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Civil Engineering Department

Civil Engineering Practice


Health and safety Report

Submitted By:
Mohammad Ismail Khan
Session A
Submitted To:
Assistant Professor: Mr. Sina Safinia

The slogan of our company’s health and safety department:

“HEALTH is wealth and SAFETY comes first”


The objective of our company’s health and safety policy is to fulfill and obey the requirements
and standards of the OSHA, occupational health and safety administration organization. This
policy is designed to ensure an illness/injury free workplace and health and safety of workers.
Every worker and employee is strictly required to comply with the health and safety policy.
Accident and hazard prevention is the company’s prime obligation which shall be avoided at any
cost to ensure a healthy and safe environment to work within. Our procedures, rules and
regulations in the legislative framework aimed at preserving the rights of our employees and
nullifying the risk of injury.

Health and safety manager is responsible for the enforcement of this policy. However each
employer is personally responsible to follow these mandatorily.

This report includes the health and safety criteria of our company according to the standards and
legislation of OSHA which is the main concern to the tender allotting party. The responsibilities
of each and every worker is described in detail. The hazards are assessed on risk basis in detail
and how they can be avoided according to occupational health and safety standards (OSHA).
Hazardous materials are also discussed and the way of using and handling them in the favor of
green building is explained. Risk assessment is one of the main part of this report which explains
the risks of hazard and its results of it occurs. Control measures to these risks are also explained.

Structure of organization:


Every employee, subcontractor, contractor and customer’s safety and health is our company’s
prime concern as well as the prevention of any damage to the construction equipment. Providing
an adequate control of the health and safety risks which arise from our activities.

• consulting with our employees on matters which affect their health and safety.

• providing and maintaining safe equipment and plant.

• ensuring safe use of substances;

• providing adequate supervision and information to the employees.

• preventing hazards of accidents by proper risk assessment.

• maintaining sage and healthy environment to work within.

• reviewing our policy at regular intervals necessarily.


 All employees are responsible to co-operate with managers and supervisors on health and
safety issues.
 Take possible measures to ensure their own health and safety.
 Not interfere with any matter of health and safety policy.
 The policy should be strictly followed by the employees.

A policy and procedures manual:

Our policy is based on OSHA (occupational safety and health administration), The occupational
Health and Safety at Work Act 1926 (OSHA) is the primary health and safety legislation in the
US which is being followed by us.

It includes the following:

1. 1926 subpart C – health and safety provisions.

Sections 1926.20 – 1926.35

2. 1926 Subpart D – occupational health and environmental controls.

Sections 1926.50 – 1926.54

The standards details of work act 1974 are as follows:

The Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974

The Health and Safety law at Work, Act 1974 (legislation) affects all the organizations. This law
provides a framework for guaranteeing the health and safety of all the employees working in any
activity. It also ensures the safety of those who are affected by the work activities like
contractors or visitors, etc.

The employers and employees has to comply to the duties that are laid out in the Act which are
as follows:

 Section 2 places a duty upon the employers to ensure the safety, health and welfare of
their employees. The employers have also to consult with the representative of the trade
union of the issues related to safety and health at workplace. Employers ought to prepare
written safety and health policy, so their employees pays more attention to it.

 In section three, the employers has to ensure the safety of the nonemployee personnel that
may get affected by the work activities. Their duty become greater when there are
vulnerable and young people, which they must pay more attention to and not expose them
to hazardous risks.

 Section 4 places duty on any person responsible for the workplace to ensure that
buildings, facilities, machines doesn’t threaten people lives.

 Section 5 requires the employers to prevent and any toxic emissions to the atmosphere.

 Section 6 put duties on the manufacturers, suppliers and designers to grantee the
materials and are safe to use.

 Section 7 says that every employee must take care of him/herself or any other person that
may be affected by his/ her work. It also requires the employees to cooperate with the
employers with anything that is related to safety and health matter.

 In section 8, the employees must not misuse or intervene in anything stated in the interest
of safety and health.

