitunit
test test on the
on the stationarity
of each index sequence, as shown in
of each index sequence, as shown in Table 1. Table 1.

Table 1. The
1. The augmented
augmented Dickey–Fuller
Dickey–Fuller (ADF)
(ADF) test test results
results for European
for European emission
emission allowances
allowances (EUA)
spot price and its external factors.
spot price and its external factors.
Test Variable.
Variable. t-Statistic
t-Statistic Prob. *
Prob.* Test
Test Variable
Variable t-Statistic
t-Statistic Prob. *
EUAEUASpot Price
Spot Price −1.75758
−1.75758 0.7242
0.7242 d(EUA
d(EUA Spot
Price) −6.346582
−6.346582 00
Coal Price
Price −0.863377
−0.863377 0.958
0.958 d(Coal
d(Coal Price)
Price) −26.38188
−26.38188 00
Oil Price −2.066305 0.5633 d(Oil Price) −28.82263 0
Oil Price −2.066305 0.5633 d(Oil Price) −28.82263 0
Gas Price −1.845876 0.3582 d(Gas Price) −23.00113 0
Stoxx 50 −1.845876
−1.8626 0.3582
0.3502 d(Gas
Stoxx 50) −23.00113
−27.764 00
EUA SpotStoxx
Trade50Volume −1.8626
−14.60444 0.3502
0 d(Euro Stoxx
- 50) −27.764
- 0-
EUA Spot Trade Volume −14.60444
* MacKinnon 0 -
(1996) one-sided p-values. - -
* MacKinnon (1996) one-sided p-values.
As seen in Table 1, the EUA spot price, coal price, gas price, oil price, and Euro Stoxx 50 are not
As seen in Table 1, the EUA spot price, coal price, gas price, oil price, and Euro Stoxx 50 are not
stationary sequences. However, the sequences are all stable when the first difference is made. But the
stationary sequences. However, the sequences are all stable when the first difference is made. But the
EUA spot trading volume is a stationary sequence. That is, these series all submit to the identical order
EUA spot trading volume is a stationary sequence. That is, these series all submit to the identical
except the EUA spot trading volume.
order except the EUA spot trading volume.
(b) Cointegration test
(b) Cointegration test
When all the test series submit to the identical order I(d), the vector autoregression model (VAR)
When all the test series submit to the identical order I(d), the vector autoregression model (VAR)
model can be constructed to perform the cointegration test to decide the existence of cointegration
model can be constructed to perform the cointegration test to decide the existence of cointegration
relationship and long-term equilibrium relationship between the variables. That is, the premise of the
relationship and long-term equilibrium relationship between the variables. That is, the premise of the
cointegration test is that all the test series submit to the identical order. As shown in Table 1, the EUA
cointegration test is that all the test series submit to the identical order. As shown in Table 1, the EUA
spot price, CSX coal future price, crude oil future price, natural gas future price, and Euro Stoxx 50 are
spot price, CSX coal future price, crude oil future price, natural gas future price, and Euro Stoxx 50
all I(1) and can be used for cointegration test, while the EUA spot trading volume is I(0), that is to say,
are all I(1) and can be used for cointegration test, while the EUA spot trading volume is I(0), that is to
say, the long-term balanced relationship between EUA spot trading volume and EUA spot price does
not exist, then it is abandoned. This article considers the Johansen test, an effective tool to measure
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 13 of 23

the long-term balanced relationship between EUA spot trading volume and EUA spot price does not
exist, then it is abandoned. This article considers the Johansen test, an effective tool to measure the
long-term relationships between variables, and to operate cointegration analysis between the variables.
Cointegration test results can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Cointegration test results for EUA spot price and its external factors.

Hypothesized 0.05 Critical

Test Variables Eigenvalue Trace Statistic Prob. **
No. of CE(s) Value
EUA Spot Price None * 0.120923 112.8137 15.49471 0.0001
and Coal Price At most 1 * 0.026159 19.24447 3.841466 0
EUA Spot Price None * 0.146913 117.0423 15.49471 0.0001
and Oil Price At most 1 * 0.027394 17.41576 3.841466 0
EUA Spot Price None * 0.182831 142.8526 15.49471 0.0001
and Gas Price At most 1 * 0.028096 17.66877 3.841466 0
EUA Spot Price None * 0.220548 201.6133 15.49471 0.0001
and Euro Stoxx At most 1 * 0.026289 19.47446 3.841466 0
*: denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level. **: MacKinnon–Haug–Michelis (1999) p-values.

