Ex. 013 Guj Ordinance No.8 of 2020 Dt.21-08-2020 PDF

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Extra No. 13 äëìæýÀ áäëÉÜÞù Øß wë.


The Gujarat Government Gazette
Vol. LXI ] FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2020/ SRAVANA 30, 1942
Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation.


Acts of Gujarat Legislature and Ordinances promulgated and Regulations

made by the Governor.

Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar, Dated the 21st August, 2020.



further to amend the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948,
the Saurashtra Gharkhed, Tenancy Settlement and Agricultural Lands
Ordinance, 1949 and the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands
(Vidarbha Region and Kutch Area) Act, 1958.

WHEREAS the Legislative Assembly of the State of Gujarat is not

in session;

Bom. AND WHEREAS the Governor of Gujarat is satisfied that

circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate
Sau. Ord. action to amend the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948, the
XLI of 1949.
Saurashtra Gharkhed, Tenancy Settlement and Agricultural Lands
of 1958. Ordinance, 1949 and the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands
(Vidarbha Region and Kutch Area) Act, 1958;

IV Ex.-13 13-1

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred on him

by clause (1) of article 213 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of
Gujarat is hereby pleased to make and promulgate the following Ordinance,
namely: -

1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Ordinance may be called

the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Laws (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2020.

(2) It shall come into force at once.

2. Bom. LXVII of 1948, Sau. Ord. XLI of 1949 and Bom. XCIX of
1958 to be temporarily amended.- During the period of operation of this
of 1948. Ordinance, the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948,
(hereinafter referred to as “the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands
Sau. Ord.
XLI of 1949. Act”), the Saurashtra Gharkhed, Tenancy Settlement and Agricultural
Lands Ordinance, 1949 (hereinafter referred to as “the Saurashtra
Bom. XCIX Ordinance”) and the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Vidarbha
of 1958.
Region and Kutch Area) Act, 1958 (hereinafter referred to as “the Gujarat
Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Vidarbha Region and Kutch Area) Act”)
shall have effect subject to the amendment specified in sections 3 to 8,

3. Amendment of section 63AA of Bom. LXVII of 1948.- In the Gujarat

Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, in section 63AA,-

(1) in sub-section (4A), for the existing proviso, the following proviso
shall be substituted, namely: -

“Provided that such permission shall be granted by the Collector

only upon the payment of -

(a) 100 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the application
is made after a period of three years but before completion
of a period of five years from the date of certificate as
referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (3);

(b) 60 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the application

is made after a period of five years but before completion of
a period of seven years from the date of certificate as
referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (3);
(c) 30 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the application
is made after a period of seven years but before completion
of a period of ten years from the date of certificate as
referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (3);
(d) 25 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value if the application is
made beyond ten years:
Provided however that, -
(i) such permission for sale of such land shall be
granted only for the bonafide industrial
purpose and in case the industrial purpose
usage is not permissible under the Common
General Development Control Regulations,
such permission shall be granted only for the
purpose of use of such land as per the zone
declared in the Common General
Development Control Regulations;
(ii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases
of the land which is purchased for bonafide
industrial purpose and which needs to be
transferred in the case of merger,
amalgamation, joint venture, subsidiary
company, group company and associate
company, conversion of partnership in the
company and vice versa or into limited
liability partnership, change in partners but in
such cases permission shall be granted after
charging of 10 per cent of the prevailing
jantri value;
(iii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases
of the land which is purchased for bonafide

industrial purpose and which needs to be

transferred in the case of acquisition of assets
of industrial unit under order of Debt
Recovery Tribunal/National Company Law
Tribunal/ Liquidator /Financial Institutions
auction, subject to the condition that such
transfer is ordered by such Court/Authority
but in such cases the purchaser shall apply for
permission within 60 days from the date of
transfer of assets by authority and such
permission shall be granted after charging of
10 per cent of the prevailing jantri value;
(iv) if any bonafide industrial user fails to take
such permission within a period as specified
in clause (iii) above, the Collector shall grant
permission by charging of 20 per cent of the
prevailing jantri value.”;
(2) in sub-section (4B), in clause (vi), for the existing proviso, the
following proviso shall be substituted, namely: -

