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Writ of Mandamus COURT MINUTES November 02, 2020

A-20-823821-W Nevada Republican Central Committee dba Nevada Republican Party,

Clark County, Defendant(s)

November 02, 2020 3:20 PM Minute Order: Application for Order Compelling
Disclosure of Public Records Pursuant to NRS
239.011/Petition for Writ of Mandamus

HEARD BY: Gonzalez, Elizabeth COURTROOM: Chambers

COURT CLERK: Dulce Romea

PARTIES None. Minute order only – no hearing held.



- The Court, having taken evidence and heard argument related to the Petition for Writ of Mandamus
related to the three public records requests made by the Petitioner pursuant to NRS 239.010,
GRANTS the Petition IN PART:

Petitioners' request for public records seeking records that did not exist at the time of the submission
of the request claiming it is being made on a "rolling basis" is not appropriate. To the extent that
request is for information not in existence at the time of the request, the public records request as
made, is premature. As such the Court addresses only those records in existence at the time the three
requests for public records were made.

In accordance with NRS 239.0113, Respondent has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence
that valid security concerns relate to information about employees/contractors. Accordingly the
names, work schedules and other personal identifiers are deemed confidential at this time.

In accordance with NRS 239.0113, Respondent has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence
that valid security concerns relate to information about transportation of ballots. Accordingly this
information will remain confidential.
Respondent has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that due to the public health
PRINT DATE: 11/02/2020 Page 1 of 3 Minutes Date: November 02, 2020

emergency, there has been a large increase in mail-in ballots and an increased difficulty in recruiting
staff to assist with the responsibilities of the Election Department during a general election, which
restrict the ability of Respondent to comply with these public records requests prior to the canvass
deadline. These factors establish good cause for an extension of the statutory period for compliance
with these public records requests.

With respect to the October 16, 2020 request (Exhibit 1), due to the security concerns, the documents
related to the composition and scheduling of the bipartisan counting board and ambassadors in
existence as of October 16, 2020 will be produced by November 20, 2020. Respondent's security
concerns related to the identities of these individuals will be significantly reduced after the canvass.
In addition to the information previously provided in response to subpart 4, Respondent is to
provide responsive public records through October 16, 2020 for the remaining subparts in that
request by November 20, 2020.

With respect to the October 19, 2020 public records request (Exhibit 2), as to subpart 1, policy and
procedures in existence at the time of the request (except for k); any call script or instruction given to
employees referenced in subpart 2; identification of individuals and shifts worked through October
19, 2020 related to subpart 3; all reports identified in subpart 7 through October 19, 2020; all reports
identified in 10 through October 19, 2020 not publicly available on the respondent s website; and, all
records related to 11, 12 and 13 through October 19, 2020 will be produced. As a result of the time
constraints, this information will be produced by November 20, 2020. Respondent s security concerns
related to the identities of individuals who contact voters will be significantly reduced after the
canvass. The items related to security of the transportation of ballots and interaction with law
enforcement are security concerns will exist for future elections and are found to be confidential. The
items related to communications with individual voters is also confidential although that information
may be produced in a redacted form following the canvass deadline.

With respect to the October 23, 2020 public records request (Exhibit 3), for those mail-in ballots or
absentee ballots returned to the Election Department by October 23, 2020, Respondent to identify the
number that did not contain a signature, the number that the signature did not match those records
available for examination under AB4, and the number of the preceding ballots that were ultimately
approved for tabulation. To the extent that any of the public records existed on October 23, 2020, the
number of provisional ballots and conditional provisional ballots cast will be produced.

Any subpart of any of the public records requests not specifically identified is denied.

Currently Respondent makes much of the information requested available on its website.
Respondent is not required to duplicate information already available on its website. The Court notes
the Respondent s willingness to provide information as soon as it is possible given the canvass
deadline and demands on the limited staff in the Election Department. Petitioners' counsel and
Respondent s counsel are encouraged to communicate related to any dispute related to this ruling

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prior to resetting this matter before the court. A status check regarding compliance is set on the
Court s chambers calendar on November 20, 2020. Counsel may submit a status report requesting
any further involvement of the Court on this issue at that time. Mr. Lee to prepare the order and
submit for approval to Ms. Miller.

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