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CIVIBRAL Precast Factory, No 6 / 2004 Corporate Construction

Maia, Portugal

Sika at Work
Between January and March 2004 the CIVIBRAL precast factory was
producing concrete “delta” beams and “I” beams as well as stair panels for a
major project in Portugal.

Max. diameter of aggregate: 15 mm
W/C ratio < 0.5
High early strength: 29 Mpa after 16 hours

Sika Solution
For the 4000m3 of concrete for this special project
Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE has been used.
All the requirements of the concrete and the finished elements were fulfilled
using the Sika® ViscoCrete® Technology.

AVE Cordoba / Málaga (Túnel de Abdalajis),

Abdalajis, Spain
The erection of this railway tunnel in Abdalajis (Málaga) started in 2003 and
will be finished in 2005. The owner of this project is GIF (Gestor de
Infraestructura Ferroviaria) in Spain. The project will cost approximately 142
billion Euro. A joint venture of Sacyr  Somaque won the tender and a con
sortium of IBERINSA, SEINCO will serve as project consultants and construc
tion supervisors. A Rocktunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is used for excavation
of the tunnel. Concrete Production
For the concrete tunnel segments a final compressive strength of 60 MPA is
required. For 30% of the segments a final strength of 90 MPA has to be
Sika® ViscoCrete® Technology
Sika Solution
Segment concrete using Sika® ViscoCrete® Technology together with
for Precast Concrete
SikaFume® concrete additive to increase the early and the final compres
sive strengths of the segments.
Corporate Construction 11.04 / 01 / 1 / ar

Sika Services AG
Corporate Construction
CH8048 Zürich
Phone +41 44 436 40 40
Fax +41 44 436 46 86
Sika® ViscoCrete® Technology
for Precast Concrete  Case Studies
Essex County "Sportsplex" Parking Structure, Viaduct de Herve and Battice,
Newark, New Jersey, USA Belgium
Project Project
A new Parking Structure at the "Bears" Baseball Stadium with a total of A railway bridge with a total length of 459 m between the cities of Herve and
around 9'200 m2 was built in March/April 2004 in Newark. To keep to the Battice in Belgium. The beams between the Ycolumns will be precast and
short construction and erection time, precast concrete elements have been then installed on site. The biggest beam has a weight of 240 tons and is
used as follows: 30 m long. The project started in 2003 and will be finished in 2005. The total
1900 m of Double Tee Girders 130 m of Lifewalls concrete volume for the beams will be approx. 18'000m3.
100 m of Beams 210 m of Shearwalls
95 m of Columns 23 m of Stair Panels
530 m of Spandrel Panels Requirements
Strength development without heating of the concrete beams:
Requirements to >40 N/mm2 after 16 hours
Air stability in all precast concrete elements The required concrete performance should be reached with only one ad
High early strength for all precast concrete elements mixture

Sika Solution Sika Solution

To achieve the required high early strength as well as successfully maintai With a well designed mix of the cement and aggregates together with
ning and ensuring the concrete quality Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE was Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE admixture all of the requirements can be
used throughout. more than fulfilled.

Project Participants
Owner: Essex County Department of Public Works, Verona, HJ, USA
Architect: Clarke Caton Hintz, Trenton, NJ
Engineer: Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, LLC, West Caldwell, NJ
Construction Manager/General Contractor:
Prismatic Development Corporation, Little Falls, NJ
Precast Subcontractor: Nitterhouse Concrete Products, Inc., Chambersburg, PA

Consolis, Strängbetong, Mozzo Prefabricati,

Örebro, Sweden Verona, Italy
Project Project
The Swedish Consolis company  Strangbetong with its precast factory in The Italian precast factory "Mozzo Prefabricati" is producing prefabricated
Örebro having a total production of approx. 25'000m3 concrete is producing concrete beams, girders, columns and wall elements for many types of con
precast walls, columns and beams. struction projects.

