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XPT System

Application Notes
Copyright Information
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Hytera endeavors to achieve the accuracy and completeness of this manual, but no warranty of accuracy or
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Application Notes Contents

Documentation Information ................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 System Description .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 System Background ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Operating Principle .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Typical Network Topology.............................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Restriction ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.6 Version ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
2. Reference ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
3. Application Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.1 Device Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Communication Devices ......................................................................................................................11
3.1.2 Network Devices ................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2 Device Connection ........................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.1 Diagram of Device Connection .......................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2 Instructions on Device Connection ..................................................................................................... 13
3.2.3 Instructions on Network Configuration .............................................................................................. 13
3.3 Software Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 14
4. System Planning and Parameter Configuration ............................................................................................. 15
4.1 System Planning ............................................................................................................................................ 15
4.1.1 Channel Frequencies Planning............................................................................................................ 15
4.1.2 Load Balancing ................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.3 Future Considerations ......................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.4 Programming Methodology ................................................................................................................ 17
4.2 Example: Simple System Design ................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.1 XPT Site Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.2 Repeater Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.3 Radio Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 34
5. Other Feature Configurations .......................................................................................................................... 41
5.1 XPT Multi-Site .............................................................................................................................................. 42
5.1.1 Basic Principle .................................................................................................................................... 42
5.1.2 Applications ........................................................................................................................................ 42
5.1.3 Typical Network Topology ................................................................................................................. 43
5.1.4 Restrictions ......................................................................................................................................... 45
5.1.5 Parameter Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 46
5.2 Roam.............................................................................................................................................................. 49
5.3 Data Repeater and Dedicated Data Channel .................................................................................................. 52
Contents Application Notes

5.3.1 XPT Site Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 52

5.3.2 Configuring Data Repeater ................................................................................................................. 54
5.3.3 Configuring Radio .............................................................................................................................. 54
5.4 Dispatching .................................................................................................................................................... 57
5.4.1 Repeater Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 58
5.4.2 Radio Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 61
5.5 Dual-slot Data Transmission ......................................................................................................................... 69
5.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 69
5.5.2 Restrictions ......................................................................................................................................... 69
5.5.3 Parameter Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 69
5.6 BT Positioning ............................................................................................................................................... 73
5.7 Smart Battery Report ..................................................................................................................................... 73
5.7.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 73
5.7.2 Restriction ........................................................................................................................................... 74
5.7.3 Parameter Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 74
5.8 Emergency ..................................................................................................................................................... 76
5.9 Full Duplex Call ............................................................................................................................................ 77
5.9.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 77
5.9.2 Principle .............................................................................................................................................. 77
5.9.3 Restrictions ......................................................................................................................................... 79
5.9.4 Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 79
5.10 Remote Upgrade .......................................................................................................................................... 83
5.11 Single Station Paging ................................................................................................................................... 83
5.11.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................... 83
5.11.2 Restriction ......................................................................................................................................... 83
5.11.3 Parameter Configuration ................................................................................................................... 83
5.12 Network Management Software Connection ............................................................................................... 84
5.13 Encrypt......................................................................................................................................................... 85
5.14 Authentication ............................................................................................................................................. 86
5.14.1 Repeater Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 86
5.14.2 Radio Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 87
5.15 Interference Detection ................................................................................................................................. 88
5.16 Fusion System.............................................................................................................................................. 91
5.17 SIP Phone .................................................................................................................................................... 91
5.17.1 Basic Principle .................................................................................................................................. 91
5.17.2 Typical Topology .............................................................................................................................. 93
5.17.3 Restriction ......................................................................................................................................... 93
5.17.4 Parameter Configuration ................................................................................................................... 93
5.18 Priority Interrupt .......................................................................................................................................... 94
Application Notes Contents

5.18.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 94

5.18.2 Restrictions ....................................................................................................................................... 95
5.18.3 Parameter Configuration ................................................................................................................... 96
5.19 Follow Free Channel.................................................................................................................................... 99
5.20 Access Manager ........................................................................................................................................... 99
5.21 Repeater Backup ........................................................................................................................................ 100
5.22 Continuous Wave Identification ................................................................................................................ 100
5.23 Application Interface Specification ........................................................................................................... 101
5.23.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 101
5.23.2 Restrictions ..................................................................................................................................... 101
5.23.3 Parameter Configuration ................................................................................................................. 102
6. FAQ ................................................................................................................................................................... 104
6.1 XPT System ................................................................................................................................................. 104
6.2 XPT Multi-Sites ........................................................................................................................................... 109
Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................................... 112

Application Notes Documentation Information

Documentation Information
This section describes the conventions and revision history of this document.

Icon Description

Tip Indicates information that can help you make better use of your product.

Note Indicates references that can further describe the related topics.

Caution Indicates situations that could cause data loss or equipment damage.

Warning Indicates situations that could cause minor personal injury.

Danger Indicates situations that could cause major personal injury or even death.

Notation Description

The text in boldface denotes the name of a hardware button or a software interface element.
For example, press the PTT key.

The symbol directs you to access a multi-level menu. For example, to select New from the
File menu, we will describe it as follows: “File -> New”.

Revision History
Version Released Description

Software version: R9.0.

Added following new features:

 Full Duplex Call and Fusion System.

R6.0 11-2018  Voice Buffer for Handover to Multisite Handover.

 TF Card GPS Record, Single GPS and Single GPS Encrypt/Decrypt in

Configuring Parameters to Transmit GPS Data.

 XNMS Access Code in 5.12 Network Management Software Connection.

R5.0 08-2017 Firmware version R8.5.

Documentation Information Application Notes

Version Released Description

 Added following new feature:

 Multisite Handover

 Dual-slot Data Transmission

 BT Positioning

 Smart Battery Report

 Follow Free Channel

 Access Manager

 Continuous Wave Identification

 Application Interface Specification

 Added following features for Dispatching:

 Data Channel Weak

 In Call Location Revert

 QGPS&NormalData option is added in Channel Type of the Data Channel

Firmware version R8.1.

 Added the XPT Max Sites Num to 16.

R4.0 03-2017  The voice repeater can forward the GPS and RRS data.

 Modified the descriptions on Dispatching and Software Requirements.

 Added the descriptions on FAQ.

Firmware version: R8.0.

R3.0 12-2016  Updated Priority Interrupt and Repeater Backup.

 Updated XPT Multi-Site and SIP Phone.

Firmware version: R7.6.

R2.0 12-2015 Added application and configuration descriptions on features such as IP

Multi-site Connect, Roam, Telemetry, Encrypt, SIP Phone, etc.

R1.1 03-2015 Updated the version number to be consistent with Chinese version.

R1.0 03-2015 Initial release

Application Notes Overview

1. Overview
1.1 System Description
Extended Pseudo Trunk (XPT) is a new distributed trunking system solution developed on the basis of
self-developed pseudo trunk technology, which is combined with advantages of digital trunking system. XPT
system has three main advantages:

 No dedicated control channels

 Low cost of platform building

 Load balancing

1.2 System Background

Digital conventional communication system combines the advantages of two-way radio communication and
digital technology, and also has many strengths and functions of analog system. But in conventional
communication system, the channel resource efficiency is restricted due to that fact that one channel can only
support two calls at a time at most. Thus, multiple radios communication is restricted in digital conventional
communication system. Digital trunking system has larger single-site coverage, stronger noise cancelling
capability and its channel resource can be allocated automatically. But the platform building of trunking system
is complex and it is inconvenient to upgrade the conventional system to trunking system. Moreover, trunking
system requires a large amount of equipments and cost.

XPT system is an economical and practical digital upgrading solution, which can build an extended pseudo
trunking system using multiple repeaters to solve the above problems. It is suitable for professional customer
whose digital key business is based on digital conventional communication system. XPT system has the scale
and efficiency of trunking technology, clearer voice quality, and extended communication capacity realized by
sharing the logic channel resource of the repeater. It can support high density voice and data communication of
more users using only one single base station.

1.3 Operating Principle

XPT system builds an XPT site by connecting multiple repeaters operating in digital repeating pseudo trunking
mode in the same area. The system allows the radios to communicate through any of the idle repeaters in the
site by sharing the logic channels of these repeaters, so as to optimize the channel efficiency. In such case, a
dedicated control channel is not required any more.

In XPT system, a service is always initiated through the home repeater first. When the home repeater is busy,
the radio will switch to other idle repeaters (free repeaters) to initiate the service. In this way, the waiting time
for accessing the system is shortened, and the communication capacity can be extended to a maximum level

Overview Application Notes

while the service quality is guaranteed. Moreover, there is low probability that all logic channels are busy at the
same time. Therefore, the probability that a call is rejected in XPT system is much lower than in situation where
only one convention channel is available for accessing. XPT system can help the radio users to perform the
communication efficiently.

Figure 1-1 Operating Principle of XPT System

 Home Repeater

In the XPT site, each radio must be assigned with a repeater in this site as its home repeater through CPS.
For example, R1 is assigned as the home repeater of M1, M2 and M3 in the figure above.

When the home repeater is idle, the radio always monitors its home repeater to determine whether any call
is made to the radio in XPT system according to the system broadcast information of the home repeater. The
radio initiates a call preferentially on the slot of home repeater in last transmission.

Therefore, it is recommended to assign the radios equally to each home repeater, to avoid repeater
overloading and impacts on service access efficiency.

 Free Repeater

In each XPT site, any registered voice repeater with one or two idle slots can be assigned as a free repeater.
Only one free repeater can exist at a time in one XPT site.

Application Notes Overview

When the home repeater is busy, the radio switches to the channel where the free repeater is operating to
monitor, and uses preferentially the slot of free repeater in last transmission to initiate a call. If the free
repeater is busy at the same time, it will assign another on-line and idle repeater as the new free repeater,
unless all the voice repeaters in the site are busy.

 Home Group

In the XPT site, one repeater can be assigned with one or more home groups, which operate under this
repeater. One group can be set as the home group of one repeater only. Home groups of different repeaters in
the same site must be unique. For example, G1, G2 and G3 are set as the home groups of repeater R1. They
cannot be set as the home groups of other repeaters.

When an idle repeater receives a group call request, the repeater will determine whether the group call
belongs to the home group of the repeater in the same site. If yes, this repeater will inform other repeaters of
its updated status (repeating a group call), and broadcast signals to inform the monitoring radio, so as to
allow the home group members to receive the group call. If not, the repeater will reject the request, and the
radio will not be able to initiate the group call.

 Voice Repeater: It is used to repeat voice services, message and signaling services between radios. For the
repeater R8.1 or above, it also can be used to forward GPS and RRS data, when no data channel is configured
or the Channel Type of all data channels is set as Quick GPS.

 Data Repeater: It is used to repeat dedicated data services sent by radios to dispatch station.

For example, during AVL dispatching, the radio is required to report its GPS positioning information
periodically, so that the dispatch station can position the radio and monitor its track. Therefore, a large amount
of RRS data and GPS data transmission is required in dispatching. Data repeater can improve the transmission
efficiency of GPS data, transmitting more data in the same time. Thus, it is recommended to configure one or
more data repeaters in XPT system when radio dispatching is required.

1.4 Typical Network Topology

In the typical topology of XPT multi-site system, the components include radios, repeaters, Ethernet switches,
routers, IPPBX, third party applications, XNMS, telephone network, etc. The radio makes a call to other
communication devices through the repeater. The repeaters connect to each other through the switch. XPT sites
connect to WAN, third party application and XNMS through the router. XPT system connects to the telephone
system through IPPBX. See the figure below.

Overview Application Notes

Figure 1-2 Typical Topology of XPT multi-site system

XPT system includes single-site system and multi-site system.

Single-site System
An XPT single-site system is consisted of one master repeater and multiple slave repeaters, which are connected
to each other through a switch. Radios in the system can share the idle channels of these repeaters and
communicate on such channels.

 Master Repeater: only one master repeater can be set for each XPT system. Besides repeating the services, the
master repeater is also used to manage other repeaters in the same XPT site. The management includes the
following aspects:

 When a repeater is online or offline, the master repeater will inform other repeaters by sending messages.

 When an XPT site is activated, the master repeater will inform other repeaters in this site of the home
group configuration by sending broadcast message.

 Slave repeater: it is used to repeat the services. When a slave repeater is powered on, it will first connect to
and register with the master repeater. Then it will obtain the IP addresses and ports of other registered
repeaters from the master repeater. One or more slave repeaters can be set for each XPT multi-site system.

Application Notes Overview

The IP address of the master repeater must be a static address (for example, IPv4 address and UDP port
number). It is recommended that other repeaters in the same XPT site also use the static address. The static
address will not change with time. If the static address of the master repeater is changed, other repeaters in the
same XPT site must update their static addresses accordingly.

The typical topology of XPT single-site system is shown in the figure below. Master and Slave in the figure
denote master repeater and slave repeater respectively.

Slave A Slave B Slave C Slave D Slave E

Master F

Figure 1-3 Typical Topology of XPT Single-site System

Multi-Site System
An XPT multi-site system is built by connecting multiple XPT single-site systems through IP network. It is a
digital repeating system based on IP network. XPT multi-site system can share the channel resources of XPT
single-site systems while it can extend the communication coverage of XPT system at the same time.

XPT multi-site system includes the following types of repeaters:

 Master Repeater: same as that of XPT single-site system. It is used to connect and manage the slave repeaters.

 Slave Repeater: same as that of XPT single-site system. It is used to repeat services.

 Submaster Repeater (Submaster): submaster is a special master repeater in XPT multi-site system. One or
more submasters can be set for each XPT multi-site system.

 On one hand, submaster serves as the master repeater to manage the slave repeaters in the same site.

 On the other hand, submaster serves as the slave repeater to connect to and register with the master
repeater of another site, so as to realize the interconnection between each XPT site, extending the
communication coverage of XPT multi-site system.

When XPT multi-site system is operating in public network, the IP address of the master repeater must be the
static address of public network (for example, IPv4 address and UDP port number). It is recommended that
other repeaters in the same XPT site also use the static address. The static address will not change with time. If

Overview Application Notes

the static address of the master repeater is changed, other repeaters in the same XPT site must update their static
addresses accordingly. Each master repeater (Including submaster repeater) must perform static mapping on the
connected router; otherwise, cross-site communication cannot be realized.

The typical topology of XPT multi-site system is shown in the figure below. Master, Submaster and Slave in the
figure denote master repeater, submaster repeater and slave repeater respectively. There are four sites in the
figure below. Each of the first three sites has one submaster repeater and two slave repeaters while the last site
has one master repeater (Master D) and two slave repeaters. Submaster A, B and C are connected to Master D to
realize the intercommunication among the four sites.

Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave

Submaster C
Submaster A Submaster B


Master D

Figure 1-4 Typical Topology of XPT Multi-Sites System

1.5 Restriction
 The frequencies in XPT system are required to satisfy certain requirements. If the frequencies are configured
improperly, the generated intermodualtion components will affect the proper operation of the system. Refer to
Frequency Configuration Requirements for more details.

 The network cables used in XPT system must be capable of signal shielding; otherwise, the antenna signals
will interfere with the network signals when the antenna is near the network cable.