Table 2 demonstrates that there is a cointegration relationship between the EUA spot price and
coal price, oil price, gasoline price, Euro Stoxx 50, which is the foundation of the Granger causality test.
(c) Granger causality test
Results from the cointegration test verify that there is a long-term relationship between pre-selected
external factors and EUA spot prices, but their causality has not been introduced. Therefore, it is highly
desirable to perform the Granger causality test to analyze the Granger causality between two variables.
The Akaike information criterion was used to choose the lag, and the Granger causality test results are
presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Granger causality test results for EUA spot price and its external factors.

Test Variables F-Statistic Prob. Lag Conclusion

Coal Price→EUA Spot Price 4.06991 0.0174 2 Exist a Granger causality
EUA Spot Price→Coal Price 1.08564 0.3382 2 Not exist a Granger causality
Oil Price→EUA Spot Price 13.0678 0.0003 1 Exist a Granger causality
EUA Spot Price→Oil Price 0.23313 0.6294 1 Not exist a Granger causality
Gas Price→EUA Spot Price 31.104 3.0 × 10−8 1 Exist a Granger causality
EUA Spot Price→Gas Price 0.08135 0.7756 1 Not exist a Granger causality
Euro Stoxx 50→EUA Spot Price 20.8186 6.0 × 10−6 1 Exist a Granger causality
EUA Spot Price→Euro Stoxx 50 0.02983 0.8629 1 Not exist a Granger causality

As can be seen from Table 3, the EUA spot price was not the Granger cause of the price of coal, oil,
gas, and Euro Stoxx 50, but they were the Granger cause of EUA spot price under certain lag phases.
This paper selected coal price 1 and 2 years ahead (Lag 2), oil price 1 year ahead (Lag 1), gas price
1 year ahead (Lag 1) and Euro Stoxx 50 1 year ahead (Lag 1) as variables for MFO-ELM input when
predicting the EUA spot price.
2. Internal Factor Selection
(a) Carbon price decomposition
With the intention of reducing noise influence, WT and MRSVD were utilized, respectively,
to decompose the time series and remove the stochastic volatility. The abscissa of Figures 7 and 8 are
both represent the sample number, and their ordinate represent actual EUA spot price, de-noised signal
and noise respectively. It can be seen in Figures 7 and 8 that the EUA spot price sequences are divided
into an approximate component A1 (de-noised signal) and a detail component D1 (noise signal). The
former will show carbon price’s major wave motion, while the later contains peak and random volatility.
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 24

Energies 2019,
divided into12,anx FOR PEER REVIEW
approximate component A1 (de-noised signal) and a detail component D1 14 of 24
signal). The former will show carbon price’s major wave motion, while the later contains peak and
divided into an approximate component A1 (de-noised signal) and a detail component D1 (noise
random volatility. Compared to the original carbon price, A1 offers a smooth form, while D1 presents
12, 4283 will show carbon price’s major wave motion, while the later contains peak 14
of 23
high-frequency sections. Consequently, A1 was taken as the carbon price with the intention of
random volatility. Compared to the original carbon price, A1 offers a smooth form, while D1 presents
increasing efficiency, and it owns a smaller phase shift and less waveform distortion when
high-frequency sections. Consequently, A1 was taken as the carbon price with the intention of
Comparedby to MRSVD.
the original carbon price, A1 offers a smooth form, while D1 presents high-frequency
increasing efficiency, and it owns a smaller phase shift and less waveform distortion when
sections. Consequently, A1 was taken as the carbon price with the intention of increasing efficiency,
decomposed by MRSVD.
and it owns a smaller phase shift and less waveform distortion
Actual EUA Spot Price when decomposed by MRSVD.
15 Actual EUA Spot Price
150 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
De-noised Signal
20 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
15 De-noised Signal
150 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
10 Noise
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
0 Noise

-1 1
00 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Figure 7. Decomposed results of EUA spot price by wavelet transform (WT).
Figure 7. Decomposed results of EUA spot price by wavelet transform (WT).
Figure 7. Decomposed results of EUA spot price by wavelet transform (WT).

Figure 8. Decomposed results of EUA spot price by MRSVD.

Figure 8. Decomposed results of EUA spot price by MRSVD.
(b) Lags determination by PACF
Lags Figure
by8. Decomposed results of EUA spot price by MRSVD.
the correlation PACF
between historical prices quantities and the prices targeted, this paper
To test the
introduced correlation
PACF between
to choose historical
the models’ prices
input quantities
variables. and the
Namely, prices
PACF targeted,
was utilizedthis paper
to discover
(b) Lags determination by PACF
which toischoose the models’
important input variables.
when internal correlationNamely, PACF
has been was utilized
eliminated. Figureto9,discover
as well as
To test the correlation between historical prices quantities and the prices targeted, this paper
Figure 10,which is important
illustrates the resultswhen internal
of PACF correlation has
for approximate been eliminated.
components Figure
of the EUA spot9,price
as well
introduced PACF to choose the models’ input variables. Namely, PACF was utilized to discover
Figure 10, illustrates
and MRSVD, the results of PACF for approximate components of the EUA spot price after WT
hysteresis, which is important when internal correlation has been eliminated. Figure 9, as well as
and MRSVD, respectively.
Set xi as the output variable. If the PACF at lag k exceeds the 95% confidence interval, choose xi–k
Figure 10, illustrates the results of PACF for approximate components of the EUA spot price after WT
as one of the input variables. Table 4 presents the external and internal input variables for the EUA
and MRSVD, respectively.
spot price after WT and MRSVD for MFO-ELM.

