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Integration Transactions Overview

JDA® Warehouse Management

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Communications overview.............................................................................. 1
Standard connections and responsibilities ....................................................................... 1
Hardware connection ........................................................................................... 1
Software connection ............................................................................................ 1
External system responsibilities ............................................................................ 1
Customer responsibilities ..................................................................................... 1
Application responsibilities ................................................................................... 1
JDA responsibilities ............................................................................................. 2
Software implementation advisement .................................................................... 2
General communications concepts ................................................................................. 2
Host computer.................................................................................................... 2
Event ................................................................................................................ 2
Event Output (EO) .............................................................................................. 2
Inbound communication ...................................................................................... 2
Interface File Definition (IFD) ............................................................................... 2
Inbound IFD ....................................................................................................... 3
IFD segment ...................................................................................................... 3
Outbound communication .................................................................................... 3
Outbound IFD..................................................................................................... 3
EO segment ....................................................................................................... 3
Communication process flows........................................................................................ 3
Description of standard inbound communication ..................................................... 3
Description of standard outbound communication ................................................... 4
Inbound transaction format standards ............................................................................ 4
Common file formats ........................................................................................... 4
Valid characters .................................................................................................. 4
Inbound XML-based transactions .......................................................................... 4
Transaction elements .......................................................................................... 5
Inbound transaction types ............................................................................................ 5
Outbound transaction format standards .......................................................................... 6
Communication methods ..................................................................................... 6
Valid characters .................................................................................................. 6
Outbound XML-based transactions ........................................................................ 7

Chapter 2. Inbound transactions ..................................................................................... 8

Sending systems ......................................................................................................... 8
Standard inbound transactions ...................................................................................... 8
Inbound from host computer transactions .............................................................. 8
Inbound from duty management transactions....................................................... 10
Inbound from ERP Interface transactions ............................................................. 11
Inbound from Vocollect transactions .................................................................... 11
Inbound from warehouse control system transactions............................................ 17

Chapter 3. Outbound transactions ................................................................................. 19

Accepting systems ..................................................................................................... 19
Standard outbound transactions .................................................................................. 19
Outbound to host computer transactions.............................................................. 19
Outbound to duty management transactions ........................................................ 22
Outbound to ERP Interface transactions ............................................................... 23
Outbound to Inventory Visibility transactions........................................................ 24
Outbound to Track & Trace transactions............................................................... 26
Outbound to Vocollect transactions ..................................................................... 27
Outbound to warehouse control system transactions ............................................. 32
Outbound to Warehouse Labor Management transactions ...................................... 33
Communications overview

Chapter 1. Communications overview

Data communication is established between Warehouse Management, other JDA supply chain
execution (SCE) applications, and other external systems to perform the following tasks:

• Eliminate redundant data entry

• Provide timely and accurate information transfer between the applications in an automated fashion

• Synchronize information between applications to ensure efficient operations

This chapter provides an overview of communication standards and concepts, and it illustrates the
standard process flows for both inbound and outbound communications.

Standard connections and responsibilities

Hardware connection
The application communicates over a network for speed and reliability. The standard method of
connecting two systems is an Ethernet network. This network often requires a wide area network
(WAN) and the local area network (LAN) where the server resides. In addition to the network, special
communications equipment and software, such as a gateway or protocol converter, may be necessary
to establish the communications link.

Note: If you have any special communications requirements, please notify your JDA Project Team as
soon as possible. Hardware configurations other than a straight Ethernet connection are customization
options and are not described in this document.

Software connection
The application uses a store and forward file transfer method of communications for reliability,
flexibility, and simplified error recovery. The application provides configuration functions to tune and
monitor the interface. The standard installation uses transmission control protocol/internet protocol
(TCP/IP) for communications. TCP/IP is a well-established communications protocol available on many
computers and can be provided by a number of software companies. The normal TCP/IP package
(4.3BSD) includes file transfer protocol (FTP) file transfer utilities. The application uses FTP to move

External system responsibilities

External systems are responsible for preparing download files. They are also responsible for accepting
uploads in a timely manner and in the format described in generated integration transaction detail

Customer responsibilities
Typically, customers are responsible for cabling, telephone lines, gateways, and other network
equipment to establish the communication link between the external system and the computers.

Application responsibilities
The application is responsible for preparing uploads. It is also responsible for accepting downloads in a
timely manner and in the format described in the generated integration transaction detail tables.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 1

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Communications overview

JDA responsibilities
Generally, JDA is responsible for any hardware or software, such as network interface cards and the
TCP/IP software package, which is part of the server.

Software implementation advisement

IMPORTANT: Although JDA licenses packaged software, JDA solutions offer complex capability and
scalability requiring trained, experienced personnel to install and implement. Even robust
documentation is no substitute for JDA certified consultants. JDA implementation experience in
addition to training, both on the JDA solutions and on their underlying technologies as defined in JDA
solution documentation, are the keys to success. Given JDA’s mission to ensure customers achieve
optimal results, JDA strongly recommends you use certified consultants who understand JDA
applications and delivery methodologies. Without this guidance, you can expect to experience
implementation challenges that cannot be addressed effectively under your JDA support agreement. In
these circumstances, JDA Support Services will refer you to the Consulting Services team who can be
engaged to answer questions and guide the implementation.

General communications concepts

To communicate with external systems, JDA supply chain execution (SCE) applications communicate
with Integrator. To understand how Integrator facilitates this communication, it is critical to
understand the key concepts upon which the Integrator communication processes are built. While
examining the concepts, consider that inbound/outbound communication with respect to Integrator
should not differentiate between an Integrator external host system and an Integrator host system.

Host computer
The primary or controlling computer in a multiple computer network. A host computer provides data,
information, and computing facilities to a distributed population of terminals.

A defined occurrence in a system that triggers a transaction to be sent. Events are format neutral and
cause Integrator to gather data from the system database or from an inbound interface file definition
(IFD) for later communication.

Note: Events are not generated by the flat file communication method. Integrator does not distinguish
between inbound and outbound events. Defined events occur within JDA applications causing data to
be sent.

Event Output (EO)

Data that is gathered into one or more raw data super sets for later communication to one or more
systems. Data sent to various systems is derived from these EO super sets.

Note: EOs are not generated by the flat file communication method.

Inbound communication
Communication from an external system to a JDA application.

Interface File Definition (IFD)

The entity in which the data in these communications is sent. The IFD defines how a record is
identified and the segment information associated with the record. IFDs are format-specific depending
on the system to which they are mapped.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 2

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Communications overview

Inbound IFD
Data that is coming into Integrator from any system.

Note: Inbound IFDs are not generated by the flat file communication method.

IFD segment
Represents a portion of the entire data for the IFD. Segment data is one kind. An IFD defines the set
of fields for a record, including the position, length, and data type of each field.

Outbound communication
Communication that originates from a JDA application and is sent to an external system.

Outbound IFD
Data derived from an EO and sent from Integrator to any system. The outbound IFD is also called the
result IFD.

Note: Events are not generated by the flat file communication method.

EO segment
Represents a set of data that composes an event output. For example, for shipment completion event
output, the shipment information and the order information may be defined as different EO segments.

Communication process flows

Warehouse Management and Integrator systems are configured to send and receive a standard set of
transactions. Basic communication process flow overviews of the standard inbound and outbound
communication processes are provided here.

Description of standard inbound communication

The following steps are a basic description of the actions that occur during standard inbound

Note: The following process flow does not apply to the flat file communication method.

1. An external system sends information to Integrator as a download composed of one or more

inbound interface file definitions (IFDs).

2. An adapter program identifies the IFD, the IFD segments, and each instance of the IFD. Then
Integrator determines what to do with the information, such as add, modify, or update, and then
triggers that event.

3. After the event is triggered, the following actions occur:

• Resulting IFDs are determined

• Event output (EO) data is gathered from the inbound IFD

4. After the EO data is gathered, the following actions occur:

• Resulting IFDs are created

• Data is sent to the receiving application

Note: Inbound data is typically sent to the application database; however, an event may also
generate an IFD to an external system.

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Communications overview

Description of standard outbound communication

The following steps are a basic description of the actions that occur during outbound communications:

1. A defined action, such as picking inventory, in the JDA application triggers an event.

2. After the event is triggered, Integrator performs the following tasks:

• Determines the resulting IFDs

• Gathers the export data from the application database

3. After the EO data is gathered, Integrator performs the following tasks:

• Creates the resulting IFDs

• Sends the data to the receiving system using the assigned communication method.

Inbound transaction format standards

Common file formats
Warehouse Management, through Integrator, can accept and process inbound data in several file
formats. The following file formats are the most common:

• CSV: Files in which field values are separated by commas.

• FIXED BYTE: Files in which field values contain a standard number of characters.

• XML: Files in which field values are encased in XML format code.

Valid characters
The following valid characters are accepted when receiving transactions from external systems:

• Non-XML communication: Printable ASCII characters are allowed, including alphanumeric values
such as A–Z, a–z, and 0–9.
Note: Depending on data layout, certain characters may need to be escaped. For example, a
double quote (“) must be escaped by another double quote (“ “) when using CSV data layout.

• XML communication: Characters for XML communication must follow XML standards. For
example, certain characters, like ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘&’ and so on, are escaped when used as part of data.

IMPORTANT: Be careful when using special characters such as ampersands (&), at symbols (@),
single quote characters (‘) and colons ( : ). They may be reserved characters for other programs
and processes that Warehouse Management uses.

