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1 Salary
i. Any preferred bank Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) others bank beside BIMB also can be accepted.
ii. Payment Date Salary will be paid on 24th to 27th of each month
Estimate timesheet shall be sent to the employer by the 16th of the
iii. Payroll Cut Off
current month.

Original copy of the time sheet, and claim form must be submitted
iv. Overtime (Cut Off, Payment Date, Rate, Meal allowance)
to Petronnic Sdn Bhd by the 4th of the following month.

EPF Contribution of 12% For salary above 5000 and 13% for
v. Contribution for EPF (Employer) salary 5000 and below as per statutory table will be made by the
Employer based on the Employee’s basic salary.

11% will be made by the Employee based on the Employee’s

vii. Deduction for EPF (Employee)
basic salary.
2 Leave Entitlement (days)
For the duration of the contract, you are entitled for 15
days per year. Pro-rated if contract is less than 1 year or if
personnel resign before end of contract.
*Unutilized leave cannot be carried forward to the
i. Annual Leave following year. Personnel is not allowed to take half day
leave. Half day leave will be considered as one(1) full day
and such will be deducted accordingly from the
allocated/remaining annual leave.
For the duration of the contract, you are entitled for 14
days per year. Pro-rated if contract is less than 1 year or if
ii. Medical Leave personnel resign before end of contract. Unutilized leave
cannot be carried forward to the following year.

60 consecutive days paid leave entitled after 4 months of (Personnel must inform Petronnic of pregnancy in order to be entitled
iv. Maternity Leave continuous services. for maternity) within the first trimester or latest forth month of
v. Hospitalization Leave 60 Days 60 consecutive (Include Weekend and public Holiday)
3 Business Travel Entitlement
Economy Class. Applicable only for official business travel
beyond 50km radius; in taking into
i. Air Fair (Flight Ticket)
consideration cost effectiveness, practicality and safety.
1. Public Transportation (e.g. Taxi, Ferry, Train) – shall be
on reimbursable basis (receipted).
2. Car rental – with prior approval from Head of
Department/Project Director.
3. Transport Services – with prior approval from Head of Where such facilities are not available, the Contractor’s Personnel may
Department. travel by air provided that prior approval by Project Manager has been
ii. Overland Transport
4. Own Transport - will be based on the following mileage obtained; in taking into consideration cost effectiveness, practicality
rates: and safety.
• Motorcycle : RM 0.40 per km
• Motorcar : RM 0.80 per km
Toll charge and parking fee can be claimed on a
reimbursable basis (receipted).
1. Applicable for Contractor’s Personnel who are on
approved business travel more than 50km radius from
iii. Accommodation
normal work base.
2. Single standard room for a maximum of 300.00
iv. Meal Allowance nett/night
a. Day trip rate is applicable when the business travel does
not involve an overnight stay at the business travel
destination Executive level and Above
b. Duration of less or equal to 8 hours - RM50.00
c. Duration of more than 8 hours - RM75.00.
A. Day Trip
a. Day trip rate is applicable when the business travel does
not involve an overnight stay at the business travel
destination Non Executive
b. Duration of less or equal to 8 hours - RM50.00
c. Duration of more than 8 hours - RM75.00.
a. Time of departure from work base/home residence at
the start of business trip, per below:
i. 12 PM or before - RM100.00
ii. After 12 PM and before 7 PM - RM65.00
iii. 7 PM and after - RM35.00
b. Time of arrival from work base/home residence at the Executive level and Above
start of business trip, per below:
i. 12 PM or before - RM35.00
ii. After 12 PM and before 7 PM - RM65.00
B. Travelling Day Rate for Business Travel with Overnight Stay -– iii. 7 PM and after - RM100.00
for the day when journey is undertaken between work base/home
residence to business travel destination and vice versa a. Time of departure from work base/home residence at
the start of business trip, per below:
i. 12 PM or before - RM 75.00
ii. After 12 PM and before 7 PM - RM50.00
iii. 7 PM and after - RM30.00
Non Executive
b. Time of arrival from work base/home residence at the
start of business trip, per below:
i. 12 PM or before - RM30.00
ii. After 12 PM and before 7 PM - RM50.00
iii. 7 PM and after - RM75.00
5. Full Rate when the Contractor’s Personnel is at the
location for the entire day, excluding the days for travelling
from work base/home residence to the business travel Executive level and Above
destination, and vice versa
C. Full Rate
5. Full Rate when the Contractor’s Personnel is at the
location for the entire day, excluding the days for travelling
from work base/home residence to the business travel Non Executive
destination, and vice versa
Less then RM 1000.00 A) Only for busines trip
B) only aplicable for one trip per month
C) Subsequent application for cash advance can only be made after
v. Cash Advance the earlier cash advance (if any) has been cleared/paid via deduction
of salary.
D) Subject to approval
E) Not valid for last three month end of contract
4 Medical & Insurance Benefit
Maximum of RM 1000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia: one thousand
only) per year for Medical Consultation (original receipt is
required). Based on the following term and condition;
i) Registered Clinic / Hospital
i. Outpatient ii) Exclude Dental Treatment
iii) Exclude Pharmacy / Homeopathy
iv)Pro-rated if contract is less than 1 year or if personnel
resign before end of contract.