“Provided that, -

(i) such permission for sale of such land shall be granted only for
the bonafide industrial purpose and in case the industrial
purpose usage is not permissible under the Common General
Development Control Regulations, such permission shall be
granted only for the purpose of use of such land as per the zone
declared in Common General Development Control

(ii) sub-clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases of the land
which is purchased for bonafide industrial purpose and which
needs to be transferred in the case of merger, amalgamation,
joint venture, subsidiary company, group company and
associate company, conversion of partnership in the company
and vice versa or into limited liability partnership, change in
partners but in such cases permission shall be granted after
charging of 10 per cent of the prevailing jantri value;

(iii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases of the land which
is purchased for bonafide industrial purpose and which needs to
be transferred in the case of acquisition of assets of industrial
unit under order of Debt Recovery Tribunal/National Company
Law Tribunal/ Liquidator /Financial Institutions auction,
subject to the condition that such transfer is ordered by such
Court/Authority but in such cases the purchaser shall apply for
permission within 60 days from the date of transfer of assets by
authority and such permission shall be granted after charging of
10 per cent of the prevailing jantri value;
(iv) if any bonafide industrial user fails to take such permission
within a period as specified in clause (iii) above, the Collector
shall grant permission by charging of 20 per cent of the
prevailing jantri value.”.

4. Insertion of new section 63AAA in Bom. LXVII of 1948.- In the

Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, after section 63AA, the
following new section shall be inserted, namely: -

Sale of land for “63AAA. (1) The sale of land for other than bonafide industrial
the purposes
other than purpose shall be permitted in certain cases which are declared by
purposes. State Government from time to time:

Provided that-

(a) Nothing in section 63 shall prohibit the sale or the

agreement for the sale of land for which no
permission is required under sub-section (1) of
Bom. V of
1879. section 65B of the Gujarat Land Revenue Code, 1879
in favour of any person or institution for use of such
land for other than bonafide industrial purpose like
Agricultural University, Animal Husbandry
University, Education, Medical Education and Health.
The area of land for these purposes may be decided

by the State Government by notification in the

Official Gazette and the State Government may also
declare other purposes from time to time.

(b) Where the area of land proposed to be sold exceeds

ten hectares, the person to whom the land is proposed
to be sold in pursuance of this sub-section shall obtain
previous permission of the Revenue Secretary,
Gujarat State or such other officer as the State
Government may by an order authorize in this behalf,

(c) Where the land proposed to be sold is owned by a

person belonging to the Scheduled Tribe, the sale
Bom. V of
shall be subject to the provisions of section 73AA of
the Gujarat Land Revenue Code, 1879.

(2) Nothing in section 63A shall apply to any sale made in

pursuance of sub-section (1).

(3) (a) Where the land is sold to a person in pursuance of sub-

section (1) (hereinafter referred to as “the purchaser”), he
shall within thirty days from the date of the purchase of
the land for purpose shown in sub-section (1) send a
notice of such purchase in such form alongwith such
other particulars as may be prescribed, to the Collector
and endorse a copy thereof to the Mamlatdar.

(b) Where the purchaser fails to send the notice and other
particulars to the Collector under clause (a) within the
period specified therein, he shall be liable to pay in
addition to the non-agriculture assessment leviable under
this Act, after one month from the date of such purchase,
such fine of one per cent. of the prevailing jantri every
month, as the Collector may, subject to rules made under
this Act, direct.

