2020 BTC Prospectus Final

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for Christian

Endorsements 4

Introduction 6

Statement of Faith 7

Welcome from the Acting Principal 8

Why Study at BTC? 9

Studying at BTC 10

Meet our Team 11

Support and Service Team 15

Admin Service Charter 16

BTC Masters (MTh) Faculty 17

Institutional Registration 18
Degree Programs 19

Curriculum Outline: Higher Certificate in Ministry 20

Curriculum Outline: Bachelor of Biblical Studies 21

Curriculum Outline: Bachelor of Theology 22

Applications Process 24

Application Requirements 25

Masters Admission Policy 26

Applying for Postgraduate Studies 27

Qualifications Earned Beyond our Borders 28

Guidelines for the Assessment of CAT and RPL 29

Student Support 33

Textbooks 34

Schoology 34

Student Assessments 35

Examinations 36

Fees and Payments 37

2020 Accommodation Rates 38

2020 Study Fees 39

2020 Calendar Summary 40

Student Code of Conduct 42

Student Language Policy 48

Student Complain Policy 49

Frequently Asked Questions 50

Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally


BTC has trained pastors to preach, teach, and pastorally There is a vacuum of knowledge about God and His BTC was an amazing experience for me. The training I Our nation, and indeed our world, is in desperate need
care for people for many decades. Besides being an ways in our day. Who is He? What has the death of received set the platform for a lot of what I believe of transformation – true, deep transformation that can
institution of excellent Theological training, it endeavors His son on the cross actually achieved? And how can I, and teach. It has also helped me over and over again in only come through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Solid
to stay on the cutting edge of how to practically tell the indeed how must I respond in worship, praise and life? making wise choices that has influenced the ministry evangelical training institutions are a vital cog in
Jesus story in an ever changing cultural landscape. This BTC is a great place to find the answers to such questions I am involved in. As I look over my life the four years I equipping believers for gospel ministry, and BTC
has made BTC the theological institution of choice for us and to seek God’s face in terms of lifelong response. spent at BTC had a marked impact in my life and it is ticks some key boxes in that regard: a credible training
here at Eastside. still bearing fruit in my life and those I have the privilege institution offering a balanced and recognized
Ps Lance Laughton of ministering to. curriculum, coupled with practical equipping
Ps Riaan Niemand Baptist Northern Association Coordinator
John Abrahamse and exposure to the needs in our society.
Eastside Community Church, Pretoria
Founder & Director of J-Life ministries Rev Gavin Johnston
Randburg Baptist Church

I loved studying at BTC. Even as I continue my studies

BTC prepared me for ministry by teaching me to think via correspondence I find the material engaging, I will always be grateful to the Lord for the privilege Studying at BTC sparked a love in me for God’s Word,
theologically, and apply that knowledge practically. In challenging and relevant. The lecturers led by of studying at BTC. After almost 25 years in pastoral God’s People and God’s Mission. I am indebted to
addition, the relationships I made with BTC have Dr Pohlmann, are some of the most inspirational people ministry, I continue to reap the benefits of my initial those voices who have had such an indelible impact of
continued to equip, encourage and support me beyond I’ve known. I value highly my time spent at the college training. I find that I often quote my teachers and draw the way I approach ministry, whose lessons I can still
graduation, which I’m incredibly grateful for. and the friendships made while studying there. on their vast knowledge and intense commitment recall, whose hearts still set mine aflame, and whose
to Christ as I seek to honour their legacy and follow lives are still an inspiring witness to me. Long may BTC
Ps Richard Van Lieshout Connell Cruise
in their footsteps. I continue to be inspired and continue to shape and empower the next generation of
Edenvale Baptist Church Student and Music Artist
challenged by their commitment to faithful pastoral church leaders!”
ministry, their passion for the Word of God and their
Ps Duncan Muller
theological acumen.
Brackendowns Baptist Church, JHB
Rev Gavin Wood
I am a BTC graduate and mother of three daughters who In 2017 I enrolled at BTC for the fourth year of the Northcliff Union Church, JHB
are all at The Kings West Rand. Studying at BTC helped Bachelor of Theology degree. It has been an exciting
me to see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation as one time of learning new things and having old paradigms
story of God’s redemptive work. This opened my eyes challenged. The courses and assignments have been
to see myself in this story and gave me a true sense of informative and thought provoking with helpful feedback
belonging to God’s family and His kingdom. Amongst from the lecturers. Subjects that provide online video
other things, I’ve learnt how to apply hermeneutics, the lectures and online interaction with other students How do we bridge the gap between being “called” to
ability to expose the meaning of the passage of makes the learning process all the more real and relevant BTC causes students to engage seriously and creatively ministry and being “capable” of doing ministry? I
Scriptures and apply its meaning to my context and especially for distance students. The beauty of studying with theology and ministry. BTC has been successful believe it is thought the process of theological and
contemporary audience. I discovered my calling and and presently working in the ministry is that there are in being an essential equipping tool for churches who practical education. If we are to sustain a vibrant,
since I’ve graduated, “as I go, I preach the gospel” immediate opportunities to apply the new truths and skills desire to take their leaders to the next level. And it has relevant, stable and truth-based Church, we need young
(Matt 10:7), especially in the market place. I am learning. It has built my confidence and I have seen been my experience that BTC-equipped leaders make men and women to engage in the process. In my mind,
significant growth in my life through my studies at BTC. I for better leaders. BTC is one of champions of this type of training.”
Irene Marutla
am deeply appreciative for this life changing opportunity.
Every Nation Church Ps Stephen Pohlmann Ps Chris Anderson
Lorele Harvey Riverside Community Church, JHB Margate Baptist Church
GodFirst Church

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

Introduction Statement of Faith

The Baptist Theological College, or BTC as it is fondly known, is pleased to be able to share a little of who We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in their original writings as fully
we are in the 2020 edition of our Prospectus. We trust you will find this information of great value, and we inspired by God and accept them as the supreme and Final authority for faith and life.
hope to see you sitting in one of our lecture rooms or completing one of our distance learning courses in
the near future.
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary
BTC was established by the Baptist Union of Southern Africa in 1951 and and is true God and true man.
was first located in Central Johannesburg. The reason for establishing BTC
was to prepare pastors for Baptist churches. Over the years, the focus has
We believe that God created man in His own image; that man sinned and thereby incurred the penalty
broadened significantly to include not only the training of pastors for churches
of death, physical and spiritual; that all human beings inherit a sinful nature which issues (in the case of
but also youth pastors and missionaries. The denominational focus has also
those who reach moral responsibilities) in actual transgression involving personal guilt.
changed, and BTC now welcomes students from all denominations and church
backgrounds who are willing to accept our Statement of Faith.

For seven decades BTC has established itself as one of the premier ministry We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, a substitutionary sacrifice, according to the
training institutions in the country, welcoming a diverse student body and Scriptures and that all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood.
viewing ourselves as a Great Commission seminary for the Global South.

The mission statement of the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa We believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Ascension into heaven
is to offer people that are called to Christian ministry; a biblically-based and and His present life as our High Priest and Advocate.
relevant theological education that focusses on devotional integrity, practical
competence and academic excellence.
We believe in the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This theological education is shaped by our commitment to the inspired
Word of God and our belief that the Church can and should be relevant in
contemporary society.
We believe that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit
and thereby become children of God.

We believe in the resurrection both of the just and the unjust, the eternal blessedness of the
redeemed and the eternal banishment of those who have rejected the offer of salvation.
Through contact and distance learning:
To equip believers
make Evangelical theological education We believe that the one true Church is the whole company of those who have been redeemed
for Christian ministry
and ministry preparation available to by Jesus Christ and regenerated by the Holy Spirit; that the local church on earth should take
Southern Africa and the global community. its character from this conception of the Church spiritually and therefore that the new birth
and personal confession of Christ are essentials of Church membership.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ appointed two ordinances ‘Baptism’ and the ‘Lord’s Supper’ to
be observed as acts of obedience and as perpetual witnesses to the cardinal facts of the Christian faith;
that Baptism is immersion of the believer in water as a confession of and identification with Christ in
burial and resurrection and that the Lord’s Supper is the partaking of bread and wine as symbolic of the
Saviour’s broken body and shed blood in remembrance of His sacrificial death.
Our theological education is shaped by our commitment to the
inspired Word of God and our belief that the Church can and †
should be relevant in contemporary society.

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

Welcome from the Acting Principal Why Study at BTC

Prof. ‘Piff’ G.C. Pereira Dr Desmond Henry

Acting Principal of BTC Registrar and Missiologist

Some of the happiest years of my life were those spent as Therefore, we consider it our obligation to train our students High Quality Faculty from an Evangelical perspective where the Bible is honoured
a student at BTC. I loved the Bible and I enjoyed having in a biblical exegetical discipline, which will enable them to as the “inspired Word of God” (2 Tim. 3:16). Secondly, there
those rigorous discussions on theology with my class preach Christ and to teach their congregations the Christian BTC has a very high standard in selecting its teaching is a further Major subject choice resulting in a professional
mates; and strategizing the best ways for doing practical way with biblical confidence. That obligation is enhanced staff. Starting with the Principal to most of the Heads of outcome of competency (either pastoral, youth, or missions).
ministry. I was being challenged and sharpened by every in our aim to make our education and training contextual, Departments, the teaching staff have doctoral degrees Thirdly, a significant amount of the curriculum is devoted
encounter of theological interaction, and with every ministry church-ward, strategic, theological, integrated (“head”, earned from some of the best universities in the world. to personal spiritual development and practical exposure
endeavour I had. My love for the Lord and for His Word “heart” and “hand”), servant-moulding, equipping and We also have specialty teaching staff in the areas of Greek, to ministry. These “three integrated”rings form the
grew tremendously. Now, I love being in ministry, wholesomely Christian. We are aimed towards a united, Hebrew, Missions, Youth, and Pastoral studies. Experience overall curriculum.
and my years in engineering, just cannot compare. relevant and credible Baptist theological education plays as much a role as the academic side of the subjects
in Southern Africa. taught within each of our teacher’s lives. BTC is also proud
As a student I received more than I expected and am of its international, multi-cultural and multigenerational Denominationally Based in the Baptist Union
grateful to the Lord for BTC; but now I am an educator here. The fact that our theological education is accredited by staff compliment. of Southern Africa
What a privilege! I have always desired to give my students the Council for Higher Education, gives greater credence
BTC is one of the official training Colleges of the Baptist
more than I have received when I was a student. This being in the quality of our training and of our qualifications. Our
so, our first and fundamental task as a college is missional. accreditation must be considered as our most valuable Accredited with the Council on Higher Union of Southern Africa which has a long and respected
The message of Christ is our focus. asset. We are committed to use this asset to facilitate Education history in Southern Africa. Most of the BTC teaching staff are
also accredited with the Baptist Union Ministry Board and
theological education undergirded by church cooperation. BTC is an registered Private Higher Institution with the subscribe to the Evangelical statement of faith of the Baptist
I believe that Baptists are trusted among Evangelicals College and Church together, we believe, will demonstrate Department of Education alongside all other registered Union of Southern Africa.
to provide a much sought after biblically based and our deliberate commitment to practical competency Colleges in the private and public sector. Our degree
accredited theological education, where academic, spiritual and spiritual formation of our students within programs are accredited through the Council on Higher
(devotional) and practical (vocational) aspects are catered a self, others and community setting.
for in our curriculum. Baptist (Evangelical) Theology is broad
Education. This means that our subjects, certificate Inter-Denominationally Connected
and degrees are recognised by the registered sector
and biblical. We take it that the only unchanging authority in of education. This recognition extends further to many BTC is inter-denominationally connected. The specifically
this changing world is the Word of God, the Bible. Theological Seminaries and Colleges overseas. Baptist subjects are electives. Someone who does not plan
to work within the arena of Baptist ministry does not need to
register for a Baptist specific subject.
Integrated Theological Education
BTC has aligned itself with international trending in
presenting an integrated theological education. This

I was being challenged and sharpened by every encounter

means that the classical subjects of biblical studies, biblical
languages, church history and systematic theology are taught

of theological interaction, and with every ministry endeavour

I had. My love for the Lord and for His Word
grew tremendously.