 The network delay must be less than or equal to 480 ms. It is recommended that the network delay should be
less than or equal to 30 ms to achieve better communication quality. At the mean time, packet loss rate should
be less than 1%, and network jitter should be less than 60ms.

Application Notes Overview

 NAT is supported by the XPT multi-site system. But only one NAT operation is supported. Multiple NAT
operations are not supported. Symmetric NAT is not supported by the XPT multi-site system.

1.6 Version
 R9.0: Added Full Duplex Call, Fusion System, Voice Buffer for Handover, TF Card GPS Record, Single GPS,
Single GPS Encrypt/Decrypt and XNMS Access Code features.

 R8.5: Added Mutisite Handover, Dual-slot Data Transmission, BT Indoor Positioning, Smart Battery Report,
Follow Free Channel, Access Manager, CWID, AIS, Data Channel Weak and In Call Location Revert features.

 R8.1: Added the XPT Max Sites Num to 16. And the voice repeater can forward the GPS and RRS data.

 R8.0: Added the Priority Interrupt and Repeater Backup features.

 R7.6: Added XPT Multi-site, Dedicated Data Channel, SIP Phone, Encrypt, Dynamic Authentication and
Interference Detection features.

 R7.0: Released the XPT feature.

These are the major features. Refer to the corresponding release notes for more details.

Reference Application Notes

2. Reference
 Corresponding CPS Help file.

 Corresponding Release Notes.

Application Notes Application Requirements

3. Application Requirements
3.1 Device Requirements
3.1.1 Communication Devices
Radios are used as calling and called devices in XPT system. Currently, XPT system supports PD6(i) and above
series portable radios, MD6(i) and above series mobile radios, X1 series portable radios. There is no extra
requirement on these radios. This document takes PD78X(i) portable radio as an example.
Repeater is core device in XPT system, which is mainly used to repeat the Tx and Rx requests of the radio.
Currently, only RD98XS(i) series repeaters (supported frequencies: VHF, UHF1, UHF2, UHF3 and UHF5) are
In an XPT site, the combiner can combine different signals output by each XPT repeater and send all the signals
through one antenna. In this way, fewer antennas are required. Also, there is no need to change the antennas

In the same XPT site, it is recommended to use a combiner with a frequency corresponding to that of the
repeater. And the combiner, the divider and the duplexer should be used together.

The combiner is an optional device. Please contact your local dealer or us for more information.
The divider used in XPT system is the receiver divider, which can receive multiple signals through one antenna
at one time, and divide these signals into different signals to allocate them to different XPT repeaters.

The divider is an optional device. Please contact your local dealer or us for more information.
Duplexer is the pilot frequency duplex radio station or diplexer, which is the main part of the repeater. Duplexer
is used to isolate the Tx and Rx frequency signals to ensure that the repeater can receive and transmit properly
at the same time.

The duplexer is an optional device. Please contact your local dealer or us for more information.
Antenna is used to transmit repeater signals and receive external signals. To connect the repeater to antenna
feeder, two antennas are required for connection to Rx and Tx ports of the repeater, with the isolation degree

Application Requirements Application Notes

between the antennas greater than 60 dB. If the duplexer is used, the Rx and Tx ports can be connected using
one antenna.

The antenna is an optional device. Please contact your local dealer or us for more information.

3.1.2 Network Devices

Switch Devices
Switch devices include Ethernet switch, optical fiber switch, etc. Please consult the supplier for detailed
Router Devices
Router devices include firewall, NAT, router (such as CISCO 1841), etc. Please consult the supplier for detailed
Computer or Server
Computer is mainly used for configuring parameters of the repeater and the radio, such as XPT site information,
CPS configuration of XPT repeater, and network configuration.

Server is mainly used to configure and run the third-party applications and Extended Network Management
System (XNMS).

3.2 Device Connection

3.2.1 Diagram of Device Connection
In the XPT site, the XPT repeaters are connected to each other through one switch. They are connected to
XNMS and dispatch server through the same switch. In such case, the user can manage and monitor the
repeaters through XNMS, or dispatch the radios in the XPT site through dispatch server at any time and in any

Application Notes Application Requirements

Figure 3-1 Connection Diagram of XPT System, XNMS and Dispatch Server

3.2.2 Instructions on Device Connection

 The radio and repeater transfer data to each other through air interface protocol.

 Repeater and switch are connected to each other through Ethernet port (See Red Boxes in 3.2.1 Diagram of
Device Connection). Switch is connected to router, XNMS, dispatch server and WAN through Ethernet port
and transfers voice or data through network cable.

 Repeater and combiner are connected to each other through Tx port (See Green Boxes in 3.2.1 Diagram of
Device Connection). Repeater and divider are connected to each other through Rx port (See Orange Boxes in
3.2.1 Diagram of Device Connection). Combiner and divider both transfer voice or data through RF cable.

 Tx port of duplexer is connected to ANT port of combiner (See Green Boxes in 3.2.1 Diagram of Device
Connection) through RF cable. Rx port of duplexer is connected to Rx port of divider through RF cable. ANT
port of duplexer (See Blue Boxes in 3.2.1 Diagram of Device Connection) is connected to external antenna
through RF cable.

 Refer to corresponding references or consult the device operators for detailed information of different devices.

3.2.3 Instructions on Network Configuration

 In the LAN, all the repeaters under the same XPT site must be configured with the different Ethernet IP
addresses, but IP addresses must be in the same network segment.

 All the repeaters under the same XPT site must be connected to the same switch. Moreover, it is not
recommended to connect other out-of-system devices (such as file server) to such switch. If other devices are
connected to such switch, the operation of the XPT site will be adversely affected.

Application Requirements Application Notes

 Different XPT sites must be in different network segment. That means it is not allowed to deploy different
XPT sites in a same network segment. The XPT sites are connected to each other through routers.

 The switch connected to the repeaters in XPT site can access the WLAN through the router.

 Static mapping should be performed on the router of each XPT site to map the corresponding ports (including
IP Connect Networking UDP Port of the master repeater; IP Connect Networking UDP Port of the submaster
repeater) of the master repeaters (including submaster repeaters). (Refer to Configuring XPT Network
Parameter for details)

 The Service Control Port of all repeaters in the same site must be consistent.

3.3 Software Requirements

XPT Site Configuration Tool - XptAps
XptAps is a configuration tool for XPT site, which can greatly improve the configuration efficiency of XPT site
information. Users can configure the common XPT site information in XptAps and save it into a *.xml format
file, and then import the configuration file to each repeater and radio through CPS. In this way, XPT site
information of all repeaters or radios in the same XPT site can be consistent. If the information is configured
through CPS separately, it will take more time and errors may occur. It is also hard to identify system failure
through configuration items, such as repeated repeater index number, repeated radio ID, inconsistent frequency
of radio and repeater.

This tool needs not be installed individually. It will be installed when CPS R7.0 or above is installed.
Customer Programming Software (CPS)
The dealer can configure the radio and repeater through CPS.

CPS version must be R7.6 or above. For detailed software version information, please consult your local dealer.
For better configuration, refer to the help file of CPS for details.
XNMS is a management and monitoring software for XPT/Conventional repeaters. The software is developed
for operators to monitor the operation status of the repeaters on the computer. Operators can monitor the
parameter information and alarm status of all the registered repeaters in the system using XNMS. Also,
operators can perform basic control and configuration over the repeaters. In this way, operators can
conveniently monitor and maintain the XPT/Conventional repeaters. Refer to the corresponding guidance of
XNMS for more details.
Other Software
Third party applications, such as dispatching software.

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

4. System Planning and Parameter Configuration

This section takes the configuration of an XPT single-site system as an example. Refer to 5.1 XPT Multi-Site
for detailed configurations of XPT multi-site system.

4.1 System Planning

An XPT single-site system supports up to 8 voice repeaters and 16 data repeaters, 16 voice channels and 32 data
channels, and 1200 radios, which is far more than traditional digital conventional communication system.

Above is the result of theoretical analysis. The actual number of radios supported by XPT single-site system
is subject to other factors, such as physical obstacles, topographic obstacles, interference and reliability.

XPT system can support more radios than conventional system, providing feature supports for more users as per
their actual needs. In XPT system, the Radio ID ranges from 1 to 65535 (1-65023 are the radio ID,
65248-65279 are the ID of the system gateway and telephone gateway. When the repeater works as a dispatch
station, 65280-65535 are the dispatching ID).

The dispatching ID refers to the radio ID dispatched by the repeater, and needs to be configured via the CPS.
CPS Path: General Setting -> Network -> Radio Services -> Control Center ID.

Group ID ranges from 1 to 240; emergency group call ID ranges from 250 t0 254; all call ID is 255.

For XPT single-site system, the frequency of all repeaters must be different, but their color codes can the same
or different. XPT system can share channel with other systems, but all the channels in the overlapping system
must have unique frequency and color code combination.

If the XPT repeaters are removed for upgrade or repair, you need not to re-program the radios in the site and
shutdown the system, but need to ensure one master repeater in the single-site system, or one submaster repeater
in the multi-site system. If the XPT repeaters are added, you need to re-program the newly added repeater and
all radios in the site, and then restart the system.

XPT system can still operate properly. Moreover, there is no need to shut down the whole communication
system when removing or adding a repeater in XPT system.

4.1.1 Channel Frequencies Planning

When planning the channel frequencies of XPT system, the following important aspects must be concerned

 System Property: Is a new XPT system needed? Or there is already a digital conventional system?

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

 Frequency Requirement: Can the current channel frequencies be used in XPT system? Or do new XPT channel
frequencies need to be added?

 Data Transfer Requirement: Does XPT system need to transfer large amounts of data, such as GPS data?

 Conflict Management: Are there any interference issues that need to be addressed?

To avoid channel interferences, it is recommended to plan the channel frequencies according to Frequency
Configuration Requirements. The table below explains the calculation result in Configuration Example.

Channel No. Tx tf (MHz) Rx rf (MHz) Frequency spacing with upper channel(MHz)

Channel 1 353 363 /

Tx Frequency Spacing △ tf=0.2375

Channel 2 353.2375 363.2625
Rx Frequency Spacing △ rf=0.2625

Tx Frequency Spacing △ tf=0.25

Channel 3 353.4875 363.5375
Rx Frequency Spacing △ rf=0.275

Tx Frequency Spacing △ tf=0.2625

Channel 4 353.75 363.825
Rx Frequency Spacing △ rf=0.2875
Table 4-1 Frequency List

4.1.2 Load Balancing

When planning the load balancing of XPT system, the following important aspects must be considered:

 How many users need to be supported by XPT system currently?

 Will new users be added to the system in the future? System planners should design the system to
accommodate future users that may be added.

 It is possible that more channels may need to be added if a great amount of radios are added.

 The number of radios supported by an XPT system per slot depends on the number of repeaters work in
the XPT system. When there is only one repeater in the XPT system, 15 to 20 radios are supported per slot.

 If attempting to put 300 radios on a 2 voice slots, the system will be busy frequently

 Adding more data repeaters or shortening the GPS update period could also improve the repeating efficiency
of data slots in XPT system

4.1.3 Future Considerations

When planning the XPT system, the expansibility of the system must be considered:

 What's the maximum number of users the system can support?

 The number of users and groups should drive the amount of voice slots required.

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

High traffic situation will require more channels in the system to ensure a good quality of service

 Will new channels or talk groups be added to the system in the future?

If new channels or groups are added in the future, all radios will need to be reprogrammed. Modifying
channel parameters and group parameters through the OTAP tool will be supported in the higher version.

 Is the dispatching feature required currently or in the future?

4.1.4 Programming Methodology

Programmers need to follow the same logic as programming a conventional system:

 Which / how many voice channels do I need to program?

 Is data transfer needed for the system? What kind of data (short messages, RRS messages, GPS data or
customized text messages) needs to be transferred?

 How many data channels can satisfy the daily data transfer requirement?

 Which groups needs to be configured in the system? By considering the roam feature, which groups should be
configured as common groups to operate under every site?

 What kind of special groups do I need to receive on my radio?

 Does the system need to assign the channels to multiple zones?

 Does the system need to access an IP application system?

 Does the system need to access other systems (such as PSTN/PABX system, Dispatch system)?

4.2 Example: Simple System Design

This section introduces a good example case that can help you configure the XPT single-site system.

The XPT contacts information are as follows:

Group Alias Group ID User Number Activity Applications

XPT Group A 100 60 High No

XPT Group B 110 20 Low No

XPT Group C 120 25 Low No

XPT Group D 130 20 Low No

XPT Group E 140 40 High No

XPT Group F 150 25 Low No

XPT Group G 160 50 High No

Table 4-2 Contacts Information

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

 The XPT system will have 240 radio users and 7 groups.

 In the following example, we will program two voice repeaters (four voice slots).

The voice repeater is mainly used to repeat the voice and message services initiated by the radios. Also, it
can repeat the communication between dispatch station and radios.

 Assign Group A, B and C as the home groups of Repeater 1; assign Group D, E, F and G as the home groups
of Repeater 2.

The voice repeaters information is as follows:

Repeater Repeater
Repeater Type Home Group Power Level Tx/Rx Frequency (MHz)
Alias ID

Repeater1 100 Voice (Master) A, B, C High 353 / 363 (CH X1)

353.2375 / 363.2625(CH
Repeater2 101 Voice (Slave) D, E, F, G High
Table 4-3 Repeaters Information

4.2.1 XPT Site Configuration

XPT site parameters mainly include Site Common Parameters and Key Parameters of Individual Repeater.

Step 1 Run XptAps tool in any of the following ways:

 Run from Start menu. Go to “Start -> All Programs -> Hytera RCPs -> Customer Programming Software ->

 Run from CPS installation directory. Default directory: C:\Program Files\Hytera\Customer Programming

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Figure 4-1 Main Interface of XPT Site Configuration Tool

Step 2 Click Site and select a site to configure the common parameters.

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Figure 4-2 Common Parameter Configuration Interface of XPT Site

Parameter Description Setting

Range: A string
Alias Set the alias of the site. consisting of 1-16

Set the frequency range for each repeater in the site. After this setting, Select from the
Freq Range
the frequency of each repeater must be set within this range. drop down list.

Set the repeater operation mode to XPT Repeater. There are two
Read-only and
Operation Mode modes (Conventional Repeater and XPT Repeater) for the repeater,
XPT Repeater only
but the repeater can only operate in one mode for each time.

Site ID Set the ID for the current XPT site. Range: 1 - 30

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Parameter Description Setting

Set the Tx power level of the repeater in this site.

 High: High power can extend the coverage, enabling you to

This parameter is
communicate with farther radios.
subject to actual
Power Level  Low: Generally, low power is recommended for battery saving
when the communication coverage is enough. However, if you
Default: Low
cannot communicate with radios located at a distant place with
low power, please select high power.


The idle repeater broadcasts the beacon signals periodically, and the radio searches the repeater through the
beacon signals.

If the XPT system is built on a LAN, please ensure the Interval of all repeaters and radios are the same, while
Interval of the radio cannot be no less than that of the repeater.

This parameter is
subject to actual
Interval Set the time interval for repeater beacon signal transmission.
Range: 960-18000

Default: 2160 ms

Set the duration for repeater beacon signal transmission.

