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MODULE 8: Home office, Branch and Agency Accounting

1. Account for home office and branch transactions.

1. Entity A opens a sales agency in Cebu City and a working fund of P20, 000 is established on
imprest basis. The first payment from the funs is P3,000 for the rent. The transaction should
be recorded by the home office as follows:

No Entry, because this is recorded when the working fund is replenished.

2. The following information pertains to shipments of merchandise from Home Office to

Branch during 1991:
Home office’s cost of merchandise 160,000
Intracompany billing 200,000
Sales by branch 250,000
Unsold merchandise at Branch on December 31, 1991 20,000

In the combined income statement of Home Office and Branch for the year ended December 31,
1991 what amount of the above transactions should be included in sales?
a.250,000 c. 200,000
b.230,000 d. 180,000

In the preparation of combined income statement of home office and branch, all intercompany
transactions should be eliminated as if it had never occurred. Therefore, the only transaction that
should remain are transactions to unrelated customers and that is P250,000 sales by branch.

3. Prepare individual and combined financial statements home offices and its branches.
The individual trial balance balances of a home office and its branch are shown below:
Home Office Branch
Dr. (Cr.) Dr. (Cr.)
Cash 600,000 250,000
Account Receivable 720,000 280,000
Inventory, Beg 650,000 10,000
shipment from home office 520,000
Purchases 880,000 15,000
frieght in 33,000 5,000
shipments to branch (520,000)
investment in branch 545,000
land 1,000,000
building 4,000,000
Accum deprecitaion-bldg (2,400,000)
equipment 800,000 500,000
accump depreciation - equip (200,000) (100,000)
acount payable (360,000) (40,000)
share capital (2,000,000)
share premium (50,000)
retained earnings (946,000)
home office (545,000)
sales (2,900,000) (1,080,000)
depreciation expense 400,000 75,000
salaries expense 180,000 100,000
utilities expense 18,000 10,000
totals - -
inventory, end 160,000 56,000

Prepare the combined statement of profit or loss and statement of financial position.

4. Nourish your soul

(John 15:5) “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
for without Me you can do nothing.”

The verse itself is a beautiful description of our complete dependency on God. Without Him, we can do
nothing because our lives rests on His hands. Jesus Christ established this truth because He lived His whole life
in definite reliance upon God. God wanted us to walk in spirit and truth, and to obey His will so that His life
may be lived in us and through us. Until we meekly admit that we can do nothing, we will continue to foolishly
and unsuccessfully strive to bring good fruit in our own strength. We must apply this in our daily lives, and
make it as one of our principles, that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. We must live in Him and allow
His spirit to live His life through us like how he dwelled in God and acted only according the Father's will.

5. Quiz
In this module I learned that combined financial statements are prepared by adding together similar items of
assets, liabilities, income and expenses and eliminating the reciprocal accounts and other inter-office accounts.

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