(c) On receipt of the notice of the purchase of land alongwith

other particulars sent by the purchaser under clause (a),
the Collector, after making such inquiry as he deems fit
and if he-
(i) is satisfied that such land has been validly
purchased in accordance with the provisions of
sub-section (1), shall issue a certificate to that
effect to the purchaser in such form and within
such time as may be prescribed;
(ii) is not satisfied, shall, after giving the purchaser
an opportunity of being heard, refuse to issue
such certificate and on such refusal, the sale of
such land to the purchaser shall be deemed to
be in contravention of section 63.
(d) (i) The purchaser aggrieved by the refusal to issue
a certificate by the Collector under sub-clause (ii) of
clause (c) may file an appeal to the State Government
or such other officer as it may, by an order, authorise
in this behalf.
(ii) The State Government or the authorized officer shall,
after giving the appellant an opportunity of being
heard, pass such order on the appeal as it or he deems
(4) (a) The purchaser shall comply with the provisions of any
law for the time being in force or any order or
directions of the Central Government or the State
Government or any Corporation owned or controlled
by such Government, Government Company, local
authority or statutory authority in relation to use of
land for purpose shown in sub-section (1) before the
land is put to use for such purpose.
(b) The area of land which is desired to be sold, shall not
be used for any other purpose other than intended to

(c) The purchaser shall start providing of services or use

of land within three years from the date of the
permission is given for purchase of such land.

Provided that if the purchaser can not start

providing services or use of land within three years in
the circumstances as may be prescribed, he may make
an application to the collector to extend such period
and the Collector may, after making such inquiry as
he deems fit, by an order extend such period by
another two years:

Provided further that the Collector shall not

extend such period for more than a period of one year
at a time:

Provided also that such aggregate period of five years

may, on an application made by the purchaser in that
behalf and on payment of 20 per cent. of the prevailing
jantri value, be extended by another three years by the
State Government and thereafter, be extended by the State
Government for time to time for further periods on
payment of 20 per cent. of the prevailing jantri for every
three years.

(d) In case where the purchaser fails to start providing of

services or use of land within three years from the
date of the permission is given for purchase of land,
the Collector may, after an application is made to him
in that behalf grant permission by an order for sale or
transfer of such land:

Provided that such permission shall be granted by the

Collector only upon the payment of –

(a) 100 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if

the application is made after a period of three
years but before completion of a period of
five years from the date of the permission is
given for purchase of land as referred to in
clause (c) of sub-section (3) of this section;

(b) 60 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if

the application is made after a period of five
years but before completion of a period of
seven years from the date of the permission is
given for purchase of land as referred to in
clause (c) of sub-section (3) of this section;

(c) 30 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if

the application is made after a period of
seven years but before completion of a period
of ten years from the date of the permission is
given for purchase of land as referred to in
clause (c) of sub-section (3) of this section;

(d) 25 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value if

the application is made beyond ten years:
Provided that, -
(i) such permission for sale of such land shall be
granted only for the purpose specified in sub-
section (1), however, if such purpose usages
not permissible under the Common General
Development Control Regulations, in such
cases, the permission shall be granted only
for the purpose of use of such land as per the
zone declared in the Common General
Development Control Regulations;
(ii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases
of the land which is purchased for the
purpose specified in sub-section (1) and
which needs to be transferred in the case of
merger, amalgamation, joint venture,
subsidiary company, group company and
associate company, conversion of
partnership in the company and vice versa or

into limited liability partnership, change in

partners but in such cases permission shall
be granted after charging of 10 per cent. of
the prevailing jantri value.”.
5. Amendment of section 55 to Sau. Ord. XLI of 1949.- In the
Saurashtra Ordinance, in section 55,-
(1) in sub-section (3A), for the existing proviso, the following proviso
shall be substituted, namely: -
“Provided that such permission shall be granted by the Collector
only upon the payment of -

(a) 100 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the application
is made after a period of three years but before completion
of a period of five years from the date of certificate as
referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (2);
(b) 60 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the application
is made after a period of five years but before completion of
a period of seven years from the date of certificate as
referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (2);
(c) 30 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the application
is made after a period of seven years but before completion
of a period of ten years from the date of certificate as
referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (2);
(d) 25 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value if the application
is made beyond ten years:
Provided however that, -

