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The Court ADOPTS the findings of fact and conclusions of law in the December 7, 2012
Decision of the CA in CAG. R. CR-HC No. 04602 and AFFIRMS said Decision finding
accusedappellant Romeo Antido y Lantayan a.k.a. Romeo Antigo y Lantayan alias "Jon-Jon"
GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Rape punishable under paragraph 1 of Article
266-A in relation to paragraph 5 of Article 266-B, under RA 8353. Accordingly, he is sentenced to
suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and ordered to pay private complainant the following
amounts: (a) ₱75,000.00 as civil indemnity; (b) ₱75,000.00 as moral damages; and (c)
₱30,000.00 as exemplary damages, consistent with existingjurisprudence.3

However, it appears that before the promulgation of the said Resolution, accused-
appellant had already died on December 28, 2013, as evidenced by his Certificate of Death.


Whether the criminal liability of the accused when already died before promulgation is


Yes. Under prevailing law and jurisprudence, accused-appellant's death prior to his final
conviction by the Court renders dismissible the criminal cases against him. Article 89 (1) of the
Revised Penal Code provides that criminal liability is totally extinguished by the death of the

Article 89. How criminal liability is totally extinguished. - Criminal liability is totally extinguished:

1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal penalties; and as to pecuniary

penalties, liability therefor is extinguished only when the death of the offender
occurs before final judgment.

Thus, upon accused-appellant's death pending appeal of his conviction, the criminal action is
extinguished inasmuch as there is no longer a defendant to stand as the accused.

Wherefore DECLARE the instant case CLOSED and TERMINATED.

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