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

Studying at BTC Meet our team

Senior Management
Study Methods Distance Students (Online)
BTC Southern Africa offers both Contact (Full-Time Distance studies have become an integral part of the higher
Residential Studies) and Distance Studies (Blended-Online). education space globally. This pattern is particularly true of
We are pleased to be one of the unique providers of both study programmes for professionals. It means that those, who
methods of studies. for some reason cannot attend College on a full-time basis,
are not deprived of the opportunity of obtaining a higher
education qualification.
Contact Students (Full-Time/ Residential)
The College has a dynamic multi-generational body of Distance students’ studies are based on the Learning
students who attend lectures at our campus in Management System, Schoology. Study notes and course
Randburg, South Africa. directives which guide them through the study of prescribed
books are all available online. Additionally, lecture videos
While the sacrifices are great, the benefits of a dedicated and additional resources are located on the LMS. Lecturers
period of study in preparation for a lifetime of ministry are may be contacted online for help and advice with studies. Prof. ‘Piff’ G.C. Pereira Dr Desmond Henry
easy to see. The interaction between students and staff Students should plan to give three to five hours of study Acting Principal of BTC Registrar and Missiologist
is impossible to duplicate for distance students. Contact per week per course/subject. An average distance student
students are required to attend all lectures as this forms completes two or three courses per semester (although some
part of each course’s due performance. Permission from the manage more).
Principal is required in order to miss lectures. Students who Gregory ‘Piff’ Pereira [BTh (Arts), LTh Hons Dr Desmond is married to Lara and has three
do not attend the full quota of lectures will be required to Distance studies rely on the internet to review material and (BTC). MA, D. Litt et Phil (Univ of JHB), PhD daughters: Gabriella, and Anabella and Olivia,
repeat the course. The College’s semesters run mostly submit all assignments although students may elect to have (UP] obtained his BTh (Arts) degree from the who are twins. Lara serves as a teacher in a local
with the Gauteng school terms. Lectures are generally from study materials posted to them with their textbook orders. University of Zululand in 1996 and in that same Christian school.
08:00–14:30 Mondays to Fridays with Thursdays off for The LMS is available on most devices (Android and IOS) that year he received his Licentiate in Theology
research purposes. You can find our complete timetable on have an internet connection. (LTh) from the Baptist Theological College in Dr Desmond graduated with a Bachelor of
our website for further reference. Johannesburg. Theology Hons. from BTC and accepted a
Arrangements need to be made for the writing of exams at a call to the Open Baptist Church in Gabarone
neutral venue with a trusted invigilator. Exams will be emailed He has served as the Senior Pastor of the New (Botswana), where he served as an Associate
to invigilators. The only restriction is that all distance exams Life Baptist Church, Bosmont, for ten years. Pastor until 2011, when he accepted the
must be written by hand and the script emailed back Prof. Piff is married to Vercia and has three adult Executive Pastor post at Eastside Community
immediately and then couriered back to the College by the children: Angelique, Lucienne and Luke. Church in Pretoria East. Dr. Desmond completed
invigilator within twenty-four hours of writing the exam. his Masters Degree with the University of Pretoria
While pastoring, Prof. Piff completed his MA in 2011 and is one of the few Baptist PhD
For both contact and distance students, assignments must degree at RAU with distinction and went on to graduates in Missiology in Southern Africa.
be uploaded in the correct format according to the College complete his doctoral degree in New Testament
Assignment Writing Guide. Both the Writing Guide and Theology in 2002, at the same University. Dr Desmond has a love for people and enjoys
Schoology instructions can be viewed on our website at During his time here at BTC, he completed a academic engagement and has published a
www.btc.co.za. second doctoral degree in 2010; this time in book, ‘Quintessential Mission,’ and authored
Old Testament studies through the University of numerous articles published in accredited
Pretoria. He also serves on the boards of both journals (nationally and internationally). In 2014,
international and local missionary groups. Dr. Desmond was appointed as an Extraordinary
Senior Lecturer to the North West University to
Prof. Piff has served as the College’s Acting work in the area of PhD students and serves as
Principal since January 2018. a Guest Professor at the Billy Graham Center at
Wheaton College.

Dr Desmond joined BTC fulltime in 2012 as

the Missiologist and Deputy Registrar, and
was appointed Registrar and Missiologist in
September 2014.

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Faculty Faculty

Dr Terrel Manikam Rev. Megan Braithwaite Rev. Barry Brokensha Dr Walter Maqoma
Dean of Undergraduate Studies HOD: Biblical Languages HOD: Youth Studies HOD: Biblical Studies
HOD: Pastoral Studies

Dr. Terrel Manikam (BTh (University of Zululand), LTh (BTC), with a focus on preparing God’s people for the return of
MA (RAU), D Litt et Phil (UJ) and his wife Hazel, married in Christ from Revelation 14 (and the Pseudepigraphical book Barry Brokensha, (DipTh; BTh; Dr. Walter graduated with a
Megan Braithwaite, DipTh; BTh
June 1995 and have four children: Caleb, Rebekah-Grace, of 1 Enoch 1-36). In 2019 he achieved his second doctoral MTh) is a proud alumni of the BTh from BTC in 2007 and
(BTC), B.A. (Hons) (UJ); B.Com,
Gabriel and Joshua. degree with North West University, having received a PhD Baptist Theological College of completed a M.Phil. degree at
graduated with a BCom from the
in Missiology. Dr. Terrel served as a Student Pastor and Southern Africa and has served St. Augustine’s Catholic University,
University of Natal in 1991, then
Dr. Terrel obtained his BTh (2000) degree from the University Associate Pastor (Worship and Evangelism) at the New Life for a number of years a part of and subsequently pursued an
went on to work for Youth for Christ
of Zululand. A year thereafter, he obtained his Licentiate Baptist Church (Bosmont) for seven years. He thereafter was our lecturing team in the areas of MTh at BTC, and a PhD at the
in Pietermaritzburg before relocating
in Theology degree from the Baptist Theological College called to his hometown in Stanger where he served with Systematic Theology and Youth University of Pretoria in New
to Johannesburg. After a brief
in Randburg. During his pastorate at the New Life Baptist his family in the Bethel Baptist Church, Valley View Baptist Studies. Barry brings with him a Testament Ethics.
period in secular business, she
Church, he completed his MA degree at Rand Afrikaans Church (Glendale) and helped plant the Phakamani-Bethel wealth of knowledge from the
chose to be a contact mother
University in 2004. Baptist Church (LOT 14 in Stanger). After nine years of local church and a passion for Walter is married to Lerato, and
to her children.
ministry in the Stanger area, he joined the BTC staff. eschatology. was instrumental in starting the
Whilst serving the churches in the Stanger area in KZN, he Metanoia Bible Institute at his local
In 2009, she graduated with a BTh.
completed his doctoral degree in New Testament studies We are pleased that Barry is our Church at Koinonia Bible Church.
Hons. (cum laude) from BTC and in
2011 completed a B.A. Hons. (cum Acting HOD for Youth Studies.
laude) in Semitic Languages (Hebrew He serves at BTC as our HOD for
and Aramaic) at the University of Biblical Studies.
Systematic Theology Biblical Studies and Research
HOD: Professor Piff Pereira HOD: Professor Piff Pereira In 2014, she received full ministerial
recognition from the Baptist Union.

01 02 Megan graduated with her M.A.Th

(Translation Studies) from the
University of the Free State in
July 2019.
BAPTIST Megan and her husband both serve
HOD: Dr Desmond Harry
03 THEOLOGICAL 04 Practical Theology and Ministry
Dr Terell Manikam
as elders at Edenvale Baptist Church.
Apart from biblical languages, her
COLLEGE other passion is mentoring and
ministering to other women.

05 06

Youth Studies Biblical Languages

HOD: Rev Barry Brokensha HOD: Rev Megan Braithwaite

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In addition to our full-time Faculty, BTC enjoys the expertise of a number of adjunct lecturers and guest
Support and Service Team

Rev. Colin Diesel Mrs. Jodi Dyers Prof. Graham Duncan

Barbara Barr Lindi Botha Rev. Michael du Toit
Finance Assistant Administrative Supervisor Academic Programme
Director / Acting Registrar

Rev. Michael du Toit Rev. Jonathan Fraser Rev. Tyrell Haag

Elize Fourie Sagoema Maredi Iviwe Noholoza

Librarian Academic Affairs Assistant Administrative Assistant

Rev. Kurt Holiday Rev. Gavin Johnstone Rev Lance Laughton

Jessica Santungwana Cecilia Sefara Phineas Thamaga

Finance Officer Student Liaison Officer Environmental Affairs

Rev. Johan Luface Rev Gavin Wood

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

Admin Service Charter Master’s Faculty

BTC is committed to quality postgraduate work and has a good number of experts to call upon. These experts in the Masters
The Baptist Theological College Administration Department
Our Commitment strives to provide excellent service delivery by providing
faculty, supervise all Masters students during their research process. Faculty members have a different area of expertise that a
student is assigned to, according to their area of research.
accurate information and prioritizing the needs of our clients
in a professional manner. In doing this we endeavour to
minister to students as they are being equipped for ministry.