(i) such permission for sale of such land shall be

granted only for the bonafide industrial purpose
and in case the industrial purpose usage is not
permissible under the Common General
Development Control Regulations, such
permission shall be granted only for the purpose
of use of such land as per the zone declared in the
Common General Development Control

(ii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases of the
land which is purchased for bonafide industrial
purpose and which needs to be transferred in the
case of merger, amalgamation, joint venture,
subsidiary company, group company and associate
company, conversion of partnership in the
company and vice versa or into limited liability
partnership, change in partners but in such cases
permission shall be granted after charging of 10
per cent of the prevailing jantri value;
(iii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases of the
land which is purchased for bonafide industrial
purpose and which needs to be transferred in the
case of acquisition of assets of industrial unit
under order of Debt Recovery Tribunal/National
Company Law Tribunal/ Liquidator /Financial
Institutions auction, subject to the condition that
such transfer is ordered by such Court/Authority
but in such cases the purchaser shall apply for
permission within 60 days from the date of
transfer of assets by authority and such permission
shall be granted after charging of 10 per cent of
the prevailing jantri value;
(iv) if any bonafide industrial user fails to take such
permission within a period as specified in clause
(iii) above, the Collector shall grant permission by
charging of 20 per cent of the prevailing jantri
(2) in sub-section (3B), -

(a) in clause (vi), for the existing proviso, the following

proviso shall be inserted, namely: -

“Provided that, -
(i) such permission for sale of such land shall be granted only for
the bonafide industrial purpose and in case the industrial
purpose usage is not permissible under the Common General
Development Control Regulations, such permission shall be
granted only for the purpose of use of such land as per the zone
declared in Common General Development Control
(ii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases of the land which
is purchased for bonafide industrial purpose and which needs to
be transferred in the case of merger, amalgamation, joint
venture, subsidiary company, group company and associate
company, conversion of partnership in the company and vice
versa or into limited liability partnership, change in partners
but in such cases permission shall be granted after charging of
10 per cent of the prevailing jantri value;
(iii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases of the land which
is purchased for bonafide industrial purpose and which needs to
be transferred in the case of acquisition of assets of industrial
unit under order of Debt Recovery Tribunal/National Company
Law Tribunal/ Liquidator /Financial Institutions auction,
subject to the condition that such transfer is ordered by such
Court/Authority but in such cases the purchaser shall apply for
permission within 60 days from the date of transfer of assets by
authority and such permission shall be granted after charging of
10 per cent of the prevailing jantri value;
(iv) if any bonafide industrial user fails to take such permission
within a period as specified in clause (iii) above, the Collector
shall grant permission by charging of 20 per cent of the
prevailing jantri value.”.
6. Insertion of new section 55A to Sau. Ord. XLI of 1949.- In the
Saurashtra Ordinance, after section 55, the following new section shall be
inserted, namely: -

Sale of land “55A. (1) The sale of land for other than bonafide industrial purpose
for the
purposes shall be permitted in certain cases which are declared by State
other than
industrial Government from time to time:
Provided that-

Bom. V of (a) Nothing in section 54 shall prohibit the sale or the agreement for the
sale of land for which no permission is required under sub-section
(1) of section 65B of the Gujarat Land Revenue Code, 1879 in
favour of any person or institution for use of such land for other
than bonafide industrial purpose like Agricultural University,
Animal Husbandry University, Education, Medical Education and
Health. The area of land for these purposes may be decided by the
State Government by notification in the Official Gazette and State
Government may also declare other purposes from time to time.