It is recommended to configure proper duration according to the

This parameter is
repeater numbers in the site. See the table below.
subject to actual
Number of Recommended Beacon Duration requirements.
Repeater Adjacent Sites≤4 4<Adjacent Sites ≤8 Range: 240-1800

 1~3 ≥240 ms ≥360 ms ms

Default: 480 ms
 4~6 ≥360 ms ≥480 ms

 7~8 ≥480 ms ≥600 ms

Phone System

With the feature enabled, the radio can communicate with the telephone. In this part, users can set the related
parameters of Phone System.

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Parameter Description Setting

Enables or disables SIP Phone feature. With SIP Phone feature

Telephone enabled, the radio can communicate with telephone terminals through Select Enable to
Interconnection the SIP Phone feature. Otherwise, the radio cannot communicate with enable this feature.
telephone terminals.

This parameter is
subject to actual
Phone Gateway
Set the gateway ID which is used to identify the Phone Call.
ID Range:

Default: 65279

Buffer Dial
Set the type of buffer dial contact. Gateway ID by
Contact Name

This parameter is
subject to actual
Set the connect code for the radio to access the phone system. To use
Connect Code requirements.
the Phone feature, the radio must access the phone system first.
Range: 0-9, A, B,
C, D, *, #, P

This parameter is

Set the disconnect code for the radio to exit the phone system. To end subject to actual
a phone call, the radio should exit the phone system by sending the requirements.
disconnect code. Range: 0-9, A, B,
C, D, *, #, P
Table 4-4 Descriptions on Common Parameters of XPT Site

Step 3 Configure the key parameters of master repeater and slave repeater as per actual needs.

 Add or delete the repeaters as per actual needs.

There are four repeaters (CH X1 to CH X4) in a site by default. To add a repeater, right-click a repeater and
select Add Voice Repeater or Add Data Repeater; to delete a repeater, right-click the repeater to be deleted
and select Delete Repeater.

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Figure 4-3 Adding or Deleting Repeaters

In the planning example, we need one master repeater (CH X1) and one slave repeater (CH X2).
A site contains at least 1 voice repeater (one master repeater) while at most 8 voice repeaters and 16
data repeaters, but only one master repeater. The first repeater works as the master repeater by
default, and the rest the slave repeaters.

 Configure the key parameters of the repeaters.

The configuration of CH X1 is as shown in the figure below. The configuration of CH X2 is similar

to that of CH X1, but home group is not required.

Figure 4-4 Master Repeater Parameter Configuration Interface-CH X1

Parameter Description Setting


System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Parameter Description Setting

 Master: It is used to manage other repeaters in the

same site and configure the Home Group for each
repeater. Only one master repeater must be assigned
in each site.

 Slave: Repeaters except for Master Repeater are

slave repeaters. Slave repeaters are connected to the This parameter is subject to

Master Repeater to build the XPT site. actual requirements.

Repeater Type  SubMaster: The sub master repeater is used to In planning example, CH X1 is

connect multiple IP sub site, and has the same the master repeater while CH

features as that of master repeater and slave X2 is the slave repeater.

repeater. When it works as the master of a sub site,

it can manage other repeater in this sub site; When
works as a slave repeater of a higher sub site, it can
connect to the master repeater of this higher sub
site, and build up the sub site with other repeaters.


Configures the channel parameters. After importing the configurations into CPS, CPS will write these
configurations to CH X1 and CH X2.

Range: A string consisting of

Channel Alias Set the alias of the channel.
1-16 characters.

Set the color code that can indicate a system. Different

repeaters in the same site can be set with different color
Range: 0-15
Color Code codes, but repeaters and radios with the same frequency
Default: 1
in the same site must be set with the same color code;
otherwise, they cannot communicate with each other.

Rx Freq (MHz) Set the Rx frequency of the channel. In the planning example, Tx

Set the Tx frequency of the channel. frequency of Master Repeater

(CH X1) is 353 MHz, while Rx
Tx Freq (MHz) In the same site, the Rx Frequency and Tx Frequency of
frequency is 363 MHz.
each repeater must be unique.

Xpt Service

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Parameter Description Setting

Set the unique identification number of repeater in the

Read only. The index number of
each repeater is assigned by the
In the single site, the identification number of each tool automatically.
Repeater Index repeater must be unique. The number of voice repeater
is a consecutive number starting from 1 while the
Voice Repeater: 1-8
number of data repeater is a consecutive number
Data Repeater: 16-30
starting from 16.

Read only. The tool displays the

Set the number of repeaters in the current site, including number of repeaters in the

Capacity In Site voice repeaters and data repeaters. Each XPT site current site according to the

supports 1-8 voice repeaters and 0-16 data repeaters. configuration.

Range: 1–16

Home Group

Set the Home Group for each repeater under the current site. Home Group for different repeaters must be
unique. This parameter will be available only when Repeater Type is set to Master.

Set the unique identification number of repeater in the Range

Repeater Index
site. Voice Repeater: 1-8

Set the home group ID of the repeater. Each site can be

Group ID Range: 1-240
set with up to 240 home groups.
Table 4-5 Descriptions on Repeater Parameters

Step 4 Save the XPT site parameter configurations.

After configuration, click Export button in Common interface to export and save the configurations
into a file (.xml format by default). Also, you can import the existing configuration file by clicking
Import button in Common interface to view and modify the configurations.

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Figure 4-5 Exporting XPT Site Configuration

4.2.2 Repeater Configuration

After configuring the site parameters through XPT tool, you need to configure other parameters of repeaters and
radios through CPS respectively. All XPT repeaters need to be configured as follows:

 After successful file importing, the name of the parameter which has been configured through XptAps will
turn blue in CPS. See Figure 4-7.
 It is not recommended to modify the parameters which have been configured through XptAps. If
modification is required, modify the parameter through XptAps and then import the file into CPS.
Configuring Repeater Operation Mode
Set Repeater Operation Mode to XPT Repeater. Currently, XPT system is not compatible with conventional

CPS Path: Common -> Setting -> Basic -> Repeater Operation Mode

Parameters: Repeater Operation Mode

Description: The repeater in XPT system can only operate in XPT Repeater mode.

A license is required before using the related features in XPT system. After the license is obtained and if no
XPT Trunking menu is displayed in CPS, go to “Common -> Feature Control” to enable XPT Trunking first,
and then go to “Common -> Setting -> Basic -> Repeater Operation Mode” and select XPT Repeater. See the

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

figure below.

Figure 4-6 Enabling XPT Trunking Feature

Figure 4-7 Configuring Repeater Operation Mode

Importing XPT Site Configuration
Import the site information and repeater information configured through XptAps into CPS.

Step 1 Read the repeater to be configured.

Step 2 Set the site ID and index number of the repeater.

CPS will import the corresponding repeater configuration according to the site ID and index number
of the repeater. For example, the site ID is 1 and index number is 3 of a repeater, the CPS will import
System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

the corresponding configuration of the repeater with site ID 1 and index number 3. The repeater index
number is 1 by default. Repeater Index of the voice repeater must be less than or equal to Voice
Repeater In-Site Num.
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Setting -> Site Setting -> Repeater Index

Figure 4-8 Configuring Repeater Index

Step 3 Select “Tools -> Import XPT Setting” on the menu bar of CPS, and then import the XPT configuration
file following the instructions.

Figure 4-9 Importing XPT Setting

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Configuring XPT Network Parameter

 Configure the basic parameters of network.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> Basic Setting

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below.

Description: Refer to the table belowTable 4-6 Descriptions on Network Parameters

Figure 4-10 Configuring Network Parameters

Parameter Description Setting

Set the Ethernet IP for the XPT repeater.

If the XPT system operates in a LAN, the Ethernet IP Method: Manual input
Ethernet IP
of each repeater in all sites must be fixed and unique.
Therefore, DHCP should be unchecked.,

Set the gateway IP under TCP/IP protocol for the

Gateway IP

Method: Manual input

Netmask Set the subnet mask address for the repeater. Range:

Table 4-6 Descriptions on Network Parameters

 Configure the parameters of IP Connect Configuration.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> IP Connect Configuration
Parameters: See orange boxes in Figure 4-11Figure 4-11 Configuring Parameters of IP Connect
Configuration-Master Repeater

for master repeater configurations. See orange boxes in Figure 4-12Figure 4-12 Configuring Parameters of
IP Connect Configuration-Slave Repeater for slave repeater configurations.

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Description: Refer to the table below for descriptions on key parameters of IP Connect Configuration. For
other related parameters, refer to CPS Help.

Figure 4-11 Configuring Parameters of IP Connect Configuration-Master Repeater

Figure 4-12 Configuring Parameters of IP Connect Configuration-Slave Repeater

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Parameter Description Setting

Set the repeater type of IP connection.

 Master: The repeater serves as the master of the IP site

and manages other repeaters in the same site. Only one
master repeater can be set for each XPT system.

 Slave: The repeater serves as the slave repeater in the IP

site and connects to the master to build up an IP site.
Multiple slave repeaters can be set in one site.
Method: Select from the drop
Repeater Type  Submaster: The repeater serves as the master repeater
down list.
and slave repeater at the same time. On one hand,
submaster serves as the master repeater to manage the
slave repeaters in the same site. On the other hand,
submaster serves as the slave repeater to connect to and
register with the master repeater of another site, so as to
realize the interconnection between each XPT site,
extending the communication coverage of XPT
multi-site system.

Method: Manual input

Master IP Set the IP Address of the master repeater in the XPT site.


This parameter is only

available for slave repeaters.

Set the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number of the

Method: Manual input
Master UDP master repeater in the XPT site.
Range: 1024-65535
Port UDP is a protocol used for peer-to-peer services within the
IP network.

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Parameter Description Setting

Set the port number.  Master UDP Port is only

available for slave
This port is used to establish and maintain the network
IP Connect repeaters.
connection between repeaters connected to each other
through IP network.
UDP Port
 IP Connect Networking
This port number must be different from Remote RDAC
UDP Port, Voice & Data
UDP Port.
UDP Port and Service
Set the port number. Control Port must be
Voice & Data
This port is used to transmit and receive data or voice different.
UDP Port
services through the network.  Service Control Port must
be the same for all
Set the port number.
Service repeaters in the one site.
This port is used by XPT repeaters to broadcast status
Control Port
message and interact with other XPT repeaters.

Table 4-7 Descriptions on IP Connect Configuration

XPT system is used with XNMS. Therefore, RDAC Service and RDAC UDP Port are not required.
Configuring Common Parameters
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Basic -> Basic Setting

Parameters: See orange boxes in the figure below.

Description: Refer to CPS help for more details of Group Call Hang Time, Private Call Hang Time,
Emergency Call Hang Time and SIT. These parameters must be consistent for all XPT repeaters in the same
XPT system.

Figure 4-13 Configuring Common Parameters

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Configuring XPT Service Parameter

 Configure the parameters of XPT site.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Setting

Parameters: See orange boxes in the figure belowFigure 4-14 Configuring Parameters of XPT Site

Description: Refer to Table 4-4 and Table 4-5 or CPS help for descriptions on key parameters in Site
Setting pane. It is recommended to configure these parameters through XptAps. Refer to Table 5-4 for
descriptions on Authentication parameters.

Voice Repeater In-Site Num is the number of voice repeaters (including master repeater) in an XPT site.
One XPT site should have at least one voice repeater. This parameter is available for the master repeater

Figure 4-14 Configuring Parameters of XPT Site

 Configure the home group list of the repeater.

The home group list is required for the master repeater only.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Home Group List
Parameters: See orange boxes in the table belowFigure 4-15 Configuring Home Group List of Repeater

Description: Refer to Home Group in Table 4-5Table 4-5 Descriptions on Repeater Parameters

or CPS help for detailed descriptions. The home group list is required for the master repeater only. To
modify the home groups, modify them through XptAps and then import the file into CPS for programming.

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Figure 4-15 Configuring Home Group List of Repeater

Configuring XPT Channel
XPT channel is the operating frequency of XPT repeater. One repeater can only operate on one channel at a

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Channel

Parameters: All the figures shown in the figure belowFigure 4-16 Configuring XPT Channel

Description: Refer to Table 4-5 or CPS help for detailed descriptions.

Figure 4-16 Configuring XPT Channel

4.2.3 Radio Configuration

All radios need to be configured as follows:

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Importing Configuration File

Import the site information configured through XptAps into CPS.

Step 1 Read the radio to be configured.

Step 2 Import the XPT configuration file.

CPS Path: Tools -> Import XPT Setting -> Select File -> Import
Configuring XPT Contacts
Add the required contacts or group into the contact list.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Contact -> Contact List

Parameters: See orange boxed in the figure belowFigure 4-17 XPT Contact Configuration Interface. Here we
need to add XPT group contacts (call ID from 1 to 240) and XPT Group A (100), XPT Group B (110), XPT
Group C (120), XPT Group D (130), XPT Group E (140), XPT Group F (150) and XPT Group G (160).

Description: Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

Group ID in Group ID List is configured through XptAps. If the group call ID added in Contact List is not
listed in Group ID List, the radio cannot make a group call to such group.

Figure 4-17 XPT Contact Configuration Interface

Configuring XPT Rx Group
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Rx Group -> Group list N
Parameters: Refer to the figure below.

Description: Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Figure 4-18 XPT Rx Group Configuration Interface

Configuring Voice Channel Frequency of XPT System
Set all available voice channel frequencies supported by the radio in XPT system.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> System Channel -> Voice Channel Frequency List

Parameters: Refer to the figure below. The system channel frequency list is already configured through
XptAps. CH X1 and CH X2 are corresponding to the frequency information of Repeater 1 and Repeater 2

Description: Repeaters and radios in the same site and with the same frequency must be set with the same color
code; otherwise, they cannot communicate with each other. Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

Figure 4-19 XPT Voice Channel Frequency List Configuration Interface

Configuring XPT Site Voice Channel List
Add the voice channel of XPT site accordingly.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Site Voice List

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Parameters: Refer to the figure below.

Description: Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

The frequency corresponding to the radio sequence number shall be the same as that to the repeater index;
otherwise the radio cannot communicate with the repeater. The relation between the radio sequence number
and the repeater index:

Index of Voice Repeater = Radio Sequence Number in Voice Channel Frequency List

Figure 4-20 XPT Site Voice Channel List Configuration Interface

Configuring XPT Personality
XPT Personality defines the common attributes of multiple channels by setting the attributes of the Channel List.
One channel list is related to one site under XPT system, thus one personality is related to one XPT site. Unlike
conventional series radios, the radios in XPT system switch the personality (XPT site) instead of channel
through the Channel Selector knob.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality

Parameters: Refer to the figure below.

Description: Refer to the table below for descriptions on key parameters of XPT Personality. For other related
parameters, refer to CPS Help. Also, you can add multiple personalities in this interface as per actual needs.

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Figure 4-21 XPT Personality Configuration Interface

Parameter Description Setting

Set a home channel for the channel list, which is

corresponding to the home repeater. The radio will transmit Method: Select from the
on the home channel first. When the home channel is busy, drop down list. In the figure
Home Channel the radio will transmit through other free repeater assigned above, the home channel for
by the XPT system. the radio is CH X1 (Repeater

After setting the Voice List, selects a voice channel in the 1).

voice list as home channel for the radio.