Inbound XML-based transactions

Warehouse Management supports XML-formatted transactions. This expedites integration of
Warehouse Management with external XML-enabled systems. This also speeds integration to systems
that leverage third-party message oriented middleware (such as BizTalk and MQSeries Integrator) as
enterprise integration hubs. The interface file definitions (IFDs) are the same for both file-based and
XML-based transactions.

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Communications overview

The XML file or message specifies which inbound IFD the transaction is to use. Integrator then uses the
“meta data” definition to identify and process the transaction into Warehouse Management. Each
inbound IFD, segment and field has a unique XML tag.

The data can be a “partial” envelope of data, meaning there is no need to specify all attributes with
values within the XML envelope. The minimal requirement is to fully specify all primary key elements
for the transaction. The remaining segment attributes are optional and are handled by Integrator
differently depending upon whether the transaction is adding a new object or is changing an existing

• For new object creation, Integrator either defaults or suppresses all optional attributes (which have
been omitted from the XML transaction) as specified by the resultant IFD.

• For object change, the optional attributes (which have been omitted from the XML envelope) are
simply suppressed by Integrator; that is, attributes are not passed to the Warehouse Management

Transaction elements
The following transaction elements are common to all inbound transactions:

• Transaction name: Identifies the transaction being sent. Integrator refers to the inbound
transaction name, along with its corresponding version number, and then maps the inbound data
to the matching Integrator transaction.

• Transaction version: Used in conjunction with the transaction name to identify the transaction.
The transaction version does not necessarily correspond to the Warehouse Management version

• Warehouse ID: Matches the native name of the system to which information is being sent. This is
optional information that can be used in multiple site systems to ensure that information is being
sent to the appropriate site.

• Segment name: Identifies a specific segment (for example, header or detail) in a transaction.

• Transaction type: Action performed on the segment.

Inbound transaction types

The following table identifies the valid transaction types for Warehouse Management transactions.

Description Behavior
Additions, changes, and deletions of specific segments of
information occur on the host. Warehouse Management is
notified of these changes.
A transaction fails when the following modifications are made:
Add, Change,
A, C, D
Delete • A segment is added on the host, but the data already exists in
Warehouse Management.

• A segment is changed on the host, but the data does not exist
in Warehouse Management.

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Communications overview

Description Behavior
Similar to A, C, D, however, the transaction type R determines
whether the segment data is considered an add or a change
based on information obtained from the Warehouse
Management database.
If the transaction determines that a segment added to the host
Add, Change,
already exists in Warehouse Management, then a change
Delete, Refresh
occurs; if it determines that a segment added to the host does
Note: Refresh not exist in Warehouse Management, then an add occurs.
A, C, D, R is only
With a refresh, a complete data set for a transaction is
available on
received, and then the transaction determines whether an add,
change, or delete occurs.
Note: With a refresh, existing transaction details that are not
downloaded with a subsequent transaction can be deleted. For
example, if an order transaction is downloaded with four order
lines, and then the same transaction is downloaded again with
only three order lines, the fourth order line will be deleted.

Outbound transaction format standards

Warehouse Management creates the information required for outbound host transactions as a by-
product of its normal operations. The information is written to a database in real time as the related
operation occurs.

Communication methods
A communication method defines how Warehouse Management communicates with another system.
The following examples show the communication methods that a standard Integrator to Warehouse
Management configuration can use:

• SL_IFD_TO_FILE: Creates a file in the specified directory using the designated naming

• SL_IFD_TO_FTP: Transfers the file using FTP.

• RFC: Copies the file to a remote destination.

Valid characters
The following characters are valid to use when sending transactions from Warehouse Management:

• Non-XML communication: Printable ASCII characters are allowed, including alphanumeric values
such as A–Z, a–z and 0–9.

Note: Depending on data layout, certain characters may need to be escaped. For example, a
double quote (“) must be escaped by another double quote (“ “) when using CSV data layout.

• XML communication: Characters for XML communication must follow XML standards. For
example, certain characters, like ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘&’ and so on, are escaped when used as part of data.

IMPORTANT: Be careful when using special characters such as ampersands (&), at symbols (@),
single quote characters (‘) and colons ( : ). They may be reserved characters for other programs
and processes that Warehouse Management uses.

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Communications overview

Outbound XML-based transactions

Outbound transactions support XML tags at the field level. When sending transactions, a specific XML
tag can be assigned to each field on the IFD. XML tags can be used to identify field values when
sending transactions in XML format.

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Inbound transactions

Chapter 2. Inbound transactions

This chapter identifies the systems from which Warehouse Management accepts information through
Integrator, the inbound transactions, and the communication method used by each system.

Sending systems
Warehouse Management accepts information from the following systems:

• Host computer: Business system at a Warehouse Management installation with which Warehouse
Management communicates to synchronize information to efficiently manage the activities in the

• Duty management: A duty management application that enables companies to meet the
requirements of customs authority approvals and to manage the declaration of customs duty,
excise duty and value-added tax (VAT). By moving the duty payment to the last possible point in
the supply chain, duty management integration helps you lower costs and administration effort.

• ERP Interface: JDA application that facilitates a single point of connectivity between Warehouse
Management and enterprise resource applications (ERPs) such as SAP, Oracle and PeopleSoft. All
ERP transactions are routed to/from ERP Interface, eliminating the need for Warehouse
Management, and other JDA products, to map directly to an ERP application.

• Vocollect: Voice recognition interface application that provides voice prompts to workers, such as
to pick a pallet, and accepts voice responses from workers using a voice recognition interface
device (such as a headset).

• Warehouse control system: Third-party warehouse control application that provides an interface
to automated material handling equipment, such as an automated storage and retrieval system
(ASRS), an automated guided vehicle (AGV), and other field devices such as a manufacturing
execution system (MES) or conveyor.

Standard inbound transactions

Inbound from host computer transactions
Warehouse Management accepts the following inbound transactions through Integrator from a host

• Allocation Rule Information (ALLOC_RULE_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts

allocation rule information from the host computer. Warehouse Management can then add, modify,
or delete allocation rules to support rules-based order processing.

• Appointment Information (APPT_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts transport

equipment appointment information from the host computer, such as appointment dates and
durations, the types of equipment that is expected, and the dock locations at which transport
equipment will arrive for loading or unloading.

• Bill of Material Information (BOM_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts bill of material

(BOM) information from the host computer, such as the item number to produce as well as the
component item numbers.

• Carrier Information (CARR_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts carrier information

from the host computer, such as carrier code, name, and type.

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Inbound transactions

• Commodity Information (COMMODITY_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts

commodity information from the host computer, such as the commodity code, freight class, and
Standard Transportation Commodity Code (STCC). Commodity information is used to group similar
products and is usually printed on the bill of lading (BOL).

• Customer, Customer Address, and Customer Type Information (CUST_INB_IFD,

CUST_ADDR_INB_IFD and CUST_TYPE_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts customer
information from the host computer, such as customer name, address, and phone number as well
as customer type profiles, which define default order processing requirements for a customer.

• Customs Consignment (CSTMS_CNSGNMNT_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts

customs consignment information for bonded receipts from the host computer. This information is
then sent to Duty Management.

• Distribution Information (DISTRO_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts distribution

information from the host computer, such as distribution ID, item information, and client. A
distribution is a pre-allocation of a warehouse receipt to a store. This order fulfillment process
pushes inventory from the warehouse out to one or more stores and usually involves new
merchandise that the warehouse distributes in appropriate amounts to appropriate stores.

• Inventory and Order (Pick) Exclusion Information (PICK_EXCLUSION_INB_IFD):

Warehouse Management accepts pick exclusion information from the host computer to exclude a
specific order or orders from the pick process.

• Inventory Creation Information (CREATE_INVENTORY_IN_IFD): Warehouse Management

accepts LPN, sub-LPN and detail LPN information from the host computer. This information is
typically sent when creating inventory during an initial installation.

• Inventory Status Progression Information (INVSTS_PRG_INB_IFD): Warehouse

Management accepts pre-defined lists of inventory statuses at which a customer is willing to accept
inventory from the host computer.

• Item Hierarchy Information (PART_HIERARCHY_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management

accepts item hierarchy definitions from the host computer. This transaction includes all levels from
the bottom to the top of the hierarchy.

• Item Lot Inventory Status (PRTLOT_INVSTS_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts status

change information from the host system to process a status update for inbound inventory for a
specific item and lot combination. The transaction includes attributes for the inventory to be
updated, of which the following are required: warehouse, client, item, lot, from status, and to

• Item Style Information (PART_STYLE_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts item style

definitions from the host computer, which includes item style attributes.

• Item Velocity (ITEM_VELOCITY_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts item velocity

information from the host computer.

• Items, Item Lot, and Item Footprint Information (PART_INB_IFD, PART_LOT_INB_IFD

and PARTFOOT_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts item information from the host
computer, which includes item numbers, item lot numbers, and all item attributes. Warehouse
Management also accepts footprint (dimensional) and item/footprint information in the same
inbound transaction.

• Order and Order Line Information (ORDER_INB_IFD and ORDER_LINE_INB_IFD):

Warehouse Management accepts order and order line information from the host computer.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 9

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Inbound transactions

• Proof of Delivery Information (PROOF_OF_DELIVERY_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management

accepts shipment line delivery confirmation information from the host computer. This transaction
allows a customer site to communicate received quantities of inventory back to Warehouse
Management (through the host).

• Receipts and Receipt Authorization Information (RCPT_INB_IFD and RA_INB_IFD):

Warehouse Management accepts inbound order and planned inbound order information from the
host computer, such as advance shipment notification (ASN) information and distribution
information. In addition, Warehouse Management accepts receipt authorization (receiving
template) information.