Table 4. The results of external and internal input factors selection for EUA spot price forecasting.

External Input Factors Internal Input Factors by WT Internal Input Factors by MRSVD
Coal Price (t-1) EUA Spot Price (t-1) EUA Spot Price (t-1)
Coal Price (t-2) EUA Spot Price (t-2) EUA Spot Price (t-2)
Oil Price (t-1) EUA Spot Price (t-3)
Gas Price (t-1) EUA Spot Price (t-4)
Euro Stoxx 50 (t-1) EUA Spot Price (t-5)
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 24
Energies 2019,
Energies 12, x4283
2019, 12, FOR PEER REVIEW 1515ofof 24

Figure 9. The partial autocorrelation function (PCAF) results of the EUA spot price after WT.
Figure Thepartial
9.The partialautocorrelation
results of
of the
the EUA
EUA spot
spot price
price after
after WT.



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
-0.5 Lag Number
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Lag Number
Figure 10.
Figure ThePCAF
10. The PCAF results
results of
of the
the EUA
EUA spot
spot price
price after
after MRSVD.
Figure 10. The PCAF results of the EUA spot price after MRSVD.
4.1.3. Parameters Setting and Forecasting Evaluation Criteria
Set xi as the output variable. If the PACF at lag k exceeds the 95% confidence interval, choose
xi–k Set
xi asofthe
those theoutput
input variables.
parameter IfTable
settings 4influence
thetoPACF the
at lag
the external
exceeds and95%
the internal
precision, input variables
it interval,
is indispensable for the
to appoint
xi–k spot
as oneprice
the parameters after
of the
of theWT
input and MRSVD
proposed Table
model for
its the external
comparison models.and
Theinternal input variables
specifications for the
are presented in
5. price after WT and MRSVD for MFO-ELM.
Table 4. The results of external and internal input factors selection for EUA spot price forecasting.
Table 5.
Table 4. The results ofinternal
external and the proposed model and
input factors its comparison
selection models.
for EUA spot price forecasting.
External Input Factors Internal Input Factors by WT Internal Input Factors by MRSVD
External Price
- 1) EUAInput
Internal Spot Price
Factors 1)Parameters
(t -by WT EUA
Internal InputSpot Price (t
Factors by- MRSVD
BPNNPrice (t - 1) 2) EUAHidden
Spot Price 2) = 7; Learning rate
- 1) = 0.0005
EUA Spot Price (t - 1)2)
Oil Price
Coal Price(t(t--1) 2) EUA Spot Price (t - 2) γ = 50; δ 2=2
EUA Spot Price (t - 2) 3)
Gas Price (t(t -- 1)
Price 1) Hidden layer node = 10, g(x) =EUA‘sig’ Spot Price (t - 3)4)
PSO Sizepop = 20; Maxgen = 500; The search band = [−5,5]; c1 = c2 = 1.49445; w = 0.729
Gas Stoxx
Price 50
(t (t1)- 1)
- EUA Spot Price (t - 5)
MFO Sizepop = 20; Maxgen = 500; The search band = [−5,5]
Euro Stoxx 50 (t - 1) EUA Spot Price (t - 5)
4.1.3. Parameters Setting and Forecasting Evaluation Criteria
denotes the
4.1.3.γParameters regularization
Setting parameter,
and Forecasting δ2 is the
Evaluation core parameter, γ denotes the regularization
For those parameter settings likely to influence
parameter, g(x) denotes the hidden layer activation function, the forecast precision,
Sizepop denotesitthe is initial
For the
parameter of the proposed
settings likely model
to and
influence its comparison
the forecast models.
size, Maxgen denotes the maximum number of iterations, c1 and c2 are acceleration factors, and wThe
it is specifications
indispensable are
is inertiatheinparameters
weight. 5. parameter
of the proposed
in Tablemodel and its comparison
5 is consistently models. simulation
revised through The specifications are
to get ideal
presented in Table 5.
results. To effectively measure prediction capability, this paper puts forward common error criteria to
Table 5. Parameters of the proposed model and its comparison models
examine the precision of models related, which include mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute
Table 5. Parameters of the proposed model and its comparison models
Model(MAPE), root mean square error (RMSE) and R2 determination coefficient. The equations are
BPNN as follows:
Model Hidden layer node Parameters
= 7; Learning rate = 0.0005
BPNN Hidden layer nodeγ1 ==50; δ2 = 2
7; Learning rate = 0.0005