Dr Linzay Rinquest (PhD)

• Courteous and professional service to our clients
We Aim to Provide • Up-to-date and relevant information Old Testament Prof. Piff Pereira (PhD)
• Fair treatment of our clients Dr Sam Ndoga
•P rompt and detailed response to communication
received from clients Dr Walter Maqoma (PhD)
• Adequate response to client complaints and concerns New Testament
Prof. Piff Pereira (PhD)

Biblical Hermeneutics Prof. Piff Pereira (PhD)

In Doing This We Will • Listen to client requests patiently and respond courteously
• Respect the client and their respective needs
Biblical Theology Prof. Piff Pereira (PhD)

• Ensure fixed standards of excellence and working systems Prof. Martin Pohlmann (PhD)
• Provide accurate and clear information Systematic Theology
Dr Linzay Rinquest (PhD)
• Communicate regularly and effectively
• Respond to phone messages on the same day Christian Ethics Dr Terrel Manikam (PhD)
• Respond to email enquiries within 24 hours
Dr Terrel Manikam (PhD)
Christian Apologetics
Dr Desmond Henry (PhD)
•K eeping us up-to-date with contact information and
Students Can Assist Us relevant personal information History of Christianity
Prof. Martin Pohlmann (PhD)

•F urnishing our staff with comprehensive and constructive Dr Desmond Henry (PhD)
• Treating all staff members with high respect Dr Sam Ndoga (PhD)
•E xercising professional courtesy and make appointments
Basil Sparks (MA)
where necessary
•F ollowing existing policies and procedures and exercising Dr Godrey Harold (PhD)
personal responsibility
Practical Theology Dr Charles de Kiewit (PhD)

Dr Tim Tucker (PhD)

BTC Partnerships Dr David Pass (PhD)

BTC believes that it is important to partner with various Dr Garth Aziz (PhD)
churches, Colleges and institutions around the country
in order to reach virtuous relationships and attain a Dr Desmond Henry (PhD)
qualification within a collaborative environment.
Dr Credo Mangayi (PhD)
We offer tailor-made informal agreements based on
Missiology Rev Darryl Soal (Completing PhD)
the size of your group and may provide some discount
to those learning communities we partner with. If you
Rev. Robbie Beaton (Completing PhD)
would like to find out more, please feel free to contact
the Registrar at [email protected].
Prof. Nelus Niemandt (PhD)

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Institutional Registration Degree Programs

The Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa BTC recommends the following period of study for various courses offered:
(BTC) is registered with the Department of Education
as a Higher Education Institution under the Higher DEGREE / PROGRAM CONTACT LEARNING DISTANCE LEARNING
Education Act, 1997 with the Registration Certificate
No.:2000/HE08/004. BTC is a registered Section 21 Higher Certificate in Ministry (Undergraduate) 2+ years of study
Company (Registration No.: 2003/019542/08) and is
governed by a board appointed in close affiliation with
Bachelor of Biblical Studies (Undergraduate) 3 years of study 6+ years of study
the Baptist Union of Southern Africa.

Our Qualifications are accredited by the Council Bachelor of Theology (Postgraduate) 4 years of study 8+ years of study
on Higher Education (CHE) through its permanent
subcommittee, the Higher Education Quality
Masters of Theology (Postgraduate) 2+ years of study
Sub Framework (HEQSF) and the Education and
Training Quality assurer (ETQA) of the South African
Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Fundamental, core and
elective courses/subject are required.

The HEQC and SAQA require that College courses be Certification of Study
categorized by one of the following definitions:
Most courses offered at BTC can be taken as individual courses, allowing students to pursue a particular area of interest. For these
• Fundamental courses are those that establish the studies a recognition of studies will be issued on request.
grounding or basis to all studies in Christian theology
and ministry, which are equally fundamental to the
satisfactory completion of the College’s qualifications.
• Core courses are those that are contextually relevant
to the obtaining of the College’s qualifications, which
are directly related to the College’s mission statement
to equip persons for Christian ministry.
• Elective courses are those that allow the student
options for study that relate to their specific
concerns and interests, yet fall within the particular
requirements of the College’s qualifications.

NOTE: These descriptors are indicated on each

program curriculum.

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Curriculum Outline: Curriculum Outline:

Higher Certificate in Ministry Bachelor of Biblical Studies
Higher Certificate in Ministry: Pastoral Major (HCMin) Bachelor of Biblical Studies (BBib)
NQF LEVEL 5 (120 credits) NQF LEVEL 7 (360 Credits)
Entrance Qualification: KEY: Compulsory courses indicated by* Entrance Qualification: KEY: Compulsory courses indicated by*
Matriculation or equivalent. Matriculation or equivalent.
Each course is worth 12 credits unless Each course is worth 12 credits unless
Graduation Requirements: otherwise stated. Graduation Requirements: otherwise stated.
120 credits total. 360 credits total.


Biblical Literacy *BBS115 *BBS125 *BBS215 *BBS225 *BBS315 *BBS325
Biblical Studies
*HCMS BS 125 Biblical The Synoptic The Pentateuch The Pauline The Prophets The Johannine The Writings
Studies Gospels and Acts Writings and General
Bible Overview
*HCMS ST 125
Systematic Theology *BST125 *BST215 *BST225 *BST315 *BST325
Introduction to Christian Doctrine Systematic
Overview of Revelation Humanity Sin and Salvation the Eschatology
*HCMS PS 125 Christian Doctrine and God Christ Holy Spirit and and Theological
Contemporary Ecclesiology the Church Models

*HCMS PS 115 *HCMS PS 125-2 *BBL125 *BGK215 *BGK225 *BHB315 *BHB325

Introduction to Homiletics Personal Spiritual Development Introduction to Biblical Greek 1 Biblical Greek 2 Biblical Hebrew 1 Biblical Hebrew 2
Pastoral Studies Biblical Languages
*HCMS PS 115-4 *HCMS PS 125-3 and Culture
Overview of Pastoral Care Introduction to Spiritual Direction
*HCMS PS 125-4
Elementary *BBL210 *BBL310
Church Ministry
Language Textual Analysis of the New Testament Textual Analysis of the Old Testament
HCMS MS 115-2 Studies
Mission Studies
Cross-Cultural Engagement
*BMS115 *BMS125 BMS215 BMS225 BMS315 BMS325
HCMS PM 115 Introduction to Basic Tools for Apologetics and Cultural World Religions Methods,
Practical Ministry Missiology Missiology and Apologetics, Techniques for Anthropology and and Marginal Strategies and
Bible Read
Church Planting Christian Evangelism Developing your Peoples Global Issues in
HCMS YS 115-4 Evangelism and Missional IQ Reaching People
Youth Studies
Youth and Family Ministry Discipleship

*BPS115 *BPS125 BPS215 BPS225 BPS315 BPS325

Pastoral Hermeneutics Homiletics Pastoral Spiritual Theology and Spiritual Direction
Studies Apologetics and Development Practise of
Biblical Worldview Worship

*BYS115 BYS215 BYS225 BYS315 BYS325

Youth Youth Ministry Youth in Crisis Children’s Ministry Teenage Ministry Young Adults and
Studies and Childhood and Development Singles Ministry
Development Theory

*BSR110 *BCH215 *BCH225 BBP315 BBP325

Theological Early Church Later Church Baptist Principles SA Baptist Ethos
Research History History
and Writing Skills
(6 credits)

Biblical *BPM110 *BPM210 *BPM310

& Church Biblical and Church Residency 1 Biblical and Church Residency 2 Biblical and Church Residency 3

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Curriculum Outline:
Bachelor of Theology
Bachelor of Theology (BTh)
Entrance Qualification:
Matriculation or equivalent.
NQF LEVEL 8 (480 credits)
Graduation Requirements: KEY: * indicates compulsory courses
480 credits total. # indicates not available in 2020

The curriculum for the Bachelor of Theology is that of the Bachelor of Biblical
Studies plus the following:


#BBS 410 (12 credits)
Biblical Studies
Bible Translation in Practice
*BST 415 (12 credits)
Systematic Theology
Christian Theological Ethics
*BCT 425 (12 credits)
Contemporary Theology
Christian Worldview
BHB 415 (12 credits) BGK 425 (12 credits)
Biblical Languages
Biblical Hebrew 3 Biblical Greek 3
BMS 415 (12 credits) BMS 425 (12 credits)
Mission Skills 1 Mission Skills 2
BPS 415 (12 credits) BPS 425 (12 credits)
Pastoral Studies
Pastoral Care Church Ministry and Management
BYS 415 (12 credits) BYS 425 (12 credits)
Youth Studies
Youth Ministry in Age Group Context Youth Ministry in Social Context
*BSR 410 (24 credits)
Specialized Research
BCH 415 (12 credits) BAR 425 (12 credits)
History of African Christianity African Realities
*BPM 410 (12 credits)
Practical Ministry
Biblical and Church Residency 4

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Application Process Application Requirements

Admissions Policy Practical Competency

In keeping with its mission statement, it is the policy of The College has made enormous strides in the last decade
the college to provide equal opportunity for all applicants in practical competency. Students can only graduate once
The following documentation A completed application form (available online).
regardless of race, gender, creed, or educational background. they have significant practical ministry experience. They are
also required to be involved in a local church while studying
must be submitted for both 2
All potential students will be eligible for selection at BTC. Students’ assignments require different aspects of
provided they meet the requirements below: practical experience. contact and distance study A certified copy of your identity document or passport
• They are truthful on their application forms. applications. 3
Input from church and ministry leaders regarding student
• They are in possession of all the necessary documentation performance in specific ministry assists in measuring the A certified copy of your National Senior Certificate (Matric Certificate) OR a
inter alia registration documentation duly completed ‘OBE’ objectives. certified copy of Matric exemption acquired from the Matriculation Board*
accompanied by all supporting certificates,
recommendations etc. We believe that God has equipped us to develop and train 4
• Should the contact students be granted an interview, men and women who have a desire to be better equipped A valid South African study visa is required by foreign students.
undertake to assist the interview committee to arrive at a for ministry. Our particular focus areas are training people
fair evaluation and display a willingness to abide by the for long-term, effective ministry as pastors of local churches,
recommendations of the interview committee. youth pastors/workers and cross-cultural missionaries. Foreign students are required Potential students that do not
to obtain a matriculation possess a completed National
• They are able to sustain themselves financially and must be
exemption equivalency from Senior Certificate (Matric
willing to meet their fee obligations. Application Documents and Further the South African Matriculation Certificate) but passed at
• They have read and accepted the College’s Statement of Assistance Board before applying to study. least four (4) subjects with the
Faith as outlined in this prospectus and on the website. minimum of an ‘E’ symbol and
Potential students wishing to study at BTC are directed to
are between the ages of twenty-
• They are willing to adhere to the College Rules & our website (www.btc.co.za) to obtain relevant information,
three (23) and forty-five (45)
Regulations. downloadable forms and other items of assistance. As outlined in the Government years of age are eligible.
• They respect fellow students, especially those from other Gazette, Vo. 482, No 27961,
Should a potential student require any additional assistance 18 August 2005 Minimum
parts of the African continent and parts of the world.
or advice they are welcome to request an interview with the Admission Requirements for
• They demonstrate the commitment to meet the demands Registrar who will assist where possible. Higher Certificate, Diploma Full-Time (Contact/Residential)
of study. and Bachelor’s Degree applicants will be required to
Potential students that apply to study at BTC must note that Programmes Requires a have an interview conducted
only once all the necessary forms have been received and National Senior Certificate. by the Interview Committee
Outcomes-Based Education where applicable, the accompanying fees paid in full, will appointed by the Registrar.
their applications be processed.
The College applies the principles of Outcomes Based
Education (OBE). OBE is designed to teach students specific
knowledge and principles that can be demonstrated in
measurable outcomes. This method greatly assists students The Matriculation Board can be contacted at www.sauvca.org.za/mb
to fulfil the objectives of the programs for which they have or via telephone: 012 481 2914 / 2847 / 2828.
been enrolled and to achieve the standard requirement.

