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Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous or present simple.

1 Jakub _______________ French at the moment. (study)

2 We _______________ TV every evening. (watch)
3 You _______________ on the sofa now. (not sit)
4 The sharks sometimes ________________ near the beach. (swim)
5 I _______________ a book right now. (not read)
6 Today, she _______________ cycling. (not go)
___________________( they) the mountain today? (climb)
17(.She look) for a flat this week? She normally (stay) with her sister
18.Jim always (leave) his things all over the place, but he (clean) his room at this moment
19.Mary always (work) till 3, though she (make) extra hours
20.Though you (close) the door, you sometimes (lose) your keys
21.Though the car never (break) down, I (repair) it at this moment
22.Though you never (do) your homework, you (do) these sentences now

Complete the sentences using the past simple and past continuous form of the verbs.

1 When I__________ home, Dad ___________-dinner get / cook

1 I ___________________ my homework while I ___________________ in the car. Do / sit
2 While Rob ____________________ in bed, I ___________________ Jo on my mobile. Sleep/ phone
3 Asha and Tom _______________some DVDs when they ___________________ in town. Buy/shop
4 While I __________________ the internet, I ___________________ my emails. Surf/ check
5 We __________________ our sandwiches when we ___________________ for the bus. Eat/wait
1 I ____________________ some flowers when my girlfriend……………. into the shop. (buy/come)
2 She ……………a sad book and she __________________ more and more upset. (read-get)
3 He ……………..and I ___________________. (phone-answer)
5 What _______________ you _______________ at the time when the bag disappeared? (do)
2 They ………………. near the door when someone _____________________ the bell. (sit--ring)
4 What _______________ you _______________ at the time when the window ……..? (do/break)

Present perfect and past simple Complete the sentences with the correct forms.

I______________ Lara since 2003. ( know)

1 Holly and Jason _____________________ up in May. (break)
2 Joe _____________________ his manager last month. ( sack)
3 ________________ you ever ________________ a celebrity? (meet )
4 We _____________________ the video yet. (shoot)
5 I _____________________ an interview yesterday. ( do)
2.How long (they/know) each other?
3.They (wait) for three hours.
4.They first (meet) a long time ago.
5.They (marry) since 1987.
6.Last week I (go) to the office every day.
7.He (work) hard on the car yesterday.
8.(you/go/ ever) to Paris?
9.He (drive) a long way yesterday.
10.He (have) six accidents last year.


1. I (go ) to the theatre this evening
2. Perhaps, I (travel) to Australia
3. Why are you turning on the television? I (watch) the news
4. The football match (begin) at ten o’clock
5. I haven’t got any money. -Don’t worry I (lend) you some
6. Look those clouds, it (rain)
7. We (have) dinner with my mother tomorrow morning
8. Tony (meet) a friend tomorrow
9. I think it (snow) soon
10. the train (leave) at half past eight
11. they (come) for a meal tonight
12. lessons (start) at nine o’clock
13. if you have problems don’t worry I (help) you
14. look at those clouds, it (rain) in a minute
15. that’s the phone, I (answer) it
1. -where are you going? I (see) a friend
2. -tea or coffee? I (have) tea
3. -I (see) the dentist tomorrow
4. -I think I (stay) in this afternoon
5. the match (begin) at 3:30

past simple past perfect

6. by the time we (get) to the cinema, the film (start), so we (miss) the first five minutes
7. when I (ring) the bell, there (be) no answer. The neighbour (tell) me that they (go out) about half an hour ago
8. I (see) Casablanca for the fist time last night. I (not see) it before
9. I (feel) fat. I (have) a huge lunch
10. I (spend) a week in Miami recently. I (not be) there before
11. there (be) so much to see in Toledo. I (want) to see everything but I (not have) enough time
12. if I (know) about the concert I (go)
13. if you (take) my advice, it (happen)
14. we (have) an argument, if she (mention) politics
15. if you (not park) there, you (have got) a parking fine
16. they (find) the body on a building site. It (be mutilated)
17. she (tell) me she (buy) a wew car
18. the police (say) the teacher (resist) arrest
19. when he (arrive), Eve (not be) there. She (leave) about five munites before
20. when we (arrive) back in Spain, they (lose) our luggage. We only (have) to wait to two daus to get it back though,
and they (deliver) it to the house
21. when I (get back), nobody (do) the washing-up. I (be) furious

4 Complete the sentences with just, still, already and yet.

1 Has he phoned her ___________________________?
2 She ________________ hasn’t got a boyfriend.
3 She has ________________ asked him. She asked him a few weeks ago.
4 He’s _______________ got married! The wedding was today.
1. Anna ………..(not phone)to tell us that she will be late
2. he …………..(visit) Grandma. He went two days ago
3. John (not arrive) home………………His wife is waiting for him
4. be quiet. My parents …………(put)the baby to sleep
5. Joe ……………….(catch) the bus, he was late
6. Mary ……………(not go) to Paris. She went last year
7. they (not eat)…………they are in a meeting
8. your husband (arrive)………..?
9. the dog …………(not bit) that man. He goes to the police station
10. the rabbit …………….(eat) all the carrots. I have to buy more
11. the machine (not work) ………… call the mechanic
12. you …………(paint) this room, it’s lovely
13. she (play)the piano……….?
14. I ………….(not do) all the sentences

Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 We’ve been in Rome …………..four days. It’s fantastic!
2 My grandmother has lived in her house……….1958.
3 I haven’t done any work …………..yesterday. I’m really lazy!
4 I’ve lived here…………… I was born.
5 I haven’t seen Lillian ……………a long time.
6 Millie hasn’t phoned ……………..she went to Spain.
7 I haven’t been abroad ……………two years.
8 I haven’t had a nightmare ………..ages!
1. He has waited.........three hours
2. He has lived here......1987
3. they have driven.......all the weekend
4. they have played tennis......they were boys
5. I have been ages………..he travelled abroad
6. I haven’t received any letters………..over a week
7. has she asked for more money…………..she started working there?
8. sheila has visited James in Rome three times……….he moved there
9. where have you been? I have been here…………over an hour
10. Ian hasn’t been to a concert…………..ages

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