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Unit 27: Understanding Health and Safety in the Business Workplace

Table of Contents


health and safety plays an important role in any business organization in this modern era of
business. the study shows the health and safety at the workplace of Centrica plc. Centrica plc is
a British global vitality and administrations organization with its home office in Windsor,
Berkshire. Its primary movement is the stock of power and gas to organizations and shoppers in
the United Kingdom, Ireland and North America. It is the biggest provider of gas to household
clients in the United Kingdom, and perhaps the biggest provider of power, working under the
exchanging names Scottish Gas in Scotland and British Gas in England and Wales. It claims
Bord Gáis Energy in Ireland. It is additionally dynamic in the arrangement of family unit
administrations including plumbing. Centrica is recorded on the London Stock Exchange, and is
a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index (Centrica plc, 2019). This study is based on four tasks
those are- the legal requirements and regulations for ensuring the health, safety and security of
those employed in business; the requirements for a healthy and safe workplace, as applied to the
physical environment and equipment used in Centrica plc; the roles and responsibilities for
health and safety of key personnel in Centrica plc; a plan of a risk assessment for Centrica plc’s
administrative work environment.

P1 Explain the legal requirements and regulations for ensuring

the health, safety and security of those employed in business

In Centrica plc I have been appointed as a Health and Safety officer to assist the manager of the
operational department. As I provide assistance to the manager of the department, I am here to
describe the regulations for ensuring the health and safety of the employees. Centrica plc
maintains the legal requirement and regulations for ensuring the health and safety as it has a hug
reputation all over the world. Several rules and regulations govern the safety and security of the
employees at workplace in UK those are-

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1974

The guideline of the administration of wellbeing and security at work 1974 expects businesses
to do the accompanying obligation; the business should make a hazard evaluation to wellbeing
and wellbeing of their representatives; the business ought to oversee wellbeing and security for
the representatives at the working environment; the business ought to embrace a wellbeing
reconnaissance towards the workers for hazard appraisal; the business ought to choose skillful
individuals to aid the above measures; the business ought to set up techniques because of
genuine or inevitable risk; the business ought to give applicable data in a reasonable structure
with respect to wellbeing and security (Garcie-Herrero, 2012).

Centrica plc guaranteed that they made a hazard evaluation and audit it for the shake of making
the work environment sound and safe. The organization likewise guarantees that they set up
techniques to meet any peril with respect to the wellbeing and security at the work environment.

The Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1974

According to Haines, & Wagner, (2017), The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 spots the
general commitment on the business to ensure the prosperity, security and welfare at work of all
delegates including home authorities. It moreover puts commitments on laborers to take
reasonable thought of their own prosperity and that of others. They should organize with their
manager to empower them to meet their authentic responsibilities. Under the Health and Safety
at Work Act 1974, chiefs have a promise to verify the prosperity, prosperity and flourishing of
their delegates. Moreover, order anticipates that organizations should study the risk of
fierceness towards their laborers and set up measures to lessen the peril. So as to keep up the
wellbeing and security at work environment Centrica plc must pursue the guidelines of Health
and Safety at Work and so on. Act 1974.

 The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 covers the majority of the
wellbeing, wellbeing and security issues and apply to most workplaces (except for those

including advancement wear down structure areas, those in or on a ship, or those underground
at a mine). It will empower supervisors to fathom the managerial essentials on issues, for
instance, ventilation, lighting, room estimations, tidiness, falls or falling things, floor conditions,
temperature, workstations and seating, cove windows and ventilators, entryways and dividers,
traffic courses, direct and translucent passages, windows, clean solaces and washing workplaces
and lifts. Centrica plc need to pursue The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
1992 in keeping up their ventilation, lighting, room estimations, tidiness, falls or falling things,
floor conditions, temperature, workstations and seating, inlet windows and ventilators,
entryways and dividers, traffic courses, direct and translucent doors, windows, clean solaces and
washing workplaces and lifts so as to guarantee wellbeing, security and security at the work
environment (Logasakthi, & Rajagopal, (2018).

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992

According to Muchinsky, (2018), The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations

1992 spread gear that is utilized by representatives to take security against wellbeing and
dangers. defensive apparel like overalls, weatherproof dress, gloves, security footwear just as
hardware which are defensive eyewear and wellbeing bridles are the defensive gear as indicated
by The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. At the association where the
arrangement and utilization of individual defensive gear (PPE) has been administering by
different guidelines The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 can't be
applied. Centrica plc pursues the guidelines and embrace the defensive gear so as to guarantee
the wellbeing and security at the working environment.