Policy of Occupational Safety and Health Statement:

It’s a statement of principles and general rules, which builds upon the decision-making. The
senior management facility must definitely commit to implementing the policy of occupational
health and safety. This policy is as important as the other policies within the facility. The highest
authority of the facility direct and sign the statement to confirm interest in the implementation of
its provisions. It works as a summary of the occupational safety and health, which should
include the following:

 The Commitment Of the facility higher management to maintain the safety and health of
all employees.
 Clarify the objectives of the Occupational Safety and Health.
 The concept and philosophy of the program established for Occupational Safety and

The following is a simplified example of the occupational health and safety policy of our

To all staff,

The safety and health of employees in company A B C transport comes first in the priorities and
interests of the company. Moreover, the company management commit to do whatever possible
in avoiding any kind of accidents or work-related injuries and promise to provide healthy and
safe work environment.


1 - All supervisors are responsible for making sure that their employees have been trained on
safest work ways to get high level of production with accidents-free. Furthermore, ensure that the
staff follow safe work system instructions and guidelines for occupational health and safety as
well as providing the necessary Personal Protecting Equipment tasks.

2 - All employees of the company must support the program of occupational health and safety,
and taking into account that occupational health and safety is an integral part of their interests
and their daily work and their commitment to follow the safe working methods.

3 - All employees of the company are responsible for this program application

Health and safety procedures and responsibilities of organization:

The occupational health and safety is considered a shared responsibility between the facility and
the senior management staff. The administration is committed to the development of the
instructions and regulations concerning occupational safety and health. It’s also must commit to
provide safe working conditions by following the rules and regulations and the use of appliances
and equipment available to prevent accidents and work-related injuries.

And so as not to mix things, the general policy of the Occupational Safety and Health of the
facility must include a clarification of the responsibilities of all categories in the business aspects
of occupational safety and health, for example:

1 - Use personal protective missions or any other protection devices according to business

2 - Commitment to implement all the instructions, regulations and guidelines for occupational
safety and health.

3 - Safe work methods following and awareness.

4 - Report immediately any accidents or injuries occur.

5 - Immediate report of any unsafe conditions that are observed at work or any unsafe actions
carried out by any of the workers.

6 - Participation in the committees of Occupational Safety and Health.

Examples of general responsibilities of supervisors (First-Line Supervisors)

1 - Instruct workers to follow safe work methods and train them.

2 - Application of regulations and instructions of the occupational safety and health at work.

3 - Adjust unsafe working conditions and unsafe behaviors personal.

4 - Ensure that employees who run the equipment are trained and qualified.

5 - Investigate all accidents and work-related injuries that fall within the supervisor
responsibilities and reporting them.

6 - Do periodic inspections on the work sites within the scope of its responsibilities and take
corrective steps immediately to reduce risks.

7 - Ensure the safety of equipment and machinery in the work area, and conduct periodic
preventive maintenance on them.

8 - Raise awareness of occupational health and safety matters of employees within the scope of
his responsibilities.

Examples of management responsibilities (Management)

1 - Provide healthy and safe workplaces and safe working conditions.

2 - Follow up the implementation of the program of occupational health and safety.

3 - Ensure that personnel trained and qualified at the required level.

4 - Provide the means for first aid and medical assistance.

5 - Provide personal protective equipment required to perform the work.

6 - Deliver information and instructions for occupational safety and health for workers.

7 - Support the activities of supervisors in occupational safety and health.

9 - Assessing the performance of supervisors in the areas of occupational safety and health.

Examples of the responsibilities of safety officers (Safety Coordinators)

1 - Provide advice and counseling in the field of occupational safety and health for all workers.

2 - Coordination between different departments established with regard to the activities of the
Occupational Safety and Health.

3 - The investigation of accidents and work-related injuries and prepare reports and statistics
needed about these incidents.

4 - To provide the necessary training in the field of occupational safety and health for all

5 - Supervising on the application of the occupational health and safety program at the facility
and the extent of compliance with the application of the safety instructions.

6 – Managing the Hearings of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee in the facility.

7 - Periodic inspections at all sites established aspects of occupational safety and health.

