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Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

Verbs – Past Tense

Past Tense

1st - 3rd -
2nd - परोक्ष
अनद्यतन सामान्यभत

परस्मैपदी endings of Past Tense

Singular Dual Plural Person
अम ् व म 1st
स ् (ः ) तम ् त 2nd
त् ताम ् अन ् 3rd

अ + Verbal root + विकरणप्रत्यय + ending of person = Verb

• अ is added before the verbal root
• Unless अ is added to any verbal root, it will not be considered as a past
• So, this अ is very important
• Because this अ indicates that it is the past form of any verbal root

पठ् (1 PP) – to speak

अ + पठ् + अ + त ् = अपठत ्
• Note – the हलन्त त ् (half त ्) is indication of PP ending
• In the similar way we can make other past forms of the verbal root पठ् – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

पठ् (1 PP) – to speak

Singular Dual Plural Person
अपठम ् अपठाव अपठाम 1st
अपठ अपठतम ् अपठत 2nd
अपठत ् अपठताम ् अपठन ् 3rd

Similarly, धाव् (to run), हस् ( laugh/smile) etc. will be declined

नश ् (1 PP) – to perish
Singular Dual Plural Person
अनश्यम ् अनश्याव अनश्याम 1st
अनश्य अनश्यतम ् अनश्यत 2nd
अनश्यत ् अनश्यताम ् अनश्यन ् 3rd
Similarly, ससध ् (to originate/be successful), नत
ृ ् (to dance), etc. will be
लिख ् (6 PP) – to write
Singular Dual Plural Person
असलखम ् असलखाव असलखाम 1st
असलख असलखतम ् असलखत 2nd
असलखत ् असलखताम ् असलखन ् 3rd
Similarly, प्रच्छ - पच्
ृ ् (to ask), इष ् - इच्् (to wish/desire), etc. will be
कथ ् (10 PP) – to tell
Singular Dual Plural Person
अकथयम ् अकथयाव अकथयाम 1st
अकथय अकथयतम ् अकथयत 2nd
अकथयत ् अकथयताम ् अकथयन ् 3rd
Similarly, पूज ् (to worship), चिन्त ् (to think), रि ् (to arrange) etc. will be
declined – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

आत्मनेपदी endings of Present Tense

Singular Dual Plural Person
इ वहह महह 1st
थास ् (था ) आथाम ् ध्वम ् 2nd
त आताम ् अन्त 3rd

• Endings आथाम ् इथाम ् and आताम ् इताम ् in the case of 1st, 4th, 6th,
and 10th groups only
• In other remaining groups i.e. 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th and 9th this change will
not take place
भाष ् (1 AP) – to speak
अ + भाष ् + अ + त = अभाषत
• Note – this त is not हलन्त (half त ्). It is, therefore an AP ending
• Please do not get confused between the two endings as each of them
belong to two different types of roots

भाष ् (1 AP) – to speak

Singular Dual Plural Person
अभाषे अभाषावहह अभाषामहह 1st
अभाषथा अभाषेथाम ् अभाषध्वम ् 2nd
अभाषत अभाषेताम ् अभाषन्त 3rd
Similarly, सेव ् (to serve), लभ ् (to obtain) etc. will be declined

मन ् (4 AP) – to accept
Singular Dual Plural Person
अमन्ये अमन्यावहह अमन्यामहह 1st
अमन्यथा अमन्येथाम ् अमन्यध्वम ् 2nd
अमन्यत अमन्येताम ् अमन्यन्त 3rd
Similarly, युध ् (to fight), ववद् (to be/exist), etc. will be declined – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

ददश ् (6 AP) – to order

Singular Dual Plural Person
अहिशे अहिशावहह अहिशामहह 1st
अहिशथा अहिशेथाम ् अहिशध्वम ् 2nd
अहिशत हिशेताम ् अहिशन्त 3rd
Similarly, समल ् (to meet), कृष ् (to plough), etc. will be declined

मन्र ् (10 AP) – to council/discuss

Singular Dual Plural Person
अमन्रये अमन्रयावहह अमन्रयामहह 1st
अमन्रयथा अमन्रयेथाम ् अमन्रयध्वम ् 2nd
अमन्रयत अमन्रयेताम ् अमन्रयन्त 3rd
Similarly, पूज ् (to worship), अथ ्् (to wish/request), गण ् (to count/take notice
of), etc. will be declined

Few examples –
1. I have studied – अहम ् अपठम ्|
2. Boys have played – बालका अक्रीडन ्|
3. Pandava-s have fought – पाण्डवा अयुध्यन्त|
4. We have spoken – वयम ् अभाषामहह| (AP) or वयम ् अविाम| (PP) – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!

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