Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: PHD Yearbook - 2018

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PhD Yearbook | 2018
knowledge to all the activities related to the synthesis, design, production

PhD Yearbook | 2018

and transformation of chemical substances and materials (like advanced
Doctoral program inorganic, polymers and biomaterials). These studies involve not only the
synthesis processes but also the related plants, here analyzed starting from
in Industrial Chemistry and the laboratory tests and the pilot plant experiments up to the industrial size
ones, always including the careful evaluation of the related energetic, safety
Chemical Engineering and environmental issues. The final goal is to provide to the PhD student
the tools and the skills: (1) to design and manage industrial processes at any
size scales; (2) to develop new technical applications and (3) to create and to 315
characterize new products and services. The CII program covers three years

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

for an overall amounts of 180 credits. The responsibility of the organization
and of the contents of the doctoral program is attributed to the Professors
Coordinator: The Reference Committee Committee (PC). At the beginning of the Doctoral program, a tutor and
Prof. Alessio Frassoldati Margherita Albano (Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy SpA), Vincenzo Guida a thesis advisor is assigned to each student. The tutor has a supervisor
(Procter & Gamble), Renato Paludetto (Dow Italia), Paolo Pollesel (ENI), function during the whole doctoral program, whereas the thesis advisor is
Gianmarco Polotti (Lamberti), Paolo Vacca (SAES-Getters). responsible for the thesis work.
Professors Committee
Alessio Frassoldati, Alessandra Beretta, Giulia Bozzano, Elisabetta Brenna,
Carlo Cavallotti, Attilio Citterio, Pio Forzatti, Francesco Gatti, Luca Lietti,
Davide Manca, Maurizio Masi, Andrea Mele, Pierangelo Metrangolo,
Massimo Morbidelli, Davide Moscatelli, Walter Navarrini, Isabella Nova,
Roberto Piazza, Carlo Punta, Giuseppe Resnati, Selena Sironi, Giancarlo
Terraneo, Enrico Tronconi.
Pirelli, Captive Systems, Humanitas, EU H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014. “Biocompatible polymer nanoparticles VLE and VLLE measurements for the
functionalized with a fluorescent dye system CH4-H2S-H2O.
for in vivo imaging studies”
The Doctoral Program in Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CII)
is designed for students aiming to get a deep expertise on chemical processes The PC defines a specific curriculum for each student, on the basis of the
and on material processing either as the inherent research or in the process tutor suggestions. The curriculum has to be designed in order to both cover
design and development activities. The program is the ideal extension of the deficiencies in the student scientific formation and to give a high-quality
Laurea Magistrale degrees in Chemical Engineering, Safety and Prevention technical and scientific preparation. Since 2001 (XVII cycle) the CII program
Engineering, Materials Science, Material Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and graduated more than 100 students, being ~80% now working in industry
Chemistry, but it is also open to graduated in other scientific disciplines. and the remaining in the university or government research centers. These
data demonstrate the great link existing between the performed researches
and the industry. In fact, during the years, numerous the research topics
were directly supported by industrial companies, like ENEL, LPE Epitaxial
Technology, Bracco, Flamma, Mapei, Solvay Specialty Polymers, RSE, Isagro,
Tecnimont, Biochemtex, Pirelli.

Structure simulation of Amyloidal peptide nanohelices in

Nitrogenase enzyme for N2 solution as ordered nanomaterials
conversion to NH3 (Nature Commun. 2015, 6:7574, DOI:

The general topic for the doctoral program in Industrial Chemistry Simulation of a chemical vapor Hazardous gas dispersion simulation
deposition reaction for silicon films from an industrial accident
and Chemical Engineering is the application of the chemical and physical deposition

Chemo-enzymatic depolymerisation

PhD Yearbook | 2018

of lignins

Chiara Allegretti - Supervisor: Prof. Paola D’Arrigo

The experimental work performed (2013-2017)) that aims to set-up compound have been performed France), an industrial partner based on a two-step cascade products obtained both from the

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

in these three years of PhD, a chemo-enzymatic process for and the whole process has been of the European Project Valor process. The rationale behind this first photochemical and chemical
locates within the broad field of the controlled depolymerisation optimized. Plus. Two different approaches approach was that a first oxidation oxidations have then been
lignin valorization studies. Lignin and transformation of standard In parallel to this project, a tool have been developed. The first step (which could be chemical or tested as substrates for different
represents more than 30 % (by lignin feedstocks to value product box of enzymes composed method involved a microfiltration photochemical) was required to enzymatic bioconversions.
weight) of the total biomass of the streams. of many different classes of followed by two ultrafiltration partially cleave and oxidize the Different commercial laccases:
earth biosphere and it is one of The work accomplished in this enzymes aiming to perform steps on a starting solution of polymeric skeleton in order to LAC 3 from Trametes spec., LAC C
the three major subcomponents PhD project is divided into three selective transformation of lignin ProtobindTM1000 in ethanol/basic make it more accessible to the from Trametes versicolor and LAC F
of lignocellulosic biomass. main sections: Part A - The Lig functionalities has been built water. The process has been enzymatic activity. from Funalia trogii provided by ASA
Although burning lignin still enzymatic system, Part B - Lignin including commercial enzymes, set-up with two different sets Therefore, the optimization of Spezialenzyme partner of the Valor
represents a valuable contribution fractionation, Part C - Lignin recombinant enzymes and of membranes (membrane in the parameters concerning the Plus Project have been assayed.
for saving fossil sources, lignin also depolymerisation. enzymes obtained through a polyethersulfone with a cut-off of chemical degradation approaches The time course experiments
offers perspectives in terms of At first, the Lig enzymatic system metagenomics approach. The 3 kDa and 1 kDa and membranes were performed, arriving to the performed on all three enzymes
higher value-added applications. (Part A) was studied, which is preliminary unsuccessful results in stabilized cellulose with a cut-off conclusion that the best results highlighted the best operative
In fact, after the hydrolysis of able to cleave the β-O-4 aryl obtained when the unmodified of 5 kDa and 2 kDa). The second have been obtained when the conditions for the bioconversions.
lignocellulose polysaccharides, ether linkage, which represents raw material (ProtobindTM1000 method consisted of a soxhlet samples have been treated The cascade process indeed leads
lignin remains as a solid residue, about 50 % of all ethers in various provided by the technical manager extraction of ProtobindTM1000 with NaBr, NaClO, and TEMPO. to a clear reduction of the Mn
representing one of the major lignins. The cleavage of this type of the Valor Plus Project) has been in methyl ethyl ketone However, the chemical approach and Mw values, even if the total
renewable sources for biofuels of bond was identified to be incubated with different enzymes (2-butanone, MEK) followed by two is always linked to the use of harsh yields in terms of mass recovery
and fine chemicals (mainly part of lignin catabolism in the indicated that the enzymatic ultrafiltration steps using stabilized conditions, solvents to extract of the two-step process on 1 g
aromatics) production. The main proteobacterium Sphingobium biotransformations required a cellulose based membranes with the products and expensive scale in each case does not exceed
limitation to practical applications sp. SYK-5. Five enzymes were more homogeneous starting a cut-off of 5 kDa and 2 kDa. This catalysts. On the other hand the 20 %. Further studies are now
for lignin so far is presumably due identified as being involved in material. second method has also been use of a photochemical path in progress for the optimization
to the difficult and challenging this degradation process: LigD/L The development of a pre- applied to another industrial lignin is very appealing as it would of the whole process for the
processing for depolymerisation (Cα-dehydrogenases), LigF/E treatment strategy became (Kraft). All the different fractions be a greener alternative since application in a pilot plant.
and valorisation. In this respect, (β-etherases) and LigG (glutathione necessary (Part B) to separate the obtained from these sequential it relies on UV light to catalyze
the challenge is to combine lyase). The activity of these small molecules from the bulky ultra-filtrations had been fully the depolymerization. The
chemical and enzymatic methods recombinant enzymes obtained material before carrying out other characterized by GPC, GC-MS, photocatalytic step therefore
in order to obtain selective in our laboratory “The Protein tests. The first approach has been ESI-MS, DSC, TGA, GFC and HPLC. exploits the oxidation capability of
cleavages of the polymeric Factory” has been tested on the the dialysis of raw lignin in order Unfortunately, when these more UV-irradiated ZnO nanoparticles
skeleton. The work of my PhD is lignin dimeric model compound to obtain two different fractions, homogeneous fractions (Part C) in order to establish a water based
inserted in the context of the Valor 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)- a retentate rich in high molecular have been incubated directly with greener oxidative pathway. The
Plus European Project “Valorisation 2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-1,3- weight molecules, and a permeate different enzymes, no degradation photochemical degradation tests
of biorefinery by-products propanediol as substrate, proving enriched in small compounds. A has been identified. Probably, this provided quite promising results,
leading to closed loop systems that this enzymatic system is able further step towards a physical was because these polymers were as the GPC analysis indicated
with improved economic and to efficiently cleave and process separation in terms of molecular too bulky to be efficiently attacked a clear reduction of both Mn
environmental performance” (FP7 this type of chemical bond in the weight has been performed and modified by the protein (number-average molecular
EC-KBBE-CALL-7 grant agreement presence of NAD and glutathione. in collaboration with Biobasic activity, and therefore a new weight) and PDI (polydispersity
FP6-KBBE-2013-7-613802 Kinetic studies on the model Environnement (Saint-Beauzire, approach has been developed index). These partially degraded

AG2STM (Acid Gas to Syngas) Technology reactive system from chemical-

PhD Yearbook | 2018

thermodynamics standpoint;
(ii) quicken kinetics; and (iii)
obtain high yields. According to
Figure 2, the RTR is composed
of two sections, where CO2/
H2S reaction (regenerative
Andrea Bassani - Supervisor: Prof. Flavio Manenti
section) and enthalpy recovery
(recovering section) are carried- 319
CO2 is dramatically affecting source of corrosion for process of H2S (i.e. H/S system) pyrolysis out. Due to high temperatures, the

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

our life: climate change and equipment. The Claus process up H/S/O/C global system. The regenerative section corresponds
consequent social-economic is the most widespread large- kinetic was extensive validated to a refractory lined chamber; the
Fig. 2 - Regenerative Thermal Reactor (RTR) configuration
problems are identified as Grand scale technology adopted for the with literature and industrial cases reaction is assisted by a minor
Challenges of current century. neutralization of H2S. Its thermal and in the well-known conditions injection of oxygen for energy self-
Indeed, it is estimated that average stage promotes the conversion of Claus Process. This activity was sustainability. Enthalpy content distribution of sulfur allotropes, of organo-sulfur compound during
overall CO2 emissions were 35 Gt/y of H2S into elemental sulfur and complemented by the integration of RTR effluents, comprised of the thermodynamic equilibrium coal gasification, was developed
in the last years. Unfortunately, water by a controlled oxidation of the kinetic mechanisms at the products and unreacted feed is assumed. Moving from the in order to able to predict H2S
due to its thermodynamic at high temperatures (900-1500 process-scale for studying the species, is recovered in a heat existing plant ENI® Claus plant in formation. As result for coal to
stability and low chemical value, °C). In this case, H2S and CO2 industrial feasibility of the process. exchangers train. This train, a Livorno refinery, an evaluation of methanol process was found a
CO2 presents minor industrial are reacted and a mixture rich Indeed, coupling two different waste heat boiler and a feed/ revamping technical feasibility of reduction of 1% of CO2 emissions
uses. One of its most important in H2 and CO (known as syngas) software, i.e. Aspen HYSYS and effluents exchanger, is part AG2STM technology is analysed. in parallel with an extra production
consumptions in chemical plants is obtained with water and MATLAB®, a complete plant of the RTR as it contributes to Simulations of the standard and of 0.5% of methanol using the
is in urea synthesis. Catalytic dry elemental sulfur as harmless model, able to manage the recycle overall yield by quenching of of the revamped Claus plants same amount of inlet feedstock.
reforming or hydrogenation of CO2 by-products. The scope of the of unconverted acid gases has thermal reactions and energy are compared. The advantages
represent a viable application for Ph.D. activity is to propose and been developed (Figure 1). self-sustainability. of the revamped process are
CO2 consumption; nevertheless, demonstrate the industrial highlighted, both at technical
these have not been successfully feasibility of this innovative and The core of the process are the At RTR outlet, effluents are and environmental levels.
applied to industrial scale yet, sustainable process. As first, RTR where main reaction takes subject to a further cooling in Finally, a preliminary economical
because of considerable energy the involved kinetic mechanism place at temperatures higher condenser heat exchanger, where assessment is performed to
consumption and need for large was studied in deep, starting than 1000 °C. High temperatures by-products (elemental sulfur and evaluate the Pay Back Time
amounts of hydrogen. Direct from the simplest mechanisms are necessary to (i) activate the water) are removed. Effluents (PBT) of the Tecnimont KT Claus
production of methanol from are subsequently processed in process. By varying the syngas
CO2 is also a potential route, but catalytic reactors for converting (i) price, a variable PBT of 16-36
catalysts and reactors are still residual SO2 into elemental sulfur months is obtained (excluding
in a research phase. However, a (Claus reaction) and (ii) traces the two years of installation
new potential way to reuse CO2 is of sulfur-compounds (COS and without any revenues). This result
available: AG2STM technology. The CS2) into H2S and CO2 (hydrolysis is acceptable from an industrial
latter allows to convert CO2 into reaction). Finally, the main stream point of view. Finally, AG2STM
syngas by means an oxy-reduction undergoes a separation treatment technology is applied to steam
reaction with H2S which takes where unreacted species and H2/ reforming and to CTM (coal to
place into a regenerative thermal CO mixture are split (chemical methanol) process. Focusing on
reactor (RTR): washing); resulting streams are the second one, a kinetic based
recycled to RTR and exported to gasifier model (GASDS tool) was
Moreover, AG2STM technology the next process, respectively. The validated and implemented in
allows to convert another catalytic reactors are simulated the global process. Moreover, in
critical molecule: H2S. Indeed, with global reactions (Claus cooperation with Sotacarbo S.p.A.,
H2S is a poison for industrial reaction and COS/CS2 hydrolysis). a gas-solid kinetic scheme, that
and automotive catalysts and a Fig. 1 - PFD of AG2STM Technology In order to account for the allows to study the devolatilization


PhD Yearbook | 2018

Roberto Bernasconi - Supervisor: Prof. Luca Magagnin
Tutor: Prof. Marinella Levi 321