Occupational safety and health administration policy and procedures (OSHA):

The plan of the occupational safety and health plan is designed to avoid the accidents and
diseases and the professional injuries in the facilities. It’s necessary for the occupational safety
and health in every facility of any country to have legislations and requirements for the
professional safety and health. As the facilities varies, the rules suitability has to depend on each
one needs.

The program of the occupational safety and health includes many elements; each organization
chooses what fit their needs.

These elements are

1. The general policy for health and professional safety

i.Occupational Safety and Health Statement.

ii.Organization and responsibilities distribution

iii.Facility safety commission.

2. Training and Awareness of professional safety and health.

3. The preparation for different kind of emergencies

4. Investigation of accidents and work-related injuries with the preparation of reports and

5. Inspection of different work sites using the special models for examining of the
occupational health and safety.

6. Rules and instruction of the occupational health and safety and the correct and safe way
to work.

7. Personal maintenance equipment ( examination and storage )

8. Firefighting equipment, Methods of testing and maintenance, fire prevention, testing

models, etc.

9. Occupational health and special measurements of job places.

10. First aid and medical services.

11. Specialized programs in occupational health and safety.

i) Perilous materials awareness programs.

ii) Program for Machines and equipment isolation with putting warning signs on them
before the maintenance.

iii) Program for ear sense protection.

iv) Respiratory protection program

v) Closed places entering program.

vi) Cars and drivers safety program.

12. Environment preservation and the disposal of the industrial waste.

There is a detailed explanation for some of the elements:

First: The general policy for health and professional safety

The policy of occupational safety and health must be characterized in any facility by the follows:

 Absolute clarity and unambiguity in the items set forth.

 Must be credited by the highest authority of the facility.
 Has to be updated and developed constantly.
 It must be explained clearly for all employees.

 Must be suitable for applying upon any work activities.

 Standard forms:

In case of standards OSHA legislation and rules are used but for particular green building
projects our company carefully observe LEED standards in compliance with health and safety
regulations for LEED rating. The company is a group of contractors, each of whom has a
specialty in a particular area and they should know what their duties are and what their rights.
There are many tasks to freeing companies and must contain to ensure the success of the health
and safety of the building and from these tasks:

 Selection of contractors who are aware of their rights and duties and be experienced in
the field of work.

 Put the deliberate strategy to the work flow at the site taking into account the existence of
tools security and safety of workers and the organization of the course of their work on
the site.

 When designing the site should be taking her to international laws proposed.

 Workers must inform the nature of geographical location, climate condition to be careful
of something that might affect workers at risk.

 Before the establishment of the project must study the location and nature and the
percentage of pollution, in order not to cause a disastrous collapse, especially in the big

 Conducting the Checkups are necessary for workers before the start of the contract to
make sure the health and safety.

In every government there are committees to monitor the work of contractors if the list of the
duties and the laws in question, so as to ensure the rights of both the contractors and the client
based on his or her duties. If the quality of the work the contractor above shows how it is
continuing contractor with the work and perform all construction work in all mastering and
efficiently, so as to indicate the extent of the duty of contractors under the Construction (Design
and management) CDM 2007 to ensure that the client was aware of the duties of the client before
the start of any action.

Organization on the articles viewing on the staff specialists and a team of construction and
interior materials so as to ensure the competency and experience of work and the quality of
construction, and the addition to the contractor to ensure the quality of the work of designers
consultants from subcontractors and sufficient resources in which they operate the project as
described within Appendix 4 of the ACoP (Approved Code of Practice). On the organization and
the contractor to make sure the level of care sufficiently for workers in their care and these
facilities and introduction of the contractors and ensure that it likes to be based in the cleanliness
of the full and salary.

The Contractor shall prove that the workers or employees have the right qualifications in specific
tasks and that by highlighting certain certificates or required for certain tasks and more of these
things are necessary for the contractor to have a high potential in the creation of the site and the
skill of the crisis and known. For example, the contractor must provide the training staff to study
and to meet the needs of the stages of construction plan.

