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Scientific research has found out that

children raised by same-sex couple are as

physically and psychologically capable as
those raised by heterosexual couple.

Teens with lesbian mothers

Reason 1: are psychologically well-
Same-sex marriage adjusted, academically successful,
promotes family and report strong family bonds and
stability. quality social relationships with their
peers. (UCLA School of Law, 2013)

Another study reported that children in

gay and lesbian households are more
likely to talk about emotionally difficult Conclusion:
Proposition/ topics, and they are often more resilient, In conclusion, Same-
Viewpoint: compassionate and tolerant.
sex marriage brings
Same-sex no harm, thus its
Marriage implementation
should be would be a great
legalized in the step towards the
Government revenue from marriage
Philippines development of our
comes from marriage licenses, higher
income taxes in some circumstances (the country.
so-called "marriage penalty"), and
decreases in costs for state benefit
Reason 2:
Gay marriages can
bring financial gain
In 2012, the Williams Institute at the
to federal, state, and University of California at Los Angeles
local governments (UCLA) found that in the first five years
and can help boost after Massachusetts legalized gay
the economy. marriage in 2004, same-sex wedding
expenditures added $111 million to the
state's economy.

Nathaniel Lota STEM 1A- Providence

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