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Select (√) the most appropriate option:

Ques. 1. No interest will be allowed for premature encashment of FDR, before –

a. 1 Month b. 6 Months
c. 3 Months d. 12 Months

Ques. 2. Which is not a Scheme Deposit Product of UCB?

a. UCB Youngsters DPS Plus b. UCB NRB Savings

c. UCB Earning Plus d. UCB RMG DPS Plus

Ques. 3. For clearing a cheque , bank should put-

a. General Crossing b. Special Crossing

c. Either (a) or (b) d. None of the above

Ques. 4. Who are eligible for opening RFCD account?

a. Foreigners in Bangladesh b. Nonresident Bangladeshis

c. Resident Bangladeshis d. Any Bangladeshi travelling abroad

Ques. 5. Under what Act of the following, the banker- customer relationship is generally established?

a. Negotiable Instrument Act- 1881 b. Banking companies Act- 1991

c. Contract Act - 1872 d. Bangladesh Bank Order- 1972

Ques. 6. A cheque dated in advance is known as:

a. Anti dated b. Post dated

c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of the above

Ques. 7. Demand draft is :

a. Negotiable instrument b. Quasi negotiable instrument

c. Not negotiable instrument d. None of them

Ques. 8. Cheque is always payable

a. After expiry of the certain b period b. On demand

c. Post dated d. None of them

Ques. 9. Cancellation of crossing of cheque can be done by

a. Holder b. Payee
c. Drawer d. None of them

As per the FI Act, 1993, the Bangladesh Bank shall prescribe the minimum capital of every
Ques. 10.
financial institution.

a. True b. False
Ques. 11. Why introduction is necessary for opening an account?

a. For loss of Statutory Protection only b. For risk of issuing fake Cheque only
c. For risk Un-discharged Insolvent only d. For all of the above reasons

Ques. 12. What type of account ‘UCB Saving Plus’ is -

a. Savings Nature A/c b. FDR Scheme

c DPS d Special Scheme

Ques. 13. Which one is Traditional Banking Product?

a. UCB Earning Plus b. Money Maximizer

c. SND d. None of above
Ques. 14. --------- are send through BEFTN.
a. Images of instrument b. Physical Instruments
c. Duplicate copy of instruments d. Instructions

Ques. 15. There are ----- parties in a TT.

a. Three b. Four

Ques. 16. Authentication/confirmation is not required for the following material alteration :

a. Cancellation of the word bearer b. Crossing of an open cheque

c. All of the above d. None of the above

Ques. 17. Cash retained with Vault is

a. Liability to the Bank b. Asset to the Bank

c. Asset to the customers. d. None of the above

Ques. 18. Which Agency is responsible for investigating Money laundering activities as per MLP Act?

a. CID of Bangladesh Police b. Anti-Corruption Commission

c. Bangladesh Bank d. Ministry of Finance

Ques. 19. Which of the following document is not must to open a bank account for a partnership firm?

a. Deed copy b. Registration certificate

c. Photos of all partners d. Signature Specimen Card
Ques. 20. BEFTN Credit instruction needs not any agreement.

a. True b. False

Ques. 21. A cross cheque can be en-cashed over the counter.

a. True b. False

Ques. 22. TAX on Interest is payable for the account having No TIN Certificate –

a. 15% b. 10%
c. 25% d. 22%
Ques. 23. There are ……… parties in a cheque.
a. 2 b. 3
c 4 d None of the Above

Ques. 24. Which is not negotiable instrument?

c. Cheque d. BOND
c Bill of Exchange d Demand promissory note.

Ques. 25. Excise Duty realize from the A/c, as and when –

a. Encashment b. at closing of A/c

c. End of Financial Year    d. For all of the above

Ques. 26. LBC is a mode of Remittance.

a. True b. False

Ques. 27. When the Saving Account is marked as Dormant?

a. Inoperative 24 months b. Inoperative 12 months
c. Inoperative 6 months d. Inoperative 3 months

Ques. 28. Daily Cash Position Memois prepared by the Head Teller/Cash-In-Charge.

a. True b. False
Ques. 29. Participants in BEFTN may be:

a. Five b. Six
c. Three d. Four

Ques. 30. An ‘A/C Payee ‘crossing is not general crossing.

a. True b. False

Branch should not issue any cheque books to the new customers and allow online transactions
Ques. 31.
without fulfilling –

a. A/C opening formalities b. documentations

c. Approval of HOB d. All the above.

Ques. 32. There are 4 parties in an DD.

a. Correct b. Incorrect

Ques. 33. Which of the following ink is used in Bangladesh currency notes for security measure?
a. Magnetic ink b. Intaglio Ink
c. Color shifting OVI ink d. Only (b) & (c)
e. All of the above
Ques. 34. Only cash In- charge is responsible and liable for shortage of cash in the vault.

a. True b. False
Ques. 35. Only Foreign Nationals can open NFCD account                                           

a. True b. False

Ques. 36. There are ---- types of EFT can be originated

a. Two b. Three
c. Four d. Five

What would be the effect on bank account, if a partner die, unless the partnership agreement
Ques. 37.
provides to the contrary

a. Continue the account b. Close the account

c. New account should be opened d. Any one of the above with some conditions

Ques. 38. The definition of High value instrument depends on

a. Area of the instrument b. Distance of the branch from Bangladesh Bank

c. Size of the instrument d. Amount of the instrument

Ques. 39. BACH consists of

a. 3 Windows b. 4 Windows
c. 2 Windows d. 5 Windows

Ques. 40. Which one of the following is true?

a. SLR is a part of CRR b. At present CRR is 5.5%

c. At present SLR is 19% d. Both (b) and (c)

Ques. 41. Who cannot carry the partnership firm?

a. Two or more b. All partners

One partner represented by all of the
c. d. A Minor
Ques. 42. Minimum opening balance for Imperial savings account is ……..

a. BDT 300,000 b. BDT 200,000

c. BDT 600,000 d. BDT 300,0000

Ques. 43. Which one is not the function of commercial bank?

a. To issue currency notes. b. To mobilize deposits

c. To deliver credit. d. None of the above
Ques. 44. Which one is not the function of Bangladesh bank?

a. To formulate monetary policy b. To implement monetary policy

To safeguard the integrity of the
c. d. To formulate exchange rate policy.
Ques. 45. Write Down the name of the Core Banking Software of UCB.


Ques. 46. A cross cheque is protective than:

a. A bearer Cheque b. An Order Cheque

c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of them

Ques. 47. The banker has a statutory obligation to:

a. Honor customer’s cheque b. Exercise Lien

Maintain secrecy of his customer’s
c. d. Honour customer’s bill

Ques. 48. Which one is the present level of CRR in Bangladesh

a. 5 percent of total deposits b. 6.5 percent of total deposits

c. 7 percent of total deposits d. 19 percent of total deposits

Ques. 49. House hold durable loan is designed for:

a. Salaried Employee b. Advocates

c Businessman d Doctors

How many types of Application Forms are used in our Bank to open different types of Bank
Ques. 50.

Different Forms for different nature of

a. Five types of Forms b. Account

Different Forms for different legal status of

c. Two types of Forms d. Account Holder

Ques. 51.
a Yes b
Ques. 52.

a Relationship officials at Branch b

c A+B d

Ques. 53.
Loan equivalent to or above 50%
a. b.
of Banks capital
Loan equivalent to or above 10%
c. d.
of Banks capital

Ques. 54.
a True b

Ques. 55.

a 100% of market value b

c Maximum 50% of market value d

Ques. 56.

a Document value of an imported items b

Document value plus other cost, till
c arriving goods at business site. d

Ques. 57.

a OD (Gen). b

c. HBL (Res). d.

Ques. 58.

a. True b.

Ques. 59.

a Payable 5 to 10 year. b

c Payable above 05 year. d

Ques. 60.

a Business concern of borrower family b

c Both of the above d

Ques. 61.

a Receivables b

c Cash in hand d

Ques. 62.
a 50% of Banks Capital b

c. 35% of Banks Capital d.

Ques. 63.

a. Forced sale value by the surveyor b.

Lowest forced sale value by the Branch
c. d.
or surveyor.

Ques. 64.

a. 50% b.

c. 18% d.

Ques. 65.

a. Superior b.

c. Acceptable d.

Ques. 66.
Prospect of the industry & market share
a b
& economics factors.
c. Prospect of security. d.

Ques. 67.

a 100 b

c 75 d

Ques. 68.

a 10% b

c Bank rate d

Ques. 69.

a Short term financial obligation b

c Working capital obligation d

Ques. 70.

a Interest Servicing ability b

c Both Interest & Principal Servicing ability. d

Ques. 71.

a. Almost Ready succession b.

c. Succession not ready d.

Ques. 72.
Experience of senior Management of the
a. b.
c. All of the above. d.

Ques. 73.

a HBL b

c Term Loan d

Ques. 74.

a. Present market price b.

Higher of the Purchase price or market
c. d.

Ques. 75.

a. Asset side of Balance Sheet b.

c. Both side d.

Ques. 76.

a. Assignment b.

c. Mortgage d.
Ques. 77.

a Movable Property b

c Book Debt/ Bills Receivable d

Ques. 78.

a. Gross Profit margin b.

c. Return on Equity d.

Ques. 79.

a. Revolving facility b.

c. Non funded facility d.

Ques. 80.

a. True b.

Ques. 81.

a. True b.

Ques. 82.

a. Equal b.

c. Higher d.

Ques. 83.

a. Yes b.

Ques. 84.

a. Acceptable b.

c. Good d.

Ques. 85.

a. Private Limited Co. b.

c. Public Limited Co. d.

Ques. 86.

a. 100% b.

c. 85% d.

Ques. 87.
a. True b.

Ques. 88.

a. Fixed deposit b.

c. Loans and advances d.

Ques. 89.

a. Posting, journalizing, analyzing b.

c. Analyzing, posting, journalizing d.

Ques. 90.

a. Cost principle b.

c. Periodicity assumption d.

Ques. 91.

a. True b.

Ques. 92.

a. True b.

Ques. 93.

a. RJSC&F b.

c. Dhaka Stock Exchange d.

Ques. 94.

a. True b.
Ques. 95.

a. True b.

Ques. 96.

a. True b.

Ques. 97.

a. UCB Bikash b.

c. UCB Trishna d.