Other manuals including control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH)

Focus of Articles to health and safety is of great importance for its association with the health
and safety of humans, so substances Control hazardous to health. Must be taken into account by
the government to impose the international laws, and businesses observance the materials used in
construction. So you must take into account the air to ensure or maintain the purity of air, water
and consumables.

Concrete and cement

Concrete and cement frequently used in surface structures and rules but does not involve from
within hazardous materials in the inhalation, but Pose risks for some the objects sensitive and
skin wet when touching, which leads to some injuries such as burns that is called "cement
burns". And on the human avoid touching of the wet cement without protection such as gloves
and protective eyewear during work.

Sand washed

There are many types of sand washed such as soft sand, coarse sand and sand blended between
the coarse and fine and coarse. Soft sand rarely used because they are flying through the air very
high percentage, which increases air pollution and difficulty in breathing, especially those
working at the site. And very coarse sand is undesirable in the construction of the difficulty of
control or difficulty mixing with cement. Sand blended between the coarse and fine are the most
consumed including from positive features, such as lack of volatility in the air so easily be
loaded in trucks and mingled well with cement.

Adhesive mastic

Mastic adhesive is material of chemical structure complex containing Toluene, Methyl, Ketone,
Xylene, Ethyl benzene, Ethyl or Other solvent which slowly evaporate into the atmosphere, and
this article is used to paste the timber and shutdown leaks from water pipes. it is substance
hazardous to health and they degrade and evaporate slowly. So it must be used in well-ventilated
areas, dry areas, wear gloves, and protective glasses when working out.


Adhesives are multiple materials and installation varies from one type to another, according to
chemicals that interfere in the composition. It is kind's solvents, rubbers and bitumen. And this is
High solubility materials, especially the beginning of working out. Adhesives used to install
ceramic tile and mud and wood panel insulation and other than that. So it must be the use of
these adhesives in a well-ventilated places and confined spaces where the device uses steam to
reduce volatilization of volatile matter such as alone toluene, Xylene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone,
Ethyl Benzene. It is advisable to minimize the use of these stickers as much as possible.


And there are many species; including softwood and hardwood treated Wood each of this wood
has a special effect depends on the extent plenty of materials involved in the installation.
Hardwood and soft they have a lower proportion of volatility dust and it is advisable to use most
the treated wood because it addresses a very active material, such as fungicides and pesticides
include Lindane, Chromates and Arsenates (CCA), Pentachlorophenol (PCP), Tributyl Tin Oxide
(TBTO), and Copper and other of material. All of these materials are toxic chemicals, so the
extent of its impact on the adhesives.


Using a wide range of paints for decorating the interior and exterior and the level of smell where
a very high include white spirit trichloroethane, Methyl Ethyl Ketone or solvent base other.
These materials are affecting on workers in the paint, especially when you start drought the paint
because of the volatility of these substances in the air. Therefore, you must consider the
internationally Allowed ratio of these materials in paint and the place to paint to be high

Risk management in projects and its guidelines . . .

Risk is the possibility of a dangerous thing not to expect as a result of the outputs of the process
being carried out because of the uncertainty surrounding the process underway. The uncertainty
is due to the multiplicity of the input variables of the process unit change in the implementation
stages. The researchers and scientists are analysis the process of the construction industry as a
multiple variables and nature of change and the sharp fluctuation through the stages of
Hence the importance of studying risks through risk management:
Risk Management and stages:

 Identify risks: Identify any risks are more likely to affect the project, and documenting
the characteristics of these risks.

 Measuring risk: risk assessment and interaction with the project and its outputs.

 Development of responses: identification of processing steps promotive response
responds to these risks.

 Risk control in response: response to changes in risk over the period of the project.[1]

Analysis and risk management in the project:

Analysis and risk management of the project is a process that enables the knowledge of the risks
and those risks analysis using the appropriate method and then put the appropriate solution which
eliminates or reduces the risk of its effects.