Set the voice list used by the radio. The radio will use the
voice channel in the list to transmit or receive voice
Method: Select from the
Voice List services. When the home channel is busy, the radio will
drop down list.
switch to another channel in the list according to the free
repeater to transmit or receive voice services.

Application Notes System Planning and Parameter Configuration

Parameter Description Setting

Set the data list used by the radio.

When Data List is set to a data list instead of None, the

radio will use the data channel in the list to transmit RRS
data and GPS data.
Method: Select from the
Data List  When a repeater is used to dispatch services, the Data
drop down list.
List is set to an effective data list. The Control Center
ID shall be set between 65280 and 65535.

 When a radio is used to dispatch services, the Data List

is set to None.

Restricts the radio transmission when there are ongoing

activities on the channel.

 Channel Free: The radio is allowed to transmit when Method: Select from the
TX Admit
the channel is free. drop down list.

 Code Color Free: The radio can transmit only when the
channel is free or the color code is not matched.

Method: Select from the

drop down list.

Set a regular contact for the XPT site. The radio initiates a Note:
TX Contact
call to this contact when the radio user holds down the TX Contact Name is sourced
PTT key. from Contact List. Refer to
Configuring XPT Contacts

Method: Select from the

Associates a RX Group List with the current XPT site. In drop down list.

presence of any activity that matches the group ID in the Note:

RX Group List RX Group List, the radio unmutes and allows radio user to RX Group List is sourced
respond and talk back within the defined Group Call Hang from Rx Group. Refer to
Time. Configuring XPT Rx Group

System Planning and Parameter Configuration Application Notes

Parameter Description Setting

Associates a predefined XPT emergency system to the

Emergency Method: Select from the
current XPT site.
System drop down list.
Emergency System is sourced from XPT Emergency.

GPS Report Method: Select from the

Set GPS data reporting type of the radio.
Type drop down list.

Set the interval for radios to detect the beacon signals of

the repeater. Method: Manual input

If the XPT system is built on a LAN, please ensure the Note:

Beacon Interval
Beacon Interval of all repeaters and radios are the same, It is not recommended to
while Interval of the radio cannot be no less than that of the modify this parameter.
Table 4-8 Descriptions on Key Parameters of XPT Personality
Adding XPT Personality to Zone
It is recommended to add all the XPT personalities of the radio to one zone for convenient use and management.
Each zone can support up to 16 personalities.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Zone

Parameters: Refer to the figure below.Figure 4-22 Adding Personality to Zone

Description: All XPT personalities of the radio must be added to a certain zone; otherwise, the radio cannot use
the personalities. Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

Figure 4-22 Adding Personality to Zone

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

5. Other Feature Configurations

The chapter above introduces the method of configuring basic parameters of XPT system, such as home
repeater, home group and beacon interval. Besides the basic voice and data services, XPS system also supports
the following features:

 XPT Multi-Sites

 Roam

 Dedicated Data Channel

 Dispatching

 Data Channel Weak

 BT Positioning

 Smart Battery Report

 Dual-slot Data Transmission

 Remote Upgrade

 Single Station Paging

 Network Management Parameters

 Interference Detection

 Fusion System

 Emergency Alarm

 Full Duplex Call

 Encrypt

 Authentication

 SIP Phone

 Priority Interrupt

 Follow Free Channel

 Access Manager

 Repeater Backup


Refer to the Help document of OTAP Tool for details.

 Clarity Transmission

Refer to DMR Radio Clarity Transmission Application Notes for details.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

 Work Order

In XPT system, the function, operating principle and configuration of Work Order are almost the same as
that in conventional system. Refer to Work Order Application Notes of conventional system for details.

 Telemetry

Besides the fact that repeater does not support Telemetry feature, the function, operating principle and
configuration of Telemetry in XPT system are almost the same as that in conventional system. Refer to
Telemetry Application Notes of conventional system for details.

 Continuous Wave Identification (CWID)

 Application Interface Specification (AIS)

The following sections will introduce the application and configuration of the mentioned features.

5.1 XPT Multi-Site

XPT Multi-Sites feature connects multiple XPT single-site systems to each other through WAN to build an XPT
multi-site system. In this way, XPT system can extend the communication coverage while its existing
advantages can be ensured.

5.1.1 Basic Principle

XPT multi-site feature is designed to achieve a larger coverage by connecting multiple XPT sites in dispersed
locations over a TCP/IP-based network.

During the transporting process based on TCP/IP protocol, the XPT protocol is transported by TCP/IP protocol
and a Hytera-owned protocol locating in the application layer. Accordingly, it is reasonable to conclude that IP
network only changes the XPT transmission media without affecting the services of XPT radios or repeaters.

Figure 5-1 XPT Multi-Sites Extending Communication Coverage

5.1.2 Applications
XPT Multi-Sites can be applied in the following scenarios:

 To connect two or more XPT single-site systems in different areas

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Example: A client has two XPT sites locating in two remote different areas. The XPT multi-site system can
connect these two XPT sites and manage them as a whole.

 To construct a more effective communication area with wider coverage

Example: There are multiple XPT sites deployed along the busy metro route to build continuous
communication coverage. The connection between multiple XPT sites can also solve the communication
failure problem caused by unfavorable positions or blockings.

 To broadcast information to the communication coverage of all XPT sites

Example: In case of emergency, the radios within the communication coverage of the XPT multi-site system
can be informed by dispatch station or Emergency feature.

 To use multiple IP-based applications

Example: The client can use dispatching software, XNMS and so on in XPT multi-site system. Also,
API-based third-party applications can be used in XPT multi-site system.

For details on the supported applications and third-party application programming interface (API), please
contact the equipment providers.

5.1.3 Typical Network Topology

For typical network topology of the XPT multi-site system, refer to Multi-Site System.

 When the XPT Multi-site is used in the private network or local area network, different sites must be
located in different network segments (that is, different VLAN). The network topology is shown as below:

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Site 4
Repeater 1
Repeater 2
Repeater 3
Repeater 4

Site 1 Layer 3 switch Site 2

Repeater 1 Repeater 1

Repeater 2 Repeater 2

Repeater 3 Router Repeater 3

Repeater 4 Repeater 4

Repeater 5 Repeater 5
Layer 3 switch Layer 3 switch
Repeater 6 Repeater 6

Repeater 7 Repeater 7

Repeater 8 Repeater 8
Layer 3 switch

VLAN1 Site 3 VLAN2

Repeater 1

Repeater 2

Repeater 3

Repeater 4


If no layer 3 switch is available, you can replace it with a router and a switch.

 When the XPT Multi-site is used in the public network, the network topology is shown as below:

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Site 4
Repeater 1
Repeater 2
Repeater 3
Repeater 4

Site 1 Site 2

Repeater 1 Repeater 1

Repeater 2 Router Repeater 2

Repeater 3 Repeater 3

Repeater 4 Repeater 4

Repeater 5 Repeater 5
Router network Router
Repeater 6 Repeater 6

Repeater 7 Repeater 7

Repeater 8
Router Repeater 8

VLAN1 Site 3 VLAN2

Repeater 1

Repeater 2

Repeater 3

Repeater 4


5.1.4 Restrictions
 XPT Multi-Sites feature is a paid feature. You must obtain the authorization before using this feature.

To enable this feature, you first need to enable XPT Trunking and XPT Multi-Sites in “Common ->
Feature Control” via CPS. After it, the XPT Max Sites Num will be set to 16 by default. In this case, the
XPT system has a maximum of sixteen XPT sites (For R8.0 XPT system, it has a maximum of 8 XPT sites;
while for R7.6, only 4).

 XPT Multi-Sites feature is subject to the repeater configurations.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

 XPT Multi-Sites feature is subject to the network type and the configurations of network devices.

 XPT Multi-Sites feature does not support symmetric routers.

 All XPT sites must be located in different network segments.

5.1.5 Parameter Configuration

System Configurations
To build an XPT multi-site system, XPT sites, their adjacent site lists and common home groups are required.

Here we use XptAps for efficient configurations. Do as follows.

Step 1 Run XptAps.

Step 2 Import the XPT single-site system configuration file (.xml).

Step 3 Add one or more XPT sites.

The configurations of the added site(s) are the same as that of XPT single-site system. Refer to 4.2.1
XPT Site Configuration for details.

A group must be set as the common home group of the corresponding sites to make the cross-site
group call available. For example, group G1 must be set as the common home group of both Site 1
and Site 2 before making a cross-site group call to group G1 between Site 1 and Site 2.

Step 4 Configure the adjacent site list of each site.

When roaming, the radio will search for the site with the strongest signal strength in the adjacent site
list first, and then in the roam list. Therefore, please configure the adjacent site list of each site as per
actual needs to improve the roaming efficiency.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Figure 5-2 Configuring Adjacent Site List

Step 5 Select a site on the left and then click Export to export the configuration file (.xml) of this site.
Master Repeater Configuration
Only one master repeater is required for each XPT multi-site system. Besides configurations of the adjacent site
list by importing the XptAps configuration file into CPS, the configuration of the master repeater in XPT
multi-site system is the same as that in XPT single-site system. Refer to 4.2.2 Repeater Configuration for

Generally, each site in XPT multi-site system works in different network sections. Therefore, the IP Connect
Networking UDP Port of the master repeater shall be mapped to the same external and internal port .
Otherwise, the submaster repeaters operating in other network sections will not be able to connect to the
master repeater. Moreover, disable the port monitoring or port mirroring function of the router if any, so as
to avoid interference on the communication of the repeater.
Slave Repeater Configuration
The configuration of the slave repeater in XPT multi-site system is the same as that in XPT single-site system.
Refer to 4.2.2 Repeater Configuration for details.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

When configuring the Master IP and Master UDP Port,

 For the slave repeater in the master site (that is, the site in which the master repeater is located), you
should ensure that settings of the two parameters are the same as those of the Ethernet IP and the IP
Connect Networking UDP Port of the master repeater to be connected, respectively.
 For the slave repeater in the slave site (that is, the site in which the submaster repeater is located), you
should ensure that settings of the two parameters are the same as those of the Ethernet IP and the IP
Connect Networking UDP Port of the submaster repeater to be connected, respectively.
Submaster Repeater Configuration
The configuration of the submaster repeater is almost the same as that of the master repeater. The following
configurations are the difference of network parameters.

Step 1 Set the Repeater Operation Mode of submaster repeater to XPT Repeater and import the XptAps
configuration file. Then configure the XPT service and channel of the submaster repeater as per actual

The above configurations are the same as those in XPT single-site system. Refer to 4.2.2 Repeater
Configuration for details.

Step 2 Set the Repeater Type of submaster repeater to SubMaster.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> IP Connect Configuration

Figure 5-3 Configuring Repeater Type

Step 3 Configure the master parameters of submaster.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

The submaster parameters include master parameters and slave parameters. The parameters in orange
box in the figure above are the master parameters. The configuration of these master parameters is the
same as that of master repeater. Refer to Master Repeater Configuration for details.

Step 4 Configure the slave parameters of submaster.

Refer to Table 4-7 for detailed parameter descriptions. Please note that, Master IP and Master UDP
Port must be respectively set to Ethernet IP and IP Connect Networking UDP Port of the master
repeater connected to this submaster repeater. And the IP Connect Networking UDP Port of the
submaster repeater shall be mapped to the same external and internal port.

Figure 5-4 Configuring the Slave Parameters of Submaster

If VPN is not set up, Master IP and Master UDP Port shall be respectively set to the IP address
of the master repeater and the mapped IP connect networking port on WAN side.

5.2 Roam
The Roam feature enables the radio to transmit or receive services from the XPT system after it moves from one
XPT site to another.

This feature is mainly applied in the IP Multi-site Connect System, and includes Active Roam and Passive

 Active Roam: If the radio disconnects to the current XPT site when initiating a call or transferring data, it
switches to the available XPT site in Adjacent Site List or Roam List to initiate the call or transfer the data.

 Passive Roam: If the radio detects RSSI of the current XPT site is lower than the roam RSSI threshold or
disconnects to the current XPT site, it switches to the XPT site with strongest signal in Adjacent Site List or
Roam List.
Radio Configuration
Besides the radio configuration in XPT single-site system, Roam feature must be enabled and configured
properly, so that a radio can continue to use the XPT system for communication after it moves from one site to

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Step 1 A license is required before using the Roam feature in XPT system. After the license is acquired, go to
“Common -> Feature Control” to enable the Roam feature through CPS. See the figure below.

Figure 5-5 Enabling Roam Feature

Step 2 Configure the radio according to the configuration (including master repeater, contacts, voice channel
and so on) in XPT single-site system.

Step 3 Select IP Multi-site Connect in XPT Personality and assign a roam list to this personality. Then set
whether to enable the Auto Start Scan feature as per actual needs.

If IP Multi-site Connect is unchecked, this personality cannot be assigned with a roam list. When
roaming, the radio cannot roam to the XPT sites in this roam list. With the Auto Start Scan feature
enabled, the radio starts roaming upon power-on or switching to this XPT personality from another
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality

Figure 5-6 Assigning a Roam List to XPT Personality

Step 4 Add other XPT personalities (XPT sites) in XPT multi-site system into the roam list and configure the
corresponding parameters (alias, RSSI Threshold, etc.) of the list properly.

After adding other XPT sites into this roam list, when the signal strength of the current XPT site is
lower than RSSI Threshold or the radio disconnects from the current XPT site, the radio will detect
the signal strength of other XPT sites in this roam list and roams to an XPT site with satisfying
conditions. A radio with the firmware version of R8.0 or above can transmit voice or data services

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

while detecting the signal strength of other XPT sites on the roam list. The service is forwarded by the
original master site (that is, the site in which the radio is in before roaming).
During roaming, if the signal strength of all sites is lower than the RSSI Threshold value, the radio
will select one site with strongest signal as the master site. Such temporary master site must satisfy the
following requirement: signal strength of the temporary site ≥ signal strength of master site + RSSI
threshold offset. The interval time for the radio to stay at this temporary site is subject to the
parameter set in the Roam Intercal Time. When this interval time expires, the radio will select
another site with strongest signal as the master site.
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Roam
Refer to CPS help file for detailed parameter descriptions. For the XPT system R8.1 or above, the
maximum sites for the roaming are extended to 16.

Figure 5-7 Configuring the Roam List

Step 5 (Option) Enable Multisite Handover feature, and configure related parameters.

The Multisite Handover feature can ensure a smooth communication. With this feature enabled, the
radio automatically switches to a voice channel of the adjacent site with better signals, when it detects
RSSI of the current site is weak and the multisite handover conditions are met during voice receiving
or transmitting. To use this feature, the Roam feature must be enabled.
The Multisite Handover Weak and Voice Buffer For Handover can be enabled as well.

 Multisite Handover Weak lowers the multi-site handover requirements and ensures the radio
operates on a site with better signals. Refer to CPS Help for details.

 Voice Buffer for Handover reduces voice data loss due to channel switch during transmitting. With
this feature enabled, the radio activates MIC and stores the voice in the buffer during handover.
After the handover is successful, the radio transmits the voice according to storage order.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Roam -> Roam Setting.

