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COMMENCEMENT OF ACTIONS  Proton filed a motion to dismiss that RTC did not

acquire jurisdiction because BNP improperly paid

ALBAY VS FGU INSURANCE the docket fees prescribe by the clerk of court.
 FGU filed a collection sum of money against ISSUE: W/N RTC has no jurisdiction on the complaint filed
ALBAY amounting to 114k. by BNP against Proton for improper payment of docket
 ALBAY by answer file a counter claim alleging that fees.
FGU owes the former of 104k and premium
reserves of 500k. DOCTRINE/RULING:
 FGU move to dismiss ALBAY counterclaim for  As a general rule, the filing of the initiatory
filing it not within the reglementary period and for pleading, the court may relax the payment of the
non-payment of dockets fees hence court will not fee and payment must be within a reasonable time
acquire jurisdiction. but in no case beyond the applicable prescriptive or
reglementary period. In this case, BNP merely
ISSUE: W/N ALBAY counterclaim is exempt from not relied on the assessment made by the clerk of court
payment of docket fees? which turned out to be incorrect (not in bad faith).
Under the circumstances, the clerk of court has the
DOCTRINE/RULING: responsibility of reassessing what respondent must
 ALBAY filed a permissive counterclaim, in order pay within the prescriptive period, failing which
the court will acquire jurisdiction the plaintiff the complaint merits dismissal
should pay the docket fees. Same rule applies in
permissive counterclaim, third party claims just RUBY SHELTER BUILDERS VS FORMARAN
like in initiatory pleading.
MERCADO VS CA  RSB obtained loan from Tan and Obiedo
FACTS: amounting to P95M with executed mortgage over
 Mercado is a distributor of SMC’s beer products in the 5 parcels of land.
quiapo manila.  RSB defaulted payment hence, Tan and Obiedo
 SMC provides 7.5M credit line to Mercado and the executed the MOA in mortgage.
latter executed Certificate of deposit from  RSB filed to RTC for declaration of nullity of deed
Chinabank worth 5M and surety bonds from of sale and pays docket fees amounting to 13K
EASCO worth 2.6M with hold-out agreement. assessed by COC.
 Mercado was in default of payment therefore; SMC  Tan and Obiedo filed a motion to dismiss because
notifies CBC to withdraw the said SD. RTC did not acquire jurisdiction because it is a real
Mercado filed to RTC to annul the hold-out action and RSB should pay full payment of dockets
agreement and SMC filed its answer with fees based on the value of the property.
counterclaim and third-party complaint against
EASCO. ISSUE: W/N RSB should pay additional docket fees?
 Mercado died and represented by the heirs
contesting that court has no jurisdiction for non- DOCTRINE/RULING:
payment of docket fees when SMC files its answer  Payment of Docket fees is not only mandatory but
with counterclaim. jurisdictional. It appears that RSB filed a real action
because it involves recovery of title and possession
ISSUE: W/N SMC counterclaim need to pay dockets fees in of property. Hence, docket fees should be based on
order for the court to acquire jurisdiction? the tax declaration or zonal value of the BIR
whichever is higher. There was intention by the
DOCTRINE/RULING: plaintiff to defraud the government. Hence,
 SMC filed a compulsory counterclaim and does not warrant the dismissal of the petition.
need to pay a docket fees. It is considered as
compulsory counterclaim when: (1) answer SLU VS COBBARUBIAS
necessarily connected with the transaction or FACTS:
occurrence that is the subject matter of the  Cobbarubias is a professor from SLU and an active
opposing party’s claim; (2) falls within the member of the union faculty.
jurisdiction of the court and (3) does not require for  There is CBAs containing provision for teaching
its adjudication the presence of third parties over employees in college who fail the yearly evaluation.
whom the court cannot acquire jurisdiction.  Cobbarubias failed to meet the yearly evaluation
and she was forced to file a leave for 1 regular
PROTON PILIPINAS VS BANQUE DE NATIONALE DE semester and suspended all the benefits for that
PARIS period.
FACTS:  Cobbarubias filed a case in DOLE and submitted
 Proton avails credit facilities from BNP with the issued to VA but the latter dismissed the case
corporate guarantee from other corporations to and Cobbarubias appeal under rule 43 (petition for
assure the payment. review) to CA but she failed to pay filing fees. She
 Proton failed to comply with its obligation. filed a motion for reconsideration and the CA
 BNP filed a complaint with the RTC. reinstated the petition.
ISSUE: W/N CA erred in reinstating the petition despite complete payment of the same within the period
upon appeal she fails to pay filing fees within the allowed by the CA is thus fatal to their cause.
reglementary period. Hence, a departure from the rule on the payment of
the appeal fee is unwarranted.
 Appeal is not a natural right but a statutory SY-VARGAS VS ESTATE OF OGSOS
privilege, hence, appeal must be strictly in FACTS:
accordance with provision set by law. Non-  One of the heirs of Ogsos (Kathryn) filed a
compliance with the procedural requirements shall complaind for specific performance and damages
be a sufficient ground for the petition’s against Sy-Vargas for the latters default in payment
dismissal. Thus, payment in full of docket fees of rental fee based on the contract of lease executed
within the prescribed period is not only mandatory, between them.
but also jurisdictional. Here, the docket fees were  Sy-Vargas et al files they answer with counterclaim
paid late, and without payment of the full docket alleging that they faithfully complied with their
fees, Cobarrubias’ appeal was not perfected within obligations and Kathryn took the possession of the
the reglementary period. property and suffered losses as cause of their
 Exceptions on strict observance: (1) most default in payment to their obligations. Therefore,
persuasive and weighty reasons; (2) to relieve a in their answer with counterclaim they are claiming
litigant from an injustice not commensurate with for loss of profits plus damages.
his failure to comply with the prescribed  Kathryn moved for the dismissal of case for non-
procedure; (3) good faith of the defaulting party by payment of dockets fees because the counterclaim
immediately paying within a reasonable time from is permissive hence requires payment of docket
the time of the default; (4) the existence of special or fees.
compelling circumstances; (5) the merits of the case;  RTC ruled in favor to Sy-Vargas and CA affirmed
(6) a cause not entirely attributable to the fault or the ruling of the RTC that counterclaim made by
negligence of the party favored by the suspension Sy-Vargas was a compulsory hence no need to pay
of the rules; (7) a lack of any showing that the dockets fees.
review sought is merely frivolous and dilatory; (8)
the other party will not be unjustly prejudiced ISSUE: W/N Sy-Vargas counterclaim is compulsory and
thereby; (9) fraud, accident, mistake or excusable not permissive in nature?
negligence without the appellant’s fault; (10)
peculiar, legal and equitable circumstances DOCTIRNE/RULING:
attendant to each case; (11) in the name of  4 TESTS in determining if it is compulsory
substantial justice and fair play; (12) importance of counterclaim:
the issues involved; and (13) exercise of sound  (a) Are the issues of fact or law raised by the claim
discretion by the judge, guided by all the attendant and the counterclaim largely the same?
circumstances.  (b) Would res judicata bar a subsequent suit on
defendant's claims, absent the compulsory
GIPA VS SLI counterclaim rule?
FACTS: (c) Will substantially the same evidence support or
 SLI filed a complaint for recovery of ownership and refute plaintiff's claim as well as the defendant's
possession with damages against Gipa et al. counterclaim? and
 SLI alleged that they are the absolute owners of the (d) Is there any logical relation between the claim
contested parcel of land whereas, Gipa et al and the counterclaim, such that the conduct of
believed that they have the right over the land separate trials of the respective claims of the parties
because their predecessors in interest occupied the would entail a substantial duplication of effort and
property since the 1950s. time by the parties and the court?
 RTC ruled in favor of SLI and Gipa appeal to CA  The counterclaim made by Sy-Vargas does not
but the latter dismissed because it shows that the meet the 4 requirements, hence it is permissive