Requirements Requirements
Cost reduction in: W/C ratio: 0.40
Man hours  increased production High early strength > 38 N/mm2 in 14 hours
Cement consumption  high early strength (16 hours) Good consistency of the concrete mix
Environment  noise, vibration, cement reduction
Sika Solution
Sika Solution All the required properties are easily achieved with the Sika® ViscoCrete®
With a well defined mix design of the concrete using Technology.
Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE Technology all of the required properties for For the daily production of approx. 180 m3 Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE
the concrete of the precast elements are more than fulfilled. admixture is used.
Sika® ViscoCrete® Technology
for Precast Concrete  Case Studies
Essex County "Sportsplex" Parking Structure, Viaduct de Herve and Battice,
Newark, New Jersey, USA Belgium
Project Project
A new Parking Structure at the "Bears" Baseball Stadium with a total of A railway bridge with a total length of 459 m between the cities of Herve and
around 9'200 m2 was built in March/April 2004 in Newark. To keep to the Battice in Belgium. The beams between the Ycolumns will be precast and
short construction and erection time, precast concrete elements have been then installed on site. The biggest beam has a weight of 240 tons and is
used as follows: 30 m long. The project started in 2003 and will be finished in 2005. The total
1900 m of Double Tee Girders 130 m of Lifewalls concrete volume for the beams will be approx. 18'000m3.
100 m of Beams 210 m of Shearwalls
95 m of Columns 23 m of Stair Panels
530 m of Spandrel Panels Requirements
Strength development without heating of the concrete beams:
Requirements to >40 N/mm2 after 16 hours
Air stability in all precast concrete elements The required concrete performance should be reached with only one ad
High early strength for all precast concrete elements mixture

Sika Solution Sika Solution

To achieve the required high early strength as well as successfully maintai With a well designed mix of the cement and aggregates together with
ning and ensuring the concrete quality Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE was Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE admixture all of the requirements can be
used throughout. more than fulfilled.

Project Participants
Owner: Essex County Department of Public Works, Verona, HJ, USA
Architect: Clarke Caton Hintz, Trenton, NJ
Engineer: Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, LLC, West Caldwell, NJ
Construction Manager/General Contractor:
Prismatic Development Corporation, Little Falls, NJ
Precast Subcontractor: Nitterhouse Concrete Products, Inc., Chambersburg, PA

Consolis, Strängbetong, Mozzo Prefabricati,

Örebro, Sweden Verona, Italy
Project Project
The Swedish Consolis company  Strangbetong with its precast factory in The Italian precast factory "Mozzo Prefabricati" is producing prefabricated
Örebro having a total production of approx. 25'000m3 concrete is producing concrete beams, girders, columns and wall elements for many types of con
precast walls, columns and beams. struction projects.

Requirements Requirements
Cost reduction in: W/C ratio: 0.40
Man hours  increased production High early strength > 38 N/mm2 in 14 hours
Cement consumption  high early strength (16 hours) Good consistency of the concrete mix
Environment  noise, vibration, cement reduction
Sika Solution
Sika Solution All the required properties are easily achieved with the Sika® ViscoCrete®
With a well defined mix design of the concrete using Technology.
Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE Technology all of the required properties for For the daily production of approx. 180 m3 Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE
the concrete of the precast elements are more than fulfilled. admixture is used.
CIVIBRAL Precast Factory, No 6 / 2004 Corporate Construction

Maia, Portugal

Sika at Work
Between January and March 2004 the CIVIBRAL precast factory was
producing concrete “delta” beams and “I” beams as well as stair panels for a
major project in Portugal.

Max. diameter of aggregate: 15 mm
W/C ratio < 0.5
High early strength: 29 Mpa after 16 hours

Sika Solution
For the 4000m3 of concrete for this special project
Sika® ViscoCrete®20 HE has been used.
All the requirements of the concrete and the finished elements were fulfilled
using the Sika® ViscoCrete® Technology.

AVE Cordoba / Málaga (Túnel de Abdalajis),

Abdalajis, Spain
The erection of this railway tunnel in Abdalajis (Málaga) started in 2003 and
will be finished in 2005. The owner of this project is GIF (Gestor de
Infraestructura Ferroviaria) in Spain. The project will cost approximately 142
billion Euro. A joint venture of Sacyr  Somaque won the tender and a con
sortium of IBERINSA, SEINCO will serve as project consultants and construc
tion supervisors. A Rocktunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is used for excavation
of the tunnel. Concrete Production
For the concrete tunnel segments a final compressive strength of 60 MPA is
required. For 30% of the segments a final strength of 90 MPA has to be
Sika® ViscoCrete® Technology
Sika Solution
Segment concrete using Sika® ViscoCrete® Technology together with
for Precast Concrete
SikaFume® concrete additive to increase the early and the final compres
sive strengths of the segments.
Corporate Construction 11.04 / 01 / 1 / ar

Sika Services AG
Corporate Construction
CH8048 Zürich
Phone +41 44 436 40 40
Fax +41 44 436 46 86

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