Parameters: The parameters in orange boxes in the figure below. Refer to CPS Help for the
parameter descriptions.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Step 6 (Optional) Configure the Multi-site Handover menu if you want to enable or disable the Multisite
Handover and Multisite Handover Weak features.

The Multisite Handover Weak feature can lower the conditions to activate Multi-site Handover
feature. See Step 6 to set the related parameters.
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Menu -> Roam.
Parameters: Roam On/Off, Multisite Handover On/Off and Multisite Handover Weak. Refer to CPS
Help for the parameter descriptions.

The Roam On/Off and Multisite Handover options can be configured only after the Roam
option is selected.

5.3 Data Repeater and Dedicated Data Channel

To avoid RRS or GPS services occupy the channel frequently and cause voice service initiation failures, users
can add data repeaters in XPT system and use the data channel (Dedicated Data Channel) to repeat the RRS and
GPS services. In this case, the voice services will be repeated in the channels of voice repeaters, avoiding voice
service initiation failures caused by RRS or GPS services occupying the channels.

5.3.1 XPT Site Configuration

Step 1 Run XptAps.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Step 2 Import the XPT system parameters configured through XptAps in 4.2.1 XPT Site Configuration.

If the XPT system parameters are not configured through XptAps before hand, refer to 4.2.1 XPT Site
Configuration to configure the related parameters, including site parameters, adding voice repeaters,
frequency and color code.

Step 3 Right-click site and select Add Data Repeater.

The alias of XPT site is “site”. Add two data repeaters (CH X3 and CH X4). Voice repeaters CH X1
and CH X2 remain unchanged.

Step 4 Configure the added data repeaters.

Configure the parameters of data repeater, such as frequency and color code. Assume that CH X3 and CH X4
use Channel 3 and Channel 4 in Table 6-1Table 6-1 Frequency List

as their channels respectively.

If Repeater Type is slave and Service Type is data repeater, the range of Repeater Index is 16~

Figure 5-8 Slave Repeater Parameter Configuration Interface-CH X3

Step 5 Export the configuration result.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

5.3.2 Configuring Data Repeater

The configurations of the data repeater are almost the same as that of the voice repeater. Refer to 4.2.2 Repeater
Configuration for details.

5.3.3 Configuring Radio

Besides configuring data channel frequency and data channel list, associating the data channel list with XPT
personality of the radio, the configuration of the radio is the same as that in XPT system with voice channels
only. Refer to 4.2.3 Radio Configuration for details. Here we only introduce the differences.
Configuring Quick GPS System
Quick GPS feature allows the radio to report more GPS data at a time, so as to improve the efficiency of
dedicated data channels. When the data channel is associated with quick GPS system and XPT personality is
associated with this data channel, user can report GPS data quickly in this data channel.

Quick GPS parameters are required to be configured for radios with GPS feature only. Before configuring
Quick GPS parameters, GPS and Quick GPS feature must be enabled through CPS (XPT Trunking ->
General Setting -> Accessories).

Skip this section if Quick GPS is not required in dispatching.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Quick GPS -> QG Sys1

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below. Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

Figure 5-9 Configuring Quick GPS System

Configuring Data Channel Frequency of XPT System
Set all available data frequencies supported by the radio in XPT system.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> System Channel -> Data Channel -> Data Channel Frequency

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below. The system channel frequency list is already configured
through XptAps. CH X3 and CH X4 are corresponding to the frequency information of Repeater 3 and Repeater
4 respectively.

Description: Repeaters and radios in the same site and with the same frequency must be set with the same color
code; otherwise, they cannot communicate with each other. Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

The frequency corresponding to the radio sequence number shall be the same as that to the repeater index;
otherwise the radio cannot communicate with the repeater. The relation between the radio sequence number
and the repeater index:

Index of Data Repeater = 15 + Radio Sequence Number in Data Channel Frequency List

Figure 5-10 XPT Data Channel Frequency List Configuration Interface

Configuring XPT Site Data Channel List
Add the data channel of XPT site accordingly.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Site Data List

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below.

Description: Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions. To transmit GPS data through Quick GPS feature, the
Channel Type of at least one data channel in the data list is set to Quick GPS and this data channel is
associated with the quick GPS system configured in Configuring Quick GPS System. See the orange boxes in
the figure below.

 For the repeater R8.1 or above, it can forward the data through voice channel or data channel. If no data
channel is configured, or the Channel Type of all data channels is set as Quick GPS, the radio will
transmit RRS data and GPS data through the voice channel.
 For the repeater below R8.1, if the Channel Type of all data channels is set as Quick GPS, the radio
cannot transmit RRS data and GPS data.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Figure 5-11 XPT Site Data Channel List Configuration Interface

Associating Data Channel List with XPT Personality
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below.

Description: Refer to Table 5-1 for descriptions on key parameters of XPT Personality. For other related
parameters, refer to CPS Help. Also, you can add multiple personalities in this interface as per actual needs.

Figure 5-12 XPT Personality Configuration Interface

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Parameter Description Setting

Method: Select from the

Voice List Set the voice list used by the radio.
drop down list.

Set the data list used by the radio.

When Data List is set to a data list instead of None, the

radio will use the data channel in the list to report RRS data
and GPS data. Method: Select from the
Data List
 When a repeater is used to dispatch services, set the drop down list.

Data List to an effective data list.

 When a radio is used to dispatch services, set the Data

List to None.

Location Report Method: Select from the

Set the location report type of the radio.
Type drop down list.

Battery Report Method: Select from the

Set the battery report type of the radio.
Type drop down list.

RRS Set whether to report RRS data to the dispatch station. Method: Check

Table 5-1 Descriptions on Data Channel Parameters

5.4 Dispatching
User can perform dispatching using XPT system.

 Supported Services: Radio Registration Service (RRS), GPS, Call Control (CC), Telemetry, Text Message
(TMS), Work Order, Over-the-air Programming (OTAP), Radio Control (RC) and Auxiliary Control.

 Currently, the repeater can serve as the dispatch station in XPT system.

 For the repeater R8.0 or above, it can dispatch both the radios of its site and other sites.

 For the repeater below R8.0, it can only dispatch the radios of its site.

 If the dedicated data repeater is set in XPT system, the radio will use the dedicated data channel of the data
repeater to send GPS and RRS message. Otherwise, the radio will use the voice channels to send GPS and
RRS message.

The network topology is shown below.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes


Radio 1

Home Repeater (G1/G2/



Radio 2 Dispatch
Switch Station
Home Repeater (G4/G5)


Radio 3
Home Repeater (G6/G7/G8)
Free Repeater

Figure 5-13 Dispatching Network Topology

5.4.1 Repeater Configuration

To dispatch the radios in a certain XPT site, the Application Programming Interface parameters of all repeaters
in this site must be configured properly.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> Application Programming Interface.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Parameter Description Setting

Repeater can repeat the received voice and date to the predefined
computer server (dispatch station) through IP network. Also, it can
Forward To Method: Check
receive and process the repeating request from the dispatch station,
PC Default: Unchecked
so as to realize the communication between the dispatch station and
the radios.

Method: Manual input

Note: The parameter is

Third Party Set the IP address of dispatching server or gateway. For example,
available only when
Server IP
Forward To PC is

Method: Select from

the drop down list.
Note: The parameter is
Interface Set to Hytera Defined Mode.
available only when
Forward To PC is
Table 5-2 Descriptions on Application Programming Interface Parameters

Refer to CPS help for details of other parameters. It is recommended to use the default values if there is no
parameter conflict.
Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

5.4.2 Radio Configuration

Configuring Network Parameters
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network
Parameters: The parameters in orange boxes in the figure below. Refer to Table 5-3 for parameter descriptions.

Figure 5-14 Configuring Network Parameters

Parameter Description Setting

Unchecked. Otherwise, the parameters below will be Method: Check

Forward To PC
unavailable. Default: Unchecked

Method: Manual input


 65280~65535 if a repeater
Input the corresponding dispatched radio ID. works as a dispatch station
Control Center
Otherwise, the radio may fail to get registered,  1~65023 if a radio works as
causing dispatching failure. a dispatch station

Note: The parameter is available

when Forward To PC is

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Parameter Description Setting

Method: Select from the drop

down list.

RRS Delay Range: 10~120s.

Set the time between radio power-on and radio
Registration Default: 30s.
Time Note: The parameter is available
when Forward To PC is

Method: Select from the drop

Set the maximum counts for the radio to resend down list.

RRS registration messages if no acknowledgement is Range: 5~500.

Registration received from the control station. If the counter Default: 60.
Retry Counter expires, the registration program will be terminated Note: The parameter is available
and the radio is determined as off-line. when Forward To PC is

Method: Select from the drop

down list.

RRS Range: 10~300s.

Registration Set the interval for sending registration messages. Default: 30s.
Retry Interval Note: The parameter is available
when Forward To PC is
Table 5-3 Network Parameter for Radio
Configuring Parameters to Transmit GPS Data
Step 1 Set the data transmission method of the radio.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Basic -> Miscellaneous.
Parameters: Data Bearer Service. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.
The Data Bearer Service of the radio must be the same as that of the repeater, and the CPS Path is the
same for the repeater. By default, this parameter is set as Hytera Defined Data.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Step 2 Configure Control Center ID, Location Port and Identifier.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> Radio Services.
Parameters: Control Center ID, Location Port and Identifier. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter

The range of the Control Center ID is as follows.
 65280~65535 if a repeater works as a dispatch station
 1~65023 if a radio works as a dispatch station

Step 3 Enable GPS feature, and configure the triggered conditions.

For PD78XE(i) and PD98X(i), TF Card GPS Record can be enabled to record GPS data in the TF
card (Micro SD card). You can use Smart Dispatch to read the GPS data and view radio tracks on
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Accessories -> GPS.
Parameters: See parameters in the red box below. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Step 4 Enable Quick GPS feature if GPS data is to be transmitted via this feature.

You can also enable Single GPS feature to increase the transmission speed of Quick GPS, further
enlarging system capacity for GPS data transmission.
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Accessories -> GPS -> Quick GPS.
Parameters: See parameters in the red box below. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

 The Quick GPS is configurable only when GPS is enabled.
 The Single GPS is configurable only when Quick GPS is enabled.

Step 5 Enable Single GPS Encrypt/Decrypt and set the key to encrypt or decrypt the single GPS data.

To use this feature, the Single GPS feature (see Step 4 in this section) must be enabled.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

 The radio with positioning chip encrypts the GPS data before transmitting via Single GPS. When the
encryption keys are the same, the repeater repeats the GPS data and the receiving radio decrypts it.

 The radio or repeater without positioning chip only decrypts the received single GPS data.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Encrypt.

Parameters: Single GPS Encrypt/Decrypt and Single GPS Encrypt/Decrypt Key. Refer to CPS Help
for parameter descriptions.

Step 6 Configure Voice Channel and (or) Data Channel.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> System Channel -> Voice Channel/Data Channel.
Parameters: Refer to Configuring Voice Channel Frequency of XPT System and Configuring Data
Channel Frequency of XPT System for details.

 When a radio is used to dispatch services, it can forward the data only through Voice Channel.

 When a repeater is used to dispatch services, it can forward the data through Voice Channel and Data Channel
(But for the repeater below R8.1, it can forward the data only through Data Channel).

Step 7 Configure the Site Voice List.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Site Voice List.
Parameters: Refer to Configuring XPT Site Voice Channel List for details.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Step 8 Configure the Site Data List.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Site Data List.
Parameters: Refer to Configuring XPT Site Data Channel List for details.
To transmit GPS data through Quick GPS feature, the Channel Type of at least one Data Channel in
the data list must be set to Quick GPS or QGPS&NormalData, and this data channel has been
associated with the Quick GPS system configured in Configuring Quick GPS System.

Step 9 Configure the Voice List and (or) Data List.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Per XN -> Voice List / Data List.
Parameters: Refer to Table 5-1 for details.

 When a repeater is used to dispatch services, the Voice List and (or) Data List are configurable. (But for the
repeater below R8.1, it only can forward the data through data channel. In this case, the Data List cannot be set
as None).

 When a radio is used to dispatch services, it can only transmit the data through voice channel. In this case, the
Data List must be set as None.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Step 10 Set the GPS Report Type as Normal or Quick GPS.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Miscellaneous.
Parameters: GPS Report Type. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

This parameter is not available if RX Only is selected for current channel.

Step 11 Enable the In Call Location Revert feature.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Basic -> Miscellaneous.
Parameters: In Call Location Revert. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.
If disabled, the radio cannot report location data to the dispatch station during voice receiving. Then
the dispatch station cannot obtain the radio location in real time. In this case, it’s recommended to
enable the In Call Location Revert feature.

Step 12 (Optional) Enable the Data Channel Weak feature.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Setting -> Miscellaneous.
Parameters: Data Channel Weak. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

With this feature enabled, the radio automatically switches to the voice repeater to transmit the data
including GPS, RRS, when it transmits location data in normal way but the data repeater operates
abnormally, such as unexpected power off, disconnection to the dispatch station.

To enable this feature, the Location Report Type must be set as Normal.
Configuring Parameters to Transmit RRS Data
Step 1 Configure respectively the parameters as per Step 1~2 and Step 5~8 in Configuring Parameters to
Transmit GPS Data, including Data Bearer Service, Control Center ID, Voice Channel, Data Channel,
Site Voice List, Site Data List, Voice List and Data List.

Step 2 Enable the RRS feature.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Miscellaneous.
Parameters: RRS. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

The RRS is not available if RX Only is selected.

Step 3 (Optional) Enable the Data Channel Weak feature.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Setting -> Miscellaneous.
Parameters: Data Channel Weak. See Step 11 in section 5.4.2.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

With this feature enabled, the radio automatically switches to the voice repeater to transmit the data
including GPS, RRS, when it transmits location data in normal way but the data repeater operates
abnormally, such as unexpected power off, disconnection to the dispatch station.

To enable this feature, the Location Report Type must be set as Normal.

5.5 Dual-slot Data Transmission

5.5.1 Overview
The external devices can transfer data from one to another through the Data Transfer or Clarity Transmission
feature of the radios. When the Dual-slot Data Transmission feature is enabled, the radios transmit or receive
the data over dual slots to increase the transmission speed and save channel resources.

5.5.2 Restrictions
 The feature is used for the data transfer among the radios.

 The feature is not available if RX Only is selected for current XPT channel.

 The feature is not available for Dedicated Channel for Priority Interrupt and dedicated data channel.

 When transferring data over dual slots, the radio can initiate an emergency call only.

5.5.3 Parameter Configuration

Portable Radio
The portable radios support to transfer data through the Data Transfer feature. Please configure the related
parameters before enabling the Dual-slot Data Transmission feature.
Step 1 Configure UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) related parameters.
CPS Path: Common -> Accessories -> Basic Setting.
Parameters: Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Step 2 Enable the Forward To PC feature.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> Forward To PC.
Parameters: Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Step 3 Configure the target radio.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Per XN -> RX/TX Manage.
Parameters: Configure TX Contacts Name. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

 If the data is transmitted to one radio only, set this parameter as call ID of the target radio.

 If the data is transmitted to multiple radios, set this parameter to call ID of the target group.

Step 4 (Optional) Configure the RX Group List.