(b) Where the area of land proposed to be sold exceeds ten hectares, the
person to whom the land is proposed to be sold in pursuance of this
sub-section shall obtain previous permission of the Revenue
Secretary, Gujarat State or such other officer as the State
Government may by an order authorize in this behalf,

(c) Where the land proposed to be sold is owned by a person belonging

to the Scheduled Tribe, the sale of such land shall be subject to the
Bom. V of provisions of section 73AA of the Gujarat Land Revenue Code,

(2) (a) Where the land is sold to a person in pursuance of sub-section (1)
(hereinafter referred to as “the purchaser”), he shall within thirty
days from the date of the purchase of the land for purpose shown in
sub-section (1) send a notice of such purchase in such form
alongwith such other particulars as may be prescribed, to the
Collector and endorse a copy thereof to the Mamlatdar.

(b) Where the purchaser fails to send the notice and other particulars to
the Collector under clause (a) within the period specified therein, he
shall be liable to pay in addition to the non-agriculture assessment

leviable under this Act, after one month from the date of such
purchase, such fine of one per cent. of the prevailing jantri every
month, as the Collector may, subject to rules made under this Act,

(c) On receipt of the notice of the purchase for the land alongwith other
particulars sent by the purchaser under clause (a), the Collector,
after making such inquiry as he deems fit and if he -

(i) is satisfied that such land has been validly purchased in

accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1), shall
issue a certificate to that effect to the purchaser in such
form and within such time as may be prescribed.

(ii) is not satisfied, shall, after giving the purchaser an

opportunity of being heard, refuse to issue such certificate
and on such refusal, the sale of such land to the purchaser
shall be deemed to be in contravention of section 54.

(d) (i) The purchaser aggrieved by the refusal to issue a certificate by

the Collector under sub-clause(ii) of clause (c) may file an
appeal to the State Government or such other officer as it may
by an order authorise in this behalf.

(ii) The State Government or the authorized officer shall after

giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard pass such
order on the appeal as it or he deems fit.

(3) (a) The purchaser shall comply with the provisions of any law for the
time being in force or any order or directions of the Central
Government or the State Government or any Corporation owned or
controlled by such Government, Government Company, local
authority or statutory authority in relation to use of land for
purpose shown in sub-section (1) before the land is put to use for
such purpose.

(b) The area of land which is desired to be sold shall not be used for
any other purpose other than intended to use.
(c) The purchaser shall start providing of services or use of land within
three years from the date of the permission is given for purchase of
such land.

Provided that if the purchaser can not start providing

services or use of land within three years in the circumstances as
may be prescribed, he may make an application to the collector to
extend such period and the Collector may, after making such
inquiry as he deems fit, by an order extend such period by another
two years:

Provided further that the Collector shall not extend such

period for more than a period of one year at a time:

Provided also that such aggregate period of five years may,

on an application made by the purchaser in that behalf and on
payment of 20 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, be extended
by another three years by the State Government and thereafter, be
extended by the State Government for time to time for further
periods on payment of 20 per cent. of the prevailing jantri for every
three years.

(d) In case where the purchaser fails to start providing of services or

use of land within three years from the date of the permission is
given for purchase of land, the Collector may, after an application
is made to him in that behalf grant permission by an order for sale
or transfer of such land:

Provided that such permission shall be granted by the Collector

only upon the payment of –

(i) 100 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the

application is made after a period of three years but
before completion of a period of five years from the
date of the permission is given for purchase of land
as referred to in clause (c) of sub-section (2) of this

(ii) 60 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the

application is made after a period of five years but
before completion of a period of seven years from
the date of the permission is given for purchase of
land as referred to in clause (c) of sub-section (2) of
this section;

(iii) 30 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the

application is made after a period of seven years but
before completion of a period of ten years from the
date of the permission is given for purchase of land
as referred to in clause (c) of sub-section (2) of this

(iv) 25 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value if the

application is made beyond ten years:

Provided that, -

(a) such permission for sale of such land shall be granted only
for the purpose specified in sub-section (1), however, if such
purpose usages not permissible under the Common General
Development Control Regulations, in such cases, the
permission shall be granted only for the purpose of use of
such land as per the zone declared in the Common General
Development Control Regulations;

(b) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases of the land
which is purchased for the purpose specified in sub-section
(1) and which needs to be transferred in the case of merger,
amalgamation, joint venture, subsidiary company, group
company and associate company, conversion of partnership
in the company and vice versa or into limited liability
partnership, change in partners but in such cases permission
shall be granted after charging of 10 per cent of the
prevailing jantri value.”.

