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Grade 12 1st SEMESTER Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions



At the end of this module, you, as a learner are expected to:

• identify the works of National Artists and recognize their contributions to Philippine art and culture
through a research project report;
• analyze the works of National Artists in relation to the public sphere;
• evaluate the criteria of the National Artists Award (NAA) through creative group projects; and
• explain issues related to the NAA through a report or a critical paper

What is the National Artists Award?

Among the various institutional awards and recognition instruments, the National Artist Award
(NAA) bestows the highest form of recognition to Filipino artists for their significant
contributions in the arts and letters. It shares the same prestige as the GAMABA and the National
Scientist Award. The award is conferred every three years through a rigorous deliberation and
selection process jointly facilitated by two major cultural offices, the National Commission on Culture
and the Arts and the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

NAA was established in 1972 under Presidential Decree No. 1001 issued by then President
Ferdinand Marcos. The first recipient was Fernando Amorsolo, who was conferred the award
posthumously. Much has changed since the institutionalization of the award. As of this writing, the
roster has included 66 awardees from seven disciplinal areas, namely: (1) architecture, design, and
allied arts (2) film and broadcast arts (3) visual arts (4) literature (5) dance (6) music, and (7)
theater. In the history of the NAA, other categories have been considered by virtue of the president’s
prerogative, among them, historical literature, and fashion design.

Selection Criteria for the National Artists of the Philippines

For a person to be considered in the selection of  the National Artists Order of the Philippines,
he or she must possess the following qualities, according to Official Gazette: 
o Must be a Filipino citizen;

o Work has contributed to nation-building;

o Their distinctive style and pioneering works impacts succeeding generations of artist;

o There is excellence in the practice of their art form;

o Their art form enriches artistic expression or style; and

o Their work is prestigious national and international recognition. 

Examples of works of National Artists

A. Works of National Artists in Public Spaces: A Look at UP Diliman
They are the following:

 OBLATION (1935) by Guillermo Tolentino (1973 awardee)

 Land scape paintings of the romantic paintings of the bucolic landscapes by Fernando
Amorsolo (1972)
 Abdulmari Asia Imao’s calligraphic work done in the 80’s (2006)
 Benedicto Cabrera’s (2006) VARIATIONS OF SABEL (2015)
 Jose Joya’s(2003) BARTER OF PANAY (1978)
 Napoleon Abueva’s (1976) SPIRIT OF BUSINESS (1979)

OBLATION (1935) by Guillermo Tolentino (1973 awardee)

Jose Joya’s(2003) BARTER OF PANAY (1978)

Napoleon Abueva’s (1976) SPIRIT OF BUSINESS (1979)

CHURCH OF THE HOLY SACRIFICE in UP Diliman-it is credited as the first Catholic Church in the
country to employ a circular architecture with a thin shell dome. It is Leandro Locsin’s (1990)
architectural vision that drew inspiration from the spirit of the times.
The Church is recognized as a National Historical Landmark as well as a Cultural Treasure by
the National Historical Institute (now known as the National Historical Commission of the Philippines)
and by the National Museum, respectively. It consolidates the works of five National Artists: Locsin for
architecture and four other modernists in the visual arts, whose works are found inside the chapel.
Hanging above the circular altar positioned at the center is a double-sided crucifix carved in
hardwood by Abueva. Arturo Luz-terrazzo floor Vicente Manansala- Murals of the 15 stations of the
cross. Ang Kiukok- assisted Manansala.
B. Translations and Collaborative Works of National Artists
While artists may create work independently, artistic collaborations help develop projects
involving elaborate production work, as in the case of film or theater. The actor, filmmaker, and
producer Manuel Conde (awarded 2009) worked with Carlos V. Francisco (awarded 1973) in many
of his films. One of these films was the acclaimed Genghis Khan,1950, which told the epic adventure
of a Mongolian conqueror. This was filmed in Francisco’s native Angono. Although more known for
his magisterial murals, Francisco’s imaginative production design likewise enriched Conde’s
cinematic vision. The film was screened in many film festivals abroad and translated into 16
languages for international distribution, the most recent of which was at the 2015 Venice Biennale.
On the other hand, the pop-rock opera Tales of the Manuvu performed at the CCP in 1985 also
benefitted from the efforts of several National Artists. Recounting the origins of the Manobo people,
the scholar, poet, and teacher Bienvenido Lumbera, National Artist for Literature (awarded 2006)
wrote the libretto, while National Artist for Dance Alice Reyes (awarded 2014), founder of Ballet
Philippines, choreographed the performance. National Artist for Theater Salvador Bernal (awarded
2003) took charge of the costume and set design. It reflected a confluence of genres normally
perceived as belonging to different realms: ballet and opera on the one hand, popular music and folk
culture, on the other.

Activity 1:Answer the following questions.

1.How do works of National Artists alter one’s impression of place? How does a location that features
the works of one or several national artists affect the way we value that place?
2. What other disciplines or forms do you think should be addressed by the NAA? List them down and
explain why you think these should be added.
Activity 2
Think about a National Artist who you would like to work with on an art project on. Research about the
life and works of the artist that the group selected. Discuss the following:
a. What does it take to be a National Artist?
b. What qualities should he or she possess?

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