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Master’s Admission Policy Applying for Postgraduate Studies

The minimum requirement for entry into the MTh programme of their suitability for the degree by means that shall be Students are strongly advised to email the College It should be noted that in the case where an applicant is
is an NQF Level 8 Bachelor of Theology or equivalent determined on an individual basis by the post-graduate ([email protected]) and submit a formal application refused admission to the study programme without
meeting the core elements of our degree program in a committee (see RPL policy on page 28). for postgraduate studies, clearly stating the study programme assigning a reason, the applicant may appeal directly to the
relevant field of study from a University or Higher Education you aspire to study, so that the College is able to ensure that College Board of Directors. The final decision on
and Training (HET) institution that is registered with the the facilities and expert supervisors necessary for the courses whether the applicant is accepted or refused admission into
Department of Higher Education. are available. the study programme then lies with the College Board.
Applications are assessed on their own merits and where
Applicants will be considered for admission on the basis of Applicants should submit their application forms as early applicable, an example of the candidate’s written
the recognition of prior learning (RPL) and/ or experience as possible, in the academic year prior to commencement work may be required.
(RPL/E) provided that such applicant has satisfied the College of studies. In addition to the application process, required
under the section “application procedure”, the following is The Dean of Studies, who must be a fulltime member of the
also required: academic faculty, to set up an appointment for an interview
• Documentary evidence of your qualifications (original or in which the dissertation proposal will be discussed, and
certified copies); will thereafter contact successful applicants. The applicant’s
motivation and suitability for the study programme will also
The fields of study available include: • Other supporting information, such as signed references be assessed in the interview.
(referees should normally be lecturers in higher education
with direct knowledge of the candidate’s academic
Old Testament New Testament Biblical Hermeneutics Biblical Theology Systematic Theology All applications and supporting documentation will be
progress); and treated as strictly confidential. As of 2019, there is a
• A brief outline of the dissertation proposal should be nonrefundable once off registration fee for all postgraduate
Christian Ethics Christian Apologetics History of Christianity Practical Theology Missiology submitted. programmes. The course fee is payable every year until
completion of the programme. Once enrolled, the student
Although you may make your application at any time,
will be liable to pay all fees upplicable until he / she
you should be aware that the last day for postgraduate
graduates or deregisters from the programme.
applications is 31 October of each year for commencement in
January of the following year. Once the application has been
Offers of admission will clearly state the duration of the
assessed, the applicant will be informed as to whether or not
A supervisor will be assigned to the student throughout the degree or they can develop specific skills for their chosen programme for which the applicant has been accepted. The
the applicant qualifies for admission to the study programme.
duration of the programme and by a means of consultation career in the workplace. necessary fees and any likely increase in the fees and all
with the student will determine the degree components conditions attached to the offer will be specified.
that will include prescribed reading, an oral examination/ Students can change direction and develop new skills by
interview, a publishable article, and a dissertation. The studying a course that takes them in a different direction from
Postgraduate Committee will also be consulted on the set their previous studies. Whichever way the student wishes to
research programme that the student will be required take their postgraduate study in the future, we are looking
to complete. for motivated people called to the Christian ministry who
are willing to make a positive, godly contribution to their
Where necessary, the potential applicants may need to travel surroundings. An immense satisfaction comes with pursuing
to use specialist research libraries, archives or central libraries a subject that is genuinely intriguing, and then making a
as part of their research work. personal contribution to it. The student also develops a wide
range of transferable skills including project planning,
This postgraduate course will provide the student with presentations, analytical thinking etc.
advanced and detailed study in the subject of their

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Qualifications Earned Beyond our Guidelines for the Assessment of CAT

Borders and RPL
Students who wish to receive recognition of qualifications The study permit involves the presentation of the RPL/E is to Reflect the Following Core Equality amongst all potential students
following documents to the South African representative
gained outside of South Africa must make an application
Principles: All applicants and potential students shall be treated
to the South African Qualifications Authority’s (SAQA) in the potential student’s country of origin or nearest to equally and there shall be no discrimination on the basis
Centre for the Evaluation of Educational Qualifications their home country: Maintenance of stipulated academic standards of race, gender, heritage and/or historical background.
(CEEQ). Application forms are available on the SAQA • Study permit application forms (BI 159: A&F). As the College is a Private Higher Education Institution The College shall be particularly aware of the needs of
website (www.saqa.org.za). (hereafter PHEI), it remains incumbent on the RPL/E process historically disadvantaged students, while not sacrificing
• Original letter of acceptance to study contact at BTC, to maintain the stipulated academic standards, as set both the maintenance of stipulated academic standards. Full
Alternatively, SAQA may be contacted at: including a completion of study date as well as an from within and without the institution. However, such qualifications on the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-
undertaking to notify the Department of Home Affairs maintenance shall not be understood to result in the artificial Framework (HEQSF) cannot be awarded solely on the
when the degree has been completed. maintenance of standards based on false premises. RPL basis of RPL. Similarly, exemption based on RPL should be
Tel: 012 431 5000 Helpdesk: 0860 103 188
may be used to grant access to a qualification programme, limited to not more than 50% of the modules or courses of
Email: [email protected] Fax: 012 431 5147 • Repatriation guarantee - this is a formal statement that the
student is able to cover the repatriation expenses to their or advanced standing/exemption from modules or courses the qualification programme in question. This means that
constitutive of a particular qualification. In higher education, no student should be exempted from more than 50% of
Physical Address: country of origin. The repatriation guarantee is equivalent
to a return air ticket and must have the official embassy exemption from courses does not translate to credits being the modules or courses required for any particular higher
SAQA House, 1067 Arcadia Street
receipt or it is not accepted as a valid document. awarded for those courses. No credits should therefore be education qualification. Not more than 10% of a cohort
Hatfield, Pretoria Waterkloof, 0145
awarded for the courses that a student is exempted from of students in a higher education programme should be
• Proof of sufficient funds to cover living expenses. doing on the basis of RPL. admitted through an RPL process.
Postal Address:
Postnet Suite 248, Private Bag X06 • Medical report and particulars regarding medical cover.
Deliberate concern for the potential student A cost-effective and well-managed process
There is a cost involved in applying for a study permit and The RPL/E process shall be committed to a fundamental It shall neither be the intention nor purpose of the RPL/E
the relevant South African Embassy, High Commission, emphasis on the potential student, inasmuch as no process to be a means of significant revenue for the
Consulate or Trade Mission in the country of origin will applicant shall be disadvantaged, for the benefit of the College; as such, the process shall always be well-managed
BTC welcomes foreign students wanting to study by advise potential students of this cost. College, in any manner whatsoever. It shall be recognised and structured to achieve its set goals as simply as possible.
either contact or distance learning at BTC. We have many
Potential students should take note of the following: that an applicant may be disadvantaged in either of the Standards of qualifications must be maintained by ensuring
nationalities represented in our student body. Students
awarding of too little recognition or excessive recognition. that assessment is appropriate to the particular modules and
from foreign countries wanting to study fulltime at BTC • A person may not enter South Africa on a visitor’s visa and A student who, on the basis of RPL, is granted exemption exit level outcomes of the programme in question.
are required to obtain a study permits in terms of the then apply for a study permit. In addition, a person may from doing certain courses in a qualification programme will
Immigrations Act of 2014 which states that ‘if a person is not change the purpose of entry whilst in South Africa. complete the qualification with a total number of credits that Assessment criteria are openly and clearly communicated
resident outside South Africa and is not a South African
• If a foreign person is in possession of a South African work is less than the normally required number of credits for the to students in the interest of validity, transparency and
citizen or does not have permanent residence status, they
permit, they are still required to apply for a study permit. qualification in question. RPL creates such an exception, and accountability. Assessment judgments are justifiable; and
are required to obtain a study permit to enter South Africa
the student concerned should not be compelled to do more the roles and responsibilities the student, lecturer, examiner,
for the purpose of studying’. • Asylum Seeker Temporary Permit holders must have the
modules or courses to make up for the difference in the total moderator and institutional quality assurance/governance
condition to study clearly stated on their permits.
number of credits. departments are clearly stated and communicated.
Potential students can apply for a study permit at the South
African High Commission, Embassy, Consulate or Trade
Mission in their own country (country of origin). If there is
no South African representative in their country, they must
apply to the South African High Commission, Embassy, For further information regarding study permits in
Consulate or Trade Mission nearest to their home country. South Africa, please visit the Department of Home
Potential Students will need an official letter from the Affairs Johannesburg Regional Office,
College offering them a place to study as a contact student 77 Harrison Street, Johannesburg.
at the College before they can submit an application for a
study permit.

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Guidelines for RPL/E Standards of qualifications are maintained by ensuring that Principles of Assessment
assessment is appropriate to the particular modules and exit
RPL/E shall be affected in the context of the following The following principles should underpin sound assessment Social justice and equality
level outcomes of the programme in question. Assessment
important guidelines: criteria are openly and clearly communicated to students in practices in an institution. Assessment is an integral part There is an absence of bias in assessment practices such that
• No exceptions shall be made to the stipulated process, as the interest of validity, transparency and accountability. of the teaching and learning process and is systematically they do not in any way hinder or advantage specific students.
published in the College Prospectus from time-to-time. and purposefully used to identify, gather and interpret
Assessment judgments are justifiable; and the roles and information against the required competencies in a
• Recognition will only be granted to related and relevant qualification in order to make judgement about a student’s Sensitivity to language
responsibilities of the student, lecturer, examiner, moderator
prior learning and experience. achievement. It is a continuous and iterative process that is
and institutional quality assurance/governance departments Care is taken to use appropriate language in assessment
• A definite correlation, between prior learning/experience are clearly stated and communicated. not used to measure learning only but is also as a means to so that the use of language does not become a barrier in
and granted credits, shall be required. develop lifelong learning and to promote innovative and learning and assessment processes.
creative thinking in order to consolidate existing learning
• Recognition of prior formal learning shall not require an
Submission for RPL/E and build further learning. Furthermore, assessment is a Work Integrated Learning and Experience
achievement, generally reflected in a mark, which is higher tool for lecturers to reflect on the success of their teaching
than that of the College. Initial submissions (WIL) Policy
Due to the nature of the institution, initial applications It is the policy of the College that experiential learning is
• In the recognition of prior informal learning and experience,
for the RPL/E shall be submitted in the form of stipulated Assessment procedures and policies should reflect academic an integral part of all College courses and that the College
most credits shall be granted within the first two levels of
documentation and/or personal recommendations. integrity and quality through a consistent, reliable, shall make room for exemption from experiential learning
appropriate and systematic approach that establishes that base upon evidenced-based assessment of the experiential
• In the event of any false declaration by an applicant, the Additional submissions the assessment criteria have been met and that performance learning in the workplace outside of the registered courses
entire RPL/E process, completed at the time of the false Should further evidence be required, the RPL/E shall advise to the required standard has been measured. listed below.
declaration, shall be deemed null and void. an applicant of the requirement/s.
• All recognition granted shall be evaluated for consistency The criteria for effective assessment include: Such learning will be directly determined by and linked to
• Validity and reliability: Assessment must be valid and fit the stated outcomes of the given qualification and required
and fairness, confirming that such recognition would
Assessment of RPL/E for purpose. The assessment measures what it intends to courses and deemed to be Work Integrated Learning and
have equally been granted to any other applicant. BTC
ensures that quality assurance processes that address the • At the set dates, as published from time-to-time, the RPL/E measure and the actions that are based on the results of Experience.
specificities of the RPL process (including applications, Committee shall convene to assess all applications. the assessment are appropriate and accurate.
assessment, and reporting and management systems) are • Fairness: Assessment policies, systems and procedures Exemptions may be granted where students demonstrate
• At such time, the Committee may make a final decision, or promote equity and fairness to all students and provide valid experience in meeting the outcomes outlined where
implemented; and that administrative and support systems,
determine any such further action as may be required to assistance to overcome inabilities or disabilities that may corroborating evidence thereof is supplied. The College has
both prior and subsequent to RPL assessment, are in place.
make a fair decision. have an effect on student performance. defined experiential learning as that learning which takes
• In such cases, the RPL/E Committee shall convene as place as a direct and/or indirect consequence of a deliberate
Procedure for RPL/E required to affect a final decision. All such decisions shall Assessment should be perceived to be fair and equitable, requirement that is associated with such settings as may be
be recorded in a properly recorded minute of RPL/E giving students a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate described as ‘occupational, practical exposure, etcetera’.
The following procedure shall be followed in the RPL/E:
Committee meetings. their skills and knowledge acquired. Many of our courses encourage this experiential side that
would build practical competence.
Applicants shall submit the prerequisite form; including the Action on Assessment Understanding that the nature of Christian ministry is such
stipulated application fee, all the requested information, and Assessment procedures and practices are supported by
that students will often not be able to ‘do the real thing’, it is
certified copies of all relevant documents. Assessment is central to learning and teaching because it effective, reliable and accurate administration procedures.
to be appreciated that requirements, which include element
is the key mechanism for evaluating the performance of Where assessment involves examinations, the security of
such as role play and classroom practical’s, are regarded as
Such applications shall include the following minimum students. As such, it is the basis for awarding credits, and the examination papers and marks is essential as is the
experiential learning.
information: ultimately of qualifications. moderation of paper marking.
• Complete personal and contact details. BTC views its WIL policy as an integrative approach to
The policy on assessment is developed on the basis of the Transparency and accountability
• Full details and proof of previous formal and/or informal experiential learning in the classroom monitored
understanding that assessment is the critical process that is
learning. Information on assessment and assessment activities are environment as well as in ministry under the guidance of
employed to identify, gather and interpret information and
known and publically available to all stakeholders. There a designated professional. Notwithstanding the above,
evidence that would enable reasonably objective judgments
• Full details of previous and present experience. wherever possible the College endeavours, to provide
to be made regarding the extent to which a student has is a clear understanding of the purposes of the assessment
process, its consequences and inferences made where all students with experiential learning opportunities that relate
achieved the learning outcomes of a course or module that
role players can provide evidence of the development and as closely as possible to the ‘real thing’.
leads to a qualification.
moderation of assessment activities with which they are
1 involved.
This Policy is subject to the Council on Higher Education. Policy implemented in 2016 available at http://www.che.ac.za/sites/default/files/RPLCAT%20Assessment%20Policy%20Document.pdf