Otherwise it is a process that increases the success and completion of the project from the
perspective of cost, time and specifications, with a minimum of problems.[1]

The risks that exists insufficient data can be estimated statistically because it cannot be there two
projects are similar. Often dealing with risks in the projects varies from situation to another
where there were insufficient data to take out the progress and actual knowledge of the risks. Has
developed a process analysis and risk management has been the use of computers for analysis
and there are several methods of the most important, for example, but not limited to Monte carlo
decision tree.

 The implications of the risks in the project are the need to know the risks that arise as a
result and consequence of the uncertainty and unpredictability. In every project there are
risks and uncertainties such as Non-establish financial management, administrative and
after the organization.

 The techniques used have not yet verified.

 Sources are not available at the required level.

 Unexpected site conditions.

These uncertainties and risks are causing the failure of the project. The failure is the failure to
comply with the project budget and schedule for completion by the end and set goals.

Risk management is the process that has a method to control the risks, whether these risks in the
workplace, scheduling, cost, contract, or in the quality of resources and includes risk
management as follows: -
1. Identify preventive measures to avoid or mitigate the risk impact.
2. The establishment of contingency plans to deal with the risks when they occur.
3. Start work as far as possible to reduce uncertainty by collecting good information.
4. Visibility among decision makers.

There are also strategies in risk management:

1. remove the risk in the project .
2. Risk reduction

3. Transfer these risks to the work of the appropriate insurance.

4. Participation in risk by subcontractors.
5. Accept these risks if the simple probability of occurrence or very few.

Risk assessment:

  Risk assessment is the study of what can cause damage to employees or workers in their places
of work, so that they can see whether the backup taken sufficient or more must be done to
prevent damage to people working there. These workers and others have a right to be protected
from the damage caused by the accident and by taking reasonable measures to control the
incident. Some work related accidents resulting in permanent injuries lit lead to death and also
affect the work.

The process of risk assessment process easy application in small installations do not need to
someone who specializes, reverse large constructors which require the presence of an expert
security and safety, for example if the employees move heavy loads and so could harm their
backs or where people are more likely to slip. So, it needs to make sure that to take reasonable
precautions to avoid injury.

The Risk Assessment model was designed to identify and document amount of the overall
severity and the probability of different types of threat hazards and manage health and safety.

When carrying out an assessment of risks, it is useful to record it in a table so that everyone can
see how the risk has been reduced, and to identify if any more actions need to be taken.

First step: identify the hazards.

Biological : Hygiene / Diseases / Infection

Chemical: Note: refer to the label and safety data sheet.

Critical Lockdown evacuation
Energy Environment
system: :

Manual Facilities /
tasks/ built
ergonomics: environment:
People Students: Staff:

Physical : Parents :
hazards /

Second step: assess the level of the risk.

After identification of the hazard, by using the risk assessment matrix to guide how to assess the
level of the hazard.

Likelihood Severity

Low Medium High

Low L L M
Medium L M H
High M H H

Third step: control the risk.

This step is to identify the action of risk and the control of how to reduce the risk.

Location: site construction

Work activity: health and safety in purposed site work

Control measures
Hazard Likelihood Severity impact Overall Actions to be Further actions
Score / Risk taken to recommended
Consequenc Human Facilities Score reduce risk
e impact impact
1.Drilling 1 Potential Physical 3 *All cabling must Insure guard in exact
machine deaths or damage and be armoured to position
/ Major
injuries costs protect it from
Possibility of hot
and sharp steel
*The machine Foot stop for any
swarf which can
should be provided emergency
fly at high speed
with fixed guards.
*The machine
must be secured to
the floor or bench.
*The floor should
be cleaned at least
once daily
Taking care of the
Setting and
Adjustment Up of
the Machine.

2. Electricity is 1 / critical- high Injuries or - 5 *insulating and Power line workers

one of the greatest potential guarding of the must be having a safe
hazards deaths vehicle from their working distance
work. away from the power

*prevent electrical
hazards from
injuring them
while working.