Hidden layer yi
γn =node −
50; y
δi=2 =,10,
2 g(x) = ’sig’ (18)
ELM Sizepop = 20; Maxgen =Hidden
500; The search
layer node band= 10,= [−5,5];
n yi − yi ∗
c1 = c2 = 1.49445; w = 0.729
g(x) = ’sig’
Sizepop = 20; Maxgen = Maxgen
= 500; The = 500;
search band The ×=100%,
[−5,5]; band
c1 1.49445; w = 0.729 (19)
= c2= =[−5,5]
n i=1 yi
MFO Sizepop = 20; Maxgen = 500; The search band = [−5,5]
parameter, g(x) denotes the hidden layer activation function, Sizepop denotes the initial population
size, Maxgen denotes the maximum number of iterations, c1 and c2 are acceleration factors, and w is
inertia weight. Each parameter in Table 5 is consistently revised through simulation to get ideal
results. To effectively measure prediction capability, this paper puts forward common error criteria
to examine the precision of models related, which include mean absolute error (𝑀𝐴𝐸 ), mean absolute
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 16 of 23
error (𝑀𝐴𝑃𝐸), root mean square error (𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸 ) and 𝑅2 determination coefficient. The equations are
expressed as follows: s
∗ 2
y𝑦i −∗ |,yi

𝑀𝐴𝐸 1=X|𝑦n − (18)
RMSE = , (20)
n i=1 yi

×P100%, 2  P = ∑
𝑀𝐴𝑃𝐸 (19)
yi × yi ∗ − i=1 yi ni=1 yi ∗
n i=1
R2 =  P 2  P ∗ 2  , (21)
n ni=1 yi ∗𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸 ∗ ∑ n n y 2 ,−
2− n n (20)
i=1 i i=1 i y
i=1 i

∑ × ∗and
where n represents the number of training samples, ∑ yi and
∑ yi∗∗ are actual and predicted values.
𝑅 = ∗ ∗
, (21)
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
4.1.4. EUA Spot Price Forecasting
where n represents the number of training samples, and 𝑦 and 𝑦 ∗ are actual and predicted values.
The specimen contains two subsets: training set and testing set. The 610 data from 1 April 2016 to
31 MayEUA
4.1.4. 2018Spot
are used
the training set, and the 204 data from1 June 2018 to 20 March 2019 are used as
the testing set. The training set was utilized to build the forecasting model, while the testing set was
utilized tospecimen
examine thecontains tworobustness.
model’s subsets: training
And then,set and testing set.MFO-ELM
the proposed The 610 data
for1 EUA
to 31 May 2018 are used as the training set, and the 204 data
price forecasting was implemented in MATLAB 2016a on a Windows 7 system. from1 June 2018 to 20 March 2019 are
as the11
testing set. The training set was utilized to build the forecasting model, while
shows the convergence curve of the MFO. It is obvious that as the times of iterations the testing
set was utilized to examine
increased, the fitness the model’s
curve sloped downward robustness.
and tendedAndto then, the at
stabilize proposed
the 100thMFO-ELM
generation model for
EUA spot price forecasting was implemented in MATLAB
it meant that MFO operates ideally when finding the best parameters. 2016a on a Windows 7 system.

Convergence curve
Best flame (score) obtained so far


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Figure 11.The
Figure11. Theconvergence

As shown in Figure 12, it is clear that the MRSVR-MFO-ELM model owns a better fit curve than
Figure 11 shows the convergence curve of the MFO. It is obvious that as the times of iterations
the other comparison models. The results of WT-MFO-ELM, MFO-ELM, and PSO-ELM performed
increased, the fitness curve sloped downward and tended to stabilize at the 100th generation
2019, worse inPEER
terms of suitability, while single ELM, single LSSVM, single BP showed 17
Energies 12,itx FOR
meant that MFO operates ideally when finding the best parameters.
performance, and their points deviated from the true value.
EUA Spot Price/Euros/Ton

Figure 12. The fitting curves of seven models for EUA spot price forecasting.
Figure 12. The fitting curves of seven models for EUA spot price forecasting.

As shown in Figure 12, it is clear that the MRSVR-MFO-ELM model owns a better fit curve than
the other comparison models. The results of WT-MFO-ELM, MFO-ELM, and PSO-ELM performed
slightly worse in terms of suitability, while single ELM, single LSSVM, single BP showed the worst
Figure 12. The fitting curves of seven models for EUA spot price forecasting.