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995

As indicated by The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

1995 the businesses need to report the business related wounds, episodes and infections. The
business must tell these things to the association's Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or to the
closest neighborhood authority ecological wellbeing division so as to make the work
environment solid and safe. As indicated by the guideline a business ought to keep up a mishap
book where the date and time of the occurrence of the harmed individual and detail data about

the person in question can be filled. The business must report the wounds or sick wellbeing
such-passing of an individual; specif wounds, for example, cracks, eye wounds, wounds from
electric stun, removals, and intense ailment; reportable word related infections and so forth.

So as to set up the medicinal report Centrica plc has a restorative room and the operational
division get ready report in the event that anybody get harmed at the work environment.

 The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) place a commitment on
managers to ensure the work equipment they have, work, and have authority over is secured to
utilize reliably. It applies to any place of work inside Great Britain at whatever point work
apparatus is used on a business premises.

While the course gave in the PUWER Approved Code of Practice and Guidance (PUWER
ACOP) isn't law, it has remarkable status under the Health and Safety at Work Act. Following
this course is thusly typically enough to consent to the law, and doing all things considered will
keep your laborers protected and spread you if there should arise an occurrence of an on-area
setback, similarly as assurance your business passes all on area prosperity and security
examinations. As showed by the rules the organizations need to assent those things which are-
ensure all work rigging is kept up in extraordinary condition and capable working solicitation;
keep awake with the most recent help log for each piece of work equipment; ensure that all
people working work gear close by are outfitted with adequate degrees of getting ready
concerning the correct usage of the apparatus similarly as clear and point by point prosperity
and security information; take each significant measure to neutralize or control any threats
related with the action of work gear. In this way, the businesses of Centrica plc ought to
conform to the guidelines in taking care of their gear to guarantee the sound and safe condition
at the work environment.

P2 Describe the requirements for a healthy and safe
workplace, as applied to the physical environment and
equipment used in Centrica plc

It is the responsibility of the organization to make the workplace healthy and safe. There are
several equipment at the workplace to be maintained for the health and safety. And these
equipment’s should be maintained properly.

Physical Environment and Equipment

Condition alludes the surroundings of the working environment which covers everything inside
the working environment. The potential peril can be partitioned into six sections. Physical gear,
for example, light, temperature, and clamor can cause risk at the work environment. There are
some housekeeping materials which cause peril those are-spilled cleaning fluids, since they can
be taken in. Upkeep gear likewise cause danger to the representatives. The support gear is
garbage on stairs, blocked stairs and blocked floors and exits (Garcie-Herrero, 2012).

gear are the devices and machines encompassing the association in which the individuals work.
The hardware of the association are fixed machines, material dealing with gadgets, vehicles,
defensive gear, hand apparatuses, and individual rigging. Now and then hurtful synthetic
compounds are discharged from some hardware. Then again, some gear can create physical
specialists like warmth, vibration, clamor, or radiation during activity.

 Hazard #1: Overhead electrical cable

According to Haines, & Wagner, (2017), Overhead electrical cable is intense to the work
environment as they can make consumes the working environment as they have high electric
voltage. At where overhead voltage exists representatives ought to keep up a separation of 10

feet least from overhead electrical cables. The supervisor of Centrica plc can decrease the
probability of hazard event by dealing with the overhead electrical cables.

 Hazard #2: harmed apparatuses and hardware

Harmed apparatuses and hardware are exceptionally perilous as they can damage to the
representatives at the working environment. Indeed, even the harmed electricals wires can make
risk to the working environment. These risks can happen from breaks, wires and lines cuts or
scraped spots on links and so on. These harmed wires ought to be fixed or supplanted as quickly
as time permits. The supervisor of Centrica plc ought to keep up the harmed items so as to
lessen the danger of damage at the working environment (Logasakthi, & Rajagopal, (2018).

 Hazard #3: Inadequate Wiring and Overloaded Circuits

According to Muchinsky (2018), A few associations need overwhelming wiring to keep up the
high voltage of the power. In other site over-burden circuits can make significant issue the
security matter at the work environment. Organizations should utilize right wire so as to make
the working environment ok for the representatives. Fire can happen if law nature of wire is
utilized at the wiring from creatine more warmth to the wire. The Centrica plc's administrator
should utilize right wiring and circuit to utilize power free from any danger for the association.

