Platanus Orientalis Propagation Marras

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Florence, November 26th - 29th 2014


Tatiana Marras1, Kalliopi Radoglou2, Sonia Smirnakou3, Bartolomeo Schirone4
DAFNE, Department, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy; [email protected]
Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, (Fmenr), Democritus
University of Thrace (Duth), Orestiada, Greece
Forest Research Institute, Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, Thessaloniki, Greece
DAFNE Department, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy

Light intensity required by forest species has been widely studied, leading to their classification in
heliophilous, sciaphilous and intermediate species. Conversely, few studies are available on light
quality requirements. Artificial lights for plant growth have been designed mainly for agricultural
crops that are all heliophilous, with high percentages of blue and red wavelengths in order to increase
the photosynthetic activity. These light sources may be considered adaptable to heliophilous forest
species; in order to test this hypothesis, a presumed heliophilous species, Platanus orientalis, was
cultivated under different LED and fluorescent light sources, commercially available, in a controlled
growth chamber. Some seedlings showed a progressive yellowing or reddening of leaves, leading to
the hypothesis of a light stress. Therefore, the real light conditions in which natural regeneration
occurs were analysed. The Natural Reserve of Pantalica (Sicily), was chosen as study area. Light
spectra were collected along Anapo river, in July, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in correspondence of
different points with and without natural regeneration. Seedlings resulted to grow in slight shadow,
frequently interrupted by short sunflecks. The spectra associated to shadow and sunflecks resulted to
be different, both in terms of quality and quantity. Therefore, it seems that Platanus orientalis is not
properly heliophilous, as reported in literature; this fact may explain why, as some sciaphilous
species, it lacks of a complete xantophyll cycle, showing only leaf hairs as a protection against light
excess. The results of this research show that the analysis of light requirements for each species is
essential to define the best light conditions, in terms of quality and quantity, for artificial propagation.

Keywords: forest regeneration, light requirements, indoor propagation.

Parole chiave: rinnovazione forestale, esigenze luminose, propagazione artificiale.

1. Introduction et al., 1993), from 0 to 600 m a.s.l. (Pignatti, 1982).

Platanus orientalis is a deciduous species in all the
P. orientalis L. belongs to the family of Platanaceae. It area of its natural distribution, exhibiting the seasonal
is a deep rooting tree with green alternate leaves that alternation of growth and dormancy, which is a
are usually lobed with a smooth margin. In autumn the characteristic of the trees of the temperate zone. One
leaves of many trees assume a ochre yellow pig- exception is represented by the evergreen Oriental
mentation. The flowering period occurs in March – Plane of Crete island (Nikolakaki and Hajaje, 2001). In
April. The species is monoecious. The fruit is a sphe- Italy, where the species has the westernmost limit of its
rical infructescence, which is about 2 cm in diameter. distribution, it occurs in Sicily, Calabria, Campania and
The fruits often hang late as the spring on the trees. The has been recently excluded from Tuscany. Platanus
twigs are greenish to brown with small lenticels. The orientalis has conservation significance as a cha-
buds are green, thick and protruding. The bark is grey- racteristic species for the habitat 92C0 – Platanus
brown, small-scaly and flaking. It grows in sunny orientalis and Liquidambar orientalis woods (Plata-
locations without tolerating continuous shadow. It is nion orientalis) (All. I dir. 92/43 CEE) = G1.38
suitable for sandy, loamy and clay soils and tolerates [Platanus orientalis] woods (EUNIS), and is also
pH from neutral to strongly alkaline. It prefers moist included in the Italian Red Data List as a vulnerable
soil but can tolerate drought. The plant can tolerate species (Caruso et al., 2008). A big enemy which this
strong winds but not maritime exposure. It can tolerate species has to face in Italy is Ceratocystis platani, the
atmospheric pollution, too. P. orientalis grows natu- agent of the canker stain of Plane. Platanus spp. are the
rally in the Balkan peninsula up to the 42° parallel. only hosts of this pathogen. Penetration only occurs
Eastward, it grows naturally in Turkey, Cyprus, in the through wounds and the fungus colonizes the bark and
countries of Western Asia as far as the western Hima- also the wood. The main intervent which has been used
layas (Panetsos, 1984). It is an element of lowland in Italy against the expansion of the infection is to cut
riparian forests (Zangheri, 1976; Pignatti, 1982; Tutin and burn the infected tree leaving the coppice on the