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

3D printing is one of the (SLA) was selected as the most electroless plated Cu and NiP tri-dimensionality of the many design constrains typical photodegrading pollutants and
technologies that are having the suitable 3D printing technique to layers. Electrolytic deposition 3D-printing fabrication process of the current MEMS production in killing bacteria. Their main
greatest impact on contemporary perform cost effective 3D printing was attempted on the surface has been exploited in the design process. application is the control of water
world. In fact, the introduction at the submillimetric scale. Wet of 3D printed resins made process of the mechanical quality through the reduction of
of additive manufacturing metallization, both electroless and conductive by a first layer of structure and the electroless Regarding the microrobotics pollutants concentrations and
techniques is slowly changing electrolytic, was selected to impart electroless deposited metal. Many metallization has been employed applicative field, rolling actuated the containment of bacteria
the way industrial production is metallic properties to the printed commercially plated metals and to allow the capacitive testing of microrobots for cell deliver proliferation. They can be used to
conventionally intended. One microdevices. alloys were deposited on Cu and the device. A good agreement and water remediation were improve water conditions locally
of the fields that may be most Wet metallization of SLA printed NiP base coatings. Both decorative between the performances produced. Both devices showed inside closed pipes, canals and
affected by the introduction of resins was investigated in the first and functional applications were predicted by FEM simulation full actuability, with a complete water reservoirs by positioning
these manufacturing techniques part of the work. The possibility demonstrated. and the experimental tests control over direction and them exactly where their action is
is microfabrication, since a to obtain good quality metallic After optimizing the metallization has been found, thus showing speed of motion, together with needed.
considerable number of modern coatings using electroless process and demonstrating its a very good reliability of the a demonstrated functionality.
products contains or will contain deposition was demonstrated on feasibility for the manufacturing proposed fabrication process. Microscaffolds were found to All the devices presented proved
microfabricated parts, e.g. sensors, a set of commercially available of functional devices at the The work demonstrated that be biocompatible and able to to be fully functional, confirming
microactuators and many others. and self-formulated photocurable microscale, two realistic 3D printed and wet metallized transport cells. They are intended thus the feasibility of the hybrid
For this reason, exploiting 3D polymers. Pretreatment for application fields were selected: accelerometers show comparable for use in zones of the human 3D printing/wet metallization
printing for the so-called additive metallization was found to have MEMS and microrobotics. or better performance in terms body characterized by the approach for the additive
micromanufacturing is one of the a critical influence on the layers Concerning MEMS, the first of sensitivity and linearity with presence of cavities presenting micromanufacturing of functional
most intriguing research topics in obtained. Different etching 3D-printed and electroless respect to current state-of-the- suitable dimensions. These may devices.
modern industrial engineering. methods were tested, but only metallized z-axis accelerometer art accelerometers. The marked include the gastrointestinal
3D printing techniques suitable the alkaline pretreatment proved (figure 2) has been designed, advantage of the proposed system or the respiratory system.
for microfabrication are however able to guarantee adhesion fabricated and tested. The devices is the possibility of full Photoactive/antimicrobial devices
characterized by a common between the metal coating from customization and the lack of were found to be efficient in
drawback: the materials used electroless deposition and the
for printing are polymers. Since resins. In particular, exposure to
many applications require metallic OH containing solution was found
properties, it is fundamental to to break the ester bond present in
individuate a technique to impart most resins due to the presence of
such properties to the surface of a acrylate moieties, dissolving thus
3D printed object. the photopolymerized material
In the present work, a and increasing surface roughness
hybrid approach combining (figure 1).
stereolithography 3D printing
and wet metallization techniques Optimized alkaline etching
was developed and applied to parameters were found to be Fig. 3 - Time lapse representation of
Fig. 1 - DL260 resin surface a circular actuation pattern for a 3D
the production of functional ideal to provide acceptable Fig. 2 - 3D-printed and electroless metallized z-axis accelerometer: visual printed and wet metallized scaffold
morphology after alkaline
microdevices. Stereolithography adhesion and surface quality to pretreatment appearance (a) and capacitance variation vs. acceleration (b) for cell delivery

Fundamental investigation of the transport innovative approach. Virtual higher mass transfer rates with performances at fixed porosity.

PhD Yearbook | 2018

samples have been manufactured respect to honeycomb monoliths This result enables the derivation
properties in open-cell foams by means of 3D printing. This
removes the discrepancies
at the cost of higher pressure
drop. In this perspective, the
of geometry of open-cell foams
that can increase the heat
between the real foams and trade-off between external mass transfer by adopting a constant
geometrical models and enables a transfer and pressure losses strut diameter along the axis.
precise control of the geometrical shows that the performances of These structures cannot be
Mauro Bracconi - Supervisor: Prof. Enrico Tronconi
properties of the investigated foams can be comparable or even manufactured by conventional
samples. Numerical simulations higher than the ones of monoliths techniques, but the virtual model 323
Open-cell foams are widely mechanisms. Moreover, it can been also derived. This model is on the virtual models and in a limited range of operating can be easily generated by additive

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

acknowledged as potential be employed for the derivation based on a simplified description experimental tests on the 3D conditions. manufacturing techniques such as
enhanced substrates for catalytic of lumped parameters and of the foam structure by means printed samples are employed The global heat transfer metal 3D printing.
reactors, due to a number of descriptors by means of the of an ideal tetrakaidekahedral jointly to understand the effect performances of foams have Finally, I have performed a
promising features. High void hierarchical approach, thus unit cell and is able to predict the of the porosity, cell size and strut been investigated aiming at qualitative analysis of the
fractions, low pressure drops, and enabling CFD-based engineering geometrical features of real foams. shape on the pressure losses. As establishing the impact of the interactions between multiphase
the intense gas-to-solid transfer correlations. The application Moreover, it provides accurate expected, an increase of both the geometrical parameters on their flows and open-cell foams by
rates make foams attractive of this approach requires new first guesses for the virtual porosity and the cell size reduces effective thermal conductivity. carrying out numerical simulations
for many different catalytic methodologies for the generation reconstruction procedure. the pressure losses, whereas In doing so, a parametrical aiming at evaluating the static
processes in the quest for a more of reliable virtual structures, in The solution of those problems the pressure drop increases by investigation of the effect of the holdup and the liquid spreading
environmentally and energetically order to obtain computational granted the instruments required changing the strut shape from geometrical properties has been through the foam structure.
sustainable world. Moreover, domains representative of the for the accurate investigation of circular to triangular. These results performed. The solid fraction has The numerical results are in line
their totally interconnected solid complex geometry of foams. the transport properties and of the have enabled the derivation of been identified as the controlling with experimental data present
matrix grants effective heat Moreover, the interpretation underlying mechanism by means an engineering correlation for parameter along with the solid in literature, thus assessing the
conduction through the structure, of the simulation data requires of CFD. In particular, the analysis pressure drops based on an distribution between nodes capability of the CFD simulation
strongly improving the global adequate models for the foam of the gas-to-solid transport Ergun-like approach. A detailed and struts. An increase of the in the investigation of these
heat transfer performances of morphological parameters, properties has been addressed. comparison of open-cell foams solid fraction promotes the heat phenomena as well.
the support. Despite their great like e.g. specific surface area, The investigation of external mass against other conventional conduction in the structure, while
potential, however, the application characteristic lengths. transfer has been performed catalytic supports has been carried a reduction of the ratio between
of open-cell foams to industrial The focus of the first part of in combination with dedicated out. Open-cell foams present node and struts increases the
catalytic processes is limited by the work is the solution of the experimental activity. The effect
the poor understanding of the main numerical and geometrical of the morphological features has
related transport phenomena. problems. In particular, a been parametrically investigated
The large deviations between systematic procedure for the and the results used to derive
the experimental data and the virtual generation of open-cell lumped parameters. It has been
predictions of the available foams has been developed. Based found that the mass transfer
literature correlations for on a few pieces of readily available coefficients mainly depend on the
momentum, mass and heat geometrical information, i.e. porosity of the foam. A decrement
transfer in foams point out the porosity, cell size and strut cross- in the porosity increases the mass
need for a painstaking study of the sectional shape, this methodology transfer properties of the support.
relevant transport mechanisms. provides virtual foam samples (see A negligible dependence on the
This thesis aims at the Figure 1) which totally retain all strut cross-section shape and on
fundamental analysis of the the geometrical and topological the cell size has been obtained.
transport properties of open-cell features and properties of real An engineering correlation able to
foams by means of Computational structures. Moreover, the virtual accurately predict the transport
Fluid Dynamics (CFD). CFD structures accurately reproduce properties has been derived as
provides, in fact, a detailed insight the hydrodynamic behavior of real shown in Figure 2. Fig. 1 - Final reconstructed foam samples with circular (a) Fig. 2 - Sherwood number as a function of the Reynolds
and triangular (b) struts (c) number for experiments (empty symbol) and CFD
into the flow field and in the open-cell foams. In doing so, a fully The pressure drop has been simulation (full symbol) along with the mass transfer
complex associated transport theoretical geometrical model has analyzed by means of an correlation (full line)

The combination of ROP and RAFT

PhD Yearbook | 2018

Polymerization for the Synthesis of
Polymeric Nanoparticles
Umberto Capasso Palmiero - Supervisor: Prof. Davide Moscatelli
Polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) NP production protocol which so called “RAFT surfmers”) the production of the colloids

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

are colloids in the nanometer requires only a syringe and a has been found to decouple in the case of the emulsion
size range that find applications needle, thereby eliminating the the dependence of the main polymerization. In this work,
in several fields, such as optics, subsequent purification and characteristics of the NP and however, the block-copolymer is
coating, and medicine. In this freeze-drying steps. This advance polymer molecular weight. A good optimized to self-assemble in the
latter case, they can be used build on the optimization of the agreement between the prediction reduced turbulence conditions
as drug delivery systems hydrophilic/lipophilic ratio of of the model and the experimental of a syringe needle. In this way
for different therapeutics, block-copolymers that are able results has been obtained. As an it can be stored as a dry powder
ranging from lipophilic drugs to directly self-assemble in water. example of the application of this and then dissolved with the
to oligonucleotides, in order to The additional degree of freedom technology, fluorinated NPs with therapeutic in a small amount of
improve their pharmacological necessary for this optimization different surface charges that are organic solvent and formulated
profile, efficacy and to avoid was introduced via the synthesis useful for optical experiments into NPs just before injection.
possible side effects in the of these materials thorough the have been produced. Then the As a proof of concept, trabectedin
treatment of several illness, such combination of the reversible use of RAFT macro-surfmers (ET-743), a potent anticancer
as cancer. These nano-colloids addition-fragmentation chain has been combined with ROP to therapeutic that causes necrosis
typically consist of polyesters transfer (RAFT) polymerization, produce a library of biodegradable of the blood vessel at the site of
which are able to degrade a technique that allows the amphiphilic block-copolymers able injection, has been loaded on
into safe and easily removable control over the structure and the to self-assemble in water via the this novel platform with high
compounds, such as lactic acid molecular weight of the aliphatic use of only a syringe in order to efficacy. The ability of the NPs to
and hydroxycaproic acid. However, polymers, and the ring opening avoid all the post-process steps retain the drug inside the core
NP production is often a complex polymerization (ROP), the most necessary to store them. In fact, allowed to reduce the “phlebitis”
process that requires mixing diffused process adopted for the the classic polymeric surfactants side effect without affecting
devices. In addition, expensive production of polyesters. The first developed so far require a mixing the trabectedin antitumor
purification steps are necessary part of this work was devoted to device to form NPs and to load activity, potentially leading to
to eliminate the unloaded drug the modeling and kinetic study the drug, a subsequent dialysis a better patience compliance.
and the high amount of organic of the RAFT polymerization to eliminate the large amount of The previously optimized block-
Fig. 1 - Classic pathways for the synthesis of polymer NP-based therapeutics
solvent used in the NP production and copolymerization of water organic solvent, the lyophilization copolymer has been also used to
step. At the end of this process, soluble monomers in order to to avoid NP degradation during load paclitaxel, another important
a lyophilization step is generally better understand the effects of the storage and finally the anticancer therapeutic. The
adopted to assure a good shelf-life the reaction parameters on the reconstitution of the colloidal resulting formulation has been
of the final product. All the above- structure of the final polymer. suspension before injection. Most found as effective as the most
mentioned steps hamper the cost- Subsequently a general model of these steps are also required diffuse commercially available
effective use of a re-formulation of the NPs formed by a block- in the NPs obtained via emulsion formulation (Taxol®), but without
of the same therapeutic agent copolymer synthesized via RAFT polymerization of biodegradable the use of Chremophor EL, a toxic
and, in turn, reduce the availability polymerization of a hydrophilic vinyl monomers, as visible in surfactant known to cause several
of these treatments among the and hydrophobic monomer has Figure 1.1. The main difference adverse side effects.
patient population. The aim of this been developed. A method that between the two types of NPs
PhD thesis is to solve this issue consists in the use of amphiphilic resides on the loading step that
and to develop a novel single-step RAFT macromolecules (the needs to be carried out after

Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Liquid Fuels: heterogeneous, adiabatic reactor decomposition pathways, which the reactor, while keeping the

PhD Yearbook | 2018

model have been used to verify lead to different distributions process in a thermodynamically
Experimental and Modeling Analysis of a the reaction mechanism and to
better understand the interplay
of olefins and light alkanes: iso-
octane is more selective towards
safe zone with respect to coke
deposition. Still, coke deposition
Lab-Scale Adiabatic Reformer between chemical kinetics and
transport phenomena.
iso-butylene and propylene,
while n-octane mainly produces
is an important issue, especially
when using alumina as support.
Both iso-octane and n-octane ethylene. The introduction of a more basic
Andrea Carrera - Tutor: Prof. Carlo Cavallotti
exhibit an indirect-consecutive Temperature Programmed support with higher surface area
Advisor: Prof. Gianpiero Groppi reaction scheme, with oxidation Oxidation revealed that different than α-alumina, such as MgAl2O4 327
of the fuel to CO2 and H2O and forms of coke are deposited spinel, contributes to enhance