appellate court docket fee and other lawful fees counterclaim and they required to pay the docket
was not paid. fees. However, the respondents cannot be faulted
 Gipa shows proof that they paid the docket fees in for non-payment of dockets fees because the RTC
RTC amounted to 3000 pesos but the 30 pesos legal found such counterclaim as compulsory in nature
research fee as part of that docket fee was not paid and affirmed by the CA. The respondent relied on
for 9 months. the finding the courts and exhibited good faith for
non-payment of docket fees and no intention to
ISSUE: W/N CA erred in dismissing the case for failure to defraud the government. Therefore, the judgement
pay the 30 pesos other lawful fees? of monetary awards shall be constituted as lien for
the payment of docket fees.
 As a rule, the court may relax the payment of CAMASO VS TSM SHIPPING
docket fees or other lawful fees in the name of FACTS:
substantial justice and equity. The party who claims  Camaso signed a contract of employment to TSM
the exemptions must prove the same and must for 6 months as a 2nd mate.
adequately explain his failure to abide those rules.
Gipa’s failure to advance any explanation as to why
they failed to pay the correct docket fees or to
 Camaso during his employment he develops invoking the RA 8975 as amended by the PD 1818
tonsillar cancer and believing that his sickness was that they are force to file 2 separate actions with
related to his job. same cause of action because provided on these
 The employer (TSM) refuse to shoulder the medical laws that SC can only issue that injunctive relief
expenses. Hence, Camaso filed with the LA and prohibits the other courts in issuing of such
petitions for disability benefit, sickness allowance, relief.
reimbursement of medical expenses against the
TSM. ISSUE: W/N Dynamics builders commits splitting of
 LA ruled in favor of Camaso but on appeal to actions based on 1 cause of action which prohibits by the
NLRC it was reversed and motion for rules of court or committed improper remedy?
reconsideration was denied.
 Camaso, appeal to CA but dismissed on the ground DOCTRINE/RULING:
that Camaso did not pay docket fees when he files  Builders dynamics relies on these laws that the
his appeal to CA. Then, Camaso, files his motion Supreme Court has the sole authority to issue
for reconsideration and alleged that he pays the injunctive relief and prohibits other courts issuing
dockets pays representing check attached to the the same not limited only to case involving
appeal before the CA (overlooked by the COC) but infrastructure projects whether national or local
the latter denied for lack of merit citing the projects – Sec. 3 of RA 8975 provides that no
presumption of regularity of official duties (check is courts, except the Supreme Court can issue TRO
not a mode of payment of docket fees). or PI.
 The SC held that this prohibition shall not apply
ISSUE: W/N CA correctly dismissed the Camaso’s petition when the matter is extreme urgency involving a
for non-payment of dockets fees? constitutional issue, such that unless a TRO is
issued, grave injustice and irreparable injury will
DOCTRINE/RULING: arise. In other words, the RTC can still issue PI or
 Failure to pay the required docket fees per TRO when there is a compelling constitutional
se should not necessarily lead to the dismissal of a violation.
case. It has long been settled that while the court  Therefore, petition is dismissed for lack of merit.
acquires jurisdiction over any case only upon the The builders dynamics must file its injunctive
payment of the prescribed docket fees, its non- relief together with its petition for annulling the
payment at the time of filing of the initiatory decision/resolution before the RTC. The RA 8975
pleading does not automatically cause its dismissal is align with the state policies provides that these
provided that: (a) the fees are paid within a safeguards are consistent with the law’s policy for
reasonable period; and (b) there was no intention the expeditious implementation of government
on the part of the claimant to defraud the projects that ultimately benefit the public.
 In this case, Although, check was not authorized as PARTIES TO CIVIL ACTIONS – REAL PARTY IN
mode of payment, but Camaso exerted earnest INTEREST
effort to pay the required dockets fees. Clearly, he
exhibits good faith and no intention to defraud the RELUCIO VS LOPEZ
government. FACTS:
 The Court deems it appropriate to relax the  Angelina Lopez filed a petition for appointment as
technical rules of procedure substantial justice. sole administratrix of conjugal partnership of
properties, forfeiture of shares before the court
SPLITTING A SINGLE CAUSE OF ACTIONS alleging that her husband Alberto Lopez
abandoned her and his 4 children and maintain
DYNAMIC BUILDERS VS PRESBITERO illicit relationship with named, Imelda Relucio.
FACTS:  Imelda Relucio filed a motion to dismiss because
 Presbitero is a municipal mayor of Valladolid, Angelina has no cause of action against her and
Negros Occidental who rendered pleaded her as a party to the case because some of
decision/resolution in awarding of bidder with the properties were named in her.
regard to its infrastructure project known as  RTC denied the motion and CA affirmed, hence
“Construction Shoreline Protection Project”. this petition to this court.
 Dynamic builder is one of the bidders for the said
projects in fact it offered its price to Bidding ISSUE: W/N Imelda Relucio is an indispensable party or
Committee considering the former as the lowest necessary to the case?
 The Bidding Committed awarded the projects to DOCTRINE/RULING:
HLJ Construction and Enterprise as the second  Indispensable party is one without whom there can
lowest bidder, upon NO OBJECTION received, and be no final determination of an action while
then issue the notice of award. necessary party is not indispensable but who ought
 The bidding award committee wrote a letter to all to be joined as party if complete relief is to be
losing bidders about its findings and decision. accorded those already parties, or for a complete
 Dynamics filed a protest to RTC annulling the determination or settlement of the claim subject of
decision and resolution of Mayor Presbitero and the action.
also files an injunctive relief to Supreme Court
 In this case, Relucio is neither an indispensable or  Failure of the respondent (Ledesma) to implead the
necessary party because when the court issue spouses Orquiola as indispensable party to the civil
judgment against her husband for the accounting of case the court cannot reach to final determination of
properties would resolve her petition and that the case. No enforcement of judgment in the
judgment is valid and enforceable against her proceeding against the stranger to case because it
husband only. Moreover, any judgments in special will tantamount to a deprivation of property
proceeding would not affect the petitioner without due process of law.
DE CASTRO VS CA  Lim and Oliver – One opened a joint account in the
FACTS: CBC and obtained a loan of 17M.
 Constante and Corazon De Castro were co-owners  Lim and Oliver – One executed a promissory note
of 4 lots and Antigo authorized to be a broker in amounting to 16M with mortgage over the parcel of
selling of those lots with an agreement of he will be land located in Munting Lupa, the mortgage was
receiving a commission of 5% based on the selling annotated to the original CTC and the duplicate
price when he sold the parcels of land. copy was given to the bank.
 Antigo sold the 2 lots for 7M to Times Transit  Some time ago, there is Oliver – Two who is
Corporation and he was given of 48K for his claiming that she is the true owner of the land and
commission. Antigo asserted that he is entitled for she did not contract of loan with the CBC. Hence,
350k as commission based on the agreement. Then, she filed a petition RTC to annul the annotation of
Antigo filed a complaint against the De Castros. mortgage in the CTC and render the mortgage
contract be void and issue clean title to her.
 De Castros moved for the dismissal of the case
because Antigo failed to implead the other co-  CBC filed a motion to dismiss for non-joiner of
owners of the lots as indispensable parties to case. indispensable party “Oliver – One” (under rule 3
Section 7).
ISSUE: W/N the case will be dismissed on the ground of  But it was denied by the RTC Judge and CBC filed
failure to include the other co-owners of the lots as a petition for certiorari praying for the issuance of
indispensable party? writ of preliminary injunction.