 Hazard #4: Uncovered electrical parts

Uncovered electrical parts are the isolates parts on the electrical string. A portion of the
uncovered electrical parts are open power dispersion units, brief lighting, and disengaged
protection parts on electrical strings (Tasiran, 2017). From these uncovered electrical parts
consumes can happen structure unreasonable warmth. The supervisor of unclever ought to keep
up the presented electrical parts to guarantee security at the working environment.

 Hazard #5: inappropriate establishing of hardware

According to Chhokar (2016), inappropriate establishing of hardware makes the gear

defenseless and wasteful. The establishing of gear ought to be inflexible so as to take out the
undesirable voltage and diminish the danger of electric shock. Metallic ground stick should not

to be evacuated as it returns undesirable voltage to the ground. The director of the Centrica plc
ought to guarantee the correct establishing so as to diminish the probability of perils

 Hazard #6: the harmed pieces

The harmed pieces of the electrical apparatuses must be disengaged as it builds the probability
of the event of peril (Holl, 2015). The harmed protection ought to be accounted for as quickly as
time permits. The harmed parts ought not be secured with tape which may make further danger
the work environment. The administrator of Centrica plc lessens the hazard by keeping up the
harmed separation inan effective way.

 Hazard #7: Wet Conditions

According to Muchinsky (2018), Electrical hardware ought not be put in wet areas as water can
build the probability of danger of fire. Have a guaranteed circuit repairman survey electrical
equipment that has gotten wet before strengthening it. The director of Centrica plc can alleviate
the hazard by making the work environment water free and dump free.

 Hazard #8: Synthetic compounds hardware

Synthetic compounds hardware is another risky thing and workers ought to know about utilizing
the gear in a productive way. Peril can likewise happen at the hour of moving synthetics starting
with one holder then onto the next (Garcie-Herrero, 2012).

 Hazard#9: Confined spaces

Risks can likewise happen from bound spaces. Hazard appraisal is impossible in a kept space. In
this way, the hardware ought not be put away in a bound space so as to make the work
environment protected and secure (Holl, 2015). The chief of Centrica plc ought to expand the
space to guarantee the wellbeing and security.

P3 Explain the roles and responsibilities for health and safety
of key personnel in Centrica plc

So as to guarantee the wellbeing and security of the representatives at the working environment
in will clarify the jobs and obligation of the key faculty at Centrica plc. The key faculty are-
security manager, the leader of the operational office, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Security Manager

The wellbeing administrator is the key faculty who is capable to exhort the Directors and
Managers in regards to the wellbeing and security matters at the working environment of the
association (Garcie-Herrero, 2012). The wellbeing administrator gives guidance going to
comprehend the Health and Safety at Work, and so forth. Act 1974 and other enactment for
wellbeing and security at the work environment; to stay up with the latest with the new
guidelines for Health and Safety at the work environment; to actualize the guidelines inside the
association they go to workshops; to guarantee the evaluation of the enactment led and explored
inside the association; o confirm wellbeing and security at the work environment climate they
are effectively led or not; to tell the supervisor's duty to guarantee the wellbeing and security at
work environment; to research all mishaps and to record the discoveries on the pertinent
structures; to exhort the Company Secretary about the occurrences reportable under

The leader of the operational office

According to Haines, & Wagner, (2017), The leader of the operational office is another key
faculty who is liable for the wellbeing and security for the representatives working under the
chief. The leader of the division has the accompanying jobs and duties to moderate the dangers:
to comprehend and follow the wellbeing and security guidelines; to guarantee the duty of every
representative towards the achievement of the work; to evaluate the hazard at the working

environment; to furnish the workers with composed directions of work by referencing the risk
of the work; to guarantee the representatives are prepared enough to do the security measures at
the work environment.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Manager

The Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Manager is another key staff who is answerable for
keeping up the wellbeing and security at the work environment (Kumar and Kumar, 2010). The
guidelines and obligation obeyed by him are-understanding the wellbeing and security
approach; furnishing the representatives with the suitable position to complete their principles
and guidelines; examining the work gear which may cause peril at the work environment;
recording the examination of the work hardware; to research all mishaps and to record the
discoveries on the important structures; guaranteeing all workers are prepared enough to do the
work at the work place (Logasakthi, & Rajagopal, (2018).