As shown in Figure 12, it is clear that the MRSVR-MFO-ELM model owns a better fit curve than
the other comparison models. The results of WT-MFO-ELM, MFO-ELM, and PSO-ELM performed
Energies worse
2019, in terms of suitability, while single ELM, single LSSVM, single BP showed the17worst
12, 4283 of 23
performance, and their points deviated from the true value.
Figure 13 plots a histogram that shows the comparison of MAE, MAPE, RMSE and R2 clearly
Figure 13 plots a histogram that shows the comparison of MAE, MAPE, RMSE and R2 clearly and
and visually. We can draw the following conclusions from Figure 13:
visually. We can draw the following conclusions from Figure 13:

Figure 13. Evaluation criteria values of seven models for EUA spot price forecasting.
Figure 13. Evaluation criteria values of seven models for EUA spot price forecasting.
(a) MRSVD-MFO-ELM provides the best prediction of the EUA spot price based on the evaluation
indicators in MAE, MAPE, RMSE
(a) MRSVD-MFO-ELM and R2 .the
provides MAE,
Thebest MAPE and
prediction ofRMSE’s
the EUA values
spotof price
based on the
were 0.151580,
evaluation 0.007464,in0.009248,
indicators MAE, MAPE,respectively,
and were
𝑅 . Themuch smaller
MAPE MAPE,values
values of single BPNN 1.642773, 0.088583, 0.122379. The R 2 value of MRSVD-MFO-ELM was 0.995465,
MRSVD-MFO-ELM were 0.151580, 0.007464, 0.009248, respectively, which were much smaller than
MAE, was
MAPE, much largervalues
RMSE’s than the R2 value
of single of single
1.642773, 0.599798,
0.088583, showingThe
0.122379. the good
𝑅 valueperformance
of MRSVD- of
MFO-ELM was 0.995465, in thewhich
EUA spot price forecast.
was much larger than the R2 value of single BPNN 0.599798, showing
(b) Compare single ELM
the good performance of MRSVD-MFO-ELM with single BPinand singlespot
price to verify the correctness of the
prediction algorithm selection. The best performance of single
(b) Compare single ELM with single BP and single LSSVM to verify ELM in MAE wasthe0.828777, MAPE
correctness ofwas
0.041909, algorithm selection.RThe
was 0.053768, was
best0.863472. It was
performance ofmore
ELMthan single
in MAE wasBP0.828777,
and single LSSVM,
MAPE was
indicating that ELM
0.041909, RMSE wasis0.053768,
a kind of 𝑅model
wasmore appropriate
0.863472. for forecasting
It was more EUA spot
ideal than single BP andprice.
single LSSVM,
In addition,
indicating it can
that ELM is be seenofthat
a kind theremore
model wereappropriate
significant gaps between the
for forecasting EUAfirst twoprice.
spot models and the
last five ones. The first two models were based on BPNN and LSSVM, respectively, while the last
five models were all ELM-based models, showing that the selection of forecasting model is of vital
importance in the EUA spot price forecast.
(c) Compare PSO-ELM, MFO-ELM, and single ELM to verify the importance of the optimization
algorithm. The models with optimization algorithm (PSO-ELM, MFO-ELM) had smaller MAE,
MAPE, RMSE and larger R2 than models without optimization algorithm (single ELM). Therefore, the
conclusion could be drawn that compared to a single method, the hybrid model combined optimization
algorithm is able to achieve quite better results.
Compare PSO-ELM with MFO-ELM to further verify the superiority of MFO relative to PSO. The
values of MAE, MAPE, RMSE and R2 of MFO-ELM were 0.587899, 0.029411, 0.038200, and 0.925086,
respectively, while the value of MAE, MAPE, RMSE and R2 of MFO-ELM were 0.698999, 0.035321,
0.043473, 0.905014, respectively. Therefore, MFO-ELM performed slightly better than PSO-ELM,
indicating that MFO has superiority in optimizing ELM parameters. The reason is that, unlike PSO,
which relies on an equation to update the position of the agent, the ability to simultaneously balance
the detection and development of MFO by moths and flames allows MFO to reduce the likelihood of
trapping into local optimum and show superior capability.
(d) To illustrate the rationality and validity of the decomposition algorithm applied to the
EUA spot price series, a comparison between the decomposition-based model (MRSVR-MFO-ELM,
WT-MFO-ELM) and MFO-ELM was performed. It is clear that the performance order of the three
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 18 of 23

models is MRSVR-MFO-ELM, WT-MFO-ELM, and MFO-ELM from the best to the worst, which proves
that the decomposition method offers a contribution to improve the prediction accuracy.
In addition, compare MRSVR-MFO-ELM with WT-MFO-ELM to further verify the excellence
of MRSVR over WT. It can be seen that there was an improvement for MRSVR-MFO-ELM relative
to WT-MFO-ELM, wherein MAE, MAPE, RMSE were decreased by 0.388657, 0.01995, 0.024736,
respectively, and R2 was increased by 0.04406. It conveys the excellence of MRSVD to WT, which may
result from the number of WT decomposition layers being limited, while MRSVD is not limited by the
number of decomposition layers, and multi-level multi-resolution decomposition of the original signal
can be performed.