DOCTRINE/RULING: ISSUE: W/N the RTC judge erred in denying the motion to
 Indispensable party is one whose interest will be dismiss against CBC for not impleading the indispensable
affected by the judgment and without whom there party?
can be no final determination of the case. In this
case, the other co-owner is not necessary to be DOCTRINE/RULING:
impleaded in this case because the contract of  An indispensable party is a party in interest,
agency is between Constante and Antigo only. without whom no final determination can be had
Therefore, the mandatory joinder of indispensable of an action.
party is not applicable on this case.  The absence of Oliver – One from the case does not
hamper the trial court in resolving the dispute
ORQUIOLA VS CA between the Oliver – Two (respondent) and CBC
FACTS: (petitioner).
 Oliver – One participation is to enable the CBC to
 Pura Ledesma is the owner of lot 689 in Tandang
file claim against her. Hence, CBC should file a
Sora, QC. This parcel of land was adjacent to Lot
third party-complaint instead of dismissing the
707 owned by Ped Herminigilda Pedro.
 Pedro sold the lot to Lising Realty.  The Rule 3 Section 7 will not apply in this case,
 Lising Realty subdivided the lots into smaller lots instead the Sec. 11 of Rule 3 will apply – non joiner
and some portion of it was sold to spouses of parties is not a ground for dismissal. The CBC
Orquiola. should be impleaded Oliver – One on the basis of
 Sometime in 1969, Ledesma filed a complaint the liability to them who falsely contracted a loan.
against Pedro and Lising for encroaching of lot 689.
 RTC rendered decision against Pedro and Lising
and solidarily liable and ordered writ of DAVIS VS PARAGAS
demolition. FACTS:
 The spouses Orquiola as buyer in good faith appeal  David, Paragas and Lobrin formed a business
to CA for TRO and they were not impleaded in the venture named Olympia International Ltd located
civil case as indispensable party hence, the decision in Hongkong.
rendered by the RTC cannot be enforced against  Olympia has offices in HK and Philippines.
them and this is a violation of due process.  David is the one who is in charge in marketing in
the Philippines office.
ISSUE: W/N judgement of the RTC in the civil case cannot  David was tasks to remit the money from HK
be enforced against them for failure to implead them in the under the pares pares program which will be
civil case? deposited to Olympias RCBC account and then will
pay its planholders and shares of directors.
 Out of 82M which includes the 30% payment for
the subscribers. It was discovered by Lobrin that
only 19M was remitted or deposited to RCBC bank.
 BODs move for the removal of David and David
filed a declaratory relief, sum of money and
 Paragas and Lobrin filed answers with series
counterclaims. But the parties reach in the comprise
agreement under Olympia as a party and
withdrawal of counterclaims.

