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I, _____________________, of legal age, single/married, Filipino citizen and resident of

________________________________________________, ____________ Philippines, hereby

1) That for and in consideration of the amount of _____________ (P_____________) in

cash, in hand received by us to our full and complete satisfaction, and the payment
and settlement by (name of person paying bills) of the hospital and medical bills and
expenses incurred by me for injuries sustained as a result of my own negligence, I
hereby absolutely release, completely clear, and forever discharge the said (name of
registered owner) and his driver (__________________) from any action, cause of
action, sum of money, liability both criminal and civil, damages, claims and demands
whatsoever, which in law or in equity I have, or which I, my heirs, insurer, successors
and assigns hereafter may have upon or by reason of the injuries sustained by me on
(date of accident) and the damage sustained by my _____________ motor vehicle
with Plate No. ______________, with the intention to completely and absolutely
waive all my right of action, causes of action, claims and demands, of whatever
nature, arising from, or in connection with the aforementioned accident.

2) I further warrant that I will institute no further action against the said (name of
registered owner) and/or his driver(_____________) arising from, by reason of, or in
connection with, the aforementioned vehicular accident.
3) I also manifest that the said payment / settlement made by the said
(Mr.___________________) shall not be taken by me, my spouse (if married), my
heirs, my insurer or assigns, as a confession and/or admission of liability on the part
of the said (Mr._________________) or by his driver (______________) in
connection with the aforementioned accident.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this _____________ at

_____________, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ________________________ at

___________________________. Affiant exhibiting to me his/her valid government I.D. No.
____________________ issued on________________ in the City of ________________.

Notary Public

Doc. No. ___;

Page No. ___;
Book No. ___;
Series of 2016.

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