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My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven

v0.7.5 [Elite]

To the mastermind(s) behind the game, where without them we
couldn’t have played and enjoyed it! Please visit their page to check
out their other games and support them to provide you with more
games in the future!



Viewer discretion is advised!

The game contains adult content and thus you have to be the legal
age according to your country.

Viewer discretion is advised!

My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Day 1

1. [Day01 Peek Julia Uncle]

2. A) Announce your presence and make fun of the… [+1 Lust/Julia]

B) Apologize before things get complicated. [+1Love/Julia]

3. [+1 Lust/Julia] [Day01 Keep Look Julia]

4. A) Nice. We’ve gone from calling me a rapist, to… [+1 Love/Lori]

B) Whisper in here, ear ask who her hot friend is. [+1Love/Barb]
C) Look at Julia again, while hugging Lori. [+1Lust/Julia]
Note: If [Day01 Keep Look Julia], then [Day1 Barb Notice Eye Julia]

5. Keep your attention on Lori.

Note: If [Day1 Barb Notice Eye Julia] [0+Love/Lori]
Note: If [Day01 Keep Look Julia], then [1+Love/Lori]
Note: Else, [2+Love/Lori]

6. A) We, Me included? [-1Love/Barb] [-2Lust/Barb]

B) Nice to meet you, Babs. [+1 Love/Lori]
C) Nice to meet you, Barbara. [+1Love/Barb]

7. What can I do to change that? [+1 Love/Lori, +1 Love/Barb]

8. [+1 Lust/Julia]
Note: If [Day1 Barb Notice Eye Julia] Game Over
Note: Else [+1 Lust/Julia]
B) BEHAVE! [+1Love/Julia]
Note: If [Day1 Barb Notice Eye Julia], then [+1 Love/Lori]

9. A) Strawberry.
B) Same as Barb. [+1 Love/Barb]
C) Same as Lori. [+1 Love/Lori]

My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

10. A) Answer her. [+1 Love/Barb]

B) Look at Lori in silence. [+1 Love/Lori]
Note: If [Love/Lori] >=5 {Go to: #12}
C) Change the subject.
•Stay Cool. {Go to: #11}
•Confront her. [+1 Love/Lori] [+1Barb/Lust]
{Go to: #12}

11. You’re not that kind of girl, Right? [+1Barb/Lust] [Lori Knows About Father]

12. React for Lori. [+1 Love/Lori] [+1 Lust/Barb]

[Day01 React Lori] & If [Love/Lori] >=5 [Lori Pre Romance].

13. A) Be honest. * [Day01 Lori Want To Change]

*Recommended for those focusing more on Lori than Julia.
B) Of course not!
14. A) Announce your presence. [+1Love/Julia]

B) [+1 Lust/Julia]

15. A) Want some help in the kitchen. [+1 Love/Julia]

B) Just enjoy the view. [+1 Lust/Julia]

Note: Option C will only show if you didn’t obtain [Day01 Lori Want To Change].
C) Maybe I can help. * [Day01 Julia Want To Change Lori]
*Recommended for those focusing more on Julia than Lori.


If you obtained [Day01 Julia Want To Change Lori] and you want to see more of Julia {Go to: #16}
Else, you can obtain a scene of the neighbor with a mysterious woman (End of Day 2) {Go to: #17}

16. Join Julia in the living room.

{Go to: Day 2} [Day01 Night Join Early] [Day01 Julia Touched]

17. 9pm, I have an appointment with that window. [Day01 Night Peek Window]

18. Carry her to her bed. [+2 Love/Julia]

{Go to: Day 2} [Day01 Night Join In Time]

My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Day 2

1. Peek. [Day2 Peek Lori]

2. Keep peeking. [Day2 Caught By Cornell]

Note: You’ll be introduced to the neighbor (Daphne) and she’ll have specific stats that comes along.
It’s recommended that you stick to either being a [Sub] or a [Dom] towards her.

3. A) Kiss her hand. * [+1 Sub/Daph]

*Recommended for those going [Sub].
B) Hold and greet her.
C) Ignore and look at Julia. * [+1 Dom/Daph]
*Recommended for those going [Dom].

4. A) Sure! [+1 Sub/Daph] [Day02 Lotion Daph]

B) Nah. I’m okay. [MC No Int Daphne]
C) Need some help too, Julia? [+1 Love/Julia] [+1 Dom/Daph]

Note: Choose either “Julia Lotion Lust” or “Julia Lotion Love”, depending of what you are going for.