Ques. 98.

a. STD Loan b.

c. SMA Loan d.

Ques. 99.

a. 10% of the bank’s capital b.

c. 35% of the bank’s capital d.

Ques. 100.

a. Assets b.

c Revenues d
Ques. 101. In case of foreign trade in Bangladesh which payment method is widely used:

a. Cash in advance b. Open account

c. Documentary collection d. Documentary credit

Ques. 102. Import policy is issued for-

4 Years 1 Years
a. b.
3 years 2 Years
c. d.
Before certifying EXP, AD should ensure that the exporter is registered with CCI&E.
Ques. 103.
True False
a. b.
Ques. 104. In Import related transactions, Authorized Dealers buy foreign currency.
True False
a. b.

Ques. 105. Money changers can maintain FC account with Bangladesh Bank.
True False
a. b.

Ques. 106. In case of industrial LCA shipment validity is 17 months.

True False
a. b.
Ques. 107. All unclassified loan other than SMA and classified loan will be treated as standard.

a. True b. False

Ques. 108. Validity of LCA form for opening of L/C-

a. 120 days b. 150 days

c. 100 days d. 90 days

Foreign missions may pay in FC to any resident in Bangladesh but the beneficiary must encash it within 1
Ques. 109.

a. True b. False

Ques. 110. Who issues LC Authorization Form

a. AD b. BB
c. CCI & E d. None of the above
Ques. 111. How many incoterms are in the present revision?

a. 12 b. 11
c. 9 d. 13

Ques. 112. What is the responsibility of an advising Bank?

a. To issue LC b. To confirm the authenticity of a LC

c. To make payment to the exporter d. To give a payment undertaking

Ques. 113. Which is not a currency as per FERA 1947?

a. Bills of Exchange b. LC
c. Bill of Lading d. Drafts

Ques. 114. Which kind of LC is generally opened under Export LC?

a. SLC b. BBLC
c. ULC d. Stand by LC

Ques. 115. AD Branch may allow Interest on the balances held in FC Accounts.

a. True b. False

Ques. 116. Bill of entry is the proof of :

a. Import b. Release of goods
c. Custom clearance d. Payment complied with value of goods.

Ques. 117. Why bank write-off their classified loans and advances?

To initiate more efforts to recovery the To Clean-up the Bank’s Balance from Classified
a. b.
loans exposure.
c. To improve the assets quality. d. All of the above

Which one indicates unclassified Loan?

Ques. 118.
a. b.
c. DF d. BL

What is the LC value for which credit report is mandatory for opening of LC against indent?
Ques. 119.
10 Lac and above 16 Lac and above
a. b.
15 Lac and above 14 Lac and above
c d

Ques. 120. Which of the following is not among the main/core parties of LC-

a. issuing bank b. advising bank

c. beneficiary d. confirming bank

Ques. 121. As per CFR term, who covers the cost of main carriage-

a. exporter b. importer
c. bank d. none of the above

Ques. 122. For examining documents concerned bank has maximum-

a. 5 banking days b. 10 banking days

c. 15 banking days d. 20 banking days

Ques. 123. What is the opposite of EXW in terms of obligations from the exporter’s point of view?

a. DDP b. DPD
c. DPP d. None of the above.

Ques. 124. Adjusting entries can be classified as

a. Postponements & advances. b. Accruals & prepayments.

c. Prepayments & postponements. d. Accruals & advances
Ques. 125. Forex return statement represents

a. Sales & purchase b. Total buying & Selling

c. Total foreign Exchange transaction d. Foreign currency reserve

Ques. 126. Bill of entry will be overdue after

a. 90 days b. 21 days
c. 120 days d. 7 days
Ques. 127. The basic difference between a deferred L/C & a UsanceL/C is the issuance of Bill of Exchange

True False
a. b.
Ques. 128. From which country Bangladesh received most of its Wage Earner’s Remittance?

U.S.A Saudi Arabia

a. b.
U.A.E All of the above.
c. d.
Ques. 129. What is the name of the latest revision of incoterms

a. Incoterms 2010 b. Incoterms 2012

c. Incoterms 2011 d. Incoterms 2008

Ques. 130. Import policy is issued by -

a. Bangladesh bank b. Ministry of Finance

c. Ministry of Commerce d. Association of bankers

Export business should be routed through-

Ques. 131.
Bangladesh Bank Authorized Dealer
a. b.
Ministry of Finance None of the Above
c. d.

What is the Time Limit for Shipment of Goods from LCAF issue date or registration date for any
Ques. 132. commercial items?

8 Month 9 Month
a. b.
7 Month 11 Month
c. d.
Ques. 133. How do banks exert its recovery efforts toward adjusting the written-off loans & advances?

a. Through in house “ debt collection unit” b. By engaging outstanding agent

c. A&B d. None of the above.

What is the minimum amount to be deposited by a person while opening an NFCD Account?
Ques. 134.
USD 1000 or Pound Sterling 500 or
USD 100 or Pound Sterling 50 or equivalent
a. equivalent b.

USD 1500 or Pound Sterling 500 or

None of the above
c equivalent d

Export proceeds must be repatriated within -

Ques. 135.

90 Days 120 Days

a. b.
180 Days None of the Above
c d
Ques. 136. While importing through land ports Bill of Entry should be collected through importer.

a. True b. False
Ques. 137. ERQ stands For :

a. Export Requirement Quota b. Export Retention Quality

c. Export Retention Quota d. Export Retention Quantity
Ques. 138. What is the elaboration of URR-

Uniform Rules for Reimbursement under

a. Uniform Rules for Reimbursement b.
Documentary Credits
Uniform Rules for Reimbursement under
c. d. none of the above
Documentary Collections

Ques. 139. Documents required in a documentary credit operation according to UCPDC includes-

a. transport documents b. commercial invoice

c. insurance documents d. all of the above

Ques. 140. Issuing Bank’s liability is-

a. primary liability b. secondary liability

c. no liability d. none of the above

Ques. 141. How many types of LC according to tenor?

a. 2 b. 3
c. 6 d. 4

Ques. 142. Bangladeshi nationals residing abroad cannot open Private FC Account.

a. True b. False

Ques. 143. Back to back LC has…….parties

a. 2 b. 4
c. 3 d. 5

Ques. 144. Who are the parties involved in performing custom formalities?

a. NBR b. Exporter
c C & F Agent d None of these

Ques. 145. Validity of IRC is

a. 6 months b. 2 year
c. 1 year d. 3 year

Ques. 146. FERA-1947 is applicable for

a. Residents b. Bangladesh Citizens

c. Non-residents d. UN

What criteria from the following are not considered to classify a loan account as per Bangladesh Bank
Ques. 147.

Date of Sanction Date of Expiry

a. b.
Qualitative Judgment Period of Past due/overdue.
c. d.
Ques. 148. How much FC in USD may be effected from ERQ Account as Advance payment for import purposes ?

a. USD 1,000.00 or equivalent. b. USD 2,000.00 or equivalent.

c USD 100.00 or equivalent. d none of the above

Ques. 149. What is the initial amount for the persons other than non-resident Bangladeshis to open a NFCD A/c?

USD 25,00 or its equivalent USD 20,000 or its equivalent

a. b.
USD 25,000 or its equivalent USD 15,000 or its equivalent
c d
Ques. 150. Can second beneficiary transfer the Transfer L/C to 3 beneficiary?

Yes NO
a. b.

Select (√) the most appropriate option:

Ques. 1) A Bill of Exchange other than a cheque drawn on:

e. Any Bank f. Specified Bank

g. Any person including a specified Banker h. None of these

Ques. 2) Which of the Bank –signed instruments is drawn on issuing branch itself:

a. Cheque b. Demand draft

c. Payment order d. None of these

Ques. 3) The account payee cheque shall be credited

a. In any account b. In the account of bearer

c. In the account of payee named on the face d. None of these

of the cheque

Ques. 4) Banks are incorporated / registered under the:

a. The Bank Company Act, 1991 b. The companies Act ,1994

c. The Finance Act d. None of these

Ques. 5) When a customer opens a Savings account with a bank ; the relationship exists between the
banker and customer is:

a. Debtor- Creditor b. Principal - Agent

c. Trustee - Beneficiary d. None of these

Ques. 6) Holder in due course means

a. Bearer, payee or endorsee who holds b. Bearer, payee or endorsee who holds against
value or consideration
c. Only the Account payee d. None of these

Ques. 7) Write the full form of KYC and KTC

a. b.

Ques. 8) Branch should sent CTR/STR every month

a. False b. True

Ques. 9) Inland fund transfer other then clearing is done through :

a. Pay slip b. Pay order

c. Mail transfer d. Demand Draft
e. None of these

Ques. 10) In Bangladesh first Banking began on

a. 17th December 1971 b. 23rd December ,1971

c. 1st January 1972 d. 27th December 1972

Section B MCQ 10 *1 10

Ques. 1) Which one is treated as Retail or Consumer Credit

a. Loan for purchasing Factory Machinery b. Loan for Working Capita

c. Loan from Credit Card d. None of these

Ques. 2) Syndication means joint financing

a. Only between two Banks for a same b. Only between two Banks /or two non banking
project financial institutes for a same project

c. By more than one Banks for a same d. By more than one Banks/ non banking financial
project institutions for a same project

e. None of these

Ques. 3) CRG is basic module for developing a

a. Credit Risk Grading System b. Credit Risk Management System

c. Credit Proposal Preparation System d. Credit Disburse Management System

e. All of these f. None of these

Ques. 4) Mission of UCBL is:

a. To offer customer solution b. To offer financial solution

c. To offer business solution d. To offer management solution

e. To offer community solution f. None of these

Ques. 5) All credit are to be graded in to --------------------------- categories

a. 4 b. 5

c. 6 d. 7

e. 8 f. None of these

Ques. 6) Packing credit are essentialy a

a. short –term advance b. mid –term advance

c. long –term advance d. life –term advance

e. All of these f. None of these

Ques. 7) Satisfactory _____CIB_________ report about the beneficiary shall have to be obtained before
opening of the Letter of Credit

Ques. 8) Preparation of “ Mandate Sheet” by “Loan Syndication Unit” based on discussion with the borrower

a. True b. False

Ques. 9) Write off means to reduce the value of an asset to Zero in a Balance Sheet

a. True b. False

Ques. 10)Credit Risk is the secondary financial risk in the banking system

a. True b. False

Section B MCQ 10*1 10

Ques. 1) Photocopy of employment contract/appointment letter/offer letter/pay-roll paper and Letter of
Authority is needed to open Wage Earners’ FC Account

a. True b. False

Ques. 2) The head offices/principal offices of the banks shall prepare currency-wise consolidated monthly
statements of transactions in the RFCD accounts in all their AD branches and send the same to
Foreign Exchange Operation Department, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office by the 15th day of the
following month

a. True b. False

Ques. 3) Manufacturing and expiry date need to be written / printed on the container / packages of the
raw materials of food / Beverage

True False

Ques. 4) An Exporter must have.

a. Trade license b. Export Registration Certificate(ERC) issued by the

c. VAT -Registration d. TIN Certificate
e. All of these f. None of these

Ques. 5) All Foreign Remittance are categorized in to two (2) broad categorize:.