ISSUE: W/N Olympia is not a party to the case hence

dismissal of the complaint and compulsory claims
because it is personal in nature?
 Olympia is indispensable party to the case, the
Court has held that the absence of an indispensable
party renders all subsequent actions of the court
null and void for want of authority to act, not only
as to the absent parties but even to those present.
The failure to implead an indispensable party is not
a mere procedural matter. Rather, it brings to fore
the right of a disregarded party to its constitutional
rights to due process. Having Olympia’s interest
being subjected to a judicially-approved agreement,
absent any participation in the proceeding leading
to the same, is procedurally flawed. It is unfair for
being violative of its right to due process. 

 Municipality of Agoo entered into a loan agreement
with LBP in order to refinance the Redevelopment
Plan of Agoo Public Plaza, and some portion of the
plaza was used as a collateral for the said loan.
 Cacayuran as a resident opposed in the loan
agreement as well as by means of its funding. He
claims that it is violative to the law, detrimental to
public interest.
 RTC ruled that loan was void and it was affirmed
by the CA.
 LBP appeal for dismissal that Municipal of Agoo
was not impleaded as an indispensable party to

ISSUE: W/N Municipality of Agoo was an indispensable


 Failure to implead any indispensable party is not a
ground for the dismissal of the complaint. The
proper remedy is to implead them. In this case,
Cacayuran failed to implead the Municipality, a
real party in interest and an indispensable party
that stands to be directly affected by any judicial
resolution. It is the contracting party and the owner
of the public plaza. It stands to be benefited or
injured by the judgment of the case.
complaint/petition for the petitioner/plaintiff’s failure to
comply therefor.