• Return Information (RET_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts return information from

the host computer, such as a return merchandise authorization (RMA) number, UPS or FedEx
tracking number, and item number.

• Route Information (ROUTE_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts route information

from the host computer, such as route ID, carrier code, and service level. A route is a static
schedule that defines the start and end times that inventory (typically for distributions) for one or
more stores will be picked up from a warehouse for delivery at stores or stops.

• Shipment and Shipment Line Information (SHIPMENT_INB_IFD and

SHIPMENT_LINE_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts shipment plans from the host
computer for orders that already exist in the application.

• Shipment/Traffic Plan Information (TRAFFIC_PLAN_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management

accepts shipment (traffic plan) information from the host computer. Shipment plan information
includes the load, stop, shipment, and shipment line details.

• Shippable Order Information (SHIPORD_INB_IFD and SHIPORD_LINE_INB_IFD):

Warehouse Management accepts shipment definitions along with the orders for those shipments in
one group from the host computer, and creates the orders for the shipments. This transaction is
also used to change and remove an order and associated shipment information simultaneously.

• Store Information (STORE_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts store and customer

information from the host computer. In Warehouse Management, a store is a special type of
customer with a static address to which the warehouse ships inventory on a route or static

• Supplier Information (SUPP_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts supplier information

from the host computer, such as the supplier name and address, default attributes for all items
received from the supplier, and default attributes for specific items and footprints received from
the supplier.

• Work Order and Work Order Line (Detail) Information (WO_INB_IFD): Warehouse
Management accepts both work order and work order line (detail) information from the host

Inbound from duty management transactions

Warehouse Management accepts the following inbound transactions through Integrator from a duty
management system:

• Duty Dispatch Confirmation (DUTY-ORD-CONF-INB-IFD): Warehouse Management accepts

confirmation that the duty management system has received and successfully processed the
shipped inventory dispatch or adjusted inventory dispatch outbound transaction from Warehouse
Management. This notifies Warehouse Management that the transport equipment that contains the
associated inventory can be dispatched.

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Inbound transactions

• Duty Receipt Confirmation (DUTY-RCV-CONF-INB-IFD): Warehouse Management accepts

confirmation that the duty management system has received and successfully processed the
receipt notification outbound transaction from Warehouse Management. This notifies Warehouse
Management that any duty holds can be removed from the associated consigned inventory to
make it available for picking and shipping.

• Duty Stamp Application (DUTY-STAMP-INB-IFD): Warehouse Management accepts duty

stamp status changes from the duty management system. This notifies Warehouse Management to
locate the inventory associated with the specified consignment and rotation ID and update the
inventory’s duty paid and duty stamp applied attributes.

Inbound from ERP Interface transactions

Warehouse Management accepts the following inbound transactions through Integrator from ERP
Interface, which receives this information from ERP systems:

• Carrier Information (CARR_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts carrier information

from ERP Interface, such as carrier code, name, and type.

• Customer and Customer Address Information (CUST_INB_IFD and

CUST_ADDR_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts customer information from ERP
Interface, such as customer name, address, and phone number.

• Item Information (PART_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts item information from

ERP Interface, such as item number and attributes. Warehouse Management can then effectively
store, track, and manipulate inventory within the facility.

• Order Information (ORDER_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts order information

from ERP Interface.

• Receipt Authorization Information (RA_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts receipt

authorization (receiving template) information from ERP Interface.

• Shipment/Traffic Plan Information (TRAFFIC_PLAN_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management

accepts shipment (traffic plan) information from ERP Interface, such as load, stop, shipment, and
shipment line details.

• Shippable Order Information (SHIPORD_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts

shipment definitions along with the outbound orders for those shipments in one group from ERP
Interface. Warehouse Management can then create the outbound orders for the shipments.

• Supplier Information (SUPP_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts supplier information

from ERP Interface, such as supplier name and address, default attributes for all items received
from the supplier, and default attributes for specific items and footprints received from the

• Work Order Information (WO_INB_IFD): Warehouse Management accepts work order

information from ERP Interface.

Inbound from Vocollect transactions

Warehouse Management accepts the following inbound transactions through Integrator from Vocollect:

• Get Alternate Putaway Location (SAL_VOC_GET_ALT_PUT_LOC): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to send an alternate putaway location in which to deposit an LPN
after the operator chose to override the original deposit location.

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Inbound transactions

• Get Assignment (SAL_VOC_GET_ASGN): Warehouse Management accepts a request from

Vocollect to send information on the first piece of work for the work list to which the operator has
signed on. This transaction is sent when a region issues assignments automatically, after the
operator specifies how many work IDs to pick (if this is allowed; otherwise, the application
automatically retrieves one work ID when the operator is ready for an assignment). When a region
issues assignments manually, the task dialog sends this request after the operator requests work
(through one or more Request Work messages).

• Get Configuration (SAL_VOC_GET_CONFIG): Warehouse Management accepts a request from

Vocollect to send all Warehouse Management site-level configuration parameters to the terminal in
a single record and modify terminal behavior based on these settings. The language code (locale)
is sent to inform the host computer of the language in which that task is being run on the terminal.
In cases where a host computer supports multiple languages, this will inform the host computer of
the language in which data should be sent to the terminal.

• Get Cycle Count (SAL_VOC_GET_CYCLE_COUNT_ASGN): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send information about the next cycle count assignment including the
work reference and location.

• Get Cycle Count Location (SAL_VOC_GET_CYCCNT_LOC): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send information about the location at which an in-line cycle count is to
be performed and the type of cycle count.

• Get Cycle Count Mode (SAL_VOC_GET_CYCCNT_MODE): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the cycle count work mode (directed or undirected) to be performed
by the operator.

• Get Cycle Count Region (SAL_VOC_GET_CYCCNT_REGION): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to send the valid regions in which the operator can perform the
cycle count function.

• Get Deposit Location (SAL_VOC_GET_DEP_LOC): Warehouse Management accepts a request

from Vocollect to send the location to which the operator should deposit a specified LPN on the
operator’s RFT.

• Get Discrepancy Types (SAL_VOC_GET_DISCR_TYP): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send information on the discrepancy types defined in Warehouse

• Get Item Attributes (Translations) (SAL_VOC_GET_TRANSLATIONS): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to send item attributes to the device in order for the
operator to listen to an item’s information.

• Get Loading Assignment (SAL_VOC_GET_LDG_ASGN): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the details of the assigned load ID to the operator.

• Get Loading License (SAL_VOC_GET_LDG_LICENSE): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the LPN being loaded for the assignment so it can be validated. This
transaction is sent when the operator speaks or scans an LPN.

• Get Loading Region (SAL_VOC_GET_LDG_REGION): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the valid regions in which the operator can perform loading

• Get Loading Status (SAL_VOC_GET_LDG_STATUS): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the status of the load to the operator.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 12

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Inbound transactions

• Get Performance (SAL_VOC_GET_PERF): Warehouse Management accepts a request from

Vocollect to send information on the voice operator’s performance standings for their current

• Get Printers (SAL_VOC_GET_PRINTERS): Warehouse Management accepts a request from

Vocollect to send a list of available printers at which labels can be printed. After the operator sends
the number of labels, the list of printers is given to the operator. This lets the operator choose
which printer to use (for example, the printer that is the closest to the operator).

• Get Put Away Records (SAL_VOC_GET_PUT_AWAY): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the putaway information of each individual LPN to the operator.

• Get Put Away Region (SAL_VOC_GET_PA_REGION): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the valid regions in which the operator can perform putaway

• Get Put To Store Assignment (SAL_VOC_GET_PTS_ASGN): Warehouse Management accepts

a request from Vocollect to send put to store assignment information to the device. This
transaction is sent when the operator is finished selecting LPNs.

• Get Put To Store Flow-Through Location (SAL_VOC_GET_PTS_FT_LOC): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to send the suggested flow-through location at
which the LPNs are staged. This transaction is sent when the operator is directed to a location
using directed work.

• Get Put To Store Puts (SAL_VOC_GET_PTS_PUTS): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the individual put records. This transaction is sent when the device
receives a successful Get Put To Store Assignment response.

• Get Put To Store Regions (SAL_VOC_GET_PTS_REGION): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the valid regions in which the operator can perform put to store
assignments. This transaction is sent when the operator specifies a put to store function or speaks
a change region command during a put to store assignment.

• Get Put To Store Residuals (SAL_VOC_GET_PTS_RESID): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the expected residuals to the device. If items were over packed, the
quantity of expected residuals can change from the beginning to the end of an assignment. This
information is compared to the operator's response for the number of residuals to determine if
there are any exceptions.

• Get Reason Codes (SAL_VOC_GET_REASON_CODE): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the reason codes from which the operator can select after canceling
a replenishment pick.

• Get Remaining Picks (SAL_VOC_GET_PCK_REM): Warehouse Management accepts a request

from Vocollect to send the remaining pick work quantity for an operator. This lets the operator
know how much more needs to be picked for the current assignment.

• Get Replenishment (SAL_VOC_GET_RPL): Warehouse Management accepts a request from

Vocollect to send the next replenishment for the operator. This transaction is sent when the
operator finishes a replenishment and needs to be assigned the next replenishment.