1. Foreign Inward Remittance 2. Foreign Outward Remittance

a. True b. False

Ques. 6) Documents under UCPP 600

a. Commercial Invoice b. Transport Documents

c. Insurance Documents d. All of these
e. None of these

Ques. 7) Import can be made without L/C in few cases

a. True b. False

Ques. 8) Import Registration Certificate is not required in case of import of capital machinery for new

a. False b True

Ques. 9) INCOTERMs 2010 are grouped into two

1. Terms for any transport mode 2. Maritime-only terms

a. True b False

Ques. 10)In our country ________________ can request their bankers to transfer the L/C to the second

a. Buying House b. Garments Industry

c. Agro Industry d. None of these
Section D 20*1 20

Ques. 1) CAMEL rating is a system that-

a. Assigns a numerical rating of banks b. Ranks camels according to their quality

c. Ranks camels according to their price d. Allows Banks to operate in a developing country

Ques. 2) Bank rates means-

a. Interest rate at which Bangladesh bank b. Interest rate at which banks gets money from other
lend money to other banks banks
c. Rate of interest that banks charge on their d. Interest rate that is offered by banks to collect
credit deposits
e. All of these f. None of these

Ques. 3) What does WiFi mean?

a. Wireless Fidelity b. Worldwide interconnection of through Fiber optic

c. Worldwide internet work for faster internet d. World internet frequency initiative
e. All of these f. None of these

Ques. 4) Which of the following is not a function of the central Bank ?

a. To help manage the exchange rate when b. Implementing Government’s monitory policy
c. Preparation and implementation of d. Management of public debt
national Budget
e. None of these

Ques. 5) In Banking CRR stands for -

a. Cash Reserve rate b. Cash Reconciliation Rate
c. Cash Reconciliation Ratio d. Cash Reserve Ratio
e. None of these

Ques. 6) Highest single contribution to the GDP in Bangladesh comes from which sector?

a. Agriculture b. Service
c. Shrimp d. Garments
e. All of these f. None of these

Ques. 7) What is the second highest export earning product of Bangladesh ?

a. Jute b. Leather goods

c. Ready Made Garments d Shrimp and Frozen food
e. None of these

Ques. 8) Govt. Fiscal policy relates to

a. Tax b. Money Supply c. Export Import

d. Financial Institution e. None of these

Ques. 9) Which is not an instrument of Government Borrowing?

a. Treasury Bill b. Fixed Deposit c. Wage earners bond

d. Defense Savings Certificate

Ques. 10) What could be the minimum possible value of a share of a Joint Stock company

a. Face value b. Net Asset Value(NAV) c. Liquidating Value

d. Zero Value e. Replacement Value
Ques. 11) Which of the following institutions is the Guardian of Money market in Bangladesh

a. SEC b. DSE c. Sonali Bank Limited

b. CDBL e. Bangladesh Bank f. None of these

Ques. 12) Letter of Credit (LC) is a banking instrument used for-

a. Export- Import b. Foreign Remittance c. Local Money Transfer

d. Consumer Loan Security e. None of these

Ques. 13) Which is not an economic pact?



Ques. 14) Which of the following is not an instrument of Government borrowing?

a. Debenture b. Defense Saving c. Wage Earners Bond

d. Treasury Bill

Ques. 15) If an egg takes 3 minutes to boil, how much time will it take to boil 6 eggs together ?

a. 5 minutes b. 3 minutes c. 18 minutes

d. 20 minutes e. 25 minutes

Ques. 16) If the following series continues to follow the same pattern, what will be the next number:

a. 3 b. 6 c. 18
d. 14 e. None of them

Ques. 17) If the following series continues to follow the same pattern, what will be the next number:

a. 3 b. 6 c. 18
d. 14 e. None of them

Ques. 18) You can buy 5 more mangoes with tk. 75 due to the reduction in price by 20 percent. Calculate
the current price of one dozen of Mangoes ?

a. 24 b. 30 c. 36
d. 32 e. None of them

Ques. 19) The man did the work in the nick of time

a. Right on time b. After deadline c. Long before deadline

d. Very last minute e. None of them

Ques. 20) The watch costs a pretty penny

a. Expensive b. Cheap c. Very expensive

d. Very cheap e. None of them

1. Manager’s approval does not require for obtaining the issuance of Cheque.
False. True

2. Before issuing any token every instrument shall be thoroughly checked and examined i.e. cheques,
Demand Drafts, Pay Orders, Pay Slips, etc specially with regard to the
a. The cheque is open cheque i.e uncrossed
b. The amount in words and figure tallies.
c. The cheque is signed.
d. All the above
e. Signature verify

3. According to General Banking guideline physical checking shall be carried out in

a. May & November Each year

b. April & October Each year
c. June & November Each year
d. May & December Each year

4. In case of availing fresh facility from other bank or financial institution what are the
conditions have to be fulfilled? ( Ekramullah)
A) 15% of compromise amount including down payment as per guideline
B) 15% of compromise amount excluding down payment as per guideline
C) 15% of compromise amount excluding down payment as per guideline and NOC
D) 15% of compromise amount including down payment as per guideline and NOC
5. We have to report the information of rescheduled loan in which department of Bangladesh
A) Credit Information Bureau
B) Off sight supervision
C) Inspection department
D) Statistics department
6. Who can be a Mediator?
A) Plaintiff’s Lawyer
B) Defendants Lawyer
C) Retired Judge
D) None of the above

7. Specify the period of time when filing of 2nd Execution Case barred by Law?
A) 1 Year
B) 5 Year
C) 6 Year
D) 180 Days

* The Head of Credit Risk Management Division will review at least 10% of total approval of
an individual executive on monthly basis in respect of compliance with the Credit Risk
Management Policy, internal circulars, prevailing regulations etc and report the findings to
the Managing Director

8. The Head of Credit Risk Management Division will review at least ------------- of total
approval of an individual executive on monthly basis in respect of compliance with the
Credit Risk Management Policy, internal circulars, prevailing regulations etc and report the
findings to the Managing Director.

a. 10 b. 15 C. 30 d. 25
MCQ 40 X 1= 40

Select (√) the most appropriate option:

Ques. 1. The banker has a statutory obligation to:

a Honour customer’s cheque b Exercise Lien

Maintain secrecy of his customer’s
c d Honour customer’s bill

Ques. 2. BFIs are guided by-

a Financial Institutions Act,1993 b Companies Act,1994

c Under section 131 of N.I. Act d None of the above

Ques. 3. What is the value of service?

a Attitude b Communication

c Quality d Guidance

Ques. 4. Which is the most effective service?

a Attend customer b Provide product feature

c Proper Guidance d All of the above

Ques. 5. What is the way to provide service?

a Note customer requests b Treating customer with respect

c Refer to respective desk d Teamwork

Ques. 6. Which of the following is not service?

a Stop Payments b Ensure quality

c Fund Transfer d Issuance of PO/DD/TT

Ques. 7. Who are eligible for opening RFCD account?

a Foreigners in Bangladesh b Nonresident Bangladeshis

c Resident Bangladeshis d Any Bangladeshi travelling abroad

Ques. 8. Under what Act of the following banker- customer relationship is generally established?

a Negotiable Instrument Act- 1881 b Bank companies Act- 1991

c Contract Act - 1872 d Bangladesh Bank Order- 1972

Which one of the following is completely true in respect of the statement……… “Every person is
Ques. 9.
competent to contract”.

a If he is of the age of major b If he is of the sound mind

If he is not disqualified from the
c d If the entire above are satisfied.
contracting by any law

In case of opening an account in the name of an administrator which of the following document
Ques. 10.
is essential to obtain:

Will that executed by the deceased

a b Letter of probate
himself before his death
c Letter of administrator issued by the d Power of attorney.
Ques. 11. Below which is the example of Demand loan.

a Cash credit b Overdraft

c Guarantee d PAD
e. LC

Ques. 12. Short term loan are generally allowed for

a 06 months b 09 months
c 02 months d 01 year

Ques. 13. CC (H) is an example of …………………

a Forced loan b Indirect loan

c. Continuous loan d. Term loan
e. Demand loan

Ques. 14. Number of Non-schedule Banks in Bangladesh

a 5 b 7
c 4 d 3

Ques. 15. Transaction settled in BACH

a Cash Transaction b Transfer Transaction

c Clearing Transaction d None of the above

Ques. 16. Number of state owned scheduled Banks are

a 10 b 5
c. 4 d. None of the above

Ques. 17. BEFTN settles transaction through

a Physical instruments b Image of the instruction

c Written instruction of the A/c holder d None of the above

Ques. 18. Cash retained with vault is

a Liability to the Bank b Asset to the Bank

c Asset to the customers d None of the above

Ques. 19. Cash Management services are provided with a view to enhance.
a No cost/Low cost deposit b High cost deposit
c Loans and advance portfolio d None of the above

Mr. “X” needs a credit facility to construct a building for his own residential purpose. Which one
Ques. 20.
of the following will be appropriate credit product for Mr. “X”?
a HBL (Com). b HBL (S).
c HBL (Res). d Term Loan.