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Florence, November 26th - 29th 2014

soil, removing also residual sawdust that is highly sand-based substrate (river sand: peat: pozzolana: coal,
infective. The low number of residual fertile trees and the 50:15:25:10) in Herkuplast® trays (QPD 144/6R type:
creation of gaps make easier the expansion of other tray dimension 310 × 530 mm; cell size 31 mm; depth
species, in particular of invasive ones. 60 mm; volume 31 cc; 870 plants/m2) and grown for 8
weeks under artificial lights in a climatized growth
2. Materials and methods chamber (one tray per each light treatment) with a
12L:12D photoperiod, 60 ± 5% of relative humidity
Artificial propagation of Platanus orientalis L. under and constant temperature equal to 22 ± 1°C. Six
LED and fluorescent light sources was tested in parallel different light sources were tested: 5 Valoya® LED
in Viterbo (Italy) in the laboratories of University of lamps: L20-AP67 tubes, AP67 bars, AP673L bars, NS1
Tuscia (UNITUS) and in Thessaloniki (Greece) at bars, G2 bars) and 1 OSRAM® Fluorescent light
Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) within the (L36W/77 FLUORA tubes). Light PAR was set at 50
European “Zephyr” project ±10 µmol m–2 s–1 for all the lamps.
2.2.2 Growth analysis
2.1 Growth protocols of DUTH Shoot height and leaves number were measured twice a
2.1.1 Growth conditions week for 63 days on a sample of 24 seedlings randomly
P. orientalis L. seeds were collected from Thermi, chosen.
Thessaloniki, Greece, in March 2013. After having been
smashed, seeds were stored in sealed glass containers at 2.3 Light spectra collection
a low temperature (+5° to +7°C). Then seeds were 2.3.1 Study area
deprived of their hairs, hydrated for 24 hours and placed A Sicilian plane forest was chosen as study area to analyse
in petri dishes with wet sand. They were then subjected which light conditions allow the natural regeneration of
to 50 days of cold stratification at 3-5°C. Afterwards, oriental plane,. This forest is located in the Natural
petri dishes were transferred in a phytotron chamber Reserve of Anapo Valley, that is also an UNESCO site.
with 16L:8D photoperiod and a temperature of 20°C The Oriented Natural Reserve of Pantalica, Anapo river
during the day and 15 °C during the night, under cool- valley and Cava Grande torrent (founded in 1997 to
white fluorescent lamps, in order to induce germination. preserve the association of Platanelia orientalis) occupies
Germination percentage after cold stratification was an area of 3,712 hectares through the territories of Sortino,
70%. Pre-germinated seeds were transferred into a Ferla, Cassaro, Buscemi and Palazzolo Acreide (in the
stabilized medium (Jiffy® peat-based substrate) in province of Siracusa). The predominant vegetation is the
Herkuplast® trays (QPD 104 VW type: tray dimension typical Mediterranean maquis, characterized by the
310x530; cell size 38.5 mm; plant centre 43/43 mm; presence of oriental plane trees, black and white poplars,
depth 50 mm; volume 50 cc; 510 plant/m2) and grown willows and a rich and fragrant underwood; the less steep
for 7 weeks under artificial lights in a climatized growth slopes are colonized by large oaks and holm oaks. In the
chamber (one tray per each light treatment) with past centuries, Platanus orientalis was distributed along
14L:10D photoperiod, 80 ± 10% of relative humidity the river borders but since the last decades the species has
and a temperature of 20°C during the day and 15 °C been hugely threatened by the stain canker which has
during the night. Six different light sources were tested: progressively decimated the population.
5 different Valoya® LED lights (L20-AP67 tubes, AP67
bars, AP673L bars, NS1 bars, G2 bars) and 1 OSRAM® 2.3.2 Transect surveys
Fluorescent light (L36W/77 FLUORA tubes). Light PAR Two transects 20 x 6 m, characterized by the presence
of tubes (L20-AP67 and L36W/77 FLUORA) was set of more than one adult plane tree, were selected along
around 50±20 µmol m–2 s–1 while that of LED bars was the watersides. In each one, 3 points with and 3 points
set around 200±20 µmol m–2 s–1. Trays were watered without natural regeneration were identified. Light
twice a day with automatic sprinklers. spectra, ranging from 180 nm to 1100 nm, were
collected for each point at different times (10
2.1.2 Growth analysis consecutive measurements in 60 s per each point)
Shoot height and leaves number were measured every during the day (10 a.m.; 12 a.m.; 2 p.m.) with a
2 weeks on a sample of 10 seedlings, randomly chosen. Stellarnet spectraradiometer, at soil level.