• Get Replenishment Region (SAL_VOC_GET_RPL_REGION): Warehouse Management accepts

a request from Vocollect to send the valid regions in which the operator can perform

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 13

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Inbound transactions

• Get Valid Indirect Activity Types (SAL_VOC_GET_VALID_INDACT_TYPES): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to send valid indirect activities, such as lunch break
and rest break. This transaction is only processed if Warehouse Labor Management is installed and
configured to work with the instance of Warehouse Management that is receiving the request.

• Get Vehicle Types (SAL_VOC_GET_VEH_TYP): Warehouse Management accepts a request

from Vocollect to send information on the types of warehouse equipment defined in Warehouse
Management that the operator is allowed to use.

• Get Work (SAL_VOC_GET_WORK): Warehouse Management accepts a request from Vocollect

to sign an operator on to a specific piece of picking work in the Warehouse Management. This
transaction is sent when a supervisor has configured a region to issue assignments manually or
when the operator requests work. One message is sent for each work ID requested by the
operator. The host computer then returns any available work IDs that match based on the value
specified by the operator. This message is not sent to the host unless a region is configured to
issue assignments manually.

• Get Work Areas (SAL_VOC_GET_WRKARE): Warehouse Management accepts a request from

Vocollect to send information on all possible work areas in Warehouse Management for which the
operator is authorized.

• Get Work Options (SAL_VOC_GET_WRKOPT): Warehouse Management accepts a request

from Vocollect to send information on all work options (pick methods) for which the operator is

• Get Workflow Information (SAL_VOC_GET_WORKFLOW_INFO): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to send the configurable workflow prompts that are to be
presented to the operator.

• Process Current Location (SAL_VOC_PRC_CUR_LOC): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to update Warehouse Management with the voice operator’s current
location in the warehouse. This transaction is sent after the operator enters a starting location.

• Process Container (SAL_VOC_PRC_CONTAINER): Warehouse Management accepts a request

from Vocollect to send carton processing information for cluster picking, including all of the carton

• Process Cycle Count (SAL_VOC_PRC_CYCLE_COUNT): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send cycle count results.

• Process Cycle Count Region (SAL_VOC_PRC_CYCCNT_REGION): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to process the valid cycle count region returned from the voice

• Process Indirect Activity (SAL_VOC_PRC_IND_ACT_ODR): Warehouse Management accepts

a request from Vocollect to process the indirect activity type specified by the operator.

• Process Inventory Deposit (SAL_VOC_PRC_INV_DEP): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to deposit an LPN to a specific location. This transaction is sent when the
operator delivers an LPN to its application-assigned location or to an override of that location to
validate the location entered and transfer the material to the location.

• Process Loading License (SAL_VOC_PRC_LDG_LICENSE): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to process the loading of an LPN onto transport equipment.

• Process Loading Region (SAL_VOC_PRC_LDG_REGION): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to process the loading region returned from the voice device.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 14

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Inbound transactions

• Process Loading Region Configurations (SAL_VOC_PRC_LDG_REGCFG): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to process the configurations for the region in which
the operator will be loading.

• Process Pick (SAL_VOC_PRC_PICK): Warehouse Management accepts a request from Vocollect

to retrieve the next pick to be performed and to update the previous pick. This transaction requires
a response from the voice operator.

• Process Pick Confirmation (SAL_VOC_PRC_PICKED): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send a pick confirmation.

• Process Pick ODR (SAL_VOC_PRC_PICK_ODR): Warehouse Management accepts a request

from Vocollect to retrieve the next pick to be performed and to update the previous pick. This
transaction does not require a response from the voice operator.

• Process Pick-To Identifier (SAL_VOC_PRC_PCK_TO): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to create the LPN in Warehouse Management to which the operator will be
picking inventory.

• Process Print Labels (SAL_VOC_PRC_PRINT_LABELS): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to print labels for a specific assignment.

• Process Put Away Region (SAL_VOC_PRC_PA_REGION): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to process the put away region returned from the voice device.

• Process Put Away Region Configurations (SAL_VOC_PRC_PA_REGION_CFG): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to process the configurations for the region in which
the operator will be putting away inventory.

• Process Put To Store Container (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_CONTAINER): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to open, close or review containers. This transaction
takes place when the operator requests to open a new container or close a specified container.

• Process Put To Store Delivery (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_DELIVERY): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to update Warehouse Management with deposit information of
residual inventory and the location to which it was deposited. This transaction is sent after the
operator confirms the deposit of residuals, both expected and unexpected.

• Process Put To Store Pass Assignment (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_PASS_ASGN): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to pass the put to store assignment to a different

• Process Put To Store Print Label (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_PRT_LABEL): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to print a container label. This transaction is sent
when the operator requests to open a container.

• Process Put To Store Puts (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_PUT): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to send the quantity of an item that was deposited to a put to store
location. If weights are captured, a separate entry is accepted for each weight captured.

• Process Put To Store Region (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_REGION): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to send the put to store configurable parameters for the specified

• Process Put To Store Residual Label (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_RES_LABEL): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to print a label for the residuals. This transaction is
sent when the operator reports residuals and the application is configured to print labels for

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 15

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Inbound transactions

• Process Put To Store Stop Assignment (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_STOP_ASGN): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to stop and complete the assignment. This
transaction takes place when all product is deposited to a put to store location and all skips and
residuals are resolved.

• Process Put To Store Update (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_UPDATE and

SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_UPDATE_ODR): Warehouse Management accepts a request from Vocollect
to update that an operator skipped a location. This transaction is sent both immediately after the
operator skips a location and again at the end of the put to store assignment to identify all the
locations that were skipped.

• Process Replenishment LPN (SAL_VOC_PRC_RPL_LPN): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to process the information on the LPN used for the replenishment

• Process Replenishment Region (SAL_VOC_PRC_RPL_REGION): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to process the replenishment region returned from the voice

• Process Replenishment Region Configurations (SAL_VOC_PRC_RPL_REG_CFG):

Warehouse Management accepts a request from Vocollect to process the configurations for the
region in which the replenishment will take place.

• Process Safety Checks (SAL_VOC_PRC_SFTY_CHK):– Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to update Warehouse Management with the voice operator’s responses to
the safety check questions for their warehouse equipment.

• Process Sign-Off (SAL_VOC_PRC_SIGN_OFF): Warehouse Management accepts a request

from Vocollect to sign off an operator from Warehouse Management. The sign off command is only
allowed at certain points in the task flow.

• Process Sign-On (SAL_VOC_PRC_SIGN_ON): Warehouse Management accepts a request from

Vocollect to sign on a specific operator into Warehouse Management.

• Process Stop Assignment (SAL_VOC_PRC_STOP_ASSIGNMENT): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to send information when an assignment is stopped.

• Process Valid Functions (SAL_VOC_PRC_VALID_FUNCTIONS): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to perform the voice processing function.

• Process Vehicle (SAL_VOC_PRC_VEH): Warehouse Management accepts a request from

Vocollect to update Warehouse Management with the voice operator’s current equipment.

• Process Work Option (SAL_VOC_PRC_WRKOPT): Warehouse Management accepts a request

from Vocollect to send the pick method that the operator is going to use, the work area in which
the operator will be working, and a new container identifier.

• Process Workflow Results (SAL_VOC_PRC_WRKFLW_RESULTS_ODR): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to send the voice operator’s responses, including
confirmation values, if any, to the configurable workflow prompts.

• Validate Inventory Information (SAL_VOC_VALIDATE_INV_INFO): Warehouse

Management accepts a request from Vocollect to validate inventory as to whether a location
contains enough inventory with the right attributes (such as lot, revision, origin, and supplier) to
fill a pick request.

• Validate Location (SAL_VOC_VALIDATE_LOC): Warehouse Management accepts a request

from Vocollect to verify that the location specified by the operator is a valid location.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 16

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Inbound transactions

• Validate Put Away LPN (SAL_VOC_VALIDATE_PA_LPN): Warehouse Management accepts a

request from Vocollect to verify the information of the LPN being put away.

• Validate Put To Store Location (SAL_VOC_VALIDATE_PTS_LOC): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to verify that the location spoken or scanned by the operator is a
valid location. This transaction is sent when the operator attempts to close a container and the
operator is not at a previously suggested location.

• Validate Put To Store LPN (SAL_VOC_VALIDATE_PTS_LPN): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to verify the operator selected license plate number (LPN). This
transaction is sent when the operator speaks or scans an LPN.

• Validate Replenishment LPN (SAL_VOC_VALIDATE_RPL_LPN): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to verify the information of the LPN being used for the

• Validate Serial Number (SAL_VOC_VALIDATE_SERIAL_NUMBER): Warehouse Management

accepts a request from Vocollect to validate that a single serial number or a range of serial
numbers are valid in the application.

Inbound from warehouse control system transactions

Warehouse Management accepts the following inbound transactions through Integrator from a
warehouse control system (WCS):

• Buffer Full (BUFFER_FULL): Warehouse Management accepts buffer location information from a
WCS when the WCS manages both buffer and infeed locations. This notifies Warehouse
Management that all the locked pallets in the buffer location can be recalculated for putaway and
released to the Work Queue. When buffer locations are managed by Warehouse Management, this
transaction is not used.

• Create Line Inventory (CREATE_LINE_INVENTORY_IN_IFD): Warehouse Management

accepts production line information from a WCS, or manufacturing equipment system (MES). This
notifies Warehouse Management of top-level items assembled at an MES production line and
includes the item, quantity, production line, and additional information. If work orders are used,
information specific to the work order is included (for example, work order number, work order
revision, and client) and all component level item quantities are reconciled on the work order.

• Heartbeat Confirmation (HEARTBEAT_CONFIRM_INB): Warehouse Management accepts this

transaction from the WCS to confirm the Heartbeat Initiate transaction.