Ques. 21. Which is not a product of SEF under SME financing?

a UCB Bikash b UCB Sreejon

c UCB Trishna d UCB Uddom

Ques. 22. Which SEF must required collateral of Land/Building?

a UCB Unmesh b UCB Nistha

c UCB Mohoti d UCB Odammaya
Ques. 23. TAX on Interest is payable for the account having TIN Certificate -

a 20% b 10%
c 15% d None of the above

Ques. 24. TAX on Interest is payable for the account having No TIN Certificate –

a 15% b 10%
c 20% d None of the above

Ques. 25. No interest will be allowed for premature encashment of FDR, before –

a 6 month b 3 month
c. 12 month d. None of the above

Ques. 26. What type of account ‘UCB Saving Plus’ is

a Savings Nature A/c b FDR Scheme

c DPS d Special Scheme

Branch should not issue any cheque books to the new customers and allow online transactions
Ques. 27.
without fulfilling –

a A/C opening formalities b documentations

c Approval of HOB d All the above.

Ques. 28. The facility of online transaction shall be allowed to any account at –

the written request of the account

a b approval of the HOB
c Both A & B d None of above

Ques. 29. Interest against Saving A/c to be credited to depositors account in

a Half yearly b End of each Month

c Daily d None of above

For withdrawal of a sum exceeding 25% of the balance or more from SB A/c in any week
Ques. 30.
requires notice in writing

a 5 days b 7 days
c. 15 days d. 10 days

Every financial institution shall display a copy of its last audited before sheet together with the
Ques. 31.
names of its directors in a conspicuous place in each of its offices and branches.

a True b False

Ques. 32. The Bangladesh bank may by order regulate the highest rate of interest to be paid by financial
institution on various kinds of deposits.

a True b False

Ques. 33. Highest interest rate on SND A/c –

a. 6% b. 8%
c. 7.50% d. None of above

Ques. 34. Qualitative characteristics associated with relevant accounting information are
Consistency, faithful representation, & Predictive value, feedback value, &
a b
timeliness. timeliness.
c neutrality, predictive value, reliability d Going concern, cost principle, & materiality.

Ques. 35. After a business transaction has been analyzed & entered in the book of original entry (journal),
the next step in the recording process is to transfer the information to

a the company's bank b Owner’s equity.

c Ledger accounts. d financial statements

Ques. 36. Accounts often need to be adjusted because

a True b False

Ques. 37. What is the essential requirement for a loan to be treated as large loan?

a 10% of Bank’s capital b 05% of Bank’s capital.

c 10% or more than Bank’s capital. d Any Loan amounting TK 50.00 Crore.

Ques. 38. What is the tenor of long term loan?

a Payable 5 to 10 year. b Payable above 10 year

c Payable above 05 year. d Payable above 06 year.

Normally letter of Credit (LC) is provided by the Bank in favor of customer is banks liability in
Ques. 39. nature of

a Syndication loan obligation b Funded obligation.

c Import obligation d All of the above.

Ques. 40. Demand draft is :

a Negotiable instrument b Quasi negotiable instrument

c Not negotiable instrument d None of them
Select (√) the most appropriate option:

Ques. 1) One of the identities of a scheduled bank is that it is the member of

a. Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh b. Clearing House

c. Union of scheduled Bank d. None of these

Ques. 2) One of the difference between a Bill of Exchange and Promissory note:

a. First one is written order, second one is b. First one is drawn on a specific Banker, second one
written undertaking drawn on any person
c. First one is payable to bearer or order, d. None of these
second one is not payable to bearer

Ques.3) In case of the death any one of the joint account A/C holders, the bank will allow withdrawal when
instructions is

a. “Any one can operate” b. “Either or Survivor”

c. “Jointly operated” d. None of these

Ques.4) Certificate of commencement is required for opening of Account of

a. Private limited company b. Public limited company

c. Club /Association d. None of these

Ques.5) When the Banker customer relationship ceases or discontinues

a. When there Zero balance in the Account b. When the Account holder leaves the country
c. When the account holder dies d. None of these

Ques.6) Which of the following is not Materiel Alternation of a Check

a. Changing of date b. Making open check into Crossed

c. Changing the amount in what and figure d. None of these

Ques.7) Fraud and forgery in bank are generally committed

a. By connivance of two officer jointly b. Officer and client jointly

c. By undesirable client d. a+b
e. None of these

Ques.8) A pardanshin Lady should come to Bank personally to open her Account

a. False b. True

Ques.9) Excess cash in vault should immediately be transferred

a. Nearby Branch b. Feeding Branch

c. Principal Branch d. Corporate Branch
e. None of these

Ques.10) Remittance from abroad in local customers account should contain

a. Form “c” prescribed BB b. Source of remittance

c. Name of remittance d. All of these

Section B MCQ 10 *1 10
Ques. 1) Under non-funded credit, there are basically two major products namely Letter of Credit and
Letter of Guarantee

a. True b. False

Ques.2) Credit Risk Management Organizational Structure

a. Board of Directors b. Executive Committee of BOD

c. Management Approval Authority d. Credit Risk Management Committee

d. All of these e. None of these

Ques.3) Selection of borrower should be made on

a. Merit b. Credibility

c. Profitability d. Productivity

4) Memorandum of Association and Article of incorporation are must for opening account of Limited

a. True b. False

5) Post dated cheques covering the amount to be disbursed against individual Work Order to be
obtained at the time of 1st disbursement

a. True b. False

6) The components of working capital are in several forms of current assets

a. Stock of cash b. Stock of raw material

c. Stock of finished goods d. Value of debtors

e. All of these f. None of these

7) Obtaining report from CIB (Credit Information Burue) is not mandatory if loan is below 3 lac

a. True b. False

8) Mode of creation of charges on securities are

a. Lien b. Assignment

c. Mortgage d. Pledge

e. Set off f. All of these

9) Loans are classified as

a. Doubtful b. SMA (Special mention advance)

c. Bad d. All of these

10) Funded Credit

a. Loans b. Cash Credit

C Overdraft d. Bill purchased and discounted

e. All of these f. None of these

Section B MCQ 10*1 10

Ques. 1) Following are the types of Export Item

a. Traditional Item: RMG, Jute, Tea etc b. Non Traditional Item: Vegetable, Fish, Wood,
Bamboo products etc

c. House hold material d. a+b

2) Regulatory Frame work of International Trade-


True False

3) LC is a conditional undertaking given by the Issuing bank to an exporter.

True False

4) ERC issued by Bangladesh bank.

a. True b. False

5) Back to Back LC is opened to finance exporter.

a. True b. False

6) Packing Credit is adjusted at the time of _____Negotiation_______

7) Date of Shipment is usually marked with ____On Board_____________ seal

8) In an LC an exporter is called -____ Beneficiary ________________.

9) Export proceeds must be repatriated within ---120-----------days from the date of negotiation as per
Bangladesh Bank Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transaction.

10) IMP form is a control document

a. True b. False
Section D MCQ 20*1 20

Ques. 1) CAMEL rating is a system that-

a. Assigns a numerical rating of banks b. Ranks camels according to their quality

c. Ranks camels according to their price d. Allows Banks to operate in a developing country

2) Bank rates means-

a. Interest rate at which Bangladesh bank b. Interest rate at which banks gets money from other
lend money to other banks banks
c. Rate of interest that banks charge on their d. Interest rate that is offered by banks to collect
credit deposits
e. All of these f. None of these

3) What does WiFi mean?

a. Wireless Fidelity b. Worldwide interconnection of through Fiber optic

c. Worldwide internet work for faster internet d. World internet frequency initiative
e. All of these f. None of these

4) Which of the following is not a function of the central Bank ?

a. To help manage the exchange rate when b. Implementing Government’s monitory policy
c. Preparation and implementation of d. Management of public debt
national Budget
e. None of these

5) In Banking CRR stands for -

a. Cash Reserve rate b. Cash Reconciliation Rate

c. Cash Reconciliation Ratio d. Cash Reserve Ratio
e. None of these

Ques.6) Highest single contribution to the GDP in Bangladesh comes from which sector?

a. Agriculture b. Service
c. Shrimp d. Garments
e. All of these f. None of these

Ques.7) What is the second highest export earning product of Bangladesh ?

a. Jute b. Leather goods

c. Ready Made Garments d Shrimp and Frozen food
e. None of these

Ques. 8) Govt. Fiscal policy relates to

a. Tax b. Money Supply c. Export Import

d. Financial Institution e. None of these

Ques. 9) Which is not an instrument of Government Borrowing?

a. Treasury Bill b. Fixed Deposit c. Wage earners bond

d. Defense Savings Certificate

Ques. 10) What could be the minimum possible value of a share of a Joint Stock company

a. Face value b. Net Asset Value(NAV) c. Liquidating Value

d. Zero Value e. Replacement Value

Ques. 11) Which of the following institutions is the Guardian of Money market in Bangladesh

a. SEC b. DSE c. Sonali Bank Limited

b. CDBL e. Bangladesh Bank f. None of these
Ques. 12) Letter of Credit (LC) is a banking instrument used for-

a. Export- Import b. Foreign Remittance c. Local Money Transfer

d. Consumer Loan Security e. None of these

Ques. 13) Which is not an economic pact?