2.2 Growth protocols of UNITUS 2.4 Statistical analysis

2.2.1 Growth conditions 2.4.1. Growth analysis
Fresh seeds collected from Thermi, Thessaloniki, Both DUTH and UNITUS, compared shoot height and
Greece were sent to Italy in March 2013. Seeds were leaves number per each day of measurement through
stored at 4°C in a juta bag for 4 months. In July 2014, ANOVA and Tuckey range test, in order to identify
seeds were deprived of their hairs, hydrated for 24 significant differences among the light sources (P > 0.001).
hours and subjected to cold stratification using perlite
as substrate for 60 days at 3-5°C. Afterwards, they 2.4.2 Light spectra analysis
were transferred into a growth chamber at 22°C under Light spectra were subdivided into 8 regions, identified
fluorescent tubes (100 µmol m–2 s–1) to induce by specific ranges of wavelengths corresponding to a
germination. Germinated seeds were transferred in a specific colour: UV (ultraviolet) < 400 nm; violet, from

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Florence, November 26th - 29th 2014

400 to 430 nm; blue, from 430 to 480 nm; green, from bursts of light on a ms scale) due to the movement of
480 to 560 nm; yellow from 560 to 590 nm; orange from leaves in the upper layers induced by the wind, so that
590 to 630 nm; red from 630 to 750 nm; IR (infrared) > intensity varies from 120 W/m2 in the shadow to 1800
750 nm. The irradiance (W/m2) of each region so as the W/m2 during sunflecks (Fig. 5). The wavelength regions
irradiance of the whole spectrum, were compared among which show the most significant differences between the
the spectra taken for all the points at the same hour and two light conditions are those of red and infrared light,
for each point at different hours during a day, through followed by the green and orange regions. In fact, slight
ANOVA and Tuckey range test, in order to identify shadow shows a 10% of red light and a 72% of infrared
significant differences. light, while sunflecks are characterized by a 20% of red
light and 50% of infrared light (Tab. 1). Therefore, red :
3. Results and discussion far red ratio results to be lower in slight shadow (0.1)
than in full sun (1).
3.1 DUTH growth analysis
The comparison of shoot height after the 1st week of 4. Conclusion
growth shows that G2 spectrum is able to fasten shoot
growth if compared to all the other spectra which are Natural regeneration of oriental plane takes place along
able to fill the gap in 20 days, except for fluorescent rivers, on sandy substrates and in slight shadow,
tubes which need 35 days. After day 35 there are no frequently interrupted by brief sunflecks all over the day.
more significant differences among the different Therefore, Platanus orientalis is not properly
treatments (Fig. 1). No significant differences in leaves heliophilous, as reported in literature.
number were detected among all the spectra during 7 As some sciaphilous species, its seedlings lack of a
weeks (Fig. 2) but seedlings developed a reddish or complete xantophyll cycle and transient leaf hairs are a
purple colour during the last two weeks of growth under sufficient protection against full sun (Bisba et al., 1997),
LED bars, not under LED tubes. This effect may which directly arrives at seedlings level only for a few
therefore be linked to the different values of intensity of milliseconds during sunflecks. Commercially available
the two types of lights. lamps for plant growth have high percentages of red and
blue light, even higher than the natural percentages
3.2 UNITUS growth analysis characteristic of full sunlight. Therefore, even if their
After 13 days, seedlings grown under NS1 and AP673L intensity is not too high (100-300 PAR), the continuous
show the lowest values for shoot height while AP67B exposition for 12/14 hours a day to these high values may
and L20-AP67 show the highest values. After 16 days stress P. orientalis seedlings lacking in high light
FLUORA still shows significant lower height values protection systems, causing a forced reddening of leaves.
while the other spectra reach the same average value, On the other hand, because of the fact that the species
recovering the initial slowing down. Between day 16 and grows in slight and not deep shadow, also too low
day 50, AP673L and L20-AP67 show a faster growth intensities may stress plants, determining a progressive
rate, reaching significant higher values of shoot height, chlorosis which may be increased by the calcareous
in particular if compared to FLUORA, which exhibits an substrate. Nevertheless, artificial lamps result to be able to
arrest in plant growth (Fig. 3). Since day 13 to day 40, fasten oriental plane seedlings growth if compared to
FLUORA shows a faster emission of leaves and natural conditions, in which plants may take several
therefore a significant higher number, while at day 50 months to reach the same growth stage obtainable after 2
there are no more significant differences among all the months of growth in a controlled growth chamber.
spectra (Fig. 4). After 50 days a sudden chlorosis started Moreover, because of the fact that artificial spectra are
to cause the loss of leaves of some seedlings. No only slight different one from each other in terms of light
changes in leaf colour were detected. quality, similar results in terms of shoot height and leaves
number were detected during the growth period under all
3.3 Light spectra analysis the tested light sources. The main difference between
Significant differences, in terms of light quality and natural and artificial light, that probably mostly influences
quantity, were found comparing the spectra collected at seedlings growth, is related to the red:far red ratio. In fact
the same hour, in correspondence of different points, artificial lamps show high values of this parameter, which
with and without regeneration of Oriental Plane, so as equal if not surpass the natural maximum value which is
those collected in correspondence of the same point but reached only in full sunlight. It should be noted that P.
at different hours during the day. In fact, no points orientalis seedlings generally grow in slight shadow
characterized by continuous shadow or by continuous which is characterized by low values of this ratio and are
full sun from 10 am to 2 pm, were detected. Every exposed to the maximum value only during brief
selected point, independently from the presence or sunflecks. The results of this research show that the
absence of regeneration, is characterized by the analysis of light requirements of a particular species is
alternation of two main conditions: a slight shadow, due essential to define the best light conditions, in terms of
to the forest canopy and frequent brief sunflecks (brief quality and quantity, for artificial propagation.