Julia Lotion Lust

5. Side of the body near the breasts. [+1 Lust/Julia]

6. Massage her ass. [+1 Lust/Julia]

Julia Lotion Love

7. Legs.

8. Ask first. [+1 Love/Julia]

9. Ask again. [+1 Love/Julia]

My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Daphne Lotion
10. A) Legs. [+1 Sub/Daph]
B) Side of the body near the breasts. [+1 Dom/Daph]
C) Stop and go to Julia. (Not Recommended)

Note: Based on how many points you obtained [Dom/Daph]:

2: You’ll obtain [+1 Sub/Daph] {Go to: #11}
3: You’ll obtain [+1 Lust/Julia] {Go to: #12}

11. Do it. [+1 Sub/Daph] [+1 Lust/Julia]

{Go to: #12}

12. Note: If you obtained [Dom/Daph] = 3, you’ll obtain [Day2 Temp Dom] ELSE [Day2 Temp Sub].
{Go to: #13}

13. Relive yourself [Day2 Daph Hand]

Note: If you obtained [Day2 Temp Dom], you’ll obtain [Day2 Daph Facial].

14. Approach her. [Day2 Lori Kitchen]

15. A) Offer your help in the kitchen.

Note: If [Lori Pre Romance] not obtained [+1 Love/Lori].
If [Love/Lori] >=6, then [Lori Pre Romance].
B) Go check the pool. [+1 Lust/Lori]
C) Make some drinks for the girls at the pool. [+1 Love/Julia] [Day2 Drinks]
Note: #16 is only for those who obtained [Day2 Drinks].
16. Ask her what he does. [Day2 MC Knows Cornell Job]

17. [Day2 Peek Lori Room]

18. A) Kiss her. {Go to: #16}

B) Talk.
If you did not obtain [Lori Pre Romance], then [+1 Love/Lori].
If [Love/Lori] >=5, then [Lori Pre Romance].

19. No rush. [+1 Lust/Lori]

My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

20. A) Okay. [Day2 Barbs Not Pissed]

B) Slam the door in her face. [Day2 Barb Hates] {Go to: #22}

21. A) Be nice. [+1 Love/Barb]

B) Be rude. [+1 Lust/Barb]
Note: #22 is only for those who obtained [Lori Pre Romance].
22. Kiss her. [Lori Kisses]


23. A) Sleep. * [Day02 Sleep]

*Owners of the Elite Version of the game, you’ll get an extra scene with Lori. {Go to: Day 3}
B) Window. *
*If you don’t own the Elite Version of the game, this choice will be more beneficial.

Note: Based on if you obtained [Day01 Night Peek Window]:

YES: You’ll obtain [Day02 Peek Window] & [Day02 Julia Out]
NO: You’ll obtain [Day01 Night Peek Window] & [Day02 Julia Out]
{Go to: Day 3}

My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Day 3

Note: Based on what you obtained previously:

If you obtained [Day02 Julia Out] & [Day01 Julia Want To Change Lori] {Go to: Julia Ride}
If you obtained [Day02 Julia Out] & [Love/Julia] >=5 {Go to: Julia Ride}
Else by default {Go to: Cornell Package}

Julia Ride Note: You’ll gain [Day03 Julia Call].

1. A) Keep driving in silence. [+1 Love/Julia] [Day03 Julia Ride Silence]
B) Has something happened that I should worry… [+1 Love/Julia] [Day03 Julia Ride Worry]
C) Invite me to the party next time, don’t just call… [+1 Lust/Julia] [Day03 Julia Ride Party]

Cornell Package Note: You’ll gain [Day03 Corn Pack].

2. A) Open. [Day03 Corn Pack Open]
B) Control yourself.

3. Try to listen better. [Day03 Haley Phone Talk]

4. A) Should we go home? [MC No Int Haley] {Go to: #6}

B) So, this Haley… [Day03 Haley Path]

5. A) I would love to. *

*If you didn’t obtain [Day01 Julia Want to Change Lori], then [-3 Love/Julia].
B) No, I will come with you again on Wednesday. [+1 Lust/Julia]

6. A) No Need. I did it willingly. [+1 Love/Julia]

B) Thanks. Whenever you need it, I’m your… [+1 Lust/Julia] [Extra Money]

7. Are you going to cheat me with her? *

*If you obtained [Day02 Barbs Not Pissed], then [+1 Lust/Barb].
*If you obtained [Lori Pre Romance], then [+1 Lust/Lori].
*If you didn’t obtain [Lori Pre Romance], then [+1 Love/Lori].
*If you obtained [Love/Lori] >=6, then [Lori Pre Romance].

