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Inscrito en el M.P.P.E. 30-09-1965 – Nro. S0690D0701
Puerto Ordaz – Estado Bolívar



Valor: 18 ptos. + 2 ptos. Puntualidad

Fecha: Miércoles 28/10/2020 Fecha para la entrega: Viernes 30/10/2020

Correo: [email protected]

Esta evaluación corresponde al contenido de la unidad 1 de la planificación. Es individual. Preferiblemente la

responden en Word para poder enviársela nuevamente corregida (la envían a mi correo y la devuelvo desde
mi correo) junto con la nota. La pregunta 7 es estrictamente personal. No puede haber respuestas iguales
porque serán anuladas. La puntualidad en la entrega vale dos puntos. A partir de ahí se descontará 1
punto por cada día de retraso hasta un máximo de cinco días.

1. Complete with the appropriate pronoun. (0,5 ptos. c/u = 2 ptos.)

a.- Mr. Brown has a big flat in New York. he is rich..

b. I live with my family.
b. Yesterday I saw Diana with her husband. They were shopping with their children.

2) Place the correct article ("a", "an") in the following sentences: (0,5 ptos. c/u = 1 pto.)

a) To be a honest man is the principal thing.

b) In this table you can see an apple.

3) Complete the following dialogue with pronouns and the verb “to be” (0,5 ptos. c/u = 2 ptos.)

a) Hello!, What is your (tu) name?.

b) my (mi) name is
a) Are you and Your (tus) parents from Venezuela?.
b) Yes, they are (son) from Venezuela.

4. Complete the sentences with numbers and write if it is cardinal or ordinal (0,25 ptos.c/u = 3 ptos.)

number cardinal or ordinal

a. "How old are you?" I´m –13 years old------- thirteen _ cardinal _

b. "How many notebooks do you have?" –i thirty _ cadinal _

have 30 notebooks-----
c. Queen Elizabeth second--married Prince Second(two) _ ordinal _
d. Where do you live? On the third------floor Third(three) _ ordinal _

e. The ------- World War lasted 6-----years. Second(two) _ ordinal _

six _ cardinal _

5. Write the indicated numbers in letters (0,5 ptos. c/u = 3 ptos.)

108 one hundred eight

1524 one thousand five hundred twenty four

17 seventeen

176 one hundred seventy six

211 two hundred eleven

781 seven hundred eighty one

6. Rewrite the following sentence. Put the verb into the correct form:
(1pto. c/u: 0,5 verb + 0,5 correct order = 4 ptos.)

" I play chess "

Simple future: i will play chess _ _

Question simple past: did you play chess yesterday? _ _
Present Perfect negative: i have not played chess _
Conditional progressive: i wouldn’t be playing chess all day long _

7. Read the text and answer each question with a complete sentence. Explain your answer.
(0,5 vocabulary + 1 verbal changes = 1,5 each= 3 ptos)

Sights in Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles is one of the biggest cities in the state of California. The city is a very popular tourist attraction
because there is so much to see and do there. First there is the biggest attraction of all: the ocean! Los
Angeles is only minutes away from the beautiful beaches on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Because of this,
surfing and other water sports are very common there. Another popular sight is Hollywood and the walk of
fame. This star covered sidewalk shows the names of hundreds of popular actors, actresses, musicians, and
more. Many people visiting the city walk up and down the sidewalk in search of their favorite star. There are
even bus tours the visitors can go on to see the homes of the famous people who live in Los Angeles.

a. Is Los Angeles popular? Why?

b. Do you like the beach? Why?

R1: Yes, it is popular because there is so much to see and do there, First there is the biggest
attraction of all: the ocean, Los Angeles is only minutes away from the beautiful beaches on the coast
of the Pacific Ocean.

R2: Yes i do, i like the beach because there is a lot of things that i can do there, like swim, eat, run,
play voleyball and lots of things more. I think beach is one of my favorites places to go.

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