Carabeo vs Dingco
 Carabeo and spouses Dingco entered into a
contract “Kasunduan sa bilihan ng Karapatan sa
 Carabeo agreed to sell their rights over the land
located in Orani, Bataan for 38,000.
 Spouses made a DP of 10,000 and installments
accumulated to 9,100.
 But on the balance of 18,900 Carabeo refuse to
accept because there was still needed to fix about
the on-going squabble.
 Spouses Dingco filed for specific performance on
LOTTE PHIL. CO., INC V DELA CRUZ ET.AL the RTC and Carabeo as an answer the sales was
TOPIC: INDISPENSIBLE PARTY; NON- void. RTC ruled in favor of Spousesand CA
Facts: 1995 until 2000, 7J Maintenance and  During the pendency of the case Carabeo died.
Janitorial Services (7J) entered into a contract with Lotte to
provide manpower. In compliance with the contract, and to ISSUE: W/N the death of Carabeo would result to the
accommodate the needs of Lotte for workers, Dela Cruz dismissal of the case?
were hired and assigned to Lotte as repackers or sealers.
However, Lotte dispensed with their services allegedly due DOCTRINE/ISSUE::
to the expiration/termination of the service contract by  Death of Carabeo is not a valid ground for
Lotte with 7J. Respondents were never called back again. dismissal of the action because when the actions
LA declared 7J as employer of respondents and finding 7J involves property rights it will survives. Judgement
guilty of illegal dismissal. NLRC denied the MR. is still enforceable against her representative or
CA reversed LA and NLRC and declared Lotte as the real successor-in-interest.
employer of respondents and that 7J who engaged in labor-
only contracting was merely the agent of Lotte. 
De La Cruz vs Joaquin : 162788 : July 28, 2005
FACTS: The case originated from a Complaint for the
Issue: WON 7J is an indispensable party and should have recovery of possession and ownership, the cancellation of
been impleaded in respondent’s petition in the CA title, and damages, filed by Pedro Joaquin against
petitioners in the RTC.  The RTC ruled in favor of
Held: YES. An indispensable party is a party in interest respondent ordering herein petitioners to reconvey the
without whom no final determination can be had of an property upon his payment. Petitioners assert that the
action, and who shall be joined either as plaintiffs or RTC’s Decision was invalid for lack of jurisdiction claiming
defendants. The joinder of indispensable parties is that respondent died during the pendency of the case and
mandatory. The presence of indispensable parties is there being no substitution by the heirs, the trial court
necessary to vest the court with jurisdiction, which is the allegedly lacked jurisdiction over the litigation.
authority to hear and determine a cause, the right to act in a
case. Thus, without the presence of indispensable parties to ISSUE: WON the trial court lost jurisdiction over the case
a suit or proceeding, judgment of a court cannot attain real upon the death of Pedro Joaquin?
finality. The absence of an indispensable party renders all
subsequent actions of the court null and void for want of HELD: NO. When a party to a pending action dies and the
authority to act, not only as to the absent parties but even as claim is not extinguished, the Rules of Court require a
to those present. substitution of the deceased.  The procedure is specifically
Here, 7J is an indispensable party. It is a party in interest governed by Section 16 of Rule 3. The rule on the
because it will be affected by the outcome of the substitution of parties was crafted to protect every party’s
case.  Hence, the CA did not acquire jurisdiction over 7J. No right to due process. The estate of the deceased party will
final ruling on this matter can be had without impleading continue to be properly represented in the suit through the
7J, whose inclusion is necessary for the effective and duly appointed legal representative. A formal substitution
complete resolution of the case and in order to accord all by heirs is not necessary when as in the present case, they
parties with due process and fair play. themselves voluntarily appear, participate in the case, and
In Domingo v. Scheer, we held that the non-joinder of present evidence in defense of the deceased. These actions
indispensable parties is not a ground for the dismissal of an negate any claim that the right to due process was violated.
action and the remedy is to implead the non-party claimed The records of the present case contain a “Motion for
to be indispensable. Parties may be added by order of the Substitution of Party Plaintiff” filed before the CA. The rule
court on motion of the party or on its own initiative at any on the substitution by heirs is not a matter of jurisdiction,
stage of the action and/or such times as are just. If the but a requirement of due process.  Thus, when due process
petitioner refuses to implead an indispensable party despite is not violated, as when the right of the representative or
the order of the court, the latter may dismiss the heir is recognized and protected, noncompliance or belated
formal compliance with the Rules cannot affect the validity
of a promulgated decision. Mere failure to substitute for a property left by Conrado, Sr. He filed a complaint for
deceased plaintiff is not a sufficient ground to nullify a trial partition but did not implead Mateo, Sr.’s children. 
court’s decision.  The alleging party must prove that there RTC found that through the subject document, Santiago
was an undeniable violation of due process. became a co-owner of the subject land and, as such, has the
right to demand the partition of the same. However,
Santiago did not validly acquire Mateo, Sr.’s share over the
NAVARRO VS ESCOBIDO subject land, considering that Felcon (son of Mateo Sr.)
FACTS: Respondent Karen T. Go filed two complaints admitted the lack of authority to bind his siblings with
before the RTC for replevin and/or sum of money with regard to Mateo, Sr.’s share.
damages against Navarro. In these complaints, Karen Go CA dismissed Santiago’s complaint for partition. It held the
prayed that the RTC issue writs of replevin for the seizure Mateo, Sr.’s children are indispensable parties to the
of two (2) motor vehicles in Navarro’s possession. In his judicial partition and thus, their non-inclusion as
Answers, Navarro alleged as a special affirmative defense defendants would necessarily result in its dismissal. 
that the two complaints stated no cause of action, since
Karen Go was not a party to the Lease Agreements with
Issue:  WON the action for partition proper without
Option to Purchase (collectively, the lease agreements) —
the actionable documents on which the complaints were impleading Mateo, Sr.’s children
based. RTC dismissed the case but set aside the dismissal Held:  No because the co-heirs are indispensable parties.
on the presumption that Glenn Go’s (husband) leasing They have rights over the subject land and, as such, should
business is a conjugal property and thus ordered Karen Go be impleaded as indispensable parties in an action for
to file a motion for the inclusion of Glenn Go as co-plaintiff partition. 
as per Rule 4, Section 3 of the Rules of Court. Navarro filed An indispensable party is one whose interest will be
a petition for certiorari with the CA. According to Navarro, affected by the court’s action in the litigation, and without
a complaint which failed to state a cause of action could not whom no final determination of the case can be had. The
be converted into one with a cause of action by mere party’s interest in the subject matter of the suit and in the
amendment or supplemental pleading. CA denied petition. relief sought are so inextricably intertwined with the other
parties’ that his legal presence as a party to the proceeding
ISSUE: Whether or not Karen Go is a real party in interest. is an absolute necessity. In his absence, there cannot be a
resolution of the dispute of the parties before the court