8. A) Take it back to Cornell.

B) Try to guess the password. [Day03 Corn Pass1]

My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

9. A) Eyes. [+1 Love/Julia] [Day03 Eyes]

B) Body. [+1 Lust/Julia] [Day03 Body]
C) Smile [+1 Love/Julia] [Day03 Smile]
D) The complete package. [+1 Lust/Julia] [Day03 Package]

Note: Based on what you obtained previously:

If you obtained [Day03 Smile] & [Love/Julia] >= 10 {Go to #10}
If you obtained [Day01 Julia Want to Change Lori] & [Day03 Package] & [Lust/Julia] >= 10 {Go to #11}
Else by default {Go to #12}

10. A) Yes, for sure.

B) It already catches my eye. [Julia Pre Romance]
{Go to #12}

11. A) Yes, for sure.

B) It already catches my eye. [Julia Pre Lust]

12. A) Peek. [Day03 Lori Teddy]

B) Knock. [Day03 Lori Knock]
C) Go to sleep. [Day03 Sleep]

Note: Based on if you obtained [Julia Pre Romance] OR [Julia Pre Lust].
Yes: {Go to #13}
No: You’ll obtain [Day03 Was A Dream]

13. A) Wake Up. [Day03 Was A Dream]

B) Keep Sleeping. [Day03 Was Real]

My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Day 4


1. Hey, Cassandra. About the ugly face, it’s easy to… [Day04 Cass Temp +1]

2. You’re right if we were chatting and…for you… (1) [Day04 Cass Temp +1]

3. …I bet one of the programs he picked to do… [Day04 Cass Temp +1]

4. I’m not proud of what I said, but it’s good to know I… [Day04 Cass Temp +1]

5. I’d be happy to read your messages about how… [Day04 Cass Temp +1]

Note: Based what you obtained in #1-#5:

If you obtained [Day04 Cass Temp] =5, then [+2 Love/Cass].
If you obtained [Day04 Cass Temp] >=3, then [+1 Love/Cass].

6. A) Yes. [Day04 MC Knows Bar]

B) No, thanks.


Note: Based on if you obtained [Julia Pre Romance] OR [Julia Pre Lust] you will obtain choice C.
7. A) Enjoy the view. [+1 Lust/Julia]
B) Take her cup to wash. [+1 Love/Julia]
C) Kiss her on the shoulder and take her cup to wash.
If you obtained [Julia Pre Romance], then [+2 Love/Julia].
If you obtained [Julia Pre Lust], then [+2 Lust/Julia].
Else [+2 Love/Julia] by default.

Note: #8 is only for those who obtained [Day02 Peek Window] & [Julia Pre Romance] OR [Julia Pre Lust]:
8. A) Stop
B) Just keep watching. [Day04 Julia Voyeur]
C) Jerk off while watching. [Day04 Julia Fap]
Note: [Day04 Julia Fap] will result in GAME OVER on Day 05 if you choose to “Masturbate”.

9. Comfort her.

My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]


Note: You will obtain by default:

If you obtained [Julia Pre Romance], then [+1 Love/Julia].
If you obtained [Julia Pre Lust], then [+1 Lust/Julia].
Else [+1 Love/Julia].

Note: Based on what you obtained previously you will get choice #10:
If you obtained [Day04 MC Know Barb] & [Julia Pre Romance] OR [Julia Pre Lust] & [Day03 Was Real].
Or didn’t obtain [Day04 MC Know Barb] & [Day04 Julia Fap]; & DID obtain:
[Julia Pre Romance] OR [Julia Pre Lust] & [Day03 Was Real].

10. A) Not enough to forget what happened.

Note: If you obtained [Julia Pre Lust] you will obtain [Julia Kisses].
B) I don’t know. But trust me, I had a wonderful dream.
Note: If you obtained [Julia Pre Romance] you will obtain [Julia Kisses].


Note: If you didn’t obtain [MC No Int Daphne] you will get a scene with her based on her paths.


11. A) I don’t want to talk about it, just like you.

Note: If you obtained [Julia Pre Lust], then [+1 Lust/Julia] else [-1 Love/Julia].
B) Don’t worry. Pretend I’m not here, I haven’t seen…
Note: If you obtained [Julia Pre Romance], then [+1 Love/Julia] else [-1 Lust/Julia].

12. A) We can talk about it another day, if you want.

Note: If you obtained [Julia Pre Romance], then [+1 Love/Julia] else [-1 Lust/Julia].
B) I really wouldn’t comment on that kind of thing…
Note: If you obtained [Julia Pre Lust], then [+1 Lust/Julia] else [-1 Love/Julia].

