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Cairo University Academic Year

Faculty of Engineering Highway and Airports Eengineering (1) 2018-2019

Civil Engineering Dept


1 The result of an Axle Load Survey on a section of a two-lane major collector rural
highway is given below. The AADT is 3,500 vpd (both directions), trucks = 25%, and
the annual traffic growth rate is 2%. Determine the expected total ESAL over a 15-
year design period.

Number of Axles per 100 Trucks

Weight Group (Kips)
Single Axle Tandem Axle
<7 112 --
7~9 75 --
9~19 92 50
19~25 62 65
25~31 -- 20
31~41 -- 15
41~51 -- 10

2 a) Using the theoretical design method, determine the thickness of the bituminous layer
that is required to be placed directly on the Subgrade to carry a set of dual wheel
load of 24,000 Ibs spaced 22" with tire pressure 120 psi. The allowable deflection is
0.12", the total traffic = 2,500 vpd, and the average rainfall = 38". The modulus of
elasticity of the Subgrade is 2,500 psi and that of the bituminous layer is 300,000
b) If crushed stone with a modulus of elasticity of 30,000 psi is available for use as a
base course, determine the thickness of the base course if a 4.0" bituminous wearing
surface is going to be used.
c) If the unit prices of asphalt concrete and base course are 2,400 and 240 EGP/m3
respectively, determine the optimum combination of asphalt concrete and base
thicknesses considering the overall cost (minimum thickness for the wearing surface
is 2").

3 Given the following information, design a four-layer pavement section:

- Design reliability = 90% - Overall standard deviation = 0.40
- Total daily ESAL = 3,000 - Directional distribution factor = 60%
- Lane distribution factor = 70% - The design period = 20 years
- Annual rate of traffic growth = 2% - Initial serviceability index = 4.5
- Terminal serviceability index = 2.5 - Saturation condition 20% of the time
- Material characteristics are as follows:
Material Modulus (psi) Notes
Asphalt concrete 400,000 --
Crushed stone base 30,000 Good drainage quality
Granular Subbase 20,000 Fair drainage quality
Subgrade 3,500 --
Cairo University Academic Year
Faculty of Engineering Highway and Airports Eengineering (1) 2018-2019
Civil Engineering Dept

4 a) Using the Asphalt Institute design method, determine the thickness of a full-depth
asphalt concrete pavement structure for the following conditions:
- The Subgrade Modulus (MR) = 4,000 psi
- Design traffic (∑ESAL) = 2,000,000
b) For the conditions given in (a), design the pavement structure if it is required to use
asphalt concrete surface layer with a 6" untreated base material.

5 Using the Asphalt Institute design method, design a flexible pavement structure with
asphalt concrete and 12" untreated granular base for a four lane highway. The daily
axle loads are all single and consist of 320, 200, and 150 each of weight of 12, 18, and
24 kips, respectively. The CBR of the Subgrade is 15%, traffic growth is 3%, and the
design period is 15 years.

6 Given the following design conditions:

- Type of facility: Two-lane Two-way - Total ADT = 15,000 vpd
- Directional distribution = 0.60 - Percentage of trucks = 20%
- Average truck factor = 1.22 - Design period = 12 years
- Annual traffic growth rate = 1.5%
- Overall standard deviation = 0.40 - Design Reliability = 95%
- Initial serviceability = 4.2 - Terminal serviceability = 2.0
- Resilient Modulus: Subgrade = 5,000 psi & Asphalt Layer = 400,000 psi

a) Calculate the design ESAL applications.

b) Design a full-depth asphalt pavement section using the “AASHTO” design method.
d) Design a full-depth asphalt pavement section using the “Asphalt Institute” design
c) Determine the Present Serviceability Index for the pavement section designed in
“6-b” after 8 years of traffic loading.

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