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

The need of efficient processes requires specific infrastructures non-catalytic process (t ~ s) to reforming of the excess fuel with onto the catalytic monolith. the rate of steam reforming, with
for energy conversion and for its distribution. Hydrogen achieve equilibrium. The CPO H2O with production of syngas, Coke deposition mainly occurs the twofold benefit of lowering
abatement of pollutant emissions on-board production represents process is globally exothermic which results in the presence of in the reforming zone and is the hot spot temperature and
keeps high the interest towards an interesting alternative, as and this allows the use of simple an Oxy-Reforming zone next to more pronounced in the case of hindering the deposition of carbon
efficient energy systems, such as several technologies allows the adiabatic reactors. In the catalytic the catalyst inlet and a Reforming n-octane. Deposition of carbon species on the catalyst; both
fuel cells, and prompts towards conversion of primary fuels Auto-Thermal Reforming, both zone downstream, and leads species is thermodynamically aspects contribute to preserve the
the improvement of combustion into this energy vector. The water and oxygen are reacted to the onset of a hot spot of favored by N2 dilution, which catalyst stability under octanes
and exhaust after-treatment development of a compact with the hydrocarbon feedstock. temperature. was adopted in the experiments CPO conditions. TPO analysis
systems. Hydrogen is attractive and light device for hydrogen This process may be thermally The impact of mass transfer on to prevent catalyst overheating. confirms that the alumina support,
for its possible usage as energy production is necessary when neutral or exothermic, according the CPO of octane isomers is However, reactant dilution can more acidic, is subjected to higher
carrier as well for the reduction considering mobile applications. to the reactant composition important, and affects significantly be practically implemented coke deposition than magnesium
of pollutant emissions. The Currently, the main commercial employed. ATR operates at lower the thermal management of in combination with Internal aluminate. The co-feed of
superior combustion properties hydrogen production processes temperatures than CPO, but the the reactor. In fact, due to the Combustion Engines using the aromatics and naphthenic
of hydrogen can be exploited in are steam reforming (SR), former requires slightly higher decrease of molecular diffusivity Exhaust Gas Recirculation. hydrocarbons and sulphur
Internal Combustion Engines or partial oxidation (PO, either reactor volumes, as well as water with increasing size of the Thermodynamic calculations poisoning should be addressed in
Gas Turbines, for the generation non-catalytic, or catalytic), auto- storage and dosing systems. hydrocarbon molecule, and show that, thanks to the H2O more detail in the future.
of mechanical work, electricity thermal reforming (ATR). Steam The CPO process is globally thus to the decrease of steam content of the diluting gas, this
or heat. Syngas, i.e. a mixture of reforming is a well consolidated exothermic and may be carried reforming efficiency, the hot spot is effective in the reduction of
hydrogen and carbon monoxide, technology, which consists in the out in adiabatic reactors, loaded temperature increases when the operating temperature of
when purified from particulate reaction between hydrocarbons with a structured catalyst, which passing from methane to octanes,
matter and sulfur compounds, and water, in the presence of a offer a better trade-off between at constant carbon and oxygen
may also be fed to Solid Oxide catalyst. Though steam reforming pressure drops and transfer flow rates, as detailed in Figure 1.
Fuel Cells, for the conversion into is widely used in the industry, it properties with respect to random Temperature profiles along the
electric energy. The development is an endothermic and energy- packings. Rh catalysts offer reactor axial coordinate are
of SOFC-based Auxiliary Power demanding process, which several advantages, compared to similar between the two octane
Units has a great interest because requires external heat supply, transition metal and Pt catalysts, isomers, as reported in Figure
of the availability of electric energy therefore it is not suited for such as high activity and selectivity 2. High temperatures in the gas
when the engine is off. Synthesis small-scale applications. In the to syngas, low tendency to form phase (T>700°C) activate gas
gas may also regenerate Lean NOX Partial Oxidation process, oxygen coke and good thermal stability. phase cracking reactions, with the
Traps during their rich phase. reacts with hydrocarbons to In this work, the CPO of iso- production of olefins and light
Hydrogen may be either stored produce carbon dioxide, water, octane and n-octane has been alkanes, which can condensate,
or produced on board of vehicles. carbon monoxide and hydrogen. investigated on Rh based catalysts, forming soot or coke, or can
Though the stationary production This technology works in harsh supported over a 400 CPSI further react on the catalyst
of hydrogen is well established, conditions, hence it is not valid cordierite honeycomb monolith in surface, producing syngas. While Fig. 1 - Comparison among Fig. 2 - Comparison among
experimental temperature profiles in experimental temperature profiles in
the first solution should face many for the small-scale hydrogen a lab-scale auto-thermal reformer, the heterogeneous reactivity of the CPO of methane and iso-octane; the CPO of iso-octane and n-octane;
challenges before becoming a production, Catalytic Partial equipped with the spatially the two isomers, n-octane and iso- methane CPO: CH4=27.3%, C/O=0.9, x-C8H18=2%, C/O=0.9, F=10Nl/min,
commercial technology. In fact, Oxidation requires shorter resolved sampling technique. A octane is similar, the two octanes F=10Nl/min, TIN=25°C; iso-octane CPO: TIN=85°C.
iso-C8H18=4%, C/O=0.9, F=10Nl/min,
hydrogen storage is costly, and contact times (t ~ ms) than the one dimensional, single-channel, undergo different gas phase TIN=85°C.

Evaluation and development of biomass

PhD Yearbook | 2018

conversion processes for the chemical and
biochemical valorization of lignin
Chiara Francesca Carrozza - Supervisor: Prof. Citterio Attilio
Tutor: Prof. Brenna Maria Elisabetta 329

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Through the integration of green society, biomass has emerged as and an intensive washing step will different feedstocks, switchgrass Chapter 3 and Chapter 4: carbon and/or nickel(II) acetate as
chemistry into biorefineries and most prospective raw material be performed. All the materials and poplar, was performed. Catalytic oxidation of lignin catalyst. To increase the efficiency
the use of low environmental in the next future. The basic were fully characterized by Compared with the traditional and lignin depolymerization by of the reaction, in-situ preparation
impact technologies, future knowledge about plant origin means of different spectroscopic pretreatments, IL pretreatment hydrogenolysis. of the nickel-based catalyst was
sustainable production chains of materials, with specific attention techniques and their properties is a relatively new approach and Since lignin is the richest source of carried out by adsorption of
biofuels and high value chemicals to lignin component will be compared with the raw material. It has several parameters that need renewable aromatic compounds metal salt on the material. In
from biomass could quickly introduced in this chapter. In this was found that soxhlet extraction more investigation. The main on earth, its conversion into 1,2-propanendiol as solvent at 210
forecast. Despite the fact that sense, a deep understanding of as washing procedure will lead to a drawbacks in ILs pretreatment well-defined aromatic chemicals °C, up to 80% of the material was
a massive amount of lignin is biomass as renewable feedstock material containing 96% of lignin. consist in the extensive washing was deeply investigated by solubilized with an overall yield of
obtained from the biorefineries, will be provided. Then, the Meanwhile, in collaboration procedure of the pretreated either oxidative and reductive reduced monolignol derivatives of
the use of lignin in real industrial sustainable use of lignin, as the with the University of Pavia, the biomass to remove residual approaches in mild conditions about 18%. Depolymerized lignin
processes is far to be obtained. other major constituent in biomass effect of the growth of two fungal amounts of ILs that may inhibit of temperature and pressure. fragments (both the liquid residue
Hence, approaches to develop and its potential as starting species, Trichoderma asperellum downstream saccharification and As it is known in literature, the and the solid residue recovered
lignin conversion into high-value material for the production of EVT4 and Pleurotus ostreatus, which fermentation. To overcome this recalcitrance of lignin and its after precipitation with water)
co-products are progressively chemicals due to its aromatic respectively are able to degrade issue, recently a new wash-free ability to recondensate represent were detected by MALDI-ToF
investigated in the attempt to structure, will be investigated. polysaccharides or lignin aiming approach was developed. It is a challenge that inhibit an efficient analysis with a molecular weight
improve the economics of the Several approaches either focus the biodegradation of the material, based on a one-pot system where depolymerization. between 400-1400 Da.
biorefineries. on the direct utilization of lignin was tested. It was found that IL pretreatment, saccharification In the first case, two different To this end, catalytic
In this sense, the PhD project deals with suitable modification to find Trichoderma asperellum EVT4 is and fermentation followed by catalytic conditions were tested depolymerization reaction through
with the valorization of biorefinery application in low value products able to purify the material lowering direct extraction of sugar and on the purified material by using hydrogenolysis was performed
lignin as by-product from second- including dispersant, binders, the content of sugar (reducing recovery of lignin will take place CuSO or Co(salen) as catalysts. on the one-pot ionic liquid
generation bioethanol production emulsifiers and resins, or target sugars or glucose) in a strong simultaneously. The one-pot With copper sulphate the residues. Different conditions of
involving either a biochemical or the depolymerization of lignin way but leaves a complicated process performed gaves us three main aldehydes (vanillin, temperature and pressure were
chemical treatments. The starting macromolecule into high value tri-dimensional structure. good result in term of ethanol siringaldehyde and p-hydroxy tested: at 200 °C the alcoholic
materials were obtained from aromatic fine chemicals will be Comparison between chemical yield since the whole hydrolysed aldehyde) were produced at solvent (1,2-propanendiol) acts
different stages of the cellulosic presented. Finally, a general and biochemical purification have glucose was converted. Hence, pressure equal to 3 bar with an as source of hydrogen, while at
ethanol plants powered by overview of Crescentino plant and been done and it can be assumed it was demonstrated that IL overall conversion of about 5% 90 °C and 140 °C the reaction
Proesa™ technology and operated its technology will be reported in that both procedure can purify pretreatment improves the (coherent with literature results). was performed adding 20 bar of
in Crescentino (Italy). order to understand where the lignin rich residue with a good “delignification” process and Instead by using Co complex, H . Solid residues, from either
More specifically, the research raw materials used among all degree of lignin purity but with significantly increases the p-benzoquinones were formed switchgrass or poplar, reach a
activity was divided in four main experiments come from. different structural properties. enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency. (mainly methoxy benzoquinone maximum value of about 35%
Chapters: Finally, in collaboration with Physical and chemical alterations and dimethoxy benzoquinone) but the distribution of product is
Chapter 2: Lignin isolation and Lawrence Berkeley National in lignin structure were with a total yield of 7.2% at 3.5 bar. opposite: about 60% of S unit in
Chapter 1: Introduction characterization Laboratory, a complete biorefinery investigated with the aim to On the other hand, the purified switchgrass residue and about
In order to face the challenges Starting from protocol procedures, process (pretreatment, hydrolysis understand its reactivity during the materials were depolymerized 60% of G unit in poplar residue.
of becoming independent of optimization of extraction and and fermentation) in lab scale whole IL treatment. by catalytic hydrogenolysis
crude oil and switching to a more purification treatments combining using ionic liquid as solvent to in alcoholic media with a
sustainable and carbon neutral mechanical treatment (ball milling) degrade and solubilized two combination of palladium on

Towards engineering of solid-state shown highly efficient molecular potential of the rotator. entropy of activation. Accordingly,

PhD Yearbook | 2018

dynamics. This strategy has few The second step of the by fitting 1H T1 data to the
supramolecular rotors via halogen bonding advantages such as its intrinsic
flexibility and hence the trivial
supramolecular rotors project was
to understand how the strength
Arrhenius, Eyring and Kubo-Tomita
equations, it was found negative
access to a vast number of of XB, working as axle of rotation, entropies of activation of the

different supramolecular rotors. influences the dynamics of the same magnitude (∆S = -3.0 cal/
Firstly, we were able to synthesized rotors. To do so, we successfully mol K) supporting the similarity
Luca Catalano - Supervisor: Prof. Pierangelo Metrangolo
crystalline supramolecular realized two new halogen-bonded of the normal modes and lattice
rotors self-assembled by XB of supramolecular rotors with phonons. On the other hand, 331
My PhD research activity had a (iodopentafluorobenzene and two series of X-bonded cocrystals diazabicylo[2.2.2]octane (dabco), isomorphic crystal structures at the enthalpy of activation for the

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

twofold objective: bromopentafluorobenzene) based upon two different a well known C3-symmetric 100 K and room temperature. The rotation of dabco in co-crystal

a) Studying halogen-bonding and strong Lewis bases (pyridyl dipyridyl modules, and several cylindrically shaped rotator, and only difference lies in the halogen involving iodine (∆H = 0.95 kcal/
interactions (XB) at a fundamental moieties and TMEDA). halobenzenes and diiodoalkanes, a set of five fluorine-substituted atom involved in the XB (X = Br, I). mol) was shown to be almost
level by focusing on new tools All new species were obtained via as XB-donors. All cocrystals iodobenzenes, acting as strong Solvent assisted mechanochemical twice as that of the one involving

for the identification and cocrystallization from standard were fully characterized via IR halogen bond donors, that crystallization allowed us to bromine (∆H = 0.54 kcal/mol)
characterization of this non- solvents and their crystal spectroscopy, thermal analysis, take the role of the stators. We prepare pure cocrystals. The that correlates well with the subtle
covalent interaction; structures were either confirmed single crystal and powder XRD. characterized the adducts via increasing dynamic disorder crystal structure differences,
b) Engineering crystalline (if already known) or solved We then investigated our systems single crystal and powders XRD, of dabco from low to high namely a more hindered
supramolecular rotors based on through XRD analysis. One species via SSNMR. For the first time, the IR spectroscopy and melting temperature observed by single environment in the dabco cavity in
halogen bonding and studying the was liquid at room temperature, change in the 15N SSNMR chemical point measurements to confirm crystal X-ray diffraction and the iodine-based cocrystal.
effect of the strength of XB on the thus, to obtain its crystal structure, shifts upon XB formation is their formation. Then we used quadrupolar-echo 2H NMR led us
dynamics of these systems. we successfully employed the in shown to experimentally correlate variable temperature 1H T1 spin- to conclude that the rotation of In conclusion relevant results were
situ cryo-crystallization technique. with the normalized distance lattice relaxation measurements dabco in both cocrystals can be obtained in both the research
Far-IR spectroscopy is seldom Far-IR analysis showed red- parameter of the XB. The same to characterize the dynamics of described by a six-fold rotation strands of my PhD career.
employed to prove the occurrence shifting and intensity increase of overall trend is confirmed by the rotors. All structures display potential surface with three low
of halogen bonding. This is the main vibrations involving the density functional theory (DFT) ultrafast Brownian rotation around energy minima and three minima • We demonstrated that Far-IR
essentially due to low frequencies halogen atoms. These effects are calculations of the chemical the XB with activation energies of higher energy that, by this spectroscopy and SSNMR are
(< 400 cm-1) and weak intensities diagnostic of the occurrence and shifts. 13C NQS experiments show ranging from 2.4 to 4.9 kcal/mol,. reason, at low temperatures are powerful diagnostic tools for
of the vibrations involving the relative strength of the XB. a positive, linear correlation In all cases the activation energies less populated. 1H T1 relaxometry the detection XB and for the
halogens. However thanks to between the chemical shifts and are lower than the one of pure experiments allowed us to characterization of its strength
new standard instrumentations Solid-state nuclear magnetic the C-I elongation, which is an dabco (8.3 kcal/mol). Within the calculate the activation parameters and geometry.
the detection limit of vibrational resonance (SSNMR) spectroscopy indirect probe of the strength of cocrystals, the rotators are partially for the rotation of dabco in both • We synthesized and fully
spectroscopy is moving to is a versatile characterization the XB. These correlations can be isolated from their neighbouring cocrystals. We observed good characterized the first
lower frequencies allowing the technique that can provide of general utility to estimate the rotator molecules by XB donors, correlation between the low examples of XB-based
exploration of the Far-IR region. a plethora of information geometry of the XB. which work both as stators and crystal packing, Ck = 0.66 at 100 K, amphidynamic cocrystals.
To proof this concept, we complementary to single crystal bearings. The pre-exponential and the small rotational barriers Furthermore we were able to
built a prototypical series of X-ray diffraction analysis. In order Amphydynamic crystals are factors of the dynamics are in the of dabco, 1.15 and 0.71 kcal/ sort out the origin of enthalpy
supramolecular adducts based to apply this powerful technique materials built to possess rapidly range 1–9 x 1012 s-1. These results mol, respectively, with the later and entropy of activation
on halogen bonding and then to the study of XB, we designed an moving components in the solid are comparable to those found being the lowest reported in the of the rotators dynamics.
we characterized them with experimental and computational state. Nowadays there is a growing in rotors with covalent rotational field of molecular rotors. The two The discovery of these new
X-ray diffraction, DSC and IR investigation of the relationship interest in this class of compounds axis, suggesting that XB is robust cocrystals showed pre-exponential crystalline multicomponent
spectroscopy. We coupled the between the geometry of XB and for the development of new enough to work as an efficient factors of almost the same systems thus opens up new
experimental IR analysis with the SSNMR chemical shifts of the functional materials and molecular axle of rotation. Lineshape magnitude (τ0-1), 1.3 x 1012 s-2 and avenues in the development
calculations in order to correctly non-quadrupolar nuclei either machines. analysis of quadrupolar echo 2H 1.3 x 1012 s-2 respectively. of new smart materials and
assign the different vibrations to directly involved in the interaction The aim of our research is to take NMR measurements in selected Using isomorphous cocrystals, as molecular machines.
the peaks of the IR spectra. The (15N) or covalently bonded to the advantage of crystal engineering samples indicated rotational demonstrated by X-ray diffraction
adducts were formed between halogen atom (13C). principles to assemble stators trajectories consistent with both and IR data, we were able to sort
strong halogen bond donors To reach this goal we prepared and rotators into cocrystals 3-fold and 6-fold symmetric out the origin of enthalpy and


