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VALUE ADDED TAX ON IMPORTATION – consumption tax on the import of goods.

o Exempt importation – (4 of 9) Importation of professional instruments and implements, wearing

apparel, domestic animal and personal household effects.
o Conditions:
 The goods belong to persons who come to settle in the Philippines
 The goods must accompany the person upon arrival or within 90 days before or after his/her
 There must be evidence to show that the change of residence is bona fide.
 The importation is not a vehicle, machinery, or other equipment used in the manufacture or
merchandise of any kind in commercial quantity
o Tax basis – 12% of total landed cost, to be paid to the Bureau of Customs (BOC) prior to the
withdrawal of the goods from the Customs warehouse.
 Composition of landed cost:
 Dutiable value
 Customs duty
 Excise tax, if any
 Other in-land costs
o Illustration:
 While in Dubai, Ms. Malou Wang brought with her the following which she declared as her
personal effects:

10 pieces of brand new iPhone X P 80, 000 each

10 pieces of brand new IBM laptops P 50, 000 each
5 desktop computers P 45, 000 each
1 piece of brand new sports car $ 50, 000
1 piece of used laptop P 30, 000
1 piece of used iPhone 7 P 36, 000
1 piece of used calculator P 1, 600
Used clothes, apparel and travelling bag P 19, 000

The following information refers to the details of the charges of the importation of the brand
new car:
Purchase price $ 50, 000.00
Insurance in transit $ 500.00
Freight $ 800.00
Total invoice price $ 51, 300.00

Other charges P 105, 815.00

Per dollar exchange rate P 45.00
Tariff rate 30%
Excise tax rate 15%
 Required:
o What are the exempt importations?
o What is the imposable VAT on Importation?
 Solutions:
o Requirement # 1:
 The used laptop, iPhone 6, calculator, clothes, and apparel are apparently
personal effects which are past consumptions; hence, these are exempt from
VAT on importation since they were already taxed before.
o Requirement # 2:
 The nature and quantity of the iPhone X, IBM laptops and desktop computers is
clearly inconsistent with the concept of personal effects. The brand new sports
car, although for personal use, does not meet the conditions for exemption.
(Refer to condition # 4, title bullet number 3).
 Computation for the imposable VAT on Importation:
10 pieces of brand new iPhone X (P 80, 000 x 10) P 800, 000.00
10 pieces of brand new IBM laptops (P 50, 000 x 10) P 500, 000.00
5 desktop computers (P45, 000 x 5) P 225, 000.00
1 piece of brand new sports car*** P 3, 619, 498.00
Total amount subject to VAT on Importation P 5, 144, 498.00
Multiply by: VAT rate 12%
VAT on Importation P 617, 339.76

***Computation for the landed cost of the brand new sports car:
Total invoice price ($ 51, 300 x P45) P 2, 308, 500.00
Customs duty (P 2, 308, 500 x 30%) P 692, 550.00
Other charges P 105, 815.00
Total amount before excise tax P 3, 106, 865.00
Plus: 10% addition to basis as fixed by law (P 3,106,865 x 10%) P 310, 686.50
Excisable Value P 3, 417, 551.50
Multiply by: Excise tax rate 15%
Excise tax P 512, 663.00
Plus: Total amount before excise tax P 3, 106, 865.00
Total landed cost of the brand new sports car P 3, 619, 498.00

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