4.2. Case Studies of China Carbon Price

4.2.1. Data
In October 2011, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) approved seven
pilot projects in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hubei, Chongqing, Guangdong, and Shenzhen to conduct
carbon trading. On 19 December 2017, with the approval of the State Council, the NDRC issued the
National Carbon Emissions Trading Market Construction Plan (Power Generation Industry), marking
the completion of the overall design of China’s carbon emission trading system and its official launch.
This will be the largest system of carbon trading, involving about 1700 power generation companies,
with a total carbon emission exceeding 3 billion tons. Therefore, research on China’s carbon market is
very important. Because the national unified carbon emission trading data are still incomplete, this
paper chose the daily trading price of the Hubei carbon market as a case study, which was considered
to be more typical to certify the capability and excellence of the model [44]. Data from 4 January 2016
to 19 April 2019 come from the China Carbon Trading website [45]. Figure 14 shows the daily carbon
price curve for the regional carbon market pilot in Hubei Province, China, in Yuan/ton, indicating
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 24
carbon prices’ highly uncertainty, nonlinearity, dynamic, and complex.

Figure 14.The
Figure14. ThePCAF

4.2.2. Input Selection

4.2.2. Input Selection
1. External Factor Selection
1. External Factor Selection
This articlestill
natural gasfuture
price (gas
(gas price)
price) as as
thethe external
external factors
factors affecting
affecting the the Hubei
Hubei carbon
carbon Price,
Price, and and
uses uses
the Shanghai
Shanghai composite
composite indexindex
(SCI)(SCI) to replace
to replace EuroEuro Stoxx
Stoxx 50.50.
data from
from 4 January2016
4 January 2016toto19
2019was obtainedfromfromInvesting.
The resultsofofthe
ADFand andcointegration
external factorswere
werethe theGranger

Table 6. Granger causality test results for the Hubei carbon price and its external factors.

Test Variables F-Statistic Prob. Lag Conclusion

Coal Price→Hubei Carbon Price 5.18669 0.0058 2 Exist a Granger causality
Hubei Carbon Price→Coal Price 1.28690 0.2768 2 Not exist a Granger causality
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 19 of 23

Table 6. Granger causality test results for the Hubei carbon price and its external factors.

Test Variables F-Statistic Prob. Lag Conclusion

Coal Price→Hubei Carbon Price 5.18669 0.0058 2 Exist a Granger causality
Hubei Carbon Price→Coal Price 1.28690 0.2768 2 Not exist a Granger causality
Oil Price→Hubei Carbon Price 2.07086 0.0831 4 Exist a Granger causality
Hubei Carbon Price→Oil Price 1.01171 0.4006 4 Not exist a Granger causality
Gas Price→Hubei Carbon Price 2.27988 0.0783 3 Exist a Granger causality
Hubei Carbon Price→Gas Price 1.40521 0.2402 3 Not exist a Granger causality
SCI→Hubei Carbon Price 4.86517 0.0277 1 Exist a Granger causality
Hubei Carbon Price→SCI 1.30192 0.2542 1 Not exist a Granger causality

2. Internal Factor Selection

PACF results for Hubei carbon prices after WT and MRSVD are presented in Figures 14 and 15,
respectively. The lags were fixed at a 95% confidence level. Therefore, after WT and MRSVD were
decomposed, lags 1–6 and lags 1–3 were chosen to be input variables for Hubei carbon price prediction.
Table 7 shows the external and internal input variables of Hubei carbon price after WT and MRSVD
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 24
for MFO-ELM.