PhD Yearbook | 2018

Andrea Dalle Vedove - Supervisor: Dr. Emilio Parisini
Protein X-ray crystallography is a formation of tissues and organs for their energy activation profiles hydrolyzing the bond between over a period of 2-3 months. for diabetes monitoring. Other

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

very powerful tool that provides, and ultimately the development have been unambiguously the amine and the sugar moiety Unfortunately, however, due potential applications of such
at the molecular level, the high of complex multicellular identified. of a glycated amino acid. to the fact that the available molecular technology include
quality and high resolution organisms. In this thesis work, I have From a biomedical point of enzymes only work on glycated the use of such chimeric enzyme
structural information that is Other than their adhesive studied selected cadherin family view, the study of this enzyme amino acids, this process is not to slow or even reverse collagen
necessary for structure-function function, cadherins also perform members at the molecular is very important since protein immediate since HbA1c must be rigidification in aging tissues as
correlation analysis, protein a cell-cell signaling function. It level by single crystal X-ray glycation reactions occur proteolytically cleaved before the well as in the food industry, to
engineering, structure based drug is well known that variations in crystallography. Overall, my spontaneously in the body enzymatic detection of selected limit protein glycation in aliments
design and molecular dynamics cadherin natural expression level goal was to contribute to the over time due to the sugar glycated amino acids can actually that need thermal treatment (e.g.
(MD) simulations. and changes in their ability to characterization of their adhesion present in blood. As a result take place. UHT milk).
In this thesis, this technique has form either homophilic dimers mechanism. Furthermore, in the of this spontaneous glycation During my thesis, I contributed
been extensively used for the or bind to selected protein context of this thesis, I combined reaction (usually referred to as to the structural characterization
investigation of the structure, substrates correlate with the this structural analysis with the Maillard reaction) proteins of of the apo form and the
properties and possible onset and the progression of biophysical, computational and are progressively glycated and, substrate-bound form of
application of the extracellular diseases such as cancer, asthma functional studies aimed at the especially those with long half- Amadoriase I from Aspergillus
portion of some selected cell- and chronic inflammation states. development or the identification life, tend to become heavily fumigatus. Moreover, I have
adhesion proteins of the type I Although the cadherin main of molecules that are capable crosslinked over time. These non been actively involved in the first
classical cadherin family and of functions (adhesion and of modulating cadherin specific modifications negatively attempts to engineer this enzyme
a deglycating enzyme from the signaling) have been quite homophilic adhesion. Finally, affect the function of the proteins in order to enhance its natural
large Fructosyl Amino Oxidase extensively investigated over starting from the structural and may eventually lead to substrate recognition capabilities.
family, called Amadoriase I. the last two decades, the information, I have engineered the development of diseases All these studies have been
Cadherins are calcium-dependent mechanism by which such tasks a cadherin family member such as Alzheimer’s disease, conducted using a combination
trans-membrane proteins that are performed still needs to with the goal of producing arteriosclerosis, nephropathy of molecular biology, protein
comprise three clearly discernible be fully elucidated. Over time, functionalized biomaterials. In and retinopathy, with a higher chemistry, X-ray crystallography
regions: intracellular, trans- a combination of biophysical fact, due to the important role incidence in elderly people and and molecular dynamics
membrane and extracellular. The techniques (mainly X-ray of the protein in tissue sorting in people with abnormally high techniques. The ultimate goal
extracellular portion is formed diffraction, NMR and SAXS) and formation, such cadherin- blood sugar levels. with this project is to engineer
by a variable number of so-called have provided a clear, albeit functionalized hybrid materials Moreover, deglycating the Amadoriase I enzyme in
extracellular cadherin (EC) still incomplete, picture of the may be employed as scaffolds enzymes are also utilized order to enlarge its catalytic
repeat domains, each formed by adhesion mechanism, leaving in tissue engineering and tissue for the measurement of the cavity and allow its catalytic
approximately 110 amino acidic the complete trajectory that regeneration or be used for the concentration of the glycated activity on large substrates
residues and rigidified by the leads, very dynamically, from the development of cell-sorting or form of hemoglobin (HbA1c) such as polypeptides or even
presence of Ca2+ ions between monomer to the dimeric adhesive sensing lab-on-chip platforms. in the blood. In fact, due to whole glycated proteins. This
them. state and back still partially The second project that I focused the relatively long life-time would, for instance, potentially
They are of critical importance for elusive. The implications of on in my thesis is the X-ray crystal of hemoglobin (90-120 days) improve the current procedures
cell-cell adhesion, a fundamental such lack of complete structural structure of the deglycating and therefore its tendency to employed for the measurement
process that results in cellular characterization are important: enzyme Amadoriase I. A member be glycated over time, this is of HbA1c in diabetic patients,
organization and tissue to date, no clear molecular bases of the Fructosyl Amino Oxidase a very good indicator of the possibly leading to new, efficient
differentiation, thus allowing the for cadherin homo-selectivity and family, this enzyme is capable of concentration of blood glucose and low cost diagnostic tools

CATALYTIC CO2 VALORIZATION PRODUCING FUELS catalytic systems need promoters, experiments. By cofeeding CO at obtained material showed very

PhD Yearbook | 2018

both structural and electronic, in low temperature, the surface CO good performance in the reaction
AND CHEMICALS order to boost process yields. In
this regard, the promotion with
coverage is high and it increases
with time on stream. In this
by operating at mild process
potassium and zinc, more than way, the methanation becomes In conclusion, Fe- and Ru-based
with manganese, increases the kinetically inhibited due to the catalysts can be successfully
catalyst activity and selectivity lack of available hydrogen on the used to obtain high added-value
Leonardo Falbo - Supervisor: Prof. Luca Lietti
to high molecular weight metal sites. Additionally, in the products from CO2 hydrogenation,
hydrocarbons, by changing the presence of CO, some adsorbed even in the presence of H2 335
The increase of the atmospheric based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. intermediates, hence decreasing basicity of the catalyst surface. species, identified as carboxylates, deficient feed. The results

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

carbon dioxide concentration Co-based catalysts lead principally the chain growth probability The production of synthetic are formed on the catalyst surface, obtained in this work pave the
is blamed as one of the main to the synthesis of light saturated and increasing the olefin natural gas is here investigated blocking the CO2 adsorption when way for the development of more
causes of the climate change hydrocarbons, whereas Fe-based hydrogenations. Furthermore, on on low-loading Ru-based catalysts process conditions are switched efficient catalytic processes for CO2
(global warming). For this reason, catalysts produce more heavy iron-based catalysts, the process supported on alumina. The back to pure CO2 methanation. In hydrogenation, which associated
during the last 20 years several hydrocarbons. yield is also controlled by the catalyst is appropriate to carry this regard, high temperatures are with a supply of renewable H2
studies have been carried out to equilibrium between the chain out the Sabatier reaction (CO2 needed to avoid a gradual catalyst and process intensification can
intensify the technologies aiming On both Co- and Fe-based growth sites (iron carbides) and methanation) under process deactivation due to the strong mitigate the dramatic effects of
at its reduction. The decrease catalysts, CO and CO2 the hydrogenation sites (iron conditions relevant for the Power- adsorption of CO on the Ru sites elevated CO2 concentration in the
of CO2 emissions through the hydrogenation processes follow oxides and reduced iron centers). to-Gas application, with an almost and to the presence of surface atmosphere.
increase of energetic efficiency a common reaction pathway, The former sites are not stable complete selectivity to methane. blocking adsorbed species.
of the existing fossil fuel based with CO acting as intermediate in the absence of high CO partial The catalyst performance over a Eventually, the hydrogenation
industrial processes and the in the case of CO2 conversion. pressures and they can evolve wide range of process conditions, of CO2 to lower olefins is
utilization of renewable energy The different selectivity of the with the time on stream into the previously unexplored, is investigated by using a bulk
sources are obviously options of two processes is mainly ascribed latter sites, which are active in the described by a developed kinetic K-promoted Fe-based catalyst
choice. However, strategies able to different H/C ratio on the secondary reactions of olefins. The rate equation. with an iron spinel structure and
to accomplish a net reduction catalyst surface. During the CO2 relative abundance of these two high surface area. The catalyst
of the CO2 concentration in hydrogenation, a high H/C surface types of sites affects conversion Furthermore, the reactivity preparation method and the
the atmosphere are also being ratio is attained due to the slow and selectivity of the catalysts. of Ru-based catalysts in the thermal treatments have dramatic
considered. Among these, the CO2 adsorption, if compared with Although the process selectivity hydrogenation of CO/CO2 gas effects on the morphological
CO2 Capture and Utilization respect to CO adsorption. This during CO and CO2 hydrogenation mixtures is investigated to assess properties and on the crystal
technologies, consisting in the behavior favors the hydrogenation is not dramatically different by the possibility to carry out the structure of the final catalyst. The
chemical conversion of CO2 into reactions of the adsorbed surface using Fe-based catalysts, these CO2 methanation even in the
valuable products, are reaching presence of CO-containing feed
great industrial and environmental streams. When CO is present
appeal. In this regard, the purpose in the gas feed, Ru-based
of this research work is to gain catalysts show deactivation at
more insights in the intensification low process temperature. The
of sustainable CO2 utilization extent of activity loss increases
catalytic processes producing by increasing CO/CO2 ratio in the
synthetic fuels (particularly liquid inlet stream and by decreasing
hydrocarbons and synthetic the catalyst bed temperature,
natural gas) and chemicals so by working in condition
(particularly “lower olefins” in the where the CO adsorption is
C2-C4 range). enhanced. Furthermore, the
The production of liquid role of CO in CO2 methanation
hydrocarbons through the one-pot is also investigated by looking
catalytic CO2 hydrogenation is Fig. 1 - ASF plot and olefin content in hydrocarbons for Co-based (220°C, 20 barg. at the catalyst surface through Fig. 2 - Effect of temperature and pressure on CO2 conversion and CH4 selectivity.
H2/COx=2.5 v/v) and Fe-based catalyst (220°C, 30 barg, H2/COx=1 v/v) during CO and Experimental CO2 conversion data are compared to model predictions. (Central
explored on typical iron and cobalt CO2 hydrogenation. dedicated infrared spectroscopic process conditions: 310°C, 1 ata, H2/CO2=4 v/v, 10 mol.% of N2, 5 L(STP)/h/gcat

Combined advanced structural tools

PhD Yearbook | 2018

for characterization of polysaccharidic
Monica Ferro - Advisor: Prof. Andrea Mele
The work object of this doctoral Electron Microscopy (SEM) and spectroscopy or Scanning Electron hydrogels gained increasing of the pulsed field gradient

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

thesis been focused on the study Transmission Electron Microscopy Microscopy. The most commonly interest as drug delivery scaffolds spin-echo (PFGSE) method. The
of different polysaccharidic (TEM). In my work, I mainly used used method is based on the HPLC and permeation membranes experiments were repeated at
materials with different powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis of the hydrolysis products due to their ability to control several concentrations of the drug
characteristics. Linear and to study cellulosic materials. of CMCs with strong acids. In solute transport. The diffusion in molecules dissolved in hydrogels
branched polysaccharides of both The objective was to develop addition to this chromatographic polymers or in porous materials having different mesh size. The
natural and synthetic origin have innovative, easy to apply and method, different promising NMR was previously studied by different signal decay provided the mean
been studied in solution, in the accurate analytical methods for methods for DS determination groups using either NMR in square displacement (MSD) values
solid or in the gel state. The work cellulose characterization and have been previously described. solution or solid state techniques. for each drug concentration.
of my PhD can be divided into two to monitor cellulose reactivity. Some of these (both 1H and 13C) However, a direct characterization The MSD along the z reference
parts: the first part (A) regarded I developed an accurate are also based on the analysis of the active pharmaceutical axis <z2> is proportional to the
the study of cellulose and cellulose deconvolution method based on of hydrolyzed CMC. Others are ingredient (API) in the molecular observation time elevated to
derivatives; the second part (B) PXRD peaks and I applied it on non-destructive methods. The environment of the drug delivery a power factor α. The α values
was focused on the diffusion industrial cellulose samples. latter approaches are based on formulation (i.e. in the hydrogel) define the normal Fickian random
study of small molecules loaded Moreover, I applied multivariate quantitative 13C NMR in solution was missing in the literature. motion (α = 1), or anomalous, non-
in different hydrogels composed statistical analysis to PXRD (inverse GATED acquisition mode). The innovation of the work Fickian (α < 1, subdiffusive regime,
by cross-linked polysaccharides data in order to evaluate and DS value is obtained by peak herein discussed is in the direct α > 1 superdiffusive regime).
(Agar-carbomer) or nanoporous predict the reactivity of cellulose. integration. Severe limitations observation of the dynamic
cyclodextrin-based cross- Within the study of cellulose of these methods arise from behaviour of small molecules
linked materials (cyclodextrin and its derivatives, I studied the spectral overlaps generated confined in hydrogel matrixes.
nanosponges). Part (A). Cellulose carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). by the mixture of regioisomers. The study was carried out by using
is the most important natural CMC is a linear, anionic polyether Furthermore, the application is a High Resolution Magic Angle
polymer: it is mainly used in the cellulose derivative, generally restricted only to CMC solutions Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR probe.
production of paper, but also water soluble and with high with low viscosity in order to avoid HR-MAS NMR allows to study the
for the production of relevant molecular weight. The industrial line broadening. molecular environment and the
industrial derivative such as synthesis of CMC is based on A novel, non-destructive method transport properties of the drugs
cellophane and rayon. In the a slurry process and involves based on 13C HR-MAS NMR entrapped in the hydrogels. To the
last decades cellulose has also two steps: mercerization and spectroscopy is proposed in this best of my knowledge, this type
been studied for the production etherification. The Degree of work. The method herein reported of study is unprecedented in the
of biofuels as non-fossil fuel Substitution (DS) represents the couples a wide applicability to literature. Diffusion experiments
source. From the analytical point average number of carboxymethyl CMCs with different purification were performed on Ethosuximide
of view, cellulose was studied groups present in each glucosidic degree, different viscosity and and Ibuprofen, taken as model
by different academic and unit. The typical DS range of different origin (cotton linters drugs, loaded in hydrogels
industrial groups using different commercial CMC is between or wood) with a non-destructive obtained from Agar-Carbomer (AC)
solid state techniques such as: 0.6 and 1.25. Several methods procedure. Thus the results of the and cyclodextrins nanosponges
Powder X Ray Diffraction (PXRD), to provide DS of CMC have analysis give more reliable picture (CDNS). The signal intensity decays
Fourier Transform Infra-Red been previously reported in of the DS of the CMC in its original were collected using different
Spectroscopy (FT-IR), solid state the literature. Most of them are state. observation time values (td) in
NMR spectroscopy, Scanning based on chromatography, FT-IR Part (B). In the last decades the milliseconds range by means