• Heartbeat Initiate (HEARTBEAT_INITIATE_INB): Warehouse Management accepts this

transaction from the WCS to initiate the Heartbeat Confirm transaction.

• Inventory Snapshot (INVENTORY_RECONCILIATION): Warehouse Management accepts

notification of a file transaction from a WCS. Inventory Reconciliation looks for the WCS inventory
snapshot at a regularly scheduled interval. Additional configuration is required in the WCS to
handle and process this transaction.

• Label Request (WCS_LABEL_REQUEST): Warehouse Management accepts label request

information (for a single pallet) from a WCS. Warehouse Management validates whether a label is
required (through Compliant Configuration). If a label is required, Warehouse Management
generates a label file for either a pallet label or a shipping label and makes the label file available
to the WCS.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 17

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Inbound transactions

• Line Setup (LINE_SETUP): Warehouse Management accepts production line information from a
WCS or MES. This notifies Warehouse Management when a work order is assigned, started, or
stopped at a production line.

• Location Status Change (LOCATION_STATUS): Warehouse Management accepts location

status information from a WCS. This requests that Warehouse Management change the status of a
location between usable and non-usable, pickable and non-pickable, storage and non-storage, or
vice versa. Pallets that are pending putaway may need new locations and pallets that are pending
picks may have to be reallocated.

• Movement Confirm (MOVEMENT_CONFIRM): Warehouse Management accepts movement

confirmation information from a WCS. This notifies Warehouse Management that a pallet arrived at
a location in response to a movement request or unsolicited for a pallet has been delivered through

• Movement Error (MOVEMENT_ERROR): Warehouse Management accepts movement error

information from a WCS. This notifies Warehouse Management that the WCS cannot perform a
movement request, and includes the current pallet location and reason the movement request
could not be completed.

• Pick Confirm (PICK_CONFIRM): Warehouse Management accepts pick confirmation information

from a WCS. This notifies Warehouse Management that a pallet has been picked and provides the
destination location. If the pick is cancelled before this transaction is received, this transaction is

• Pick Error (PICK_ERROR): Warehouse Management accepts pick error information from a WCS.
This notifies Warehouse Management that either the WCS cannot satisfy the requirements of a pick
request or is confirming the requirements of a prior pick cancel.

• Request (REQUEST): Warehouse Management accepts pallet request information from a WCS
(typically required when an anonymous pallet is identified by the WCS). This notifies Warehouse
Management that the WCS wants either pallet contents, movement information about an
anonymous pallet or both. If pallet contents are requested, Warehouse Management sends a LPN
Detail transaction. If movement information is requested, Warehouse Management sends a
Movement Request transaction. If both are requested, Warehouse Management sends the
configured inbound event transaction, typically the default Induction transaction. If the pallet in
the request transaction is not found, Warehouse Management sends a LPN Error transaction.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 18

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Outbound transactions

Chapter 3. Outbound transactions

This chapter identifies the systems to which Warehouse Management sends information through
Integrator, and it identifies the available outbound transactions.

Accepting systems
Warehouse Management can send information to the following systems:

• Host computer: Business system at a Warehouse Management installation with which Warehouse
Management communicates to synchronize information to efficiently manage the activities in a

• Duty management: A duty management application that enables companies to meet the
requirements of customs authority approvals and to manage the declaration of customs duty,
excise duty and value-added tax (VAT). By moving the duty payment to the last possible point in
the supply chain, duty management system integration you lower costs and administration effort.

• ERP Interface: JDA application that facilitates a single point of connectivity between all JDA
products and enterprise resource systems (ERPs) like SAP, Oracle and PeopleSoft. All ERP
transactions are routed to/from ERP Interface, eliminating the need for Warehouse Management,
and other JDA products, to map directly to an ERP system.

• Inventory Visibility: JDA application that is designed to maximize logistics execution

effectiveness by providing end-to-end visibility of inventory, orders, and shipments across the
supply chain. Essentially, Inventory Visibility acts as a central repository of real-time information
captured from multiple JDA sites and legacy host computers.

• Track & Trace: JDA application that maintains a long-term historical repository of detailed
product shipment information. It serves as a centralized source of shipment information in
electronic format for use in product recall situations.

• Warehouse Labor Management: JDA application that is an extensive labor scheduling and
reporting solution designed to help management personnel maximize employee performance and
facility operation through improved planning, workload balancing, real-time feedback, and
productivity reporting.

• Vocollect: Third-party voice recognition interface application that provides voice prompts to
workers, such as to pick a pallet, and accepts voice responses from workers using a voice
recognition interface device (such as a headset).

• Warehouse control system: Third-party warehouse control application that provides an interface
to automated material handling equipment, such as an automated storage and retrieval system
(ASRS), an automated guided vehicle (AGV), and other field devices such as a manufacturing
execution system (MES) or conveyor.

Standard outbound transactions

Outbound to host computer transactions
Warehouse Management can send the following outbound transactions to a host computer:

• Blind Receiving (BLIND_RECEIVING): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

the host computer whenever inventory that is not associated with an inbound order or planned
inbound order is received.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 19

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Outbound transactions

• Footprint Information (PARTFOOT_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the host computer whenever an operator adds, modifies, or deletes item footprints
in Warehouse Management.

• Inventory Adjustments (INVENTORY_ADJUST): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the host computer whenever inventory quantity changes are made.

• Inventory Adjustments Work Order (INVENTORY_ADJUST_WO): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to the host computer whenever component inventory is delivered to a
work order production location for consumption by a work order.

• Inventory Attribute Adjustments (INVENTORY_ATTR_ADJUST): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to the host computer whenever inventory attributes are changed.

• Inventory Consignment (INVENTORY_CONSIGNMENT): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to the host computer whenever ownership of consignment-tracked inventory is

• Inventory Holds (TL_LPN_HOLD_HOST): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

the host computer whenever a hold is applied to or removed from inventory.

• Inventory Moves (INVENTORY_MOVE): Warehouse Management can produce an adjustment

log whenever excess component inventory is scrapped or moved to a work-in-process supply
location during the closing of a work order. Warehouse Management can send this log to the host

• Inventory Receipts and Returns Work Order (INVENTORY_RECEIPT_IFD and

INVENTORY_RECEIPT_WKO_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to the
host computer whenever incoming inventory from a production line is identified or a return is fully
processed for a work order.

• Inventory Reconciliations (INVENTORY_RECONCILIATION_IFD): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to the host computer for all of the inventory currently in Warehouse
Management. This is typically performed on a nightly or weekly basis.

• Inventory Scrap Work Order (INVENTORY_SCR_WO): Warehouse Management can send this
transaction to the host computer whenever a work order is closed and component inventory is
specified as scrapped or moved to a work in process supply location. This transaction is
immediately followed by the inventory move transaction to adjust the scrapped or work in process
supply inventory out of available inventory.

• Inventory Status Changes (INVENTORY_STATUS_CHANGE_IFD): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to the host computer whenever inventory changes from one status to
another status. Transactions are generated by several Warehouse Management functions including
shelf life expiration and inventory status change.

• Item Information (PART_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to the
host computer whenever item information is created in Warehouse Management outside of

• Inbound Shipment Complete (MASTER_RCPT_COMPLETE_OUB_IFD): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to the host computer whenever receiving transport
equipment is dispatched. This transaction contains transport equipment and inventory information
for receiving transport equipment.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 20

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Outbound transactions

• Order Line Outbound (ORD_LINE_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the host computer whenever an order line is added, changed, or deleted. The
transaction type denotes the action (add, change, or delete) to be taken to process the order line.
An order line cancellation is handled by the "change" transaction type.

• Order Progress (ORDER_PROGRESS_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the host computer. This transaction provides the status of all outbound orders in the
application for which required inventory still remains to be allocated and shipped. This transaction
is typically run as a batch job, either daily or on an event-change driven basis.

• Prepare Storage Transport Equipment for Shipping (PREP_FOR_SHIPPING_OUB):

Warehouse Management can send this transaction to the host computer whenever shipping
transport equipment (converted from storage) is loaded, closed or dispatched in Warehouse
Management. The event (loading, closing or dispatching) that triggers the transaction is configured
by choosing the associated exit point for the background workflow. After receiving this transaction,
the host computer can generate the required shipping documents.

• Production Reversals (REVERSE_PRODUCTION_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the host computer whenever an operator reverses the receipt of a top-level item.

• Receipt Reversals (REVERSE_RECEIPT_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the host whenever an operator reverses a receipt; that is, after incoming product
has been identified, received into the warehouse, and then removed (using the reverse receipt
function) from the application.

• Receive Returns (RECEIVE_RET_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

the host whenever a return order is completed in the application; it includes the details of the
return order such as item and quantity information.

• Receiving Transport Equipment Closed (RCV_TRLR_CLOSE_IFD): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to the host whenever receiving transport equipment is closed. This
transaction contains transport equipment and inventory information for receiving transport

• Shipment Cancelations (SHIP_CANCEL_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the host whenever a shipment is cancelled.

• Shipment Line Commits (SHIPMENT_LINE_COMMIT_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to the host computer whenever an outbound shipment line is allocated
for picking.

• Shipment Line Staged (SHIPMENT_LINE_STAGE_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to the host computer whenever an outbound shipment is either staged or no
longer staged. When a shipment is staged, Warehouse Management sends a positive staged sign
value, and when a shipment is no longer staged, it sends a negative staged sign value.