7. Amendment of section 89A to Bom. XCIX of 1958.- In the Gujarat

Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Vidarbha Region and Kutch Area) Act, in
section 89A, -

(1) in sub-section (4A), for the existing proviso, the following proviso
shall be substituted, namely: -
“Provided that such permission shall be granted by the Collector
only upon the payment of -

(a) 100 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the application
is made after a period of three years but before completion
of a period of five years from the date of certificate as
referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (3);

(b) 60 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the application

is made after a period of five years but before completion of
a period of seven years from the date of certificate as
referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (3);

(c) 30 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if the application

is made after a period of seven years but before completion
of a period of ten years from the date of certificate as
referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of sub-section (3);

(d) 25 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value if the application is

made beyond ten years:

Provided however that, -

(i) such permission for sale of such land shall

be granted only for the bonafide industrial
purpose and in case the industrial purpose
usage is not permissible under the Common
General Development Control Regulations,
such permission shall be granted only for the
purpose of use of such land as per the zone
declared in the Common General
Development Control Regulations;

(ii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases

of the land which is purchased for bonafide
industrial purpose and which needs to be
transferred in the case of merger,
amalgamation, joint venture, subsidiary
company, group company and associate
company, conversion of partnership in the
company and vice versa or into limited
liability partnership, change in partners but
in such cases permission shall be granted
after charging of 10 per cent of the
prevailing jantri value;
(iii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases
of the land which is purchased for bonafide
industrial purpose and which needs to be
transferred in the case of acquisition of
assets of industrial unit under order of Debt
Recovery Tribunal/National Company Law
Tribunal/ Liquidator /Financial Institutions
auction, subject to the condition that such
transfer is ordered by such Court/Authority
but in such cases the purchaser shall apply
for permission within 60 days from the date
of transfer of assets by authority and such
permission shall be granted after charging of
10 per cent of the prevailing jantri value;
(iv) if any bonafide industrial user fails to take
such permission within a period as specified
in clause (iii) above, the Collector shall
grant permission by charging of 20 per cent
of the prevailing jantri value.”;
(2) in sub-section (4B), -
(a) in clause (vi), for the existing proviso, the following proviso
shall be inserted, namely: -

Provided that, -
(i) such permission for sale of such land shall be granted only for
the bonafide industrial purpose and in case the industrial
purpose usage is not permissible under the Common General
Development Control Regulations, such permission shall be
granted only for the purpose of use of such land as per the zone
declared in the Common General Development Control
(ii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases of the land which
is purchased for bonafide industrial purpose and which needs to
be transferred in the case of merger, amalgamation, joint
venture, subsidiary company, group company and associate
company, conversion of partnership in the company and vice
versa or into limited liability partnership, change in partners but
in such cases permission shall be granted after charging of 10
per cent of the prevailing jantri value;
(iii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the cases of the land which
is purchased for bonafide industrial purpose and which needs to
be transferred in the case of acquisition of assets of industrial
unit under order of Debt Recovery Tribunal/National Company
Law Tribunal/ Liquidator /Financial Institutions auction,
subject to the condition that such transfer is ordered by such
Court/Authority but in such cases the purchaser shall apply for
permission within 60 days from the date of transfer of assets by
authority and such permission shall be granted after charging of
10 per cent of the prevailing jantri value;
(iv) if any bonafide industrial user fails to take such permission
within a period as specified in clause (iii) above, the Collector
shall grant permission by charging of 20 per cent of the
prevailing jantri value.”.
8. Insertion of new section 89AA to Bom. XCIX of 1958.- In the
Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Vidarbha Region and Kutch
Area) Act after section 89A, the following section shall be inserted,
namely: -