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Student Support

Policy on Credit Accumulation and Transfer Credit accumulation is the totalling of credits towards the Accommodation
(CAT) completion of a qualification. Credit transfer is the vertical,
Should any contact student be from out of town and require
horizontal or diagonal relocation of credits towards
Principles of CAT a qualification. accommodation, we are able to offer accommodation in our
The following principles seek to create a foundation for the fully-owned and maintained blocks of units situated in Windsor
application of CAT within higher education. The process of CAT brings together the diverse features of East in Randburg, Johannesburg.
credit accumulation and credit transfer in order to facilitate
A qualification signifies the formal recognition and lifelong learning. It allows a student’s achievements to The units are located approximately 5km’s from the College
certification of learning achievement. The HEQSF sets be recognised even if the student does not achieve a campus and offer both one- and two-bedroom units. The units
out the range of qualification types in higher education and qualification. Any or all credits for an incomplete qualification are available either furnished or unfurnished, depending on the
any qualification offered by a higher education institution may be recognized by the same or a different institution as student’s specific needs. These units are available at a highly
must conform to one of the qualifications types or its meeting part of the requirements for a different qualification, subsidized rate. Applications must be made to the Administrative
variants as described in the HEQSF. The HEQSF is about or may be recognised by a different institution as meeting Department and will be considered on an availability basis.
whole qualifications for higher education, understood to part of the requirements for the same qualification. The
comprise of at least 120 credits. The HEQSF does not specify process of CAT ensures the mobility of an individual student
parameters for part qualifications.Credits are used as a between programmes and institutions within the constraining
Mentoring Students
measure of the volume of learning required for a qualification parameters set by the requirements of the specific curricula. Reliable research has suggested that in order for distance
and can be specified in terms of the total minimum numbers students to be successful in their learning, they do require
of credits required, and in terms of the minimum number of At BTC we understand that irrespective of whether students support in the form of a suitably qualified friend, leader or pastor.
credits required at the specified exit level of the qualification are learning in isolation or contact at the College, studying
type or its variant as described in the HEQSF. can be challenging at times, especially if you are from a This person needs to be regularly available to the student to
foreign country or from a challenged or disadvantaged motivate and encourage them to persevere with their studies
The credit rating system estimates that 10 notional study community. and also to assist the student where possible to accomplish this
hours are equivalent to one credit. Credits represent a goal. It would also be suggested that this person commit to
measure of all the learning activities engaged in by the supporting the student on a spiritual basis whereby praying for
student and include, among others, contact time, self-study, and with them as they not only grow in the knowledge of God,
WIL, assignments, projects and examinations. but also aspire to what it is that God has planned for them to
accomplish with that knowledge.

With the above in mind, we do endeavour to contact distance

students on a regular basis but it is having that local person that
will adequately fulfil the role of support that is needed.
Since 2015, students are afforded the opportunity to have
access to a state of the art online journal database, which is
Bursaries available to both contact and distance students, as well as
a growing number of online volumes. Our library is user-
Bursary support is made available to primarily assist contact
friendly in that all journals, books and other resources are
students. Application for the bursary support is to be made
indexed on an easily accessible electronic library catalogue.
online for consideration once the student is at the College.
It has ample space for students to study in comfort and is
These bursaries are specialized and are provided in April and
open throughout the year. The College Librarian is available
September of each year. Bursaries have a specific set of criteria
to assist students in finding the resources needed for
that are considered upon application, however, there are many
assignments. The library provides wireless internet access,
volunteer opportunities on campus that can assist the student in
as well as a number of computers which may be used
their fees.
by students.

Library Resources Distance students are offered the opportunity to make use of
all our library resources for an annual fee. Contact students
The library at the BTC Southern Africa campus is a valuable have access to the library at no additional cost.
resource centre that assists students by providing them with the
necessary resources to fulfil their study requirements. Our library
comprises of various types of material including over 14 000
books, 40 printed journal titles, and a growing number of DVD
resources. Our library also includes a large reference section.

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Textbooks Student Assessments

Rules for Assessment, Credit Accumulation, Progression and Qualification

Student’s Prescribed Textbooks Other books suppliers

You may also purchase your required books from a number of Assessments Materials, Format and Assignment Submission
Students will require a number of standard books which Students are provided with course outlines and digital study
other reputable stores: Undergraduate Programmes
will aid them in fulfilling the various course requirements as notes for each enrolled subject. Printed notes are available
they pursue their theological studies. These books will not • Christian Book Discounters 011 784 6214 Assignments generally count 50% of the final mark, and the for purchase from the Bookstore. A list of prescribed
only help in completing assignments, but will also serve as a examination marks counts for the other 50% to make up a textbooks for each subject will accompany these notes.
• Augustine Book Room (Pretoria) 012 993 4606
strong foundation to a future personal theological library. 100% (variances may occur). If a course does not have an Subject fees do not include the cost of textbooks. It is the
• Good Neighbours 011 704 1857 examination, the then assignments will count for the full student’s responsibility to obtain and purchase textbooks.
These necessary books can be acquired in a number of 100% final mark.
• Loot Online Store www.loot.co.za
different ways: These textbooks are available from the Bookstore, and
• Amazon Kindle E-Books www.amazon.com Students are required to score at least 50% on assignments in
BTC Bookstore should you be interested in purchasing a textbook, it would
order to demonstrate competence, and 50% on examination be suggested that you advise the office timeously so as
A number of the necessary titles needed for BTC courses to pass. Should a student get less than 50% for the course, to ensure that there are enough textbooks available. The
may be purchased directly from the college. These can they will fail the course and will need to redo the specific textbooks are available at a reasonable price to the students.
be obtained by contacting the Book Store via email at course. Unfortunately, we do not entertain supplementary As we are a non-profit organization, we are only entitled to
[email protected] by providing the course you are taking, examinations. include a minimal mark-up on the cost price of the textbooks
as well as the titles that you need. We strive to provide as
in order to cover administration fees (i.e. bank charges,
much assistance in this regard as possible, and sell required Credit Accumulation and Qualification postage and unforeseen price increases). No textbooks can
books at a reasonable price. Each course is normally worth twelve 12 credits that will be handed to or sent to students without proof of payment.
accrue towards your qualification. When you complete your
studies, whether or not you have earned a qualification, The format of all assignments is covered in details in the
you will be issued with a transcript detailing all your courses assignment writing guideline documents that can be
and the credits you have earned. Students will need to downloaded from the website (www.btc.co.za), downloaded

accumulate ten (10) course credits (one hundred and on Schoology, or acquired from the BTC office. The guide
twenty credits in total) to be awarded a qualification at should be used extensively when writing assignments as
Higher Certificate level (previous Certificate in Theology or incorrect formatting and referencing are penalized. All
Certificate in Ministry Studies), thirty (30) course credits for a assignments are to be submitted electronically via Schoology.
Bachelor of Biblical Studies (previous Diploma in Theology) The assignment writing guidelines should also be referred
and forty (40) course credits for a Bachelor of Theology. to when labelling and saving assignment documents as
Our world-class learning management system is Schoology, and An additional one hundred and eighty (180) credits will assignments receive there are incorrectly labelled or saved
it allows lecturers and students to share content and resources. be needed to obtain the Master’s degree (i.e. six hundred will be returned to the sender and marked as ‘not received’.
It is a cloud-based system that helps the administration of online and sixty (660) credits in total). Once you have met all the The necessary penalties will apply for late assignments.
classroom environment. It is used globally and has a good requirements for your chosen qualification, you will be
reputation in the Higher Education field. We use this platform awarded the qualification you registered for at entry. The dates for submission of assignments are provided in
to provide students a stable method of accessing their course the course directives for each subject. These dates are
material and to submit their assignments with ease. It also Work Load not negotiable. Serious illness or a death in the family
works as an online platform for distance students to engage Contact students do 4-6 courses per semester, and should are the only reasonable considerations for the extension
with lecturers and other students at the College via discussions plan to give three to four hours per day for of assignment submission dates (in these extreme cases
and an online dialogue system. study and preparation outside the classroom. permission for late submission of an assignment can only be
Distance students should plan to give three to five hours per obtained from the principal). Assignments may be submitted
Visit https://www.schoology.com/about for more information. week per course. An average correspondence up to the Friday of the same week of the assignment due
student completes 2-3 courses per semester. date at an automatic penalty of 5% per day. Thereafter,
assignments will not be accepted and the student will have
Church Involvement failed the course. The completion of all assignments for
Due to the nature of the studies offered, there will be an any given course is required in order to meet the minimum
expectation from the College that the student be actively
1 2 3 4 5 6 involved in the life and ministry of a local congregation.
requirements to enter into the exam.