P4 Plan a risk assessment for a selected administrative work


The risk assessment will be done in this section of the assignment for the workplace of Centrica

The seriousness of peril and the probability of the event of mishap is finished by the hazard
evaluation. The correlation of danger is related to the hazard related. The accompanying
network demonstrates the assessment of peril.

Figure: Risk assessment process Source: (Asogwa, 2017)

Identify the Hazards

According to Haines, & Wagner, (2017), The initial phase in the hazard evaluation plan is
distinguish the dangers at the work environment. The distinguishing proof danger incorporates:
the catastrophic events like flood, seismic tremors, tropical storms, tornadoes, fire, and so forth.;
the natural perils, for example, foodborne ailments and pandemic maladies and so forth.; the
mishaps at working environment for instance slips and outings, auxiliary disappointment,
transportation mishaps, mechanical breakdowns, and so on.; the purposeful demonstrations of
the representatives like work strikes, bomb dangers, exhibitions, burglary, torching, and so on.;
the innovative risks which are lost Internet association and power blackout, and so on.;
substance dangers are-asbestos, cleaning liquids, and so forth.; the psychological perils for
instance abundance outstanding burden, tormenting, and so forth.; in the production network

Determine who might be harmed and how

The second step in the hazard appraisal procedure is about how the workers could be hurt by
business exercises or outer elements (Logasakthi, & Rajagopal, (2018). To spare the
representatives defensive measures ought to be taken.

Evaluate the risks and take precautions

The third step is about the assessment of the risk. To assess the dangers operational supervisors.
According to Muchinsky, (2018), the assessment of the peril help to figure out where the
director ought to lessen the degree of hazard and which risks ought to organize first.

Record the findings

The fourth step of the hazard evaluation procedure is tied in with account the discoveries. The
operational chief ought to pursue the followings-the danger of the entire workspace ought to be
led in an appropriate manner; the influenced individual ought to be resolved; the director control
and managed the peril; prudent steps ought to be gone for broke (Tasiran, 2017).

Review assessment and update if necessary

The fifth and the last advance in the hazard evaluation procedure is audit the appraisal and
update if important. Chhokar, (2016), The danger of the association continues evolving
consistently. The workplace is ceaselessly changing, so the perils to the affiliation change as
well. As new apparatus, techniques, and people are introduced, each brings the risk of another
danger. Constantly review and update the peril assessment method to stay over these new risks.

I will address the pioneer of the operational office, two operational chiefs and the senior
operational master. This talking will help me with thinking about the various activities of them
including the operational activities and danger examination. I will recognize that the operational
boss and authorities are content with my peril evaluation plan and they will complete it in case
they need.


This study is based on four tasks those are- the legal requirements and regulations for ensuring
the health, safety and security of those employed in business; the requirements for a healthy and
safe workplace, as applied to the physical environment and equipment used in Centrica plc; the
roles and responsibilities for health and safety of key personnel in Centrica plc; a plan of a risk
assessment for Centrica plc’s administrative work environment.


1. Garcie-Herrero, S. (2012). Working conditions, Psychological, physical symptoms and

occupational accidents”.Bayesian network models, safety science. 50 (9), 1760-1774.
2. Haines, D. & Wagner, S. (2017). A Pilot intervention to promote walking and wellness
and to improve the health of college faculty and staff. J Am Coll Health, 55 (4), 219-
3. Logasakthi, K. & Rajagopal, K. (2018). A study on employee health, safety and welfare
measures of chemical industry in the view of Salem Region. International Journal of
Research in Business Management 1(1), 1-10.
4. Muchinsky, P. M. (2018). Psychology applied to work: an introduction to industrial and
organizational psychology (3rd ed). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing
5. Tasiran A. (2017). Trade Unions, Institutional Mediation and Industrial Safety:
Evidence from the UK. Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(2), p. 211-225.
6. Chhokar, J.S., (2016). Improving safety performance with goal setting and
feedback.Human Performance 3, 51-61.
7. Holl, P. (2015). Unions, safety committees and workplace injuries. British Journal of
Industrial Relations, 33 (2): 273-88.
8. Centrica plc (2019) About Us. Available at:
[Accessed on: 11 October 2019]


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