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The Competition Commission of India has been constituted under Section 7 of the Competition

Act, 2002 as amended in 2007.

The Competition Commission of India consists of a Chairperson and not less than two and not
more than six other Members. Under Section 18 of the Competition Act, the functions of the
Commission inter-alia are to eliminate practices having adverse effect on competition, promote
and sustain competition, protect the interests of consumers and ensure freedom of trade carried
on by other participants, in markets in India.

Also act was amended in 2007 to create an appellate tribunal called CAT to hear appeal against
decisions of CCI but only in defined cases.

Duties & Powers of CCI

 It shall be the duty of CCI to sustain competition in markets, protect freedom of

trade and interests of consumers in markets.

 To sustain competition in markets, CCI has power to make inquiries in case of any
certain agreement, abuse of dominant position or any combination by any person or body
corporate on its own or on receipt of complaint by consumer or by reference of govt or
any authority.

 The CCI has powers to inquire into any of acts outside India that causes adverse
impacts on competition within India.

 The Chairperson shall constitute benches to exercise powers of CCI and a bench shall
consist of at least 2 members include at least 1 judicial member (qualified to be a judge of
High Court. The Bench where Chairperson presides is known as Principal bench and
others are known as additional benches.

 The CCI has power to make inquiry (either Suo Motto or on request of any person,
consumer or trade association) and pass order for any certain agreement, abuse of
dominant position or any combination that cause adverse effect on competition within
 The CCI can impose penalties on enterprises or on persons which shall not be > 10% of
turnover of enterprise or person in case of any offence as provided under this act. Also
CCI can order to any enterprise or person to pay compensation to person or enterprise
who suffered from acts of that person or enterprise.

 The CCI can advise central govt for division of a dominant enterprise to ensure that it
does not abuse its position. Consequently, govt can take action either same as advised by
CCI or in other form as case may be. 

 The CCI has power equivalent to a civil court while discharging its functions in

matters such as summoning, producing evidences etc. Also has power to regulate its own
procedure such as place of sittings, timings etc.

 Any person or enterprise can appeal to Supreme Court against order of CCI within
60 days from date of order. But no appeal shall be allowed if order passed by CCI
involves consent of both parties.

 No Civil court can exercise jurisdiction on any matter under this act or any matter on
which CCI is empowered to exercise jurisdiction.    

Penalization Powers

 If any enterprise or person not complies with any order of CCI shall liable for punishment
of imprisonment up to 1 year or/and fine which shall not be > 10 lakh.

 If any person fails to comply with any direction given by CCI or Director General such as
ignore summons etc. shall be liable for penalty of Rs 1 lakh per day during such failure

 If any person or enterprise (party to a combination) provides any false information or

hide any considerable information shall liable for penalty of not less than 50 lakhs and
may be extended up to 1 crore.
 Also every person of an enterprise (contravenes any provisions of act) who was
responsible to company for conduct of particular business shall be tried and punished as
may be determined by CCI.
Control of Central Govt over CCI

 The Central Govt has power to exempt any number of enterprises from provisions of

act as it may deems fit for security or interests of country or public.

 The Central can issue directions to CCI and CCI is bound to follow that directions.

 The Central Govt can suspend & take charge over the CCI for period not exceeding 6
months in circumstances such as default made by CCI or situation beyond control of CCI
or in public interest etc. The Govt shall reconstitute CCI after that period by fresh
appointments may be differed from previous one.

Amendment 2007 (Key Features)

 A Competition Appellate Tribunal (CAT) is established to hear and dispose of appeals

against certain decisions made by the CCI. Some of the decisions that can be challenged

 The CCI’s decision that an agreement is not causing adverse effect on competition
or an enterprise is not abusing its dominant position;

 The CCI’s order to discontinue the abuse of dominant position, modify

agreements or divide an enterprise;

 The CCI’s decision on whether a combination is having an adverse effect on

competition, and if so, the steps to be taken to rectify the matter.

 The CAT would consist of a Chairperson and a maximum of two members,

appointed by the central govt from the panel of names proposed by the Selection
Committee. The Chairperson would have to be a Judge of the SC or the CJ of the

 Any person can appeal the decision of the CAT in the SC within 60 days from the
date on which the order of the CAT is communicated to the person.

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