PhD Yearbook | 2018

Laura Fratalocchi - Supervisor: Prof. Luca Lietti
The development of the optimal engineered eggshell catalysts with (i.e. diethylen glycol, DEG). It performances of a catalyst (good reducibility and increase affects the process selectivity, and

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

cobalt based FT catalyst, with an optimal thickness of the active has been found that thanks to prepared with (small crystallites) of the number of Co0 sites) do both reversible and irreversible
improved activity and selectivity shell represent an optimal solution the occurrence of combustion and without (big crystallites) not reflect the catalyst activity, effects have been observed. In
to desired products, has been for applications purpose. In fact, phenomena between Co DEG, in the Co-impregnating which results (in the bad case) particular, the exposure of the
the goal of this PhD thesis work. it is possible to achieve high C15+ nitrates, which act as oxidizers, solution. The Pt-promoted almost halved with respect to the catalyst to water results in an
This goal has been pursued by yields per mass of cobalt in the and DEG, which act as fuel, the catalysts have been prepared unpromoted catalyst. This result irreversible increase of the olefin
a combination of experimental reactor, while limiting the ∆P in decomposition from Co nitrates by varying the impregnation has been explained with the fact to paraffin ratio (mostly due to
activities at different scales, compact packed-bed reactors for to Co oxides species during order of Pt and Co: (i) Pt after that the intrinsic activity of the the increased olefin selectivity), of
starting from the preparation the FTS. calcination becomes exothermic Co (sequential deposition Co0 sites (turnover frequency, the 1-olefins in the alkenes pool
of the catalysts, to their The second part of this thesis and fast. This generates highly order, SDO) and (ii) Pt before Co TOF) of the Pt-promoted catalysts (due to the decreased double
characterization and eventually work focuses in developing a dispersed Co oxides particles, (reverse sequential deposition is significantly decreased. This bond shift activity) and of the CO2
the assessment of their catalytic highly active Co/γ-Al2O3 catalyst which, however, are difficult to order, RSDO). Regardless of has been attributed to the fact selectivity (due to increased WGS
performances in the FTS. as uniformly impregnated reduce by a standard reduction the initial Co3O4 crystallites size, that these catalysts have a Co0 activity). These effects have been
In the first part of this thesis with a pellet size of 300 μm in treatment in H2 at 400°C. Despite all the Pt-promoted catalysts particle size distribution shifted explained considering that the
work the development of a diameter. In compact FT reactors, the lower reducibility, when show a strong enhancement to lower values than that of the active sites evolve during the water
novel preparation procedure such diameter represents a compared with a catalyst with the of the catalyst reducibility and unpromoted sample, thus entering co-feeding in those cobalt oxides
for an eggshell-type Co/γ-Al2O3 compromise to keep under control same formulation but prepared Co0 dispersion with respect to in the TOF-size range where the species which are formed as a
catalyst is reported. The main mass transfer and pressure without using DEG, the catalyst the corresponding unpromoted FTS has been reported to be result of the oxidation of a fraction
characteristics of the obtained drop issues. In this regard, two prepared with DEG shows very catalysts. This indicates the ability structure sensitive. of the metallic cobalt sites initially
material are a diameter smaller strategies have been adopted interesting catalytic performances, of Pt in favoring the reduction In the final part of this thesis present on the catalyst. Reversible
than which is the most common in this thesis work to increase thanks to the fact that the small of cobalt oxides species, even work, the effect of water on effects, which mostly consist
value in the scientific literature, the number of cobalt metal Co0 particles are intrinsically very if present in small quantity. the catalytic performances of in the increased chain growth
and a diffusive length ensuring surface sites available for the active. In line with the decrease of Moreover, it has been found that Co-based catalyst is investigated. probability and CO2 selectivity
the absence of mass transfer FTS. The decrease of the cobalt the Co0 crystallite size, the catalyst the catalytic activity trend reflects This is of interest in view of the and in the decreased CH4 and
limitations. Interestingly, the metal particle size through the prepared with DEG shows slightly that of the Co0 dispersion with fact that commercial FTS practices alcohol selectivities, have been
prepared eggshell catalyst shows improvement of the preparation higher hydrogenating activity. the catalysts prepared without require that Co-based catalysts explained by assuming that the
great catalytic performances methods commonly applied at Nevertheless, the increase of the DEG, thus justifying why the withstand long-term use at high water inhibits the hydrogenation
if compared with those of a the industrial scale (in view of CO conversion overcompensates RSDO catalyst is more active than CO conversion, and hence at high reactions and acts as reactant in
powdered catalyst (obtained by the necessity not to complicate the decrease of the C5+ selectivity, SDO, which in turn is more active water concentration levels. The the WGS reaction.
grinding and sieving the eggshell the catalyst synthesis) and the thus resulting in a raised C5+ yield. than the unpromoted sample. obtained data indicate that water
catalyst) working in a kinetically enhancement of the catalyst Concerning the second approach, Furthermore, the selectivity to addition leads to a remarkable
controlled regime. This result has reducibility with the addition of a the possibility to increase the the main FTS products is almost catalyst deactivation already at
been explained by considering small amount of noble metals (in number of active Co0 centers unvaried with respect to the low water concentration. This
the onset of weak mass transport view of the catalyst cost). through the addition of small unpromoted sample, thanks to phenomenon is a rather slow
limitations in the case of the Concerning the first approach, a amount of platinum in the catalyst the small amount of Pt used. On process, whose rate depends on
eggshell catalyst, which boost highly active Co-based catalyst has formulation has been investigated. the contrary, the promising results the feed concentration of water
both the CO conversion kinetics been synthetized by diluting the In particular, the effect of obtained with the Pt-promoted and whose extent depends on the
and the catalyst hydrogenating Co-nitrates impregnating solution 0.1wt.% of Pt has been studied catalysts prepared with DEG in duration of water co-feeding. The
ability. These results show that with an organic compound on the properties and catalytic terms of catalyst characterization presence of water in the feed also

PhD Yearbook | 2018

Giancarlo Gentile - Relatore: Tiziano Faravelli
The thermochemical conversion of it requires several levels of reactions was employed in this development of a comprehensive complex multiphase reactors (i.e.

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

biomass is a promising technology analysis and consideration, as work. The peculiarity of this approach to model the spatial- fluidized/fixed bed gasifier). In this
to produce fungible substitutes highlighted in Figure 1. Moreover, model, respect the state-of-the- dependent particle shrinking regard, one the critical issues is
for petroleum-derived fuels the strong interactions between art in the literature, is a detailed during the thermal decomposition. the coupling between the particle-
and chemicals. This is a topic of chemical kinetics and heat/mass characterization of the pyrolysis It is based on the evaluation of scale phenomena and the reactor-
increasing interest within the transfer phenomena make the products, including a wide set of a shrinking wave front which scale transport. The existing
scientific community in light of mathematical model demanding permanent gas and tar species. progressively evolves during the state-of-the-art methods crudely
the recent concerns regarding from a computational point of This kinetic mechanism was transient and allows for handling consider the particle degradation
the energy availability and the view. eventually coupled with the arbitrary multi-dimensional because of the complexity of the
sustainability of the industrial The work presented in this heat/mass transfer limitations particle deformations due to mathematical formulation and
processes. Thermochemical thesis steps from the definition in the developed particle- anisotropy and/or non-uniform the huge computational costs
conversion routes provide of the methodological basis. based model. The resulted boundary conditions. In spite of required for tracking individual
remarkable advantages in the Firstly, a model for the biomass code, named bioSMOKE, the outstanding importance of particles. Global kinetics are
exploitation of biomass because characterization was presented. It was implemented within the this topic, only few models are typically defined which cannot
of the possibility to handle wide is able to predict the biochemical OpenFOAM framework in available in the literature, usually capture the key dynamics of
range of feedstock and address composition of a generic order to simulate the thermal based on empirical correlations or particle conversion. To this end, a
the production of different type biomass sample starting from its degradation of anisotropy biomass fitting parameters. The code was reduced-order model (ROM) for
of fuels and chemicals. However, elemental analysis. The second particles of arbitrary shapes. The validated against comparisons biomass particle degradation was
current technologies still face step regards the definition of a mathematical model requires with experimental data of developed aiming to describe the
significant industrial challenges, comprehensive kinetic mechanism the solution of the Navier-Stokes particle pyrolysis in different release rate of primary pyrolysis
mainly in term of efficiency for the biomass pyrolysis and equations, applied to porous range of operative conditions. products by means a simpler and
and operation scale-up, which devolatilization. A multistep kinetic media. One of the original aspects Three different geometries were less demanding methodology.
severely hinder the worldwide scheme with lumped first-order of this work is represented by the analyzed (namely, sphere, cylinder
industrialization of these and slab), to show the reliability
technologies. In this framework,      and the capability of bioSMOKE
spending modeling efforts in  
in handling particle shrinking.
the direction of a clearer and   


    Despite of the unavoidable

deeper understanding of biomass   
 uncertainties of such a system,
potential is crucial towards the   the model turns out to be in
massive exploitation of this     
   reasonable agreement with the

renewable energy source.     
     experimental data. The model
The aim of this thesis is to develop         successfully predicted the
a new comprehensive and temperature history of the particle,
predictive particle based model the mass/volume loss, as well as

able to provide a better insight into  
    the evolution of the major species
the fundamental chemical/physical     released during the pyrolysis.
phenomena occurring during the The fundamental analysis at the
biomass conversion. The proposed particle scale is an essential step
Fig. 1 - Biomass thermal conversion: a multicomponent, multi-phase and multi-
problem is quite complex as scale towards the rational modeling of

Design of liposomal and polymeric may present a powerful new strategy

PhD Yearbook | 2018

for effective treatment of kidney
nanocarriers capable of crossing glomerular diseases.
In order to enhance the targeting
biological barriers properties of liposomes towards
glomerular endothelial cells,
specific peptides, such as
Xiaoyi Huang - Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Cellesi
Ac-HITSLLSC-NH2 (HIT) and 343
This PhD thesis work focused on (Carboxyfluorescein (CF)), a hydrophilic the lipid bilayer through hydrophobic Ac-CLPVASCK-NH2 (CLP), were

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

the design of new liposomal and linear polymer (dextran), a custom- domains. LTSL was further selected selected as ligands and conjugated
polymeric nanocarriers capable of made PEGylated star polymer and a for encapsulation and release of to liposomes. Cellular uptake
crossing specific biological barriers. protein (albumin) were used as model therapeutic proteins, such as lysozyme experiments showed that cRGD-
Depending on the application, the drug molecules for encapsulation and the brain-derived neurotrophic conjugated liposomes exhibited
physicochemical characteristics of and release. Results showed that all factor (BDNF), which has been extremely high uptake by mouse
the nanocarriers were tuned in order liposomal formulations displayed recognized as a potential therapeutic microvascular endothelial cells (EOMA)
to maximize barrier penetration and higher loading efficiency for agent for kidney diseases. In vitro and glomerular endothelial cells
drug delivery at the specific site. carboxyfluorescein (CF) mainly due to release tests confirmed that LTSL was isolated from rat glomeruli. cRGD
Firstly, new targeted therapies its low molecular weight. The presence capable of retaining lysozyme and conjugated liposome uptake was likely
directed to treat glomerular diseases of hydrophobic domains in albumin BDNF at the physiological temperature due to the overexpression of αvβ3
in kidneys were developed, based enhanced the interaction between while releasing them under mild integrin receptors on the cell surface.
on the use of new protein drug- this protein and the hydrophobic lipid hyperthermia conditions. Moreover, IEL conjugated liposomes also showed
loaded, engineered liposomes. bilayer to some extent, thus leading BDNF maintained structural stability substantial interaction with EOMA
These lipid-based nanocarriers were to higher encapsulation efficiency and bioactivity towards damaged due to the expression of E-selectin
designed to target the glomerular compared to that of dextran and podocytes during the encapsulation (a receptor for IEL) on the tumour
endothelium and release the drug PEGylated star polymer. LTSL not only process, as confirmed by SDS-PAGE vascular endothelial cells. HIT and CLP
in close proximity to the glomerular showed the highest encapsulation analysis and immunofluorescent showed enhanced selectivity towards
filtration barrier. Once released, the efficiency for albumin compared to tests. The BDNF-loaded LTSL showed rat glomerular endothelial cells (Fig.
drug should present a hydrodynamic other liposomal formulations, but good therapeutic effects towards 2). In vivo biodistribution of liposomes
diameter small enough to penetrate it was also able to release CF and podocytes in standard 2D cell cultures in mice revealed that the conjugation
the glomerular barrier by diffusion albumin in the mild-hyperthermia (Fig. 1) as well as in a 3D podocyte– of cRGD to liposomes enhanced
and reach podocytes, i.e. glomerular temperature range (40-42°C). The endothelial co-culture system, which accumulation of these nanocarriers in
cells which are known to play a central release of albumin was much more was designed to mimic the glomerular the liver, spleen and kidney. Therefore,
role in kidney diseases. In order to limited than that of CF due to slower filtration barrier in vitro. Therefore, the specificity of peptidic ligands chlorotoxin (CTX), which is known based on radiation therapy and
identify the key parameters which diffusion and potential interaction with BDNF-loaded LTSL nanotherapeutic towards kidney should be enhanced to selectively bind to glioma cells CTX modified PNPs may have a
may influence drug encapsulation and to improve the targeting delivery to with high affinity. The engineered great potential in enhancing blood
release, different lipid formulations the glomeruli; HIT and CLP could be targeted PNPs offer the potential brain barrier penetration, and
and payloads were investigated. potential candidates in achieving this for delivering therapies directly to strengthening the anti-tumor efficacy
Four thermosensitive liposomal goal. invasive brain cancer cells, thus of chemotherapeutics towards
formulations were selected: DPPC/ Secondly, a glioblastoma multiform- improving the desired therapeutic glioblastoma multiform diseases (Fig.
DSPE-PEG2000 95/5 (mol/mol) (TSL1), targeted therapeutic approach based effects while minimising unwanted 3).
DPPC/DSPC/DSPE-PEG2000 80/15/5 on the use of PLGA-PEG polymeric toxicity. Preliminary in vitro cellular Keywords: Thermosensitive
(mol/mol) (TSL2), DPPC/DSPC/Chol/ nanoparticles (PNPs) loaded with uptake and cytotoxicity studies liposomes; Polymeric nanocarriers;
DSPE-PEG2000 50/25/15/3 (mol/mol) the anti-tumor drug doxorubicin suggested that further modification Biological barrier; Kidney diseases;
(TTSL) and DPPC/P-lyso-PC/DSPE- (DOX), was developed. DOX was of the polymer structure may be Glomerular filtration barrier;
PEG2000 90/10/4 (mol/mol) (LTSL). efficiently loaded into PNPs by necessary to control the release rate Glioblastoma multiform; Blood brain
Water soluble molecules, including nanoprecipitation, and DOX loaded of DOX and improve cell targeting. barrier; Targeted delivery
a low molecular weight molecule PNPs were further functionalized with Moreover, a combination strategy