Ques. 14) Which of the following is not an instrument of Government borrowing?

a. Debenture b. Defense Saving c. Wage Earners Bond

d. Treasury Bill

Ques. 15) If an egg takes 3 minutes to boil, how much time will it take to boil 6 eggs together ?

a. 5 minutes b. 3 minutes c. 18 minutes

d. 20 minutes e. 25 minutes

Ques. 16) If the following series continues to follow the same pattern, what will be the next number:

a. 3 b. 6 c. 18
d. 14 e. None of them
Ques. 17) If the following series continues to follow the same pattern, what will be the next number:

a. 3 b. 6 c. 18
d. 14 e. None of them
Ques. 18) You can buy 5 more mangoes with tk. 75 due to the reduction in price by 20 percent. Calculate
the current price of one dozen of Mangoes ?

a. 24 b. 30 c. 36
d. 32 e. None of them
Ques. 19) The man did the work in the nick of time

a. Right on time b. After deadline c. Long before deadline

d. Very last minute e. None of them
Ques. 20) The watch costs a pretty penny

a. Expensive b. Cheap c. Very expensive

d. Very cheap e. None of them

MCQ Question: 50 Marks ( 50 x 1 mark)

Ques. 1. In practice, PG is asked for 10% of the total work value.
a. True b. False

Ques. 2. Which is not a product of SEF under SME financing?

a. UCB Bikash b. UCB Sreejon
c. UCB Trishna d. UCB Uddom
Mr. “X” is relationship officer of UCBL, Uttara Branch. Just now he assesses the financial information
Ques. 3. & other business information of “Y” company under CRG. The score came under CRG is 45. Will Mr.
“X” consider “Y” company for any credit facilities from UCBL?

a. Yes b. No

Ques. 4. Which one is a Grade of CRG?

a. Acceptable b. Special mention

c. Good d. All of the above

Ques. 5. Liquidity risk covers the following:

a. Debt to equity and debt to asset b. Current ratio and Quick ratio
c. Operating profit and net profit d. Return on asset and return on equity

Ques. 6. Capacity of a borrower means

a. Ability of the borrower b. Authority of a borrower

c. All of them d. None of them

Ques. 7. Which one of these is an way of creation of charge of security?

a. Land and building b. Life insurance policy

c. Collateral security d. Mortgage

Ques. 8. To assess the borrower we need

Minimum 03 years audited financial

a. b. Maximum 03 years audited financial statement
c. Minimum 02 years financial statement d. None of them

Ques. 9. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps in the recording process?

a. Posting, journalizing, analyzing b. Journalizing, analyzing, posting

c. Analyzing, posting, journalizing d. Analyzing, journalizing, posting

Which accounting guideline assumes that an enterprise will remain in business long enough to carry
Ques. 10. out its existing objectives & commitments?

a. Cost principle b. Economic Entity assumption

c. Periodicity assumption d. Going concern assumption

Ques. 11. Lending is the core asset of the bank

a. True b. False

Ques. 12. A Banker may assist an entrepreneur for financial planning.

a. True b. False

Ques. 13. CIB report is the main tools to assess the character of a borrower.

a. True b. False
Ques. 14. The lender will make sure that collateral should drive the lending decisions.
a. True b. False

Ques. 15. Banker should not share relevant industry information with the borrower.

a. True b. False

Ques. 16. Overemphasis on past performances may turn a credit bad.

a. True b. False

Ques. 17. In case of calculating Stock value, price should calculated at

a. Present market price b. Purchase price

Higher of the Purchase price or market
c. d. Lower of the purchase price or market price

Ques. 18. Adjusting entries can be classified as

a. Postponements & advances. b. Accruals & prepayments.

c. Prepayments & postponements. d. Accruals & advances

Ques. 19. Accounting information should be verifiable in order to enhance

a. Comparability. b. Consistency.
c. Reliability. d. Feedback value.
Ques. 20. Which of the following is not an element of financial statements?

a. Assets b. Expenses

C Revenues d Journals

Ques. 21. TAX on Interest is payable for the account having No TIN Certificate –

a. 15% b. 10%
c. 25% d. 22%

Ques. 22. Which one is not a predicate offence?

a. Currency counterfeiting b. Fake documentation

c. Cheating d. Purchase of valuable goods.

What would be the effect on bank account, if a partner die, unless the partnership agreement
Ques. 23.
provides to the contrary-

a. Continue the account b. Close the account

C New account should be opened d Any one of the above with some conditions

If a partner earn private benefit by using the fame of the partnership firm, the partner
Ques. 24.

a. Enjoy the benefit b. Return the benefit to the firm

c. Deposit to the third party d. None of the above

Ques. 25. Which of the following document is not must to open a bank account for a partnership firm?

a. Partnership deed b. Registration certificate

c. Both a & b d. Signature Specimen Card

Ques. 26. Partnership-at-will’ have the following characteristics

a. No fixed time period b. Specific venture

c. Close after certain time period d. None of the above
Ques. 27. Which of the following is not must for the creation of a partnership firm?

a. Agreement b. Association of more than one

c. Registration d. Profit sharing

Ques. 28. What is the maximum punishment under money laundering prevention Act, 2012

Minimum 6 months of maximum 7

a. b. Minimum 4 years and maximum 12 years
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of the above

Branch should not issue any cheque books to the new customers and allow online transactions
Ques. 29.
without fulfilling –

a. A/C opening formalities b. Documentations

c. Approval of HOB d. All the above.

Ques. 30. An ‘A/C Payee ‘crossing is not general crossing.

a. True b. False

Ques. 31. According to MLP act. 2012 FCBs are not reporting agencies.

a. Correct b. Incorrect

Ques. 32. Which of the following ink is used in Bangladesh currency notes for security measure?

a. Magnetic ink b. Intaglio Ink

c. Color shifting OVI ink d. Only (b) & (c)
e. All of the above

Ques. 33. Financial institution can deal in gold or foreign exchange of whatever kind.

a. True b. False

Ques. 34. Only Foreign Nationals can open NFCD account                                           

a. True b. False

Which one of the following is not a reporting agency according to Money Laundering Prevention
Ques. 35.
act, 2012

a. Khurshid Securities Ltd. b. Bangladesh Cricket Control Board

Oman-Bangladesh leasing companies
c. d. Bank Asia Ltd.

Ques. 36. Which one is not the function of Bangladesh Bank ?

a. To make business loan b. To offer saving deposits

c. To make venture capital d. To offer unsecured loans

Ques. 37. Who is the judge under money laundering prevention Act, 2012?

a. Session Judge b. Special Judge

c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of the above

Ques. 38. BFIU is a

a. Department of Bangladesh Bank b. Unit of AMLD of Bangladesh Bank

c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of the above
Ques. 39. Which one of the following is true?

a. SLR is a part of CRR b. At present CRR is 5.5%

c. At present SLR is 19% d. Both (b) and (c)
Ques. 40. To assess the borrower we need -

Minimum 03 years audited financial Maximum 03 years audited financial

a. b.
statement; statement
None of them
c. Minimum 02 years financial statement; d.
Ques. 41. Who are the parties involved in performing custom formalities?

a. NBR b. Exporter
C C & F agent d None of these

Ques. 42. Validity of IRC is

a. 6 months b. 2 year
c. 1 year d. 3 year

Ques. 43. FERA-1947 is applicable for

a. Residents b. Bangladesh Citizens

c. Non-residents d. UN

What criteria from the following are not considered to classify a loan account as per Bangladesh
Ques. 44.
Bank Guidelines?

a. Date of Sanction b. Date of Expiry

c. Qualitative Judgment d. Period of Past due/overdue.

Ques. 45. Packing Credit is a popular means of-

a. pre-shipment export financing b. post-shipment export financing

C import financing d none of the above

Ques. 46. Which risk is mainly managed by Treasury Division-

a. Liquidity Risk b. Exchange Rate Risk

C Interest Rate Risk d All of the above

Ques. 47. Current Statutory Liquidity Requirement (SLR) is

a. 17% b. 18%

c. 19% d. 20%

Ques. 48. Current Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR) is-

a. 5% b. 6%

c. 7% d. 8%

Ques. 49. Following which asset, a Bank can use for SLR maintenance purpose-

a. Through in house “debt collection unit” b. By engaging outsourcing agent

c. A&B d. None of these.

Ques. 50. How do banks exert its recovery efforts toward adjusting the written-off loans & advances?

a. 2 b. 3
c. 5 d. None of the above.
Short Question: 5 Marks ( 5 x3 marks)

1. Who can cross a cheque? Explain “Can a holder cross as well as cancel the crossing of

2. Write down short elaboration of the following:

a) MICR b) SLR c) BACH

3. Define continuous, demand and fixed term loan with example.

4. What are the major reasons for defaulting of a loan?

5. Why Letter of Credit known as Documentary Credit? Write the names of parties to a LC
(at least 5).

Ques. 1. TAX on Interest is payable for the account having TIN Certificate -

a. 20% b. 10%
c. 15% d. None of the above

Ques. 2. TAX on Interest is payable for the account having No TIN Certificate –

a. 15% b. 10%
c. 20% d. None of the above

Ques. 3. Credit policy measure includes

a. AD ratio b. Large loan exposure.

c. Single borrower exposure. d. All the above

Ques. 4. Which SEF must required collateral of Land/Building?

a. UCB Unmesh b. UCB Nistha

c. UCB Mohoti d. UCB Odammaya

Which one is the exact percentage to calculate the value of eligible security of the Land and Building
Ques. 5. Mortgaged with the Bank?

a. 100% of market value b. 75% of market value

c. Maximum 50% of market value d. Maximum 50% of market forced sellvalue

Ques. 6. If a borrower deposit full or part of the due in a classified account, what shall be realized first?
a. Interest Amount b. Principal Amount

c. Interest & Principal Amount (Prorated d. Only Principal Amount.


Mr. “X” is a first class contractor of LGED. He got a work order for Road construction. Mr. “X”
Ques. 7. approach to UCBL Gulshan Branch for a Loan facility. Which one will be the appropriate credit facility
for Mr. “X”?

a. OD (Gen). b. OD (WO)
c. HBL (Res). d. HBL (Com).

Ques. 8. Which one is specifically used for RMG financing?

a. Packing Credit. b. Cash Credit.

c. Letter of Credit. d. Stand by letter of Credit

Ques. 9. What is the tenor of long term loan?

a. Payable 5 to 10 year. b. Payable above 10 year

C Payable above 05 year. d Payable above 06 year.

Ques. 10. What is the essential requirement for a loan to be treated as large loan?

a. 10% of Bank’s capital. b. 05% of Bank’s capital

c. 10% or more than Bank’s capital. d. Any Loan amounting TK 50.00 Crore.

Ques. 11. Except _______ are components of working capital.

a. Receivables b. Depreciation
c. Cash in hand d. Inventory

Ques. 12. An example of eligible security is

a. Bank Deposit b. Bank Guarantee

c. Machinery/Equipment d. All of the above

Ques. 13. In case of valuation of landed property, the acceptable one is

a. Forced sale value by the surveyor b. Forced sale value by the Branch
Lowest forced sale value by the Branch or Market value by the Branch
c. d.

Ques. 14. In CRG system Security risk carries the weight

a. 50% b. 10%
c. 18% d. 12%

Ques. 15. If a customer gets score 80 in CRG system it will fall under

a. Superior b. Good
c. Acceptable d. Bad/Loss

Ques. 16. In CRG, Business outlook assess the following criteria of a business concerns…

Prospect of the industry & market share Prospect of CEO & Human resources & Raw
a. b.
& economics factors. materials.
c. Prospect of security. d. Prospect of Entry & exit barrier.