Visually similar Reminders Allows users Provides a  Students can Promotes online Certain practical requirements will assume this.
FEATURES to Facebook of assignment to see all platform for download their participation
due dates students who interactive course material for distance
are registered discussions directly from students
for a particular between Schoology
course students

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

Examinations Fees and Payments

Examinations are held at the end of each semester, namely Distance Examinations Contact Students Outstanding Fees
in June and November. They commence on the stipulated
days at 9:00am. If a student has a clash of two subjects on An invigilator needs to be either a pastor or senior leader On registration, students will be required to pay 50% of their Any student who owes the College money for either fees
the same day, the second exam will be written on the same of a church, or a school teacher. Under no circumstances is semester fees. The remaining 50% is to be paid by no later or rent will not be able to write exams or results will not be
day, in the afternoon examination session. If it is impossible any student allowed to be invigilated by a friend or family than 30 April. This applies to both semesters. All fees are released and/or registration for the next semester will be
to write on the set date for valid reasons, the only alternative member. The rules and regulations pertaining to distance payable by 30th September each year. Students who are disallowed, until all debts are settled in full. Listing on the
will be for the student to write according to the deferred learning examinations are set out in detail and will be sent to members of a Baptist church (evidenced by a membership Credit Bureau may apply to bad debtors.
exam timetable. both student and invigilator at the appropriate time. certificate upon application) will be permitted the partner
Deferred exams are conducted in July/ August for first Methods Of Payment
semester subjects and in January/ February for second
Moderation Note to foreign students Payments may be made to the College in the form of
semester subjects (Admin will communicate the specific dates BTC has formal agreements with a variety of accredited All applications must reach BTC by 31st October. Late cash, cheque, electronic transfer, SnapScan or credit card.
for exams to be written). Deferred exams must be applied Public and Private Higher Education Institutions regarding applications will not be considered due to time constraints For further information, contact the Finance Department
for if the relevant stipulated criteria have been met. Deferred the moderation of examinations. This ensures that the for study permit applications. Upon acceptance, the student ([email protected]).
exams are charged at a set fee per exam. standard of examinations is maintained at a high level as well is expected to pay 50% of the annual tuition fee before
as safeguarding the fairness of the examination questions. registration will be permitted. Payments issuing from foreign countries may take the form of
Contact students write examinations at the College in External moderation requires that the examinations written a bank draft or preferably, a telegraphic transfer (TT). Always
designated examination venues, while distance students by BTC student are checked carefully for quality and integrity Entry to a following semester will be refused if the student remember to include the cost of the bank service fees for
are required to arrange an invigilator to oversee their by the faculty of other similar institutions. has any outstanding debt to the College at either the end of both drafts and TT’s (usually around R150.00 / US$25).
examinations. Distance students may elect to write their June or December.
examinations at the College if proximity permits. Students are required to notify the College of incoming
Please note: payments, particularly if they are transferred electronically.
As a contact student, you also need to make provision for When depositing into the College account, it is important to
the following expenses: use your surname and student number (no space) as the
• Student Dinner payment reference so that the College is aware of your
• Graduation – hire or buy the Gown and Hood for particular payment.
• SRC Fees and technology fees.
• All fees are significantly subsidized.
A comprehensive list of all costs is available from the
Finance Department and updated regularly on the • Contact students may apply for further bursary assistance.
College website. • Fees do not include the purchase of textbooks.
• Fees are updated annually and published in November
of each year.
Distance Learning Students • Payment made in the previous year for the following year
Payment will be made on a semester basis. On registration, of study will be adjusted if there is an increase in fees.
students will pay 50% of the course fees. The balance of the
fees are to be paid by no later than 30th April for the first
semester and 30th September for the second semester. BTC Banking Details
Account name:
Students who are members of a Baptist church (evidenced by The Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa
a membership certificate) will be permitted a discount.
Entry to a subsequent semester will be refused if the student Bank: The Standard Bank
has any outstanding debt to the College at either the end of Branch: Randburg
June or December.
Branch code: 01 8005
Account number: 2200 973 80
International SWIFT code: SBZAZAJJ

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

2020 Accommodation Rates 2020 Study Fees


Note: All accommodation rates exclude electricity and water costs, which are an additional expense
to the student based on usage. Contact Student Fees

Application Fee R500 Per application: Non-refundable

Late application Fee R800 Once-off

Student Representative Council (SRC) Fees R300 Annually
2 Bedroom and 1 Bath 2 students sharing R1 550 Technology Fee R300 Annually

2 Bedroom and 1 Bath student & family R3 050 Bachelor of Biblical Studies (Non-Partner Churches) R3 300 Per course

Bachelor of Biblical Studies (Partner Churches) R2 800 Per course

2 Bedroom and 1 Bath 1 student, no sharing R3 050
Bachelor of Theology (Non-Partner Churches) R3 400 Per course
1 Bedroom and 1 Bath 2 students sharing R1 250
Bachelor of Theology (Partner Churches) R3 000 Per course
1 Bedroom and 1 Bath 1 student, no sharing R2 500 Distance Student Student Fees

1 Bedroom and 1 Bath student & family R2 500 Application Fee R500 Per application: Non-refundable

Late application Fee R800 Once-off

Library Usage on Campus R1 250 Annually

Technology Fee R300 Annually
2 Bedroom and 1 Bath 2 students sharing R1 550 Higher Certificate in Ministry (Non-Partner Churches) R2 350 Per course

2 Bedroom and 1 Bath student & family R3 050 Higher Certificate in Ministry (Partner Churches) R2 000 Per course

Bachelor of Biblical Studies (Non-Partner Churches) R2 550 Per course

2 Bedroom and 1 Bath 1 student, no sharing R3 050
Bachelor of Biblical Studies (Partner Churches) R2 150 Per course
2 Bedroom and 1 Bath (Furnished) 3 students sharing R1 700
Bachelor of Theology (Non-Partner Churches) R2 700 Per course

Bachelor of Theology (Partner Churches) R2 250 Per course

REPLACEMENT ITEMS COST Annually with year escalation based

Master of Theology Annual Registration Fee R3 500
on performance*
Remotes R250
Non-partner Churches R17 000 Annually
Standard Keys R30 Partner Churches R15 500 Annually

Security Gate Keys R70 Contact & Distance General Fees

Special Letter R80 Per letter

Penalty for Incorrect Referencing on Payments R100 Per entry

Recognition of Prior Learning R500 Per assessment

Reprinting of Lost Certificates R250 Per copy

Reprinting of Lost / Additional Transcripts R200 Per print

Academic Progress Assessment R200 Per assessment

Remarking of Exams R100 Per exam

Deferred Exams R200 Per exam

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

2020 Calendar Summary


01 January, Wednesday New Year’s Day (Public Holiday) 02 - 03 July, Thursday-Friday New contact student orientation
06 January, Monday College office opens Start of lectures for 1st Semester
06 July, Monday
13 January, Monday Final date for 1st Semester registrations 1st Semester courses live on Schoology
15 January, Wednesday 1st Semester orders open 17 July, Friday Course change deadline
Orientation for all new contact students 28 - 29 July, Tuesday-Wedneday College conference
20-24 January, Monday–Friday
Aegrotat Examinations
25 January, Saturday Commencement student Chapel and braai for all staff and students AUGUST
Start of lectures for 1st Semester 09 August, Sunday Women’s Day (Public Holiday)
27 January, Monday
1st Semester courses live on Schoology 10 August, Monday Public Holiday

07 February, Friday Course change deadline 12 – 27 September, Mid-semester break
29 February - 08 March, Practical Ministry Week 24 September, Thursday Heritage Day (Public Holiday)

MARCH 23 October, Friday 2nd Semester lectures end
21 March, Saturday Human Rights Day (Public Holiday) 26 October – 04 November 2nd Semester examinations

04 - 19 April, Mid-semester break 30 November, Monday 2020 Early registration deadline
10 April, Friday Good Friday (Public Holiday)
13 April, Monday Family Day (Public Holiday) DECEMBER
27 April, Monday Freedom Day (Public Holiday)
05 December, Saturday Graduation
30 April, Thursday Additional lecture day
11 December, Friday College office closes
16 December, Wednesday Day of Reconciliation (Public Holiday)
25 December, Friday Christmas Day (Public Holiday)
01 May, Friday Worker’s Day (Public Holiday)
26 December, Saturday Boxing Day (Public Holiday)
22 May, Friday 1st Semester lectures end
25 May - 03 June 1st Semester examinations

06 June - 05 July, Mid-year break
16 June, Tuesday Youth Day Public Holiday)
22 June, Monday Final date for 2nd Semester registrations