Figure 15.The
Figure15. PCAFresults

Table 7. The results of external and internal input factors selection for Hubei carbon price forecasting.
Table 7. The results of external and internal input factors selection for Hubei carbon price forecasting.
External Input Factors Internal Input Factors by WT Internal Input Factors by MRSVD
External Input Factors Internal Input Factors by WT Internal Input Factors by MRSVD
Coal Price
Price (t -(t-1)
1) Hubei
Hubei Carbon
Carbon Price
Price (t (t-1)
- 1) Hubei
Hubei CarbonPrice
Carbon Price (t
- 1)
Coal Price (t-2) Hubei Carbon Price (t-2) Hubei Carbon Price (t-2)
Price (t - 2)
Price (t-1)
Hubei Carbon Price (t - 2)
Hubei Carbon Price (t-3)
Hubei Carbon Price (t - 2)
Hubei Carbon Price (t-3)
Price (t- 1)
Price (t-2) Hubei Carbon Price (t -3)
Hubei Carbon Price (t-4) Hubei Carbon Price (t - 3)
Price (t-(t-3)
Price 2) Hubei Carbon
Hubei Price
Carbon (t (t-5)
Price - 4)
Oil Oil Price
Price (t -(t-4)
3) Hubei
Hubei Carbon
Carbon Price
Price (t (t-6)
- 5)
Gas Price (t-1)
Oil Price (t - 4) Hubei Carbon Price (t - 6)
Gas Price (t-2)
Price (t - 1)
Price (t-3)
Gas Price (t - 2)
SCI (t-1)
Gas Price (t -3)
SCI (tCarbon
4.2.3. Chinese - 1) Price Forecasting
Like the description
4.2.3. Chinese Carbon Price above, the samples are divided into two subsets; the 602 data from 4 January
2016 to 22 June 2018 were used as the training set, and the 200 data from 25 June 2018 to 18 April 2019
asdescription above,
the testing set. Thethe samples
model are divided into as
MRSVD-MFO-ELM, two subsets;
well thecomparative
as its six 602 data from 4 January
models, was
used for Hubei carbon price prediction, and the results are presented in Figure 16. For a clear2019
to 22 June 2018 were used as the training set, and the 200 data from 25 June 2018 to 18 April and
visualused as the
display testing
of the set. The models,
comparison model MRSVD-MFO-ELM, as well asofits
Figure 17 plots the histogram thesix comparative
evaluation models,
criteria MAE,
was used for Hubei
MAPE, RMSE, and R . carbon
2 price prediction, and the results are presented in Figure 16. For a clear
and visual display of the comparison models, Figure 17 plots the histogram of the evaluation criteria
MAE, MAPE, RMSE, and R2.
We make the conclusion that the hybrid model MRSVD-MFO-ELM has the optimal predictive
power with the smallest MAE, MAPE, RMSE and maximum 𝑅 . This also proves the universal
applicability of MRSVD-MFO-ELM in both EU ETS and China ETS.
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 20 of 23

Energies 2019, 12,

We make thex FOR PEER REVIEW
conclusion that 21 of 24
the hybrid model MRSVD-MFO-ELM has the optimal predictive
power with 2
MAE, MAPE, RMSE and maximum R . This also proves the universal
Energies 2019, 12, x the
FOR smallest
PEER REVIEW 21 of 24
applicability of MRSVD-MFO-ELM in both EU ETS and China ETS.
34 Single-ELM
MFO-ELM Actual Price
28 Price






18 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Figure 16. The fitting curves of seven models for Hubei carbon price forecasting
Figure 16. The fitting curves of seven models for Hubei carbon price forecasting.
Figure 16. The fitting curves of seven models for Hubei carbon price forecasting

Single-BPNN Single-BPNN
Single-BPNN Single-ELM
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
0 0.5 1 RMSE1.5 2 0 0.02 0.04 R 0.06 0.08

Single-BPNN Single-BPNN
Single-BPNN Single-ELM
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 017. Evaluation

0.02 0.04 criteria
0.06 0.08 values
0.1 of seven models0for Hubei
0.12 0.2 carbon
0.4 price forecasting.
0.6 0.8 1

