Chapter 4 Higher Education of Rizal Part 1

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Education at the Ateneo
 June 1872 – Jose was sent to Manila to study
at the Ateneo Municipal.

 Ateneo was the former Escuela Pia or charity

school of Manila under the supervision of

 Ateneo was the counterpart of Colegio de San

Juan de Letran.

 Don Francisco changed his mind and decided

to send Rizal to Ateneo Municipal

 Rizal almost did not enroll by the school

registrar Fr. Magin Fernando because of two
1. He was late for registration
2. He appeared to be frail and sickly
 Through the intercession of Manuel Burgos,
Jose was able to enter Ateneo.

 Jose used the surname “Rizal” for the first


 Jose was called an “externo” or a living out

student during his days in Ateneo Municipal.

 Fr. Jose Bech – first professor of Jose in


 Jesuits system of education encouraged

competition among students.

 Rizal was placed at the bottom of the class

and assigned with the Carthaginians.
 The class was divided into two groups:
 Carthaginian (the non-boarder of Ateneo)
 Roman (the boarder inside Ateneo)

 The best student: Emperor

 The second best student: Tribune
 The third best student: Decurion
 The fourth best student: Centurion
 The fifth best student: Standard Bearer

 Within the empire, the students fought for these

positions by challenging the ones holding the ranks to
answer questions based on the day’s lesson.

 Historia Universal by Cesar Cantu

 Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas

 Travels to the Philippines by Feodor Jagor
 Jose took a private lessons in Santa Isabel College
during break time to improve his knowledge of Spanish.

 After a month, Rizal became the emperor and he was

considered as the brightest student of the class.

 In his second year and third year in Ateneo, nothing

usual happened to Rizal.

 In his fourth year in Ateneo, Rizal was inspired to study

hard and to write poetry by one of his best professors,
Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez – a great
educator and scholar

 He expressed his ideas on the value of education in his

poem “Through Education The Motherland Receives

 Mi Primera Inspiracion (My First Inspiration) – a

poem dedicated to his mother on her birthday.
 In Memory of My Town – a tender poem in
honor of Calamba

 Intimate Alliance Between Religion and

Good Education – its shows the importance of
religion in education

 A Farewell Dialogue of the Students – the last

poem written by Rizal in Ateneo

 He excelled in all subjects and won five medals

at the end of the school term.

 March 23, 1877 – he received his degree of

Bachelor of Arts with honors.
Rizal’s Studies at the University of Santo Tomas (UST)
 After Rizal completed his education at the
Ateneo, his mother wanted him to return
home and look after the family business.

 April 1877 – Rizal was 16 years old, enrolled

at the UST taking Philosophy and Letters.

 Rizal was still unsure of what course to take.

 He tried to seek guidance from Fr. Pablo

Ramon but since he was in Mindanao.

 For his first term, Rizal studied at the

Philosphy program.

 In the following term he decided to shift to

 His decision was prompted by his desire
 cure his mother’s failing eyesight
 Fr. Ramon wrote back advising Jose
to take up medicine
 highly in demand course

 Rizal entered a very different world in

UST as a student.

 Rizal spent his time studying. He returned

to Ateneo to take up a land surveying
course which was then a vocational

 He completed the surveyor’s course and

was awarded the title of perito
Experiece of Spanish Brutality

 Rizal experienced his first taste of brutality

during his first year of medical studies at UST.

One night while he was walking alone a dark

street, Rizal failed to recognize the Spanish civil
guard, passing by his side, thus, he did not bow,
salute or greet the man. At a striking distance, the
civil guard whipped Rizal mercilessly at the back
with a stingray tail (buntot pagi).
Literary Works of Rizal in University of Sto. Tomas
 To the Filipino Youth (Sa Kabataang Pilipino/A La
Juventud Filipina) – a winning masterpiece which he
submitted in the literacy contest held by Liceo-
Artistico-Literario of Manila.

“The youth is the fair hope of our Fatherland.”

 The Council of Gods (El Consejo De Los Dioses) –

it was another contest of Liceo-Artistico-Literario to
commemorate the death of Miguel Cervantes, the
author of Don Quixote.

 The jury which was composed of Spaniards awarded

Rizal the grand prize.

 The Spanish community especially the press was

appalled upon learning that the author was an Indio.
 The study of Rizal at the University of Sto. Tomas
(UST) was not meaningful and fruitful just like
when he was at Ateneo.

 Rizal, after completing his four years in Medical

School decided to leave for Europe.

 Rizal’s decision to leave for Spain had the

blessings of his brother Paciano and his uncle
Antonio Rivera.

 He decided not to seek his parents’ blessing

knowing that they will never approve his plan.

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