10 | P a g e
My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Day 5


Note: #1-2 is only for those who obtained [Julia Kisses].

1. A) Try to peek. [Day05 Dawn Ju Peek]
Note: If you obtained [Julia Pre Lust], then [+1 Lust/Julia] else [-1 Love/Julia].
B) Keep listening. [Day05 Dawn Ju Listen]
C) Respect her privacy. [Day05 Dawn Ju Respect] {Go to: #3}

2. A) Masturbate. [Day05 Dawn Ju Fap]

Note: If [Day04 Julia Fap] then GAME OVER.
B) Keep only peeking/Keep listening.

Yoga Haley

Note: #3 is only for those who did NOT obtain [MC No Int Haley].
3. A) I’m in. [Day05 Date Haley]
B) Sorry, I can’t.

Barb Lunch
Note: #4 is only for those who obtained [Day2 Barbs Not Pissed] else, [Spent Money+1].
Yes: {Go to #4}
No: {Go to Lunch Alone}
4. A) Yes!
B) Nah, I’m fine. [Spent Money+1] {Go to Lunch Alone}

Note: #5 is only for those who obtained [MC No Int Daphne].

5. A) Why would I do that? [+1 Love/Barb]
B) Yes, I’m thinking of hiring you to clean the mess… [+1 Lust/Barb]

Note: #6 is only for those who did NOT obtain [MC No Int Daphne].
6. A) I don’t focus on age; maturity is what matters. [+1 Love/Barb]
B) As long as it’s over eighteen, I’m fine with it. [+1 Lust/Barb]

Note: If [Love/Barb] >=5 OR [Lust/Barb] >=3, then [Day05 Barb Factory].

7. A) Let’s pay the check and go. [+1 Lust/Barb] [Spent Money+1] [Day05 Lunch Brb Split]
B) Let me pay the check then well go. [+1 Love/Barb] [Spent Money+1] [Day05 Lunch MC Paid]
C) Could you pay the check I’m low on cash. [-2 Love/Barb] [-2 Lust/Barb] [Day05 Lunch Brb Paid]

11 | P a g e
My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Lunch Alone

Note: If you obtained [Day03 Haley Phone Talk] OR [Day01 Julia Want To Change Lori]
then [Day05 Cornell Haley].
{Go to #12}

Barb Factory

Note: #8 is only for those who obtained [Day05 Barb Factory].

8. A) What I’m enjoying the most is seeing you at ease… [+1 Love/Barb] {Go to #9}
B) Yes, it’s a good place to disconnect from the… [+1 Lust/Barb] {Go to #10}

9. A) Why would I have second intentions with you? [+1 Love/Barb]

B) Maybe the first option, maybe the second… [+2 Love/Barb]

10. A) Wait a minute. Has that never crossed you mind? [+1 Lust/Barb]
B) Don’t worry, you probably would have found… [+2 Lust/Barb]

11. A) I want to get to know you better.

Note: If [Love/Barb] >=8, then [Barb Kiss].
B) Would you prefer that awkward silence when…
Note: If [Lust/Barb] >=6, then [Barb Kiss].


Note: #12 is only for those who obtained [Day05 Cornell Haley] & [Day04 MC Knows Bar].
12. A) Got for it. [Spent Money+1] [Day05 Cornell Haley Kiss]
B) I better not.

Note: #13 is only for those with the Elite Version.

13. A) Yes. [Cass Daph Story]
Note: If you did not obtain [MC No Int Daphne], then [Day05 Bed Daphne]
B) No.

12 | P a g e
My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Day 6

Note: If you obtained [Day2 Temp Dom], then [Day6 Daphne Sex]
If [Julia Kisses], then [Day6 Julia Moring Grind]
If [Lori Kisses], then [Day6 Lori Told About Father]
If NOT [Lori Knows About Father], then [Lori Knows About Father], by default.


Note: #1-3 are only for those who obtained [Barb Kiss].
1. A) Are you just sorry for leaving me there alone, or… [+1 Lust/Barb]
Note: Choose this if [Lust/Barb] > [Love/Barb].
B) Don’t worry about it, I didn’t get lost. I had no… [+1 Love/Barb]
Note: Choose this if [Love/Barb] > [Lust/Barb].

Note: #2- is only for those who obtained [Lust/Barb] > [Love/Barb].
2. A) You liked it right? [+1 Lust/Barb]
Note: If [Lust/Barb] >=9, then [Barb Pre Lust].
B) Since that one was so fast, I would love another… [+2 Lust/Barb]
Note: If [Lust/Barb] >=9, then [Barb Pre Lust].