ii. Hospitalization & Surgery (H&S, Insurance Coverage)

i. Natural Death : RM 25,000.00 (individual)
ii. TPD** : RM 25,000.00 (individual)
a) Group Term Life Plan 1
iii. Accidental Death : RM 50,000.00 (individual)
** Total Permanent Disability
i. Room & Board –
Daily Maximum up to 120 days :RM150.00
b) Group Health Scheme Plan 1 ii. Government Hospital Cash Allowance:RM50.00
iii. Funeral Expense for member :RM2,000.00
iv. Overall Maximum Limit per annum :RM30,000.00
5 Over Time
i) Work beyond normal working hour [(12 x monthly salary)/(52x39)] x no. of
i. Overtime shall be paid to PERSONNEL when the PERSONNEL are
ii) Work on Off day hours x 1.5 (RM18.63)
requested by COMPANY to work in excess of the working hours.
Less than ½ normal hours of work
ii. Overtime work performed shall be paid at 1 ½ times the hourly
- Half day’s wage (RM40.38/day)
More than half normal of work & up to 8 hours
iii. Where a day PERSONNEL are required to work through the Work on Rest Day
- One day’s wage (RM80.77/day)
normal lunch break and no time off is given in lieu thereof, the
More than normal hours of work [(12 x monthly salary)/(52 x 39)] x no.
period so worked shall be paid overtime at 1 ½ times the hourly
of hours excess x 3 (RM37.26/hrs)
iv. The payment of overtime for all PERSONNEL shall be computed
as follows:
a) Overtime shall be paid to PERSONNEL when the PERSONNEL are
requested by the Com-
b) Overtime work performed shall be paid at 1 ½ times the hourly
c) Where a day PERSONNEL are required to work through the
iii. Where a day PERSONNEL are required to work through the
normal lunch break and no time off is given in lieu thereof, the
period so worked shall be paid overtime at 1 ½ times the hourly
Work on Gazette Public Holiday -During normal working hour
iv. The payment of overtime for all PERSONNEL shall be computed
as follows:
- Two days wage
a) Overtime shall be paid to PERSONNEL when the PERSONNEL are
More than normal hours of work
requested by the Com-
[(12 x monthly salary)/(52x39)] x no. of
b) Overtime work performed shall be paid at 1 ½ times the hourly
hours excess x 4.5 (RM55.94)
c) Where a day PERSONNEL are required to work through the
normal lunch break and no time off is given in lieu thereof, the
period so worked shall be paid overtime at 1 ½ times the hourly
v. Overtime shall be totaled up at the end of the month and any
balance of more than fifteen (15) minutes shall be rounded up to
one (1) hour.
vi. When PERSONNEL earns more than RM2,100.00 per month,
overtime shall be calculated as if the PERSONNEL’s wages was
RM2,100.00 per month.

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