Mso201/Eso 209: Probability & Statistics Semester 2: 2013-14 Problem Set #1

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Semester 2: 2013-14
Problem Set #1
Instructor: Amit Mitra

[1] A coin is tossed until for the first time the same result appear twice in succession.
To an outcome requiring n tosses assign a probability 2 . Describe the sample
space. Evaluate the probability of the following events:
(a) A = The experiment ends before the 6th toss.
(b) B = An even number of tosses are required.
(c) A  B, AC  B

[2] Three tickets are drawn randomly without replacement from a set of tickets
numbered 1 to 100. Show that the probability that the number of selected tickets are
100 
in (i) arithmetic progression is 1 66 and (ii) geometric progression is 105  .
 3 

[3] Three players A,B and C play a series of games, none of which can be drawn and
their probability of winning any game are equal. The winner of each game scores 1
point and the series is won by the player who first scores 4 points. Out of the first
three games A won 2 games and B won 1 game. Find the probability that C will win
the series.

[4] A point P is randomly placed in a square with side of 1 cm. Find the probability that
the distance from P to the nearest side does not exceed x cm.
[5] Let there be n people in a room and p denote the probability that there are no
common birthdays. Find an approximate value of p for n  10.
[6] Suppose a lift has 3 occupants A, B and C and there are three possible floors (1,2 and
3) on which they can get out. Assuming that each person acts independently of the
others and that each person has an equally likely chance of getting off at each floor,
calculate the probability that exactly one person will get out on each floor.
[7] If n men, among whom are A and B , stand in a row, what is the probability that
there will be exactly r men between A and B ?

[8] In a town of n  1 inhabitants, a person tells a rumor to a second person, who in turn
tells it to a third person, and so on. At each step the recipient of the rumor is chosen
at random from the n people available. Find the probability that the rumor will be
told r times without
(a) returning to the originator,
(b) being repeated to any person.

Do the same problem when at each step the rumor is told to a gathering of N

randomly chosen people.

[9] 2 points are taken at random and independently of each other on a line segment of
length m. Find the probability that the distance between the 2 points is less than m 3.
[10] n points are taken at random and independently of one another inside a sphere of
radius R. What is the probability that the distance from the centre of the sphere to the
nearest point is not less than r?
[11] A car is parked among N cars in a row, not at either end. On his return, the owner
finds that exactly r of the N places are still occupied. What is the probability that
both neighboring places are empty?

[12] 3 points X, Y, Z are taken at random and independently of each other on a line
segment AB. What is the probability that Y will lie between X and Z?
[13] The coefficients of the equation a x 2  b x  c  0 are determined by throwing an
ordinary die. Find the probability that the framed equation will have real roots.

[14] Let   {1, 2,3, 4} . Check whether any of the following is a  -field of subsets of 
1   ,{1,2},{3,4}
2   , ,{1},{2,3,4},{1,2},{3,4}
3   , ,{1},{2},{1,2},{3,4},{2,3,4},{1,3,4}

[15] Prove that if 1 and 2 are  -fields of subsets of  , then 1 2 is also a  -
field. Give a counter example to show that similar result for union of -fields does
not hold.

[16] Let  be a  -field of subsets of the sample space  and let A   be fixed.
Show that A  C : C  A  B , B    is a  -field of subsets of A.


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