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General Awareness: Polity

Introduction to the Indian Constitution

What is a Constitution?

A constitution is a set of fundamental principles according to

which a state or other organization is governed

It may be a single comprehensive document (e.g., Indian

Constitution) or a set of documents (e.g., UK Constitution)

Primary Functions of a Constitution

 To set basic rules for peace in the society

 It tells who rules the society i.e., how a government is formed

 It limits the powers of government on what it imposes on its citizens

 It must fulfil the aspirations of a just society

Types of Government

 Monarchy - Rule by a single person (King or Queen)

 Oligarchy - Rule by a few

 Dictatorship - Rule by rebellion leader or military rule

 Democracy - Rule by the people 1
General Awareness: Polity

Forms of Government

Parliamentary form of Presidential form of

Government Government

Head of State Monarchy or President President

Head of Govt Prime Minister President

President is not
PM is responsible to
Responsibility responsible to

Examples India, Britain USA, Philippines

Divisions of Government

 Legislature

o Makes Laws

 Executive

o Implements laws made by Legislature

 Judiciary

o Keeps an eye on both Legislature and Executive

Features of Indian Constitution

 Lengthiest written constitution in the world

 Parliamentary form of government

 Single citizenship

 Rigid and flexible

 Fundamental Rights

 Quasi Federal Nation

 Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republican Nation 2
General Awareness: Polity

Sources of Indian Constitution

1. Government of India Act, 1935

 The federal scheme

 Office of the Governor

 Emergency provisions

2. UK Constitution

 Law making procedure

 Parliamentary Government

 Rule of Law

 Single citizenship

 Cabinet system

3. USA Constitution

 Preamble

 Fundamental Rights

 Independent judiciary

 Judicial review

 Removal procedure of the judges of Supreme court and High courts

 Role of Vice President

4. Irish Constitution

 Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)

 Method of the presidential election

 Nominating members of Rajya Sabha 3
General Awareness: Polity

5. Australian Constitution

 Concurrent list

6. South African constitution

 Procedure for Amendment of the Constitution

 Election of members of the Rajya Sabha

7. Canadian Constitution

 Federation with strong centre

 Residuary powers with the centre

8. Weimar Constitution of Germany

 Emergency powers to be enjoyed by the Union

 Suspension of Fundamental Rights during emergency 4

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