HELD: YES. Karen Go is the registered owner of the which is effective, complete, or equitable. Thus, the absence
business name Kargo Enterprises, as the registered owner of an indispensable party renders all subsequent actions of
of Kargo Enterprises, Karen Go is the party who will the court null and void, for want of authority to act, not
directly benefit from or be injured by a judgment in this only as to the absent parties but even as to those present.
case. Thus, contrary to Navarro’s contention, Karen Go is (Domingo v. Scheer). The non-joinder of indispensable
the real party-in-interest, and it is legally incorrect to say
parties is not a ground for the dismissal of an action.  The
that her Complaint does not state a cause of action because
remedy is to implead the non-party claimed to be
her name did not appear in the Lease Agreement that her
husband signed in behalf of Kargo Enterprises.
Glenn and Karen Go are effectively co-owners of Kargo
In an action of partition – co owners are indispensable
Enterprises and the properties registered under this name;
hence, both have an equal right to seek possession of these
properties. Therefore, only one of the co-owners, namely
the co-owner who filed the suit for the recovery of the co-
owned property, is an indispensable party thereto. The
other co-owners are not indispensable parties. They are not
even necessary parties, for a complete relief can be
accorded in the suit even without their participation, since FACTS:
the suit is presumed to have been filed for the benefit of all
co-owners. Ernesto Biaco is the husband of petitioner Ma. Teresa
We hold that since Glenn Go is not strictly an indispensable Chaves Biaco. While employed in the Philippine
party in the action to recover possession of the leased Countryside Rural Bank (PCRB) as branch manager,
vehicles, he only needs to be impleaded as a pro-forma Ernesto obtained several loans from the respondent bank.
party to the suit, based on Section 4, Rule 4 of the Rules,
which states: As security for the payment of the said loans, Ernesto
Section 4.Spouses as parties. — Husband and wife shall sue executed a real estate mortgage in favor of the bank
or be sued jointly, except as provided by law. covering the parcel of land which the real estate mortgages
Even assuming that Glenn Go is an indispensable party to bore the signatures of the spouses Biaco.
the action, misjoinder or non-joinder of indispensable
parties in a complaint is not a ground for dismissal of action When Ernesto failed to settle the above-mentioned loans on
as per Rule 3, Section 11 of the Rules of Court. its due date, respondent bank through counsel sent him a
written demand,however, proved futile.
Divinagracia vs. Parilla
Facts: Conrado, Sr. owned a parcel of land.  He had 2 Respondent bank filed a complaint for foreclosure of
children with his 1st wife and 7 children with his 2nd mortgage against the spouses Ernesto and Teresa Biaco
wife.  He also begot 3 illegitimate children. Both Mateo, Sr. before the RTC of Misamis Oriental. Summons was served
(7 children) and Cebeleo, Sr. (2) pre-deceased Conrado, Sr. to the spouses Biaco through Ernesto at his office (Export
Santiago, who bought the shares of majority of the heirs of a
and Industry Bank). The RTC ruled against them; a writ of with some competent person in charge thereof
execution was served on the spouses. in accordance with Sec. 7, Rule 14 of the Rules
of Court.
Petitioner sought the annulment of the Regional Trial Court
decision contending, among others, that the trial court
failed to acquire jurisdiction because summons were served
on her through her husband without any explanation as to BPI Family Savings Bank Inc vs Sps Yujuico
why personal service could not be made. The CA affirmed G.R. No. 175796 July 22, 2015
RTC decision invoking that judicial foreclosure proceedings
are actions quasi in rem. As such, jurisdiction over the  Facts: On August 22, 1996, the City of Manila filed a
person of the defendant is not essential as long as the court complaint against the respondents for the
acquires jurisdiction over the res. expropriation of five parcels of land located in
Tondo, Manila and registered in the name of
ISSUE: Whether or not the case should be dismissed for respondent Teresita Yujuico. Two of the parcels of
lack of jurisdiction over the person of petitioner? land, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT)
No. 261331 and TCT No. 261332, were previously
RULING:  mortgaged to Citytrust Banking Corporation, the
petitioner’s predecessor-in-interest, under a First
No. The Court ruled that validly try and decide the case. In Real Estate Mortgage Contract. On June 30, 2000,
a proceeding in rem or quasi in rem, jurisdiction over the the Regional Trial Court in Manila (Manila RTC)
person of the defendant is not a prerequisite to confer rendered its judgment declaring the five parcels of
jurisdiction on the court provided that the court acquires land expropriated for public use. The judgment
jurisdiction over the res. Jurisdiction over the res is became final and executory on January 28, 2001 and
acquired either (1) by the seizure of the property under was entered in the book of entries of judgment on
legal process, whereby it is brought into actual custody of March 23, 2001. The petitioner subsequently filed a
the law; or (2) as a result of the institution of legal Motion to Intervene in Execution with Partial
proceedings, in which the power of the court is recognized Opposition to Defendant’s Request to Release, but
and made effective. the RTC denied the motion for having been “filed
out of time.” Hence, the petitioner decided to
extrajudicially foreclose the mortgage constituted
In this case, the judicial foreclosure proceeding instituted
on the two parcels of land subject of the
by respondent PCRB undoubtedly vested the trial court
respondents’ loan. After holding the public auction,
with jurisdiction over the res. A judicial foreclosure
the sheriff awarded the two lots to the petitioner as
proceeding is an action quasi in rem. As such, jurisdiction
the highest bidder at ₱10, 000, 000.00. Claiming a
over the person of petitioner is not required, it being
sufficient that the trial court is vested with jurisdiction over deficiency amounting to P18, 522155.42, the
petitioner sued the respondents to recover such
the subject matter.
deficiency in the Makati RTC (Civil Case No. 03-
450). The respondents moved to dismiss the
complaint on several grounds, namely: that the suit
was barred by res judicata; that the complaint
 An action in personam is an action against a
stated no cause of action; and that the plaintiffs
person on the basis of his personal liability.
claim had been waived, abandoned, or
 An action in rem is an action against the thing extinguished. In the reply, respondents objected
itself instead of against the person. and alleged that the venue is improper.
 An action quasi in rem is one wherein an
individual is named as defendant and the Issues: Whether or not improper venue as a ground for
purpose of the proceeding is to subject his objection maybe raised at anytime.
interest therein to the obligation or lien
burdening the property. Held: No. We underscore that in civil proceedings,
venue is procedural, not jurisdictional, and may be
 Nonetheless, summons must be served upon waived by the defendant if not seasonably raised
the defendant not for the purpose of vesting either in a motion to dismiss or in the answer.
the court with jurisdiction but merely for Section 1, Rule 9 of the Rules of Court thus
satisfying the due process requirements. expressly stipulates that defenses and objections
 A resident defendant who does not not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in the
voluntarily appear in court, such as petitioner answer are deemed waived. As it relates to the
in this case, must be personally served with place of trial, indeed, venue is meant to provide
summons as provided under Sec. 6, Rule 14 of convenience to the parties, rather than to restrict
