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Std:VII(SSC) Sub:Maths

Fullmarks:20 Time:1 Hour

1) Write the following statements using symbol of variation. Solve. (3)
(i) Area of a circle (A) is directly proportional to the square of its radius (r).
(ii) The wave length of sound (l) and its frequency (f) are in inverse variation.
(iii) The volume of a sphere (v) varies as the cube of its radius (r).
2)Choose the correct alternative for each of the following questions. (2)
(i)A train is moving at a uniform speed of 75 km / hr. It will travel ………. km in 20 minutes.
(a) 25 (b) 50 (c) 35 (d) 20

(ii) w ∴ when z = 2.5, w = 24. k = …………
(a) 70 (b) 80 (c) 60 (d) 40
3) Solve. (any two) (4)
y α
(i) x and y = 3.5 when x = 24. Find y when x = 8.

(ii) Sα t and S = 30 when t = 36. Find the constant of variation and equation of

(iii) The quantity of y varies directly as x. If x = 12, when y = 48. Find (i) the value of y
when x = 10
(ii) the value of x when y = 36.
4) Solve the following. (any two) (6)
(i) 15 women finish the work of harvesting a crop in 8 days. Find the number of women
to be employed if the same job is to be completed in 6 days.
(ii) The cost of sugar is directly proportional to its weight. 12 kg of sugar costs ₹ 138.
Find the cost of 5 kg of sugar.
(iii) If n varies directly as m. Complete the following table.

m 5 3 6.5
n 20 12 28 5

5) Solve. (any one) (5)

(i)A batch of bottles were packed in 25 boxes with 12 bottles in each box. If the same batch is
packed using 20 bottles in each box, how many boxes would be filled?
(ii) If 15 workers can build a wall in 48 hours, how many workers will be required to do the
same work in 30 hours? Identify the variation and so

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