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

Student Code of Conduct

Preamble Academic Offences Class Attendance Assignments

The Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa, being Offences shall consist of the contraventions of any of the • All lectures are compulsory for contact students and an • The student must adhere to the College Assignment
a Christian College, is fully committed to the standards of following rules. attendance register will be kept by the lecturer. Writing Guide at all times. Failure to do so will result in loss
conduct outlined in the Scriptures, and endorses the words of of marks. Some leniency will be permitted in the first year,
• A maximum of twice the number of periods offered per
the Apostle John: ‘Whoever claims to live in Him must walk Academic dishonesty in any form including, but without escalating in strictness up to Fourth Year and Graduate
week may be missed.
as Jesus did.’ (1 John 2:6) being limited to plagiarism, and collusion, cheating in tests, Studies. Only the Principal or his duly authorized deputy
examinations, assignments, theses and research papers. • Absence for a period longer than the allowable time means can give an extension on assignment dates and penalties
The purpose of our existence as an institution and of our that the student will not attain Due Performance (DP) which will apply.
students should depict the nature of our character; that we Cheating on tests and examinations includes but is not means the subject is failed.
• All requirements are to be completed satisfactorily. Up
are an institution as well as men and women who are called limited to: • Students are not allowed to stay absent in order to do to 10% is deductible for failure to abide by the formatting
by God. For that reason, we should display the qualities • Copying from another student’s test or examination script. assignments. rules.
of humility, honesty, purity, and respect – for people and
property, and endeavour to do ‘all to the glory of God’. • Using or being in possession of material during a test or • Students more than 10 minutes late for a lecture may be • Due date for submission of work is non-negotiable, and
examination not authorized by the invigilator. required to sit out for the remainder of the period. students will be penalized 5% per day to a maximum of 4
Therefore, we commit ourselves to mutually fulfil our calling. days for late submission.
• Collaborating with any other person during a test or • No eating or drinking in and during class.
By the same token, every graduate will reflect the institution’s examination without authority. • Thereafter, the exercise or assignment will not be accepted
• Use of a cell phone during lectures is strictly prohibited.
name, philosophy and ethos wherever they go which unless the student obtains prior written permission from
compels us to uphold these guidelines. • Illegally obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting, or
the Principal to hand in work late (See College Assignment
soliciting in whole or in part the contents or any information Absenteeism Writing Guide).
about an un-administered test or examination.
The culture of indiscipline or misconduct is therefore • On medical grounds: Any student who is absent from
unacceptable on our campus. • Even if the Principal’s permission to submit an assignment
• Substituting for another student or permitting any College for 3 consecutive days or more on grounds of
after 4 days due to carefully verified circumstances, marks
other person to substitute for oneself, to take a test or illness must produce a valid medical certificate to the
‘Misconduct’ comprises behaviour within or without the will continue to be subtracted at 3% per overdue day, even
examination. administrative office.
precincts of the College, without just excuse, which though the late assignment still allows for the subject to be
• Altering a returned test or examination script for • On non-medical grounds: continued.
constitutes a breach of any of the given code of conduct
subsequent re-evaluation and marking. Permission to be absent
regulations or:
The written permission of the respective lecturer/s must be
• constitutes a failure or refusal to comply with any corrective • Failure to return a test or examination script that the Course Grading
obtained before getting a final written confirmation from
measures or order imposed or made supervisor has requested to be returned. • Students should be reminded that registration as a student
the Principal or his duly authorized deputy. The student
under these rules; or implies a commitment to diligent study. This means not
• Removal of a test or examination script from the test or must motivate his/her reason for absence in a letter which
• constitutes a failure or refusal to obey a lawful order; or examination venue, which the supervisor has requested not must be given to the lecturer. However, it still remains the only physical presence but active participation in classes.
• constitutes conduct that tends to bring the College or any to be removed. responsibility of the student to ensure that he/she will
part of it or a member of its staff or a student or any part of obtain a Due Performance certificate. • In identifying students who have not performed
satisfactorily, lecturers will have regard to: attendance,
its student body into contempt or disrepute; or Plagiarism means to steal, or to pass off as one’s own, the
actual participation and/or performance in assignments,
formulation, idea or words of another. Student/Staff Relationship
• interferes with the governance and proper administration of projects, or any other controlled activity of the class during
the College; or • The Registrar is the head of the Administration of the the course/year. Any other factors, which the lecturer
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to: College and is your first port of call on most matters
• interferes with the conditions necessary for teaching, considers appropriate.
• The appropriation of formulations, ideas or words from pertaining to your registration and performance at the
learning or research. • All course requirements are to be satisfactorily completed.
the work of another person without acknowledging the College.
Student registration will be conditional to an agreement No course may be passed where not all requirements
author(s) and the source; and
• The Principal is the highest and final human authority on stipulated in the tutorial are completed. This may be a small
and signing to abide by the Code of Conduct as set in this
• The appropriation of work from someone else’s assignment, campus and deserves all the respect due him. 3% or 5% requirement. This is the law of OBE education
document. A declaration form to this effect will be issued at
thesis, test or research paper without acknowledging such whereby students are given a variety of opportunities for
registration. Disciplinary and/or corrective action will be taken • All lecturers will be addressed by their titles and should be
other person and/ or source.) being graded.
against offences thereafter. treated with respect as office bearers at this college.
Collusion means the unauthorised, illegitimate or unjustified • The pass mark for all our courses is 50%. A course is
• All lecturers can only be seen via an appointment. Staff
collaboration with any other person in preparing work offered compiled of personal work, possible class presentations,
Lounge and lecturer’s offices are otherwise out of bounds
for credit. possible tests, book/article reviews and an exam (where
to students.
applicable). This gives everyone a fair chance at passing the
• All administrative staff and their offices should be treated subject. Supplementary Exams are thus not permitted.
with due respect.

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Scholarships • No student shall make a false declaration prejudicial to the

Preference will be given to students with a minimum average College in whatever form.
• In completing the assignments, students should remember: • Once the invigilator has handed out the question paper(s)
To follow the College’s Assignment Writing Guide, as no talking is permitted. If a candidate requires attention grade of 65% and who have no unresolved disciplinary issues • No student may consume, possess or distribute alcohol
marks will be deducted for incorrect and poor presentation. at any time during the examination, they are to raise their at BTC. upon any property or premises owned or controlled by the
Regarding length, students should note that they will be hand thereby indicating a need for attention. College.
penalized for length that falls outside of the allocated Fees
• If any candidate needs to go to the bathroom, they are • No student may consume, possess or distribute any
parameters as indicated (1% per 100 words or part thereof Please note that on registration all students will pay 50% of
to request permission from the invigilator. ONLY one prohibited drug upon any property or premises owned or
under or over the stipulated length). This applies where the their semester fees. The outstanding amount is to be paid
candidate is permitted to leave the room at any one time. controlled by the College.
tutorial so requires it. by the end of April (first semester) or September (second
In an emergency the invigilator will arrange for a staff
semester) as a requirement to write semester exams. • A student shall obey any lawful order of a member of staff.
• With respect to the bibliography: Where a minimum member to accompany such candidate(s).
number of references is stipulated, this must be adhered Students cannot register for a new semester or academic year
• Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination with outstanding fees from previous registrations. Sexual Harassment
to; each reference short will be penalized by 1%. Any Bible
room until at least one half of the examination period
(including study Bibles), basic dictionaries and devotional • A student shall refrain from conduct amounting to sexual
has elapsed.
guides will not be counted toward the total references, harassment.
unless an unusually rare quotation is made pertinent to the • Candidates will commence writing only when instructed to Non-academic Offences
do so by the invigilator. Candidates should note that they • In terms of this rule “sexual harassment” means any
subject. Electronic sources are not to number more than Moral, Violent and Disruptive Behaviour
half the required number of references. must stop writing immediately the end of the session is unwanted sexual attention outside of marriage, whether
announced, failing which examination scripts shall not be • No student shall conduct him/herself in an immoral way in the form of physical conduct, comments, inappropriate
• The due date is non-negotiable and students will be that would bring disrepute to the College, his/her ministry gestures, suggestions, hints, innuendo or similar conduct
taken delivery of and the examination shall be considered
penalized as follows for late submission: 5% per College and his/her character. which the perpetrator knows, or ought reasonably to know,
as not having been written.
day to a maximum of 4 days and 20%. Thereafter, the will create an environment in which the person subject to
• No student shall, while on any premises owned or
assignment will not be accepted by the lecturer and the the conduct is or denied his or her dignity.
Supplementary and Deferred Examinations controlled by the College or while participating in any
student may appeal to the Principal with sound justification.
official activity, behave in a violent, threatening, insulting,
• The failure to adhere to the stipulated assignment format An Aegrotat examination (in case of illness) or a deferred Dress Code
disorderly, improper or unbecoming way towards an
requirements will be penalized, to a maximum, as follows: examination (in case of special circumstances like
office-bearer or member of the College Council or a staff • A student’s dress shall be modest.
bereavement) is conducted in January and July of each year
o Body of assignment: 5% member, a fellow student or any other person.
and may only be granted if permission is requested of the • For lectures, students may dress casually except no slops
o Bibliography and Referencing: 10% Registrar or Principal before an examination sitting. • No student shall bring onto or possess on College premises and caps/hats are allowed. No student may come to
and/or residence any firearm or other dangerous weapon. lectures barefoot.
 tudent registration for succeeding semesters is subject Extra Time Allowance
to performance review by Faculty. • No student shall threaten another student with hurt, harm, • For Friday chapel, students should dress ‘smart casual’ (For
• Extra time may be extended to students whose proven damage or reprisal in order to induce such student to act or men – this means traditional dress or long trousers, collared
disability prevents them from completing an assessment in refrain from acting in any particular manner. shirts, socks and shoes.
Examinations the allotted time.
• No student shall damage, deface or destroy any building, • The dress code when representing the college in any
• Candidates found in possession of books, apparatus, • The student will be required to undergo an assessment furniture, equipment or books or other property owned official or formal role such as preaching or teaching forum,
notes of any kind on paper or on their person, or any other prior to the awarding of any extra time. or controlled by the College or upon the precincts of this for men, long pants and a collared shirt is suitable and in
material not specifically authorised and not handed out by institution.
• The maximum amount of time allowed will be 15 minutes some cases jacket and tie.
the invigilators are contravening the examination rules and
per hour. • A student shall not obstruct or attempt to obstruct
are liable to disciplinary action.
members of staff in the performance of their duties. For ladies, the governing principles are ‘not too tight, not
• Extra time will not be considered for the following:
• Books, bags, briefcases, knapsacks etc., are to be left too short, or not too revealing’ which effectively means no
outside the examination hall. o Illness (an aegrotat assessment can be applied for if • A student shall not occupy or be present upon any property plunging necklines, skirts above the knee, spaghetti straps
necessary) or premises owned or controlled by the College after being and no bare midriff.
• No cell phone(s) will be allowed in the examination hall required to leave such property or premises by a member
under any circumstances; if a candidate is expecting an o Slow and illegible handwriting not related to a physical of staff acting within the scope of his/her duties.
urgent message (in the case of illness), cell phones are to disability
be handed to a member of the administration staff with • A student shall refrain from dishonest conduct especially
o Minor problems, e.g. needing to walk around, stretch, rest that which causes or may cause harm to the College and/or
whom proper arrangements may be made at the discretion
the writing hand. members of this institution.
of the examinations officer.
• Candidates who enter the examination hall should take up
their seats immediately and fill in the attendance slips and
the front cover of the examination books.

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The Tuck Shop The Use of the College Computers College Residence • If any matter remains unresolved, it will be taken to the
No food or drink is to be taken without payment. College Board, with the recommendation of either a
• The computers may not be used for purposes other than
• Any student needing accommodation at the college facilities suspension or expulsion. The Council’s decision is final.
research, writing of assignments, and where applicable for
The Common Room shall do so in writing and only fulltime students
Journal searches. • The student must be given a fair opportunity to counter the
can apply.
• This is to be kept tidy at all times. charge in person first to the Faculty and if necessary to the
• No extraneous material may be downloaded onto the
• A lease agreement renewable every year (or six months) will Board of BTC.
• No equipment may be removed from the kitchen without College computers.
be granted to allow inspections and assessment of academic
consent of the College. • If found guilty of misconduct, the student may be:
• No student shall access dubious internet sites even though status.
(We need to determine what discipline is appropriate for the
BTC has attempted to block most sites of this nature e.g.
• A student who abuses college facilities in any way deemed particular offence)
Student Cards/Visitor Card pornographic sites. Visiting pornographic sites will result in
careless will be asked to vacate his/her flat.
immediate expulsion. o given a warning.
When a student brings a visitor on to the College premises,
• A student whose academic performance or status is no o reprimanded.
he/she must ensure that said visitor obtains a visitor card • No eating or drinking shall take place in places reserved for
longer satisfactory will be asked to vacate his or her flat. o suspended from lectures.
from the receptionist, which must be returned on exiting computers.
the premises. • College staff acting within their official capacities are entitled o deprived of all student privileges for a period or
• Users shall endeavour to keep the area around their indefinitely.
to inspect college flats as needed. No student is allowed to
individual work stations clean at all times, and clear of all o excluded from residence for a stated period or
Parking of Vehicles in the College grounds block their entrance.
materials that may cause damage to the equipment. permanently.
• Any student entering the premises of BTC must be the • Students must report to the college administration any o permanently expelled. prohibited from entering any
• In the event of a student causing accidental damage to any
holder of a valid South African or International driving repairs that need attention within 24 hours. College premises.
part of a computer e.g. mouse, keypad, screen etc. they are
license. to report the matter to the Librarian and or the Office of the • Students must not attempt to repair any faulty equipment o refused examination results or the conferring of a
Registrar. without permission from the designated College official. certificate or degree until such matter is settled.
• No vehicle may block entry/exits or any other legally
o Fined
parked vehicle. • The use of items used in retrieval of data whether from a • College furnishings within the flats cannot be removed
o or as Faculty or Council may decide.
• No student may park his/her vehicle in a bay reserved home computer or other source must be virus free e.g. flash without official permission to do so.
for staff. disks, etc. • Should a student appeal against these disciplinary measures,
• No hardware is to be connected to any College computer his/her appeal will be considered by the Faculty. Should the
• Observe no parking areas.
at any time – portable hard drives, portable printers, MP3
Disciplinary Procedures student be dissatisfied with the result, a further appeal can
• Permission must be sought from the Office of the Registrar players or any such device. be made to the College Coucil. That decision will be final.
• Any student deemed to be guilty of misconduct, as defined
for parking of student vehicles for periods outside of
above, and as may have implications for the College, will be
normal College business hours.
Classroom Equipment
• Where a student causes damage to another vehicle
disciplined according to the following rules:
Submission of Statements or Declarations
Classroom multimedia equipment remains the responsibility • The student must be informed in writing of the charges
in whatever way whatsoever on College premises it is of the lecturer e.g. computers, cameras, data projectors etc. No student shall knowingly make a false or erroneous
against him/her.
incumbent on such a student to report such an incident to statement or declaration to any member of a College Council
the Office of the Registrar. The Chapel • Academic Matters will be handled by the Dean of Studies. or a staff member or intentionally provides materially false
information concerning the College or any member of the
• Chapel attendance is obligatory for all contact students • Non-Academic Matters will be handled by the Dean of
The Use of the Library Council or a staff member, a fellow student or any other
unless the student does not have classes on the chapel day Students or an appointed deputy.
• Students will observe all rules that the Librarian will and lives a significant distance from BTC. Those who do • Administrative Matters will be handled by the Registrar.
or may deem necessary to ensure the smooth running not have classes yet live within a reasonable distance are
of the Library. expected to attend. • When a matter cannot be resolved by the Deans or the
Registrar or Principal, it will be referred to the Faculty for
• All borrowed books must be returned by due date, or a • Caps/hats are not allowed to be worn. a decision which will be communicated in writing or at a
penalty will be incurred. special meeting.
• Dress and conduct should be appropriate.
• No books may be defaced in any way e.g. writing in them,
• No eating and drinking in the Chapel.
removing covers.
• No eating and drinking in the Library.