If the data is transmitted to multiple radios, set this parameter as the group list where the target group
ID is on.
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Per XN -> RX/TX Manage.
Parameters: Configure RX Group List. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Step 5 Select Data Transmit Protocol to enable the Dual-slot Data Transmission feature.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Basic -> Dual-slot Data Transmission.
Parameters: Configure Data Transmit Protocol. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Step 6 (Optional) Disable the Battery Save feature of the receiving and transmitting radios.

It is recommended to disable this feature to increase the transmission speed.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Setting -> Battery Save.
Parameters: Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Step 7 (Optional) Configure the Dual-slot Data option if you want to enable or disable the Dual-slot Data
Transmission feature via radio menu.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Menu -> Common Menu -> Radio Settings.
Parameters: Check Dual-slot Data. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter description

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Mobile Radio
The mobile radios support the Data Transfer and Clarity Transmission features.

 For Data Transfer, see Portable Radio in section 5.5.3 for the configuration.

 For Clarity Transmission, please operate as below.

Step 1 Enable the Clarity Transmission feature, and configure related parameters.

The configurations are the same as that in conventional system. For details, refer to section 2.2 in
DMR Mobile Radio_Clarity Transmission_Application Notes.
The CPS paths for XPT system are as below.

 Common -> Accessories -> Basic Setting -> Accessory Port UART Baudrate/Parity Bit/Data
Bit/Stop Bit

 XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> Radio to PC Network -> Forward To PC/Accessory
Port Communication (UART Clarity Transmission)

 XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Per XN -> RX/TX Manage -> TX Contacts
Name/RX Group List

 XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Basic -> Dual-slot Data Transmission -> Clarity Transmission

 (Optional) XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Setting -> Battery Save (disable this feature)

Step 2 Select Clarity Transmission to enable the Dual-slot Data Transmission feature.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Basic -> Dual-slot Data Transmission.
Parameters: Check Clarity Transmission. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter description

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

This parameter is available only when Accessory Port Communication is set to UART Clarity

Step 3 (Optional) Configure the Dual-slot Data option if you want to enable or disable the Dual-slot Data
Transmission feature via radio menu.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Menu -> Common Menu -> Radio Settings.
Parameters: Check Dual-slot Data. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter description

5.6 BT Positioning
When the radio cannot be accurately positioned via GPS indoor, the BT Location feature can be enabled to
transmit the location data to the control center. Then the dispatcher can view the real-time location of the radio
and make effective on-site dispatch. To enable this feature, the BT beacons need to be deployed indoor.

This feature is only available for PD98X(i). If the repeater is used for dispatching, it must be configured the
same Beacon Info List as that of the radio. For details, refer to DMR Conventional Radio_BT_User Manual.

5.7 Smart Battery Report

5.7.1 Overview
The Smart Battery Report feature helps users to know battery conditions of the radio. With this feature enabled,
the radio sends battery data to the control center, such as battery model, lifespan, discharging and recharging
cycles and battery version. The information is used to evaluate whether the battery needs to be replaced.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

5.7.2 Restriction
This feature is only available for PD98X(i) with smart battery.

5.7.3 Parameter Configuration

Step 1 Configure Control Center ID and Self-Defined Message Port.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> Radio Services
Parameters: Control Center ID, Self-Defined Message Port and Identifier. Refer to CPS Help for the
parameter descriptions.

The range of the Control Center ID:
 1-65023 if a radio works as a dispatch station.
 65280-65535 if a repeater works as a dispatch station.

Step 2 Enable the Smart Battery Report feature, and configure related parameters.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Accessories -> Smart Battery Report.
Parameters: Smart Battery Report, Periodical Report, Report Interval Time and Report Start Time.
Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Step 3 Configure the Voice Channel and (or) Data Channel.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> System Channel -> Voice Channel/Data Channel.
Parameters: Refer to Configuring Voice Channel Frequency of XPT System and Configuring Data
Channel Frequency of XPT System for details.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

 When a radio is used to dispatch services, it can forward the data only through Voice Channel.

 When a repeater is used to dispatch services, it can forward the data through Voice Channel or Data

Step 4 Configure the Site Voice List.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Site Voice List.
Parameters: Refer to Configuring XPT Site Voice Channel List for details.

Step 5 Configure the Site Data List.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Site Data List.
Parameters: Refer to Configuring XPT Site Data Channel List for details.
The battery data can be only transmitted in normal way. Thus Channel Type must be set as Normal
Data or QGPS&NormalData.

Step 6 Configure the Voice List and (or) Data List.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Per XN -> Voice List / Data List.
Parameters: Refer to Table 5-1 for details.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

 When a repeater is used to dispatch services, the Voice List and Data List are configurable.

 When a radio is used to dispatch services, it can only transmit the data through voice channel. In this
case, the Data List must be set as None.

Step 7 Set the Battery Report Type as Normal.

If set as None, the radio cannot transmit the battery data under current XPT site.
CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Per XN -> Miscellaneous.
Parameters: Battery Report Type. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

The Battery Report Type is not available if RX Only is selected.

5.8 Emergency
Configuring XPT Emergency
Emergency Alarm allows user to ask for help from the companion or the control center in case of emergency.
When the XPT personality is associated with an XPT Emergency system, user can activate Emergency feature
by pressing the programmed Emergency key.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> Emergency -> XPT Emergency

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below. Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

The differences between XPT Emergency and Conventional Emergency are as follows:

 There is no emergency revert channel for XPT Emergency.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

 XPT Emergency Contact is required. This contact must be an XPT Emergency Group Call Contact (XPT
Trunking -> XPT Service -> Contact -> Contact List) with an ID ranging from 250 to 254. Refer to
Configuring XPT Contacts
 for detailed descriptions.

Figure 5-15 XPT Emergency Configuration Interface

5.9 Full Duplex Call

5.9.1 Introduction
Full duplex call refers to a private call, during which both the called party and the calling party can send and
receive voice simultaneously.

The full duplex call can be set up between two radios or a radio and a telephone (including PSTN, PABX, VoIP
and mobile phone). It applied to the scenario where long time talk is required and both hands are occupied, such
as field operation guidance, on-site status reporting, emergency and rescue and etc. It simplifies operations and
improves communication efficiency.

5.9.2 Principle
The radio uses two slots of the XPT repeater to receive and transmit the full duplex call.

The figure below shows how the full duplex call is set up between two radios in single XPT site.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Radio A XPT Site Radio B

1. Initiate a call request
2. Send paging request

Call Fails Call fails 3. Reply paging request

Switch to Half Duplex Switch to Half Duplex

3. Confirm the call request

3. Confirm the call request
3. Answer the call
3. Answer the call
Wait manually/automatically Incoming
automatically Call Tone

Timeout or 4. On the call 4. On the call Timeout or

Hang-up Hang-up

5. Call ends 5. Call ends

1. Radio A initiates a full duplex call to Radio B on XPT channel 1.

2. When receiving the call request,

 if two slots of XPT channel 1 are idle, the XPT repeater first pages Radio B in the system. If succeeds, the
repeater forwards the call request to Radio B. But if fails, the call is rejected.

 if only one slot of XPT channel 1 is idle, the XPT repeater searches other channel with two idle slots in the
system, and then pages Radio B. But if no channel is with two idle slots and Adaptive Switch to
Half-duplex is enabled on Radio A, the user can select to initiate the call in half-duplex mode. In this mode,
the calling radio and the called radio can either send or receive voice.

3. When receiving the paging request, Radio B replies the request to XPT repeater on the same slot. Then the
XPT repeater forwards the full duplex call to Radio B.

 If Radio B supports full duplex call, it answers the call according to Answer Mode configured via CPS.

 OACSU: The radio answers the call automatically.

 FOACSU: Radio user holds down PTT to answer the call.

 if Radio B does not support full duplex call and Adaptive Switch to Half-duplex is enabled on Radio A, the
user can initiate the call in half duplex mode. In this mode, the calling radio and the called radio can either
send or receive voice.

4. After the full duplex call sets up, the microphones and speakers of Radio A and Radio B are enabled.

5. The call ends if Radio A or Radio B hangs up.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

5.9.3 Restrictions
 In XPT mode, only PD98X(i), duplex mobile radio (MD78X(i)/MD78XG(i)/MD78Xi and repeater with
firmware R9.0 or above support the full duplex call.

 Only normal private call between radios or between a radio and a telephone can be set up in full duplex mode.
Other call services, such as group call, emergency call, can only be initiated in half duplex mode.

 The full duplex call is not available for Remote Monitor.

 The radio can set up the full duplex call with digital phone via Buffer Dial only.

 In IP multi-site connect system, Jitter Buffer Length of the repeater must not be larger than 3. The CPS path is
XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> IP Connect Configuration.

5.9.4 Configuration
Step 1 Set call setup mode of PTT to Full Duplex, and configure Answer Mode of the radio.

CPS path: XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Basic -> Full Duplex.
Parameter: Call Setup Mode and Answer Mode. For parameter descriptions, refer to CPS Help.

Step 2 Enable Adaptive Switch to Half-duplex, and set time parameters to control full duplex call.

CPS path: XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Basic -> Full Duplex.
Parameter: Call Timer Display, Full Duplex Total Time, Caller Wait Answer Time, Called Wait
Answer Time, No Signal Hang Time, Total Time-out Pre-alert Time and Adaptive Switch to
Half-duplex. For parameter descriptions, see table below.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Parameter Description Setting

Sets the way to display the call duration.

 None: Do not display the call duration.

 Up: Displays the talk time, starting from

Call Timer
"00:00". Default: Down
 Down: Displays the remaining talk time,
starting from the preset "Full Duplex Total
Range: 10~600s
Full Duplex Sets duration of a full duplex call. The call ends
Total Time when this time is up. Default: 180s

Caller Wait Sets waiting time of the calling radio before the Range: 2~60s
Answer called radio answers the call. The call ends when
Default: 10s
Time this time is up.

Called Wait Sets how long the called radio rings when it Range: 2~60s
Answer receives a full duplex call. The call ends when
Default: 10s
Time this time is up.
Range: 1~60s
No Signal Sets hold time of the radio if no signal on the
Hang Time channel. The call ends when this time is up. Default: 2s

Total Sets the time to remind the user that the radio
Range: 0~240s
Time-out will exit the call, exactly, when the remaining
Pre-alert time for the call comes to this time, the radio Default: 60s
Time will remind the user.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Parameter Description Setting

With this feature enabled, the radio prompts

"Adapt to Half Duplex by PTT" when the full
duplex call fails. The user can hold down PTT to
initiate a half-duplex call.
Switch to Default: Unchecked
 Checked: Enable the Adaptive Switch to
Half-duplex feature.

 Unchecked: Disable the Adaptive Switch to

Half-duplex feature.

Step 3 Enable Private Call Encode.

CPS path: XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Basic -> Encode.
Parameter: Private Call Encode. For parameter descriptions, refer to CPS Help.

Step 4 (Optional) Switch the call setup mode through radio menu.

CPS path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Menu -> Common Menu -> Radio Settings.
Parameter: Call Setup Mode. For parameter descriptions, refer to CPS Help.

Step 5 (Optional) Switch the call setup mode through a programmable key.

CPS path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Buttons.

Parameter: Call Setup Mode Switch. Take SK1 Short as the example.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Step 6 (Optional) Initiate a full duplex call through a programmable key.

CPS path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Buttons.

Parameter: Setup Duplex Call. Take P1 Short as the example.

Step 7 (Optional) Enable Off Hook Answer Call or On Hook Clear Call to answer or end a full duplex call.

CPS path: Common -> Accessories -> Hook.

Parameter: Off Hook Answer Call and On Hook Clear Call. For parameter descriptions, refer to CPS

PD98X(i) does not support Off Hook Answer Call and On Hook Clear Call.

Step 8 (Optional) Configure phone parameters.

This step is necessary when the radio and telephone communicates through full duplex call.
The configurations of the radio and repeater are the same as that for half-duplex call. Refer to Section
4.2 Configuration of DMR Conventional Radio_SIP Phone_Application Notes for details.
The CPS paths for XPT system are as below.

 Radio:

 XPT Trunking -> Phone -> Phone System

 XPT Trunking -> Phone -> Phone List

 XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Miscellaneous -> Phone System

 Repeater

 XPT Trunking -> Phone -> Phone System

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

 XPT Trunking -> Phone -> Phone List

5.10 Remote Upgrade

Remote Upgrade feature must be enabled for the repeater and the related parameters must be configured
properly to allow the repeater to use the Remote Upgrade feature.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> Remote Upgrade Service

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below.

Description: Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

Figure 5-16 Configuring Remote Upgrade Parameters

5.11 Single Station Paging

5.11.1 Overview
With the feature enabled, when the radio transmits voice or data service, the XPT repeater under single station
mode first pages the target radio. If it succeeds, the XPT repeater will forward the service to the target radio.
But if fails, the XPT repeater will not forward the service to the target radio.

5.11.2 Restriction
 The feature is available only for RD98XS(i).

 Disable this feature when using the radio with R7.0 firmware. Otherwise, the radio will be unable to transmit
or receive voice or data service.

5.11.3 Parameter Configuration

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Setting -> Site Setting -> Singe Station Paging.

Parameter: Singe Station Paging.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Parameter Description Setting

Enable or disable the Single Station Paging feature of the XPT repeater
under single station mode. Method: Check.

 Checked: Enable the Single Station Paging feature. Default: Checked.

In this case, the repeater forwards the voice or data service to the Note: The feature is
target radio only after it successfully pages the target radio. available only for
 Unchecked: Disable the Single Station Paging feature. RD98XS(i).

In this case, the repeater directly forwards the voice or data service to
the target radio.

5.12 Network Management Software Connection

To connect to or manage the repeater through third party network management software or XNMS (Extended
Network Management System), user must configure the corresponding connection parameters of the repeater.

You can set XNMS Access Code to secure XNMS system. The repeater can access the XNMS only when the
code is the same as that set for XNMS.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> SNMP

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below.

Description: Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Figure 5-17 Configuring Network Management Software Connection Parameter

5.13 Encrypt
Encrypt can provide end-to-end encryption for communication (including voice and data) in XPT system, so as
to protect the security of voice and data services. Encrypt allows the target radio rather than other unauthorized
radios to receive the voice and data privately.

Source Radio
on Algorithm

Normal Encrypted
Voice/Data Voice/Data

Air Interface

Normal Encrypted
Voice/Data Voice/Data

on Algorithm
Target Radio

Figure 5-18 Diagram for Encryption and Decryption

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

XPT system only supports Full Encrypt-Hytera. The encryption properties of each channel in the XPT
personality are configured at one time according to such XPT personality.

Besides the above differences, Encrypt feature in XPT system has similar application and configurations as that
in conventional system. Refer to Encrypt Application Notes of conventional system for details. CPS Path for
Encrypt feature in XPT system:

 XPT Trunking -> Digital Common -> Encrypt

 XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Encrypt

5.14 Authentication
Authentication between radio and repeater can prevent illegal radios from operating in the system, ensuring the
security of the system. After the radio and repeater authenticate each other successfully, they can perform the
corresponding services.

5.14.1 Repeater Configuration

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Setting

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below.