Hydrogen and Halogen Bonding towards α,ω-diiodoperfluoroalkanes. mesomorphic in nature, the

PhD Yearbook | 2018

Halogen bonding has driven obtained halogen-bonded
Molecular Recognition and Separation the formation of these complexes exhibit monotropic
anionic networks. Borromean LC behaviour with smectic A
entanglement has been obtained phases possibly resulting from
starting from all the four used segregation between fluorocarbon
cations, all the three used and hydrocarbon chains. The
Vijith Kumar - Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Resnati
anions, but only two of the five obtained supramolecular
used diiodoperfluoroalkanes. mesogens possess reactive groups 345
Molecular self-assembly has been these molecule(s). formation of cocrystals allows for As the change of the suitable for incorporation into

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

well-acknowledged as one of the In the second part of the thesis, the selective solubility variation diiodoperfluoroalkane, the cation, liquid crystalline elastomeric
efficient bottom-up approaches HB is employed in selective of dicarboxylic acids and provides or the anion has a different actuators.
to synthesize various materials recognition and effective a new direction for selective relative effect on the metrics and
with controllable architectures and separation of industrially recognition and separation. bondings of the self-assembled
useful properties. It has clearly important dicarboxylic acids The strategy is reminiscent of systems, it can be generalized
been proven that the formation of from either their mixtures the effective exchange of α,ω- that bonding, namely energetic,
the well-ordered structures of self- through solid or solution phase diiodoperfluoroalkanes via the features play here a less influential
assembled architectures can be processes. The size-matching of formation of halogen bonded role than metric features in
― ―
driven by a single interaction or by the interacting partners plays a I ···I(CF2)nI···I adducts where determining the topology of
the synergistic action of multiple major role in allowing for selective cation/supramolecular anion size the prepared tetra-component
interactions. In this thesis metal self-assembly and ensuing matching plays a key role. cocrystals. This conclusion
coordination, hydrogen bond (HB) separation process. Specifically, may hold true for other multi-
and halogen bond (XB) have been we have demonstrated that bis- In the third part of the thesis component systems and may
used for the design and synthesis (trimethylammonium) alkane XB is used to form a great function as a general heuristic
of self-assembled systems tailored diiodides, a well-known class of variety of supramolecular principle when pursuing the
to topological studies, separation porous organic salts, can reversibly architectures. Specifically, preparation of multi-component
Fig. 2 - Left: Schematic view of discrete Borromean ring. Right: Partial view
processes and obtainment encapsulate dicarboxylic acids naked halide anions have been systems having the same topology
(Mercury 3.8, space-filling) of the three honeycomb nets present in the cocrystal
of supramolecular functional through intermolecular hydrogen used to form several halogen but different composition. crypt-222 potassium iodide diiodoperfluorooctane. Red, yellow, and blue

materials. bonding between the host I bonded networks with different colours differentiate the three translationally related nets showing Borromean
- entanglement. Supercations K+Ì1 are omitted for clarity.
The first part of the thesis anions and the guest carboxylic and fascinating topologies. In addition to this, the role of I···I
describes how metal coordination OH group. The process is highly A library of supramolecular XB is used to assess the proton
enables twenty four bis-pyridyl effective for separating in pure anionic networks showing localization in the product that
ligands (L), functionalized with form of dicarboxylic acid chain that Borromean interpenetration hydrogen iodide forms with crypt-

an iodotetrafluorobenzene forms an I ···HOOC–(CH2/CF2)n– has been prepared by self- 111, a proton sponge with unique

moieties, and twelve Pd(II) ions COOH···I superanion matches assembly of crypt-222, several and useful protonation kinetics.
(M) to undergo, in solutions, a in length to the chosen dication. metal or ammonium halides, Finally the synthesis and
quantitative self-assembly process The size-matching controlled and five bis-homologous characterization of new trimeric
and to form discrete nanocages complexes obtained upon
of general formula M12L24. Artificial XB driven self-assembly of
self-assembled cages can often 1,4-diiodotetrafluorobenzene
encapsulate guest molecules or α,ω-diiodoperfluoroalkanes,
and promote unusual reactivity; acting as XB-donors, with an
the XB donor groups decorating alkoxystilbazole derivative
the inside face of the obtained functionalized with a methacrylate
nanosized capsule will be used terminal group , acting as Fig. 3 - Crystal packing of complexes alkoxystilbazole diiodotetrafluorobenzene
to control the nature of the guest Fig. 1 - Crystal structure of supramolecular size matching complexes: Top: XB-acceptor has examined in (top) and alkoxystilbazole diiodooctafluorobutane (bottom) showing a clear
molecule(s) encapsulated in the decamethonium iodide adipic acid complex; Bottom: decamethonium iodide detail. Despite the fact that segregation between hydrocarbon and perfluorocarbon modules in complex.
octafluoro adipic acid complex; Colour codes: grey, carbon; blue, nitrogen; white, Hydrogen atoms have been omitted for the sake of clarity. Color codes: grey,
cage and to direct the reactivity of hydrogen; red, oxygen; green, fluorine; magenta, iodine. the starting materials are not carbon; blue, nitrogen; magenta, iodine; red, oxygen; yellow, fluorine.

Recovery of sugars from lignocellulosic

PhD Yearbook | 2018

hydrolysates by continuous ion exclusion
chromatography for the production of green
Gabriele Lodi - Supervisor: Prof. Laura Annamaria Pellegrini
Tutor: Prof. Davide Moscatelli 347

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Today, the depletion of fossil However, pretreatments of no chemical regeneration of the investigation of the adsorption representing the main features
resources, the increasing lignocelluloses release not resin is required. behavior of the main components of this separation. The simulation
greenhouse gas emissions and only the desired pentose and The Italian company Biochemtex found in the hydrolysate has tool can be used for the design
the resulting climate change, hexose sugars, but also various developed the GREGTM process, been performed and the effects and optimization of the operating
joined with a growing world compounds that can inhibit the in which monosaccharides are of the main electrolytes on resin conditions of the I-SMB separation
population, make imperative to fermentation microorganism converted into ethylene and shrinking and sugars adsorption process.
find processes able to produce or poison the conversion propylene glycols. The process have been studied. Afterwards,
fuels and chemicals from catalyst. This can deeply reduce is based on traditional catalysts a quantitative description of the
alternative, renewable resources. the product yield and process and a straightforward purification experimental observations was
Lignocellulosic biomasses, e.g. productivity, severely limiting of the sugars is thus essential provided.
forestry wastes, wheat straw, corn the usefulness of the derived in order to increase the catalyst On this basis, a dynamic column
stover and sugarcane bagasse, sugars. In order to enhance the lifetime. The process involves an model for IEC has been developed
can be used to obtain monomeric efficiency of sugars conversion, innovative pretreatment, where and used to simulate pulse tests
sugars, which are valuable raw it is necessary to remove these the hydrolysate is neutralized to of real hydrolysates. The exclusion
materials and can be subsequently inhibitors from the hydrolysate pH 6 before the chromatographic of ions from the resin pores
converted into fuels or chemicals before the fermentation. separation making all the has been explained in terms of
through chemical or biochemical The recovery of sugars electrolytes in solution completely Donnan Theory, which describes
processes. from hydrolysates and the dissociated and therefore the partition of charged species
Biochemical conversion removal of by-products can excluded from the resin pores. The between two phases separated
of biomasses involves be successfully accomplished electrolytes elute unseparated as by a semipermeable membrane.
pretreatment and hydrolysis using chromatography. The a first group in the chromatogram The equilibrium relationships for
processes for deconstructing separation is based on a followed by the sugars, allowing this model have been derived
the recalcitrant lignocellulosic chromatographic technique a baseline binary separation that and implemented in the material
matrix and for hydrolyzing known as Ion Exclusion. In this is performed in continuous in an balances. These were written
the polysaccharides (namely, technique, strong electrolytes are I-SMB process. taking into account changes in
cellulose and hemicellulose) to separated from nonelectrolytes In this work, the recovery of interparticle and intraparticle
monosaccharides like glucose, and weak electrolytes using a lignocellulosic sugars obtained porosity due to resin shrinking.
xylose, arabinose, galactose and strong ion-exchange resin as with this innovative pretreatment A model for the I-SMB process was
mannose. These monosaccharides a stationary phase. The strong has been studied. developed coupling the single-
are then fermented or catalytically electrolytes are excluded from Experimental investigations column dynamic model to the
converted into the desired the resin due to electrostatic on model systems, aimed to appropriate material balances at
products. Biochemical processes repulsion with the fixed groups, understand the mechanisms the nodes. The model was then
are often referred to as “sugar- while the nonelectrolytes and involved in the separation, have used to predict experimental
platform” conversions: the weak electrolytes are partitioned been carried out at different data of continuous separations,
production of monomeric sugars between the mobile phase and the scales. The column dynamics has obtained with the I-SMB unit of
from lignocellulosic biomass is stagnant liquid inside the particles. been analyzed using equilibrium the GREGTM pilot plant. The results
thus the key to a sustainable, No actual ion exchange takes place and pulse elution data measured were in good agreement with
renewable chemical industry. during the separation and hence in batch columns. A systematic the experimental data, correctly


PhD Yearbook | 2018


Federico Lucernoni - Relatore: Prof. Ing. Laura M. T. Capelli

During the PhD, the focus was on different types of non-active area

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

the problem of odour sampling sources, as it became evident
on non-active area sources. The how not all are the same and they
final goal was to provide and can’t be treated all in one single
answer to the question “Which fashion, also how it is necessary
is the best way to asses odour to differentiate them and how
emissions from non-active area each kind needs to be treated
sources?”. It is necessary to clarify distinctly. Then, another important
that this is a complex open issue. achievement was obtained,
In the first part of the research keeping a more engineering
it was necessary to understand approach to the problem, that is
Fig. 2 - CFD analysis of the behavior of the sampling device adopted for semi-
the sources that were the object the understanding of the crucial passive area sources, exploiting the software Fluent®. It is shown here the methane
of investigation. A first result was Fig. 1 - Scheme of the subdivision of the problem. role - in the case of passive concentration profile in [kmol/m3] inside the chamber during the 10 min static
deposition time, for one of the scenarios inspected during the study.
understanding that the previous sources - played by the transport
distinction between passive Semi-passive sources, are defined phenomena are for a precise phenomena and the characteristic
and active area sources was too like this as they have a proper description of the phenomena chemical-physical parameters of
simplistic and that it is necessary to endogenous emission flux, even if leading to the emission. For solid the source itself.
distinguish the non-active sources it is typically low; such sources are sources, typically represented by
in at least three categories, as typically landfill surfaces. For these contaminated soils, it became
among these categories there are sources, the main results obtained evident that they are characterized
significant differences that can’t were the definition of the sampling by a high complexity and that in
be neglected if the aim is defining hood design and the definition this case more than in any other,
a method to sample and assess of the sampling method, both transport phenomena and the
the odour emissions capable of validated via a detailed on-site chemical-physical characteristics
producing reliable data. Once this study as well as a thorough CFD of the source itself are crucial for a
important first result was achieved, analysis (see Fig. 2). proper approach to the problem.
the focus shifted on the description Another important result was
and characterization of the three The purely passive sources, understanding that the methods
identified kinds of non-active area instead, are characterized by usually adopted, normally
sources: semi-passive sources, absence of said endogenous assimilating liquid sources to the
liquid passive sources, solid passive emission flux and emission is due solid ones, neglecting the transport
sources. This led to divide the main to volatilization phenomena. Liquid phenomena and the chemical-
problem in three different sub- surfaces are typically represented physical aspects, are not proper.
problems, and the initial question by waste water treatment tanks. This difference from before and
into three distinct questions, each For these sources it was defined after this research project is a big
requiring a different procedure in a reliable sampling system, and change and it is fundamental.
order to obtain an answer (see the another important achievement In conclusion, one of the most
scheme in Fig. 1). was understanding how important results of the work,
important intra-phase transport is the distinction between the

Functionalized hydrogels for drug and cell

PhD Yearbook | 2018

delivery in central nervous system

Emanuele Mauri - Supervisor: Prof. Filippo Rossi

Central nervous system (CNS) In vivo results have showed the

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

injuries represent one of the traceability of MRI hydrogel signal
most critical scenarios for human at least 1 month, without any
health, society and economy. adverse reactions.
Nowadays, the lesions to brain On the other hand, the design
or spinal cord are still looking for of nanogels is aimed to monitor
efficient and sustainable solutions. and interfere in the activation of
In particular, in spinal cord injury, inner-cell inflammatory response:
the neurodegeneration is related in particular, this work has
to the influx of immune cells investigated the modulation of
and the scar formation, which Fig. 1 - In vitro hMSCs viability and morphology. A: cell viability profiles; B-C: nanogel cellular internalization
generates permanent interruption hMSCs in unmodified hydrogel; D-E: hMSCs in hydrogel with RGD and ECM. and their use as drug carrier within
of information transmission to the cytosol. The development
and from the CNS. Researchers post-polymerization modifications tools with different release of different polymer-based
are moving towards therapeutic grafting chemical groups that kinetics, to promote a sustained coating layers has led to the
approaches based on the use are not present in the polymer and prolonged drug release. At modulation of cell uptake, laying
of biomaterials to reduce the structures. different pH, with hydrazone and the milestone for the advance
post-traumatic degeneration. Hydrogels are obtained as bulk ester functionalizations, drug of nanogels capable of selective Fig. 2 - A-C: In vitro release profiles and slope representative of Fickian diffusion
These tools involve the use of systems and nanostructures release has occurred as double cell interactions: a promising coefficient from unmodified hydrogel (•) and ester-hydrogel at pH 7.4 (♦, blue) and
at pH 8.5 (♦, red). B-D: In vitro release profiles and slope representative of Fickian
anti-inflammatory agents and (nanogels). The first ones are Fickian diffusion regime (Fig. 2): approach to introduce targeting diffusion coefficient from unmodified hydrogel (•) and hydrazone-hydrogel at pH 7.4
cells to counteract the adverse developed as appealing cell niches the transition and duration of curative therapy, avoiding (▲, blue) and at pH 8.5(▲, red).
effects and to rebuild cellular linking RGD tripeptide to the the two regimes depends on the side-effects. The combination
interconnections. Recent literature scaffold through click chemistry nature of the functionalization of orthogonal chemistry and loaded. As alternative, the systems, with the idea to improve
is focused on in situ treatments and introducing the extracellular and probably correspond to ester/ physical properties has offered modifications in the experimental their healing effects in the central
applying three-dimensional matrix (ECM) deposition: the hydrazone lability at the interface the opportunity to synthetize conditions of nanogel synthesis nervous system disorders.
hydrogel scaffolds, due to their in vitro and in vivo studies with hydrogel/external environment nanogels for drug delivery allows tuning the amount of The combinatorial delivery of
properties: the ability to retain human mesenchymal stem cells and ester/hydrazone bonds releasing their therapeutic cargo drug loaded and released from drugs and cells through tailored
water mimicking living tissues, (hMSCs) have showed a significant present in the inner core. within the cellular environment. It the nanosystems, showing their biomaterials is a promising and
their high biocompatibility, the improvement in cell viability and is proposed an innovative nanogel potential use as drug delivery innovative approach that may
possibility to allow controlled density (Fig. 1), promoting the Moreover, the versatility of where the drug is grafted to the without constraints related to represent a breakthrough in the
release rates and control the cell activation of anti-inflammatory functionalization techniques nanostructure through a disulfide the presence of drug functional treatments, with the potential for
fate. and curative actions in the target allows the design of a polymeric bond: after the cellular uptake, groups, otherwise necessary rapid translation to patients and
In this work, functionalized site. scaffold as injectable tool for the drug is released without any to form a chemical bond with a contribute to the advancement
hydrogel systems, composed by magnetic resonance imaging external stimuli or inflammatory polymeric network. in the design and construction of
synthetic and natural polymers, About the drug delivery guidelines, (MRI). In this case, the hydrogel conditions, but exploiting the In summary, this work, through biomedical devices.
are synthetized as hospitable the use of pH-sensitive hydrazone with paramagnetic properties cellular components cysteine and the interdisciplinary approach
cell delivery and as carriers for and ester linkers between is obtained through azide- glutathione able to disrupt the involving chemistry, engineering
controlled drug release. The drugs and polymer gives the alkyne cycloaddition between disulfide bond and make available and biology, aims at developing
functionalization strategies are opportunity to synthetize tunable polyethylene glycol and TEMPO. the bioactive element previously smart drug and cell delivery