Note: #3- is only for those who obtained [Love/Barb] > [Lust/Barb].
3. A) How could I be upset after that kiss? [+1 Love/Barb]
Note: If [Love/Barb] >=11, then [Barb Pre Love].
B) For a few minutes I hoped that you would come… [+2 Love/Barb]


4. A) Give me! [Day 6 Dared Barb]

B) The game is over, Barbara.

Note: You will get additional scenes if you have the **Elite Version**

Note: #5 is only for those who obtained [Day 6 Dared Barb] & NOT [Day2 Barbs Not Pissed].
5. A) Move her hand away.
B) Wait to see what she is going to do. [Day 6 Barb Hand]

6. A) Go with Lori. [Day 6 Lori] {Go to #9}

B) Stay with Barb. [Day 6 Barb]

13 | P a g e
My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Barb Sauna

7. A) Just massage her.

B) Ask her to take off the bikini top. [Day 6 Barb Sauna Asked]

Note: #8 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Day2 Barbs Not Pissed].
8. A) Yes. [Day2 Barbs Not Pissed2]
B) No.


9. A) Sure. [Day 6 Lori Massage]

B) Not today, sorry… I was just going to the kitchen… [Day 6 Barb MC] {Go to Day 7}
C) This could be my chance to try something with… [Day 6 MC Barb] {Go to Day 7}

10. A) Yes. [Day 6 Massage Lori Asked]

Note: If [Lust/Lori] =3, then [Day 6 Massage Lori Asked Success].
B) No.

14 | P a g e
My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Day 7


Note: #1-2 are only for those who obtained [Day6 Julia Moring Grind]. Else {Go to #4}
If [Day6 Julia Moring Grind], then [Julia Sex].
1. A) Just focus on licking her pussy. [+1 Lust/Julia]
B) Lick both her pussy and her ass. [+2 Lust/Julia]

2. A) Do it! Cum inside her! [Julia Cum Inside]

B) Pull out and cum on her butt. [Julia Cum Butt]
C) Pull out and cum one her feet. [Julia Cum Feet]

Julia Morning

Note: #3 is only for those who obtained [Julia Sex].

3. A) Warn her and see what happens.
B) Blow your load inside her mouth. [Julia First Flavor]

Note: If you obtained [Julia Pre Lust], then [Day 7 Haley Date].

MC Morning

Note: #4- are only for those who did NOT obtained [Julia Sex].
4. A) Yes. [Day 7 Haley Date]
B) No. I changed my mind.


5. I want to watch this scene. * (for readers) (Your Choice)


Note: #6 is only for those who obtained [Julia Pre Lust] OR [Julia Pre Romance].
6. A) *Ass. * [Day 7 JuliaPool LickAss]
Note: For this to succeed you must have had [Lust/Julia] >=15 and chose B on #1.
B) *Pussy. *

15 | P a g e
My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]

Day 7 Invite

7. A) *Stay. * [Day 7 Db]

 *Stay* [Day 7 D]
 No. I’m too tired of you. (No Harm)
B) *Leave*. (No Harm / Skips whole event.
C) *Skip Barbara only* (No harm / goes to Daphne’s… [Day 7 Dy]

Note: If [Day 7 Haley Date] OR [Julia Pre Lust]. {Continue} {No} {Go to End Day 7}

Haley Date

8. A) Why not? I can’t get you out of my head. [+1 Love/Haley]

B) I had nothing better to do, so… I’m here. [+1 Lust/Haley]

9. A) Spank that ass! [+1 Love/Haley]

B) Spank that ass HARD! [+1 Lust/Haley]

10. A) Daddy? I like it. [MC Has Nick]

B) Don’t call me Daddy… Call me… [MC Has Nick]
Note: If left “Blank” (Just hit enter) [MC Has Nick]

11. A) Spank that ass! [+1 Love/Haley]

B) Spank that ass HARD! [+1 Lust/Haley]

12. A) Let’s keep calling you Haley.

B) Actually, I have an idea. [Haley Has Nick]
Note: If left “Blank” Haley nickname = Kitty.

13. A) Spank that ass! [+1 Love/Haley]

B) Spank that ass HARD! [+1 Lust/Haley]

14. A) Get out! [Day 7 Haley Street] {Go to End Day 7}

B) Take her home. [Day 7 Haley Home]

15. A) Sure. [Day 7 Haley Round2]

B) Go back home.

16 | P a g e
My Pleasure Walkthrough Written by: Qleaf & Zoey Raven
v0.7.5 [Elite]


Note: #16 is only for those who obtained [Julia Sex].

16. A) Fill her up. [Day 7 Julia Inside]
B) Pull out.

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