Description: Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions. Make sure that Authentication, Dynamic
Authentication and Authentication Key of all radios and repeaters in the XPT system are configured

Figure 5-19 Configuring Authentication Parameters

Parameter Description Setting

Enables or disables the Authentication feature

for XPT system. It is recommended to enable Method: Check

Authentication this feature to prevent illegal radios from Note: The feature is available only
accessing the XPT system. for the voice repeater.

If the current XPT system requests for

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Parameter Description Setting

authentication, make sure that all radios and

repeaters in the XPT system have enabled
Authentication feature and are configured with
the same Authentication Key.

Dynamic Enables or disables the Dynamic

Method: Check
Authentication Authentication feature for XPT system.

Set the authentication key for XPT system. All Method: Manual input

radios and repeaters in the XPT system must Range: A string of 32 hex
Authentication Key
be configured with the same Authentication characters, each character can be 0
Key. to F.
Table 5-4 Descriptions on XPT Authentication Parameters

5.14.2 Radio Configuration

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Setting

Parameters: All parameters in the figure below.

Description: Refer to CPS help for detailed descriptions. Make sure that Authentication, Dynamic
Authentication and Authentication Key of all radios and repeaters in the XPT system are configured

Figure 5-20 Configuring Authentication Parameters

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

5.15 Interference Detection

Repeater is the core device of XPT system. If the uplink frequency (Rx frequency) or downlink frequency (Tx
frequency) of the repeater is interfered, the communication will be adversely affected. Therefore, the
interference of uplink frequency and downlink frequency must be detected and processed accordingly.

 When a free repeater finds its uplink frequency is interfered by analog signals of the same frequency, and
some vacant repeaters exist in current XPT site, it will assign another vacant repeater as the new free repeater
to avoid the interference. If there is no vacant repeater, it will continue to work as the free repeater.

 The repeater cannot detect whether downlink frequency of the repeater is interfered by itself. In this case, you
need to use a third party device or a mobile radio to detect whether downlink frequency of the repeater is
interfered. When the strength of the carrier signal detected by a third party or a mobile radio is greater than or
equal to RSSI Threshold for more than 430 ms, and it is confirmed as interference, the repeater will stop
transmitting. The repeater will restore transmitting when the interference signal disappears. The radio
disconnected with the repeater due to interference will switch to a free repeater through scanning.

It is recommended to configure the Interference Detection feature of the repeaters in the same site through
XptAps and import the configuration to each repeater through CPS for consistency. It is not recommended to
configure the repeaters separately through CPS. See the following operations:

Step 1 Configure the Interference Detection feature through XptAps.

This section only introduces the configuration of Interference Detection feature. Refer to the
corresponding chapters for configurations of other features.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Figure 5-21 Configuring Interference Detection Parameters

Parameter Description Setting

With Interference Detection feature enabled, t

Select Enable to
Interference If the XPT system is built on a LAN, make sure that the
enable this
Detect Interference Detection features of all repeaters in the XPT
system are configured consistently.

Set the RSSI threshold of Interference detection. The

repeater will stop transmission when the interference Range: -120 to

RSSI signal is greater than or equal to this threshold. -16 dBm

Threshold If the XPT system is built on a LAN, make sure that the Default: -100
RSSI Threshold of all repeaters in the XPT system is dBm
configured consistently.
Table 5-5 Descriptions on Interference Detection Parameters

Step 2 Export the configuration result.

Step 3 When configuring the repeaters in this XPT site, import the configuration result into CPS first, and then
configure other parameters.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

The configuration result of Interference Detection feature can be viewed on CPS (XPT Trunking ->
Channel -> XPT Channel).

After performing steps above, the repeater will detect interference in the uplink frequency. If you want to detect
whether downlink frequency of the repeater is interfered, steps below must be performed too.

Step 4 Set the Rx frequency of a mobile radio as the Tx frequency of the repeater. Then set the Feature of one
pin of the mobile radio as Interference Detect, and set the Active Level of this pin to High or Low.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Accessories -> GPIO Pins.
Here takes a mobile repeater as an example. If you want to detect interference by the third party
equipment, please see its accompanying documents for details.

Step 5 Set the Feature of one pin of the repeater as Interference Detect, and the Active Level of this pin must be
the same as that of the mobile radio.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Accessories -> GPIO Pins.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Step 6 Connect the mobile radio with the repeater by a pin line.

5.16 Fusion System

The fusion system connects IP Multisite Connect system and XPT system to expand the coverage.

It achieves internetworking by establishing a dynamic mapping table between the master system (XPT system)
and the subsystem (IP Multisite Connect system) without additional server and gateway, which reduces
equipment and labor costs.

To use this feature, you need to configure the mapping table for the registered repeater of the master system and
the subsystems separately. For details, refer to DMR Repeater_Fusion System_Application Notes.

Currently, only digital voice services can be transferred through this feature.

5.17 SIP Phone

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Phone Call is a feature that realizes the real-time communication between the
radio and telephone (including PSTN phone, VoIP phone and mobile phone). It complies with SIP protocol and
uses XPT repeaters as the carriers.

5.17.1 Basic Principle

XPT system registers the private contacts and group contacts to IPPBX device and intercommunicates with
other telephone terminals through IPPBX device, so as to realize the real-time communication between radios
and telephone terminals.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

Figure 5-22 Diagram of SIP Phone Call

Radio Calling Telephone Terminal
When the radio makes a call to the telephone terminal, it will input the phone number through Dual Tone
Multi-Frequency (DTMF) key to generate DTMF voice signaling of the phone number and send the signaling to
the repeater. After receiving the voice signaling, the repeater will decode it to obtain the phone number. Then
the repeater will use the phone number to generate a call request of SIP protocol and send it to the IPPBX
device. IPPBX will search for the address and location of the phone number and access the telephone network
through the corresponding interface according to the relevant rules. Finally, the radio call is made to the
telephone device.
Telephone Terminal Calling Radio
When the telephone terminal makes a call to the radio, the telephone network will repeat the call request to the
IPPBX device. IPPBX device then repeats the call request to the repeater. Finally, the repeater repeats the call
to the radio.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

5.17.2 Typical Topology

Figure 5-23 Typical Topology of SIP Phone Call

5.17.3 Restriction
 This feature is only available for portable and mobile radios with display.

 In SIP phone network, phone gateway ID, radio ID and repeater ID must be unique, and must differ from the
ID of other radios or repeaters in the XPT system as well.

5.17.4 Parameter Configuration

SIP Phone feature in XPT system has the following differences with that in conventional system:

 No need to assign the slot which is used to repeat SIP phone only.

 Ranges of radio ID and phone gateway ID are different.

In XPT system, the radio ID ranges from 1 to 65023, phone gateway ID from 65248 to 65279, group ID from
1 to 240, emergency group call ID from 250 to 254 and all call ID is 255. If the XPT system supports SIP
Phone feature, the phone gateway IDs of all repeaters in this system must be the same.

 If a radio needs to use the SIP Phone feature, set the Buffer Dial Contact Name to Phone Gateway ID, and the
value of the Phone Gateway ID must be between 65248 and 65279. Otherwise, the XPT personality of the
radio cannot associate with a phone system, which means it cannot use the SIP Phone feature.

 If an XPT site needs to use the SIP Phone feature, this site must be connected to an IPPBX gateway. Moreover,
all repeaters in this site must enable the parameter Telephone Interconnection Enable. If multiple sites are
connected to the same IPPBX, the extension numbers of these sites must be unique.
Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

 The followings are only applicable to the R8.0 or above XPT system.

 To use the SIP Phone feature in the XPT single-site system, you must enable the ALG feature in the router.
For details on the ALG configuration, refer to its online help.

 To use the SIP Phone feature in the XPT multi-site system, you must disable the ALG feature in the router,
and establish static port mapping for Radio Voice Service Slot1 Port and Radio Voice Service Slot2 Port in
the router. Within one XPT site, different repeaters must be mapped to different WAN ports.

Besides the above differences, SIP Phone feature in XPT system has similar configurations as that in
conventional system. Refer to SIP Phone Application Notes of conventional system for details. CPS Path for
SIP Phone feature in XPT system:

 XPT Repeater:

 XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Network -> SIP -> SIP Remote Port

 XPT Trunking -> Phone -> Phone System

 XPT Trunking -> Phone -> Phone Call

 XPT Radio:

 XPT Trunking -> Phone -> Phone System

 XPT Trunking -> Phone -> Phone List

 XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Miscellaneous -> Phone System

5.18 Priority Interrupt

5.18.1 Overview
The Priority Interrupt feature is used to interrupt the ongoing call to release channel for new services. This
feature is also used for channel management to optimize channel efficiency.

There are four types of priority interrupt.

 Button Priority Interrupt: you can press the preprogrammed key to interrupt the ongoing calls on the channel.

 Talkback Priority Interrupt: you can press the preprogrammed shortcut key to cut into an active call.

 Emergency Priority Interrupt: in case of an emergency, you can interrupt any normal call to gain channel
resource for an emergency call.

 Dispatch Station Priority Interrupt: This feature is used for dispatch station. After receiving the command of
priority interrupt from the dispatch station, the repeater sends this command to the radio on the timeslot
adjacent to the one to be interrupted, and notify the radio to end current ongoing service. This feature includes
two types of services, polite interrupt and impolite interrupt. For polite interrupt, the radio must decode the
received Priority Interrupt command; otherwise, the radio does not respond to the command.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

The following diagram shows the workflow of the priority interrupt feature.

The workflow includes:

1. The initiating radio makes a Priority Interrupt request.

2. The XPT system receives the priority interrupt request and sends the priority interrupt command.
3. The receiving radio receives the priority interrupt command and releases the channel resource.

5.18.2 Restrictions
 The Priority Interrupt feature is a paid feature for the radio. You must obtain the authorization before using this
feature properly. The repeater supports this feature by default.

 Both the radio and repeater must work in XPT mode at the same time.

 The Priority Interrupt feature is applicable to voice service only rather than data service.

 A radio with firmware version of R8.0 only supports Button Priority Interrupt, Talkback Priority Interrupt,
Emergency Priority Interrupt, and Dispatch Station Priority Interrupt.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

5.18.3 Parameter Configuration

For Initiating Radio
Step 1 Read the configuration data from on the initiating radio through CPS.

Step 2 Go to “XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Per N” to select the Priority Interrupt

A radio can make an interrupt request only when the Priority Interrupt Encode is selected through

Step 3 To enable the Talkback Priority Interrupt feature, set In Call TX Admit to Priority Interrupt.

Step 4 To enable the Emergency Priority Interrupt feature, go to “XPT Trunking -> Emergency -> XPT
Emergency -> XPT SysN” and select the Emergency Priority Interrupt.

Since the Priority Interrupt feature is applicable to voice service only, it is recommended that you do
not set the Emergency Type to None or Siren Only.

Step 5 To enable Emergency Priority Interrupt feature, the Emergency System Alias must be the same as that
set in Step 2.

Step 6 To enable Button Priority Interrupt feature, the Priority Interrupt feature must be assigned to a
programmable key.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

Go to “XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Buttons” to assign the Priority Interrupt feature to a
programmable key, for example:

Step 7 If this feature is expected to be used frequently, it is recommended that you set the channel of the master
repeater in the site as the dedicated channel for priority interrupt.

The dedicated channel for priority interrupt is used to forward the priority interrupt request only,
ensuring quick response to the received priority interrupt requests.
To set the Dedicated CH for Priority Interrupt, go to “XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Site Voice
List -> Voice ListN”.
Configuration result is as follows:

The frequency of the Dedicated CH for Priority Interrupt must be set the same as that of the
master repeater in the site, and the sequence number must be the same as the index of the master

For Receiving Radio

Step 1 Read the configuration data from on the receiving radio through CPS

Step 2 Go to “XPT Trunking -> Channel -> XPT Personality -> Per N” to select the Priority Interrupt

A radio can respond to a button priority interrupt request only when the Priority Interrupt Decode is
selected through CPS.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

For Repeater
Step 1 Read the configuration data from the master repeater through CPS.

Step 2 If this feature is expected to be used frequently, it is recommended that you go to “XPT Trunking ->
XPT Service -> Setting” and select Dedicated CH for Priority Interrupt for the master repeater.

With Dedicated CH for Priority Interrupt selected, the radio will send the priority interrupt
command through slot 2 of the master repeater if the adjacent slot is busy. Slot 2 of the master
repeater is a dedicated slot for priority interrupt. If the master repeater fails, the priority interrupt
command will be forwarded through another available repeater in the XPT system.

This parameter must be configured in the same way for both the repeater and the radio. Otherwise,
an error may occur. If this parameter is selected, you should set the channel of the master repeater
in the site where the radio is located as the dedicated channel for priority interrupt.

With the priority interrupt feature enabled:

 The radio user can press the pre-programmed priority interrupt key to interrupt an ongoing call on the channel.

 The radio user can press the PTT key to forcibly get the talk priority.

 If no channel is available after the emergency alarm is triggered, XPT system will automatically end the
normal call to release the channel resource for emergency code and emergency call. Thus, the control center
and corresponding personnel can receive the emergency alarm in time.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

XPT system will end the normal call in the following descending order: private call, group call, and then all
call. If the normal calls to be ended are of the same type, XPT system will interrupt one of them randomly.

5.19 Follow Free Channel

The Follow Free Channel feature can reduce the delay in receiving a call to avoid missing the important voice.
With this feature enabled, the radio follows the channels which the free repeater is operating on to monitor the
calls when it is idle.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> XPT Service -> Setting -> Miscellaneous
Parameters: Follow Free Channel. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

5.20 Access Manager

The Access Manager feature can enhance the security of XPT system. It prevents the unregistered radios from
accessing the repeater to transmit the services. Users can configure the ID range of the radio via CPS. The
repeater only delivers the services of the radio whose ID is within the preset range.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> Access Manager -> Local Access Management
Parameters: Local Access Management, Start ID and End ID. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

5.21 Repeater Backup

The Repeater Backup feature is a mechanism that guarantees the smooth operation of the repeater in the event
of a breakdown. The two repeaters are deployed in the system. When one repeater in normal operation (Work
Repeater) fails, the other available repeater in backup state (Backup Repeater) will automatically take over the
repeating function.

Refer to DMR Repeater Repeater Backup Application Notes R1.0 for details.

5.22 Continuous Wave Identification

The Continuous Wave Identification (CWID) code is the ID that the device regularly sends to the control center.
If the CWID code is applied to manage the devices in the area where the repeater locates, the CWID feature of
the repeater must be enabled. With this feature enabled, the repeater sends the CWID code at a specified

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> General Setting -> CWID.

Parameters: See orange boxes in the figure below. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

5.23 Application Interface Specification

5.23.1 Overview
The Application Interface Specification (AIS) feature enables third-party software that is developed based on
AIS standard to communicate smoothly with XPT repeater so as to control and dispatch the radio services, such
as voice services, message, radio disable/enable, remote monitor, alert call, emergency and radio check.

A typical topology for AIS is as below.


PC XPT Repeater
(with AIS Application)


PC XPT Repeater
(with AIS Application)


5.23.2 Restrictions
 This feature is only available for the repeater.

 This feature is available only when the Forward to PC feature and Telephone Interconnection Enable feature
are disabled.