Figure 17. Evaluation criteria values of seven models for Hubei carbon price forecasting.
5. Conclusions
Figure 17. Evaluation criteria values of seven models for Hubei carbon price forecasting.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, a new hybrid model in view of MRSVD and ELM optimized by MFO for carbon
5. price forecasting
Conclusions is proposed.
In this paper, a new hybridFirst, through
model inthe ADFoftest,
view cointegration
MRSVD and ELM test, and Granger
optimized causality
by MFO test,
for carbon
external factors of the carbon price are selected in turn. To choose the internal
forecasting is proposed. First, through the ADF test, cointegration test, and Granger causality factors of the carbon
In this paper,
price, aprice
hybrid model wereindecomposed
view of MRSVD and ELM optimized by MFO for carbon
external factors of the carbon by MRSVD,
price are selected in turn.andTo the lags the
choose were decided
internal by PACF.
factors of the
And forecasting
then, MFO is proposed.
was used forFirst,
the through
optimization the ADF
of the test, cointegration
parameters of the test,
ELM; and
both Granger
the causality
external factors
carbon price, the carbon price sequences were decomposed by MRSVD, and the lags were decided
andthe external factors of the carboninto
price are selected in turn. To choose
thethe internal factors of the
PACF. factors
And then, were inputted
MFO was usedthe forMFO-ELM model.
the optimization Finally,
of ability
the parameters and effectiveness
of the ELM; bothofthe
carbon price,
theexternal the
MRSVD-MFO-ELM carbon price sequences
were tested were
using decomposed
a variety of into
modelsby MRSVD, and the lags were decided
factors and internal factors were inputted the and carbon model.
MFO-ELM series. Overall,
Finally, based on the
the ability and
PACF.price Andforecast
then, MFO was
results ofused
the forETS
EU theand
China ETS, ofthe
parameters of the ELM;
conclusions can both
be the
effectiveness of the MRSVD-MFO-ELM were tested using a variety of models and carbon series.
external(a) factors
and internal
factors were inputted into the MFO-ELM model. Finally, the ability and
Overall, based on oil
carbon gas prices,
price and EuroStoxx
forecast results of 50 theareEUtheETS
Granger cause for
and China ETS,thetheEUA spot
while EUA
were tested using a variety of models and
trading volume is not. Coal prices, oil prices, gas prices, and the Shanghai
carbon series.
conclusions can be drawn:
on the carbon price cause
forecast results of the EU ETS and China ETS, the following
(a) Coal prices, oilGranger
are the prices, gas for Hubei’s
prices, carbon price.
and EuroStoxx 50 are the Granger cause for the EUA spot
conclusions can be drawn:
(b) Compared
price, while EUAwith spotWT-MFO-ELM,
trading volume MFO-ELM,
is not. Coal PSO-ELM, single
prices, oil ELM,
prices, gassingle LSSVM,
prices, and the andShanghai
(a) Coal prices, oil prices, gas prices, and EuroStoxx 50 are the Granger cause for the EUA spot
Composite Index are the Granger model shows
cause for aHubei’s
clear strength
carbon in carbon price prediction results.
price, while EUA spot trading volume is not. Coal prices, oil prices, gas prices, and the Shanghai
(b) Compared with WT-MFO-ELM, MFO-ELM, PSO-ELM, single ELM, single LSSVM, and
Composite Index are the Granger cause for Hubei’s carbon price.
single BPNN, the MRSVD-MFO-ELM model shows a clear strength in carbon price prediction results.
(b) Compared with WT-MFO-ELM, MFO-ELM, PSO-ELM, single ELM, single LSSVM, and
(c) ELM is a prediction model that is more suitable for carbon price forecasting than LSSVN and
single BPNN, the MRSVD-MFO-ELM model shows a clear strength in carbon price prediction results.
(c) ELM is a prediction model that is more suitable for carbon price forecasting than LSSVN and
Energies 2019, 12, 4283 21 of 23

(c) ELM is a prediction model that is more suitable for carbon price forecasting than LSSVN
and BPNN.
(d) ELM with an optimization algorithm is able to achieve better results than the ELM without
optimization algorithms, and MFO performs better than the PSO in the optimization of ELM parameters.
(e) Decomposition methods help to improve prediction accuracy, and MRSVD presents superiority
to WT in decomposing the carbon price.
This paper proposes a carbon price prediction model with high accuracy, to provide a scientific
decision-making tool for carbon emission trading investors to comprehensively evaluate the value of
carbon assets, avoid carbon market risks caused by carbon price changes and promote the stable and
healthy development of carbon market.
By comparing the carbon prices of EU ETS and China ETS from 20 March 2018 to 20 March 2019,
we find that the average value of the EUA spot price was 18.61 Euros per ton. However, the HUBEI
carbon price was only 24.32 Yuan per ton, which was much lower than the EUA spot price. Therefore,
China’s carbon market should take corresponding measures to reasonably price carbon assets. On the
one hand, a reasonable carbon price can force enterprises to carry out low-carbon transformation more
actively; on the other hand, it can attract more social capital to enter the carbon market and increase
the market’s activity.
This paper primarily studied carbon price prediction, which takes consideration of energy price
indicators, economic indicators, and historical carbon price sequences. In addition, there are many
factors affecting carbon prices, such as policy, climate, carbon supply, and carbon market-related
product prices. Therefore, there are still several directions to be studied.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, X.Z.; methodology, X.Z.; software, C.Z.; validation, X.Z., C.Z. and Z.W.;
formal analysis, X.Z.; investigation, X.Z.; resources, X.Z.; data curation, X.Z.; writing—original draft preparation,
X.Z.; writing—review and editing, Z.W.; visualization, Z.W.; supervision, X.Z.; project administration, X.Z.;
funding acquisition, X.Z.
Funding: This work is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Project No.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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