Sale of land “89AA. (1) The sale of land for other than bonafide industrial
for the
purposes purpose shall be permitted in certain cases which are declared by
other than
industrial State Government from time to time:
Provided that-

(a) Nothing in section 89 shall prohibit the sale or the

agreement for the sale of land for which no permission
is required under sub-section (1) of section 65B of the
Gujarat Land Revenue Code, 1879 in favour of any
person or institution for use of such land for other than
bonafide industrial purpose like Agricultural
University, Animal Husbandry University, Education,
Medical Education and Health. The area of land for
these purposes may be decided by the State
Government by notification in the Official Gazette and
State Government may also declare other purposes
from time to time.

(b) Where the area of land proposed to be sold exceeds ten

hectares, the person to whom the land is proposed to
be sold in pursuance of this sub-section shall obtain
previous permission of the Revenue Secretary, Gujarat
State or such other officer as the State Government
may by an order authorize in this behalf,

(c) Where the land proposed to be sold is owned by a

Bom. V of person to belonging to the Scheduled Tribe, the sale

shall be subject to the provisions of section 73AA of
the Gujarat Land Revenue Code, 1879.

(2) Nothing in section 90 shall apply to any sale made in

pursuance of sub-section (1).


(3) (a) Where the land is sold to a person in pursuance of sub-

section (1) (hereinafter referred to as “the purchaser”), he
shall within thirty days from the date of the purchase of
the land for purpose shown in sub-section (1) send a
notice of such purchase in such form alongwith such
other particulars as may be prescribed, to the Collector
and endorse a copy thereof to the Mamlatdar.
(b) Where the purchaser fails to send the notice and other
particulars to the Collector under clause (a) within the
period specified therein, he shall be liable to pay in
addition to the non-agriculture assessment leviable under
this Act, after one month from the date of such purchase,
such fine of one per cent. of the prevailing jantri every
month, as the Collector may, subject to rules made under
this Act, direct.
(c) On receipt of the notice of the purchase of land alongwith
other particulars sent by the purchaser under clause (a),
the Collector, after making such inquiry as he deems fit
and if he-
(i) is satisfied that the land has been validly
purchased in accordance with the provisions of
sub-section (1), he shall issue a certificate to
that effect to the purchaser in such form and
within such time as may be prescribed.
(ii) is not satisfied, shall, after giving the purchaser
an opportunity of being heard, refuse to issue
such certificate and on such refusal, the sale of
such land to the purchaser shall be deemed to
be in contravention of section 89.
(d) (i) The purchaser aggrieved by the refusal to issue a
certificate by the Collector under sub-clause (ii) of
clause (c) may file an appeal to the State Government
or such other officer as it may by an order authorise
in this behalf.

(ii) The State Government or the authorized officer shall

after giving the appellant an opportunity of being heard
pass such order on the appeal as it or he deems fit.

(4) (a) The purchaser shall comply with the provisions of

any law for the time being in force or any order or
directions of the Central Government or the State
Government or any Corporation owned or controlled
by such Government, Government Company, local
authority or statutory authority in relation to use of
land for purpose shown in sub-section (1) before the
land is put to use for such purpose.

(b) The area of land which is desired to be sold shall not

used for any other purpose other than intended to use.

(c) The purchaser shall start providing of services or use

of land within three years from the date of the
permission is given for purchase of land.

Provided that if the purchaser can not start

providing services or use of land within three years
in the circumstances as may be prescribed, he may
make an application to the collector to extend such
period and the Collector may, after making such
inquiry as he deems fit, by an order extend such
period by another two years:

Provided further that the Collector shall not extend

such period for more than a period of one year at a time.

Provided also that such aggregate period of five

years may, on an application made by the purchaser
in that behalf and on payment of 20 per cent. of the
prevailing jantri value, be extended by another three
years by the State Government and thereafter, be
extended by the State Government for time to time
for further periods on payment of 20 per cent. of the
prevailing jantri for every three years.