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Table 1. Composition of light spectra corresponding to shadow and full sunlight conditions,
expressed as irradiance percentage of different colour regions.
Tabella 1. Composizione degli spettri luminosi corrispondenti a condizioni di ombra e sole
pieno, espressa come percentuale di irraggiamento delle differenti bande cromatiche.
Table 1. Composition des spectres correspondant à l’ombre et au soleil, exprés comme pour-
centages de irradiation des différent régions de coleur.

shadow sunfleck

ultraviolet 3% 3%
violet 2% 2%
blue 4% 5%
green 6% 12 %
yellow 2% 5%
orange 2% 7%
red 9% 19 %

Figure 1. Shoot height of oriental

plane seedlings during 7 weeks of
cultivation in phytotron chamber
Figura 1. Altezza del fusto di
semenzali di Platano orientale nel
corso di 7 settimane di coltivazione
in fitotrone (DUTH).
Figure 1. Hauteur de la tige des
bourgeons de P. orientalis pendant 7
semaines de culture dans un fitotron

Figure 2. Leaves emission of oriental

plane seedlings during 7 weeks of
cultivation in phytotron chamber
Figura 2. Emissione delle foglie di
semenzali di Platano orientale nel
corso di 7 settimane di coltivazione in
fitotrone (DUTH).
Figure 2. Emission des feuilles des
bourgeons de P. orientalis pendant 7
semaines de culture dans un fitotron

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Figure 3. Shoot height of oriental plane seedlings

during 8 weeks of cultivation in a climatized
growth chamber (UNITUS).
Figura 3. Altezza del fusto di semenzali di
Platano orientale nel corso di 8 settimane di
coltivazione in camera di crescita climatizzata
Figure 3. Hauteur de la tige des bourgeons de P.
orientalis pendant 8 semaines de culture dans une
chambre de culture (UNITUS).