Company “X” provides International Bank Guarantee from HDFC Bank to UCBL for getting a loan
Ques. 17. facility. HDFC Bank is a renowned Bank of India. To provide credit facility to company “X” under CRG
the company will indentified as-

a. Superior. b. Good.
c. Acceptable. d. Marginal/Watch list
Ques. 18. PC (Packing credit) facility is allowed to a customer, interest@ %

a. 10% b. 15%

C Bank rate d 7%

Ques. 19. Asset Utilization (activity) ratio indicates to meet-

a. Short term financial obligation b. Long term financial obligation

c. Working capital obligation d. None of the above

Ques. 20. Interest coverage ratio indicates to meet-

a. Interest Servicing obligation b. Principal Servicing Obligation

c. Both Interest & Principal Servicing d. None of the above

Mr. “X” is the chairman of a company. His age is now 45 years. His son Mr. “Y” is 23 years old just
Ques. 21. completed his post graduate degree from Dhaka University. Which status you will give to assess the
company under CRG.

a. Ready succession b. Succession in question

c. Succession within 2-3 years d. All of the above.

Ques. 22. In Management Risk, “experience” section of CRG means

Experience of senior Management of the

a. b. Experience of Owner of the Company.
c. All of the above. d. None of the above

Ques. 23. Qualitative characteristics associated with relevant accounting information are
Consistency, faithful representation, &
a. b. predictive value, feedback value, & timeliness.
Neutrality, predictive value, reliability. Going concern, cost principle, & materiality.
c. d.
Ques. 24. In Hypothecation of goods, possession of goods remains with

a. Borrower b. Bank
c. Godown owner d. Borrower & Bank

Ques. 25. Qualitative characteristics associated with relevant accounting information are

Consistency, faithful representation, &

a. b. Predictive value, feedback value, & timeliness.
c. Neutrality, predictive value, reliability. d. Going concern, cost principle, & materiality.

Ques. 26. Which is not method of charge creation?

a. Assignment b. General Lien

c. Mortgage d. Earmarking

Ques. 27. Mortgage is applicable for?

a. Movable Property b. Immovable Property

c. Book Debt/ Bills Receivable d. Floating Assets

Ques. 28. Which indicates the profitability Ratio-

a. Gross Profit margin b. Net Profit Margin

c. Return on Equity d. All of the above
Ques. 29. Case to case OD(WO) facility shall be treated as:
a. Revolving facility b. Non-revolving facility
c. Non funded facility d. None of the above

Ques. 30. Bid Bond is a not form of Guarantee

a. True b. False

Ques. 31. In practice, PG is asked for 10% of the total work value.
a. True b. False

Ques. 32. Which is not a product of SEF under SME financing?

a. UCB Bikash b. UCB Sreejon
c. UCB Trishna d. UCB Uddom
Mr. “X” is relationship officer of UCBL, Uttara Branch. Just now he assesses the financial information
Ques. 33. & other business information of “Y” company under CRG. The score came under CRG is 45. Will Mr.
“X” consider “Y” company for any credit facilities from UCBL?

a. Yes b. No

Ques. 34. Which one is a Grade of CRG?

a. Acceptable b. Special mention

c. Good d. All of the above
Ques. 35. Liquidity risk covers the following

a. Debt to equity and debt to asset b. Current ratio and Quick ratio
c. Operating profit and net profit d. Return on asset and return on equity

Ques. 36. Capacity of a borrower means

a. Ability of the borrower b. Authority of a borrower

c. All of them d. None of them

Ques. 37. Which one of these is an way of creation of charge of security?

a. Land and building b. Life insurance policy

c. Collateral security d. Mortgage

Ques. 38. To assess the borrower we need

Minimum 03 years audited financial

a. b. Maximum 03 years audited financial statement
c. Minimum 02 years financial statement d. None of them

Ques. 39. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps in the recording process?

a. Posting, journalizing, analyzing b. Journalizing, analyzing, posting

c. Analyzing, posting, journalizing d. Analyzing, journalizing, posting

Which accounting guideline assumes that an enterprise will remain in business long enough to carry
Ques. 40. out its existing objectives & commitments?

a. Cost principle b. Economic Entity assumption

c. Periodicity assumption d. Going concern assumption

Ques. 41. Lending is the core asset of the bank

a. True b. False

Ques. 42. A Banker may assist an entrepreneur for financial planning.

a. True b. False

Ques. 43. CIB report is the main tools to assess the character of a borrower.
a. True b. False

Ques. 44. The lender will make sure that collateral should drive the lending decisions.
a. True b. False

Ques. 45. Banker should not share relevant industry information with the borrower.
c. True d. False

Ques. 46. Overemphasis on past performances may turn a credit bad.

a. True b. False

Ques. 47. In case of calculating Stock value, price should calculated at

a. Present market price b. Purchase price

Higher of the Purchase price or market
c. d. Lower of the purchase price or market price

Ques. 48. Adjusting entries can be classified as

a. Postponements & advances. b. Accruals & prepayments.

c. Prepayments & postponements. d. Accruals & advances

Ques. 49. Accounting information should be verifiable in order to enhance

a. Comparability. b. Consistency.
c. Reliability. d. Feedback value.
Ques. 50. Which of the following is not an element of financial statements?
a. Assets b. Expenses

c Revenues d Journals

Ques. 51. Documentary credit is a-

a. trade payment method b. trade financing tool

c. both (a) & (b) d. none of the above

Ques. 52. Packing Credit is a popular means of-

a. pre-shipment export financing b. post-shipment export financing

c. import financing d. none of the above

Ques. 53. Not prohibited item as per export policy- 2009-2012

a. All petroleum and petroleum products b. Jute and shan seeds

c. vegetable d. Wheat

Ques. 54. Who are the parties involved in performing custom formalities?

a. NBR b. Exporter
C C & F agent d None of these

Ques. 55. Validity of IRC is

a. 6 months b. 2 year
c. 1 year d. 3 year

Ques. 56. FERA-1947 is applicable for

a. Residents b. Bangladesh Citizens

c. Non-residents d. UN

What criteria from the following are not considered to classify a loan account as per Bangladesh
Ques. 57.
Bank Guidelines?

a. Date of Sanction b. Date of Expiry

c. Qualitative Judgment d. Period of Past due/overdue.

Ques. 58. Packing Credit is a popular means of-

a. pre-shipment export financing b. post-shipment export financing

C import financing d none of the above

Ques. 59. Which risk is mainly managed by Treasury Division-

a. Liquidity Risk b. Exchange Rate Risk

C Interest Rate Risk d All of the above

Ques. 60. Current Statutory Liquidity Requirement (SLR) is

a. 17% b. 18%

c. 19% d. 20%

Ques. 61. Current Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR) is-

a. 5% b. 6%

c. 7% d. 8%

Ques. 62. Following which asset, a Bank can use for SLR maintenance purpose-

a. Through in house “debt collection unit” b. By engaging outsourcing agent

c. A&B d. None of these.

Ques. 63. How do banks exert its recovery efforts toward adjusting the written-off loans & advances?

a. 2 b. 3
c. 5 d. None of the above.

Ques. 64. What is the minimum amount to be deposited by a person while opening an NFCD Account?

a. USD 1000 or Pound Sterling 500 or b. USD 100 or Pound Sterling 50 or equivalent

USD 1500 or Pound Sterling 500 or

C d None of the above

Ques. 65. Export Proceeds Must be Repatriated Within -

a. 90 Days b. 120 Days

C 180 Days d None of the Above

Ques. 66. In Bangladesh , which is the most popular payment method used in imports-

a. open account b. documentary collection

c. documentary credit d. cash in advance

Ques. 67. ERQ stands For :

a. Export Requirement Quota b. Export Retention Quality

c. Export Retention Quota d. Export Retention Quantity

Ques. 68. What is the elaboration of URR-

Uniform Rules for Reimbursement under

a. Uniform Rules for Reimbursement b.
Documentary Credits
c. Uniform Rules for Reimbursement under d. none of the above
Documentary Collections

Ques. 69. Documents required in a documentary credit operation according to UCPDC includes-

a. transport documents b. commercial invoice

c. insurance documents d. all of the above

Ques. 70. Issuing Bank’s liability is-

a. primary liability b. secondary liability

c. no liability d. none of the above

Ques. 71. Which of the following is not among the main/core parties of LC-

a. issuing bank b. advising bank

c. beneficiary d. confirming bank

Ques. 72. As per CFR term, who covers the cost of main carriage-

a. exporter b. importer
c. bank d. none of the above
Ques. 73. For examining documents concerned bank has maximum-

a. 5 banking days b. 10 banking days

c. 15 banking days d. 20 banking days
Ques. 74. How many articles are in UCP-600 ?

a. 49 b. 55
c. 39 d. 36

Ques. 75. Open limit of a bank is the limit given by :

a. Head Office b. ID
c. Bangladesh Bank d. Reserve from NOSTRO APC.

Ques. 76. Forex return statement represents

a. Sales & purchase b. Total buying & Selling

c. Total foreign Exchange transaction d. Foreign currency reserve

Ques. 77. Bill of entry will be overdue after

a. 90 days b. 21 days
c. 120 days d. 7 days

Ques. 78. What is the name of the latest revision of incoterms

a. Incoterms 2010 b. Incoterms 2012

c. Incoterms 2011 d. Incoterms 2008

Ques. 79. NPL doesn’t have any bad effect on Bank’s Capital.

a. True b. False

Ques. 80. From which country Bangladesh received most of its Wage Earner’s Remittance?

a. U.S.A b. Saudi Arabia

c. U.A.E d. All of the above.

Ques. 81. Import policy is issued by -

a. Bangladesh bank b. Ministry of Finance

c. Ministry of Commerce d. Association of bankers

Ques. 82. In case of foreign trade in Bangladesh which payment method is widely used:

a. Cash in advance b. Open account

c. Documentary collection d. Documentary credit
Ques. 83. Import policy is issued for-

a. 4 Years b. 1 Years

c. 3 years d. 2 Years

Ques. 84. Before certifying EXP, AD should ensure that the exporter is registered with CCI&E.

a. True b. False

Ques. 85. In Import related transactions, Authorized Dealers buy foreign currency

a. True b. False

Ques. 86. Money changers can maintain FC account with Bangladesh Bank

a. True b. False

Ques. 87. In case of industrial LCA shipment validity is 17 months.

a. True b. False

Ques. 88. All unclassified loan other than SMA and classified loan will be treated as standard

a. True b. False

Ques. 89. Validity of LCA form for opening of L/C-

a. 120 days b. 150 days

c. 100 days d. 90 days

Bank Conduct Classification of Loans & Advances as per BRPD circular No.14 dated. 23.09.2012 on
Ques. 90.
_______ basis.

a. Monthly b. Quarterly
c. Half yearly d. Yearly

To recover the classified loan all classified loans and advances are categorized into three stages on
Ques. 91.
priority on the basis of __________?