(d) In case where the purchaser fails to start providing of

services or use of land within three years from the
date of the permission is given for purchase of land,
the Collector may, after an application is made to
him in that behalf grant permission by an order for
sale or transfer of such land:

Provided that such permission shall be

granted by the Collector only upon the payment of –

(a) 100 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if

the application is made after a period of three
years but before completion of a period of
five years from the date of the permission is
given for purchase of land as referred to in
clause (c) of sub-section (3) of this section;

(b) 60 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if

the application is made after a period of five
years but before completion of a period of
seven years from the date of the permission is
given for purchase of land as referred to in
clause (c) of sub-section (3) of this section;

(c) 30 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value, if

the application is made after a period of
seven years but before completion of a period
of ten years from the date of the permission is
given for purchase of land as referred to in
clause (c) of sub-section (3) of this section;

(d) 25 per cent. of the prevailing jantri value if

the application is made beyond ten years:

Provided that, -

(i) such permission for sale of such land

shall be granted only for the purpose
specified in sub-section (1), however,
if such purpose usages not permissible

under the Common General

Development Control Regulations,
such permission shall be granted only
for the purpose of use of such land as
per the zone declared in the Common
General Development Control

(ii) clauses (a) to (d) shall not apply in the

cases of the land which is purchased
for the purpose specified in sub-
section (1) and which needs to be
transferred in the case of merger,
amalgamation, joint venture,
subsidiary company, group company
and associate company, conversion of
partnership in the company and vice
versa or into limited liability
partnership, change in partners but in
such cases permission shall be granted
after charging of 10 per cent. of the
prevailing jantri value.”.


At present, there are three different tenancy laws in operation in the

State. In the Bombay area of the State of Gujarat, the Gujarat Tenancy and
Agricultural Lands Act, 1948, is in force; in the Kutch area of the State of
Gujarat, the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Lands (Vidarbha Region and
Kutch Area) Act, 1958 is in force; whereas in the Saurashtra area of the
State of Gujarat, the Saurashtra Gharkhed, Tenancy Settlement and
Agricultural Lands Ordinance, 1949 is in force.

With the industrial advancement taking place at a rapid rate in the

State of Gujarat, a need has arisen to allow certain purchases being made
for bonafide industrial use in the State.

The land which is purchased for bonafide industrial use and instead
of using, such land is required to sale, at that time such permission for sale
of such land shall be granted only for the bonafide industrial purpose, and
in case the industrial purpose usage is not permissible under Common
General Development Control Regulations, in such cases, the permission
shall be granted only for the purpose of use of such land as per the zone
declared in Common General Development Control Regulations;

It is also proposed that where the land is sold for bonafide industrial
purpose, it can be transferred in the case of merger, amalgamation, joint
venture, subsidiary company, group company and associate company,
conversion of partnership in the company and vice versa or into limited
liability partnership, change in partners, but in such cases, permission shall
be granted after charging of 10 per cent of the prevailing jantri value;

It is also proposed that in case of the land which is purchased for

bonafide industrial purpose and which needs to be transferred under order
of Debt Recovery Tribunal/National Company Law Tribunal/ Liquidator
/Financial Institutions auction, subject to the condition that such transfer is
ordered by such Court/Authority, in such cases the purchaser shall apply

for permission within 60 days from the date of transfer of assets by

authority and such permission shall be granted after charging of 10 per cent
of the prevailing jantri value; if the person fails to obtain such permission
within a period of 60 days, the Collector shall grant permission by charging
of 20 per cent of the prevailing jantri value.

A new section in the tenancy laws applicable in the State of Gujarat

is inserted for purchase of land in certain cases like Agricultural University,
Animal Husbandry University, Education, Medical Education and Health
and also with some conditions as mentioned in the said new section.

As the Legislative Assembly of the State of Gujarat is not in

session, this Ordinance is promulgated to amend the said tenancy laws to
achieve the aforesaid objects.


Dated the 21st August, 2020. Governor of Gujarat.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,

Additional Secretary to Government.



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