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

Student Complaint Policy

BTC’s Student Complaint Policy provides a framework for fair and equitable processes which enable
student and prospective student concerns to be addressed as quickly as possible and at a level as close to
Constitution of the SRC The following will constitute the election process: the source of complaint as possible. BTC is committed to fairness and strives to resolve student concerns
timeously, and with minimum impact and disruption to the study process.
Please take the necessary time to familiarise yourself with the Nomination process
guidelines below. Note that election process is open only to
fulltime students. • Please note that all nominees for the various SRC portfolios
should have been on campus for more than a year.
The SRC will be composed of the following portfolios: • Nomination for any position is open to all students, and
Scope and Limitations • All complaints shall be handled with confidentiality.

• President - responsible for the overall leadership of the will be in writing, countersigned by the nominator and Any matter dealt with under the BTC Code of Conduct or • Students and staff agree to adhere to the BTC rules and
SRC nominee. Rules are excluded from this policy. The scope of this policy Code of Conduct in all matters pertaining to the life of a
shall deal with issues arising from student to student, student College student or Staff member.
• Vice President – deputises ideally as a protégé of the • Please note that a candidate can only be nominated once
to staff matters. • BTC will take all reasonable steps to prevent complainants
President for the same position.
suffering any disadvantage (including through victimisation)
• Treasurer – responsible for student related finances mostly • No student can nominate him/herself. Policy Principles as a result of lodging a complaint.
accrued through SRC fees • All actions under this policy shall be congruent with BTC’s
• At any time during the process a complainant may withdraw
• Secretary – responsible for the SRC records and assets Screening process values and are consistent with the Statement of Faith and
a complaint, by notice in writing to the responsible officer
• Faculty and the Registrar will screen all nominees for mission of the College.
• Social Co-ordinator – co-ordinates all student social events with further consideration thereof being discontinued.
suitability. • All parties to a complaint have the right to be heard, In any case in which a complaint is found to be frivolous,
• Academic Affairs – represents students interest in
• A list of the approved candidates will be published prior to treated without bias or pre-judgement, informed of any vexatious or malicious, action may be taken by BTC under
academic related matters
the voting process. complaint made which relates to them, provided with an the Code of Conduct and BTC Rules.
• Worship Co-ordinator– responsible for organising the opportunity to respond to any complaint pertaining to
music for College chapel them. Informed about the status of any complaint which
Voting procedure
has been formally raised and to which they are a party or in
• Voting will be conducted by the Dean of Students or Dean which they are named.
of Studies assisted by outgoing SRC members.
• Consistent with the need to act fairly, all complaints shall be
• All voting will be by ballot. dealt with expediently.

• Successful candidates will be published. • The College Registrar or Principal are College
Representatives in Senior Management and shall receive
written complaints and the designated Committee for final
adjudication should the matter not be resolved by the
College Representatives, shall be the BTC Board, or a sub-

Student Language Policy

committee representative thereof.

The official language used at BTC Southern Africa is generally Postgraduate research students are allowed to write their
English. Accordingly, our qualification certificates and proposals or dissertations in:
academic transcripts are in English. a) the language of the subject in which the Research
Proposal, thesis or dissertation is offered, or
Until such time as the infrastructure becomes available for
us to be able to service students in additional languages, all b) any of South Africa’s official languages, or
assignments and examinations must be written in English. c) any other language as approved by the Postgraduate
However, the students that do not have English as their Committee provided that there is sufficient supervisory and
first language will not be penalized for poor spelling and/ examination capacity available for the estimated duration
or incorrect grammar. Students who wish to discuss any of the study.
aspects pertaining to the usage of language have the right to
approach the Academic Head. Arrangements can be made
The student’s choice of language has to be negotiated and
with the Senior Management with regards to any changes to
agreed formally at the start of the study.
the language policy.

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Baptist Theological College | Prospectus 2020 Equipping Believers for Christian Ministry Globally

Frequently Asked Questions

How Will I Know What Textbooks I Need to When and Where Do I Write My Exams? How Will I Know Which Course to Register Does BTC Offer Bursaries to its Students?
Buy? Contact students will write their exams at the BTC campus for Each Semester? Bursary support is made available to assist contact students
The prescribed textbooks are listed inside each Course in Randburg. An exam timetable is sent out to all students Each qualification has a designated course curriculum form. only. Application for the bursary support is to be made
Directive section of the student’s course material. A textbook together with an exam registration form which is completed Once the student has chosen which study programme online for consideration once the student is at the College.
price list is provided on the website that is easily accessible and sent back to us. Exams are written at the end of each to follow and what track to choose (missions, pastoral or These bursaries are specialized and are provided in April
for the students. Students may order books from our Book semester. youth), it is the onus of the student to keep track of which and September of each year. Bursaries have a specific set of
Store at [email protected]. courses have been completed and which ones still need criteria that are considered upon application, however, there
to be completed. Should you require an assessment of are many volunteer opportunities on campus that can assist
How Do Distance Students Write Exams? your academic progress to be conducted, you can email the student in their fees.
Are There Options for Extra Reading Material? All students are sent out information concerning their exams [email protected], however, please note that this is
and what to expect during the exam season. Distance charged for.
We are currently working on making extra reading material
students are required to obtain an invigilator through their
How Many Modules Should I Take Per
available on our website. We are also investigating options to
make extra reading material available online to all students. Church that will invigilate them with integrity while the Semester as a Distance Student?
students write their exams. Exams are then scanned and What is Schoology? As a distance student, we understand that there is a reason
sent through to BTC for marking. The student is expected to Schoology is the portal we use for the retrieval of student why you cannot be a contact student, either because of work
Who Can I Contact if I Have Difficulties With also courier the actual exam through to BTC for our records course material, the submission of assignments as well as the or familial commitments. We therefore recommend that
My Course Material? and safe keeping. Please note that we take plagiarism and online discussion platform for students. This online Learning the you take between two or three courses per semester,
dishonesty as a very serious offense, and the student Management System offers great benefits to the students of depending on your preference and workload. We do not
If you wish to speak to the lecturer concerned for each may expect suspension if BTC discovers they have been BTC. Please check the Prospectus for more information. recommend you take more as this will put unnecessary
module, the email addresses for each lecturer will be found in dishonest in their exams. Please note that all information is pressure on yourself. Also, please note that by taking 2-3
the course directive. Please feel free to contact the lecturer for given to students so they know exactly what is going on and courses per semester, it will also increase the time it takes for
questions you may have concerning the material. what is expected of them. Can I Apply for Credits? you to complete your qualification.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) allows recognition for
When Will I Get the Results for the Semester? skills or knowledge previously acquired regardless of whether
I Haven’t Had Any Response to My
I Haven’t Received Any Course Material. What such skills or knowledge was obtained through formal or
Assignment Yet. Who Can Help Me?
As soon as exams have been submitted and marked, the
Can I Do About it? reports will be sent to each student. Please note that you will
informal means. If you have prior learning or experience in
the areas of past studies or relevant ministry exposure, Please allow the lecturer time to mark your assignment.
All course material is available digitally on Schoology. Printed only receive your results once all outstanding payments have acknowledgement in the form of the granting of credits may Understand that there are many assignments being
material is available for order at a cost per set of notes from been settled. be applied according to the process or RPL. submitted, and the lecturer will get back to you as soon
the Bookstore ([email protected]). as they are able. For any queries, you may contact your
RPL candidates will receive a formal assessment and lecturer directly. Their information will be found in the course
When Do Classes Start at BTC? Does BTC Offer Exam Paper Remarking? depending on the level of experience or knowledge directive of your course.
The overall annual layout of the BTC year is stipulated on the BTC may offer exam paper remarking on the condition of acquired, may be awarded credits toward a formal
calendar, which can be found on the website. the following: if the student has failed the exam that will qualification. Assessment forms are available from the
result in the failure of the course, but they have passed their website. These forms must be completed by the student and Where Can I Find the Prospectus, Calendar
One may check these dates in advance. The College assignments with an average of 60%, we will provide them must be accompanied by all either original or certified copies and College Timetable?
timetable only applies to contact students who attend lectures with a remarking of that particular course. We will require a of relevant documentation. A non-refundable fee is charged
for RPL assessments. These can be found on the website. The College timetable
on the BTC campus in Randburg, and is updated each nominal fee for this.
will be sent out to contact students when it is made available.
How Much Contact Can I Expect to Have with
When are the Deferred Examinations Held? BTC as a Distance Student? What are the Course Requirements?
Deferred exams are typically held within the first week of the BTC is committed to staying in contact with our students as
Each course has between two to three assignments during
following semester. they study via distance and contact learning. We understand
the semester that are compulsory to complete. You will
that distance studies can be challenging at the best of times,
find the information for each assignment in the course
and so we welcome your calls and emails with queries you
directive of each course. Please note that these assignments
may have. We have a distance student coordinator that is
are compulsory and are to be completed in order to gain
available to help you with any admin related queries that you
entrance into the examination.
may have. BTC will send SMS’s and emails in order to
notify its students on upcoming events, updates and news.

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Phone: +27 (0)11 886 0421

Email: [email protected]


The Baptist Theological College

260 Oak Avenue, Randburg
Johannesburg, 2125

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