Value of collaterals and borrowers Stages of classification and loans and advances
a. b.
worthiness category.
c. Borrower’s intention and worthiness. d. All of the above.

Ques. 92. How many incoterms are in the present revision?

a. 12 b. 11
c. 9 d. 13

Ques. 93. What is the responsibility of an advising Bank?

a. To issue LC b. To confirm the authenticity of a LC

c. To make payment to the exporter d. To give a payment undertaking

Ques. 94. Which is not a currency as per FERA 1947

a. Bills of Exchange b. LC
c. Bill of Lading d. Drafts

Ques. 95. Which kind of LC is generally opened under Export LC?

a. SLC b. BBLC
c. ULC d. Stand by LC

Ques. 96. AD Branch may allow Interest on the balances held in FC Accounts.

a. True b. False

Ques. 97. Bill of entry is the proof of :

a. Import b. Release of goods

c. Custom clearance d. Payment complied with value of goods.

Ques. 98. Why bank write-off their classified loans and advances?

To initiate more efforts to recovery the To Clean-up the Bank’s Balance from Classified
a. b.
loans exposure.
c. To improve the assets quality. d. All of the above

Ques. 99. Original ‘EXP’ form to be reported by:

a. AD b. C&F agent

c. Customs d. C.C.I.& E

Ques. 100. What is the LC value for which credit report is mandatory for opening of LC against indent?

a. 10 Lac and above b. 16 Lac and above

c 15 Lac and above d 14 Lac and above

Before granting a license the Bangladesh bank may require being satisfied with the regard to a
proposed financial institution in respect of the following except.
a. The financial condition b. The characteristics of the management
The purposes mentioned in the
c. d. Own interest.

102. Which one is not the function of Bangladesh bank?

a. To formulate monetary policy b. To implement monetary policy

To safeguard the integrity of the
c. d. To formulate exchange rate policy.

103. Which one is the Money market participant?

a. Bangladesh Bank b. United Commercial Bank Ltd.

c. United Leasing Company Ltd. d. All of the above.

104. Which one is the money market instrument?

a. Treasury Bill b. Bangladesh Bank Bill

c. Savings deposits d. Commercial Paper.

e. All of the above.

105. Which one is not the component of money market?

a. Call money Market b. Bill Market

c. Acceptance Market d. Curb Market

106. The banker has a statutory obligation to:

a. Honor customer’s cheque b. Exercise Lien

Maintain secrecy of his customer’s
c. d. Honor customer’s bill

Ancillary business (services) of a bank implies non-fund business and the income earned from
this source includes income by way of:
a. Commission b. Brokerage

c. Interest d. Both (a) and (b)

108. BFIs are guided by-

a. Financial Institutions Act,1993 b. Companies Act,1994

C Under section 131 of N.I. Act d None of the above

How many types of Application Forms are used in our Bank to open different types of Bank

Different Forms for different nature of

a. Five types of Forms. b. Account

Different Forms for different legal status of

c. Two types of Forms. d. Account Holder.

110. Series number of Prize Bond to be recorded in the Prize Bond Register at the time of :

a. Sales b. Both a & c

c. Purchase d. None of the above

111. A cross cheque is protective than:

a. A bearer Cheque b. An Order Cheque

c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of them

112. For clearing a cheque , bank should put-

a. General Crossing b. Special Crossing

c. Either (a) or (b) d. None of the above

113. Who are eligible for opening RFCD account?

a. Foreigners in Bangladesh b. Nonresident Bangladeshis

c. Resident Bangladeshis d. Any Bangladeshi travelling abroad


a. b.

c. d.

Which one of the following is completely true in respect of the statement……… “Every person is
competent to contract”.

a. If he is of the age of major b. If he is of the sound mind

If he is not disqualified from the
c. d. If the entire above are satisfied.
contracting by any law

116. Demand draft is :

a. Negotiable instrument b. Quasi negotiable instrument

c. Not negotiable instrument d. None of them

117. Cheque is always payable

a. After expiry of the certain b period b. On demand

c. Post dated d. None of them

118. Cancellation of crossing of cheque can be done by

a. Holder b. Payee

c. Drawer d. None of them

As per the FI Act, 1993, the Bangladesh Bank shall prescribe the minimum capital of every
financial institution.
a. True b. False

120. Why introduction is necessary for opening an account?

a. For loss of Statutory Protection only b. For risk of issuing fake Cheque only

c. For risk Un-discharged Insolvent only d. For all of the above reasons

121. What type of account ‘UCB Saving Plus’ is -

a. Savings Nature A/c b. FDR Scheme

C DPS d Special Scheme

122. Which one is Traditional Banking Product?

a. UCB Earning Plus b. Money Maximizer

c. SND d. None of above

123. In terms of selection of borrower “ co-operation” related with -

a. Good Borrower b. To avoid bad borrower

c. Both of them d. None of the above

The Bangladesh bank may by order regulate the highest rate of interest to be paid by financial
institution on various kinds of deposits.

a. True b. False

Which of the following situation a banking company cannot pay any dividend to its
Ques. 125.

a. Have loans to other banks b. High Defaulted loan rate

All capitalized expenses have not been
c. Paid-up capital is more than 400 crore d.
written off
126. Qualitative characteristics associated with relevant accounting information are
Consistency, faithful representation, & Predictive value, feedback value, &
a. b.
timeliness. timeliness.
c. neutrality, predictive value, reliability d. Going concern, cost principle, & materiality.

127. Which is the most effective customer service?

a. Attend customer b. Provide product feature

c. Proper Guidance d. All of the above

128. Under what Act of the following banker- customer relationship is generally established?

a. Negotiable Instrument Act- 1881 b. Bank companies Act- 1991

c. Contract Act - 1872 d. Bangladesh Bank Order- 1972

129. Which one of the following is not a scheduled Bank?

a. Bangladesh Krishi Bank b. Bangladesh commerce Bank Ltd.

c. Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC Ltd. d. Karmasangsthan Bank Ltd.

130. Which is/are related with the development of an entrepreneur-

a. Financing Consultancy b. Training Assistance

c. Exit plan Sharing d. All of them

131. TAX on Interest is payable for the account having No TIN Certificate –

a. 15% b. 10%

c. 25% d. 22%

132. Which one is not a predicate offence?

a. Currency counterfeiting b. Fake documentation

c. Cheating d. Purchase of valuable goods.

What would be the effect on bank account, if a partner die, unless the partnership agreement
provides to the contrary-

a. Continue the account b. Close the account

C New account should be opened d Any one of the above with some conditions

If a partner earn private benefit by using the fame of the partnership firm, the partner

a. Enjoy the benefit b. Return the benefit to the firm

c. Deposit to the third party d. None of the above

135. Which of the following document is not must to open a bank account for a partnership firm?

a. Partnership deed b. Registration certificate

c. Both a & b d. Signature Specimen Card

136. Partnership-at-will’ have the following characteristics

a. No fixed time period b. Specific venture

c. Close after certain time period d. None of the above

137. Which of the following is not must for the creation of a partnership firm?

a. Agreement b. Association of more than one

c. Registration d. Profit sharing

138. What is the maximum punishment under money laundering prevention Act, 2012

Minimum 6 months of maximum 7

a. b. Minimum 4 years and maximum 12 years
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of the above

Branch should not issue any cheque books to the new customers and allow online transactions
without fulfilling –

a. A/C opening formalities b. documentations

c. Approval of HOB d. All the above.

140. An ‘A/C Payee ‘crossing is not general crossing.

a. True b. False

141. According to MLP act. 2012 FCBs are not reporting agencies.

a. Correct b. Incorrect

142. Which of the following ink is used in Bangladesh currency notes for security measure?

a. Magnetic ink b. Intaglio Ink

c. Color shifting OVI ink d. Only (b) & (c)

e. All of the above

143. Financial institution can deal in gold or foreign exchange of whatever kind.

a. True b. False

144. Only Foreign Nationals can open NFCD account                                           

a. True b. False

Which one of the following is not a reporting agency according to Money Laundering Prevention
act, 2012

a. Khurshid Securities Ltd. b. Bangladesh Cricket Control Board

Oman-Bangladesh leasing companies
c. d. Bank Asia Ltd.

Ques. 146. Which SEF must required collateral of Land/Building?

a. UCB Unmesh b. UCB Nistha

c. UCB Mohoti d. UCB Odammaya

Ques. 147. Which one is specifically used for RMG financing?

a. Packing Credit. b. Cash Credit.

c. Letter of Credit. d. Stand by letter of Credit

Ques. 148. What is the tenor of long term loan?

a. Payable 5 to 10 year. b. Payable above 10 year

C Payable above 05 year. d Payable above 06 year.

Ques. 149. What is the essential requirement for a loan to be treated as large loan?

a. 10% of Bank’s capital. b. 05% of Bank’s capital

c. 10% or more than Bank’s capital. d. Any Loan amounting TK 50.00 Crore.

Ques. 150. Except _______ are components of working capital.

a. Receivables b. Depreciation
c. Cash in hand d. Inventory

Ques. 151. If a customer gets score 80 in CRG system it will fall under

a. Superior b. Good
c. Acceptable d. Bad/Loss

Ques. 152. PC (Packing credit) facility is allowed to a customer, interest@ %

a. 10% b. 15%

C Bank rate d 7%

Ques. 153. Interest coverage ratio indicates to meet-

a. Interest Servicing obligation b. Principal Servicing Obligation

c. Both Interest & Principal Servicing d. None of the above

Answer any 5 (Five) short questions: 15 Marks ( 5 x3 marks)

1. What you mean by credit policy? Why it is required?
2. What is the philosophy behind segregation of credit approval process?
3. How to evaluate character of a potential borrower?
4. What are the major reasons for defaulting of a loan?
5. How to analyze financial Statement?
6. What are the 05 major risk criteria of calculating the scores of CRG and what weights are
provided for each criterion?
7. Briefly define SME. Why SME financing is more important for sustainable economic

MCQ Question: 10 Marks ( 10 x 1 mark)

Ques. 1. Documentary credit is a-

a. trade payment method b. trade financing tool

c. both (a) & (b) d. none of the above

Ques. 2. Packing Credit is a popular means of-

a. pre-shipment export financing b. post-shipment export financing

c. import financing d. none of the above

Ques. 3. Not prohibited item as per export policy- 2009-2012

a. All petroleum and petroleum products b. Jute and shan seeds

c. vegetable d. Wheat

Ques. 4. Who are the parties involved in performing custom formalities?

a. NBR b. Exporter

C C & F agent d None of these

Ques. 5. Validity of IRC is

a. 6 months b. 2 year

c. 1 year d. 3 year

Ques. 6. FERA-1947 is applicable for

a. Residents b. Bangladesh Citizens

c. Non-residents d. UN

What criteria from the following are not considered to classify a loan account as per Bangladesh
Ques. 7.
Bank Guidelines?

a. Date of Sanction b. Date of Expiry

c. Qualitative Judgment d. Period of Past due/overdue.

