A. After Your Assessment of The Patient, at What Stage of Labor Is Maria? Support Your Answer

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A. After your assessment of the patient, at what stage of labor is Maria? Support your answer.

- Maria is in the first stage of labor which is the latent (Preparatory) phase. The patient is G1PO at
40 weeks of gestation with no known factors was admitted to the labor and delivery unit on
labor at 4-5 minutes of contraction with the chief complaint of labor pain since 4am. The patient
is in the first stage of labor because after several hours there is no progress of cervical dilatation.

B. Compute the expected date of confinement of Maria (EDC)

- The expected date of confinement of Maria is October 8, 2020


Q: What is your diagnosis?

- First stage of labor which is the latent phase, fetal descent 5/5 fetal head palpable above the
symphysis pubis, cervix is 4cm dilated, frequency: 2 contractions in 10 minutes, duration: less
than 20 seconds, fetal heart rate- 140, membrane intact, no history of drug allergy, diabetes,
hypertension, coronary artery and heredofamilial disease. Vital signs checked. BP-100/70mmHg,
T- 36.2 C, PR-80, RR-22.

Q: what action will you take?

- I will monitor the vital signs, the fluid volume and the urine output of my patient to ensure that

there is no fluid overload, I will also observe the reflexes and fetal heart rate hourly and record

the time, frequency, intensity and the duration, I will also ensure the comfort of my patient.

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