• Shipment Loaded (SHIP_LOAD_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this transaction

to the host computer whenever all inventory is loaded and the transport equipment has been
dispatched. This transaction is typically used by the host computer to generate invoices.

• Shipment Loaded for Inter-Warehouse Shipping (SHIP_LOAD_INTER_WAREHOUSE):

Warehouse Management can send this transaction to the host computer whenever all inventory is
loaded and the transport equipment has been dispatched to another warehouse in a multi-
warehouse Warehouse Management instance. This transaction can also be used, in both multi- and
non-multi-warehouse environments, to send an advance shipment notification (ASN) directly to a
customer who is set up to receive it.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 21

© 2005-2015 JDA Software Group, Inc.- Confidential
Outbound transactions

• Shipment Progress (SHIPMENT_PROGRESS_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to the host computer. This transaction provides the status of all shipments for
which a portion of the required inventory has not yet been supplied. This transaction is typically
run as a batch job, either daily or on an event-change driven basis.

• Shipment Status Change (SHIPMENT_STATUS_CHANGE): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to the host computer whenever a shipment for a client is transitioned to a status
configured for change notifications. When you configure a client and status combination for
notifications and a shipment reaches that status, this transaction is sent. The transaction includes
the applicable order and order line details for the shipment.

• Transport Equipment Change (TRLR_CHANGE): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the host computer to notify it to stop allowing any further planning for the transport

• Work Order Closing (CLOSE_WKO): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to the
host computer whenever a work order is closed. This transaction balances the ordered quantity
against what was actually delivered.

Outbound to duty management transactions

Warehouse Management can send the following outbound transactions to a duty management system:

• Address Information (DUTY-ADR-OUB-IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the duty management system whenever a dutiable address is added, modified (for
example, changed to a non-dutiable address), or deleted in Warehouse Management.

• Adjusted Inventory Dispatch (DUTY-ADJ-OUB-IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the duty management system whenever bonded inventory is removed from
Warehouse Management through a negative inventory or counting adjustment.

• Adjusted Inventory Dispatch Add (DUTY-ADJ-ADD-OUB-IFD): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to the duty management system whenever bonded inventory is added to
Warehouse Management through a positive inventory or counting adjustment.

• Inventory Attribute Change (DUTY-INV-CHG-IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the duty management system whenever an inventory attribute of bonded inventory
is changed.

• Item Information (DUTY-PART-OUB-IFD): Warehouse Management can send this transaction

to the duty management system whenever a dutiable item is added, modified (for example,
changed to a non-dutiable item) or deleted in Warehouse Management.

• Receipt Notification (DUTY-RCV-OUB-IFD): Warehouse Management can send this transaction

to the duty management system whenever bonded inventory is added in Warehouse Management
through receiving or altering inventory (positive inventory or counting adjustment) and the
consignment is completed. This transaction includes consignment and rotation information.

• Shipped Inventory Dispatch (DUTY-ORD-DSP-OUB-IFD): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to the duty management system whenever bonded inventory is removed in
Warehouse Management through shipping. This transaction can be sent at pick completion,
shipment stage, transport equipment close, and transport equipment dispatch.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 22

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Outbound transactions

• Stock Reconciliation (DUTY-STOCK-REC-OUB-IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to the duty management system automatically on a regularly-scheduled basis or
manually on an as-needed basis. This transaction contains all bonded inventory information
(summarized by the rotation ID) within Warehouse Management, so that the duty management
system can identify any discrepancies, such as differing packaging attributes and rotation IDs.

Outbound to ERP Interface transactions

Warehouse Management can send the following outbound transactions to ERP Interface for
transmission to an ERP system:

• Inventory Adjustments (INVENTORY_ADJUST): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to ERP Interface whenever inventory quantity changes are made.

• Inventory Adjustments Work Order (INVENTORY_ADJUST_WO): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to ERP Interface whenever component inventory is delivered to a work
order production location for consumption by a work order.


Warehouse Management can send this transaction to ERP Interface whenever incoming product is
identified. Incoming product can be from an external source or from a production line.

• Inventory Reconciliations (INVENTORY_RECONCILIATION_IFD): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to ERP Interface for all of the inventory currently in Warehouse
Management. Inventory reconciliation is typically performed on a nightly or weekly basis, after
which the results are sent to ERP Interface.

• Inventory Scrap Work Order (INVENTORY_SCR_WO): Warehouse Management can send this
transaction to ERP Interface whenever a work order is closed and component inventory is specified
as scrapped or moved to a work in process supply location. This transaction is immediately
followed by the inventory move transaction to adjust the scrapped or work-in-process supply
inventory out of available inventory.

• Inventory Status Changes (INVENTORY_STATUS_CHANGE_IFD): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to ERP Interface whenever inventory changes from one status to another
status. Transactions can be generated by such functions as shelf life expiration and inventory
status change operations.

• Prepare Storage Transport Equipment for Shipping (PREP_FOR_SHIPPING_OUB):

Warehouse Management can send this transaction to ERP Interface whenever shipping transport
equipment (converted from storage) is loaded, closed, or dispatched in Warehouse Management.
The event (loading, closing, and dispatching) that triggers the transaction is configured by
choosing the associated exit point for the new background workflow.

• Production Reversals (REVERSE_PRODUCTION_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to ERP Interface whenever an operator reverses the receipt of a top-level item.

• Receipt Reversals (REVERSE_RECEIPT_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to ERP Interface whenever an operator reverses a receipt; that is, after incoming
product has been identified, received into the warehouse, and then removed (using the reverse
receipt function) from the application.

• Shipment Cancelations (SHIP_CANCEL_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to ERP Interface whenever a shipment is canceled.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 23

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Outbound transactions

• Shipment Loaded (SHIP_LOAD_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this transaction

to ERP Interface whenever all inventory is loaded and the transport equipment has been
dispatched. This transaction is typically used by the host computer to generate invoices.

Outbound to Inventory Visibility transactions

Warehouse Management can send the following outbound transactions to Inventory Visibility:

Note: All of these transactions, except for the Integrator parameter changes and warehouse subscribe
transactions, are sent only after a site subscribes to and is monitored by Inventory Visibility. The
exception transactions are sent before the site subscribes to Inventory Visibility and are used to
subscribe to Inventory Visibility.

• Address Information (ADDR_CREATE, ADDR_CHANGE and ADDR_DELETE): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever address information is
added, modified, or deleted.

• Carrier Detail Information (CARRIER_DTL_CREATE, CARRIER_DTL_CHANGE and

CARRIER_DTL_DELETE): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory
Visibility whenever carrier detail information is added, modified, or deleted.


Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever carrier
information is added, modified, or deleted.

• Client Information (CLIENT_CREATE, CLIENT_CHANGE and CLIENT_DELETE): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever client information is added,
modified, or deleted.

• Customer Information (CUST_CREATE, CUST_CHANGE and CUST_DELETE): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever customer information is
added, modified, or deleted.

• Inventory Adjustment (INVENTORY_ADJUST-LENS): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever inventory is adjusted.

• Inventory Adjustment Work Order (INVENTORY_ADJUST_WO-LENS): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever inventory for a work order
is adjusted.

• Inventory Consignment Change (INV_CNSG_CHNG_ADD_LENS and

INV_CNSG_CHNG_RMV LENS): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory
Visibility whenever ownership of consignment-tracked inventory is changed. The transaction
adjusts the consigned inventory for an item whenever consignment is changed.

• Inventory Move (INVENTORY_MOVE-LENS): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever inventory is moved.

• Inventory Receipt (INVENTORY_RECEIPT-LENS): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever inventory is received internally or externally.

• Inventory Status Change (INVENTORY_STATUS_CHANGE-LENS): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever the status of inventory is changed.


Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever load
information is added, modified, or deleted.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 24

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Outbound transactions

• Order Cancellation (ORD_OUB_IFD): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

Inventory Visibility whenever an order is cancelled. This transaction ensures the host computer is
storing accurate order information in the event that an order is cancelled.

• Order Information (ORDER_CREATE, ORDER_CHANGE and ORDER_DELETE): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever outbound order information
is added, modified, or deleted.

• Order Line Information (ORD_LINE_CREATE, ORD_LINE_CHANGE and

ORD_LINE_DELETE): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility
whenever outbound order line information is added, modified, or deleted.


Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever an inbound
order is added, modified, or deleted.

• Inbound Order Line Information (RCVLIN_CREATE, RCVLIN_CHANGE and

RCVLIN_DELETE): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility
whenever an inbound order line is added, modified, or deleted. Original values are sent to
Inventory Visibility so that Inventory Visibility can determine which values to decrement, since the
values may have been changed by the transaction.

• Receipt Reversal (REVERSE_RECEIPT-LENS): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever receipt of inventory is reversed or "unreceived".

• Shipment Confirm (SHIP_CONFIRM-LENS): Warehouse Management can send this transaction

to Inventory Visibility whenever an outbound shipment is dispatched. This transaction supplies the
shipment actuals.

• Shipment Confirm Order (SHIP_CONFIRM_ORDER-LENS): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever an outbound shipment is dispatched. This
transaction supplies the shipment line actuals.

• Shipment Information (SHIPMENT_CREATE, SHIPMENT_CHANGE and

SHIPMENT_DELETE): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility
whenever outbound shipping information is added, modified, or deleted.

• Shipment Line Information (SHIP_LINE_CREATE, SHIP_LINE_CHANGE and

SHIP_LINE_DELETE): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility
whenever outbound shipment line information is added, modified, or deleted.