Development of Kinetic Mechanisms for the

PhD Yearbook | 2018

Combustion of Renewable Fuels

Matteo Pelucchi - Supervisor: Prof. Tiziano Faravelli

Pursuing a sustainable energy The model obtained coupling Perspectives concerning the

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

scenario for transportation the different revised portions, possibility and potentials of
requires the blending of fuels accurately reproduces recent effectively and extensively
from renewable sources experimental measurements of exploiting theoretical kinetics, and
(alcohols, methylesters etc.) into surrogate mixtures representative the necessity of fully automatized
hydrocarbon fuels from fossil of real gasoline fuels. Ignition delay the iterative process of kinetic
sources (gasoline, diesels, jet time measurements are compared mechanisms development are also
fuels etc.). In fact, while effective with model predictions in Figure 3 discussed, providing directions for
alternatives to combustion for mixtures of butanol/heptane future research efforts.
exist for electricity production (left panel) and n-heptane/iso-
(nuclear, hydroelectricity, solar, octane/toluene/butanol (right
wind etc.), the high energy panel).
density required for road, sea
and air transport endorses Beside the definition of key
biofuels as the only viable and model parameters and standard
realistic option. Moreover, from kinetic mechanisms validation
an environmental perspective, procedures, other important
undeniable and dramatic climate challenges of modern kinetic
change phenomena impose to Fig. 1 - Development and validation procedure of the chemical kinetic mechanisms modelling have been a topic
for pyrolysis and combustion of hydrocarbon fuels.
act with long term sustainable of research. The necessity of
solutions for reducing greenhouse been driving fuels and engines (e.g. n-heptane), aromatics (e.g. automatically assessing the validity
gases, NO and soot emissions. development for the last ~25 toluene) and oxygenated (e.g. of increasing complexity kinetic Fig. 2 - Left panel: comparison of the total rate constant of OH+toluene with other
x theoretical studies and with experimental measurements from the literature.
If on one side the production of years. Figure 1 schematically alcohols, aldehydes, ketones etc.) mechanisms has been tackled, Right panel: Impact of the update rate constant on toluene/air ignition delay
biofuels from biomasses satisfies shows the development and fuels combustion, by means of an providing an innovative and time predictions (solid line). Dashed line: POLIMI mechanism with different rate
the requirement of a net zero- validation procedure of a kinetic effective coupling of theory and effective method, of application constants for OH+toluene
CO2 balance, new fuels and mechanism according to which experiments, within the CRECK also to mechanism reduction and
new engines technology have this thesis has been developed. group approach to combustion optimization, and to experimental
been investigated to improve kinetics developed in the last design.
fuel economy and reduce While most of the focus in the 30 years of research activity Inputs for future refinement
pollutant emissions. The correct first decade has been devoted at Politecnico di Milano. The of the presented models have
characterization of a fuel or to the understanding of alkanes left panel of Figure 3 shows a been provided throughout
fuel mixture reactivity and the chemistry, the need of better comparison between experimental the discussion, highlighting
evaluation of its compatibility with representing commercial fuels measurements of the reaction for example the need of a
existing engine infrastructures in by means of surrogate mixtures, OH+toluene and results from hierarchical revision starting
terms of pollution and efficiency extended the interest to aromatics theoretical calculation presented from the core C -C portion
0 4
is, for a major part, a chemical and lastly to oxygenated fuels in this thesis. Also the impact of of the POLIMI mechanism or a
kinetics problem. from renewable sources. This the updated rate constants on better assessment of other key Fig. 3 - Left panel: Ignition delay times for n-butanol/heptane blends at p=20 bar
and φ=0.4. Right panel: Ignition delays for TRF on blending with 20% n-butanol,
Combustion kinetic modelling, thesis extended the knowledge of ignition delay times is reported in channels, whose parameters still stoichiometric TRF and n-butanol mixtures at p = 20 bar in Rapid Compression
which is the topic of this thesis, has the chemistry involved in alkanes the right panel. carry high degrees of uncertainty. Machine. Symbols: experimental data, lines: POLIMI mechanism.

Halogen Bonding as a new supramolecular in the self-assembly of halogenated derivatives. It was halogenation was able to induce a

PhD Yearbook | 2018

biomolecules containing found that some of the deep change in the self-assembly
tool to control protein and peptide halogenated phenylalanine (Phe)
residues. The first part of the
halogenated peptides showed an
increased rate of fibrillation
of the peptide. Indeed, TEM
images of each halogenated
self-assembly thesis describes halogenation as a
tool to improve the self-assembly
compared to the wild-type
sequence. In general, iodinated
derivative showed an impressive
variety of nanostructures. These
properties of a phenylalanine- derivatives self-assembled into results enriches the structural
Andrea Pizzi - Supervisor: Prof. Pierangelo Metrangolo
based organic gelator: N-Fmoc- more stable nanostructures, as landscape for peptide self-
Phe. The hydrogel rigidity of mono confirmed by rheological assembly, giving access to a new 355
Although the abundance of Differently, the region crystal engineering. However, halogenated derivatives of experiments showing the supramolecular tool to control the

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

halogens in the environment is not perpendicular to the covalent extensive studies focusing on XB N-Fmoc-Phe (Fmoc-4-X-Phe, where mechanical properties of the morphology of peptide-based
remotely comparable to that of bond shows increased electron relevance in biomolecular systems X = F, Cl, Br, I) has been related for peptide hydrogels directly materials. Considering the
other elements, a remarkable density. The resulting shape of the started quite recently. Since it is the first time with halogen atom connected with halogen biological context, these results
number (more than 5000) of halogen atom is an ellipsoid known that halogen atoms can polarizability, i.e. the propensity to substituent polarizability. Similar may also shed light on the impact
naturally occurring halogenated having the shorter radius (named improve biochemical properties act as halogen bond donor. In results were obtained with of halogenation in vivo, where
compounds has been discovered polar flattening) along the covalent like membrane permeability and particular, iodinated and another amyloidogenic sequence oxidative stress mechanisms lead
to date. Halogenation is a minimal bond direction. According to this half-life, their introduction in brominated derivatives (containing (DFNKF) although there was a lack spontaneously to halogenated
structural modification; however, it electrostatic configuration, potential drug candidates is a the most polarizable substituents) of structural evidence about the biomolecules. Finally, halogens
can induce deep changes in the nucleophiles form linear common procedure of were found to form the strongest role of halogen atoms in the were used as “heavy atoms” to aid
molecular properties because of interactions (160°-180°) respect to pharmaceutical optimization. gels. This trend is opposite to the self-assembly of this segment. In the phase determination in X-ray
the different chemical features the C−X bond, while electrophiles Although the importance of one reported in previous studies, this thesis, the crystal structure of diffraction experiments. The KLVFF
characterizing halogen atoms. give rise to lateral contacts halogens in biomolecular systems where hydrogel strength increases some of the halogenated KLVFF peptide was modified by placing
Among these features, their (90°-120°) against the bond axis. is longer established, a molecular with halogen electronegativity. peptides is the first, direct iodine and bromine substituents
tendency to act as electrophilic The strength of halogen bond can interpretation correlating the Kinetic studies confirm that demonstration that halogen on the para position of the
species is by far the most studied. be tuned upon changing the interaction pattern of halogen iodinated and brominated interaction pattern nicely terminal phenylalanine ring.
The strong, specific and directional nature of the halogen atom and its atoms with the chemical compounds have the highest correlates with the aggregation KLVFF(I) and KLVFF(Br) were
non-covalent interaction resulting covalently bound residues. properties of biomolecules is fibrillation propensity, indicating a properties of the peptides. The successfully crystallized and their
from this electrophilic behavior is Increasing halogen atom unusual. A recent survey on the greater efficiency to assemble into crystal structure of the di iodinated structure was determined with
halogen bonding (XB). Although polarizability (decreasing Protein Data Bank (PDB) nicely high ordered and compact peptide KLVF(I)F(I), showing the excellent resolution, by using a
halogens are among the most electronegativity) and raising rationalizes XB in biological materials. Gel strength and peculiar cross-β spine further conventional X-ray source. Since
electronegative elements, they can electron-withdrawing propensity systems, showing the more self-assembly efficiency are due to stabilized by halogen bonding these crystal structures do not
act as electrophilic species of its covalently bound moiety frequently occurring halogen bond the contribution of halogen between iodine and peptide show the halogen substituents
because of their anisotropic result in a stronger XB. acceptors. Considering the 567 bonding in driving the aggregation carbonyl oxygens, is consistent involved in any kind of specific
distribution of the electron density Consequently, halogen bond halogen bonds resulting from this process, as demonstrated by the with the strong self-assembly interaction, they can be considered
around their nucleus. When strength increases following the survey, 430 involve halogen atoms crystal structures of Fmoc-4-I-Phe efficiency of iodinated derivatives. a reliable model of the wild-type
halogen atoms form covalent trend I > Br > Cl >> F. In general, and protein residues. All of the and Fmoc-4-Br-Phe, showing Brominated and chlorinated sequence, which structure has
bonds, the new chemical strong – hence short – interactions twenty amino acids form C−X•••Y halogen bond between the derivatives, forming less compact never been solved. These crystal
environment affects the halogen are more directional than long halogen bonds, with leucine as halogen atom and the electron aggregates, do not show the structures confirm the overall
electron density, which is no more ones, thus even XB directionality favorite residue. XBs involving density of Fmoc aromatic moiety. contribution of halogen bonding in features of the amyloid cross-β
equally distributed in all directions. follows the same trend depending amino acid main chains are the The second part of the thesis their respective crystal structures. spine, showing in detail the key
The electrostatic potential of the on halogen atom polarizability, majority (64.6%) respect to the shows the impact of halogenation In addition to the dependence on non-covalent interactions driving
halogen atom becomes with iodine that is the more prone ones formed with side chains on the self-assembly behavior of a halogen atom polarizability, the the self-assembly of the peptide.
anisotropic, showing distinct to be involved in halogen bonding. (35.4%). Considering C−X•••π more complex system. The self-assembly of the halogenated For this reason, the crystal
regions around the nucleus with Because of its peculiar properties halogen bonds involving aromatic peptide KLVFF, core sequence of KLVFF peptides resulted to be structures of these KLVFF
different chemical behavior. The of strength and directionality, amino acids, nearly half (46.4%) the amyloid beta (Aβ) protein, was strongly affected by the number derivatives may contribute to
external region located along the halogen bonding has become one are C−Cl•••Tyr contacts while modified at the para position of and position of halogen atoms in enlighten the amyloidogenic
extension of the covalent bond of the most exploited interactions 22.3% are C−Cl•••Phe interactions. the phenylalanine residues to the amino acidic sequence. A behavior of this deeply studied
results in lower electron density. in supramolecular chemistry and This thesis highlights the role of XB obtain seven different single point mutation like core sequence.

Development of hierarchical methodology for limits their application for used to determine the overall heat correlation is implemented in a

PhD Yearbook | 2018

routinely reaction design of transfer coefficient between the steady-state, pseudo-continuous
the analysis of novel catalytic reactors: an complex reactor geometries (e.g. micro-packing and the wall of the 2D heterogeneous reactor
packed bed, foams), which is single channel of the honeycomb model to analyze the selective
application to micro packed bed reactors still based on classical chemical matrix. Figure 2 illustrates the oxidation of o-xylene to phthalic
reaction engineering models. comparison between the overall anhydride in this novel reactor
This type of modeling adopts heat transfer coefficient estimated configuration. This study shows
Stefano Rebughini - Supervisor: Prof. Matteo Maestri
lumped parameters, usually with CFD simulations and the that the micro packed bed reactor
experimentally derived, to literature correlations. is characterized by higher heat 357
The first-principles reactor mainly limited by numerical computational cost. Thus a represent the main phenomena transfer properties than a packed

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

engineering is becoming a very issues/limitations related to high numerical method to reduce the occurring inside the reactor. This study allows the selection bed reactor. In fact, the micro
promising tool for the analysis number of variables and the high computational effort when the Therefore, the second goal of this of the most adequate literature packed bed reactor has a quasi-
of catalytic reactors. It relies on computational cost. Therefore, surface chemistry is described Ph.D. is to develop a methodology correlations for describing the isothermal behavior.
a fundamental description of the first aim of this Ph.D. is the by means of microkinetic to enable the application of transport phenomena in micro On one side, this work shows that
all the phenomena occurring in development a framework, models has been developed. the multi-scale framework to packed bed reactors. Then, this micro packed bed reactors are a
the reactor, where each scale which can be used for the first This methodology enables the the routinely reactor design. valid alternative to the classical
is represented by means of its principles multi-scale modeling use of complex homogeneous In this regard, the hierarchical multi tubular packed bed reactor
own governing equations. In of catalytic reactors. In particular, kinetic schemes coupled with approach has been selected as an for selectivity oxidation. On the
heterogeneous catalysis, this a new numerical multi-scale micro-kinetic heterogeneous interesting approach to meet this other side, it clearly shows the
approach allows for the accurate framework able to represent schemes, which are applied goal. In fact, it can be adopted to potentiality of the hierarchical
description of the interplay catalytic reactor with different to investigate the adequacy enable a first principles multi-scale analysis and how it can be
between chemistry and transport geometries has been developed. of lumped parameters in design of the novel reactors with employed for the efficient and
processes, which is of primary This new framework enables describing the heterogeneous an affordable computational cost. fundamental analysis and design
importance in the understanding the concomitant description of and homogeneous chemistries In essence, as shown in Figure 1, it of novel reactor technologies.
of the macroscopic observed transport phenomena in the gas interaction in the catalytic partial consists in using the first principles
functionality of the catalyst. phase and in the catalyst. It has oxidation of hydrocarbons multi-scale model to analyze a
Fig. 1 - Schematic description of the
Despite its attractive potential, the been applied to analyze the effect fuel in monolith reactors. This selected and limited number hierarchical modeling applied to novel
first-principles reactor engineering of the channel cross-section in analysis shows that when the of operating conditions for the reactor configurations
is still hampered by numerical the catalytic partial oxidation of effect of the homogeneous novel reactor geometry. Then,
issues and computational methane in a honeycomb reactor. chemistry is weak the lumped the results of these simulations
costs, even for simple reactor In particular, this framework parameters implemented in are used to derive lumped
geometries. Therefore, it requires allows a detail description of the the 1D model are adequate to parameters. Consequently,
the development of specific tools transport phenomena between describe the reactor behavior. the implementation of these
and methodologies to enable its the gas and the catalyst, which has On the contrary, when the effect parameters in simplified models
application to advanced reactor been used to investigate the effect of the homogeneous chemistry enables a fundamental description
design. of the geometry on the reactor is enhanced by increasing the of the phenomena in the reactors
The main aims of this Ph.D. are to performance. This analysis shows pressure, the lumped parameters with a reasonable computational
develop a numerical framework that the channel shape strongly are not accurate enough to cost. The potentialities of this
for multi-scale simulations of affects the reactor behavior correctly describe the interaction methodology are presented by
catalytic reactors and to propose in terms of temperature and between the surface and the gas analysis the behavior of micro
a hierarchical methodology for composition profile. In fact, due chemistries. packed bed reactors in high
the design and the analysis of to the different diffusion length of The previous analyses clearly exothermic processes. The
unconventional and novel reactor the two different cross-sections, show the deeper understanding hierarchical modeling is applied
configurations. In fact, despite a different amount of reactants of the reactor behavior which to investigate the capabilities
its attractive potential, the first reach the catalytic wall, affecting can be obtained by using this of micro packed bed reactors
principles multi-scale modeling the reactor performance. multi-scale numerical framework. in dealing with high exothermic
of complex reactor geometries One of the main limitations However, the high computational processes. In particular, the
is still impractical. Indeed, it is of this framework is the high cost of multi-scale simulations hierarchical approach can be also Fig. 2 - Overall heat transfer coefficient as a function of the Reynolds number