Other Feature Configurations Application Notes

5.23.3 Parameter Configuration

Master Repeater Configuration
Enable the AIS feature, select AIS Server Enable, and then configure the related parameters as needed.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> AIS -> AIS -> AIS Setting.

Parameters: See orange boxes in the figure below. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Salve Repeater Configuration

Enable the AIS feature, set AIS Gateway IP same as that of the master repeater, and then configure the related
parameters as needed.

If it’s the XPT multi-site system, the AIS Voice Service Slot 1 Port and AIS Voice Service Slot 2 Port of each
repeater in one site must be unique.

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> AIS -> AIS -> AIS Setting.

Parameters: See orange boxes in the figure below. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

SubMaster Repeater Configuration

If it’s the XPT multi-site system, the AIS feature must be also enabled for the submaster repeater, and AIS
Gateway IP be the same as that of master repeater.

The AIS Voice Service Slot 1 Port and AIS Voice Service Slot 2 Port of each repeater in one site must be unique.

Application Notes Other Feature Configurations

CPS Path: XPT Trunking -> AIS -> AIS -> AIS Setting.

Parameters: See orange boxes in the figure below. Refer to CPS Help for the parameter descriptions.

Router Configuration
 In XPT single-site system, ALG feature of the router must be enabled. For the configuration, refer to its

 In XPT multi-site system, ALG feature of the router must be disabled and static ports be mapped for AIS Voice
Service Slot1 Port and AIS Voice Service Slot2 Port in the router. Different repeaters must be mapped to
different WAN ports in one XPT site.

FAQ Application Notes

6. FAQ
6.1 XPT System
Q: How to plan the XPT system to achieve best communication quality before building the system?

A: The communication quality of the XPT system is subject to many factors, such as communication distance,
blocking or interference in communication. This section only introduces the way to choose a suitable channel to
minimize the interference and achieve better communication quality.
Frequency Configuration Requirements
Assume that there are four repeaters. They use Channel 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Rx frequencies of Channel 1,
2, 3 and 4 are rf1, rf2, rf3 and rf4 respectively and frequency spacings between the Rx frequencies are △rf1,
△rf2 and △rf3. Tx frequencies of Channel 1, 2, 3 and 4 are tf1, tf2, tf3 and tf4 respectively and frequency
spacings between the Tx frequencies are △tf1, △tf2 and △tf3. The channel bandwidth of the repeater is BW.

To avoid intermodulation interference, all frequencies should satisfy the following conditions at the same time:

 The difference between any two of △rf1, △rf2, △rf3, △tf1, △tf2, △tf3 ≥ BW

 (The smallest among △rf1, △rf2, △rf3) - (The difference between any two of △rf1, △rf2, △rf3) ≥ BW

 (The smallest among △tf1, △tf2, △tf3) - (The difference between any two of △tf1, △tf2, △tf3) ≥ BW

 The Tx frequency and Rx frequency of the same channel must be unique

 It is recommended that Tx and Rx frequency spacing between different channels should be unique.
Configuration Example
Assume that XPT system has four channels with BW=12.5 kHz. When selecting the frequencies, increase the
value of frequency spacing between each channel gradually according to the bandwidth. In this way,
intermodulation interference can be avoided and the frequencies comply with the operation principle of
duplexer and combiner. See the figure below.

Application Notes FAQ

△tf1=△f+ △tf2=△f+ △tf2=△f+ △rf1=△f+ △rf2=△f+ △rf2=△f+


tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4 rf1 rf2 rf3 rf4

Tx Frequency Rx Frequency

Figure 6-1 Reference for Frequency Configuration

To configure the frequencies in XPT system, do as follows:

1. Set the frequency of Channel 1 (UHF3) to tf=353 MHz (Tx) and rf=363 MHz (Rx).

2. Set the Tx frequency spacing between Channel 2 and 3 to △ tf2=250 kHz, which is the frequently-used
frequency spacing of UHF3 combiner.

3. Calculate the fixed frequency spacing △f=225 kHz according to equation △ tf2=△ f+2BW.

4. Calculate other frequencies according to △ tf, △ rf, BW and the frequency of Channel 1. The equations are as

Assume that XPT system has N channels. The frequency spacing between Channel (M-1) and Channel M is
set to △ tfm, which is the frequently-used frequency spacing of a combiner in certain frequency band.

Thus, fix frequency spacing △f = combiner frequency spacing △tfm - (M-1) * BW, and

 Tx frequency = Tx frequency of Channel 1 (i.e. Reference Tx frequency) + (Channel No. - 1) *

combiner frequency spacing △tfm + (Channel No. - 1) * (Channel No./2 - M + 1) * BW

 Rx frequency = Rx frequency of Channel 1 (i.e. Reference Rx frequency) + (Channel No. - 1) *

[combiner frequency spacing △tfm + (Channel No. + 6 - 2M)/2 * BW]

According to the equations, the calculation results of Channel 2, 3 and 4 are as follows:

Channel No. Tx tf (MHz) Rx rf (MHz) Frequency spacing with upper channel

Channel 1 353 363 /

Tx Frequency Spacing △ tf=0.2375

Channel 2 353.2375 363.2625
Rx Frequency Spacing △ rf=0.2625

FAQ Application Notes

Channel No. Tx tf (MHz) Rx rf (MHz) Frequency spacing with upper channel

Tx Frequency Spacing △ tf=0.25

Channel 3 353.4875 363.5375
Rx Frequency Spacing △ rf=0.275

Tx Frequency Spacing △ tf=0.2625

Channel 4 353.75 363.825
Rx Frequency Spacing △ rf=0.2875
Table 6-1 Frequency List

Q: Why does the slave repeater in XPT mode display the network icon ?

A: When this icon appears, it indicates abnormal network connection of the repeater. The repeater cannot
connect to the control center (Master Repeater). This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 Master IP and Master UDP Port are configured improperly in slave repeater.

 “Network Authentication Code” of the slave repeater is inconsistent with that of the master repeater.

 Other repeater in XPT system has configured with a same site ID and index number as the slave repeater.

 When this slave repeater is a voice repeater, its index is greater than the value of the Voice Repeater In-Site
Num parameter configured in the master repeater.

Q: Why does the called radio always join a call with delay after the calling radio initiates a call?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 Tx or Rx antenna of the repeater is attached improperly.

 Master UDP Port of slave repeater is different from IP Connect Networking UDP Port, causing the slave
repeater fail to receive network status updating message from other repeaters.

 Beacon Interval of the radio is different with that of the repeater.

 Network connection of the repeater is abnormal.

 The member(s) in the RX Group List of the called radio is (are) not included in the Home Group List of
the master repeater. Please add the members in the RX Group List of the radio to the Home Group List of
the master repeater to ensure all these calls can be received normally.

Q: Why does the radio display “Authentication Fail!” when it initiates a call?

A: Radio or repeater has not enabled the Authentication feature, or radio and repeater have configured with
different authentication keys.

Application Notes FAQ

Q: Why does the radio display “No Available Channel!” when it initiates a call?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 There is no free repeater in the current system, or there is no available channel after searching for all the
channels (all repeaters are busy in the system).

 Try to activate the repeaters by handshaking but there is no available channel on all repeaters.

Q: Why does the radio display “No Called Party!” when it fails to initiate a group call?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 The target group ID is not configured in the Home Group List of master repeater in XPT system

 The channel parameters of the receiving radio are inconsistent with that of the repeater.

Q: Why does the radio display “No Called Party!” when it fails to initiate a private call?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 When launching a cross-site private call, the called radio is power-off.

 The called radio is transmitting GPS data or RRS data through a data channel.

 The called radio is receiving a group call.

Q: Why is the radio interrupted and receive an all call automatically during a private call or group call?

A: It is a normal situation. XPT system has enabled the Priority Call feature, thus the radio will receive a call
with higher priority first. Currently, the call priority in descending order is XPT Emergency Call > XPT All
Call > XPT Private Call or XPT Group Call (XPT Private Call and XPT Group Call have the same priority).

Q: Why cannot other repeaters receive a call initiated by the radio even if the radio is registered successfully
and the network connection number of the current repeater which is monitored by the radio is normal?

A: “Service Control Port” of the current repeater is different from those of other repeaters in the XPT system,
disabling the repeaters from transferring information in network through broadcasting pack.

Q: Why does the radio display “Out of Range!” upon power-on?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

FAQ Application Notes

 The radio does not receive the system broadcasting message after it’s turned on.

 The radio is out of the coverage of the XPT system.

 All repeaters in the XPT site which the radio belongs to are power-off or can not connect to the IP

Q: Why does the radio display “Call Deny!” when it initiates a call?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 The channel of the free repeater assigned by XPT system is not within the sharing channel list of the radio

 The member order of the sharing channel list is not consistent with that of the operating channel of the

 When calling back in a cross-site call, the radio cannot receive responses from the master site which starts
the cross-site call.

 When a radio is shaking hands with other radios in one slot, the repeater informs it to jump to the other slot

 The repeater assigned to the radio by XPT system is disconnected from the network.

Q: Can other repeaters in XPT single-site system work normally when one of the repeaters disconnects from the

A: Yes. The entire network is similar to a peer-to-peer network. The Master repeater is used for registration and
broadcasting address. If a Slave repeater disconnects, the Master repeater can detect and broadcast it to other
Slave repeaters; if the Master repeater disconnects, all Slave repeaters still can work. However, new address
cannot be added and the status of other repeaters cannot be acquired until the Master repeater restores to normal

Q: When a repeater is used for dispatching, why no GPS data or RRS data is displayed on the dispatch station
even after the radio has been configured the related parameters to transmit the data?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 Wrong Control Center ID is configured. When a repeater is used for dispatching, it shall be within

 Different RRS Port or GPS Port is (are) configured for the data repeater and the dispatch station,

Application Notes FAQ

 The frequency corresponding to the radio sequence number is different from that to the repeater index. In
this case, the radio cannot communicate with the repeater.

 No Quick GPS System is configured in the Data Channel of the XPT site. In this case, when the radio
roams to this XPT site, it will be unable to transmit the GPS data via “Quick GPS” feature.

 Members in Roam List of the radio are different from that of the master site. In this case, if Follow All
Master Site Config is selected, when the radio roams to a new master site, the related parameters to the
GPS data or RRS data will be changed This will also cause the failure of the data transmission.

 (Only for the repeater below R8.1) All data repeaters in the site are offline or disconnected.

 (Only for the repeater below R8.1) Wrong configuration in the data channel. The repeater can forward the
data only through data channel. If only one data channel is configured and its Channel Type is set as
Quick GPS, the radio will be unable to report RRS data and GPS data.

Q: Why the repeater cannot perform the “IP Multi-site Connect” feature?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 The “IP Multi-site Connect” feature is NOT enabled.

 The “Network Authentication Key” of the slave repeater is different from that of the master repeater.

 The unstable network cause the failure,

Q: Why the data transmission is abnormal when a repeater works as the dispatch station?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 The Application Programming Interface of the repeater is configured improperly. In this case, the repeater
cannot communicate normally with the third party equipment.

 Data List of the radio is set as None. For the repeater below R8.1, it can forward the data only through the
data channel. Thus the parameter cannot be set as None.

6.2 XPT Multi-Sites

Q: How to calculate the required bandwidth?

A: During networking, plan the bandwidth for the data services according to the requirement on bandwidth of
voice services. In XPT system, the amount of sent data of each voice repeater is much greater that the received
data. Therefore, it is recommended to calculate the bandwidth according to the amount of sent data. When two

FAQ Application Notes

time slots in digital channel are utilized simultaneously, such amount of data (including some additional data) is
about 50 kbps. Assume that there are N XPT sites, each of which has M voice repeaters. During two slots
operation and inter-site transmission, each voice repeater needs to send data to M * (N-1) voice repeaters at
most. Thus, in case that only voice services are considered, the bandwidth requirement for each site is:

M * (N-1) * 50 kbps

If dispatching functions are required in addition of voice services, the bandwidth requirement for each site is:

M * (N-1) * 50 kbps + M * 194 kbps

If dispatching functions and SIP Phone feature are required in addition of voice services, the bandwidth
requirement for each site is:

M * (N-1) * 50 kbps + M * 194 kbps + M * 172 kbps

If dispatching functions, SIP Phone feature and XNMS system are required in addition of voice services, the
bandwidth requirement for each site is:

M * (N-1) * 50 kbps + M * 194 kbps + M * 172 kbps + M * 11.72 kbps

The above calculation results are the requirement for uplink bandwidth. It is recommended that the
downlink bandwidth adopts the same requirement to ensure better communication quality. If the uplink
bandwidth and downlink bandwidth are 50% of the total bandwidth respectively, the total bandwidth
should be two times of the above calculation result.

Q: Is XPT multi-site system secure?

A: Yes. XPT multi-site system provides a certain degree of security, allowing encrypted data transmission in the
system when the sites are connected to each other through IP network. For single-site system, every device that
wants to access the system needs to comply with the relevant application layer protocol. Also, authentication
code is required for registration with the master repeater. Moreover, the relevant protocol commands are
encrypted during communication. A firewall is recommended when the device is connected through public

Q: Why does the radio display “Not Available” when the PTT key is pressed and then released frequently?

A: If the Call Hang Time is set to 0 for each XPT site, a call will be terminated once it has been set up. Due to
the jitter buffer feature of the network layer, it takes the jitter buffer time (one second at least) to inform the
called radio of the status that a call has been terminated. In this case, when the calling party presses the PTT
key the next time, it is likely that the called radio does not receive the call termination signal. Thus, the XPT

Application Notes FAQ

system presumes that the calling radio is still in calling status and rejects the call initiated by it. Thus the prompt
“Not Available” appears.

To solve this problem, please set the Call Hang Time to an integer that is greater than the jitter buffer time.

Q: When a cross-site group call is initiated, why the call is always delayed or even cannot be received?

A: This issue may be caused by the following situations:

 The Beacon Duration is too short. In this case, the called radio cannot switch to the corresponding site to
receive the call in time. Please configure the Beacon Duration according to Table 4-4 Descriptions on
Common Parameters of XPT Site.

 The frequency spacing is too narrow, which causes the channels interfere each other. In this case, the radio
decodes the wrong information and is unable to receive the call. It is recommended to deploy the channel
frequencies according to Frequency Configuration Requirements.

 Wrong channel frequencies are configured, thus the radio cannot switch to the specified channel to receive
the call.

 The radio ID is the same as Repeater ID, thus the call cannot be established.

 Different XPT sites are deployed in the same network section. In this case, the XPT system cannot operate
normally, thus the cross-site call fails to be established.

 The XPT Multi-sites feature of the repeater is NOT enabled, thus the radios of different sites cannot
communicate with each other.

Abbreviations Application Notes

Abbreviation Full Name

AIS Application Interface Specification

CPS Customer Programming Software

CWID Continuous Wave identification

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

GPS Global Position System

IP Internet Protocol

IPPBX IP Private Branch Exchange

NAT Network Address Translation

OTAP Over the Air Programming

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

UDP User Datagram Protocol

RRS Radio Register Service

SIP Session Initiation Protocol

XNMS Extended Network Management System

XPT Extended Pseudo Trunk

Hytera Communications Corporation Limited.
2019 Hytera Communications Corporation Limited.

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