3. Excavation and 1/ critical- high fatalities Falls of 4 *Follow the safety
Trenching rocks standards.

*using a protective
equipments that can
minimize the hazards
while excavating and

4. Falling from 4/ critical - Injuries - 3 * tripping and *Employers should

high places such medium slipping or using have fall protection
as a scaffolding, unstable ladders. program as part of
ladder and roofs workplace health
program and safety.

*use fall
equipment * Workers must be
properly. trained to evaluate
and identify the fall
hazards and be
aware of how to
control exposure to
such risks

5.Falling from 4/ minor- low injuries and - 3 *Using new and General rule used for
Stairways and fatalities safety stairways the safe using of
Ladder and ladders at the stairways and
construction site. ladders.

6. falling from 1/ critical- high Injuries or *Moving scaffold * giving specific

scaffolding potential components. requirements for the
deaths maximum loads.
* Failure of the
scaffold due to * using protective
damage of its guardrails.

* loss of the load.

* being struck due

to suspended
component or


* Electrical shock.

7. Heavy 1/ critical- high Injuries or - 4 *run over of the *Workers must follow
Construction deaths mechanics when all of the construction
Equipments brakes not safety guidelines to
properly set. eliminate the
exposure that cause
*falling equipment
the injuries and
to the ground from
workers that
crushed by

Risk assessment for green buildings:

No Checking on hazards on site Yes No

1 Identification of risks in the pre-construction phase
This is relevant e.g. for architects, clients, principal contractors, investors, building owners,
1.1 Occupational safety and health are considered in the design phase of  
the building. (For example, issues such as the fact that atriums with
large glass panes can be heavy and difficult for workers to carry, are
considered at the design phase).
1.2 Skylights are designed in such a way that they can withstand a specified  
minimum load, and that the maximum load that skylights can withstand
during, e.g. maintenance work is specified.
1.3 Purchased prefabricated materials (e.g. concrete walls, floors etc.) are  
‘tailor-made’ for the particular building in a way that exposure of
construction workers to noise, vibrations, manual handling and harmful
dust (such as crystalline silica) is reduced (for example, the
prefabricated elements are tailor-made so that the need for drilling,
cutting or sawing on site is reduced).
1.4 In the event that a green building certification scheme is implemented, it  
is essential to check that occupational safety and health are considered
in the green building certification system chosen.
2 Risks from green building materials and substances used or generated in green
2.1 Exposure to dust, including dust from green, organic material such as  
wood dust has been assessed, monitored and controlled.
2.2 Exposure to dust (for example to silica - crystalline quartz dust) that  
results from drilling, sawing or milling concrete or asphalt materials has
been assessed, monitored and controlled.
3 Risks from green technologies, methods and activities
3.1 In the case of off-site production of building elements:  
The off-site production of prefabricated building elements such as

precast concrete walls, which result in a more efficient use of resources,
leads to more ‘assembly’ work at construction sites, thus more use of
sealants or adhesives for assembling on-site.
There are measures in place at the construction site to prevent
inhalation or ingestion of hazardous substances when working with
sealants or adhesives for assembling.
3.2 There are measures in place to reduce physical workload related to  
manual lifting of heavy prefabricated units.
3.3 Green demolition and the related manual waste collection for recycling:  


From this particular report the conclusion which can be drawn is that the health and safety of
workers is very vital to any construction company. Health and safety policy is the requirement of
projects and tenders as it defines and describes the company’s sincerity towards regulations and
legislations of the concerned body. Health and safety document is a must contain part of any
tender applying company. For a construction company the assessment of risk has to be carefully
observed and finalized for each and every different kind of project and to control those risks is
also an important task for which efforts shall be made. As green buildings use some sensitive
materials and methods so it requires more attention. A safe and healthy environment is always a
prime concern of any construction firm so every proceeding should be done accordingly.


HSE. 2007. Managing health and safety in construction. (p. 20- p40)

HSE. 2007. Five steps to risk assessment. (p. 1-8)

Behm, M., ‘Rapporteur’s report; Construction sector’, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 29, 2008,
pp. 175-178.

BRE, BREEAM New Construction, non-domestic buildings, Technical manual SD5073, BRE
Global Ltd, 2011. [online]


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