Process Systems Engineering for early- into a Mixed Integer (Non) Linear crossflow velocity, membrane collaboration with the laboratories

PhD Yearbook | 2018

Programming optimization regeneration) are calibrated of Industrial Chemistry of
stage process development: the case of problem solved in GAMS . The
solution is a processing route that
on the specific properties of a
particular microorganism. A grey-
Università degli Studi di Milano.
The purpose was to identify the
sustainable bio-derived adipic acid maximizes the objective function
(economic potential) providing also
box model was developed on
the structure of a Darcy additive
optimal reaction conditions (low
pressure, low temperature, and
the material and energy balances. resistance equation, to represent catalyst recyclability) and identify
Alessandro Rosengart - Supervisor: prof. Attilio Citterio
The plant feasibility is then the dynamic behaviour of the the hydrogenation mechanism,
evaluated for different market progressive bacterial fouling to develop the first kinetic model 359
The awareness of the negative dealing with problems of the extensive and interdisciplinary scenarios, the process bottlenecks of a filtration membrane. The for the system. Several models

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

impacts of human activity against predictive models development, available knowledge on adipic are identified and more detailed model, a system of algebraic with LHHW structure were used
environment and public health uncertainty propagation study acid, identifying the current green metrics are calculated and differential equations, is to interpret the experimental
has pushed western governments and parameter regression from alternative processing routes (e.g. water consumption, energy general and flexible, able to values, considering the species
to support long-term programs experimental data. and assessing their actual consumption, CO2 equivalent). represent different strains in adsorption-desorption equilibria
aimed at mitigating pollution and The current adipic acid production sustainability with objective Thus, the process flowsheet virtue of its adaptive parameters. of the involved species. A dual-
reducing resource consumption. covers a market of 3.7 million green metrics. In the specific, concept is achieved avoiding the The parameters “carry” the step hydrogenation mechanism
In this spirit, both industry and tons per year (with a 4.1% of a two step biological-chemical simplified approaches of order- uncertainties deriving from the was demonstrated, with
academia are searching for new yearly growth) and, in spite of 70 process was considered worth of of-magnitude estimates or the experimental error or from the hydrogen dissociation on the
solutions towards a “green” years of technological maturity, more detailed investigation for “analogy principle”. Also, the actual representation limits of the metal (Pt/C 5%). Muconic acid
manufacturing practice, and the the traditional benzene-based its good yields and sustainability used methodology guarantees model. Further uncertainties are (in its trans,trans form) is first
concept of “biorefinery” is taking processes still raises serious safety potential. This process consists in general higher flexibility than introduced when using the model hydrogenated to hexenedioic acid
place, as a renewable counterpart and environmental concerns. in a first fermentation to produce a detailed process simulator, as in a predictive way, i.e. extending (present in its two cis and trans
of the ill-famed oil industry. For these reasons, both private an unsaturated intermediate, each unit operation is defined the parameters validity to “similar” isomers, in equilibrium) which
Biorefineries are supposed and public research institutions muconic acid, starting from either by few user-defined parameters, systems, as performed for the is then converted to adipic. The
to produce entire classes of have pursued alternative bio (and glucose (from cellulose) or benzoic that allow giving some cost/ case of the strains for muconic model parameter regression was
chemicals and fuels just as a real chemical) routes for adipic acid; acid (from lignin). Muconic acid is performance estimates even acid production, whose filterability performed with the C++ library
refinery, with the great difference still none of these processes has then catalytically hydrogenated to in presence of preliminary, lab- properties have not been BzzMath, characterized by robust
that the carbon source is no more reached industrialization yet, also adipic acid. scale data. In case of missing measured yet. The uncertainty minimization algorithms, to tackle
fossil, but follows the natural cycle due to the oil-price fall in 2014. information, some assumptions propagation was therefore the computational challenges
of CO2, which is captured from This event evidenced the main A computer aided process can be made, which become studied applying Possibility theory related to the use of models with
atmosphere and fixed into living weakness of drop-in biorefineries: synthesis-and-design methodology the object of future research, if and the Fuzzy Logic of Zadeh. strong collinearity. The models
organisms (plants, algae, bacteria). the need to compete in costs with was therefore applied for the case proven determinant in the process This uncertainty analysis allows were thus re-parametrized and
My Doctoral Thesis deals with a well-established and optimized study of adipic acid from muconic economics (SMART objectives identifying the most likely range progressively simplified, obtaining
the feasibility evaluation of a technology. A novel approach to acid, to evaluate systematically definition). of filtration performances of an a good representation of the
drop-in biorefining application process development is therefore the highest number of process industrial membrane system, experimental data and providing
for the production of sustainable required for the case of bulk bio- alternatives to produce the The problem of how scarce which, in association with a cost the first reference values of the
adipic acid from biomass (2 derived chemical with low added best flowsheet concept at the information at early stage function, provides an indication of species activation energies.
generation technology), defining value. In particular, conceptual state of the art. The method is of research can affect the the error of cost estimates and the
the full-scale process flowsheet, design acquires particular implemented in a tool belonging trustworthiness of a cost function risk in the absence of specific R&D.
assessing the environmental and importance from the early stage to “ICAS software”, developed at was addressed in detail for a
economic performances, and of process development, to the collaborating institution DTU unit operation which relies much The final conversion step for the
identifying the current challenges produce reliable cost estimates (Denmark Technical University, on experimental data: bacterial production of green adipic acid,
that R&D should address before and projections, and to define a Copenhagen). This tool, given a cross flow microfiltration. In facts, i.e. the catalytic hydrogenation of
industrialization. Some of these strategy for R&D. number of alternative feedstocks, using literature data in analogy muconic acid, lacked as well of the
challenges have been tackled technologies (intended as unit with existing plants can be sufficient data to perform reliable
in this work applying several The first activity carried out operations/process conditions), extremely deceptive, as the design estimates on the reaction scale
Process Systems Engineering for this Doctoral study was the and products, allows building a and the operating conditions up. In this case, an experimental
computational tools, in particular collection and systematisation of superstructure, which is translated (transmembrane pressure, campaign was started, in


PhD Yearbook | 2018

Arianna Rossetti - Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Sacchetti
In the last century, the strong potential pharmaceutical interest, of thiophene[3,2-d]pyrimidine

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

demand for new chemical the syntheses were assisted and scaffolds and derivatives
compounds drove the integrated by in silico evaluation of as potential PPI targeting
development of novel synthetic the targets. peptidomimetics (chapter 4a)
strategies for the easy and fast Finally, for selected compounds, and in the synthesis of novel
generation of molecules libraries. preliminary biological tests tetrahydrothieno[2,3-c]pyridine
In particular, in the field of towards cytotoxicity and derivatives as new antimicrobial
Diversity Oriented Synthesis (DOS), antimicrobial activities have been agents (chapter 4b).
convergent synthetic methods, performed. This is the case of Last, Mannich reactions were
such as the Multicomponent the products from the Gewald used for the creation of highly
Reactions (MCRs), have emerged as reaction, developed as promising functionalized bispidinones, whose
powerful tools for this target. antitumoral and antimicrobial applications vary from material
agents, or the macrocylic scaffolds science, as in the case of our new
In this context, my PhD research from the Ugi reaction, designed to MOFs scaffolds synthesis (chapter
project has focused on the be PPI inhibitors. 5a), to the catalysis world in
synthesis of new chemical enantioselective Henry reactions
scaffolds through different After a brief overview of the MCRs (chapter 5b).
multicomponent and cascade world (chapter 1), the thesis is
reactions. The approaches organized dividing the libraries
investigated have led to the of heterocycles synthesized
production of different classes of according to the corresponding
molecules with either biological multicomponent or cascade
or chemical interests. The final reaction applied.
aim was the creation of libraries In detail, the first reaction
of compounds with high degree explored (chapter 2) was an
of diversity and possible useful isocyanide-based cascade used
future applications in the fields of for a new and facile synthesis of
drug discovery, catalysis or new N-substituted-benzimidazoles.
material sciences. Then the Ugi reaction, a
In details, the synthetic procedures multicomponent approach for
for the applied reactions are well peptidomimetics synthesis, was
established, nevertheless each investigated both on 3,4-dihydro-
type of MCR has been optimised isoquinolines as reverse turn
in its conditions, by testing mimics (chapter 3a) and on
different temperatures, solvents macrocycles as PPI inhibitors
and combination of equivalents (chapter 3b).
before the creation of the library A series of Gewald MCR
of desired compounds. afforded highly functionalized
Concerning the molecules with a 2-aminothiophenes in the design

Enantioselective synthesis of chiral library, a whole set of variants, was The optimization of enzymatic Two stereogenic centres in 1,2

PhD Yearbook | 2018

considered. Protein engineering cascade procedures has involved relative position are thus created
pharmaceutical intermediates by whole cell procedures were employed to coupling more than one enzyme under high stereochemical control
obtain a single mutation in a into an efficient pathway for the by a two-step one-pot enzymatic
microorganisms and engineered isolated enzymes position with a critical role for the biosynthesis of compounds of procedure.
catalytic function of the protein. commercial interest. The most These procedures represent a
The effects of this mutation on odorous stereoisomers of the further demonstration of the
Sara Santangelo - Supervisor: Prof. Maria Elisabetta Brenna
enantioselectivity were deepen in chiral commercial fragrance synthetic potential of enzyme-
Tutor: Prof. Carlo Punta relationship with the substrates of Muguesia® are prepared by a mediated reactions: the high 363
interest. very effective linear biocatalysed chemo and stereoselectivity that

Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

The role of biocatalyzed options have been considered and either alone or in combination cascade reaction, in which a enzymes can achieve are key
reactions is becoming more investigated. with other functional moieties The study of the desymmetrisation suitable unsaturated ketone is requisites for the optimization
and more influential in the The work during these past have been considered. The of achiral 1,3-diols by biocatalysed submitted to the sequential action processes, which are now
toolbox of available reactions three years has explored the enantioselective reduction of oxidation has been conducted of two enzymes, an ene-reductase extensively investigated for the
for the synthesis of enantiopure effectiveness of combining alpha-methylenic nitrile derivatives by exploring the scarcely known and an alcohol dehydrogenase, synthesis of valuable compounds.
compounds, also on industrial chemical and biochemical catalysed by ene-reductases world of Acetic Acid Bacteria. The which are added together to the
scale. procedures for the synthesis affords the corresponding (R)-2- ability of AAB to oxidize several same reaction vessel with the
In the scenario of the possible of chiral building blocks in high arylpropanenitriles with high substrates has long been known cofactor regeneration system.
options to design the synthetic enantiomeric purity. Specifically, conversion values. The reaction and is still attracting attention.
pathway of chiral molecules, this has involved three different is investigated either in aqueous The oxidation of alcohols by
enzymatic biotransformations topics: medium (with an organic cosolvent AAB is an old and established
started to be evaluated more • Stereoselective reduction of or by loading the substrate microbial method for obtaining
frequently, also considering C=C and C=O double bonds; unto hydrophobic resins), and production of vinegar and various
the distinctive features of this • Desymmetrisation of achiral in a biphasic ionic liquid / water carboxylic acids, sometimes
methodology. Enzyme catalyzed compounds by biocatalysed system). Compounds bearing with remarkable chemo and
reactions are highly chemo, regio oxidative biotransformation either alkyl chains of increasing enantioselectivity. The enzymatic
and stereo-selective and therefore • Combination of multiple length at the carbon atom in oxidation of primary alcohol Fig. 1
of great interest for fine chemical enzymes in cascade reactions position β to the nitro group or is attractive because it can be
synthesis, both for economic and A complete investigation of the different substituents on the carried out under mild conditions
environmental reasons. steric and electronic effects aromatic ring are prepared and that are also suited for labile
Enzymes catalysed reactions of substituents on the course submitted to bioreduction, in products. Two different enzymes
can be performed in different of ER-mediated reductions of order to define the synthetic are involved in two different
conditions: the natural expressing alkenes has been performed, potential of this enantioselective steps for the oxidation to obtain
microorganism can be considered considering the substitutions on reaction in the preparation of carboxylic acid in physiologic
as source of enzyme and it can aromatic rings and on alkyl chains. chiral fine chemicals. A complete pathways and conditions: The
be used directly as biocatalyst. The conversion yields and the screening has been performed, first reaction is catalyzed by
To improve overexpression enantioselectivity of the reactions analysing all the factors influencing alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)
and to reduce side reactions, a were then evaluated. the reactions. The synthetic and the second by aldehyde
more convenient host can be At the same time, the effect of versatility of the nitrile and nitro dehydrogenase (ALDH). The
identified. The enzymes can work different electron withdrawing functions were further investigated procedure, carried out in aqueous
in a more known and controlled groups has been investigated: in with the transformation of medium under mild conditions of
overexpression system, leading to order to perform the enzymatically reduced compounds in the pH, temperature and pressure,
better results. Using engineered catalysed reduction of the corresponding chiral amides, acids contributes to enlarge the
procedures, the possibility to molecules, the of C=C double and amines. portfolio of enzymatic oxidations
purify the enzymes becomes bond has to be efficiently activated When the wildtype enzyme wasn’t available to organic chemists for
available. In this way, they can be under the electronic point of view. able to perform the required the development of sustainable
used for biotransformations also The role of the nitrile (CN) and biotransformations, also the manufacturing processes.
as purified enzymes. All these the nitro (NO ) functions as EWG, possibility of use an enzyme Fig. 2

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