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Ref No.

ABH Activity, Product or Service Aspect - elements of an

organisation's activities products
or services that can interact with
the environment.

(1) Aspect Category: Resource Use - Energy

1.1 All activities, products, services Use of Electricity

(2) Aspect Category: Resource Use - Water

2.1 Toilets Use of Water
Equipment cleaning
Workshop cleaning

(4) Aspect Category: Pollution Prevention

4.1 General waste Hazardous materials
Diesel store
Hazardous waste Delivery, use, storage, disposal.

4.2 Fire Fighting Fire Water Run Off

(6) Aspect Category: Waste Management

6.1 All activities, products, services Waste disposal

6.2 All activities, products, services Recycling of waste

6.3 All activities Re-use to minimise waste

(7) Aspect Category: Travel / Transport

7.1 Purchase and use of fleet vehicles. Transport - Fleet Vehicles
Environmental Aspects Register

Impact - change to the Risks and Opportunities-

environment resulting from an associated with adverse
organisation's environmental environmental impacts
aspects. (threats) or beneficial
enviromental impacts (opps)

Global - depletion of non- Risks: Renewable energy

renewable resources. sources unavailable, long pay
Contribution to emission of CO2 back periods for on-site micro-
(climate change), Nox & Sox (Air generation, business continuity
pollution, acid rain) gases from impacts from effects of climate
burning non renewable fuel. change.
Opps: ABH supports renewable
sources and it becomes cheaper
alternative, technologies improve
and business case for micro-
generation improves, good PR.

Add strain to available water Risks: Business continuity

resources. impacts from effects of climate
change. Utility company
introduces water bans/restrictions
impacting business continuity.
Opps: Use of grey water

Pollution incident to combined Risks: Protected species

drains damage to treatment affected, treatment works
works or surface water impacted. Costly- have to meet
costs of remediation, fines, court
costs. Severe reputational
Opps: Use of less hazardous
alternatives. Well trained staff
and spill kits available.

Groundwater or surface water Risks: fines imposed, negative

pollution by run off of fire fighting publicity
foam or water. Opps: Ensure surface water
drains are marked and protected
in the vent of a fire
Incineration emissions and Risks: Fail to meet duty of care
ending the life of resources regulations, bad PR and fines
contibute to climate change. imposed. Resources that could
have been recycled, re-used are
Depletion of landfill capacity, lack disposed of as general waste.
of waste to energy facilities and Waste contractor not
carbon emissions implementing best practice.
Opps: encourage waste
Transport of waste contribute to contractor to deliver best practice.
congestion, poor air quality Nox & Support local businesses.
Sox, Noise pollution.

Reduction in use of virgin Risks: No local market available.

materials and processing
reducing climate changing Opps: Promote recycling and
emissions. encourage recycling.

Reduced pressure on landfill


Reduction in use of virgin Risks: lack of storage- items

materials and processing disposed as waste
reducing climate changing Opps: internally save money by
emissions. using second hand, distribute
unwanted stationery, donate to
Reduced pressure on landfill charities- good PR

Emission of CO2 and depletion of Risks: Use of non-renewable fuel

natural resources from fuel burnt. and local air pollution from diesel
vehicles- health impacts. Higher
Contribution to poor air quality fuel costs and fuel availability.
Nox & Sox. Noise pollution. Opps: Low/zero emission
vehicles introduced into fleet.
Good PR. Driver training.
Environmental Aspects Register


Condition Positive or Total
Normal (n) Negative score
Abnormal (a)
Emergency (e)

n - Current renewable electricity usage is 3 2 1 Neg 6

very low and dependent on public utility

n - Business as usual 3 2 1 Neg 6

n- small volumes of substances used & 2 2 2 Neg 8

disposed of, normal deliveries of diesel and
genertator oil.
a- larger quantities of oil are disposed of from
workshops small leak develops in storage
e- large diesel leak during delivery. Fire risk
in hazardous waste releases to water and air

n & a - not applicable 1 1 2 Neg 2

e - specialist building fire (E.g. Hazardous
Waste Store) is extinguished using foam.
n- waste disposal in line with projected 2 2 3 Neg 12
a- normal disposal route is unavailable or
peak in volume eg. due to refurbishment.
e- waste contractor unavailable, waste backs
up on site.

n- Increase recycling in line with targets. 2 2 2 Pos 8

a- Contamination of recyclate streams.
e- External demand for recyclate stream

n- Increase in re-use in line with targets. 1 1 2 Pos 2

a- Contamination of re-use streams or
e- External demand for re-use stream

n- low emissions vehicle replacement 2 1 2 Neg 4

a- increase in numbers of fleet vehicles
e- not applicable
Signif Notes

Low Controls:
Look into procusring energy efficient tools and equipment. (LED lights, tools,

Low Significant water users:

Toilets, Hydroblasting,

Use of water-efficient water fixtures
Use of water-efficient cleaning equipment
Maintenance of equipments

Low Hazardous waste store, no drainage to sewere, spill kit available. Maximum
contents include:
Chemical Stores, including gas, flammable, solvents, acids, general chemicals
Diesel tank

Spill containment of diesel storage
Hazardous Waste Disposal monitoring
Licensed toxic waste collector
Chemical emergency plan and Training

Low High risk areas include: chemical store, surface water drainage

No additional control measures are required.
Med Waste Streams:
Paper, card, plastics, cans, batteries, glass, packaging, furniture, wood, metal,
dyes, paints, books / magazines, food, fluorescent tube

Licensed general waste contractor

Low Recyclate Streams:

Paper, card, plastics, cans, WEE, batteries, glass, wood, metal, polythene,
furniture, packaging, books / magazines, vegetable & mineral oils, grounds and
construction waste, fluorescent tubes.

Recycling practices
Selling of recyclates to contractors

Low Re-Use Streams include:

Photocopier toners
Materials from workshop

Recycling practices

Low Controls:
Maintenance of vehicles
Good driving practices
Efficient scheduling of deliveries/collection

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