the Rules of Court. If she cannot be personally their access to the courts. In other words, unless the
served with summons within a reasonable defendant seasonably objects, any action may be
time, substituted service may be effected (1) tried by a court despite its being the improper
by leaving copies of the summons at the venue. 
defendant’s residence with some person of  No. It is basic that the venue of an action depends
suitable age and discretion then residing on whether it is a real or a personal action. The
therein, or (2) by leaving the copies at determinants of whether an action is of a real or a
defendant’s office or regular place of business personal nature have been fixed by the Rules of
Court and relevant jurisprudence. According to decision directing respondent to pay petitioner a bigger
Section 1, Rule 4 of the Rules of Court, a real action sum than that which has been awarded.
is one that affects title to or possession of real
property, or an interest therein. Thus, an action for Petitioner moved for reconsideration but was denied.
partition or condemnation of, or foreclosure of
mortgage on, real property is a real action. The real
action is to be commenced and tried in the proper ISSUE/S:
court having jurisdiction over the area wherein the
real property involved, or a portion thereof, is Whether or not the RTC erred in dismissing petitioner's
situated, which explains why the action is also recourse under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court assailing the
referred to as a local action. In contrast, the Rules of propriety of the MTCC Decision in the subject small claims
Court declares all other actions as personal actions. case.
Such actions may include those brought for the
recovery of personal property, or for the
enforcement of some contract or recovery of HELD:
damages for its breach, or for the recovery of
damages for the commission of an injury to the Yes.
person or property. The venue of a personal action
is the place where the plaintiff or any of the Section 23 of the Rule of Procedure for Small Claims Cases
principal plaintiffs resides, or where the defendant states that:
or any of the principal defendants resides, or in the
case of a non-resident defendant where he may be SEC. 23. Decision. — After the hearing, the court shall
found, at the election of the plaintiff, for which render its decision on the same day, based on the facts
reason the action is considered a transitory one.  established by the evidence (Form 13-SCC). The decision
 Based on the distinctions between real and personal shall immediately be entered by the Clerk of Court in the
actions, an action to recover the deficiency after the court docket for civil cases and a copy thereof forthwith
extrajudicial foreclosure of the real property served on the parties.
mortgage is a personal action, for it does not affect
title to or possession of real property, or any The decision shall be final and unappealable.
interest therein.
Considering the final nature of a small claims case decision
(Note: deficiency in judgment – is a personal action) under the above-stated rule, the remedy of appeal is not
allowed, and the prevailing party may, thus, immediately
move for its execution.25 Nevertheless, the proscription on
CaseDig: A.L. Ang Network vs. Mondejar appeals in small claims cases, similar to other proceedings
G.R. No. 200804; January 22, 2014 where appeal is not an available remedy,26 does not
Posted by Stephanie Tuquib on 25 July 2018 preclude the aggrieved party from filing a petition for
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. This general
rule has been enunciated in the case of Okada v. Security
FACTS: Pacific Assurance Corporation,27 wherein it was held that:
Petitioner filed a complaint5 for sum of money under the
Rule of Procedure for Small Claims Cases6 before the In a long line of cases, the Court has consistently ruled that
MTCC, seeking to collect from respondent the amount of "the extraordinary writ of certiorari is always available
₱23,111.71 which represented her unpaid water bills for the where there is no appeal or any other plain, speedy and
period June 1, 2002 to September 30, 2005.  adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law." In Jaca v.
Davao Lumber Co., the Court ruled:
Due to respondent's failure, petitioner disconnected
respondent's water line for not paying the adjusted water x x x Although Section 1, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court
charges since March 2003 up to August 2005.11 provides that the special civil action of certiorari may only
be invoked when "there is no appeal, nor any plain, speedy
The MTCC rendered a Decision in favor of respondent, and adequate remedy in the course of law," this rule is not
holding that she should be considered to have fully paid without exception. The availability of the ordinary course of
petitioner. appeal does not constitute sufficient ground to prevent a
party from making use of the extraordinary remedy of
Aggrieved, petitioner filed a petition for certiorari under certiorari where appeal is not an adequate remedy or
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court before the RTC, ascribing equally beneficial, speedy and sufficient. It is the
grave abuse of discretion on the part of the MTCC in inadequacy – not the mere absence – of all other legal
finding that it (petitioner) failed to establish with certainty remedies and the danger of failure of justice without the
respondent's obligation, and in not ordering the latter to writ that usually determines the propriety of certiorari.
pay the full amount sought to be collected.
This ruling was reiterated in Conti v. Court of Appeals:
The RTC issued a Decision21 dismissing the petition for
certiorari, finding that the said petition was only filed to Truly, an essential requisite for the availability of the
circumvent the non-appealable nature of small claims cases extraordinary remedies under the Rules is an absence of an
as provided under Section 23 of the Rule of Procedure on appeal nor any "plain, speedy and adequate remedy" in the
Small Claims Cases. To this end, the RTC ruled that it ordinary course of law, one which has been so defined as a
cannot supplant the decision of the MTCC with another "remedy which (would) equally (be) beneficial, speedy and
sufficient not merely a remedy which at some time in the Test of 4 Questions in determining in permissive or
future will bring about a revival of the judgment x x x compulsory counter claim:
complained of in the certiorari proceeding, but a remedy
which will promptly relieve the petitioner from the 1. Have the same factual issues?
injurious effects of that judgment and the acts of the inferior 2. Would a final judgement in a main case res judicata
court or tribunal" concerned. x x x (Emphasis supplied) to the counterclaim if the counterclaim file
In this relation, it may not be amiss to placate the RTC's 3. Logical connection
apprehension that respondent's recourse before it (was only 4. Evidence in the main action disprove the claim in
filed to circumvent the non-appealable nature of [small the counter claim
claims cases], because it asks [the court] to supplant the
decision of the lower [c]ourt with another decision directing Negative Pregnant – is a denial pregnant with admission
the private respondent to pay the petitioner a bigger sum
than what has been awarded."28 Verily, a petition for
certiorari, unlike an appeal, is an original action29 designed
to correct only errors of jurisdiction and not of judgment.
Owing to its nature, it is therefore incumbent upon
petitioner to establish that jurisdictional errors tainted the
MTCC Decision. The RTC, in turn, could either grant or
dismiss the petition based on an evaluation of whether or
not the MTCC gravely abused its discretion by capriciously,
whimsically, or arbitrarily disregarding evidence that is
material to the controversy.30