Figure 4. Leaves emission of oriental plane

seedlings during 8 weeks of cultivation in
a climatized growth chamber (UNITUS).
Figura 4. Emissione delle foglie di semen-
zali di Platano orientale nel corso di 8
settimane di coltivazione in camera di
crescita climatizzata (UNITUS)
Figure 4. Emission des feuilles des bour-
geons de P. orientalis pendant 8 semaines
de culture dans une chambre de culture

Figure 5. Alternation of different light conditions at soil level in a P. orientalis forest, in correspondence of points with (a) and
without (b) regeneration, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Figura 5. Alternanza di differenti condizioni di luce a livello del suolo in una foresta di P. orientalis, in corrispondenza di punti con
(a) e senza (b) rinnovazione, dalle 10 a.m. alle 2 p.m.
Figure 5. Alternance de différent conditions de lumière a terre dans un forêt de P. orientalis, en correspondence avec points avec (a)
et sans (b) regeneration.

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RIASSUNTO una transiente pubescenza fogliare risulta essere

l’unica protezione contro l’eccesso di luce.
Propagazione artificiale del Platano orientale I risultati di questa ricerca mostrano la necessità di
mediante LED analizzare i requisiti luminosi delle singole specie
forestali per definire le migliori condizioni luminose, in
Molteplici studi sull’intensità luminosa richiesta dalle termini di intensità e qualità, per la propagazione
specie forestali, hanno condotto alla loro suddivisione artificiale.
in specie eliofile, sciafile e intermedie. Rari sono
invece gli studi sulla qualità della luce. Le luci
artificiali per la crescita vegetale sono state create per REFERENCES
specie agricole eliofile, con un’alta percentuale di
rosso e blu al fine di promuoverne l’attività foto- Bisba A., Petropoulou Y., Manetas Y., 2006 – The
sintetica. Pertanto tali lampade potrebbero ritenersi transiently pubescent young leaves of plane (Platanus
adattabili alle specie eliofile forestali. orientalis) are deficient in photodissipative capacity.
Una presunta specie eliofila, il Platano orientale, è Physiologia plantarum, 101: 372-378.
stata coltivata sotto 5 fonti luminose LED ed 1 Caruso G., Gangale C., Uzunov D., Pignotti L., 2008 –
fluorescente, disponibili in commercio, in una stanza Chorology of Platanus orientalis (Platanaceae) in
climatizzata. Alcuni semenzali hanno mostrato un Calabria (S Italy). Phytologia balcanica, 14 (1): 51-
progressivo ingiallimento o arrossamento fogliare, 56, Sofia.
caratteristici dello stress luminoso. Si è quindi deciso Nikolakaki S.E., Hajaje H.M., 2001 – Phenology of
di analizzare le naturali condizioni luminose in cui flowering of the evergreen oriental planes (Platanus
avviene la rinnovazione. orientalis Var. cretica) endemic in the island of Crete.
La Riserva Naturale di Pantalica (Sicilia) è stata Forest genetics, 8 (3): 233-236.
scelta come area di studio. Spettri luminosi sono stati Panetsos K.P., 1984 – Genetics and breeding of the
raccolti lungo il fiume Anapo nel mese di Luglio, tra genus Platanus. Reunion Agrimed, Antibes 29-
le ore 10 e 14, in punti con e senza rinnovazione. Le 30/10/1984.
plantule sono risultate crescere in condizioni di Pignatti S., 1982 – Flora d’Italia. Vol.1. Edagricole,
ombra, interrotta frequentemente da brevi sunflecks. Bologna.
Gli spettri corrispondenti a condizioni di luce e ombra Tutin T.G., Burges N.A., Chater A.O., Edmondson
sono apparsi molto differenti, sia in termini qualitativi J.R., Heywood V.H., Moore D.M., Valentine D.H.,
sia quantitativi. Pertanto, il Platano orientale non Walters S.M., Webb D.A., 1993 – Flora europea.
risulta essere realmente eliofilo, come descritto in Ed.2, vol.1. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge.
letteratura. Come molte specie sciafile, le plantule Zangheri P., 1986 – Flora italica. Vol. 1. Cedam,
mancano di un ciclo completo delle xantofille mentre Padova.

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