• Shipment Load Information (SHIP_LOAD_LENS): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever shipment load information, such as transport
equipment ID, seal, and driver name, is added, modified, or deleted.

• Stop Information (STOP_CREATE, STOP_CHANGE and STOP_DELETE): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever delivery stop information is
added, modified, or deleted.

• Transport Equipment Information (TRAILER_CREATE, TRAILER_CHANGE and

TRAILER_DELETE): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility
whenever transport equipment information is added, modified, or deleted.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 25

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Outbound transactions

• Warehouse Intransit Synchronization (LENS_WH_INTRANSIT_SYNC): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever a site subscribes to
Inventory Visibility. The in-transit synchronization transaction balances the shipments between
Inventory Visibility-controlled sites. Inventory Visibility uses the supplier/vendor information to
determine if the expected quantity was shipped from an Inventory Visibility-monitored site. If the
expected quantity was shipped from an Inventory Visibility-monitored site, then the quantity is
registered into the in-transit summary quantity for that site.

• Warehouse Inventory Synchronization (LENS_WH_SYNC): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever a site subscribes to Inventory Visibility. The
transaction totals the on hand, expected, and ordered quantities for each item at the time that the
site subscribes.

• Warehouse Subscribe (LENS_WH_SUBSCRIBE): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever a site is subscribed to Inventory Visibility. This
transaction identifies the site to be monitored and triggers the inventory, order, and in-transit
synchronization transactions, which send the initial inventory quantity information from the
monitored site to Inventory Visibility.

• Warehouse Unsubscribe (LENS_WH_UNSUBSCRIBE): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Inventory Visibility whenever Inventory Visibility is disabled within Integrator at a
monitored site. When Inventory Visibility is disabled, the site is no longer monitored.

• Work Order Close (CLOSE_WKO-LENS): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to
Inventory Visibility whenever a work order is closed.

• Work Order Detail Information (WO_DTL_CREATE, WO_DTL_CHANGE and

WO_DTL_DELETE): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Inventory Visibility
whenever a work order detail is added, modified, or deleted.

Outbound to Track & Trace transactions

Warehouse Management can send the following outbound transactions to Track & Trace:

• Component Update (TL_COMPONENT_UPDATE): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Track & Trace whenever a component item for a work order is added or modified in
Warehouse Management.

• Inventory Adjustments (TL_INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Track & Trace whenever inventory quantity changes are made.

• Inventory Holds (TL_LPN_HOLD): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Track
& Trace whenever a hold is added to or removed from inventory.

• Inventory Receipts (TL_INVENTORY_RECEIPT): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Track & Trace whenever incoming product is identified. Incoming product can be
from an external source or from the production line, and includes returns from a production line to

• Inventory Status Changes (TL_INVENTORY_STATUS_CHANGE): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to Track & Trace whenever inventory changes from one status to another
status. This transaction can be generated by functions such as shelf life expiration and inventory
status change operations.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 26

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Outbound transactions

• Receipt Reversals (TL_RECEIPT_REVERSAL): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Track & Trace whenever an operator reverses a receipt; that is, after incoming
product has been identified, received into the warehouse, and then removed (using the reverse
receipt function) from the application.

• Shipment History (TO_DW_SHIPHIST): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

Track & Trace whenever transport equipment has been dispatched to indicate the actual product
that was loaded onto the transport equipment and shipped.

• Work Order Deposits (TL_LINE_DEPOSIT): Warehouse Management can send this transaction
to Track & Trace whenever inventory quantity changes occur as a result of components being
delivered to a work order production location for consumption by a work order.

• Work Order Receipts (TL_LINE_RECEIPT): Warehouse Management can send this transaction
to Track & Trace whenever inventory is identified from a production line for a work order.

• Work Order Returns (TL_LINE_RETURN): Warehouse Management can send this transaction
to Track & Trace whenever component inventory is returned to stock from a production line.

Outbound to Vocollect transactions

Warehouse Management can send the following outbound transactions to Vocollect:

• Get Alternate Putaway (SAL_VOI_GET_ALT_PUT_LOC): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with information about an alternate putaway location in which to
deposit an LPN after the operator chose to override the original deposit location.

• Get Assignment (SAL_VOI_GET_ASGN): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

Vocollect with information about the work assignment to which the operator has signed on.

• Get Configuration (SAL_VOI_GET_CONFIG): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with the name of the system and a flag that indicates whether the voice
operator is required to specify their current location.

• Get Cycle Count Assignment (SAL_VOI_GET_CYCLE_COUNT_ASGN): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with information about the next cycle count
assignment including the work reference and location.

• Get Cycle Count Location (SAL_VOI_GET_CYCCNT_LOC): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with information about the location at which an in-line cycle count is to
be performed and the type of cycle count.

• Get Cycle Count Mode (SAL_VOI_GET_CYCCNT_MODE): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with information about the cycle count work mode (directed or
undirected) to be performed by the operator.

• Get Cycle Count Region (SAL_VOI_GET_CYCCNT_REGION): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with information about the valid regions in which the operator
can perform the cycle count function.

• Get Deposit Location (SAL_VOI_GET_DEP_LOC): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with the location to which a specific LPN on the operator’s device should be

• Get Discrepancy Types (SAL_VOI_GET_DISCR_TYP): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with information on the discrepancy types defined in Warehouse

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 27

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Outbound transactions

• Get Loading Assignment (SAL_VOI_GET_LDG_ASGN): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with information on the details of the assigned load to the operator.

• Get Loading License (SAL_VOI_GET_LDG_LICENSE): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with information on the LPN being loaded for the assignment.

• Get Loading Region (SAL_VOI_GET_LDG_REGION): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with information on the valid regions in which the operator can perform
loading assignments.

• Get Loading Status (SAL_VOI_GET_LDG_STATUS): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with information on the status of the load.

• Get Performance (SAL_VOI_GET_PERF): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

Vocollect with information on the operator’s performance standings for their current session.

• Get Printers (SAL_VOI_GET_PRINTERS): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

Vocollect with a list of available printers at which labels can be printed. After the operator sends
the number of labels, the list of printers is given to the operator. This lets the operator choose
which printer to use (for example, the printer that is the closest to the operator).

• Get Put Away Records (SAL_VOI_GET_PUT_AWAY): Warehouse Management can send this
transaction to Vocollect with information on the putaway of each individual LPN.

• Get Put Away Region (SAL_VOI_GET_PA_REGION): Warehouse Management can send this
transaction to Vocollect with information on the valid regions in which the operator can perform
putaway functions.

• Get Put To Store Assignment (SAL_VOI_GET_PTS_ASGN): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with information on the put-to-store assignment. This transaction
is sent when the operator is finished selecting LPNs.

• Get Put To Store Attributes (SAL_VOC_GET_PTS_INV_ATTR): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with information on the attributes of the inventory being
deposited. This transaction is sent when the operator specifies the quantity to deposit on the
Distribution Deposit screen during the distribution (put to store) process.

• Get Put To Store Flow-Through Location (SAL_VOI_GET_PTS_FT_LOC): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with information on the suggested flow-through
location where the LPNs are staged. This transaction is sent when the operator is directed to a
location using directed work.

• Get Put To Store Puts (SAL_VOI_GET_PTS_PUTS): Warehouse Management can send this
transaction to Vocollect with information on the individual put records. This transaction is sent
when the device receives a successful Get Put To Store Assignment response.

• Get Put To Store Regions (SAL_VOI_GET_PTS_REGION): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with information on the valid regions in which the operator can
perform put-to-store assignments. This transaction is sent when the operator specifies a put to
store function or speaks a change region command during a put-to-store assignment.

• Get Put To Store Residuals (SAL_VOI_GET_PTS_RESID): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with information on the expected residuals. If items were over packed,
the quantity of expected residuals can change from the beginning to the end of an assignment.
This information is compared to the operators response for the number of residuals to determine if
there are any exceptions.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 28

© 2005-2015 JDA Software Group, Inc.- Confidential
Outbound transactions

• Get Reason Codes (SAL_VOI_GET_REASON_CODE): Warehouse Management can send the

reason codes from which the operator can select after canceling a replenishment pick.

• Get Remaining Picks (SAL_VOI_GET_PCK_REM): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with information on the remaining pick work quantity for an operator. This
lets the operator know how much more needs to be picked for the current assignment.

• Get Replenishment (SAL_VOI_GET_RPL): Warehouse Management can send this transaction

to Vocollect with information on the next replenishment. This transaction is sent when the operator
finishes a replenishment and needs to be assigned the next replenishment.

• Get Replenishment Region (SAL_VOI_GET_RPL_REGION): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with information on the valid regions in which the operator can
perform replenishments.

• Get Translations Item Attributes (SAL_VOI_GET_TRANSLATIONS): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with information on an item's attributes.

• Get Valid Indirect Activity Types (SAL_VOI_GET_VALID_INDACT_TYPES): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with valid indirect activity information, such as
lunch break and rest break. This transaction is only processed if Warehouse Labor Management is
installed and configured to work with the instance of Warehouse Management that is receiving the

• Get Vehicle Types (SAL_VOI_GET_VEH_TYP): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with information on all vehicle types defined in the application that the
operator is allowed to use.

• Get Work (SAL_VOI_GET_WORK): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

Vocollect with confirmation on whether an operator is authorized to work on a specific work list.

• Get Work Areas (SAL_VOI_GET_WRKARE): Warehouse Management can send this transaction
to Vocollect with information on all possible work areas for which the operator is authorized.

• Get Work Options (SAL_VOI_GET_WRKOPT): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with information on all work options (pick methods) for which the operator
is authorized.