Ques. 8. What is the minimum amount to be deposited by a person while opening an NFCD Account?

USD 1000 or Pound Sterling 500 or

a. b. USD 100 or Pound Sterling 50 or equivalent

USD 1500 or Pound Sterling 500 or

C d None of the above

Ques. 9. Export Proceeds Must be Repatriated Within -

a. 90 Days b. 120 Days

C 180 Days d None of the Above

Ques. 10. In Bangladesh , which is the most popular payment method used in imports-

a. open account b. documentary collection

c. documentary credit d. cash in advance

Answer any 5 (Five) short questions: 15 Marks ( 5 x3 marks)

1. Who are eligible to open NFCD Account?
2. Why Letter of Credit known as Documentary Credit? Write the names of parties to a LC (at
least 5).
3. A customer has approached you to open a LC. What steps you will follow to open that LC?
4. What is meant by the term “Negotiation” as per UCPDC 600?
5. Define Applicant, Beneficiary and Credit term.
6. Elaboration any three of the following:
FOB, Exp, ERC,
7. Differentiate between SLC & ULC.

Ques. 1. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps in the recording process?

a. Posting, journalizing, analyzing b. Journalizing, analyzing, posting

c. Analyzing, posting, journalizing d. Analyzing, journalizing, posting

Ques. 2. TAX on Interest is payable for the account having No TIN Certificate –

a. 15% b. 10%
c. 25% d. 22%

Ques. 3. Which one is not a predicate offence?

a. Currency counterfeiting b. Fake documentation

c. Cheating d. Purchase of valuable goods.

What would be the effect on bank account, if a partner die, unless the partnership agreement
Ques. 4.
provides to the contrary-

a. Continue the account b. Close the account

c New account should be opened d Any one of the above with some conditions

Ques. 5. Which of the following is not must for the creation of a partnership firm?

a. Agreement b. Association of more than one

c. Registration d. Profit sharing

Ques. 6. What is the maximum punishment under money laundering prevention Act, 2012

a. Minimum 6 months of maximum 7 years b. Minimum 4 years and maximum 12 years

c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of the above

Ques. 7. An ‘A/C Payee ‘crossing is not general crossing.

a. True b. False

Ques. 8. Which of the following ink is used in Bangladesh currency notes for security measure?
a. Magnetic ink b. Intaglio Ink
c. Color shifting OVI ink d. Only (b) & (c)
e. All of the above

Answer any 5 (Five) short questions: 15 Marks ( 5 x3 marks)

1. Who can cross a cheque? Explain “Can a holder cross as well as cancel the crossing of

2. Write down short elaboration of the following:

a) MICR b) SLR c) BACH

3. Write down the photo ID’s or acceptable ID’s as per AML circular- 3?

4. What are the modern banking services that are being provided by commercial banks?

5. State the formalities required for a” savings account in the name of an illiterate person.”

6. Write down names the Monthly Savings Scheme products of UCB?

7. State the functions of cash department. Distinguish between Bill of Exchange & Cheque.

MCQ Question: 50 Marks ( 50 x 1 mark)

Ques. 1. Credit policy measure includes

a. AD ratio b. Large loan exposure.

c. Single borrower exposure. d. All the above

Which one is the exact percentage to calculate the value of eligible security of the Land and Building
Ques. 2. Mortgaged with the Bank?

a. 100% of market value b. 75% of market value

c. Maximum 50% of market value d. Maximum 50% of market forced sellvalue

Ques. 3. If a borrower deposit full or part of the due in a classified account, what shall be realized first?

a. Interest Amount b. Principal Amount

c. Interest & Principal Amount (Prorated d. Only Principal Amount.


Mr. “X” is a first class contractor of LGED. He got a work order for Road construction. Mr. “X”
Ques. 4. approach to UCBL Gulshan Branch for a Loan facility. Which one will be the appropriate credit
facility for Mr. “X”?

a. OD (Gen). b. OD (WO)
c. HBL (Res). d. HBL (Com).

Ques. 5. An example of eligible security is

a. Bank Deposit b. Bank Guarantee

c. Machinery/Equipment d. All of the above

Ques. 6. In case of valuation of landed property, the acceptable one is

a. Forced sale value by the surveyor b. Forced sale value by the Branch
Lowest forced sale value by the Branch or Market value by the Branch
c. d.

Ques. 7. In CRG system Security risk carries the weight

a. 50% b. 10%
c. 18% d. 12%

Ques. 8. Asset Utilization (activity) ratio indicates to meet-

a. Short term financial obligation b. Long term financial obligation

c. Working capital obligation d. None of the above


Answer any 5 (Five) short questions: 15 Marks ( 5 x3 marks)

1. How to assess conditions of a borrower?

2. What are the eligible collaterals to be considered in determining base for provision? Define
continuous, demand and fixed term loan with example.
3. What is the accounting treatment of interest when a loan becomes SMA or worse?
4. What are the fundamental principles to be followed for sound lending?
5. Define fund coverage and mention composition of fund coverage.
6. What are the 05 major risk criteria of calculating the scores of CRG and what weights are
provided for each criterion?
7. What is the definition of Security from the point of view of a lending institution? Give two
examples each of Primary, Collateral and Support Security.
8. Explain priority basis categorization of classified loans and advances to gear up the recovery

Ques. 1. What is the elaboration of URR-

Uniform Rules for Reimbursement under

a. Uniform Rules for Reimbursement b.
Documentary Credits
c. Uniform Rules for Reimbursement under d. none of the above
Documentary Collections

Ques. 2. Documents required in a documentary credit operation according to UCPDC includes-

a. transport documents b. commercial invoice

c. insurance documents d. all of the above

Ques. 3. Issuing Bank’s liability is-

a. primary liability b. secondary liability
c. no liability d. none of the above

Ques. 4. Which of the following is not among the main/core parties of LC-

a. issuing bank b. advising bank

c. beneficiary d. confirming bank

Ques. 5. As per CFR term, who covers the cost of main carriage-

a. exporter b. importer
c. bank d. none of the above

Ques. 6. How many articles are in UCP-600 ?

a. 49 b. 55
c. 39 d. 36

Ques. 7. Open limit of a bank is the limit given by :

a. Head Office b. ID
c. Bangladesh Bank d. Reserve from NOSTRO APC.

Ques. 8. Bill of entry will be overdue after

a. 90 days b. 21 days
c. 120 days d. 7 days

Ques. 9. What is the responsibility of an advising Bank?

a. To issue LC b. To confirm the authenticity of a LC
c. To make payment to the exporter d. To give a payment undertaking

Ques. 10. Which is not a currency as per FERA 1947

a. Bills of Exchange b. LC
c. Bill of Lading d. Drafts

Answer any 5 (Five) short questions: 15 Marks ( 5 x3 marks)

1. How many types of Foreign Accounts that we usually open? What documents are to
be obtained before opening an FC Account
2. Mention some domestic & international set of regulations for import.
3. How many types of exporters? What are the documents required for an exporter?
4. Elaboration any three of the following:


5. What is the definition of LC? Describe in brief, the different steps involved in
documentary letter of credit process.
6. What do you understand by Back to Back LC?
7. What are functions of an authorized dealer?
8. Why documentary collection in relatively safe for exporters than open account?

Ques. 1. For clearing a cheque , bank should put-

a. General Crossing b. Special Crossing

c. Either (a) or (b) d. None of the above

Ques. 2. Who are eligible for opening RFCD account?

a. Foreigners in Bangladesh b. Nonresident Bangladeshis

c. Resident Bangladeshis d. Any Bangladeshi travelling abroad

Ques. 3. Demand draft is :

a. Negotiable instrument b. Quasi negotiable instrument

c. Not negotiable instrument d. None of them

Ques. 4. Cheque is always payable

a. After expiry of the certain b period b. On demand

c. Post dated d. None of them

Ques. 5. Cancellation of crossing of cheque can be done by

a. Holder b. Payee
c. Drawer d. None of them

Ques. 6. Why introduction is necessary for opening an account?

a. For loss of Statutory Protection only b. For risk of issuing fake Cheque only
c. For risk Un-discharged Insolvent only d. For all of the above reasons

Ques. 7. What type of account ‘UCB Saving Plus’ is -

a. Savings Nature A/c b. FDR Scheme

C DPS d Special Scheme
e. Both of them f. None of the above

Ques. 8. Which of the following situation a banking company cannot pay any dividend to its shareholders?

a. Have loans to other banks b. High Defaulted loan rate

c. Paid-up capital is more than 400 crore d. All capitalized expenses have not been written off

What would be the effect on bank account, if a partner die, unless the partnership agreement
Ques. 9.
provides to the contrary-

a. Continue the account b. Close the account

c New account should be opened d Any one of the above with some conditions

Answer any 5 (Five) short questions: 15 Marks ( 5 x3 marks)

1. Define “endorsement”. Who can “Endorse” a cheque? What are the conditions for
regular endorsement?
2. What do you meant by “Authorized alternations? Explain with examples.
3. Compare and contrast between traditional functions and modern functions performed
by commercial banks in Bangladesh.
4. Sate the duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of a paying banker in payment of
5. Write the situation when a partnership firm will dissolve.
6. Write down short elaboration of the following:

a) MICR b) STR c) BEFT

7. State the functions of cash department. Distinguish between Bill of Exchange &

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