In view of the foregoing, the Court thus finds that petitioner

correctly availed of the remedy of certiorari to assail the
propriety of the MTCC Decision in the subject small claims
case, contrary to the RTC's ruling.

Likewise, the Court finds that petitioner filed the said

petition before the proper forum (i.e., the RTC).1âwphi1 To
be sure, the Court, the Court of Appeals and the Regional
Trial Courts have concurrent jurisdiction to issue a writ of
certiorari.31Such concurrence of jurisdiction, however, does
not give a party unbridled freedom to choose the venue of
his action lest he ran afoul of the doctrine of hierarchy of
courts. Instead, a becoming regard for judicial hierarchy
dictates that petitions for the issuance of writs of certiorari
against first level courts should be filed with the Regional
Trial Court, and those against the latter, with the Court of
Appeals, before resort may be had before the Court.32 This
procedure is also in consonance with Section 4, Rule 65 of
the Rules of Court.33

Hence, considering that small claims cases are exclusively

within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Trial Courts,
Municipal Trial Courts in Cities, Municipal Trial Courts,
and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts,34 certiorari petitions
assailing its dispositions should be filed before their
corresponding Regional Trial Courts. This petitioner
complied with when it instituted its petition for certiorari
before the RTC which, as previously mentioned, has
jurisdiction over the same. In fine, the RTC erred in
dismissing the said petition on the ground that it was an
improper remedy, and, as such, RTC Case No. 11-13833
must be reinstated and remanded thereto for its proper

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision

dated November 23, 2011 and Resolution dated February
16, 2012 of the Regional Trial Court of Bacolod City, Branch
45 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. RTC Case No. 11-13833
is hereby REINSTATED and the court a quo is ordered to
resolve the same with dispatch.


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