• Get Workflow Information (SAL_VOI_GET_WORKFLOW_INFO): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to Vocollect with configurable workflow prompts to be presented to the

• Process Container (SAL_VOI_PRC_CONTAINER): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with information for cluster picking, including carton identifiers and pallet

• Process Current Location (SAL_VOI_PRC_CUR_LOC): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the voice operator’s current location in the warehouse.

• Process Cycle Count (SAL_VOC_PRC_CYCLE_COUNT): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of cycle count results.

• Process Cycle Count Region (SAL_VOI_PRC_CYCCNT_REGION): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the valid cycle count regions.

• Process Inventory Deposit (SAL_VOI_PRC_INV_DEP): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation on whether a specific LPN on the voice operator’s
device was deposited to a specific location.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 29

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Outbound transactions

• Process Loading License (SAL_VOI_PRC_LDG_LICENSE): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that an LPN was loaded onto transport equipment.

• Process Loading Region (SAL_VOI_PRC_CYCCNT_REGION): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the loading region returned from the voice

• Process Loading Region Configurations (SAL_VOI_PRC_LDG_REGCFG): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the configuration of the
region in which the operator will be loading.

• Process Put Away Deposit (SAL_VOI_PRC_PA_DEPOSIT): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the putaway deposit.

• Process Put Away Region (SAL_VOI_PRC_PA_REGION): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the putaway region returned by the voice device.

• Process Put Away Region Configurations (SAL_VOI_PRC_PA_REGION_CFG): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the configurations for the
region in which the operator will be putting away inventory.

• Process Pick (SAL_VOI_PRC_PICK): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

Vocollect with confirmation of whether the inventory was picked, and whether there is more
inventory to be picked or that the work list has been completed.

• Process Pick Confirmation (SAL_VOI_PRC_PICK): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that a pick was completed.

• Process Pick-To Identifier (SAL_VOI_PRC_PCK_TO): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that an LPN was created on the operator’s device.

• Process Print Labels (SAL_VOI_PRC_PRINT_LABELS): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of whether labels for a specific assignment have been

• Process Put To Store Container (SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_CONTAINER): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of open, closed or reviewed
containers. This transaction takes place when the operator requests to open a new container or
close a specified container.

• Process Put To Store Delivery (SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_DELIVERY): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of deposit information of residual inventory
and the location to which it was deposited. This transaction is sent after the operator confirms the
deposit of residuals, both expected and unexpected.

• Process Put To Store Pass Assignment (SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_PASS_ASGN): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that a put-to-store
assignment was passed to a different operator.

• Process Put To Store Print Label (SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_PRT_LABEL): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that a label was printed for a
specific container.

• Process Put To Store Puts (SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_PUT): Warehouse Management can send this
transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that an item quantity was deposited in a put-to-store
location. If weights are captured, a separate entry is accepted for each weight captured.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 30

© 2005-2015 JDA Software Group, Inc.- Confidential
Outbound transactions

• Process Put To Store Region (SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_REGION): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the put-to-store configurable parameters for
the specified region.

• Process Put To Store Residual Label (SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_RES_LABEL): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that a label was printed for
the residuals. This transaction is sent when the operator reports residuals and the application is
configured to print labels for residuals.

• Process Put To Store Stop Assignment (SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_STOP_ASGN): Warehouse

Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that an assignment was
stopped and completed. This transaction takes place when all product is deposited to a put to store
location and all skips and residuals are resolved.

• Process Put to Store Swap (SAL_VOC_PRC_PTS_INV_SWAP): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with information on the attributes of the inventory being
deposited for an order when they are different from what the application originally assigned to the
order. This transaction is sent when the operator specifies the quantity to deposit on the
Distribution Deposit screen during the distribution (put to store) process.

• Process Put To Store Update (SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_UPDATE and

SAL_VOI_PRC_PTS_UPDATE_ODR): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to
Vocollect with confirmation that an operator skipped a location. This transaction is sent both
immediately after the operator skips a location and again at the end of the put-to-store
assignment to identify the all the locations that were skipped.

• Process Replenishment LPN (SAL_VOI_PRC_RPL_LPN): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the LPN used for the replenishment assignment.

• Process Replenishment Region (SAL_VOI_PRC_RPL_REGION): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the replenishment region returned by the
voice device.

• Process Replenishment Region Configurations (SAL_VOI_PRC_RPL_REG_CFG):

Warehouse Management can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the
configurations for the region in which the replenishment will take place.

• Process Safety Checks (SAL_VOI_PRC_SFTY_CHK): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation on the success or failure of processing the responses to
the safety check questions.

• Process Sign-Off (SAL_VOI_PRC_SIGN_OFF): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of whether an operator has successfully signed off
Warehouse Management.

• Process Sign-On (SAL_VOI_PRC_SIGN_ON): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation on whether a specific operator has successfully signed on
to the application.

• Process Stop Assignment (SAL_VOI_PRC_STOP_ASSIGNMENT): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to Vocollect whenever an assignment is stopped.

• Process Valid Functions (SAL_VOI_PRC_VALID_FUNCTIONS): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with the voice processing function to be performed (picking).

• Process Vehicle (SAL_VOI_PRC_VEH): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

Vocollect with confirmation of the voice operator’s current vehicle type.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 31

© 2005-2015 JDA Software Group, Inc.- Confidential
Outbound transactions

• Process Work Option (SAL_VOI_PRC_WRKOPT): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the pick method that the operator is going to use, the
work areas in which the operator will be working, and the new container identifier.

• Validate Inventory Information (SAL_VOI_VALIDATE_INV_INFO): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to Vocollect with validation information as to whether a location contains
enough inventory with the right attributes, such as lot number, revision level, origin code, and
supplier, to fill a pick request.

• Validate Location (SAL_VOI_VALIDATE_LOC): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that the location specified by the operator is a valid

• Validate Put Away LPN (SAL_VOI_VALIDATE_PA_LPN): Warehouse Management can send

this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the information on the LPN being put away.

• Validate Put To Store Location (SAL_VOI_VALIDATE_PTS_LOC): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that the location spoken or scanned by the
operator is a valid location. This transaction is sent when the operator attempts to close a
container when the operator is not at a previously suggested location.

• Validate Put To Store LPN (SAL_VOI_VALIDATE_PTS_LPN): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the LPN selected by the operator. This
transaction is sent when the operator speaks or scans an LPN.

• Validate Replenishment LPN (SAL_VOI_VALIDATE_RPL_LPN): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation of the LPN being used for the replenishment.

• Validate Serial Number (SAL_VOI_VALIDATE_SERIAL_NUMBER): Warehouse Management

can send this transaction to Vocollect with confirmation that a single serial number or a range of
serial numbers is valid in the application.

Outbound to warehouse control system transactions

Warehouse Management can send the following outbound transactions to a warehouse control system

• Heartbeat Initiate (HEARTBEAT_INITIATE): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to a WCS to initiate the Heartbeat Confirm transaction.

• Induction (INDUCTION): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to a WCS to

request that a pallet be moved from a specified source location and includes the contents of the
pallet. If Warehouse Management controls storage and picking, the destination location is
specified. If the WCS determines storage and picking, the destination location is not specified.

• Inventory Attribute Change (INVENTORY_ATTR_CHANGE): Warehouse Management can

send this transaction to notify the WCS that an inventory attribute has changed.

• Label Response (LABEL_RESPONSE): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to a

WCS to communicate whether the pallet label or shipping label information was generated in
response to the Label Request transaction. The label information includes the file name and path
for the requested pallet LPN. The WCS retrieves the label information and send it to a printer.

• LPN Detail (LOAD_DETAIL): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to a WCS to
communicate the inventory attribute details for the pallet provided in the Request transaction.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 32

© 2005-2015 JDA Software Group, Inc.- Confidential
Outbound transactions

• LPN Error (LOAD_ERROR): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to a WCS to
inform the WCS that the pallet provided in the Request transaction was not found in Warehouse

• Movement Request (MOVEMENT_REQUEST): Warehouse Management can send this

transaction to a WCS to request that a pallet be moved from a specified source location (does not
include pallet contents). If Warehouse Management controls storage and picking, the destination
location is specified. If the WCS determines storage and picking, the destination location is not
specified. This movement could represent a move to any location controlled by automation, such
as a pallet being moved from an induction point to a weigh station, a pallet being moved from a
weigh station to a storage location, or a pallet being moved from a weigh station to the nearest

• Pick Cancel (PICK_CANCEL): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to a WCS to
request the cancellation of an outstanding pick request of inventory (can be a single pick or a
group of picks).

• Pick Request (PICK_REQUEST): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to a WCS to
request the WCS to pick inventory for an outbound order, a work order, or replenishment
(emergency, manual, top-off, demand, or trigger).

• Removal (REMOVAL): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to a WCS to request
the removal of a pallet.

Outbound to Warehouse Labor Management transactions

Warehouse Management can send the following outbound transactions to Warehouse Labor

• Measured Tasks (DIRECT 104): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to
Warehouse Labor Management whenever an operator performs a direct activity (measured task)
within Warehouse Management. This transaction provides detailed information about the measured
task that was performed.

• Unmeasured Tasks (INDIRECT): Warehouse Management can send this transaction to

Warehouse Labor Management whenever an operator performs an indirect activity (unmeasured
task) within Warehouse Management. This transaction provides detailed information about the
unmeasured task that was performed.

JDA Warehouse Management Integration Transactions Overview 33

© 2005-2015 JDA Software Group, Inc.- Confidential

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